JAMES A. THOMAS, EDITOR VOL. XXXVI. THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNION. SUBSCRIPTION 81.00 FH t? ttT -V LOUISBURG, N. C, FRIDAY, JULY 6. 1906. HUBBEB 22- I AN EPOCH MAKING SESSION (j0W the Fifty-ninth Congress Has Met the New Is sues Initiated by President Roosevelt, With Extension of Federal Powers as the Dominant Note. By EDWIN S. POTTER Pi;r n ART A more new and ex traordinary questions hare been umlvr consideration by the con-k-r.M.s which began Its legislative fe . 4 last than by any previous gsion of our national lawmaking body Not counting the many acta fa vorably reported to or passed by either branch u ni left in a state of suspended iniui iti -II. their fate to be determined t,y tiii- next session, the amouttl and jliancfer of new laws enacted make he Fifty ninth congress the milestone ,( a n-w era in the history of Amerl ran institutions. V" The day of the nation "has come; iute ati local powers are on the wane r ui ia'uf. Commercial and m- dustrial concentration baring brought bout uew opportunities for abuse of privilege, and the muck rakers having wakwl up the public mind to the vari ous pitin? evilg. President Roosevelt fouu.i in this congress workable soil f,r the growth of federal powers in dealing with those evils. The Impress 0r the president's mind was given to ail the more Important remedies adopt t Neither friend nor foe in the polit ical arena will question the statement that the work of the session bears the Hixtaeveltliiu stamp, although the Dem ocrats all ulong have pointed out that the president was. merely camping along the trail blazed by their party plat farms. Nevertheless the president's party, being in the majority at both pals of the capltol, has either taken the credit or been forced to assume re- shoiMibillty for what was done, even when aided by Democratic votes. Railroad Rate Regulation. The keynote was struck unmistaka My in the message which congress re--ilveil at the opening of the session nam. ly, the insistence on federal fix- ins; of Interstate railroad rates as well ii th prevention of rebates or any kind of special favors. Rate bills of various kinds and descriptions were promptly Introluced in both senate and Imimi; lut. the house majority be inir under better discipline, .the bill win more promptly formulated there, w!i: -h was approved at the White House, it was fathered by Represent utive Hepburn of Iowa as chairman of the committee on Interstate commerce. It whs so modified in the committee as to come before the house without Dem ocratic opposition, and -after a few days of perfunctory discussion it was pms'd on Feb. 8 by the almost unani mous vote of Mft to 7, the seven oppo nents nil being Republicans. As passed it gave the interstate commerce com mission full power to regulate inter state freight tariffs without express recognition of the rights of appeal in i tie court. This, however, was only the foundation of the law that was to go to tli. statute book. In the senate the Hepburn bill was destined to run the gantlet of fierce 'position from a conservative faction of tlie Republicans led by Aldrich and i inker and become the football of personal and party bickerings over a period of three months. The main point f the dispute was the question of a trm, or narrow court review pro vision, and at one time, after the presi dent s political and personal enemy, Tillman, had been placed in charge of the measure, there was a tacit coalition ready unearthed a vast amount of graft and crookedness in railroad and oil Industries. The pure food bill, which passed the senate Feb. 21, 63 to 4, was also In line with this federalizing tendency. It did not pass the house until June 23, 240 to 17, and then with a number ef amendments which endangered Its final passage. In Its final shape the pro vision affecting state rights or state and municipal control over the original package was cut out. As to Mended whiskies, the ackage must be labeled blended".' or . mixed. 