) : - : . . i i " . " . ..I. ... i i ... , - ,. ... I. i . . ; . - ' - JAMES A. THOMAS, EDITOR. THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE TOION. SUESCBIPT10K Sl.00 FB TEAS VOL. XXXVI. tOUISBURG, N. C, FRIDAY,' AUdOST' 17, 1906. HUBBER UUITF MAN Kill F fl llaterial,.et.,atsh6lid,bitwiBhacl excellent ladv has as the evidence of SHOT FOUR TIMES BY A NEGRO pwhich ig given lrf thfe wort U not to WITH PISTOL. had orders for more than she could make, afld that aha 1 The Shooting: Reported to Have Occurred on the TarboroRoad Near Timberlake's Store No Particulars. VvH was brought to ' town last ni,rht that was going to make a nice ball rack and writing desk to be placed on exhibit at the next State Fair. Aside from this e-were more than repaid toiLOtir visit a the hnarfitahtv THE MOVING PEOPLE. their movements in out of, towv: AND a white man named Gfee- U1 "i18 "UIf' WU1CU 19 Piea8Tire iraeiI I foi Jl n w'ivna '"Wo a nova frflur an wa rrv, son of Of, Ferry, had been J "j. . , v ,1 hope thatlt.may be our pleasure to .!,.. lv a ncrro hv th ntma nf Jim ,t-f: r - f visit, mora nerain anrTi rrl JJ ..!! 1 I .., 'IIS. a v wvt w w u o V V urr i nearj.jc. a iiuuanaKe B siore. ueatn Ol MPS. LUCV B. GliTton. ? i 1 m t I V v r ' t, miles irora wwn on xne larooro un last ounaay aooat one o ciocs anl the reporter said that the p m., Mrs. Lucy-B. Clifton quietly ., -hnf fnr- tirro breathed her last at her residence on . ... ul . . . Mam street. Her demise was not s'".: '.s:.iijmaDAena una Mn-' tiMn in nan articalars before Roing press this health for yearg and recently,. liver Friday) morning.. - : f complication set in and her nhvsic ians bad for sometime abandoned "Europe Through American hope of her recovery. For her onl child, Mr. Alex Clifton the warmest sympathies of his many friends : in this community are freely extended,' The father having died years ago the attachment between mother and Von was doubly strong and the bereave ment to him is exceptionally sad. Mrs. Clifton was a Miss' Andrews . ' 4' i one among a large tamity. au oi whom stand Very high in social and business circles. She married JVIr. B. P. Clifton, one of Franklin's most prominent citizens up to his death, which occurred some years , ago, A few years afterwards she marriedhlj! J. B. Clifton who died some ' months ago, she surviving both her former husbands?1 She was a good iroraan, of excellent traits of character, char itable and universally beloved by all, fcyes." Prof. A. Caswell Ellis, of the Uni veraity of Texas, delivered an in stxuctive and intensely interesting lecture on the above subject in the ( )pera House last Friday night. l'rof. Ellis has recently returned from an extensive tour of the Eu ropean nations, wnere ne maae a dime scrutiny of social and political , minions obtaining in the "old world." Kefore heginning his subject prop er l'rof. Ellis made mention of the wonderful advance in mechanics as exhibited in the modern ocean liner. He contrasted the hitherto long, te dious and perilous trip across the Atlantic to the present quick, pleas ant and safe journey on the modern. And Those Who Come and Go, Some for Pleasure, Some for Business and a Large Num- ber Because They Lite It. Miss Kittie Fustor left this week for Bridgeport, Conn. r Mr. C. F. Best, Frankliaton,. was in the burg one day this week. Dr A tL Fleming and wife, left Satmnlay for thier home in Spartan burg. Mrs. J. P. Winston and son Wtf- liamare visiting her people in John ston county. Mrs. F. S. Spruill returned thii Veek from a two week's stay at Br'- lalo Springs, Va. Mrs. S. P. Boddie and daughter left this week tm visit a lady friend in Washington, N. C. Mr. J. P. Hill returned this from a two week's trip to Norfolk, Wash ington and Baltimore. Mr. John Allen and wife, of Wtke County, were visitors to her brotker C. B. Cheatham, this week. Miss Jennie Beddingfield, of Clay ton, was a v itor to Loaisbrg tms week, guest of Mrs. Ida H? 