a JAMES A. THOMAS, EDITOR THE COUNTY, TB E STATF THE TH-IOir. 1 SUBSCEIPTIOH 3J.00 FEB JZXSZ. VOL. XXXVI. LOUISBURG, N. C.FRIDAY, JULY; 27f J906. KDEEEB 1- - - 1 - - 1 ' I " .... i m - s "... - 8 S3 a 3 ions ESS taal c. t,nd doii Ive h.o.im-52 J. B.TDou n. UNJUST CRITICISMS. j R. YOUNG A VERY COUR AGEOUS PUBLIC OFFICIAL. Hany Harsh and Undeserved Criticisms Haye Been Made Against Him When He Was Only Doing His Sworn Duty, 1 he trial of M. T Norris, a promi nent merchant of Italeigb, charged with hav ing burned his own house get the insurance on it, is of more jjjjn lo aI interest. The result was ac or lance with the earnest wish of Mr Norris many friends, and vin dicates that gentleman from the ium of a horrible charge. It is 00t 0f that of which thS paper .wishes tonpeak, however.. . Judging from the reports we have Den in the papers, the friends and partisans of Mr. Norris have been both intemperate and unjust in, their criticism of Mr. Young, the Insurance Commissioner, at whose instance the prosecution was undertaken. The fact that a jury has acquitted -Mr. Xorrw does not at all .justify their criticism, or cnange tu cuarauwax ui Mr. Young's official duty. The Statute, Sec. 4819 of. Revisal 19o.'), is mandatory upon tne insur ance Commissioner, and it specifically enjoins upuu unu tuc uuij vi utuouig to le prosecuted every person rhaiuwl with the crime of arson - against whom there is sufficient evi an. e. in his oDinion. to lustiiy an j , , w w investigation. Without resptct to the outcome of the trial, no one who kept up with the evidence will at- . ... 1 ! I tem (it to deny that it graveiy impii-. catel Mr. Norris, and it seems' to his paper that, for his own sake,' Mr.' Norris would have desired a "triall ivith its resultincr acjuittal and vindi- cation. However that rnav bv, there was left open for Mr. Young but one bourse, and that was the one which he pursued. Considering the business and socia irtandins of Mr. Norris. and the fac that he is Mr. Young's neighbor, i wan do doubt a very disagreeable latv that the Commissioner hadto perform . imuch uf ducts cheaper abroad than here, M. should be continued in its monopoly by the tariff law. That' gigantic corporation, by far greater than any of its sister trusts, cannot take refuge as an "infant industry" that needs protecting. It may not be policy to take the chances of disturbing the steel business by at once abolishing all its protection, but cutting off one half of its tariff protection will be one of the first propositions of a Democratic House of Representa tives, lnat would be a start at real trust-bustitfg ; o ' THE "DOTAGE' MICROBE. TWO TRAINS COLLIDE; AN AWFUL WRECK NEAR HAM LET SUNDAY NIGHT. The Only True Remedy For Oregon has been the storm center of kAd frauds. One of her Republican Senators and both of ber Itepublican representatives in Congress, besides a United States Surveyor-general and many other ferderal officials, have been implicated and have either met their just desserts or are in a fair way to do so. Now, comes the only member, of 'Congress from that State that theflaw has not entangled Sen- Ator Fton who declares that Secre tary Hitchcock, who t his credit has relentlessly prosecuted the land thieves, "is in his dotage." If Sec- re'a-y Wilson had shown the sane efficient "dotage" there would have been no beef, cotton and seed scan dals. If Secretary Taft had exhibited a similar brand of dotagen, there would, have been no Panama Scan- dal and matters in the Philippines and Porto Rico "would be in better condition instead of being a disgrace to AmericaiLixianagement. IiSecre tary Root had