o V - . f V r JAMES A. THOMAS, EDITOR. THE COUNTY, TBE STATE, THE UNION. i r SUBSCHIPTIOH SI. 00 PER TEAS VOL. XXXVI. LOUISBURG, N. C.f FRIDAY JULY 20, 1908. o DANIELS RENOMINATED. LARGE ATTENDANCE AT THE JUDICIAL CONVENTION. Xpie. About the time he gets too long Three Names Were Presented to the Convention and C. C. Daniels, Present Encumbent, Nominated on First Ballot. The unternfied Democracy of tlie K-urth Judicial District was very, much in evidence in the city of Kocky Mount on Tuesday of this week. It was the occasion of . the assembling together of the delegates appointed by the various counties to hold a Judicial Convention for the purpose of nominating a candidate for solicitor for the district, ,, to be votea i or in iovemoer-ae-actena ance was very large every county he i ng f ullyxepreentedi an$i although there was sliarp:' contest andl nitic interest manifested by the friends of the various candidates, after the nom ination was made there was good feeling all around, and all went away pledging their support - to the nominee of the convention. The convention was called, to order tby T. VV. Bickett, chairman of the Ex ecutive Committee of the district and he called A. JV Harris, Of Vahce to prenile as tempoxa'jwinA'r,'' W'ilkersoa, of Rocky Mount, was ap pointed Secretary, and the members t the Democratic press ' of the dis trict present were requested to act a assistant Secretaries. The tempo organization was on motion made permanent. ? There being a contest in xhe town nhip in Edgecombe, the chairman de cided that a committee onsredeatials was necessary. The same. appointed and the contest was amicaWysettied in a TAw minntoa x- ... w Ila N ominatmg speeches. WMa.,made as follows: C. C. Danieltfmfst 1 llaeel before the convention by J.rC. Kittrell, of Vance, seconded by F. A. W'oodanl, of Wilson. K. A. P. Cooley byB"H. Bunn, of Xash, seconded by fk. Biclett, of Franklin. Paul Jones by H. A. Gilliam, of Kdgecombe, seconded by Harry Stubbs, of Martin. The roll call was then .had and Daniels was nominated on the first ballot, the vote being as follows: For Daniel.-Edgecombe, 7 48-100; Franklin, 37 7-9; Martin, lJNash 1 1 4-20; Wilson, 22; anceriTo-' tal 109 44-100. ' ' - J " For Jones Edgecombe, 25 52 l o(; Martin, 13; Vance, 7 Total, 44 VJ-100. For Cooley Franklin, 5 2-0; Nash, 18 16-20; Wilson, 11 Total, 4-100. ' l pon motion of W. H. Powell, of i i . . . A Kilgecombe the nomination was made unanimous. Mr. Daniels and Mr. Cooley were called for and both made good and tli'fi t J . ..... .. f v v. 4 - ; naineu acceuuuji uiv uuuiiuauuu auu. thankmg; fte conyntioor tpg Barney the latter Ranking M o: their support and plgmgns and the whole " of Kashotoniy, loyat support to the nominee. The following xecutlte CopmifT tee was appointed I 1 Fdgecombe, Hehry A. Gfllia Franklin, T. W. Bickett, Martin, . A. Jewell; JNash, K. A. r. Cooley, Vance, J. C. KittreU, Wii- on, K. T. BarnhUl. v i H The committee met immediately after the adjournment ol the convtBn- tion and re-elected T. Bickett C hairmain. irm ain Ul D O hoteU, and A. ppli oi .the town among tne mn nogpiiaow m me state. , .i ;.',' What la QAn ? ... Man that is born of his parents is of few d.v..nU tonL Hrf --y- r-r--m goetn to schpoLwhen aytuagiIxc&left wii the hope of spend gets the seat of his pants pa&fo3 in the 1 - .. heT ,-He f ow,eth Mp lik? a weeu m a deck yara, ana soon reacnes the age when he is composed largely of feeU freckles and an annetite for for short trousers and not long enough for long ones he goeth away to col lege, learneth how to monkey with a tuieo uuuar raanuoun ana piay wn 18- key, poker. He cometh home a big ger Jool than ever