- V , -V . V ; , -, . ' - -- - - . ...... JAMES A., THOMAS, EDITOR. THE COUHTY, THE STATE; THE UHIOH. 4 - t sunscaiPTioH 51.00 pes txjlj VOL. XXXVI. LOUISBURG, N. C.f FRIDAYl SEPTEUBBR 7, 1908, A ' " ' II I fc. - - . ' -. , ' m- . - . - L: : . BRADED SCHOOLS OPEN, r ATTENDANCE QUITE . .LARGE lae, :May,RG. Ayescue, T. P. ON THE OPENING DAY. SuperintendentMills and His , . v t - M . . Excellent Corps of Teachers Prompttyat Their Posts of Duty at the Beginning. .-: The Graded Schools here opened, accoraing to announcement puDiisnea m tne i imes last weeK, on mesaay t morning. At the white school all of the teachers met ' Superintendent Mills promptly and the pupils were quickly assigned to the various grades. The teachers oJ the 'Vanous' grades are as fellow Miss Georgia Joyner, ? Second Miss Florence Terrell; Third -and Fourth Miss ,Utie Harrison; fifth and Sixih Miss Maiy Yarborough? Sev- enth and Eighth E. L. Best. Su penntendent Mills informs the edi- tor that nearly 175 "children were present at the opening of the white school in which were a number from outside the district. He is very much gratified over the prospects for a successful session, and hopes to get into the new building before the cold weather. Let us all hope that , the building committee will spur matters up and complete the build- ing without further detay, A word to the parents: The teacners can ana wm ao a greax oeai . 1 Ml T J 1 1 I wwara me euuoauou wi cuuurcu, but there is a duty for the parents to perform, and unless the children are made to know that they must study their lessons and be punctual at school, they had as well stay at home or "go off to play." inecoioreasi uoui mmer tue priu. cipaistnp ot x, . um aiso openeai tsu iuesuay wiui wi uuuW over one hundred. His assistants ivre Mrs. Flora Green, Annie Dnnston and Quinnie B. Yarborough. County Commissioners. The Board met on the 3rd, all members present. After reading and approving min utea of last meeting the following I h -w-fc I business was transactea: li. o. jjos- ter tendered his resignation as atana- ard Keeper, which was accepted and R. G. Winn was unanimously elected to fill the vacancy. He tendered his bond and came before the. Chairman of the Board and qualified. Nettie Bartholomew's allowance was in- creased from $1 to $2 per month. Report of Dr. R. F. Yarborough, Superintendent of Health, was re- ent. The following business was tei-s of the King of Herat; but, as ceived and filed. The application transacted: runs the course of all true love, it has for a foot-way in Dunns township, The usual monthly accounts were ita troubles, and, in the endeavor of was referred to committee appointed allowed to various officers and a few the gallants to assure the return of on Anderson bridge. J. H. Cooke other accounts allowed. the passion, a local fixer ot hearts is was appointed to investigate condi- Messrs. Bailey, Spruill and E. S. called in, and from a mixture of his tions of Gill mill dam in regard to Green vere appointed a committee to brewing which he serves to the placing a bridge on same, and report get bids on electric light bonds. daughters of the King arises the to board. Mrs. Pattie Perry's three The correspondence between the hmt cf txoubles that are the inheri children were placed on pauper list Filter Company, was referred the tance of comic opera4star part. After at 2.per month rewmmended;. by TSrn At&ay tKcertamJwheth much music, many ensemble num Cemmissioner Y6ung.: Superinten- r there is any JnMngemeht on -the bers, a host of pretty girls charming -dem E. WUliams reported & white patent of &e filter sold the' town. - ly gowned in clicking dances, the and 17 colored inmates at County The request of Beasley & Griffin pi0t unwinds and restores the daugh Horae. N. B. Youn was appointed to erect a corrugated stable on the ters to the King, and, in addidon,he