- vr " "'""'" ;';;'"V' j ' ' ! ' iiiwr-1 Tfinnn- riirrhn ' ' ,; 1 vol. xxxvi. -. : : in-,, . . - , . , saiIkiou.o;, : HI MJ h 11 Uflll vDC A IO f nun. n,; iuu grcMrXO. Mr. CozarC were allym :iSd ikd Were listened to by htmdred;:.v - Thi, Jhe people of Oxford tpeied their doon;.tyth'i8!iow'-Ve them a mostplemnt fee.- Xiem. tenant , GoTernor, R J) Win.t LET PATRONS HAVE THE PRIVILEGE OF -.MAKING THEIR BOXES Telded goring the exercise and vuouw. me. nonors well. ?om AS Ey"l JZl 1S' P'GHTING;, FQR ; TH E " ' ' tin to l Uh THE PEOPLE. 17 A HEAVY If AIL'STOnr.L R6quire Each Patron Along the Wlwe Delivery Routes without taring. Mr. Chairman. I wish toBay, lew words, supplementing the remarks of my friend from Tennessee, respecting tne rumig oi wie jrosT-umce JJepart- ment, that patrons p the rural free deliverj service hall not, make their own boxes, but most buy " boxes put on the market by the 'trusts. I am not making remarks for home, con sumption, either; I want to appeal to the Members of this House to pass a bill allowing the patrons of this ser vice to make their own boxes br have them made. Gentlemen, why should these people not be allowed to make their own boxes? The Post-Office Department could say what kind .of a box should be made, and the pat rons of the service could easily have boxes made conforming to such re quirement; and they could have boxes made just as good as those sold "by the trusts, jnst as good 'afrjfipse the Postmaster General requires them to age, at about one third of the price they are compelled to pay now. A few weeks ago I went into a hardware store where a large number of these boxes were on sale, and I wasjtold by the proprietor of that es tablishment that boxefi whi.K fta va .i i iMjrmmt sma comelled to sell for tlMK'wS coali nafelHc3 tn' 1 1 .SCpor oneSass of boxeslndll for tiiother, but that either kind of box shown could be made for about M cents. I am told that J worthless sort of box is offered fori 50 clhts, but the point I am tryingto mairfis this: It U wrong to allow the Posi Office Department to say to the pat rons of this service, "You must use boxes prescribed by this Department or you shall not have your mail de livered to you. You shall not make your own boxes. You shall not c m ploy some one else to make them, but you must buy from manufacturers who enjoy the favor of this 'Depart ment or you shall be denied the bene At of a service which J w j v ma W largely pay for.' This, Mr. Chair man, is in effect what we allow the i'ost-Office Department to say, and I leclare to you it is wrong. Why shouldtft the people be al lowed to provide their own boxes in accordance with reasonable require ments? Will any gentleman rise here and now and give one single reason whyjfoey should, not J ac-j w.uwu tun privueger Iet the truth come out. Is it not because, Jtfce Departmlnt wfihefflb help certeii nulwturersilt can not be uM of jthe neigni 'ormity iu'the l&nd & boxead , any neceiaity fort such unifoiinltv. believe lhatemyaelf seen ; lhalf la' dozen different shapes ttTtxel jjf wat is necessary is a box hich will keep the mail dry. I gee no reason why wooden boxes may not be used, i will not press that suggestion. - aoo uv iuiuo ui Bueeb iron or any other; metal; let the- Depart ment make any reasonablefand seSklT bI requirement, and 1 l&n if Vfcfc wusta