and marrieth a sweet yoitng" thing whoso pa is sup posed to be, weal thy, but whom he sub eqnehtJ.ascertaineth,couMn't buy Lthe prize rooster at a county fair. He worrieth along from year to year, gradually acquiring offsprings, until his house resembles a Sunday school class just before "Christmas. He fret teth through the day and lieth awake gure out how to his dependent pop- ulation out of the poor house. Effort are rewarded by having his daghter runaway ana gee raarnea anqsDring him home1 a nice son-in-lawyery fax I days to feast at. his board. . His sons grow, up and call him governor and-l sec nim oacK a nve spot every aay or. A 1 . 1 . 1 . two, adoui me tune ne nas aoquirea enough lucre to make it worth' while for his heirs to quarrel . over, he fa- ishR'O.f .f. , 1 oouuacus a com ana is aurnea away. . 4. to - f - f t ... before" he has time to have a talk with his family. His sons blow in his ea- tate-n bad whiskey and plug hats,' and his wife puts the fimhirig touches.! to his career by marrying the hired man Oakland. '' A house partywaa iten y Miss TVIeta Cannady, at her i beatrtifol home near here in honor7 io. Misses Eleanor Vann, Margaret Moss and Jpsephuie Henley. A lawn party was also- entertaineBi I 'poii the many pleasant events were: 1 . L -iJT. , I M Adlaniao Kaa M AafA WT 1 1 1 1 a TVTo f con and daughter, and M. C. Henley, Misses Kittie Foster, Mamie Louise Foster, Minnie Wilder, Belle Mitch-i mer,wj!4nmai)iiuimer, inaggie nea ter and brother, Lucy Macon Pattie and Sallie Davis Margaret and Lan tina Williams, of Kittrell, Lalla Bur ton, of Henderson, Messrs. Charlie, Blount, Ballard and Hugh Egerton t". C!.. Z . ' jook, a. a. w uson, j as. mitcmner, John Mitchiner, George Kittrell, Riley Barnes, Bennie Wilder, Willie Wilder, Walter W. Cook, Jack Har ris, of dfndersWrDonTEIickp, Jo e h Joy ner, Miss Lynne IIall and Mr. Wilson Green, of Louisburg. In proper time and in a most taste ful manner, delightful refreshments were served, and together with the piano and pianola music completed the eniovment of the evening. All , - v ful part es of the season. C, r - An Enjoyable Oecaslon. Last Thursday a party ot young rB60?6 8Pent a mo8t enjoyable even ling from nine until after ia vva Ktiv lutva i A i . . home of Miss jjy . weefemusic &rlnhe strings of lov 8on8 and bippy! iJlV&l v-n- .La InorchAs blended Wether.. thrilling bal sfo un!spn. J tx 1 - -.:r 8 T Pha maM&d f ihe .WSwi 0 befog i the name of popular iove alter which a vote was cagtfor the best matched couple, the fdftttnafe cduple being Harry Davig Migg Swannie Edwards, Otherspresent were Misses Wirta GlaSffOwVLula CTndrffll Beesie Wil- IllliaVniJBnlah and Jodie Tucker, Ethel " - 'STl. W.' p-Mkner. .Milton WwHnirton, JI7h.'52lX UaU--MA Davis. . ' v. -Then aII were invited to the dm ingoom Lf aittgreen an whiteheredeli. j ciouwtmnmentsvwerB "WWr i.. tj nights trying to fi keep hnnself and ior tneir pleasure, ana tnose wnoae lndrWlvalfto Wpres&it nd featt QUILL-DRIVERS" MEET. JOINT MEETING OF EDITOIS AT THE MECKLENBURG. An Interesting Meeting Good Attendance Much Important ' Business Transacted Chate City a Very Pleasant Place. The joint meeting of the North- Carolina and Virginia Press Associa tions was beld in the Mecklenbtm? Hotel at Chase City Va on Friday and Saturday of last week. Ttiel editor of the Timxs accompanied by his daughter Miss Lucy, attended,! and we only have space ipace and time t this weuk to give a short account of the meeting. It was indeed a very great pleasure to again meet and mingle with our brother quHldnvers of the two states, and the most ele gant entertainment given us by the management of the Mecklenburg" will