'e. Mrs. M. S. Davis and daughter Miss Mabel have returned home from a visit to relatives in Warren. ,r Nat Beasley will keep books thia season for a tobacco firm in Loris S G. and left this week to take up his tranit-ocean travel it is hard to real i.e that the ship of today, - loxunoas ly htted ap m all its appointments, lnv nr on board its own-; electric light plant, ice plant, wireless tele raph equipments, &c, together with every convenience to be - tound in . . m - trie modern city, is capable ox com fortably transportinsf several tbrous- and passengers. We will not attempt even a syn opsis of Prof. Ellis' lecture. In the h ort time at his disposal, lie de ieribed the conditions of the past centuries, contrasted them with the present day of greater liberty and better opportunity, and pointing out the hardship and inequalities of the "i-lass" system even now in 4 existence left as a legacy of the times when the doctrine of the "King can do no wrong," was fully accepted. His description of school discipline Ui the English Schools and Universities was particularly interesting. In a word, Prof. Ellis "took his hearers on an European trip," so to upeak. So entertaining did he make his talk that one could almost imagine himself seeing the strange sights and observing me singular customs oi distant lands in the speaker's com- l'anv- r. r 4 i The Times in behalf of the -Grad. ed Sehoofauthorities andpareats of the pupils of "the school' expresses thanks to Prof. Ellis, for it was to aid the school to obtain a library, at present without a book, that he con sented to deliver this lecture. We regret that the audience was not much larger. Messrs. tT. E. Stalling! and Fc- ter.Btmesrho have charge of the MerrjgOj-ronad. spent- Sunday at their home, in .Oavton. Thr re- turned on plonday arcompanUd by Mr" UUftgi'Ve' who will spend some time -rith him. Mr. H'onti title and little br.tbr Josepb,' and tHter ' BesMe, accom p -nied Missef Helen and Pearl Bi ding&talaAthf&r' retam home, nt Rocky Moan j on Friday of last wek. HunuXf.Sitordty M Mlw Bessie and Jpceph will vpeod norn time. ' Mr. .Lfrrence Harris, oi Mcey, Arkaniasria in town tkw week and paid th adiZof of the Timk a rdeaa ant visitIfe a native of this coqq. ty, having left here yean ago to mke hUboT3 in ArkansM. He is visiting jepple in tbb and Wak county. . '. THE KH1GHT8 OF CIDE01I HOLD THETB AHHOAL HEET 1HQ IN LOUISBURC. owjng'tatli Jiealto, .heen out of the seclasioivof her own Jiome but little ,Xhe funeral ceremohies took place pn last. Monday afternoon at 5 o'clock at St. Paul's Episcopal Church of which she was a consistent member, Rev. John London officiating, and the remains; vrere tenderly laid 'to rest in the family plot at the ceme tery; The floral tributes were very profuse and unusually beautiful in design. The pall-bearers were: Messrs. F. S. Spruill, W. P. Neal, W. H. Ruffin, R. H. Davis, W. H. Pleas ante, Jr., and Wm. Bailey. The deceased was a sister of Col. A. Our yotmff friend Kliott TgertoD, son of Mj;F. X. Egerton, left a fi days ago to- take a porition with T. A. Pefsot !k.C .TpVicooniM of see our young men going from home, but if they, can't secure reman era tire position if wilfwhot"blAroe thera. R P. Tayior accompanied Ir. S P. Burt to Chase City last week. He returned one day this week, and re ports that the Doctor is having a fine time recnper.itmfl:.w The doctor needed a rest, and he went to the right place, as the Mecklenborg is all that is claimed for it We've ben there. Rey $penoex Chaplin, Jr. general manage of the Cerolina Publishing Coandjeditor of the Daily Trr Heei, i of EInabcth Cityccompanied by his Mm K W HAniar n1 rlo rfrrnl mTi I . ( . . ' Tt!nl Mar. unrl inn Edward rtf fVnwp. 