. '-V v. JAMES A. THOMAS, EDITOR THE COXJKTY, THE STATE, THE TOIOK. STJESCEIFTI OK $1.00 TXX TZX1U VOL. XXXVI. LOUISBURG, He C.; FBIDATjj SEPTEMBER 14. 1900, " . , 1 " - -.. - - -,-.-,, ' : : 1 ' ' "' - k : -.. . - - : r ' - .. " " iii Hi. ,v . : , - iii - " i . - ' - y - 7 ' - Mi MR. BRYAN AT RALEIGH THE GREAT COMMONER TO SPEAK THERE MONDAY. Special Rates From all Points M1 The Round Trip From , Louis- burg Will be Only $1.60-AU Go and Come Same Day. qiccotmtTior the f act that he escaped The Great Orator and distmgished American, William Jennings Bryan, ,k TUlh nftvfnnM r 'rf f7 ie8 have an opportunity of hearing him. r' oat-tnougn Ur ; i fiO ff I the lOtn. 1 ah wno wisn to go irom louia- i k 4 C . f, ,a ; burg can In the morning, which takes them to Raleigh by 10:20, an hourbefore the Bpeaking, and they . can return the same evening, if they wish, or can re- nn av Mr. 5ryan is one ot tne most mag- netic speakers in the country and he . v - " . i J Extra cars have been provided and those who desire to go need have no fears of being over crowded. Cars from Louisburg wUl go straight through without Change! ' Tobacco Notes. The sales are beginning to increase now and the prices are very much better. Below we give a few ' sales At tiA various warehouses tl Hart's, Waddeu.& CQpropnetors Harris Brothers received largest check that has leen given this season selling about 1,700 pounds for $192. 99 one load of tips ; P. M. Bennett Bold 600 pounds for $85.82 ; Dorsey Booth received for one load from Nash county, $146.59. i Farmers, H. T. Beasley, proprie tor J. K. Kearney, 7.75, 11, 10, 11.50, 9.75; H. D. Bowden, 6.90, 5.50, 9.50, 16; H. C. Bass, 7.75, 11. 50, 12.50, 25.50. Riverside, Harris & Meadows, pro prietors C. T. Perry, 14.50, 15.75, 33.60, R. G. Brannan, 9.25, 11.25, 13, 19.75 ; J. A. Wood, 9.50, 10,25, 11, 25, 11.50, 28.50; G. C. Harris, .10, 10.50, 17.50,29.50. Ford's, Harris & Ford, proprietors W. R. Lafater, 6,80, 14, 14.50; Al len Denton, 8, 12.25, 18 ; Harris & Baker, 7.25, 9, 11, 18.50. Prices appear to be daily increas ing and the buyers are eager for all grades. One of our largest buyers said to the editor yesterday that he was pay ing seven and a half cents for tobac co that he heretofore bought for one and a half and two cents v FlemiagfCroufiliyi The editor extends rift? con tbns to Mr. Percy B. Fleming, of the State Tieasurer's omce,upon the hap py event which, took pljice in Vfshl 0 ington City, this week, when he led to hyman's altar, Miss Nell Claire Crouch, an accomplished young lady of the Capital City. They will be at home in Raleigh, after October 12th. Sikes Vaughan. The editor acknowledges receipt of the following invitation: m r fcVM. aid Mrs. Vaughanl request the honor ofyour presence at the marriage of their daughter Maggie Annie 7. Mr. John Sykes n S unday evening, the 23rd of Sep tember, nineteen hundred and six at 2:30 o'clock at residence of C. M. Va Meekness is' the secretof the main tenance of mastery. ' Nearly A Serious Fall. Mr. Talmage Strickland had quit a painful Experience onvMonday. He was doing some painting on a stable for his father and was using a hang ing ladder, the hooks of which slip- om their holdings. The ladder 11? " a "T" without any bones being broken. He waf "gh painfully hart however, and I"8 -urs. jaaione ana 1 arborough in snntn. H v- ha mrS0 ftarfnllv iiftav Km KV. ' ' I ocaiiumber .mill men, will be!li out from Maoon, Ga as follows : p nber of vtoberln city e to-day m conference declared that