.4 -r t " 1 a , . JAMES A. THOMAS, EDITOR. THE COUIHCY, THll STATE, THE TJHIOH. suescehtiok si.w rrs r VOL. XXXVI. WWI. J. BRYAN THE PEERLESS. - HE MAKES ANOTHER TOUR OF THE OLD NORTH STATE. OTRE DEMOCRACY HE MAKES CONVERTS WHEREVER HE TALKS Wen who Voted Against Him or wha did not Vote for Presi dent in 1896 and 1900,'How Enthusiastically for the Great Commoner and Defender of the People's Rights. Mr. Bryan Spoke at Raleigh, Durham, Winston and: Other Points. The coming to the State this week f Hon. William Jennings Bryan who was endorsed by the last Demo varatic State Convention for President tn 1908, was taken advantage of by people of North Carolina to show 'their appreciation for tins great; de fender of the people's rights, and from the time he entered the State aa-i parted therefrom he'was given ovation after ovation. Iis first appearance was at the 'Capital City, and Raleigh gave him a bearty and cordial welcome. Al though the weather was very unfa- 1 WV 9 01 tne 01a rename ruyerside ware house in this issue. Meadows & Harris know how to get high prices for their patrons and they leave no stone unturned to carry their knowl edge into effect. One of their good averages yesterday Iwas for H. S. Beddingfieldwho received the fol lowing prices for a load of the weed:" Ui,15, 25,27.50, 51average 22.10. ; Deatii of W. G;-nunforii ! After i' long Alness with bJart trouble, $Ir. William ; G. ' Monlord died at his home near town on day night of last week. He wal CO years of ige, and leafu a wife . .. 1 A , : 4' uiree cmiaren. tone son ana iwo v i'ij daughter,) He was s an industrious and successful farmer, a gooxf , ntfs band an d,fand neighbor. IX The fdtieral services were t the residk&ce, being conduct, by Rev. Jo'hti London, : and thelfcfcer- ment tooey Jlace at the Cemeterjt on iormng. v , -number of telauWr and thVlast tribute of iresuect. 1 The bereaved wife , and child have the sympathy munitv. FRIDAY, SEPTEHBER 21. 1903. ' rrnrrrr LOUISBORO, N. Cj FRIDAY, SEPTEHBER 2it 1903. The a most oordial welcome to Louisburg, and be-speaks for him and his firm a liberal share of the patronage in their line. Saturdayihiorning. friends were . present to Day Quite ren ol x the bom THE MOVING PEOPLE. h-J 7 'Tj' W. H. PLEASAIITS DEAD. thai b&aalifal taoAtjun rvorL THEIR MOVEMENTS IN OUJ OF TOWN. Mr. AND Hcku and mm Wnn&xa trCi riir I PASSED AWAY WCDKESDAT ihcrv nntil Umt lh trtl OdoUt. Mr. J. M. AlWi, Mr, Kiu Cm- haw and Mm IUJtn Omoaiuw r. HICirr AT 10 O'CLOCX. And Those Who Come and Go. Some for Pleasure, Some for "T! Tr, fr Business and a Large Num. J ber Because They Like It. tm E mp u wtj Mr. J. I. GQltt, of Norfolk, armed loooiht in Karo-p. Sb vs ... jrdmj. J-" " ' 7 wm 1 tMZ.lT lurtl SI 10 OciCt- A lLL Mr. II: C. Tavlor. of Soalh Ho. lrd aod h rtron t oort M.ueberi 4-V .ff He was cue of LonUtxrg'i CU it and East HIUj txic tn&4 Fsthrr ruatrti To-diy. C?4. W. H. IVxiaiU Wes ton, V, was here this wek. lint P. B. Griffin Ein went lo Frank- day this.onboalnfiM. Blaw Daisy Allen left Registered Pharmacist. Mr. W. C. Bateman, of Wilson, irnMhla I avrvn nnmna T anthnaita. I V O . I Kaftalatr A iafnn limn ('nmnnnn Ma oitvens met him at this depot ana j . " . . j. . . , , ... tr,, lis .a "Kesristered Pharmacist and escorted nnn to Metropolitan nau,i ... . . I comes highly recommended, whirn was soon nacked to its utmost ! " . . . . . . , I Tntss extends mm a most capacity, it nad Deen arrangea to lave the speaking in Capitol square, but 00 account of the rain the pro grtmme was hurriedly changed by r . j 1 . i Death of Mr. Shemuel May. pled by Governor Glenn, Senator T re5d f " Simmon and others there wa, great zend,ed "y on W cheering. Before introdncing the venm8 at o"116 near. i u- u v : His age was 72 years, and he is sur- -apeaker, which he did m a most ele- . 6 . t , ri, vived by his widow and eight chil- jraot manner, Governor Glenn nad it u tj. Ani ; dren. He-was proud of the fact that announced that Mr. Bryan would, m K ,T :v ' , . . ha was a Confederate Veteran, and (T4h5tythoho:,were unable to ,f Z-Z? ? Z k v ,4; a good f5f s t ' i soldrer; No man could surpass him tar ten miautes in Capitol square, im- . , . r , .. - 1tt m politoness and he always had a mediately after the speaking m the , . v i n . kind word for everybody. Peace to w 1. his ashes. ixir. oryan s speecu coiibuswju iargw 1 v in an n rrmcrnmnt of the ReDUbll J " O 1 J T).1J T an party for corruption in office and muwsjuu. rxuSo tLh ininuitoua tariff and trust laws . The jcommittee appointed to con that are allowed to remain on the trart for the rebuil ding of Ander Colored (Teachers To iltit. ill i V1 . . numoer ox tne colored u&cnsni rranKiinLeounty met lV Uonuaurg last Saturdiy and ifter oofliUfi gemer unanimously . Qetiaeq tcwcsii a meeting of tjie colortd,iiihers of this county to be held lit thfCourt House in 'touisburg oh iftfardiy October 20th. ) ' Professors E. N. Dent aid tB.' F. Person will make addresses, jind will discuss fully "how to secure good attendance at school," fco. Krery colored teacher in the county U earn estly requested to attend the masjing on the 20th. - Brltton Hardy. Edenton Street church, Raleigh, was trWsoene of quite a beaatifpl marriage ceremony, last Monday morning at $ pfdock, the contracting parties being Sir. E. E. Bn'tton,'tI;o brilliant City editor of the KewtOb server, and Miss Norma Safford liar dy, daughtercf Cx1SLzj:lizx&yi of Vance county: The. Tni x ex tends congratulations. tbU wk for Chapl Hill, to raanifl ber stadias. :Mr. T; W.t.IUcUtt wtru orsr to WarreoUn yeterdsy 'to Un4 court. i , MUs Nellie Whitiia, of Frank linton, was a tuitor at J. A. Tbomaa' thU wetsk. Mr. II. A. Page and wife, of Aberdeen, arrived Sunday to Tit her parents. Mr. MarthOt BeaTi,o( Carj, h visiting her sotl Mr. P. A. lUivi on Church itreet. Mrs. Wvlanta Arcocke nd little dsughter, retomeil Monday from a viait to Oiford. Mrs. B. N. Willunaaon and little son retar&jfc! One day thti week from s viait to Foqoaj Spring. Mr. E. 1. Cooke and 31 im SalUe fjpperman attended a danc at Mr. T. H. Blacknall'a, in Warren county, last night. "Mr. I). E. McKinne and wife, of 'Prince ton, Johnston county, are Tit hing their nona Y. B. and D. Y. jlcKlnne. v .5jir. v