5. .V r7 r, nfettbMa.Kato Yarborc Thm- where - they will spend some tnne A Big Crowd and a Largt Dale gatlonVery Neat S trie I Pa radeGood Order Huilc by Wake Forest Brass Band. The Supreme Ixlpe of the Knighu of Gideon of this Huu. a Mcrtt onU cooipoAwl exoluirefly v4 txgrix i holding it anruuJ jo in Iojft. burg UiU wek. Ther are boidbg W. O. rwcMfy arxTtafcnl day cjb Jrlj la Ct OidT Weplcnti. Tbe total ctnsWr cf mrabra rmi r4kai:! 4 ilk im &7m oeth rrard. The Wont la Ytsr&, ThM tctkm yrm vmiu4 ImC Hi day BV'ol br oi :U cmm llJT, libtWarg Aftl ria that ih cll tvahUuM The dvmU were Uack, their meetings in the (jrm Uooa, tSambi rpiiy( itcTkiAg W and aivi up to TrtUrrd) eveolnr abpat 200 ibertaad ih rrnia aj Atrmn ts lor. delegates frcM the vara Vocal lad- ) ravlt. The lre butts gea, were tn iturwlmne. J. A. Joy- J bot LklO axi iW tm wa l nr, of Kinaton, u the Supreme Coo I di rkoe Lb fcUxkot U the tUjtA. I - !! r . a 1 w manoer, ana m, wun ui oUmt I lit. Jot j'non vb artowur si. i preme uroorns are here. I U Vcm Haim rtcmrmi a ixrm Tbey had thr an nail Kmt p 1 thock wkile ftneer l tJcJkd li rade, in fall rvjzlU, jecdjiy liter-1 electrical tMhchlnm Wt be mti Lbat W noon, beadel bv the Wak ForMt I wgl loom Uun Drrt tk&a bra band. I In tbe iWm of fywcmrtnMii i nue tn noraCx of UiemUs iveofc Mx. dvani lnoo fc and tvuturt are qaite Urgn, iltm pood I thirst va Lip ird tb litta wr order that has geneoeraliy prmiled 1 all rvgta mfyim Lb foQowiaig ajL. .ft ft ft m ftftl a ft . among mem na recn Trry xiveratrfy I Atot Z tiT4iooft vm rvt mtL commented on by oor peocJe. I oi work br t eietric icwm, tsA Work. lord's. 0 Mrs W. F. Joyner, of Garysburg, ii among the visitors to Louisburg guest of her son Capt. L. L. Joyner, of the S. A. L. Mrs. W. O. Thompson and little daughter, Elsie, of Luaaberton, re visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Beasley. M. K. Pleasants, one of thoee traveling men, who dub themselves "commercial tourists,7 was here this week to see his people. Mrs. E. H. Baker and two little daughters, who have been visiting at Mr. G. S. Baker's, returned to Ral- Death of a Good Woman. Mr. Emily W. JeffrvTm, widow of the late John Jfttreja, died at the "Col Green plac, three railee from Frmnklinto, on last Soxxiay rretu&c after an tllbete of ewneral we-eka. Her husband dieii about the dote of the civil war. and leave 11 unit llaU via kept be tW foU lowing day tuag Lbera im lalkiztg ordr Apim. B. Andrews and PtiU H. Andrews, I igh on Wednesday. of Raleigh, and of Mrs. Haughton, Charlotte, and Mrs. Robards, ot Henderson. The following from a distance at t snded the funeral: Col. A. B. An drews and wife, A. B. Andrews, J r., P. H. Andrews, Misses. -Mary and Lucy Andrews, of rtaleigh, Mrs. Robards and Miss Verdie Robards, of Henderson, Mr. T. H. Haughton, wife and son of Charlotte. Quite a Genius. A Times reporter in company with others had the great pleasure of visit ing the home ?6f Mrav WSf. S trick land, who lives hear here,: a few days ago. It watf indeed a treat to be hown a lot of furniture that was PINEY GROVE ITEMS. Some of bur ir'-mers v finTsh curing tobacco th:s week. Revl L. SMassey delivered a fine sermou at Piney Grove last Sunday evening. The little daughter of Lonnie Cot trl!, wW lms beeirqftdte sick, ;s, we are glad to say, up again. "Miss Pattie Wilder, wiio is a very cnjJrming young lady, was visiting in the neighborhood If t week. 1 Mrs. M. E. Clark and