can put their rjwaesk artet cheaper than'the'-wkV fiave them made, then the people will probably buy.ronv the" trusts; jbut in we name of common decency den't le a ruling stand which '.requires, pela, forces milUons of American People to patronije the 4 troika God ows we are jarjrely afthe iaercy bf truits anyway,JbuUet usc frame a which will stimulate fie-manuV BeautlfulNWeddink Miss .Lelia , JohnsonVJand t Mr. Charles R. Chnroh. of Wiv weuuea pn ut Wednesda? faCtufe'bfthAflAfirkYka ' -wvl; 1. - - -v-,...Hi.iHi I i. me Metnodist churchi than Ret. L. S; 'Massejr , performing the er iNacompanies whichiceremonv. ThA THE HOST' SEV&B WITNESSED t W TacT d jrire ti HERE ; ' I il UA NY; YEARS :4rcUfeft WS J ' "tha score sUodlng 25 to P. Dr .v.: ' : ' Scheffer,wapird thectQtaa4 are VD'Ccra kitf; .'ther Undem'ood and J.ck ITickal' .ctopkUstones.'woro'aj w hh Jck iras to .kI:,-.-8 thtTF him h aa sccri; aiJ Jerday evenly by . rain qnleC; He xWe noSdll anI destructive hall itnm: n... -r.?.. i ' . ; ' ' ' ' " 1 TT . I masmuco as the bora tl VHEJ1E ARE YOUR COYS? PARENTS, KETP THEU OFF TZUXr - STREETS ATTOl NIGHT. . - . . . , " : t auuu4 were make theboxea, conjrxtedany. the bert ef taste, the church being thwMr to the great f one? dur present handsomely alorned for the nantir rGenf4l W? Ctsn o'clock rSu cnaimanepub-' tne, bridal party entered to the s "vmu usih mnrnnntiui twiu IDnv. nar . tt it . UlsYoBTOntjto Then-. to c 10 ? toa Owa It to Tor lelrei Tha Oal Snbitirii r- ' wT to laprtnri auxesijjp. W cfua wcJtrwtjlt is rsxay joaar tata portion of th.totcro Jt .. . dirV ti wJ u " tv Milton Washington. J.aCoI- l.JTZ'Tr w pnas4ircbt irova a m & forced to use. ; NangaMloof ereit Wn, .Tn.1 ... !?:V??Ibf--b?"t " he and George Rafewfali md 7.7 .7. 1 3 f"1 ta w ma Ui bra i3 aJ2h rv nignt that all crops near town wt. I A-xwaaa pesa, boy s4css to U that fund. fft trtau J .''".MPta-.-a ' charere a Drofit nf 1 0A 9nn nj l At al. t. . JT 300 per cent for ond. m.An thft f Jli T-r: .P"1 " W.ur town were nZZ "" r wj hci o U tea i i .. "- r' numoer oi in- more or lets dAmi -f,;., .vubbbt proeitoltoosaiat2a 5 great affair. abd for th joca.1 wQ hta tbe ruhs cf ai M beauty. -The teen mkuand to:aea4 aadth w,wco! w! Z' . ; i- o - - iue uma minam. ru rtm in (Mnc nsinn. T M ni..:. Jm.W ... i. 7 r .w u . xerv I rmm L. m . I . ' i -"v "i lino xvaie iiaw i cmtv. w a-v, . i ' Aaw ir mm i cxiape aad 'ftfjyj ,t-.-. omsman, Mr. It waa.the UdeWuos Jh if the people of this oountrv wWl lincra ITJtyh nw :: " v"iuaveiiaen'ownDoxeamadA-JI oiner attendanbi nr. iz- y1 - - - . - : a iswgttu ware broken U0W .Woreiton, Dr. Oppenheimer, of Richmond", ' CoadncS? Roareta the mmammhaililB W- Uifl nJl. .7r "-r Atr jwni -hare-their rtm throc-h to Ar- tlni I karslt t. u rtlx. - froQlaU fact that too taaay rf 8 ,7 ' fO, hit. ft gOod tfa J,. lUW.fajw, W tree In the 0. D. C Jo oot, at least, look afur V-i txrtfzn t ft--MT - Th.oootr Waj d the aw. yocr hora aad oo v, VTt rt oarfork on JolTlbaraef J"r- r 1 . . . . U7:7,rrVr-"-ru axt lU t tril cxirti la wu mp.iyf owaaxLeilaaoaiflrTalL I.Ui.v fc r - ..." Kin m I A " ' prevent tne, trustol ?er orotner, Mr. Norman 7Johtad Wal! f trraattawta cJtsde 9 rr2 br. ;frokextortinffmonev.from nm- Ifon. Sli hii,Vrlil !l :U 2-1. Ha -ird to thi Ttr m." 1 I,;, ! J' aaVi I by whom ahi i. tUMiZ, . 