4- The i senate's provision remained requlrtjig label To state the amount" of alcoaol contained In food packages, but not In bottled drugs. This favors the patent medicine people. It is made a misdemeanor for any person to manufacture or sell any food, drug, medicine or liquor which is adulterated or misbranded or which contains any poisonous or deleterious substances. For violation the penalty is $500 fine and one year's imprison ment. The law goes into effect Jan. 1, 1907. The greatest sensation of the session came from the president's investiga tion of the charges against the Chicago beef packers as presented in Sinclair's novel, "The Jungle." For fear of wha the NeiU-Reynolds report might con tain the senate passed the Beveridge meat inspection amendment to the agri cultural bill May 26 without opposition. Then when influences in the house committee on agriculture were seeking to weaken this bill the fear of greater losses through prolonged agitation brought the friends of the packers to agree to a substitute satisfactory to the president. This placed the cost of inspection on the federal government and did not require .tnepackers to date the labels tfn their meat 'packages. Rather than seerthe entire Mil fall, as the -senate conferees said at last; they decided to recede -onthese and some minor points. An appropriation of $3, 000,000 was made to cover the inspec tion expense. The national quarantine bill, virtual ly putting state and local health au thorities under federal control for the purpose of fighting contagious diseases passed the senate April 2 and the house next day with little opposition In January, McCall of Massachusetts proposed a $15,000 appropriation for the president's traveling expenses. But near the end of the session a bill ap propriating $25,000 for that purpose passed both houses, in the senate by a close party vote. Democrats regarded It as extravagant and unconstitutional A New Star on the Flag. The statehood muddle, left over from the preceding congress, was one of the most difficult tangles to be unraveled. Under the leadership of Speaker Can non a Republican Insurrection against joint statehood for Arizona and New Mexico was crushed, and the bill was passed Jan. 24, 194 to 150, the insur gents numbering forty -three. On March 9 the senate passed the state hood bill with provision only for the admission of Oklahoma and Indian Territory as one state. The bill finally emerged from conference under a compromise agreement providing for the admission of Oklahoma and Indian Territory as the state of Oklahoma LalKr interests, though angered at the failure of the eight hoar bill to even come to a vote, were pleased somewhat by the passage of the em ployers' liability net making interstate carriers liable for injuries to employee in the absence of prescribed safety ap pliances and refutations. Otlfer measures of seuernl Interest which rassed both houses vecre: Authorizing the return of unidenti fied Confederate flags. Aiollshlng the grade of lieutenant general. ' Adding $,VCO0 to each state quotrt for nrrrlcnlttirnl experiment stations. Prohibition of gambling tn the terrl- torle. Provision for marking Con fed err. to gravtvs i.i ine nrth, Exte::dlnr the time of tribal rela tions for th five civilized tribes. Chsnsrioc coin and bullion reserves to $.-O.K).0)0 and $100.000000, Providing for the selection of a dele gate from Alaska. To prevent hazing at Naval academy. To reorganize our army medical corps. Imneriunt Bill That Falls. The Philippine tariff bill, which was one of the pet administration meas ures and which was forced through the bouse by making a concession of 25 per pent of the Dingley rates on sugar, to bacco and rice, by the vote of 258 to 72 as early as Jan. 16 was put to slevp ef fectually in the senate committee on the Philippines through a combination ef Democrats and stand pat Republic an senators. The committee voted 8 to against reporting this cherished ad ministration measure, and the efforts to bring about a reconsideration proved futile. ' The senate on June 5 tabled the pro posed constitutional amendment per mitting a federal divorce law. I The house defeated by a large major ity the Adams bill authorising whip ping posts for wife beaters ! the Dis trict of Columbia. v. The senate on Feb. 14 voted SS to 27 in favor of the ship subsidy bill estab- xtra appropriation for Utfe- I mian canal ............ Xi.toi.SD0 an Francisco rtbqw xjoa.a Scuta's 'Actios ee Treaties, After bavtor refused toVrmUTy the Santo Domingo treaty, for which the administration had dooo its wtost, the senate agreed Just befora edjourifcnrnt that the Moroccan treaty abmtid corns to a vote not later than lite. 12 next before it would die by Bmltstlno. The Japanese copyright treaty woo mrl&J Feb. 23 and the trademark treaty with Roumanla May 4. ' The death of ftaiator G airmail of Ma ryland Uft the minority without Its leader, and Hentrtor Xliackrmm erf Km tucky was cboood as the aw 1 fitter two other en4tnr PHtt of Coanrct fcut and Mitchell Of Orrxon. were clUmed by death, tb latter after bis eoaTlctlrrt In the land ftaod had mads his further atteodaacr rt. possible. Senator Bhrtoo of Kana was compelled Yoialjfn after the premef court had alpprored his roo victlon on the charge of minx him a elarponltlon for f'oeuutary'r.iln. -Rep-' resentatlve who died were (ator of Pennsylvania. Pattorann of rsnrwylva nla. Marsh of t'Unoia and loiter o Georgia, the last harlftjr lm killrd bj falling throutrh a akyflciit tn a Wib tngton apartment 'hot. The ftfv faces In the senate wrrt? thoae of La Follette, from Wisconsin; (rmrtn. from Oregon; Benson, trots Kansas, and Whyte, from Marybqed. The thanks -of congress were rxtend td to General Horsey Porter f-w hla :f forts in finding the jrjare of ACxalrl John Paul Jones, Hi WAY OF PERFEOTIOII. riaPEB FBOH COTTOK STALXS A CHEAT SUCCESS County Commissioners. The Board met on the 2nd, all members present. Alter reading and approving minute pt former meeting the following buai&ce was transacted: Luke Tajlor, Jot Collins and W. IL Weaver, of FranUmton, and Cas. Haves, of Ixws&QV, were relieved llshlng thirteen new contract mall lines n Ux RerjrH of H N. Wfl to Central American, South African. r . ... Australian and Pacific Island ports at ,lra pen n Undent ot County the rate of $5 per ton a year for the I Home, was received and filed. He reports 5 white and 16 colored in- mites. Harry Jlcfme wu Allowed foreign trade and $6J50 per ton for the colonial trade. Itfaicludes provision fnr n naval rMnr faroA hv nsrmsnt of retainers to officers of subsidised to go to County JlomC" Dr. H. f however. In the unfriendly house com- 77 " -7v'r7- l ' , mittee on the merchant tnnrro. xieaim, repoTrea v. otjuj xiome ana ft A ' new bill to Restrict and regulate convict cmpfof Louisbnrg towrahirs tomigration, which passed the .enat. fa exoeUent condition. 111 was unan May 23, contained provision for an educational test namely, the ability to iraously ordered that suitable reolu understand the English language and tionj of respect be drawn and re raised the head tax from $2 to $5. . , f while creating a commission to Investi gate the entire subject. When, how- regarding the life and services of the ever, the house passed this bill June 26 John A. Burt, a former member the educational l"1 0f the Board. The date of the elexv were stricken out and, the senate re fusing to agree, the bill died In confer- tion called at a former meeting of the ence. Board for a special school tax d'ts- Throughout the session the senate . . it ..k; committee on foreign relations reeo- m oungsviUe township, w lutely resisted the administration's in- changed to Friday -August 17th. fluenee to report favorably the Santo The jurors far August term of Frank- ttTaSlitr.Uoo m.uo, which 1m Sopior Court wer, dr,wn, .nd fared badly in one house or the other will be found in jnother colurnn. A few were: accounts were allowed and the Board For federal control of life Insurance , , companies. adjourned to meet next Monday to Specific laws for prevention of elec- I hear complaints regarding valuatxma Effect of Ntw InTcntlon Wlllbt to Incrcuo the VaJno of tht Soath't Cotton Crop Knxty SiOOOOO.OCaa ytw. Ifsrvle Jocdanv lrid ant SotLn Oaion AtMoiaikia in