shown the same patri otic "dotagjb the rSarTtcl! Domingo and Venezuela scandals would never Jiave 6Vurred. If Secretary Moody had exhibited the intense "dotage" that his elder associate has exhibited, there would be a large bunch of Trust magnates in jail and the trust question would not loom up so alarm ingly to the American people. The President is to be '-congratu-lated on haying one member of his He could have avoided cabinet in his "dotage" for that seems iarsh criticism and malad- to be the only way to efficiently fol- iverxion. It is creatlv to his credit 1UW UP "Tuy lc" vx "TVi hat U has not hesitated to Derform and doggedly determine d enforce i hi untoward dutv bravelv. and with the law- The strenuousity of the be name fortitude and imnartialitv t w hat h;is characterized his entire offi cial career. Not to have presecuted case would havfl hpn official Twenty-Three Killed and Many More Injnred Failure of an Operator to Give Orders Was the Cause of the Wreck. One of the worst and most destruc tive Railroad wrecks that hag occur red in this State in years took place on the Seaboard near Hamlet Sun day night about 8 o'clock, when pas senger train No 44, collided with a freight train, Both engines came to. gether with a crash. F. B. Lewis en gineer on 44, and his fireman, were killed instantly, also the bagage mas ter, Henry Byrd. : There were quite a 4 large number of negroes in the jim crow" car of ike ' banks "harden" to 8 per 4 tent, would be able ta !oan;the $30,000,000 at the Tate of $2,406,000 a year and at the same time be drawing the reg ular interest of 2 rr, cent on the bonds or $000,000.1? " " .. The question naturally arise, why did the Administration tell Ptrurai bonds when the- money was not need ed in the Treaaaryf Respectfully re ferred to the President and his Sc reUry of the Treasury. FARMERS' IllSnTUTF. A VERY INTERESTING PRO GRAM WELL EXPLAINED. A Mall Order Failure. Capital, $5,000,000. Money in bank, less than floor fc 4 ' J ThejCash rBurert'Unka First National f Co-operative ocliyt f Chicago, is 'again? in Ifoiible this ume in the hanls 01 a receiver. local merohanrt hfye often tlgared out certain doom ot 53 -order houses thSpassemzer train, and thv f.ir beitnesaed th grewth and tipan- badly, as this car. and th bc J"00 of thosa destroyen of local trads. carwere splintered. About 18 were Rut on0 10 whUe f crtMh do killed outright, and several have since and the sTm9tt va died from injuries. The number of tbraos"J "fff tr1 m injured was more than the number aers wb sapplyl th good. killed. The dead and injured were, ThU 19 Qot of ib V1 cared for by the railroad auhoriues ChicaK rosto .ader The cause of the wreck, which has 'fti" been investigated by the Corporation to hP othtrt wUl not tut. Uommission. wan id t tK .n low. And yet soma fanaen do not da- ureipf the operator at Rockingham r6 PX- y, lova to gst to hold the passenger train at that Horny-Handed Sons of Toll D! euss Important SubJecU The Discussions Word Very Beneficial to the Farmers In socordanoe with th actios here tofore givsr in ths Ttvaa, a Ksrmtra Institute was held la tha Cotxrt I loose in LooUbcrg on Wdoiay. It was corvlactcl br Prof Sher man and Roberts of the N. C. lU partxnantof AgncalUra, arJ ProC Conner, of the VloHls Ripenment SutSoo. Introdoctorr remarks wera made by Prof. Sb errata, i(w which the pre para tioa and ealtlTatloo of croftt was dwccuMd by Prof. Coo&cr. Car and feodtnff of firm-work STALUKGS milS, Miss IMIU Glasgow fe ;k:5 ttU atfrta oear TaiKtarx. Mia Mary WesUr, wbor'-Ls bea. very akk,k ocmralsMobe fnooe H has ba racJegii yocr folks haft tea hirbg aa tayaUei. The