JAMES A. THOMAS, EDITOB. . ; i 1 1 1 1 SUBSCRrPTTTM - . - ' l.tlll I V MllUf1 ai S i i a I I 41 l.UU f V TV ft FS55-5- FRIDAY, AUGUST ir ton : ---- - -- trrmiM. - w teacherFih THE ATTENDANCE CONTINUES EXCEEDINGLY GOOD. the Water Committee of Louiaburg , u, uaving a public wa tering place arranged near the Court Square. In case satisfactory arrange ments are made he is authorized to Till nn oral 1 -r . uu oon Square nth or. The Programme for this Week wwe t0 rePair J. R. WHliams Tarried out In a v- o LSuPerintendent of Ra - . ja y omoom Bfn , , wo, was in- and Instructive Banner-Ad- t repir bridge and dyk dress of Dr. A. C, R,. . !1'" to the - MB! M0B LYNCHES THREE , . - . j-- ww.o. were allowed and teacner-pupils attending K I tne Board . . & r"" io next reemlar In-mute this week, which ia in meetW guiar ,on in the College, have been" very regular in their attendance, ahr u 7 conductors express themselves as be- a ing highly pleased with the excellent Wees Aceused Of Killing Ly- -le ortment" of their pumls. and "yS laKen nOm RowaiT aio of their punctuality. This is two Jjdl and Lynched. of the best examples that can be ex- Monday night about 11 o'clock h.b,tl before children who attend 'mo " about 2,000 men took K-hool-deportment and punctuality. &ee of the accused Lyerly murder A child that deports himself or her- ers from the Rowan jail and hune wlf m a becoming manner and is also tbem on the outskirts of Salwburv punctual at 8cho4, wfll make a good The three negroes lynched were showing along all lines at the end of Nease John Gillespie and Jack Dillingham. George Ervin was i ne teacners have put in two 4aeioned by the mob and then re wwk of good and faithful wm-V nA turned to his cell in tn ,-o,i th Timks DredicCa that ku: women nrisnnora rAI.A i , of the Institute wUl prove a fine in- Ijnehing was inexcusable as a uu v-uc pan oi me lioard of I af iwm oi court was being held fvlucuion at whosft nn ui. ffoT tha trial hf tha .n. ized. ; I ffrand iurv naii iJ lL-. . LOPISBUfiG, N. C.TfrIDAY, AOCUST TT OPERA H0T0r zrr6'" - ih and Dr. A. C. Ellis, of the Universi. And Those Wh p. ty of Texas. Will dii. I so Who 00108 a Co, Address for the Benefit of .... ' uraaea School Library. r. A. C. Ellis, of the Universitv ot lexas, wiU deliver a )otn y in the Onursi VT,a i . . . r luaignt, nis sabMot i?k. , . American Eves" a i, , . -v,JL- wcninne and A small admtssion being of 15 and tingrvl. in Coooord. 1 Cent will Ku U ivjt, . i. Business and Lire. oer uecauiQ They LUe It. Tom. CipelL otVTlA r. Mr. w it ' ,WUJ1 viiriii. rif 35 cents will' be charged, the nr. to go to the Likrarr Fan ' v ue Amstmrg Graded School Dr iw is a former Louisburg boy, of wom we are all proud. nA th. . , ximks Hopes to see the Opera Hous, tonight, not only to show our an. preciation for the sneak. hV,, tne effort of the ladi, in ... curing a fund for the Library. organized. Money. vtnA K.j , iir I previous asre h o iMu Jureaav Tonnrl tma I . .. . uur Ir. A. C. Ellis, Profe,ir n MiIIs against tnem Th v. J. m TaIae Ped upon materi. agogymthe University of Texas, ?