4 i of m . . ' . ....... . . j , . t t " '' " - . . : ' 1 1 .i ., ' JAMES A. THOMAS, EDITOR. THE COUNTY, .TB STAl'E, THE TJKIOH; SUBSCRIPTION 51.00 PER TELLEU VOL. XXXVI. : ' ...... ii ... .i , LOUlSBtJgG, N. C, FRIDAY AUduST 31, 1900. KUJIEER ZZ THE SOLDIERS RETURM; - jjjrjj SEHRliCpHVEimON THE ,, MOVING.-. PEOPLE fk)d behavior. ARRIVED HOME LAST SUNDAY Thconr na " EVENING ABOUT FOUR. from Chicamauga said-that he had Deen naming soldiers for ten DAWES AND THORNE SENATORS FOR SEVENTH DISTRICT. vears Thev Renort a Fine Tpiu Can- and tWa tbe most orderly crowd u - , ... thatheeverhatded. The boys did tain Thomas Proud of the De. . ' :, ..-vv- v wouu wuie wwD, cooniy ana iae i)OPtmentof hlsf Boys-rhey $id nortfcstatel Let us try to do Were Gone Just One Week, even-better next year. The Louisburg Rifles returned last OaptThomas and Lieut. Boddie . -'w lift ts I " "si The Convention Met In Nash ville Last Friday All Coun ties Represented New Dis trict Committee Elected. The Senatorial Convention of" the Sunday evening from -canipinent were praised by every one who knew Leventh district, com Deed of the -II 3 . 1 V I . i tc . . . . . 1 r , at vnicaraauga, ana ine ooys report uaeui. j. waniw inanK Dotn or mem counties 0f WUfon Nash and Frank- a nne trip. At tne request -ot tnei as oneoi tne-pnvates, tor tnen- kind- lia raet the town o Nathtufi on editor Dr. C. H. Banks (one of the ness and courteous attention shown Rifles) furnished us . the following 1 us., ,. , , snort BKetcn ot tne trip: , Jir. lancasters sicsness cast a On Sunday morning at six o'clock, shadow over the company, and we when the bugle began to - sound and ar-glad to hearthat heiffmgood the drum to Dear, tne Doys ne&an toldeaiDetter and will tooa w ow assemble and make preparations for again. f-v rnri Friday of last week. The Chair man not being present, J. A. Thorn as. tne memoes ot tne district com mittee from Franklin, called the Cn vention to orderatid B. Q. Alford, of Nashville, was elected Secre tary. toe trip. ifWy wire aboardJliie,trauil Thbdyare tired? when ftoey Upon a roll call it was found that r uj "" - j v au me counues oi tne a is met were nies from Franklmton, Uxforxi, Hen- taken Uie tnp. 1 he boys that stayed The names of T. T. Thome, & !?!)(. IUJ1 Bk THEIR ilOVEIIENTS .IN OUt OF TOWK. AND derson and Warrentoni The trip at . home don't know what .they Nnh nd Mn l TiaBrMi n wn. was a little tiresome for the boys, but missed. . s r son, who had been recommended by they enjoyed it all the same. We Let us hope that all ifcfr boys; rill their respective counties, were unanl- arrived at Chicamauga Monday about go next year. Boys lets come to mously nominated by the convention 9H)0 a. m., and were taken to Snod- drill and have the best company. in an(j were declared the nominees of grass Hill where the 1st and 2nd the State. We have th 'tnaterial the Democratic party of the district. l ennessee regiments and regulars ana we can do it. r Tne name 0 jjr. Thorne was were drilliner. there we went throueh ' CD C I -r-r . a m ft hort drin lftfnm w wnt tn camn. u poaJOe arrival ot tne company And Those Who Come and-Go. - :t n t - - - some mr Pleasure. Some for Business and a Large Num ber Because' They Uxe It luiss iesi Jtoocks is nsiUng in rrr: j C. L. Beaaley, of Chiae Chr, Vi.was in jtoVn thl week. ! Hrt. K. IL Davia and .chfldrea of CrcWsboro, Tishin at tb Col- 4 tfMise KltirelU , pf Kttnil are visiting therr sister Mr. C B. C2eU btm. f , i t - i' t Mrs. Wyltnta Ayoocke and little . ... oaoghtr, are viaiung her people at wifl retimed Florida, rtttiu of