son, Charlie, will leave this week to make a short viftit to Wakefield and the writer Mrs. P. J. Carraway and daughter Mrs. Dr. Harrison, of Greensboro, are visitors to Louisburg, guests of Mis George W. Brown. Mrs. S. T. Wilder, Cashier of the First National Bank, left last Satur day to visit ner father, Capt John Fleming, at Middleburg. Mrs. J. C, Conway and Miss Lillie Hale, accompanied by Nettie Parriah, returned home from Durham where they have been visiting relatives. Messrs. J. N. Holding and Geo. Harding, of Raleigh, were in Louis burg on last Saturday, having busi ness connected with the Kearney- Scott case. Dr. J. E. Malone, accompanied by his wife, left Wednesday tor Rich wishes them a top made br her.PSQ?hasTa lodhCfwr n .shed completeiauj of phiccfe $ Jier own manufacture, ; vUpon .first sight one would hardly believe their own eyes, and when farther, examinations are made it becomes' mysterious, "that such a wonderful success could be made by a woman and especially with the few advantages machinery, CharHeMonteonierlof BannTand IMisaJgnie mwiitltsi spent Irt ounaay wiwi mr. m. r. air 1 B.A. - esidnt Igoveltk does ut expend all the $25,000 Congress ap propriated for traveling. expenses, will he turn the balance : into the con science fund, or leave the unexpend f bllancWettryT isiting Mr. W. T. Dean. Mr. A. C. Hughes came over from Apei and spent a day or so in Iai burg the'pist week. tIIe is thorough- lv entnused wttn tne wea xnxt the prospects for Apex's f atnre is exceed ingiy bright. He informs u thit building re already In coarse of erec tion by the purchasers of lots at the big ale whch took, place on July 4th, and that his company u planning to nave another sale of lota within the next few weeks. Mr. Edward Egerton, who ha been here spending a short vacation with his people will leave Saturday for Sc' 6 .ectady, New York, where he holdn a verv imiortant position m 4 i ft the Testing Deprrtnent of the Gen eral Electric Company of that city The company works 14.000 employ ees, and manufacturers ever) thing in the electriciMine, from a small lamp to the If "goat electrical machine. Mr Egerton ha been with thmptnr for more than two years and is verv fond of the worker It Is his ) ambition to master it in Ira 'every 'detail. iM fulf ol determination anthe Tf4an predict hat he 11 meet :th sao-oees. 5LC0HD F2IZL. Heodcritte'e HImwm Why rtj ISWUttK hboeki Haw Tele- ISbe waa 6 yeara of ttKm". Tbi pt wu t warded two chiklrcv, Mr. J. O.j tjad Ir Lle "lUfto V f Jeffrey, of Newark, X. J and hira. I tho Hoo T A Tigmpi A. D. Mitchinr, of the county. Two 1 Comrny. mm ft ft 1 brother and two fttr for. it her i wht itiit asi iMoctr Tbev are Mr. A. II. iWttv. of Hal- eigh and Mr. J. (. Grn, Mr. J. H. Jeynet and Miafid& Grrj, of F ra tiki into Ow The deoeaaed wat a lttVlooa ber of toe UeLnodut cfiarcu, wu a devout christian woman, nd gritlT bkTi by all wboe pl it waa to be ronli iraon? rr ac quaintanoe, the- ott It ad txka ha wttb Tatxrwcora. Tbe bjctrjri botLft trl ol fcrarve, bare pftyi far rivftll wmy rw9thmr ! mn xaclr place. Cmsx ihm ftrn bouSc4i axmftJl ioocmw aiLard ptboeft7 Tb pK& ift U2&atrr. Exfitrift-tM prr that 'ti uri tb The borial took place on Motviar I boojboid oz bor a day afternoon at th familv barvint; nvo than Uurty woritijr dire axiu-. grourvl near Kat Till e, ft ttenda.1 by . ffly, fcwbt ierJh of txt k iedc a namW of frvrvia and. relative I ioff tcm r:'i work. the dcjuM.i. Iter. N. K: CWtraiv, pajitor of the deoerfted, oondttrted the enr icee The following were the pall-hearer: B. W. Ballard, Mom Seal.W. 1). Spruill, 8. C. Vann, R O. Per nelt, H. E.Iiero. All Quiet at Salisbury. George HH;be ring.Udr of tbe mob that broke open the )afl