to have dyke repaired hear Four site of the old stables near the river acquires quite an assortment of sons Bridges. The clerk was authorized was xe-referred to the Building Com in-laws. One of the most irarxrtant to notify the several bridge compa- jnittee. features in focusing popular attention nies that the contract for rebuilding The taxes for the current year upon the piece is the tuneful score of Anderson's bridge of iron would be were levied by a unanimous yea and Victor Herb art, for it is said the corn let at the bridge on Sept. I&tb, and nay ,vote as.follows: poser has done few things tterJJn Commissioners Collie, TJzzell and Young were appointed committee to let same. Ottoway SummerviUe was stricken from TjauDeri list-rbeine dead. W; H. Pjerjyrwas allowed.-Ho; take Tom Masse nburov coloredi out of jail, after paying colts, and work him for the term --Mntencerby court. The: lurrors tor uctooer wrmjthe srade 6f the weed on --;the -fioors First Week F. PBowden, J. W. Evans, H. M. Cooke,: RI D. Bow- den. Jr . J. T Phelrm.-M D.-Wilder. t Ti x-r -i m t TTr:n: ';J:'X.T .;n, "j. a . v eai, x . ii. liiMuuB,- AJ.f Hollingsworth, Er; Catlett, W. D. BowdenKi.: liara, E. L. Perry, J. F. Joyner, House G H Bridger8' N- M- ferry. Second Wkkk H. D. feorferton. IT Barrett, John B. Snith, R. H. Rear- ney, J. A. Nelmn, Lewis N. Neal, W-H. Wood, R. B.Tloberts C. C. Jeffreys, W. W. Lester, W. R. Ywm WM j9 Jm 'H. Sledge, Frank Ballard, J. R. Jones, !HT. Beasley. The attorney was authorised to Wit11 a " ""g rewaiu oi iuu lu arrest oi Jim ferry, tor kui . mg(Baldy Pefrywhite. Claims, including quarterly allow-! ance8 to outside paupers, to the of tr,724.76 were allowed They went out in the .meetong. , , . - Registrars , and Poll-Holders, The Board of Elections of Frank- lin, county which is composed of Jno, B. Yar borough, CJhairman, I. H; Kearney and P. A. Reavis, held fa, meeting last Monday, in accordance with the election law, and appointed Registrars and Judges of Election for the November election. The first njmed in each township is the Reg- istrar and the two second names are the Judges of Election: ; Dunns--W. H. Williams, S. B. Mullin, Oscar White. , .Harris J. C. Baker, Rex Harris Jno. W. Young. -Wf '11 T T- T I i oungsvme J. jonnson, v. y iiwwii, v,. a. waxuer. fc ... Franklinton E. W. Morris, C. W. Conway, W. S. Pruitt. Hayesville Arthur Medlin, J. H. Eaves, Lowell Rogers. ; , Sandy Creek John R. ParrUh A. A. Dement, E. H. Hight. : vroiu miae . u. r imams, Prry ?. xwupion, www iew uSd,,v. Gupton, W . B. Coppedge. Cypress Creek J. H. Mitchell, C. C. Williams, L. S. Alford. Louisburg J. R. Collie, E. C. Barrow,-W'. B. Green. The Judges of Election were rec ommended,' as the law directs, by "J; A. Thomas, Chairman of the County Democratic Executive Committee, and R. R. Harris, Chairman of w- i a rfe - " a tne nepuDUcan county vomminee. i ne eiecuon wui do neia on ine the first Tuesday in November, and the registration books will open in the various townships on Fridaj, October 5th. Town Fathers. The Board met in regular session 0n Monday night, all members pres- irenerai x-urposes ou cenw. SSXSslO Thlg praeticaUy the same levy as fRot?Xfw ? f i ? Tobacccellotes. 4 m I ' The warehouses all Sad good sales splendid ices weregopd. - 1 . Our buyers are very anxious for tobacco now, and as fast as the far- Vn' rait in order thev will no 1'L'tAti-..SA'iJ-z - qoudi ao weu ro.unug - ui. Harria-K a right good tune. V SEVERAL BIG FOX CHASES WAS VERY FINE MUSIC THET ALL SAY. Col. W. T. Hughes Tine Pack of Dogs from Chase City Joined by Those of Messrs. Allen, Yarborough and Mltchlner. A number of our ci tit ens have been enjoying the sport of For hunt inK weet, Ol. . Huzhes came over from Chase' City and brought his pack of dogs, and was joined bre on Wednesday morning with the packs of W. H. Allen, James Yar 1 .1. J