JAMES A. THOMAS, EDITOR. THE COUNTY, TBE STATE, THE TTHIOH. SUESCBimOM $1.00 FEB TEAJL VOL. XXXVI. LOUISBURG, N. C, FRIDAY" AUGUST 24, 1906. i I ) ) J FRANKLIN SUPE'R COURT JUDGE B. F. LONG MAKES A GOOD IMPRESSION. ; , Solicitor Daniels Prosecutes in his Usual Vigorous Manner -Much Business Transacted -No very Important Cases. The August term of Franklin Su- nor Court convened on Monday with Juige B. F. Long, of Iredell countv, presiding, and Solicitor Dan- ;flu representing the State ju.lire Long was detained ;on ac .,nt of a Railroad wreck, and did arrive until 3 o'clock in the after- noon, driving from Frankhnton. Court was promptly opened on the arrival of the Judge, tfl -jnry was drawn as follow: '""'T. W. Stokes, Foreman; W. M. Fuller, W. Bobbin, J. E. May, R l Thar rington, J. M. May, W . H. Tharring ton, I). L. Kearney, B. S. Kearney, i. B. (iilliam, J. D. Harper, R. H. (iriffin, S. H. Horton, J. W. Baker, Jno. F. Mitchell. J. for. vl.,. . , . r. Abbott, J. J. Murray. J. C. u.iror was sworn as officer to the I. rand Jury. The Judge's charge to the grand i jury was very snort. : The State docket t waa .taken up and up to yesterday evening the fol lowing cases had been tried or other wise dispesed of: State vs Charlie Foster and W. M. Person, scifa, judgment absolute. State vs Sam Hawkins, nol pros with leave. State vs Louis Bobbitt, a. d. w, iubmits, judgment suspended on pay ment of costs, and good behavior. State vs Tom Johnson, a c. w., unboiits, $15 and costs. State v C. M. Vaughan, submits, t 1 " and costs. State vs 11. B. Carr, defendant dis oi.inrnl on payment of costs. State vs Walter Yarboro and F S. Si.ruill, scifa, judgment absolute State vs Charlie Johnson, pleads auilty for carrying concealed weap 1 of an assault, $20 and costs. State vb Kobt. Perry, enters plea of nole contendere, judgment sus pended on payment of costs. State vs Nigel Thomas, enters plea of Dole contendere, judgment sus pended on payment of costs. St at a v fv Alston, failure to work roads, not guilty. State vs Wm. Joyner, a. d. w., $10 anl costs State vg J. B. Smith, affray, not guilty. . 1 T stafo ua I K t.nnton ana in or was discharged with the thanks of the Judge for their promj tness in at tending to the wprk; The Foreman handed up the following reports: We the Qrand Jury of the August Term of Franklin Superior Court, beg leave to make the following re port: We have made a careful examina tion of all bills presented to us by the Solicitor and returned true Iglls in all cases wherein the evidence justified. We have examined the lail in a THE PERRY MURDER. THEgpIiG" PEOPLL BALDY PERRY - INSTEAD GREELY PERRY. Mr. Norwood TueW. of Durham. Jlf 1 FT P. I! AVIS VII 1 PF L I wuns.w wwuwu. f- W II Pi...,... mnA mw4tm arwl OF THEIR AMYMBrrrS, IN, AND I Mr. M. C Pleasant and astrr. M HE WAS A KOTOB10US KAKU 1 - i OUT.OF TOWN. Sallie, left Monday few X.w Tort,) FACTUT1ER OPHOO.iSHlJ-IT Baltimore and Philadelphia, per. f.jr -, ... iwuuraore $.na muajepnta, ymr- The Murderer Still at Large And Those" Who Come and Go, the H fc rTsr" Hid AasaolUd and ThreaUnwl Intimations that he is Being SoiprPlunr,' Soma for yJ ' to Kill Cirj Wal dm p. Vhta Secreted by Friends Reward Business and a Large Nam- , Htr two Sons Pot an Cad to if ' i " T ' " herTJciixif e'They Uae It. of $25 for His Arrest. We were unable to get the partio-1 Mr. W&L Murray of Durham, : i i 1 KI...vi &.V: . body, and fihd the ceils in a cleanly cf the kilUng of ,Bald Peny, white, I Mr. B. IRoWof