T. "II. , WH4cr. Mrs. MclTer was foroerty 'MI TLaa McIrtoh,a&d. atttnd4' tehod at Louibxtrg Female CoIVgv, ' Mr.' Henry L. Thocax, of !Ulesb aooorapanied by Hxtter Wuhe TLoo- ajcame oreratxl spent two dija vith . V ' a M .a. He is still cuuiag etlico' for BojUa 1'eirt & Co, lieutenant GoTemor F. J). Wbv- tn came orr froca Raleigh and, pnt StuxJay with h , abttf. Mra K. 8. SjifaEt lfe tt a nimUr of tbe State Book Cosnakaooo. whch has I tan iartog the tpeelar of U rj- rtaentaurea oi um Tanoc took acxh cros the past week. T THE ! GRADED SCHOOLS" WILL OPEN OH TUESDAY. SE?- s TEHBEB THE F0 USTTLT Examinations are Kow In pret ented to the Convention by U. G. Alford, and that of Mr. Dawee by When we arrived at camp the m its armory and after being thrown . .... . I mm ma ortri mvan noraia raat tha I 0 boys began to get mighty blue and & ry ke of tbejr candl? t , a it r company upon mouon i mr. jl. , tnanv of them vwed if they eve, company upon reached home again thev would never Turner' 8ave three 5heers to tbeit go off again with the military com- ver eficint CP to pany but after the. tente were apPiation of hfe attention given pitched and everything arranged and them during Aeir trip This was dinner served the boys began, to he appreciated by the Captak as Of good cheer and to enjoy life. evidenced by his warm word of On Tuesday at seven o'clock we '' , , - ; . Were ready tor driU-the regular cor- Ptof Thomas stated that jas porals took charge ot ouraquada ad r. 7 r:,7 r,-"T Wflaon, that he Inttructea. Jlrah2driD '-wv retnmea ritajK The boys were free to go wherever they wished until Wednesday at 7 a. m., provided they did not get on guard duty. On Wednesday we went through pretty much the same as of the day before. By tins time the boys were settlecfxlown and en joying what was in store for them. The boys had been told some awful tales about what they would have to go through with. But by this time they began to realize that it wasn't as bad as it had been represented. On Thursday we were put on pick et duty. A signal was fireJ and we had an imaginary sham battle; after the battle was over we returned to camp arriving about noon, then the boys were free to have a good time and they surely had it from then on. On Friday morning we were up and had breakfast and ready for duty at six o'clock. The men were all searched to see if any had loaded shells, then they were given thirty rounds of ammunition for this was the day for the TBham buttle. The crack of the jifles and the boom of the cannon sounded like real war. After the battle, was over.vwe re- sham battle. -1, dates and their speeches were receivV ed with much applause. On behalf of Frant'in, B. B. Massenburg made a very appropriate and enthusiastic speech, in second ins the nomina- tions. On account of sicknees Mr. Dawes was not present, but the convention was assured by tne delegates from I would accept ; and would be beard from during paign. mXi i nome was present, ana in a short but patriotic speech, ac cepted the nomination. A new .district executive commit tee was elected as follows: W. L. Thorpe, of Nash, Chairman; O. P. Dickerson, of Wilson; J. A. Thom as, of Franklin It was one of the most harmonious conventions ever held In the dis trict, and the Times predicts that the nominees will be overwnelmingiy elected. this week from visits to Richmond and Weld on, r. Prof.