Msasfsconv er Ileoord: The maoufictsTr of paper froo ibm fiber of the cottoa stalk it one of the latest sod most intsrrstrog iavaotbxks of the new oentary. For many vxr expert in renters have beeo bajy gaged exrriisntic; wkh the coOcn stalk, and now it sppears from rvor&t devoWpcvnU that thetr tabors and expenditurea of moawy are to be rs wardod with signal sad strCtieg sao oess. Not only have thes mvestiga tioos passed the erierimeotiJ stage, battSej r i rapidly Wag shaped to W Jsced into practirsi operation It has been anqoestkroaUy dtmooftrststl that all grades of paper. frota the ta4 form oKunon grade to the lowest, can be manulsctvred frrxn eotoo sulks. In addition to this, a Tan4j of by prod acta, such as tlcobyd, nrtrogta, material for gun cottao ad scnokaleas powder, can also be seajed in paying quantities. The tim not now far distant when paper plants eqarp-jd with all modem mvthiavtry and devi ces for making paper and the QtiLrLa tion of the other by.prods etareiemd to wiQ be built and plaeed in opera tion throughout the eoUoo growing Sutea of the Sorth. The esuU'bb merit of these mQH for the tnanotso tore of paper frotn eoUoa sUlii will t once develop a new industry of Boxrd of Edoemtloa A l the '&eett c4 le H:crJ KdtscaUDO Uri Haoitj. CI zazrm ssd rrtrK9lr-4-&l wsr prwuxsL. Ia atidrtioa t r-g-u!r rce- wars atvdsd Ux. Ilrgar!Sg lh cw9ika of Noa, 1 and 2 &hzmMiMlHsAj Omk WwiMhJ h wm anU Board CMwt with Cat awttrt too tioe dsria Cs K-eaiK rsxucth ruh teary. The taattvr yt oiaixter IR1 swbota b district No Thsssm Wmp, bj mtskg a part tram. Ilarns towrfy was trtisJ ftar frmher Infects alim, stai to to&fr wUh the jrxtrt craomhiina M iHzjim Sftd llama Icrvta. The Jperiaitolmt rrjrud v ths Board that mjyextt'jt Lar he Kksde to bcOd a tmtthvr Insti tute Ic esch rcm, in lLm tnju, m foikrws. Fear ihs whiia, irra Jdj Wti U AapMt 1 1 Uh.. teener, to ba coodwJ by VrxJj. W. IL MDi sj3 H ami Miaa iW'.ua Wttausw Far the ootorsd, frcca Aa-tart 1 th to the l&th, ind caiva, lo cm&4me& od by I-rtals. USLm and ftusav Therm win bo no cbargs for iMtki brir b this cotnty, bet Uaobe-a froca ta- othsr ooanty will bo rwjsirvJ to pary a fro c4 IZ, to b rvfsxadod kn t they Irorti ta Frsoklio eottaty the rtocaiftg sctkicJ yoar Tottc&r oipoiag to lc& ia v. i . . tcti vhoe jnatrtmoei. quite enormoas prvportioos and insti tute the aiulkauoa of a waste rjroduct which at the prctent thaehxa cocapaf ratireir htule or no vaifMu It will prove the entering wsdge of eherkiag the present jncre4UMng coot of paper, which b becoming such a harden sp on the newipipor ixyiostrv of tho ooantrv. It is estimated that on a aroa of land prod acting a bale of totum at least one ton of stalks ran be gather ed. Upon this basis of escalation this new industry can annually depend upon from 10,000,000 to 12,000,000 tons of raw material. Thai will no4 I llajTlrga, Iru:g tho octft'Jj U Jca TkotosNai aed to the f cJlowbrj" ctyvrJbm in thio cram at j r Wurrtii. T. Iindjfos and Tlsaa T. Wboa4or, Char Joe F. CrrrJ arJ Mariara N. MfcsanWrp. Cbarioa IL Cbwci; aed llix II Johm, W. H C-oJlm and Annio I. Bruirirr. jW. M. Vcxtt a&l TXm Modita T. J F TorrWl sad Martha Itoam Mir. 1 . A. TotMtaii and Kiim H Gos. vtei. CoLoaxn IiHas IarW and trvh Brodia, KsUao rliio sd Iters AWcjO, Holy ILamt and Bciannja Ti furnish neoe-aarv .applies tn meet all YA' MW Ltt 77 home demands, bat permit of tho ox j Mtttholl and Minr.io Tbcciso, Bob- ard Noal and Kxaily Wiox, Horbart tion corruption. Uncle Sam's Bif Expense Account Just before the close of the session it became apparent that the total of appropriations to carry on the govern ment for the next fiscal year would be somewhere in the neighborhood of $900,000,000. for taxes, Vc. Dort of duId or finished Drodads tot ' r T J t If . . i . foreign countne. At the rraent ttrn. ' tW1 'rra "ara there u appn.ximauly ;M7.000iG00 ' 1 ,aroroT itM r lt inveatyl in paper mill in the Tntted I States, with bat few plants located in . Died In the HofpltlX. i ne oui a ot iai raatnj . tv- t.w- a "w a a a wH?n tne presiaem ana uicmuioriiy. authorillmJ Arisona andew