7" J : 1 - - t - than fa c&a term, bottle tr4 mnn Wr 1 --' 1 .rt 'Tl w.waaM to bare or ei MivtIet!1me Btk aw;sw Sfi'Y: ftv. ' . - .". WWII DOtn HIM . ' o . , . . - you, mepeopie are restlessnder this mry menda on former vidte Sam I ' I ! tt. 1 vommtctee tssy wnh to serve. great injustioip, and tlje day is not far and well merits the' congratnlationa r $L "vT distant ifhen y&ufwill hear from them Vhich were sa freelv iriven him - TIM3rl8ment W tED4 t?h bridal party were ' entertained At reiden of MrsSaraphna ' MajwF.aSnrcifA.IVs.. Maa. R. H. DAvtaSee'r, . . Cotton Blooms. re. a& iflrw ootioa wooms came' fa to the Tntxs offioe Uat Moada?1 ..- - . . louowa: iira iwtii r wu. CCWr Un "fiat- rdyt Mr. Jdzaoa woo ct tar Sharif aad .Grin rclred . the DoofaaOuj for the ITaaaa. J-fcT-taatn caae to &s lht fa 6o5ci toriil itrioaxy Obotsy carrW4 two thirds of the ora!yf the ciher oae third grxng fat DiUy " PflQNtt gpf erfason why us 8r t the residence of MrsT'Lela Wfl4 Mitehel, 011 Wednesday niht, Mr. vice is not patronized by'manyofthe liamson, an aunt t of, the-bride, on N A Tun,taI1 Misr HatW E. people. They can not understand Tuesday evening, and in the after- f1 fa 5Ae'hoJj why they are not allowed to manu- noon, was given a lmen shower? bw f aVj,ux 4ieu:town Doxes. mey know nane High, when elegant re- Tm boxes are worth, and rthar -nu Th h.n . J Wagon Factory.. He came to Louk- Un Maflea. fof Ihaw .rMP" mit to a flagrant wrongmat Virginia, township, aent fa two red UooalJ refuse to buy boxes. caught the noon train for Old f mld.e h Gentlemen, this is an imoortent where a number of ;.i fcJ'S'T. 1 "W: Juw A I AUUUUIJUM as holds a Dositinn in . th- Tw.k Usmes Pearee. of Ittimt.M tff tnrudoa Goswiok, of this. county. The Tncxa ftjhe trusts by The Times Extends congratuUtions 7 the hap. it there are thou- and wishes the happy counts a . P10 happy life. iaatterr Thousahdsfi i'lH trno hta I will ha orivAn in ftii already paid tribute 1 purchasing ooxes, but there are thou- and wishes the happy couple a lone BUU' wu nave noi, ana in toe name &aa prosperous life. of ordinary decency, I say let us pulled on the 26th. l oocxe c leee lamu are f Ruffin Brodie. colored. tis emancipate our i constituents in thia matter, at least,4 as far as possible trom thOxdommation of monopoly; ause.j ... PubUc Installation. tTo Brand j Distillers. All those who wish to bond their Louisburg Lodge 6f Masons on Tues day niirht. Julv 10th: ' Thd atavmam ounoay aenooi nc-Nic. w4U be held i the Orr ' WiST .Vi' Accwqing To tne announcement an address will be delivered by? TUr ven ontlast Sunday the Methodist Geo. M. Duke. AU sister lodeei a piomc oub at j panuc generally. are cordial- jvwiiruajr, , ana ; quite a iuviiea so attend - t.r v There wffl be . public lotion 5?,32IKl--!MW?. of the neKiy elected bfficen ' of PiW! me at Littleton, so that I can appoint a daytfor them to meet me in? oal burg. r . H. J. Lxwis, Deputy. List ors Remamlng-fa the post " oflSce" at iara number wentut in waffons.k - -t - . j . ........ i : re' vtHuv'w - W.ldoEEn 4 WduiBef Annie Beli KJWwtedfto aasombany b w. J:.,ri ; " H Cari4ar. Artbti -s; W)l8 were invited ito aooomnanV the Methodists ind quite a number Wednesday evening wiael from each ioined in. . v; k iirm.fr. The f?ood tun. i Pje of Ingleside'gave thetaa "warm" "E. of pleasure at the beautiful home oi fcCU5u "r ..Iet-inr'UOwart, IfcF.N.Egertonlw.the oc iwiy, Mip JI. Moor, (2).: Johi most erifoviblA tlmi v; kilt "ril -A110 - Wilhasia, Thomaa Upc!inrch: I St. John's Day. most enfovabUtimAli.Vl iiZ4'Ji e letters, rr-l rls'iss titf MtlmT jogriend&wlio alxonLi V 5 -n . .iooi io4iiciH3a vi wae mvitauon to for any; of nn 97tS - I ' OTL3 UroLtSA WiTV7i! one pulled oo the-27th. btiryrtCO,00O; WashbgtonV IL D. Medlin, of Dunns township, yettavma, iI0KX; U!crm sendsoi two blooms pcned oo the 7U0' lVt Tofat 11000. 26th. !L.- lj G. W. Murphr brought fa one JUDGE COOKE A FAY0OTK Ut pulled oo the '23th. WAEEEH. t Another was sent fa yeatarday by Tbt hit istoa cf theTTarrtcloalla Robm Jeflrrra, of this township, rd eonufaed the foCowfas, ralxrm ana sail another from Margaret by to Judge CccVa, who hall eostthcraj W. M. Dement, of this to wrzahlf hroughtlna bloom pulled 'oo the last week: i Jodre Charles tresilmg M. Cooke, who fa msiliag ovar. Wine fitprncr" il&waefcaj-aJwaT, r c7saiy. ins -.-. 1 7j u gTxaa joy Utt Horwiiy Via7 1-7 the Quite a number of people from be iKtind wiir; :rt.w : JSiiWHH : f!P nrrounding country ceasfuUy' carried out. e ruests" ar-T i c' Ajuul, ? rent to Oxford last Saturday to wit- rived at 8:80 and nUTid7iiiriM; an. - - . r ueM i wear, j omxs :xay ceie oration, m syiate npur2whevUmtyrefresh'-F 0tlC8 oriimtFEntrihC3 Ek Tlie editor of Jhe.TiJoes had the- menvwereV: B lofmeJWbeTof.liit Misses MargareickS:aMKAthlBen CbUcsoki VTiJ "tV--.' l?!P?f? 5i?P canrln laost eieffantiv "loofciwi ffAr" ..whiiAt Jiiauae Mir.fca. Anu.nfliu '. tj i i there by Brd. Bntt, of the ; Ledger. MittoHester;AifaItf TiUl He is still very acceptably filling the Mateenulia SupeHoCourt ClerkVdnice Tofhw GulIey,DetUe Boddie, Fannie 'Bod- county, and we were glad, to deani J die; Mary pelle Maoon.llMTiSttart that the party vwoul renominate him Egertonj Martha: Byird Spruill and again: ; The address of welcome 'by Biah T?erlr: til KJ. ' RodweiL vou x. o.i,iwysteri tneaddrtsJ t of I xom tJoddie, Joe HflLr Rickia , Fur ooiomon uaiiert, and the ?pressnta.; man,Trljsoa'. Green, VBrT.f tion'fpfechJora!b6quet of -, flowers Clayton High, Henry ;!B6Wde 6s: from the ladies to : the tsker)v by mon4 Yarboreu &lI.College It Jlalelwillb; amlned Ijy ;the 'County ISnpefintfin- at of Schools at the Court House on Thuraday-Jdy 12 aVo oock, a. m. yaJwiahfag selves fc e;;active dutlea of life would do will to come forward and try rexifnifatTon! ; ach .f obunrr Is entitled to as rainy achoUrships as it has members of the House of Rcpre- senta tires fa the Sute LeUtsre. awsu .eoorwai aim, aril -VfV Triarebmuchoomrtfrsirdiflff JrM oalyanaUe lrardont th'riaIls;,notTi, howerVr; by TVlif l j vv J irocuy ica approtai cf ocr , tootle. Eraa th dafly pspara hav not eooe to" hand terdkt of etrrdcr in the aooad da promptly. It U Yary of tn ' the ease rred by the jsry odar tU too, that UfUrs that ouSht to hare JiffT1 .Coart CarUa mxrxthe day Ufore thsy get hcr, rritkusdtf Hi boner had are carried: to other pohtsi tnl '$ott on Hkks theTall penalty of the law. back. Aal' thU VeeVthe 'SuaJaT Ai "iu W h e W twt 1 Axmaourg unw ,1 seeds y fscrnis -Jl I - ' ought to havv-'oomanera i?cnday C?SCW ScrHca VU Stii cirsi; r ws tii ca - ;vrrir::rt' J tfa2rx si a uiV. Afet i- nwf.titi t. ret ti, a,r:lr. ' - TT..' C IL Gira, T. P.-V J l 1 iS. ' .,-1 - !