the ruling out of short-leaf pine lumber in Northern ah .astern' tit ie9'has ca8ed miUiof feetolidm ber to be piled, in those qitie imaale able V6n at $3 to $5 per thousind feet nder regular prices. ' As a con sequence, at leait, 1,000 mUl in Geor gia, Alabama and Florida are affect- ed, many of which will close," unless J there is a revocation ot the ruling. It I is oeuevea nere tnat tne drastic meas- ure iJn the interest of spruce nine I manufacturers." a. Change of Schedule. There was ff ehange) of tehe&ule on the Louisburg Railroad lasj Monday, as follows: Leave Ltfuiaborg at &40, and 11 aC mV and 4.40, p : m. lie hours forturhing train ite ioout the i mail closes - at the post-ffioe fifteen minutes bofore the departure of all trains. : - To The Confederate Veterans. It is desired that any Veteran 'who has not yet received bis Cross of Honor, send in his application at the earliest date possible, else it cannot be ordered in time for presentation on the next appointed day. Mbs. R. H. Davis, Sec'y Jos. J. Davis Chap. U. D. C. Delightfully Entertained. On Monday night Miss Mona Har ris, of Franklinton, delightfully en tertained in honor of Misses Janie and Jennie Dunn, of Henderson. Profijres sive games were played. Mrs. John Speed rendered some beautiful pi ano selections during the evening. Ices and cake were served. Those present were, Misses Nena Ballard, Frances Winston, Nellie .Conway, Mattie Conway, Lizzie Whitfield and Julia Joyner, Messrs. Coltrane, St. Elmo Speed, Sammy ConveYa, Geo. Cooke. Henry Mitchell and Otho Hicks. M. Teachers I Association fL There- wehirty-seveiv public scnooi yeacners present tne ,,,nrst meeting of the Franklin county Teachers Association last Saturday. Superintendent White is at the head of the Association, and made them an appropriate talk. Superintendent Mills, of the Graded Schools here, also made a talk and read a prepared paper on the subject of Supplemen tary Readers. The teachers all seemed ver5 much interested. The Ass5ctionwu nieet again oaturdaylcerJiSthhSnjfthe toiiowine will oe,iuetpruiuiuiu buu Jects discussed: How to spend the first day iri chooldbegin their scboqj worK' i"JiOWta us.?ine new JCjQOOl bOOKS ,j4. The Superintendent urges every white teacher in the County to at tend these meetings: it There is ho; buter radiance thelife that ht& no inner light from THE MOVING PEOPLE. THEIR MOVEMENTS IN AND OUT OF TOWN. And Thoso Wh Md-C , Some for Measure. Some for Business and a Larre Num. Der Because They Line It. Mr. R. S. Wnite, of Raleigh, was here this week. Mn. Jo. DarU, of Stoval, i. Ti.it- bg at Mr. J. B. YarboroacbV refl from KtkouVU.t m A ppenbeimer, ot Rich. mond, Va spent last Sunday in an4 near tm ' t Mrs. T, B. Watson and Miss Lou Brown, of Wfrren, are visits at T- W. Watson's. . Miss Abiah Person is isiting her sister, Mrs. rriestly'Mamnira, near Wake Forest. Rev. John R. Brooks, D. Dn of Reidsville, N. is visiting relatives in Louisburg. Miss Ava Ayoocke went to Dur ham this week to enter the Conserv atory of Music Misses Mattie and Nellie Conway, of Franklinton, were in town hop- ping one day this week. Meaxra. F. W HicW V V Egexton, Jtn left this week to enter Trinity College at Durham. Mr. Percy Massenburg came over from Henderson, and spent Wednes day night with his people. Miss Hattie Joyce, who haa heen visiting Miss Alice Spruill, hai re turned to her home in Northapptoa.' FnAer, have' returned to. Greenville: after spending some time at Dr. J. E. Malone's. Mr. K. K. Allen, who. has