Henderon, k condition and the prisoners well carKi jty a negro named Jim Perry. The visiting Mr.C. 1'erry. for. shooting took place near Haynor, six 1 .Dr; T( Matthews, of Oj-talla, vve oavaaiso examinea ioe recorua mil Mouth ot inumhurcr on i rtum. of various County Officers, and find day evening of last week about 4 them well kept and in good order, .o'clock. Strange to say no informa- A committee of our body, con-I tion of the killing waa received here sisting of W. C. Bobbitt, W. H. unUl after supper Thursday night, Tharrington, and J Ji MuriTi made and even then nothing definite could an examination of the Home for the be learned --except that a white man Aged and Infirmand they reportj named rerry had been shot and kul WrefhintynftAjd ivith thaHome 1 ed bv a neflrro. bv the name of Jim in mw&mnitioP:ihe We have since learned that na P1 . . A- ' ' I ..." - ' I . - w . . . ! . - -. 1, r a i i i w v;n.. k i rtf Emk jvuTjin inn Rnihiran. oi tne inmates an were iouna rowms perwporBuua bv w mugi .:jtt7P7' " . . very cleanly condition and the in- made no attempt to detain the mur- Texarlina,y,xiaV ar fiiititig at Mr. mates ail say tnat iney are weu carea iuerr, mm w i " -"t was hi towa yeelerday Mist i)oraiter, of Raleigh, viailittg a Jdf. It. F. YarboroogbV Htr two Sons Pot an Cad to FaU Afiraiaat the Leans. the Would-be Hardsrtr. i Talk aboat baUJL Ul tSrrs W hire rtri ic4i kifS ytn Cr. to tM oa ilxmdry nimd TtHn Cbark. 'a txtoricm ooomMtMr ar3 ii v-lrkcr last that u worth sxenr. Th Fau" and tb Leaiu" fr liasd op giint othr, J. A- TbacoM uwjiir tpi mi ui vim ram Muj Yvate Htcrh 1 vtsiuns hex folk. Mr. Wnd F arm in from'Wax Forest vetterday to BoddU Captain of the IAnA. HlpvtMral. !U kUd at Vb 17 waa the Mm tim ol th rrt-1 of tn txaia W tS fcxsa of i yx to ci l Mary W inp. ad uS f Irani J cry MamojMxanta' ia TrW run. aod I tht rk rzr rr ball knht thtr aUampca at ratchto sod rtnk-1 Oltm ymrrtxxm fee ti kjJlic. Tbj tnr th h&ll vu flight to bsbotd. I RkMA tf-vf Pt-r VT ai4rv ainrB came boras 1 Soue ol the piyf bowrrar, mdol Mitt, iM arxXhrr agno tt.rzl Respectfully submitted, T. W. Stokxs, Foreman. and it is reported that the negro was Supt. W. It. Mill returned th'M seen by several persons during tne I week froa a; visit, to "aorna pont nigni. umcera weni iu searcu oi i oeyona luiieign. x 1 him Friday mornhu? and the Sheriff Mr. Walter Watson, of Warrn, offered a reward of $25 for his arrest. wu a gximt of his brother, T. W. Up to this writing (Wednesday Watson, tnia week. Mr. J. C. Foster and rife, of Caddie laurel, were guests of Mrs. Strickland this week. Miss Clara , Dyson, of county, Maryland ts visttuu; family of Rev John London. Mr. Ch&aG. Wood aocoropanUd Charles the Tobacco Notes. Tk. tiT n-fldnallv increasing morning) the murderer has not been in the warehouses, and prices are apprehended. It is thought by some t; tW rivAd at the 1 tnat ne remamea m uie neiguuoruoou opening sales. ' 8everal da and waa 8ecreted bv Strolling in the Riverside yester-" W I VvaaM nllV ITAPlTf AH day we found Mr. Jno. N. Harris "u J ' :'f. mi Ht - .. raanagiog things in fine shape hw !: mere are ooomcuug reut partner, Mr. S. S. Meadow, bem o. . uhk b hil wif. .d yurdaj at CJhioamaaga thia week with the tint th.en fell oat .bout a dog. ( to w,, hi, Wock. soldier boys. f, 1 MWui Mvrtie -.Ctmo. of Rockv m, . I sea tne necro s wue, we u ; . - - ;. . . ' The farmers are rapidly coming to I , u Mount, whdht3joeaTialtln5f at ; W. a close with their curing, and