long be remembered. Col. W. T. Hughes is certainly the "right man in the right place" as Manager of one the finest and best kept hotels in the South, and he has around him a corps of most efficient and accom modating assistants. It was our first visit to the Mecklenburg, and while we were prepared, from what we had read and heard, to see a large and excellent hotel, the half had not been told. Taken altogether it is one of the most complete establishments of its kind in the South'. From what we saw with our own eyes and from what we heard from those who are drinking the mineral water and tak ing the baths furnished the guests, w I we are satisfied that our people who!"16 e?y eP suffer from rheumatism, eczema, fcc, need not go hundreds of miles to get cured, but they can get all they are looking for right" at home. ' The meetings of the Associations were yery pleasant all of the ad dresses and papers very entertaining and instructive and altogether the 1906 session was a success. Quite a number of the editors and wives and daughters took in the trip to .Boston, leaving Norfolk Monday afternoon. The officers elected for the ensu ing year were as follows: President T. J. Lassiter, Smith field Herald. First Vice-President J. C. Har dy, ot the Warrenton Record. Second Vice-President WN B. Cochran, of the Troy Montgomerian. Third Vice-President H. IC Kinlaw, of the Rocky Mount Echo. Secretary and .Treasurer J. B. Sherill, of the Concord Times. Historian M. L. Shipman of the Hendersonville Hustler. Orator Rev. J. O. Atkinson, JL), D- of the Christian Sun. ; Executive Committee Josephus Daniels, H. A. London, ,W. C. Dowd, J. A. Thomas, Zeb Council. Delegates to National 'Conven, tion J. O. Atkinson, Josephus Dan iels, J. A. Robinson, Archibald John son, M. L. Shipnian, C. L. Stevens, H. P. Deaton, J, A. Thomas, TL 'JL Kinlaw, R. M. Phillips, J. T. Britt, !Thad. R. Manning, Vi. a, Thomp son, W. C. Hammer. W. C. Dowd, J. D. Bivins, J. Bailey, C. 1l. Foe, R. F. Beasley, J. G. Boylin, . P. Caldwell, Qyde TL Hoey, W. K. Johnson, H. A, London, W.F. Marshall, Norman H. Johnson, J. B. Sherill. . Jf . Strong resolutions were passed endorsing H. Yarjoerfor Presi dent of the National' Editorial Aasot ciation next year. The'ttAtlftlotik.' William1 Allen, t16reo!, the ater melon kipgrjrought in tie nrai jnel- ons and canteloupes of the season on Tuesday. Canteloupes1 25HoeiU each, watermelons 35 cents each, and they were 'soWonC There1 U 1 no 'better market anVwhere in'the J8Ute Tw wnnrw nnwrnM n. n mini mr. i eat is quickly gobbled up alnh' figures. THE OPENING SALES. THE LOUISBURG TOBACCO "IT." MARKET IS The Farmers will Find Our Warehousemen Beady. Will- lng and Waiting on Opening DayBOood Prices Expected. As will be sen by their announce ments in thiiinu of th Timkis the Hivenidptbe Farraen and Htrt'it WarehoBMi for the sale of Iaf T haooo,kjill (utve tberrj oprOingaJHi onThurtdsy, Aoguat 9th. Daring tbaQmmtr vacation fbett hotuti - nave Been pot IttHne itiATk a1 fornkhjrith wauiand pLocuf lights, and the proprietors are all in excellent condition to give their pat rons entzro satisfaction At our read ers already know the ooniolidatioo of the wirehoont was some time agt dissolved, and theTiMK understand that each warehouse la now doing business "on jta own book." tu. aiv&aainE. As heretofore this warehouse wUl be run by thoe two experienced and popular geOllemD, $. S. Mallow and J. N. IlaanriA, which is a guaran tee that you will get satisfaction when you sell on their floor. Their specialty is in pleasing their patrbnaJ mar's wakkhousk Will this season be in charge of W. ILfWaddell and J. R Collie. Both ol these gentlemen