a r?.t uoroagu ana oara jjirccnmer direction of Mr. B. F. WiMer't, And had fine chasee. Three of the tlyw animals were "tailed" as a reult of this hnnt. Another hunt was had yesterday morning east of town, and we learn that two foxes were brought in. This was new sport to tome of those who took part, and it is said that more than one of the "sports had to ride back home in buggies not being used to horse-back ridiDg 4 Wonderlarid,, Another Jul ian Mitchell Success. "Wonderland" wtuch appears in the Academy of Music, at Raleigh, N. C. on next Wednesdav nicrht. ' " September 12th has been described guoceMor to Wiard of qt aBabes in Tovland " This promises well for the production. When JnUan Min broke away from Weber and Field's and became the impresario and stage director, of th uWlxard a neW era was begun of American xtravaeanaa. The 4pirHlri rrWenlfl effsbfeH COStumini?, won the trf- umphant success it deserved. With "Babes in Toyland", which followed, the aid of Victor. Herbert was solici ted, and even more delightful results were forthcoming. "Wonderland completes the Mitchell trio, and com bines, it is said, the best feature of its Dreiece8sors. together with a nam t nf tm t.QQeriand" was the only nusica comedy that was accorded a season's ran -m jj8W York last year. The 8tory alone of pi06 a fud. It hom e German tale o e Dancing Princesses by the ir)ther8 Grimm, and deals with elght wan(jering road agents who incidentally, princes of the royal blood, and who subsequently fall in love with the eiehtcharminc daug) . the way of licht musia The cast is ne, with kittle Chip, who made the hit of the performance at the " opening' night in New York and Mary. Marble, who last season, was the star of "Nancy Brown". Mr. iUtchen,-; tl -U said, vehicle tor the display of ma talents. and the fact that Broadway took to his coriue metnods Witn' amity is a gaurantee tnat manager JoseDa m Gai Whufliaie tid Mistake. 1 1 i " XmmJU i v ; - to,.Sa?ig i-Nplk . this week. ir it. in 3 - 1 THE? MQVIHG PEOPLE. THEIR MOVEMENTS IN OUT OF TOWN. AND And Those Who Come and Go Some for Pleasure, Some for Business and a Large Hum ber Because They LUe It. lrM. A. Gregory, of Oxford, b a guest of her son, O. C Gregory. Ha. B. I). Stith, who has been visiting in Raleigh, has returned. ' lCer. E. H. Davis and family, of Goldtboro axe guests at the College, Mr. T. A. Xash aod family, of Statesviile, are visiting at S. B. Nash's, Master Cads Hares returned Moo- day from a visit to relative at Lin- colli too. Miss Hattie IJojoe, of Northamp- I ton oountj. b Yuitiog at Y. 9. Hprvriir. Miss Mamie Ixndon has returned Mrs, A. C. from a short risit to Hughes at Apex. Messrs. Osmond Yarboro and Ban- nle Cooper will attend the A. Jb. M this session. Mrs. D. R. Davis, and little soo, of Newberne, are risiting at Mrs. Dr. Foster Mrs. C. E. Johnson returned last week from a short visit to her peo ple in Chatham. Mr. Geo. K. G. Henry, and wife, of -f ' f, ... Mrs. S. P. Boddie. Miss Lynn Hall left one day this week to attend school in the Baptist fUnirersity at Raleigh. Mist Sadie. Aycocke returned Tceadjty'froni a VOut to friends " and relatives at nenderson. Mr. L. P. nicks went on a busi ness trip to Richmond, V, this week, accompanied by his wife. Mr. Chas. L. Black nail, one of Kittrell's prominent and popular dv ixens, was here this week. J. H. Champion, of Henderson, was here this week visiting friends and relatives in and near town. Misses Elva and Clyde Jones, of Youngs villa who hare been visiting Miss Claude Aycocke; returned home Wednesday. Mrs. M. S. Darts attended the funeral of her sister Mr. Garland Jones, which took fJace in Raleigh last Monday. Mr. W. J. Mar, of New Merior, has been spending a few days with his sister, Mrs. 3. W. Fuller, near Bunn, this county. The editor Is pleased to see Capt. C. V. Raney and wife "at home" again, after