-W'rUndetnaijoi Selma, wi among the visitors to Loatsbwg this week. Mrs. S. J. Parham and children, of Greenville, are guests tt Ir. J. K MaloneV Miss Alice Spruill returned this week from a visit to friends In Jack ion. N. C. Dr. S. P. Burt went 10 GoWsboro during the past week on a profes sional visit. Mrs. Junie and Jennie Dnxxa. of Henderson, are venting at Mr: 8. S. Meadows.' j , Mra. P. Boddie and little dtgb- ter. returned Wednesday from a visit to Jackson. " r5i Fet to AUaw Octiia Pupils AtUad-Ccmlir St slon Very Tixnzltlzz will opta TmUj, 5ecbcr au pfiM mttmm- rrta.ts or , be aicud trm ot tri:. KocriieilietB w2 be e&ah&srj r-a oa jcMoi of uckioa as fgdarwc For tsoh of tiae Ten focr Gradoa For all UrW Cea, IXM turned: to camp arriving about 11 O'olocif. i ' . All the officers and men took in the sights in and about Chattanooga. The most favorite trip was to Look out Mountain where you could view seven states. The scenery from Mt. Lookout is beautiful and the man who failed to go up doesn't know What he missed. It is impossible to describe what you see on this mountain. Chicamauga Park contains seven thousand and ifive nacres, reserved and kept' by the : U.?S. Government, rne roaaa are. Deauuiui, even oeiier than dur streets: The weather was fine while there, tt only rained'? a IhUe Mday nlghtJ The sun wWhot, but the mghtSkwerj cool enough to sleep under blankets The boyrhad plenty of aomething zood to eat the entire time.' I heard no ona complain ot the. fare. The company b greatiyindebted to Mr. S. S. Meadows, our" caterer. . for the good things he gave ua to eat. y Let us hope he will gowith the company azain next year. ' Our company w?s cempliinented Damage by the Rains. Recent rains have done much damage to crops, bridges,' and mill dams in this county. ; Last week the bridge across Sandy Creek on the Warrenton road was wrecked, and we heard of several others that were damaged. This week the "Sm Per son bridge" succumbed and the abut ment of the new iron bridge at Lau rel was washed away. (This has beem:epaired.)-The bridge at the dyke on Lynch V creek also went this week. We have heard of no damage to bridges on the river nor to any of the bridges on the south side of the river. The dam of Jones mill at Lau rel was broken, and we learned yes terday that the dams at Whitakers's and Gill's mill were destroyed or partially wrecked. Low ground corn, especially on the river and creeks, is badly .damaged, if not totally de- ITEMS FROM MITCHINER. stroyed. Yes,!we are having a plenty . Later. Mr. H. H. Hobeood was rain utT this7wav. in town yesterday evening and in formed us that Anderson's bridge over Tar river near I the Nash line, was goneS A large raft .was. washed against the bridge,, wnicn is pruii 01 wood, and it gave" way in the middle, both halves going down stream to gether. He alsp said that Ferriirs iron bridge,' was "in danger, as a large raft had lodged against it. Franklla Superior Court. . . . , 1 Th Acguft Una of Traailla' S. perior Court axpcrvd by nfnfurbo 00 Saturday evening list. Oar U week1 report of the prooeedlap doted wtth Thursday tiuraooo, Io aJdilioo to the cacs rrr-orUd, th followinff were tried or oiberwiM dwpoeedoi: Stale va WUUe Harrk, a. d. 1 pleads guilty, 6 months oq rcda. Stata va Dake Mitch2l, rrx Id days on roads m addition to forratT sentanoa. Stata ti Tom Gren, 1. and rn guil ty, 10 months oq roeda. State va Nithxn Inbonh, Wsl ing town ordinanos, JckJjrmsot of lower court aftrmed, deftoiint to ply all rcsta. State v lUrry Tsytor ai VkJa Branch. I'trry bi& dL nol pro as to Viola Bnrrch. State va John HiflUrd, mx gBty. State vs J. Y. Medlia aod Dock Young, Continued. Suteti Lee Jornr, a. d. w. pleads grnhy, judgment aoipeoded Ul riroc to tbe oamlxlio ttrlies Tbe c&Ul aim cl ocr tr t pYpsre pf thorueafy la Ok