rsia! The r&ia! Soeaa cC w lofi bars it tTtry Hty, vL2 othn do Dot pai any. It raos Era rjvrta, exns ftrocra hire ex had tct thre days piers Ling ia lro reakv whfls othen oua jiogii Maty day. A bt dsys so lUm XiyrUa Stai. Imgs aAleruiaed bsr - 8sday School tUm troax IM) to 7 o'ciock. liar daas octtzr cf 34 L;oU bora prla. Ovbg la lUd day a3 &oC freacrt, feel then who dU tore chU eo)oyel U htm rary taacj ia riariryy rss aad the IU frrahf&eeU ware Mrved. TLe dmj we-st iif ocww 44TtAmi la point for freight to pass it, orders having been sent to that effect. A description of the affair by newspaper correspondents who who were soon on the scene, was terrible. jThe number killed was twenty three, only two of whom were white. the others all being oolorerd. The ahead of tbLn neiVfctjT who u in trade. And, smo, Lid' the eei love to be sUnnThiSi wing Machine t This shTiTt'will Uoome of mail ordet houses: claiming to sell high grade goods iof leas , than ths cost of msnpfactaria. vTlty(Hi 000- tinus to trade at honia, yo will aoon tock was rery inUrtaungiy dieo&aeed J lui haa li ri by Prof. Roberts, aod Prof. Sherman j tom " V' gar a eery inatmctire talk spo j Aooog C-e tmivyre bcr are M'aea fmita, peta. vegetable and inmft aod . Kiat of &uUua, U tkuar The lectare m the furroc-n M Iilla Jocma. 1 4 opoo fertilbri ard bow to oe theca pr of laultwv, W t k&rr Mba by IVof. Conner was listaoed to with much raterMt by the farxaera, after which the Qoewtion Box was opeaed Wiru Glarw Um tXs Petty, oC HapUtiHa, b riwiiag bcr ak:r, Hra, J. R. Earle. Miea At Atxotke baa owardice, and of . that J..R. Young Ml I.I) Not rw miilt.v I t this criticism of public officials uo have to do thir dniv. CAaaA. V Tt ! President has had no effect upon Secretary Hitchcock, he has gone along without blow of trumpet, or partisan speech making, on his plain old "dotage" plan and it is a pity that the! other members of the Cabinet have not been inoculated with the same disease, instead,, of .the -; microbe & fcH 4? ; if """ " i P '. enheer of the freight train' saved - himself by jumping. honM b:a io athott ; time. - -V- ti (." ;r! A REPUBLICAN PREDICTION. ' rBtt, ; l, , fThat erudite and trust controUed T ,R T?fV? Repnbhcan purveyor of new. the hfcf tVt5T tar New York Sun in alatissue says: pentindhaliXatxtrn Florida. The Sun craves permission tof As it is tobacco cunng seaaon present its humble servioe to the I chickens should roost high, or they supreme powers at Oyster Bay, tolJ find themsalves in the furnaces. Messrs, Piatt and Depew, to the A Dmt to WMe' &s- new and austere hieramhv ni Odll The delegates who attended the 1 . . . . w Judicial convention it Rockv Mount and Associates, to one Frank Wav- u- v. , - are nichlv nleaiKHi with thm mnomi. land Higgins, the putative Govern- of Daniehifor Solicitor, or of the State of New York, and to A. T. Griffin went out to t om, all the soberminded and self-respect corn for dinner a few days ago, and ing Republicans to whose confidence discovered that he had fall-developed it can appeal, and with all deference 63X8 .corn 16 inches in length, and resp cts submits: It is said that there are seven wid- The next Governor of the State OWB in two milel, of Plicc of iew 1 ork will be a Democrat . . . an eye for busniess are "sprucing up. "The next Governor of the State w iujiuj u 1 e would be delighed to have the of New York will be the next Presi- Editor visit us, as soon as our crops dent of the United States." "laid by, as we want to show htm ho Yet after all the Sun may be mis- we farm in this section, sud also let when the dbcoaeions becatae general-! retoraed