Mex ' '1 . UWWBTET. Ultf UrCEUUClll Ottcuicu I I i t.u - .1.VI..U. n nln stata. tt)i (ompromi8e Allison' amendment; 'P ii which his party associates had hood next fall. This was approved by both houses and became a law with er j, vesting Jurisdiction in tne c the president's signature June 16v ' un courts lO eiUOLU, BHTl OJBlUe, WUIUI a or suspend any order.' of- thei commis sion on appeal of the carrier concerned. It wa, at this time that the Democratic laiiers charged the president with bad faith ou the strengh of representations "a I-1 t have been made through ex- nftt r Chandler. Finally the bill, with sixty-seven amendments, passed the senate May 18 by a vote of 71 to 3, stiii further changes were made m onf rence thereafter. Tiie senate con frM S held out against the house pro- il to drop the clause placing pipe U's under federal control. As this finally agreed to by senate and 1 hp. the pipe lines are to be regard- ''1 as commnn pnnHpra Trnit are not RESOLUTIONS OF RKSnrT In the death of Jno. A. Burt, Kaq, the South. which occurred at his . rrsidenoe, in 1 going into the manof actors c4 pr-or At this writing the exact I this county, on the 17th day of June, at the present time i spruce pin, and c i i -a ii i i ruvr 1. 1 V t . 1. . i n V i ngures uave uoi wvu gmcu icyvu- i l irvu, suuuitu tuuuei meiuw vk mms i natcu a snnasuy twcocning nore ox-1 fr bore ts Jt. Vtnrwni ea. it is customary ior eaca parxy io n!. (mtnissjooere of Franklin oensivs in the dsrJ.tion of the foroata 1naAi4 In VlA MwiAMI Q QTAAe CkT TXC f I I " vr. . . , ... , ..... . ... after the end of the session a statement county das aeparteu. tits recora as and tne mgn prices wncn ooc exxn of the appropriations and its own ex- I a man and a county official was with- 1 mands in the markets for other usee. pianauon xnereoi. ibib wi uit.. ,t ir. U..!. run. Th- Bt,T,.tin J a outcry that .was made, only fifteen 777 T . 7 . r.T7 Jf. . " ' . years ago, when the Fifty-first con- eetatgn maroea, leariess in me ois- socn as ins conon tiaa rnanuxscwea gress, under Heed's speakership, appro-1 charge of his duty, and withal chart- into cornruerciai paper, wJU be a boon pnaxea a uuw over iAAA,wu,wu " l nf -.tkrJitw I 4m.WJ iK. wJ- ... -. . . ejamaao ; kj MlU VVlla V oa V T I ui uc I a mm mw ' om mm ov eaw " -a v tne two years oi iim euiwaw iwy'-. , . , , . . Ing to the criticism that it was a "bUv f Carefnl and painatakjng n the coun- oountrr. lion dollar congress," Reed said. WI tv! afiairs. and oMar watchful of rts The nractcsl oiloct of thjt now in- a O ta... AW I m k - 1 " which covered I tereatj thert wu among hb col-1 v en tion will be to rncrease the pree- 5 vu. .. z ; .. i - r - i -.t .v.. u.v- ate on June 28. Declaration must be much or tne spamsn war expenses, i tMuc aocu mvyj I ' "" w vy made two years In advance. Anarchists rnpent only $1,553,000,000 bx 1U two 1 lianoe upoa.And ia ha judgmeait that nearly 10O)OO,CHM annually. Tbo pad polygamlatg &rn, rn; ' hence, tt tmountod ioimiilch onfidwioft;-' wW t aint4T P-M for the i .t, r.M.l .4 D.n.m. nrsi session, rne r my-mnuj wnjrca V, ' i . i I-or lock canal ranama. . - t certain to outstrio all ibi nredecea-1 Now ia tevidenee of tha biga 1 expense of rnnoting the stalks froca The house was the first to go on rec sors m the matter of public expend!- 1 tAAm htH.m vrn: KaM. - and of I tKir GmlAm arvd d.liva to tKa rvar-r ord in favor of the lock type for the tures. To the criticism of the minority ' . .k i - w jjui .v . - . Panama canal, and the senate followed 1 thw AnmtnilTit nartr renlles that the k tit-'d06S the pHnta, and m ddrtou thereto receive suit june 21, oo w ox. 03 1 country has grown in all airections. as I ioara 01 vxmmiB8ioners ox xrausau 1 a prvui ou uam pwaui wmv imjjv. vote the senate oirectea tnat American a matter of fact, .the numerous invest!- D regular scesion aaaemUed. In the south wtetam eedioo . of the products-ana manuractures snouia oe gatlong and federal Inspections provid- I ' . 1 . . . i. , . . .. used In the construction or tne canai. for have added larxelr to the cost I uo nerrjuy iwunc 1 wk wow m and in this the house agreed. J 0f eovernment I . 