spending some time st Kittxell and Buffalo Springs. Mrs. L. W. Weathers and sifter, Mrs. M. M. Smith,, who have been visiting Mis. J. W. Weathers return. ed to theif home in Raleigh yestr- (&y " ... Messrs. A. C. Zclliooiier, A. J. 1 - - . . ... U . . . m i 11 prominent attorneys of Henderson, were in Louisburg this week on pro fealonar business, We wefe pleated to meet 'Dr. Louis Alston in town this week. He will return to Atlanta, after rkiticcr his. people ihjthlsxoounty to Xesums his studies in d uis ivuuim m uviuauj, Messrs Jif Hoper:! J. W. Hoi- linesworth and Buunie Cooper. whDe takinz in the exenrsioa to Norfolk last week extended their trip to Washintoo and 'Baltimore. Ills friends were glad to meet Mr. R. B. JBeaaley in Loulsborg this week. He calls Foquay Springs his hooe but it wou!4 not surprise ' us to him wending his way beck to Frank- bn. ; ; . rv au i ; U Saturday W Mr. a Hubert Martiii,'JPrivato -BetTetary of Cou- gressman E. W. Poo. His hosts of friends here were dJehui to him locking so well. The editor hadTtbe rJeAare ci a hort vMh'this week froca hm tM friend Jamea QajJU, who u now making his booe b Hndeeoa. lie has a position with the IlarrWtt Cot ton Mill, and eeetsa to be hippy. The Timx was a error Urt week la stating that Mr. T. V. BkkeU and family were in the ooentaxsA. We were informed that tbej were a Itjve, bot on account of vuKcwti era 1 roexle they postpooed their trip until tin wek leering Moods. They will be absent aboet two weeks. MBS. GARLAND JONES AN SWERS THE SUMMONS, (urexmrrm) jr. . a ptw pnn away on raasy s known In North Ctroiins for bc work for the memory of the Veterans hare made an haprese irpon the State. This was Mr. Ftorenoe HIH Joj, the beloved wife o4 Mr. GerUxd Jones, her death oocorrtag st half after one o'clock Sunday tilcrnoon. She had been in declining health for the past six months, bet the new of her death came 14 a shock. With husband the went to Jackson y prinp last month m the hope that the change would prxrr tncUl,b3t the did not regain her etrmicth. Death cams and the fanend was held ye tsrdar afternoon fmn KdAtiiA Strict M.tWiit ehtrrrh I-art Yi edneedar her oorviilioo be- . . ' . cams ertUcsl and ateat members of the family had Un Informed. Mr. (tHarul Jones, Jr. of Fort Worth. Texas, arrived Urt Wednelar aad the tact that his rootker ncuxxed asa was a jrtai ooraion u nua irw the faxnily: Mrs. Florence HH1 Jooee we the daughter of the late Major Daniel 5. I fill, a gallant Confederate oider, and his wife Mr, osaa Irwin HHJ. She wjls born in Franklin xrontyt N. C. Jnly 24, 1817, and wj edacaud at the IxHittborg rexxude Cilegcv. The influence of coJlare and ante-' beJlarn refinement which iarroended her at this seat of learning and in her home left an hvieUible tnprree, and was ooe oi her predoca Lasting char acteristio. Her love for the ooofed ate VetermiM we unbounded, snd her efferta for the smeJkmitkm of the ooodiiion of the Veurxns and her labors to perpetuate their gTest history was unremitting. Mrs. Jcoee was st the time of her death president of the I-iJi4 Coo federate Memorial Ajoculioa at llsleisrh, a position which had bea filled by the late Mr. U O. R Branch, Mr. D.H. HUl, Mm Sophia l'Urie xkd others, and this sjeoctaiioo was the principal factor in providing the Confederate cemetery hare and re- moving ue remains oj u neroe. ibe spot which had bu oon- oecated by tne l nttea states lor tf,e J Federal oecaetery. Kech year msca- I onxl ezerctsee are held under toe . . . ... I ltunuM ox tne socxxlxm. Mm Jones has contributed richly to ihit work, which has year by year made valuable contributions to Southern history. Her efforts did not end here, for she was aiso the vice-presi dent of the Johnson Petti grew chip- I tr IT. D. Cn honorary of L. CV II. I Branch Camp of Confederate Vster- ans ana lds ixiLai qi toa vourag ear- rwponding