$ gat xcitementia the sec IZul JyioPrev,oaa W compare. lelivered a most intflr0;n jj tion of Saiiahnrv nA i t VWB 111 Ule accumulatioii rwl o the teachers yesterday morning, 'parie. were called to the scene nST u u d " In imte a number of n Several of tile lrmw. , Wl ages the hero amonff' mmkirwl ha r.looo,, i , . and -. , has been the ThiIriAnnnA i oxo guaraea on account of : V r" iue, threats by the mob to rM An oar 8 the hero has The whole affair is a terrible bloV on i!! Te. This age tae tate. m pursuu ot the almiirfi. v-. xiaTe me Ixml' people the nleasure r fioonn The examinations will be held to lay, ( Friday) at the close of which I'rof. White will organize the Frank lin County Teachers' Association, wu.u wuicn ne anucipates much ?ood to come to the public schools of the county. Mm. W. li. HoUoVell, Board of Education. J a? room to criticise this mad i ne ijoar met on .Monday, all I measure jut strength to members. fnd Supenntendent pres-if P, ?h e W WK.by dol 5fflL&a?of peo Where u there a boro, who is canvassing the SM the nurno nf -t.v.; . . Dusiness before the Board iiA t,I wraPthepublK5mind WiK r v.xiJU uy iaieresr lor l . . . v? uu iu-i., . the betterment of school house an was -transacted: pgnxtnat its greatest need grounds, will address the teachers lne Committee of Sandy Creek t day. luwnsnip were authorized to locate a The Institute for the colored Wm foi f1 chloss. teachers will be held in the Court f-fwid ing are to, be Ho.we next week. As heretofore , b thft antv Snperinteii- tatl in these columns, it will be Snd Bcra allowed $125 ond.H ted by Superintendents Mills for of the same, and Sams Special committee appointed to ex- Aithonghthe weather was verv f, .boofa reported threatening, a laree audienne att IT1 10011(1 the WSOimU of the the Itecital ren at a. -Measurer correct. It was decided Baptist church on Wednesday nisht I adVJ!erta8e for bids tor e construc- o'mpliruentary to the teachers. Th . . 8cnooi nouse at Mt. Zion, , both vocal and instrumental, S f'.8? t8 very good and was hihlv om eaTOtendent. Seeyertisa- P'""ented bv all ment in another column of the n teachers on Thursday morn- J .7 0rdered thaf m ac" 'aHsed a vote of thanks to the T T W aSreement at time and others who so kindly as- 7 VUhaae and aPn wcommenda- i gi v ing the Recital. , " . wmnuwee, mat tne old site lntr la. UlU'H and school house in white Hi w 'AMvaA;v No. 1, Dunns township, be reeon veyed to J. B. Privett, upon payment of 50. A similar ord T County Commissioners! Tfe Hoard met on the 6th. all ni(mi i i - """"" was maue mrer8 present. After ri for rM,la n , , . .v.xuS vupwu Bcnooi nouse in 311,1 approving the minutes 7f lt Gold Mina cl a leting the followmi? busmeaa a- Uavment nr 49 A Dr v.ri u o . , I u, ana uoara adjourned lat ri,nrt T?i:-tlit H;wr3Pi ty. auwcue ana A Pliasari Vening SAt ooin wmte. In his mgriesiae. PePrt of the - ?.. f bjt tj-i .- . - . x)m JV r"wnunenas jnat ?zejepwg: AUgusiyJrd, Misses ceiu 1vafnge8bemadeinlocatidn of Mary and Susie Macon, of Ingleside, Myra Yarborourh. of nxm- entertained LWl, l . 0 7 Jf'000 w. .UWOB uuhib, yjii "v" xxayes- I v -aga, -rua., ana ViiementS, oi ,. ' o Mauea on ontnide nnn I W arrenton. ThA : "tat Jtl fpA I - . w ouu IUSUU- j month each. Lutie I mental solos rendered, added much ae and Linda TTarria i I to Th- u.nM t . ha from iWTn. evening, - - - LAU IMI- I IBT vA.Ak. 3- I S nAfl a m m fM ' 71 . -x "oi, wui ueat. Ji i "wu Ax.ov o ciocK tne Hostess es- 'with fk -fFtuwsu jso consult j w xauiea 10 me top oi tne me road innani.AM . n.ii flhivwair l.t... . 