know the business and are well known by the vuoaou? uracil 01 una necuon. i o baooo f ntnasted to them will rewire .4 , "i t r Thia hjjplU Pwar.hoop, which wa ran liar aelkon oy J. B. Thomas, Ul he conducted this sea son by,.,lrlUaalej, more familiar ly known M ?Ucle XMck and when you take your tobaooo 'to hi wire house you will find him rlr to serve you right. Remember the date of the Open ing Thursday, August 9th, but all who may get any tobacco ready foe market by An gnat 1st, can bring U along, as all of the warehouse will b ready to sell it fotVDU after (hat date. The buyers on the Iotxiburg market are anxious to bay a larga quantity of the weed this seasoav, and they say that they will pay a high, if not higher, for rt than any market in Kastern Carolina. An Enjoyable Dance. A party of young people had planned a hay-ride to the old Harri- sorr"fllae about trra'' jcalk-cfrpm Ixuisbirrg Vrfday ere'nfn, ' bdt a storm oooaiog up, their pltn were upset an adelighduVdanoe1 waj'en" joyed in the Opera Houae inatead. yhoee present were, Mii Sun and lary Malooe, Annatte Taylor, of Oxford, Fannie Boddle, Anna How ell, of Tarboro, Bessie Jaoocka, Eleanor Cooke, Minnie Beck, of on, Virginia Fotcr. MeW WuFord. T. T. TerrelVA:jienonF. W. Hicki, K. AUeV. W. Boddie, B. G; Rod well.t i Cipwnea-MeadaJtt Parham anf lJorWj? The dan oe was rrvca'TbHsaT A. V7. Tersod and S. CL:yo,Com- plimenury-to Iocm and visaung young Udles. Delightful refresh- ments were aerred 'about midnight after which the party returned to their hooks hiring enjoyed a happy evening's entertainment.. De&th of a Gixxi 7om&s. . Death' entered the household of Mr.-E. Smith on SJooday, even ing and took therefrom' that wife and Mother of that home. For a leng Ume'JSJra xjmiili nas. been a great lufTsrer end the announcement of her 4eath irasno reprise to these who knew her oondition. She' was s member 'of J tne'lBapdat church and was a good,' christian wnmaxv and while ahe saffortxi a fcrr-il deal on auh, ah bore her aCUcDona patient ly and waa raady tor th ram men. She leave a hosba&d, adaoghur and one son, and a nambtr of rtlatma to roQwn br dtpartar. Tb burial took pi ao? in tiva oro 14 ry on Talay vaing, cnaJocud by Rev. H. H. Maahbttrn. The tUk,w. ing wer the palLbeartrr It A. Kobbfu, W. K. Murphy, T. II. TTj. der, V. W. Ilo.ldi, A. B. Oollitr, J. W. MtutUa. Birthday Party. On Tlromliy trtaing ol Last wtk a number of the young frWadr 4 Master Wtiliarn Uarrow raepoodtd a moat onrdial mvtutioo aoJ njoyvl the honor of oalabradng tS hilMj of their rrxirig frisnd. At lbs proper tiroe thtr erord gathered and in tb (cxmoi hsj-rkls. with Mr. UcXr achaproo Ut out of lowti alxHil ihr mil tt xSm beautiful how of Mr. Frank IWlard. an unrJ of William, wbr rr puo had hn nxt rJixmHr &r- ranyed in enuiuin tha young jj. paay. Afwr the irmil thera wr a numbttr of gam indolgvd in al a genera! good time wa rmt tliik. aogly eTtdcnt, a wma ahowo br tb Uvghter and happy aaJnUtna. of thoM prrent. Than cama tba frehmnu which wtf tih plea of the Labors of thos who ao mastariy had prtparvd auch a nice and deJicioua Unl for the occaj-fc-a. Thia wtui an evening long to be remembered by t&oa pTNatnt and all Lait with tha higbt praia &rtd be witlve to their yoense heart. Tboa prvaeot wra Miaea Mary White and Mary Fort, of Oafjrd, Fannia aid lUxtim BoddW, MlUis Heater, Matide Ukka, MargW Ma Tluth Mann, Annie Allaaol Maamrt. Kdward Allen, of Warraotoo, VranV KgerUm, Henry Bow-dan, Fred Hacks, IWo. Rod well. Tb o:-rt mf4 wo CL Baptitt Union Heeting. ; c4 d4 TO OTrr Programroa of tha next lnk', w Mra. Arrrto a&4 W ctirat, neting of the Baprart Churcffa f ' vm-ta arn. Franklin Goonty to ba bald with ti 5ow b 1C af!r lb U; c4 it Church at PopJar Springs JaJr 27..i rara, aod in th far 4 tb tbce lWOft: jfart. aHa atUtapta to tiW Mr. W. ruuAT 5k.ut. I II. ArriaV;3 aivr Trrr f tb H:15p.m. Introdoctory Sartaon vy ' nrtrvR 41 br to. H I) Poa ! Wbm tS raji cataa a ar4 L liTTIDiT. a. ra. Ioti. axero, 1-i bv T. J. Bono. 10 a. rn The Putor a a recruit force in th woridi Tnp4aatior ImA by Prof. loe. Principal of Bonn Hgh School. 