at Sal isbury and lyocbed three of tbe ao cueed murderer ol the Lyrlv fami ly, waa conricted of corui piracy and aentMoedtothertritrOtiary by Jdg long for fifteen year. He has taken an appeal to tbe Sopretn Cocrt, bwt is already in tbe poilentivrr, wbere he wi uken for afe-keeping, antil his cxm can be beard I ne caas agamal the other for wboea true S were found by the grand jary were rxet-pooeduntn tke "rejrulf - term of Teachers Astoelatlon. At the close of tbe Institute for the white teachers Isst Saturday Su- mond, where the Doctor fll consul t J perintendent; White gave notice to a specialrst regrrding -physicw' 1 the teachers that It was Vi ' purpoee condition. ' " 1 to hold a tchers 1 meeting in LouW- Dr. A. C. EUis and wifr left " this burg each month, beginning Saturday week, after spendinc a short time Ibef ore. the second, Sunday fa Beptetn- with their parent Here, lortnetr Per. ai me nran meeung wow home in Austin, Texas!, They stop, awxaation will be organ'teti, and be pedoreraday in'Raleteh. earneatly orgw every white teacher a r. t, - W : r T. e county to be present. r. V-r ULa J UUU sua tuuu v v M-m m-jJ a a ve who has been visiting hia people in this county, came in to see us Mon- T1f fst TjlttAM kiJ t. I . 4. ifi llff'ft J day, on hia way baok to Henderaon, T " . whie heboid, a po.rtion .l Rwing .fax. .th toffic. .t LfOUXSuurg, n. nixaiwu iot; man; editor was pleased io snake L barroililrc-Q of 'Mi - fpld? JrienoV . ft w.jT f .f J r 1 VrrrrU M 4 1 ame over xroxni. Xb pHoo Laic?-eTr. It utm trtf to Lbe rroorr. rhftat, wooTYard, taeav market, and. many otbrv h ran rra&i, witiw. otrt error or diar, cbt;bt or Jbt, rtzs or sod wiotr, threw gb taor abd rain ftad baL 1 1 do, lb p-30ft aa a sk7 aavrt. Today. Uk ard lal or are tzcnrj Tbe pboo m worth tSe t1o of workinpr. ti rd. Th fcot it a cmptfi cJcolUx: d dr5rtfra be tween the rtJ of Utb ear! ftd onat of pbooe. Fact ati (ptrea abow thai ctrm caAOoi afford rxx to have p&oa. Nothing; b t io aft! of Lb cuaasiart and one Ttnria erne d icsf ftkAe to ye k ooe oeli at a occmc1i &cAo tn r &eax. Cooaiiet Lbe rxtertkw It ia re ftlftrrnioiao elarma rf kal c&eaesg-r atrrpof laru&l Ulior In pftjae d aanaie&L la oe eoMC Wrockd Rowan Sat tier Coort. i .... i The troooe were ent borne last tuSta ai' wk. the special Una was adjoara- " FTa ed, and aU b now ia Sftliabar. f h J r4 au poo. - M m it r I . ft T fW.r,ftft Ptmn Ha- in wr-"g - txn W -W fM mm m f - - the hand ft m ft Wii.irtnr nTL and anent lt . t - l v. T o-'r; . t-, re v " abov teuexa wtu hum tar uersa Sunday with! hi . Wri Wbcy are .4 . - 1 , -V;,;; ipending4iwhUft wit&ilner;peopl -njM V?TfVIIf.-TVlWc, KfrA ..r,. ...... ... i I t-atgwaWuUi J IA fcSa 'ir w- - ft -ft W --rw' - Jf,5i"hsr',fft Mr. ThoewS. Grady, I4atrict Dep. pbor-ka atil i roitr4 la uty and Orgnier,' Woedaaaa ef tbe tbe gArl rWbtk far ax&omAt of World, with b4 itttrtars ar yiftttoq, coal. will t rhve 'iejSitxfia y aad w21 re- - - j main aWtttadaj lb prpoe CaMtaB of orgaxuiinjjf a esap of Woodmen in Tbe WeS JZcxi zi Socib Eft - louiaborg. - Uazsti plyd a gaoe Tfcealiy e-rao- lliMipIeMji! cedez sf.darsioplng La which tbe West Hals woo great strength En Kortbf Caroirna, octbyateore of IS to 10. Orjw campa baling ben frtsthatad ia eiaxry tabic Wert Hal J tTIus Iter, Pocib of the bxrltrwt afldoorlUXl ftj lTbocsaj Rr7n. ' Tbe rpect. wvLl tnore' than Ukaly )oia tbe pro I tort prooown4 It a fa pas. i Mr: Grid V recent! r orn&kei 1 IrrdaTi tha rrt batwt ea the dxlm ct Hbcry B7d IiOckScx, soon U to 1 I . . am e tta lair of thw tame thMayTrrEl ofTt-!w w ax fte mmcm aye rblu Oak (Vsrp, No lW.J 10 Urv - ..... T ' ....... r-,.-- - V- f-:. .V.--, V 1 . if ft i ' V 1 I u ; 5 lit w H T : V '' f '