in air . ...... A Br56oWs, tpavea for h6me to-daj. IU1 Jill W BUEJLJk. I t; -ol. lr, h-T tht thA Mrs. Redding Perry, accompanied .witnesses should have allowed the Py her danghter M Leah, were negro to escape, without making any attempt to stop him. In such cases any person would have had the right to hold him until an officer could arrive. ee some fine eflcrUL. aod now and tba accidentally made a raoc fal flay. At the oioee ol th gxm, the ecor waa annooned a 10 to 9 in favor of the Ieana. Dr. F. K. Cook., lb -xpri- em- pirs was in charge of the diataood. and during the tntarvaia that be kpt hm from the row of fUy U di who were witnuMing the raxa. be gave meaaorablv fair dewoo. Another gaxiM will be f4ayd as soon as the ach aori paias can b ruVbed out of the boot of th Captains, John Yartanck- Tbr are aS ia )sU at VUi rhi&t. (Ticjijy taora. , tn ) aa4 rJ b Lr1 X thk Vrro coo inUy rfra frcca Ikhlag the paruclara, a W k do In it mrjjtii roake kt tort diS.nc ia a close wwn meir paring, nuu IU T r few days the sales.pn Jhe warehouse floors will look like old times. re- Flemim The editor of the Times has ceived the following invitation: Mr.llenry Everette Crouch requests the honor of your presence at the marriage of his daughter Nelle Claire to Mr. Percy Bryan Fleming n the morning of Wednesday the twelth of September nineteen hundred and six at ten o'clock Calvary Baptist Church Washington, District of Columbia Will be at home titer the first ot October, 630 North Blount Street, Raleigh N. C. Off For Chicamauga. The Louisburg Rifles left last Sun day morning at 9 o'clock for Chica mauga. Tney were taken to Frank linton by special train, where they joined the Franklin Guards, and the companies from Warrenton, Hender son and Oxford. Captain Thomas was very much gratified when the roll was called that the required number, of men guests of Mrs. R. P. Taylor, thw week. Mrs. J. S. Tomlloson and son, af ter spending some time with their people here, retorted this week to Washington, D. C. Mx. C. L. Thompson, of Centre- ville, passed through town this week, accompanied by his family, to viiit his mother in Wake. Miss Lillie Bowden, who ha beu visiting her,oouin, Mias Aileen Ikw den, near here, returned Wednesday to her home in Norfolk. Mrs. S. T. Wilder has returned from a visit to her people in Vanot , nr. W. P. Bridges Dead. Another old and highly esteemed citizen of thts county rmw sway last Sunday night, whea Mr. W. I Bridget breathed hi last. For aoca weeka he had been ill at the booe of hiafxiend.jCiaightaa MaJlia, where he died. The wrruc waa very food of the deceased and narnbred him among his beet IrW&da. He wa a kind-hearted man, an affciocaU father and a rood oilixeo. He was aboat 76 years of age. For qaiu a nnmUr rJ run Km W MJi ft JastioS of QfT For tlorahaad. Cap (tUciA, at Mortad, wae airkUv uodoi oU CactWIcrale Vaura&s" c4 tbs ?UU tot titr R- Ctxko this rk, sxai n m frxta iLe rapr it larrWr sUaodedL AtEMO those who weot ftrota bcr were Vstrrax A. 5. Swi, W. 11 HU, J. K- fwr, E. T. Ceoke. Socih of thsca nttsrskwi yeeuria j eraiA axxl report tLtl t!Wy hmi s vary tlfttaaat trtp. This jpwd worsts js-aa it lurred wtf of Mr. K. It. ?mhh. For bujsj rears tey vsJkstd ii till of life tothrt ln now u ari b h Uft aloct to ovtr Lis ai brrntarit. CW Cca HaU w Ut. Fb the Pesos, "and rerr aoospubiy filUd pd.l8T. wM cJy daH- .v, rvn.tv (mAjf ttr oi tas UU to;c aai Ara MV k'Wi MVU w V w w - l or several tertna. He leavse oos daughter, Mrs, H. C. TajUc, who