faryiuatnUl hruxJ, and tr laifcrv theca wiih a dre Cor ckc at tended koowUiga. K mini lion iar airakos wiH V Uld attbs Grsdl ScSoot UiVgrg 00 Arttst to, 21 arkd SpUvber 1. It b feaportant &at a3 fTJ cw Uf procsftly at the bgiisia of ta wiirjo; ti4 tr boa xtjU tx pBpila who hare ttoi tn tchcKA wiU ply for edmfrinfi to the Ftrst Grd aftae the end of Cm fcm mocnik. IWpeclfaDy, W. TL Uilu, 5sfta lMriT: W. BWkett and famtly laft cn virmttX of tcL . , yesterday for-a trip to'tiw'lnioolat Revival Service atPlney Grove. We expect to begin service of meeting at Piney Grove next Sun day. Service at 3:00 in the after noon and at 8:00 in the evening. During the week the services will be at 11:00 o'clock a. m and 8:00 p. m Public cordially invited. L. S. Mahskt. of this State. N Mr. Fred WV Hicks spent! last Sunday with a very dear friena fn ay w Hilllardston. Mr. Foster Brown, who has a po sition with the Chicago Portrait Co., is visiting bis people here. His many frierids were glad to see Mr. W. M. Shaw, of Petersburg, Va-, in town this week. Mrs. Lelia Williamson refured last week from a visit to relatives in Wake and Johnston. Mrs. C. K. Cooke accompanwd by Miss Eleanor and CharleeHi visiting ner people in rranatinioa. Mrs. A. T. Edwards, of near In clement, mistrial, new trial ordervd. State ra Maroelltui Prrr, fale pretense, continaed. State vs Ernest Jar ksm, contin ued. State vs WalUr XfitchXlt called and failed, judgment, nlti, scifa and capias. Bute vs Ernest AJUn, called and failed, judgment nU, socfa and cap- Htate vs Sidney I-eooard, c, c. wn $15 and cofta, State rs Porter RufBn, c. c v, 00J proa with leave. State vs J. F. SeoO, uaaah, and oosta, appeal. State vs J. F. Scott, a. d. ti gleside visited her grand daugher, and costs, sppeaL of Meeting of Teachers Associa tion, Miss Mealie Winston, of Youngs ville is visiting Miss Dickens. J. S. Pruitt and family have re turned from a visit to relative at Dexter. ... i " Your correspondent regrets to chronicle the illnesa of Miss Ella Woodliel ' The crops pips "looking fine" but whether we will baye a "good turn out" is yet to be seen. ' 'ft f trr ft W. S. Proitt killed one of tha largest snakes in his pond last week that has ever been seen in this: sec- tbn. He also killed 77 The protracted meeting at tne Bap tist church last week was- largely at tended and -j we heard a -number of fine' sermons. Baptixlns will take place at the church haxtSonday. Mrs. Elmer Duke, who has been The-meeting of the Teachers' As- visiting her father, K. J. Terry, has sociation of Franklin County will be returned to 'her home in Warrenton held at the court house in Louisburg oa Saturday, September 8th. The association, was organized dur ing the recent institute Allof the white public school teachers of the county will be members but the in- vitation is'oorddially., given to any teachers to join and take part in the exercises. The sessions will . begin at 11 a, and will be held on Satur day before the second Sunday in each month. ., . ' y ; At the coming session several mat ters of interest will be discussed, par ticularly rural libraries, how to secure them, and how to. use them;, -also supplementary' - reading . in 5. our schools. j Fobsyth county .Ja oompleting a new county home - which has all the modern conveniences 'and will coat about 125.000. Mrs. K. C Perry, the past week. Mrs. Chas. Ainsley and little son Dwight, retuf bed yesterday from visit to her pe-ple in New York. Mr. 8: P. Boddie want! down to Jackson and sttent last Sundav ' with 4 hia Sttte vs Joe Kuffin, oot g2ty. Sute vs Shnoo azd Pwr Ward- rop and John Yarborotgh, mardw. not guilty as to Yarboroogh; the two Wardropa wrro found gtdlfy ot taaa- lauffhter. Tber wtrav stattaced to 1 mole. whoerVmtiflff-UUre, moaua aon m 11 tlalingthalU finished the for j t , . 