1st. That la the death of John I be of value afld a Ueeaing. With the - a o I I I "- On Jan. 27 the bouse aaoptea tne du The approximate amounts carried by Notwithstanding the disagreement over the immigration bill the house bill makine uniform?! the conditions ' for l is a billion dollar country. naturalization was adopted by the sen-1 Fifty-fifth congress. rrcrots V? karo to chrcmido the dolh oi Jtz B, bcarpcuJ Norfolk, alcKst lo waia to, to be opvcalo! vpoo lot aaMadxsUa. Ilo livtd aoca) Amym miut the cporataoo but the shock was loo tsai for hita and ho passed away cm Moodiy morning. Hts bedy smred We Tftoaday and was ukoa to Katie rpnn dUmrch wbrv nvu iatacfoai a Urge naxabrr ca? aorrowisj rslctrraja and friends being prseest. Th fan tral oorrioos wsrw ooodaded try Ite-r. II. IL Maahbom- The dtoass ! was abaci 1 1 ywere of sgm, and had a Lsrg-e cirdU cf frionda. Its was a smq c! ocr coo tjaoan, lit. W. H. &craA and tha rod lure eer aa$t pathy. rnpioyeet are exempted from tbo anti- Pass amendment. The president, slgn- i the bill June 29. v. x i Investigations and Inspections. 1 n both branches bills were . intro- iii'-M early authorizing investigations or the railroad monopolies, and a com " nation of these known as the Tillman Mih spie-Campbell measure passed the hf'ie Jan. 23 and, though eigned by " president, was sharply criticised by "lr for not carrying funds and, due an uiority lapr, and under this authority the In testate commerce commission has af Jnne 18 it passed the senate, 41 to 11. I Alter axanomg jpai ?as"-. w y Permanent annual iRiRUents ortne tann'revisiuuiata uur 1 postomco & T . t 1 I I I . 1. 1 I - - 1 , 1 r- - . - . 1 --- - i fk nnn uib uuaiur hsji mi a uhlh 1 rvmoTii i uwcDuoa ruiu uvea i 1 m 'rh!V,lt 1 tt f'i arrffAlwfnv thh i rrkTiarrimtlOn OX IU I -V. . iHrv.n AnrMnittlnn Kills mrA I I i'rMucts. Railroad and railway malt M Lake Erie and Ohio ship canal, and on me extraordinary i appropriations I toy1 mAn thl5 P' I fid In the erty fall the death knell were as follows?; 1 I tnotic dtixen. I oi the boll twrfl, will be socended ""S5s I 2- That tho iympathy of thu 1 and its preecnt dcrxrutfrrg Infltsgaocrs inir most oflthe session the majority Pensions lioiwoo 1 Board ta heroby extended to too I rod need to 1 miaimtm. uo till iroca permitted the passage of the bin piac- rtsiua family of the deceased in their afGie- errry stand point tho speedy UertJop- ing dmatuiea aiconoi on xne Fortifications a.aa.ssi - . nA f . thu This is expected to be a great Deneni 1 Military acadomy icsuis " I. , , I. LTI ' 7 to many industries requiring power 1 sundry eivii iox.to.too i Srd. inat totspreamDie ana tneeo id us try wui do weicotno ta an ikwci uiauuura wi , ,14-4.1 MTM m 1 rBSOiUllOIIB U9 UUUU&UIU U DI UB GQUOU MU . A 4 Another Din wmcn strenguiens u i Diatiict ot Columbia arm of the executive In striking at the I Uraont" deficiency ..-;......;......;1S,000,000 medatory trusts by preventing corpc rravdeflctency ;.. l-it tYriYMrrxM'u&lTiafl AgTlCUltUral .................. ... , .B,SOO,000 The money .aMWTOteg.l of testlmpnybef0XO government OU- DHjiomatle and consular W f JT?nir. dark? 1 under this authority the to J iyjllrJ I Nubile hundiaas : SS.ma.ocs I M J00t, V10IK. af ta tno i of tho oottoo oeit . l'tpcr manuiio- I Fbaxxxci Tarsi and bo spread upon I tured frbca the cotton ttalk Is of the ii.M5.ooo I he minutes of the Board. I strooratt tex't&r tad softeti - &ii!u It u reported that Mrtnl plxnU wul bo erected during tho next iV XSCOOfOOS J. 31 fa"! I Injunction Cii. Tberv wu ta Isfsnkio oaae cr goad here yWcTdxy erasing .bticrrm Jodge Cooka, xha tide of the arta boiag Iftrriag vm. Easoe, pvex WE- f son, T.AlTwdjrd,af WlWo. a pearsd for Urrin, i J. IL Hoo ef lXxlogh, tad Jno. E. VTciitrS"' cf Wscn far Ete-TO.. Afiomag ugmnsBt JdgfCook cocissaed - a the rtonra&ias orJsr, twrtrtUig; tin to Uare- aa cjia esairrij, . r "it -i -. : t ii , , i i . . . i ' ' i r" ii i ., iii ii . JL I'. j . . , ...

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