recently moved with hrx hobsnd to South Boston, Vs The dsoeesed was a Mason and bsid his mecsbcr- hip with the Loeisburg kdg. Peace to hit ash. ITEMS FR0H CAST ALIA. Mrs, S. J. Bartholomew and chil UI1 Usis At tU ajrs oi 14 rtara wsj cuoTnsd anal )ccasd the lUptMt Charch of LoisiTf; wtre ah rnaxrksd a t&sb oaul te time of hi dsalh, Oo A3 22od, l!9sLe was uutsd ta OMrrhip to Kidis lUrrtU m;ih Tethes wrr taora two CihdrtA, a eoo ad a dsour. AonUPaali&e Hs coiU Cliilccd, rams tbsor acL, to nxKirn with tbtr fslbs lbs krrs- .lrn laft StnTv! T to IMQll tWO and is again at her post as Cashier of I wyeks with hu toother in Northamp- ! Fu k KJf rttr t diet, agTeed upon. State vs Walter Hawkins, c. c. w., and costs. State v Henry Brown, asssult, finel 150 and 30 days in jail, the wmmigiioners to bit out; ut rs J. F.- Scoti, assault; the First National Jank m anr r T StnkwL F. W. Wbe less and 8. j liennett left thu wwk for New York and Philadelphia, to buy their stock for the fall. Miss- Annie Strickland left one day .uim tV t ttnr! mrritr of a tuio c lady friend at Kenly. From there ahe wiU visit friends in Burlington. . - Jjr. V. C. rerton ana aingwrf wrft in line readv to board the train The bride is a very accomplished The following is a list of the names wo.,1 (iunton a. d. w., not guilty as young lady, and the groom is the ef- Gf the members of his company, who 1 ' Of I ....11 1 I - -w m T U) Norwood, $5 and costs as to I. ti ficient ana popular msoiuuuuiu o-. lett nere: api. auuiuhb, ' in the State Treasurer's office at Ral- ond-Lieutenant W. W. Boddie, Ser "IU)l)ll. i I ... n a TWman. ifrh. His host of friends in Louisburg orean 8 m. E. Winston, J. L. Palmer, uiw; vb j. .w-..-.-, i -o . . I Polling without license, special ver- his home for the present will join L. B. Hargrove, A. W . ferry, J n the editor in extenuiug wuiaiio- u. n. ranxs; vxrporjuB . " tions in advance of the happy event, liamson, A. W. Person, Joe Uxxell, S. G. Boddie, J. A. Turner, ITivates Cantain Nowell Dead. R. M. Beasley, Ed. Beaaley, L. B. . . 1 tv J T f IVknrk AfatfKav The people oi tne wmmuu,y . . ... vWdn M. c. M verueh t "C Cat o Durham wk u w 1 when it was annuonced that Collins, Roy Davis, t. S. arp, ai- State vs JsaalDavia faQute to Caii William ioftin Nowftl e bert Gupton, H. E. Hight, W. B. visit relaures. work roads, guilty. engineer on the Louisburg Railroad, Joyner, J.J. Lancaster, vv.rv.iua- Mrs. J . ou0.uW State vs Tom Massenburg, 1. and wa8 dead. ' senburg, Peter Monger, J. R. Perry, from Richmond lot Saturday, and the repleads guilty, 8 months : iu jail He feeling unweU Wednesday W. J. Perry, C. H. Roberls, J. S. Doctor returned yesterday. The oommissioiien to hire out. morning and laid off from his work, Strickland, Louis Southall, W. B. Times is glad to note that he was State v. Major Stegall, 1. and r but there was nothing serious feared Tucker, C. F Upperman, A. W. benefitted by baa trip. nl niirht when Drs. Yarbor- Wilson, Jr- A. G. WUaon, S. S. Wil- w w pAad to meet In town pica.iH Kuuvy. I . 1 o ton county. J. B. Rio and family, aorxxnpa nsd by Miss Henri Tisda, of Wakefield, are tinting hb fitKrt, D J S. Rio, this week. Mr. OixxnwsIl Bruwell, one of our beet and most smoosswfal tsrtoersi and stock raiser, has lost, fro chol era, hit entire herd of blooded hog. Meeara. Jacob Battle and R. R brv Tasaalay Mr. Tom Bartholomsw and fami ly Uft Saturday to visit Mr. Irs father In Granville, and Mr, B. win go to Greecaloro to take a oaorae s pharmacy A Rnrt were called in. They liama, Wilson Harris. ,utev,ry H.n m . s fr I Meadow, aocompied nce)Pieaa guuij, juagmem .u- -- .. - .,..; , hnr. and will .ooeruitend the nn ai.i.Mi'.Bi ua, ausiw w -WW I J aoon saw there was no hope for him, "eating department He knows , .mMr oKrknt. 