1 k ,'lvinc evklraUynot Urving tha ousmou mp. u .v.,..Ku u. ..... - , v i.t t,- v.. a at T I l.t J xr: I ' airs, aiue niwiua 1 borooch ws the tv man. thoweb Lucy returned, last week frum an ex- L M dtlimito cub lha tended visit to the ecrtern part of the 1 nr. rJr4: SUte. ntate va v . a. jitiratix, t. ana r MattnL Talmmcr Strickland and not guilty. Harry Ajcocka returned jeeterday from a trip to Europe, ana uvey nave .Left Tor IfcclrrTrir Hcsie. TUvC XL ttllu Thiers aai iaaff-vl laft yewtcrday far thecr ctv boeaa k Kdmtoo, where ha hxs aoorpied C call eruoded Lira u the fiaatorsVa ot the IUfirt charth cf that plaoa. Mr. Maahbem wji calUd as puttor of tbe Bepckct charch in. Locitbcrg aboct fbar ytxra ao. rtwoaeding Ilrr. Forrest Smith, and deriag Lit stay here he hc bra fakhf al to lis cm gregaxioa. and has caade a large sea. tt rf (rMods ia the oosssxehy whoMi pood wishes 0 wkh hha tsA his pool family to thlr frtw hoen. Iota to teD. i t Mr. W.Neilrerttrntd this vnk from a visit to Panacea. S priaira. Ha I left hk laniifv at .thr4 strinirt for a few days. Misa Matilda Foater arrived home Wednesday from' AmhyviDe. N. Y. She will haveiharge of the Art De partment of Louisburg Col lege. air. iu . Wales, wwe ana uuie soa Maurice, and' daughter, lilliin, of Petersburg. V4' are rySting" Mra. J. 23. laancaater at LAjnanurg iioui. 1 . wltr.E. A. Jonea and wife, of Porta- U. D. C . Tba BMXtthlr taedog of th Joa. J. Taf is Chapter will baheli b tne Maaocie tun, eonceaay axitmooa Sept. 5th at 4v o'clock. Maa. F H. Swux. Irt Maa. It. H. Davra, fcV Tobacco Ko tea. Th warahowaw had right ood sales last Friday: Tobacco Bts are looking for high er pries aa the aeaeoo advanoee. . .Tha oootlauad rain hava doraaa ed tha slta cf tha axles aocaawbat ; Mrtsra. J. J. Ilklurr. of the Ixw mrmtK . V have been . iruasts tbe I TarbJ .Tobaoco Oonrpanr, arw G. A- . aaV Ar M " tVt ir I Joneal of the A. T. C, wtra co the tT . . w . . n . liilMiWliV. Tnav ara both '"vaarr eigntospenaatew oaya. I a cordUJ weloooa by the obaoco 'Amontrtha TKitnrs In town are bon" ooacally whm thtr taaka Mr.DrE. McIfar a wifa. of Oca As Eajtryahls Erenlnx. On Frilay ensa. At run Ui Mr. J. A. Dssietcave al LW bos near Flat Bock, aa ice orwaa rvpf-r hooor of Mist Hary Had of Grvrrtoo, and Mist Cto3 Chara pioo cf Yoc-nprrilU. Aa the taopa dsl not hht lar. ISits were bcat in trt abod the grors, Theae lights wtre sf!Loiecit for tbe yoag pwTple to se to prooa&aJe tb ivrore. After the crowd had - talked. awhSa the tauskiana Ua to jiij and ntrtahkd the crowd by ibdr Ipood tacaaeantU k was asaocnoa thai "all thbigs are now raadr. Hr. Dt &kl led the Mst ecltothe tahW where there was plea: of maxao aa. Wh rrery body had ratcra ed to the pariora tanta was riia nnderad whta sll ware ipari: rnonert. to lb tibUa. This ti lot crecm crrvd, add rpin rrpcilady traata hmkag rtrdrrl al ech basrvah Harard BaKorwooi F JrZrnjx, CUveZand tad Ekabtrd Per. grracou Others maset vai Kami Frtm w WkwtOQa, Back TkshcrUka, Oas BaddrraUtCacbl Chxirjw, Karl Mead. IJktW Afiiie and Hary CTT- ton and little Hiss ,Z2as Lfrtoa. Mmcti. rppa, IYBrtTTheaW2rofw Crt, Best, frisk trI J ot LaTloa auti Harttf lUclard Laylsa. Jlr. tal lira, f Lxrk Laytoo, llr. and lira, LsrtoQ and Mr. C XL CXino. body SBwoT t aa)?y the . vary each and : ahoct . ir..il. -nirti tb erVrd Wra U ra hoo. We a3 boe to rpend tnooer " a . t-