11 a. m. Addri by Ir. W. C Tji U. p. rn. Irvjairy into th mioaary wpirit in tha Charcbe, led by . M. l)aka. 3p,m.WhatwWdUthaaiXaoffidJcrfi wlc to . . HaIrCNt. najAiww1 ul was c effort upon the Chtrrche thami elvt, . , . . led br K I). Poa. . . vbao aiyl. Tb hc-a drcjrj ar?rpAT. ! vUo ttj H a trn rafi Jr:30 a. m. Song aarriot lad by ; aj killei, bol HaaaJwcwd aid tLu L Ilobcrt Wrw;hL i VM betrd p arrl raaJhked rtad- 10 t. m. The rnnday School Veaoo ' inff afurwardi ar3 4 tkcrw for July i.-rhe Datj of Farp j tangbt by Irey Allen. 11 a. m. Addreaa or Sermon, by Ir. R. J. WQliogbam, SecraUjy of lb I Foreign M'aaaioo Board of the rtctb- em Baptist Convantko. 130 Senkaj (to be arraoad.) A CA1U. We earneatlr hoparall t2charcht in tbaTFrankliq county Cnioo wil be rsprentad hj large delaataooe.' Dr. Tym arrites that be wBI be prestat to speakoo torday anises, prorkiea tially hindarad, and Dr. WBHaghaa aarfa Is rJannIng,'to 0004. . Tefl your tLa We acrped th criatiatr5 crowd xsA the best i4SsiqaVe"iar Xar aL 1 Yoa wiU bars raaac ta rrcrai It 12 I ray Allea Coca. H IL Mtfhbcro ) WRONGFULLY ACCUSED. SUIT UHFOUHDtD AHD TEC PEOSECUTIOK DBOPPED. According- to SUUmint of Hr. W. H. Arrlnirton tho Bicent AccnmUon Airmlmi Elra la Waltt Coart, a Great Wron?. In arW Lhit ih fWs aaay be f al ly ktvown cr-rcirraimft tS rml b. jdrxnt of Mr. VT. If. ArrirtDi la iclXowzafi aaoMU, a fcrtuad u by Mr. Amajjioae In 152 Mr. a ad Mr. Arricgtaa who r thta liti&g toprlSr a man aivl wif, rauj v Mr. II. Y. Mn a tnortfps cr of ryfrty ta IUai Uanpaj; v Mr. ArrtngviL. Tb pr; 4 tho Wm to PJ a aalatna amim by tW nUU of Mrm lUrrirt ( Yr. tain, iroa wboo ifra. Amoa Lad irvbtriUii Lb prtfctj, si tb lcaA u thrlorv for Wt W it. 1. lioJl wm mda to tS yrt&l i ti crtRijr dM. aiwt MTtraJ ttj ccmta bftd n tnl 00 rt, ad 1S tbn ottwr of it 4VS May W. TV. Vu, who had Uka tt Vt immfj. t, tcigtil rati vr i-x3ktM awra. I TL 1 lio n 4 occp kd ba admitud br Mr. AmacTfc'U liarw CWk of tiva Onert Bea.ti aa1 tta aatnucixv ru enrme. whira- Th fnprty n wAi venirr tk iriMr fcocwlufcpt Mr Ar rratxo attfttspor! fey VA it 5; fcl laavia do tao&vy har U4 -i tr CO was not r?rarddt at4 vrty, w k aocW VS b &i JwM W K.ILSaOiU VS,. EbalLrm axrgi;t to latTa.tbt tale ai ai, lagjagt lrilfpty jwiw, lt prraaiy Bdaztttlag la bav taoa a. icmod tht (acu wra all ia uSa kbawt. edra 4 Mr. ArriiKVa kawrtr. w ; aUm1 u wt,t 1 , wn d tb wcrr lLi I in r cmm to .... m A Hon-o Shot, liobtrt Parry, odori, 1 a S J s L2 kU ung ta u yard 0 Jtrt i town, mw a lco ajcmcinag a crr . 6eld atl truoediaUftlr cutcbi a rta 4 rwi J11 fL lit a&U bisB.aJ to be evSrric; asoh aia iVrry we arrrecd U rrWty to av traala arl Ir. O. I EJTia, J. P a Uooed huo to days ao te roawla. AllUzvee nsttxi4 Tba Fra.nl lb Ocry ATT.toe beid ata raurterfy tnawtVg 00 lbe llthoCJaiy at UfamU, wkh s good ascttdus. ; ifcci tsun gntftTfaartrd ta thambea daaccaaaad; partklady ha Lb plxne aW rvgmial ang the prfeia of oaUDO, (cefocs' Vo dinner ws fpraavl by ti - a . .11 el thai coeattadtmiry, which was ly prtaka ct aal t V?rad br aJX la the aiurnooQ near to,. Us faU lowtsg clcarra - warw yntyesfy eUcisd for Ce nb:zjik CK WiHtiiirti, iWUrs LrvC WE UaVk4!rtsis5t; W..IL: SuU. liaa, 6ersaIllaBtas; CU- Daka, Door Kswper It.