'ne to airs y re-elected upexiitendentlH ,tonty Hnma it! ZTcGi-IfpartneriwEfieldmeotrnH n. 1 &. An money? Who is it amonir nn wh not overawed by the m.; Sx ouAua or money? Our . brethren have httle laith in accomplishing very much along any line of Christian work without large sums of money, is there "v. a teuuency among us to measure the efficiency, even of a chnrrh h. the money it can command? What sort of a showing would Jeans make it XT 1 TT- . i uu xiis poor followers were in New York, or Boston, or even Kan sas City? Was J esua mistaken in being me world poor in this world's goods? Did He make a mis take in teaching the world by pre cept and example utterly to ignore wealth and all that accompaniment which follows in its train . a ; His kingdom on earth? h r,.i - ujaiAC a mistake in branding worMIv m o - . J rsr- Sessiona as a l, , w uiuuiauuc, ana not a help to piety? "How hardly shall they that have riches entu -,nt kingdom of heaven.w Tbey.n W'ho? Churche schools, indivianl.'" TT.- it occurred to any of us that the God lurru ttr : ... I r-v "TOmon tzuf week.. Miss KeppU 1f . . . : . Judge CM. Cook. v.-.. w pena a few day. Mr. StapJetoq Cooke, of F.ytt ville, v,siung hi, people here. Mr. Wayland rWi J vial tin i . , "5 wsier aim t Tj w:i , ' . u uer. w Mr. Jenxm IXlUrt.nJ ' r, Ian V - . k ' 'irgirju Misa Birdie lUcharrf. r hrtrr TT- - ... S WW l Mr-,Emma A Han'. MiasEmmaXopgmire of Oxford, .--Tuer iisiat, Mn. WyUnta Ayoocke i S. C amved Weoxte .penT; r aord Barat chHaBraotx -i. visitinfir friAnA: j 7 " : , , v4irj in 'jo WW?.C are Siting her people hire.' . . , Mr.lJjFMtiKmri; S,r hare returned from-.' Jioun tains. reprenuti.. of Artw0l OUR TOBACCO ttARKET Founders Cwnt-nv rt.t. - miuvtl, leave next wk fcr Moarom, mhrm r he U to open h d.ntal oSoa. Gd l KlTeTSld Eirt'a Mr. D. G. Pearce and litiUd.v ' aeri-Pricai tr. IUrrt. I tnrf ... - , .-.woiwM.Tfii n. omxuined Aycp wUre thev hare bn vL.; ... x- , vn. Uve. 7"U d lor M'.J.t,r,rM ui. . of th. fcrthtoj W Cut TU oa of fr a --iait wk I Wcrf the bginninR of tbi Hi.ruanyfn.ndsK a r- oi ffc, wJ shake the hand of Mr T J 00 . Kmg. of Kichmood, who -ol m fv Uiilnff lJTJ(a U ITOOa. ItkHL .1... . . Me-rm, H. D. and U r a . TUr Conner. rJt'L. u, d.y from a ,wo wtka atay a IW ly of me crtir. power of tk water U f.t: naaaanti aad fan for n.irl. -. .... w ooraa ta CUtkavm Va iwiau win i. ... ry ork of the YcHing Mt'Chm His boat of frinda in T,ua pWl totbtown Dr. A.C. ElUa, tyclTaa, 1U 4. aocoopa by nls wif, and lSt hir. (r . " i " from LoroT, whar. (W . m coon try. of bwrira aa vV- T rar, I tj laxi, TU talee wiU fr3a T7 b '.lea Moodjy. J. fUmi DexxL Aftr an UId of .r,r.l Mr. MuroaJlta J. Htrrii dkd U hi. Messrs, B.F. T.!, T I m is towtuhip. t,, town Monday. v Joigtud.. the week with her sbter J ? L tu xr r famiU-, aad wM 4 Uv ? nr. Jonea Cooke, Agent of the S. mm. He loT--i fak potf, ad A. L. at YoungsriUe, fpcjU Ust Sun. lyal rd. For a nonvWr of ywn day m W g. . in . . . CraP of Itocky Mount, aQd hl m n oStr is otta, is visiting his daughter. Mr W t farrior office -.la Cooke, this week. riter-MJ. ILtrHsp-par, .jwara Mrs. E. II. IJaker and two iit,u em P tif?hL" H rmaia. win dauffhteriL of l?o:k I uiUrred thii Mr. Geo! S. ftaW. httrring ground at Mr. A. J P it.. " i . . Mr. W.H. Y.ri k r. ns.airretUFefthed itawi. turned, yesterday from a' profeaiona! Mrs. Ha Jaylor and ildren. of lioator are vkhlng friends in loowburg. of Heaven may find it neeeaaary to aiera-J-v. and K. It Gerald of if iu ""iwrmienaent iueei on August 25th to open pwpie in mis generation - .