returned from a ten day's siay at the Mecklen burg, in Chase City, Va., reports a de lightful time. Mrs. A. M. Hall, accompanied by Miss Grace, left this week for Ken- York to purchase the fall stock for the Racket. Mr. F. B. McKinne and family re turned this week from a visit to rela tives in Johnston county. They were accompanied by Misa Margaret Hicks. Mr. B. W. Miller, of Hickory, was here this weekv visiting his brothti in-law, F. L. Herman. He ia think ing of making Louisburg his home. Miss Eleanor Cooke lft this week for Greensboro to re-enter Greens boro Female College. She was ac companied as far as Raleigh by her mother, Mrs. C. K. Cooke. Among the visitors here this week are Mrs. Geo. Davis, of Areola, Mrs. St. Leon Scull, of Windsor,' and Miss Lizzie Davis, of Dallas, -Texas, all guests at Dr. S. P. Burt's. i Mr. J. J. Person returned this week from Rbper, N. C, where he went to accompany his daughter, Mrs. W. J. Nicholson and little son Joseph Per 4 w son .Nicnolson. lie reports a very pleasant trip. Mr. J. M. Allen and Mrs. Kate 1). w - Crenshaw expect to leve to day foi Philadelphia, where they will meet Miss Helen Crenshaw who "will ar- rive in that city from Europe next Sunday oil the Steamship FrieIanj5 of the North German Lloyd line. Mitehlner Perry Marriage. ' A number of relatives and friends of the contracting parties, assembled at the; home of the bride's mother, a mile and, a half from Louisburg, oo Wednesday evening, at five 6, o'clock to witness 'the marriage of Mr.' John R. Mitchiner to Miss Bettie N. Perry The Ceremony V was r6f ormed by Rey. - S.asseyofitthei U & Chiircht and af te receimg the con gratulatiohs' of friends the bride . and groom, accompanied by a number of f rie.n3swentto ' "home of the groom, where a betutiful wddilg supper had bea prepared. The bridt is quite an aocotnpJibd yotng lady and baa a ht of f rienda and admirers. . She Is a eradoate of 0 LomUborg Female Collage, and sine her gradoatkxi his taught school la yarioua sections of the county. She was a raember of the facolty of the Graded School here laat yar. The groom is one of Franklin best and most popular citaena and a sooceasf al farmer. The editor of the Timu et tends congratulation, and best withee for g long ami happy life. OUR NAVY ON WHEELS Btprodatloa of the taxnous fighting: sblpt of oar nary onn a. part or ue new par. ade features with the John Boblmon Shows. At Fraoklinton Sept. 21. tacn season for many yean haa m a i. ... . . I looiM me management ot tbe John RyilMn SiKn t 1 1 I .wwwu wjuwS mi luuwBong ocn r won i qojnvMQwa. ,vii o TT"ttt .i .i. .. .!.. - now snu oosuy xeatare to tnetr al- ready magni&cent parade. As an o(-1 a it .... . I lenog oi eepectaiiy patnooc mttreet to all Americana, they have had con- structed under the direction of exahip builder of the navy, Mveral reproduction of the nrcwt famous types of oar big fighting machine. and the will be teen daily with the paraue. inete reprodocUona were i rw a i oonftrocted witn extreme care as to tcate and detail, whioh the original and to the manydwellera inland who have not had an opportunity to viH the iea porta, they will be a source fo much tnatruction. yithtMcuatomary canenty of pohlbn,ey.mxSl,hH- aion, duv wui oe open to tr potion to all who care to pay them a vkiL FRANtfLlNTON NEWS. Mws Annie Coltrane left for it. V. College last week. Mr. R. K. William, of Norfolk, i. wsm in town this week. Miss Harmftn, of Baltimore, Tint ing her sister Mm Henry May. Mr. L. Gren,ot