eecreUry of the United Daughters of the Confedsrtfy and the rOe-rsident oa the parv cf KtrA Carolina ia the Coc federate Meoor- Ul AasodxUoQ of the South. A few years ago h was decsded to erect ; la the chy, ot Bknnood, Vlrrjau. a monument to President Jtfftrtoo DaTisv a cocnmiUM oonskUsg oi ooe Joot- oa ooni of fnvn A-a r ft Wnl fv-rr HIfA w- arv. I ber experknoa, her execatire abSiff, I bertaeU and ber deroum tov the iHSuoe, The Urt work she did was aiding Inrerfectiotr plxas for J this monument, and the shaft, when LOUISBURG COLLEGE.4 THE PALL SESSIOH OFEKXD OH TUESDAY M02KIKG. Urr Attendance ct irpllsat the OnlniTPrriSTrtcta ir aSorceaircl Stsi!ca li Xur FUturinffOrer 10 Clrls. The fsH eM 4 tlk txtlcr l stmrtkm of Uemiss bexaxA day, -with ores f fry. Ire boardig pils and file a tts-r-.Ser of dry-pv plU preeetsi. Others hxv beea mlS ed to the roO ssaee the optcJar;. fte tral terw imtcbmn hrr beca xSded to the errsdy e&a&g tacslrjs aod the fallow bf k a fall Ikx ef thtat ooafoeiaj ic Mrs. Kkn. Ura, Lae r rUHxrd, Mrs. P. IL Oooka, Hlaeee J&sbel Dsrk, SiHi Grxri, &2XW WKHaraa. Cora BeWj, Mary UoAcrv wood. May Jeoee. MaiIa rctcr Florenos May Tfyriua. The arpecM are rsry taiitria for a saeoeeef si mmm ;io sjS xalmr the lYeeUeorr of Mr, Mary Diria AHea, the TtMas twikct thu lb high standard thai the Lociibcrv, Oollrge hjM eo)oyd ta the tn wLl ffc-jntiofre. it it unreeled, will bi pert ocsrct cctte the loving; work of this txobU besrted wvman. Not a Veteran in the Soldiers Hcs ac4 s caeas-besr of the L. O' U. Braach Cp U Co- I fed ermu Veterans, not a. co-worker iooa the ootle rcota of the Senh and not a true and kryxl eco the Coofedersey who k&ew her bet wiQ grieve becssM of her hemth. rerh; few roos hare reoh e oocaplete Is of djjfiz.t tppruia kag to Cociederaie hir-pry as Mju, Joces has la bee ooUeccEoa Ehe. wxa aUo a oseaber of the Ccoclsl Damee of America. Eerty in life the hid omeecrtlrd htr hfe t3 the Msrur tad wu t meeaber of l Ed en loo Strerl Methclit chemh. The msrrUe of Miss Flrreaoa H13 to Mr. GarisAi Jooess,an honor ed beiored ortiten of lltltirh, look plsoe TrtrixTT iS, 1119. Tbry have rewUed in KtUlgh einoe 1 STL. Mr. Joaee W esrrired by fre ciJU dreo, Mr. CharUe D. Jocms, Mise Florrnoe Hill Jonee, Mke rranoee A. Jooee, Mr. Girisx4 Jooee, 2t ot Forth Worth, Tex, and Mr. Lcw roo Toule Jotml The deeih of Mr. Jooee b mndered the oore di. trwdng froen the sad oo4nriieot that almost ooe yswr oo rVpiecrber II, ISO 5, there eraideely pae4 feray Mr. Irwin T. Jcoee, sides! mxx of Mr. Jooee, ooe of the rrpre eenutlre youn tem of ihie csly. Mr. Jcoee lesres three brothcra Dr. Cha. Cf. mUXr Wfllira 1112, snd Mr. D. S. Hill, of Baltinvorw; focr rsruex, Mr. H. C. Painter of lUltiraore, Mr. H. Bert, 1 Wsroe room j, Mr. M. 8. Dirk, of Locis btrg, and Mr. Walter ftsxke of Ox ford. Italxtire who rcix d hers for thefscral are Mrs, Chtrtes Harxrok, etSiwissTppi, Mr. WCiaa J one, of Korfolk, Dr. Irwin 103, of Baltitaor and Mrs Walter Stark, cf Oxford. The fenenl took plsoe from the Edeotoo Street Mr&odist chtsxh st brJZQ yeeterdsy afxsrnooo and a large Oocxrrtioo of grisf nrickea relstrvee sad friends were treeest aaag these Cocf edenie VeUrxisa of the L O B. Branch Gasp bers of the Xediee MrrwrUl cistioQ and of Johnson IVuirrirw Chi pur Daectfgtof the Cos fed cr- acy, these hating beea otHed Ur , sX- teod by oCoial noUoa.' On the crjl t ware many krrely orxl ramcshri oe,the kespressire srvioee btir oondected by Rev. J. Hsrria Csl brrth si the chvrch, whUe those at, ihw rrave were by Her. IL IL Mar ahtlL rector of Chrktchcrch. Tbe btsrmrr.t was la Otiwood oetneisry sad they-tH' betfert wxrm. Mesera, IL T. Gray, U IL Beirlo,, J, d. Brown, B. W. Hcsur 7. 3 PssKod, 8, A, Aihe, Cfrir! Ilx and F.T. Hsywood. 1 : i : ! i ... . i 4 I !. It I i t 1. f ' ' "SPSS TV

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