lo bee booe ta Ix-u&r The attendants while bdt is Ltre after a few data kcl uh be frieexS r. 1 m 1 v 1 i 1 m t hkjwu tuft oea, pevosny oq aocoont of the buey aaaaoa with the firm era, quite a number of the ooaa tj's most prxKntoeat and saooseacfal tillers of the soil were preeeat, and jodging from their talk after adjourn ment, they were highly pleased with the day's woek. Tbeae Inatitatea, If taken sdrantas of br the farmers for wboe beoSt thsy are held, win prove very bene- dal. 0. D. C. The Joseph J. Ditw Chapter Dsaghters of ths" Confederacy, wCl aoeotin tba Maaooio Uall . Wed nesday sfternooa Aoguai first. Mr. F. 8. Hi-xctll, Pre. Mas. R. II. Dana, Bacy. New Tobacco Firm. As will b seen by their sdverta ment in this ieaoe, Meeari. J. Edgar Harris and Geo. W. Ford have formed a copartnership and will ran the Ford warehouse thii eeexoc Mr. Harris has ben coonertM with the tobacco basin run in the ooanty fcrj several years, and with his experience and energy together with that of hi Him OU Perry, to Mrv EarW Mesa liHj Haye has retsraed becae ailac a viait to Maw A&ci Htoo. Umm IlrTU StaJLttri aad Mi Kvaxw frre aa cm craxa mr the e recur of July ifcih at ti boou of Mr. Walter raaa, In 171 of ue taoMMtu s aaerrr rr pany eoo a ietiraUl Aa they Ibey were mmK at tbe bail drwr by Mm IJtrota KrazjL Miss BeCW uHioge cotal the Tajta to & oloak rooca aad frwm iberw to tbs parice door wbr they wnera reoeeved by Mae Maius Kraaa, A fur a Us sprat fa rssscaant talk aod pfiMS the) dbicg raoca doors werr IJta ea ; and tba ka sad eajyed a bt-o&ufsJ sapf Jy of dlkias creasx and oale. Aa th baxxls of tba dock were arfag tba boer of ivWr tbe happy oompaay look tbeer de partura. all votio; U s taost p1 FaHmg to ae aarthiag b yocr paper sboct ocr ost dbarth rraako and masonic jio&kc it CVletix Rock oa Satcrday, JeJr Hih, wi!l aay thief; tbo-ot h. A fur oee ef Rm. ( . M. I hikes rfZfiadid rrz.cut la a lare aadleaoe tbe cherth roD was Ford, this firm will j called then cazae te puiic kjrulla- partner, Mr no doubt do a large share tobacco busineea the coming They wDl have their opening August 17th. Mr. IL O. HtaaeU who his ben connected with the tobacco New York may not be the next wter tael0H g" bere. president of the United States, But .0ur tttownw is full of well-diggera, its prediction shows the Democratic they are very kind and sccom- moaaung. A lew days sgo they went from bouse to house among them neighbors and cleaned out m - a taken and the next (mvpmnr of him iudffa for himaelf tb- that faarset lor severai yeara, wut oe , r- " t , ; ' ; 1 ith the firm, and yow can rest ed the figures will all be correct. trend of public opinion and that even Republicans see the. probable down- To Locate in Oonroe. Dr. . S. GreaOfdentast, who made a short visit to Monro last week, fca arts tb e ublic mdrals of strenpsness that has evidenflyhaM1! the party of trusts, protection, I wells frwof charge. Such kindneas forms as that be has decided to locale 1- -.? -I'st cy a disastrious effect on their efficieo- graft and scandals. b always apprecUted. REAL TRUST BUSTING. Alter thinkinor nvor t.hRrinbli- 0 TU - T . S. F. -("o u muairiuauii uiubut playg, Caa you point to one that has reduced the price of its JUS HUH. THE BANKS GAIN, U1LLI0NS. . 