lUleijb, hj ben oo a viett to her sutler .fr. W. II. Mitchell. i Miss Jeenie Rrewor hJaturned to ner noiae in r ranuinr va-, niter r tail ing relatives here. iit. n. tu. uMxran comxneooed a protracted meeting in the Methodtat church Wednesday night. Mr. B. W. Biilird haa returned from New x ork where he bonght his fall stock of goods and was at the Bryan reception. Mr. T..C. llarrieon and wife will remain at their home near town 'till October lit.1 when they return to their home in Weldon. Mr.. Claude, I Mcttbee nd wife,) Mrs. Mary Ilanly and danghur -Ma Josephine, are m New York and i f . Baltimore buying their fall goods. Mr. Walter J. Cooke has gone to Roanoke Junction, where he haa ac cepted a position as Railroad agent. Mi nryMii cheU take is place Rev. X. II. D. Wilson and ffA have been visiting friends in town. Ue as ptorof gfi Charch here lor tour years aEd he abd hm ex. ceUent" w arejlpvpby all of our people. '.IVI a Mrs. V. II. Mitchell, we are glad to say, is well enough to more to town and is staying with Mrs. K. J. Joyner at present. She will move to her residency across the street as soon as she is right well. . , , . , The yonng people are enjoying delightful ttIIay -Hideen theee n:cf September nights. They rode out to Mr. J. 0.JGreena bomb one night and to Mr. W. II. Hama s Wedneediy night., AtbogijIaxejhey had a fine time. I m ,m, i. ,- THE HAI1IE SLUMP. THE REPUBLICANS LOSE WHILE THE D EE 0 CHATS GAIN. The Remit of the Election In the SUUcf HiJne Ljut Con day Looki as If Ttddy Bt elTtd a Wet Blanket, AllhoQgh Mrmral b ncj of Rpabllcao party wcr ml I Mikv to fiake tpeecbm la lb rrcvat cue paln, rrtry ooe of whom mU lrm- UatIloorrt2itheLKa4k,thcv wt s fVyuUr ftiiaap In lS fmIl To Tir ago the Sun wmAt lor Roax vil by ahot 94,000, and b yw the arality of the IUpUioaa c. dilate for Oowoci k Um than 8r000. My oocnUymaa, what a dropi The lo is fa the farpubitaaa roc fcj tb CWgrvwiooai dittrkta art ks fvpc. lioo to tbm Um in the voce for' Gv. roor. aiut um c4 Ihm h. U lie ha oleari op tber are trrirw a . . : - Ur Um caw to local mum. bt thi V. 1 . .... big ga wet froca pUo tu riao orfiag the Rirmblkanj to rUJ bt . . tbe lrwkJol sad Kk rWkaW, Wling W it... . tl r j fail art to vodorM him, t wcwld also haT a -wt blaokt &ri ttx the fail tJctiocu ia otbr HutM. The night before the 4tciko leaders vera figuring oo thtir m. ma)orTty, and wbro the rvt&m l- Run to cocrve in thwr wr slxacwt scared ot of their wiu. The tii u turning, evidently. Uttlt BoT Painfully Hurt. TJuU v.r.n v U()o of Mr. J. A. Oaah. waartm ot. IbyJUacaCsti hdmlTcinvT At o'clock. Sterling reosn, a nf wu drinne the haek tod wu er. was driving the haek and ing, so ey-wiueaM - UT, Si S T 7 rapid gat. Dr. Mann attended the little fellow, tnd foaad a xh col on hie head snd a rib brokeo. Several atitcbe hal to he Liken in ewtnc xtv - e the gaah and the tittle fellow abrad H manfully. There we ma-ch tiirtz against the negro a he had been te aroe eteoing warrwl sboal Hm ftjcS r.Uxrai ti&Om and rrckleme driving. He wm elreadv uxder bod for bt ipanunt A court for embexiie-iaeot, and when hai boxvltman heard of thia ImjX ad he UomedheJy turrendtred him to the jailer wno loci en him ep. L p to vre terday evening Freman had nC been tried for driving over the htle bov. who ia reporteil to be getting alocg aa well aa ooeJd be exped. POINTED SAYINGS. Striking Sentence. From Bry an's Speech In New Tork. I return moore deeply fa re than ever before with the rwaponaibU ity which rests upon oar nation