-.uwjw opnng lippe, 'alth, made hir monthly rerrfel bids fohuUdmgMt.ZiachT ttIt h not b7 might nor by pow- fpent Suny a the burg. JJnrTHH f 0n8e' 1& J - J f 'f, it by my (His) spirits"? He may Mr W Gregory and family re- nt condu-tWdeathi jfat jS - There is no more dan lm week fronV a vWt to hi. institution or individual amomt jia .w?fB 8 P1' " Wake obanty. -.-. uri 3 at eitnar end of tr.A"iaMA mAXA I al, lumber SSIwl fW fdbg timber yf freffil ia n K0 bat e wn, waa one pt deljghtful enjoyment wasSra priCe'1 J; Hl whichVaa most" TielrXSpred w appointed to confer with j by each departmg&t;? than the one that feels rich an. tf, I Missed -li.ri need of nothing T " t, "Sl wam &. Aj.tiwua uxiaioa,v0f. , W .r. nam cuosen the poor of v Aeasanta, Jr. r . this world rioh in foifK. v-; i.A I . --i V ,: .?V,JV V MnJn m T r " r r Uowden ' returned Wngdom -The Jove of money ia the home Saturday from a rl!t-"to root of all evU"-all kinds of evfl. hrothif. fJJyr? The Christian man ih Lr T11' mission .ociety the institujtioa M Cr 1 t learning, are not eiemiir.Ood it"'??7;" ,wn r aeiiver ua from the dominataon il me I T T 7. "XTta quite an ex. godpf this wbrid.ord Mot Way:! rmn5hs, north, aod Fcwuc, at larWiJoe a . tod ajt cJ . .x. . WL. imu rx-w wra ua wxra -rca fla ri Ks jAi. aaj , wifc4 nacirf lW td Ut of wfca4 IS. Ua4 cf 4 to b F.iWf be. Mra. Vcm m ! dtalue j uStUu Ir. ifceuu, rf WO, oowy J1 a -ajcr oi Ur. l T Moara of lUlsa . For W eiuldrwi rwia ia fW . daagaur ia IWr4Jy tb,b,d. Kiui. wM iia C-Jr co. of W cd. Excursions. ! J' J I jM81 Vy Trjomia. Who hi rjAn STKa C..V. 3 A I BTWWl I nr. , - uo oMuvim Ajr ,i4ne .wilt ;run , wm. wiwi tncmir aad twoxcursiona from luisbttrjrtaa u Norfolk; returaed : horn; Raleigh oh-Au-lftk Mr. W. Oreeix, oJliUlaW w ?ave.here at 8r40 a. in.;, juwtuxri kriaitor to ltiiabtm, tV. T same .day UJTiA UL:l-lu-A. f T - iO Norfolk on A rnm VOV. . T'J . I ... V -'.. tonUlWrt filT'l ' H -to -nti 3-00. u virguioj Hra. Bar tha Eail. Mr. Martha IU1L wrf. Adam Ball, dd x JoJy icii, j Kmil WM o( W cO her borne to 8andy 0k towtuVr, . ." " fi- 8hewaa67yr.of.aM was . " member of Mt Zioti 11 corr Sv" 6L She waa a good wcKaan and- dHy the loved those who ware timely cL aoUiaa -ocUJ adraa- 'wiltfWwt fcsuCi. oul palrer tha rirr,'aha calW bar hnsbiaad and childTin imtifi. iv -iaa vhcnrr. ai waart. bedaide nJ bad. t.W nxaroJ Mr. Ft, Fcwtar axd gttlrW ehrUranW Ilr'a 1 adajociaUagthAtoip J1 Ca, wUre oompaajv. righ ia4 aoat to T Ur and Mb Emma T w a i. i I . . P'T1- lad ia , God Wj nCMoo ccctrt paileci hh (una uv) cot Covcm tia ted tMc& itca u TtoW-. ... ,- .,...-: "-"iibi .j-nrTui4o(t" larjiea reacts - . - - wtr prcaaat who, dipiieit warei ''"' -r . 1 ' - - Whr. - mat a raoat dasl , VVlDr wU"aw iiA . 2t oy ivzr tniu yocr- taxlita It, -T rr;-pcr!A3 e i-a- aft iwKt-K v.'C: . bdaJi-f.tW.ui.. ? Jirr. each one rZ mi ""c? wt i ,4- i. 1 , J 6' uv. .. a m i :&y.?r-'ir&.