'S OPINION. Press reports from -New York re- Justice Brewer, port that the Secretary of the Treas- . . . ... ructa in According to Washington Is the great lobby camp ury when in that city a f aw day ago of the world. More legislation has authorized the statement that he consequence of Republi- been thrugt upon Congress than it would promptly deposit money in the I ypKiaii-I thankyeu fpr check I the Unlrarsity of MaryUil ? Results are what the tuac Z nnan i. banka. if monr rat . herrfimAri, . iinr! Ifor i200.00 in settlamsnL" for -VfjoHflT 1 It a ho wish cf his piaa m'thst floorithintr town. He win go to Baltimore In a few days to fret chase hn oCoe eupt&e. and bote to Prompt SattlonlOIlt. , -hve it open for bniiniea in a vary Loinsfeso Ki CI July 2f M I hort tims. Dr. (trswu is well aaalp- Mr. T. .W-oTAMdsr;: r , ) , J ped f or bts ag t grada- , SecV Caroline Tlivo-fitock Ha: ata of ats rorwt Louga,aa4 hav tu&l Ins." Col Loalaburtr KC. ua l m mdaatatry la HIU awuu. wv, uuv. j- " " - 4 ' 1 r WfiM public are looking for, th. CtoBnt h become a that he wonld imiidUUly iititn to on on. my m.l. .1 bi Uuor- that th. flort . record show, that the cost of diapenaary., ,TH Fedenl the. baniin the .hap: of public oe m yo Company on &&J& "k now 4 iS SL.t.. iw T'M B.S . 9 ' ' . . . muleajoneotthedi! -Urt.f.n. ohwi Uuy.wia, a join U wiiM ' 2r t 'f 5 ' CfSB tffWt8 AemoneyT Ing andjwa. informed' of U'.UJ. rttb.TM.k.towiaWogUnirt.rf-1 (-Wore toVBfc,,j aofrm.(MjhA,,84.b. moWmg, Within aa hour of oak. W.eooaanJ. to ti. P'a was enacted. The"fact u tffire'eiciency. namefy "ifie "proteo- banka under arranBement are to have mwfeiinY:Woel'totlii-:telaw' 'eaoi.tiittlktiatSboa,ai .it - . . I . - -; . ? !" nnt their cake and aat i ; too;' Thnr W check in fall tettlemani was M Gma Wtoridsiihd draw the Interest Your prompt act Jon 7Z .5ean :??wjvw Pcial adrantagea m&t & iSMHyeie ; greater tbingaftart 0 aeyoted o m twainatur ongM conmel x,r-. P ly maat the.- law. .gainst edMfenvidifiaathrupKnld enforced, but their mofiobo-1 mothis wiisiiQindtvidualeqwrFt r 1 firfolina I!r Stock.' AaeonatLvn - of the corporations, the Secretary of the T" L, " "u,teu aw ,OweeL ttock .ornen. Again thinkinff i , controu mne-tentha ot winwiaiing - - i priKiacts ot country and that I now-mncnw,iwwn cotua ia I n Proved to be selling its pro-1 WmZi K wiibtrtq ttIiis' a 0Vel- It is abanrd that anh a I lackincr under our nresent system 18 the United Stetea Steel cor lon' tht controls nine-tenths Ja GAUD, v could take from I doubt 'tlie jratee will nbt 'hjurden cm- der such an incentive. If the rates Very res pectf ally, rrtulrrsd so taaay kkfocs to caa and mix ia ocr recent bartarrtaat. ' ' ; ' I B,fiMrra. of the tioo of tbe rnsaoriir corra Tbey eeaaoo-jwere prtacaud by W. M. Rood, cf aale oo i Ixrbarr, wflh Rev. O. M, Dalai aa ioeUllb oJSofer, aa ftilowc T. H, CWlie, W. M4 R B. Oilliaxs, W ; J. R (lasxrw, jt. W W. I. gul VmpK Sc-4 J. lUtdbtior, Tre! J. F. Falrham, Tvter; M. D. fniih, fV. YV. B. Moor. Jr.IXf Joj Hnraa aod H. J. 1Iarpr, Ptnarda. A stja;. ooa drnia- was ihea errssyj orix wSt gror, of wbica all rtac4c wkb ranch ea)9ymeat. In tbe tfuracoi tbe aaaaofis bad 1 s saeetlae; La the) ioilfs rt&, sfur whkh, si 2 o'clock Mr. Joe twordoe. taada s abort iad la umiing talk to tbe rrrtb. Tba day was raach aa)oye4 by sit, arpae- lally by tha yoaaj; cfU. Frkra tawt. aocaa perhaps, who had Dct nfot-yaara. Bach a saarUag dosei oca ftood sad tbe writer bopea n ' caa bare asoh s eoa rrery rear. r.iLa. JsJy 23rd, I . - -: r Tax lot treat has pet ap tbs'prba , cf Jew no sxTtlhs babiea. TUsi Is a t " 1 caw forta cC HaarrUaa raaH7a Uoc; bvt H b 7 tacslra, Aad thea b epentas st booa, aad beipsi . tba ecCa trcrt tM ths ra-lSxrs. t Ko rat ti fobg alroad ary cor ta . crdar to rT C TasaisuliU waak sol haJrJeaa irssti bcisga, It twyav, t; , fwU at w3,aad Is nab cb4r, bwtcbrr k1 pack lira 4 ia tbair o dlrs right la ocr rra pxany friaade KPreiW ; X .4 3- 5 . t

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