aa an exemplar iooos the nation, and raar Wt hxt we, aroiiinc the cibm whleh ui -k. "cay, rnay preeent a higher Weal than ha ever before been embodied m a national life and tarry baaan jo - .rr. trt . hK-r rJ.rv. tb ,1 K,. ever before reached. To take the lead in each a snore- (for treaties of univcraal arbUration) ..... L.mmh awTaiar onr .toeiLkoA a www wif m vie t-4 ei pe u we Jl at 1 . . term. 1 venture to suggM that we may not only promote peooe but advance our commercial InutHK by announc ing as a national polky that oar navy will not ho caod (or the coUectioo of 'fir x ' private debt. Mark the dlatmcOoa between the protection of theiire of our chiles and tho nae ol the navr to aruara2l44 a nmfit on raveeUaenU. Our rutbn-ba lct freaigt rtthrrj than gained it by our exrriraesi ia olonjaliaif VTo havo drn th xsc archiat a chanoe to ril icale ccr Icclx ration' of .Independoe, and the cqftetii twifttsl with iucotn la tency. ia rsrar .ia t3 It tasxa tf- ur iit i4ija. I ntsrs tar rocru lias Wbr cf the fcpct-t ci cLtri la Tb 5ou hm it& for TAT lit (ml! r t jh trilh. Li tekOLek Lai VM V 4tcMrti t4 Lb Choct cuoxri oatrU. jf iiU vwVl It b tri of a dsrtovUocroTcrtry ttcatmb tU id! Warlroaua&s tsiknxxM X WWtivi art tdItfciLrs- jm UmA izltm of lifx jwnJ Ld T4 tmt Ttas vbttc?7KM the luJjKW day lo h, 1 kus oaerbl, tjr W. thaa twoaaee ol Uck of rjwjuJLhy wiU thoae vb No ptrir okA eiiarrr.KtU th trans v loer m h m tta cilna mrmi frccm It trwit. VoLrJem fhcA4 I bcarv, sjud X taWtale poitiraJ croii'Jiaa ia Amt- ic If thry do two trmit fcr;rtjrt t tanSLlm b the ocoJ act the (aav (r okotva ssvwi be "A rrral cxoopfJT it hkieiestfEe add b;Silie able," tad otr tixa of axuck oocuaok AxU the l&ul isA cns(ete cw. throw of the CMOo;4y i&rptl b- - d entry. It at wcrth whZe lo ooc& whthrf a Uiyw cretl ,bw ,f5TRtk. aftv Lrn by a Uw Alirj frCrX for the tne pcrmya 13 at dbrcjf o oSonr of two oprpcrsto&a vt-ie2a deal with each Mhr or are cw TfTl in the woe prsaemd tmtMMa The reqesrvig k4 ocirroralboa t uke ocl e Federai Uewoe eaiTia tie, 2t tpWi aal ecs;rhA. A corf n lio dx!!o fmea a Lts&as i Ar 41 CAft lid cw mrXiaw j ed seccdis m the j-aUw atiy re. qr. The unS jtiwiico ia rtry dmij allied la the trot qeaetioo, sjd re dMctiaa of Lariil femkhes an ejaarw rMona 4 Unitis the cxVTrtaoo whata the trawu cms (raxtaMk. One c4 the wxra t t eeXcrwa of lhs Un5 tar the av-cwed f'Tqmm ' of prvtertioo ia thai rl frwiara the adeaa that cen ahosid ee their vLna te advance thecr ca trujuccvl kter 113 road rru.ie so tsneh Jt the natww of the efceocoty thai thejr cneart cfdcxaUjy letcoa rle trcv. erty. IWiertnj, bcrwrrrvth4 the opcraw tkrai of aU the rallroada the Fed si (krvtruotl yrni rwcsU is a oca. tralzutk wtich wtndd all ttl eiUsw nixl i" j 1 J the trtak Unee cperaled by th KedmJ ffotiraof and the lstl line by the awveral iUte rrvrm-. omu. Tmru are a pcttksal drv elEara.X rather than an ecuooesAo ooa, avnd th s UU 111 JF-J WibVt Wl- ' - I em tin -, even thoch h dil rawtlt bx a n4 eoooDcric gain. SodUTVasa weke is thai It wodd f-ahaJute a new gieotat If txA a wooe ooe fw lha frco whioh w e wzSt. The XroocrxTic party if no ih eneay of trcpnr or of rrprrty r;ch:: tX i. 00 the oostrxrT. the da ' frlrr of bath, becxte U dccndT I Ilvtocracy Is alhomci to a rrpthi be; lib drpotc than t23zxnj txar&tm thin arxrary, ea talahhxa re4ry. - Dp In the dxrk x2r we v nd the toclcf th ipllta Ucr. ! ' .1 '-' i !! L . -V at - . - - -. - . I . - , - . 1 1

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