3 .-.VlnAk I hnw to do it. and the Rifles axe 2U1U UC lhukwu ponded on payment of costs. State vs Cephas Horton, removing fence, pleads guilty, judgment sus pended on payment of costs. State vs S. E. Davis, taurder, not " .Z7 t,. guilty. Th severe storm of Urt week was .v.. kt. Km In T& aar. and be- o I w aw -- J .u:- V M r Tfna N Waiaotu of 1 mA waaldncf ewjr all of the bridcw Warren county... He baa a number in this section,' the Jaruage ercjw . .i. .: -r.n wmrsT dillffhted V T- m laOIU a-iw - o l . . . . .ii to see him looking to well. V daXST eoShiM 11 b" ar-f M.1IU TlhTwrfflin rBiorned I ?nL ..1- !i?-! Vr ih In feeews of a nolhert tsttW krre as! iuw kj- ri i lxu w jj7 - " ia week from Marion, N. C, where I aathority whbee Ut? H is to have hmi hith had t-a d--ir rg For IS Last fsw rKUbs rdlj prt woo aJ rt boaae f-liia thai th tuoe of hr deptrisrr aras al had At eaijfct-1 o'clock Moods y r tmii J U 1 tH ahs oloMd W eyrs so ; orvi of xih, a&d -rwi k&to mtt thai r !-- to tcis cf God- TW thirty cut rsaare of her srtv- lv Ui ars taasI bet tWt Lr c aa sjrevitv of the Ilssii tif-. ll ii s4 to kztv Ihil vs wl ml oo toors bra, bt w w3 asrt ta UeiTto. For srrerii kf ton the had born the a-iarCaos accs rlxxrikxtfy sd4 with tSe aperi of a the wrrtsr kxsw bar t ba. Vwl rl itijSMIMirhl to frieods and obora, add b ti-a ms Ue ask. kSi wMwver fsZt, Wl t2kose wbo ber Imd, withoet tmml A aij UiWtyiD0tMsr LUsd. if travg he :t.".'. ':----vr ' ;r.a w "4'v f--"-.- )rj. w a i-jrrii -, i a1 i . iULuiuLte. mmv w j -" t i a i . a . e .. - iMAna i - luty. rt -foiir bom and oneoaugnwr. menac fort the Wi4roUa bcd. Sute vs Bob Perry, 1. and u . irt iw- , Un. b-anive core sJy to , - w V-? .fs. ,Tm Tit. - c4,r Th .. -! . j i nu raooTW-u uviu . wua -1 n . m.Miun. guty, R. u. Hicks, prosecutor, taxed uinoa. j?" .-"tzzzrr antnony .uavis, jonu ruuw . i uaiiwe wiuvr. with the costs. Jf I .,1inrw r..Z:. Sim Kearney. Dr. K. . u ."T- A00 .!"T"" TJTl L Mar be . .J,,JM Quite atixmiberotpeopleere at cood-bye, and left last Friday lor eerereryv "TZf rWL owtM, vb iwoi. xiayw, iui-jr, ' to Kaieignwnere uey wwc I . , . . i .vl'-il " ?..: v.,l k vr.r, n I yoir.Drour w w TJ guilty. in Oakwood Cemetery. . tae aepo to see Ix--' r-. - rWtr rodi itdial tUfiatioa - I .. B l IV. --.-.l - . 4 " " ' . - F . . Mm MM mm mM w mwU-m WmmTWrnm T riW fWW wW W I -. - -. . T . , U The deceased wcoeaea i . i taj.omce.. lDr. Malawi, uaxwora aiit -w Aumu, uj. tfTSmlAff aa ncineer of the . ,i .-- rV TV,metth , ;T L TheGrandJurrfinied nP their I - ,11 Wness on WdnaadaT ereninie and tnenda -;ti n - - jDOTg. N I- . e v n- ilfnrtmle in bavinz ninx witn tnem. yesisruajr t jSfe n r " . . Mlkt. I - V-.vi.i. ff . 5L: I rlti. TTT.1T .. . MtMtAikhava'. UIH l W ..w r I r . . . I .... . . Mr.iNoweUwa70iyeanoiAage rnww.-. , .it W ktr. Mr. W. I them worked. .Tbewnts loegi w to ctezur tS akdieesawifeliidffivfedre ie boys ad the foUowing colored Htamanv frienda.here o'hhway tafcoved rrfbtf ailna May Oed ?o& and on dughterJ -They Un accompanied the ; the road. f v m m a-v, tt , j -oitaM WMt. I will be glad to i earn mat wr. aionoo i , f UJ z tt o o UJ X h z o aad ! Toa. rsJcooe akeVi

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