uiianv Jsctaon, who has a ugnuai Ho. wo Urjp uaUr vt i The editor had a pjf&at rkil I a Ukkj of lordia wbo Lad & . .. .. ..lit . irocn jwst. joaa r . J4rtcfitrw iiai cxn w uyxrs LLU t? wMk. With his wife, Ks is viskb r. IU kad kef his and btr parvcts In lijs eocaty. lis 1 rsljiaa sa4 tbe dfisd l highly pleased wUh Stiterrflc h Usidsd to sach sa sxlscX sj V home, and we are glad to learn hUfdlh. He was a tsxdreof Wak ciaurch, of which be b pwVar, is gn&w-1 ona!jt ImX ewnd U LmskIict tng. Oar people will hare ibe pmil. 1 wbro a jor&f tr,i wiser ge of bexrxnghiCTprBJkob b the lir-1 lni iSe Ajarioa3 EsU lor tut Chttrch here asrt Htadsj and night. Great Loss to tha SUU. The death of Ir. Chax D. Mcltrr, which oocorred soddealy frta pp- plexy on the lirrmn traia Utrnn Dorham arvi HUaboro, Mcoiij erenitig, hvmoTM ooe ot tSe UU'l most able and cfvl cali&na. As the tnoet of ottr readers krww h La been the lYnsidtal U the NortaaJ College a a i m ana irvaaiirui lc4cv lor ocsn at Grexuboro sinos aaW of jwa IU woo frWVa rar2y sJ was Umrmi wtj ih euyuraitT c the tcrnv. He wa asv .aUfati lor toof came la tnmi'iis with Mr. i. X Ilcmrw, isA the Una tuot c4 IUmrw A Ilttaakrts wasj known la wrry KKk sjk5 oorsr 4 Fraaklca cwaty. Aflrwxria Im wm xMeutMetly ldei.t4 wkh CW cyCiiC3 sad Ueoco IUrwru, la aZl t& which TizlMTm be rvr4 He w-m twv sstorrWl, tm to IWh GocatCl, Mrv H. I. Oioea ru and no man In the StaU wmj dciog , s greater work than h. The mlx&c of theTiKa.saw arvi tjUVI with him Mood it afumcMQ a ahen whie before the train left iUle for Greenjiboro,ajkI he apfw-rtd lo b in as good health w had etr fo hhn. Hat ridea death, as he wm sumraDdfd by hks frUrxls, wjus a rrat shock to iu thoie bo wrt jn th A Card ot Thanks, We wish to thaftfcll who so kind ly gave assistance in the recent acci dent to our little boy. Their kind- e nesses will De Jong ana warmly remembered. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. ('asm. statute books by the "stand-patters." son's bridge over Tar river, which It ia impossible for us to give even a washed awav bv tbe recent fresh- .ynopsisof his great speech, but if J' Resolution of Reipeot For Mrs. ar to inorft from the freouent Wednesday, and let the contract to -nd hartv aoolause he received his the Roanoke Iron and Steel Bridge land J0O6S. audience was hiffhlv pleased. " nrm DmS 1116 lowesi Diuuer At ine iaax raeeung oi me Joeepn. ti:i at ine Dnage is 10 oe oi u. jjavis. cnapter oi u. k. or from jiujJiii a oucuai uom iwn ' 0 I .-i i a a j : u t ..:u ..... ; . took Mr Brvan and his escort to BW5C1 "V wu8 10 "'"K 11 w",,u,ww """rr1"- Greensboro where he spoke at night, completed by February 1st. The ed to pass resolution on the death of ,, , 3 u n,i,m I committee was composea oi aiessrs. airs, tvariana jones oi ivaieiffn. n tie also in au e bucbohco &v Barlinoton. Winston-Salem, Kerners- ollle 1 oun8 ana u Mel1- 1 ne ' 13 especially nuing mat ine uas o ville Ixineton. Salisbury. Concord, mfttee ai80 contracted for new light, Louisburg, her native town, and of Charlotte and other nlaces. At ninS rods 0Q the CoQrt Hon8e a this chapter, in which she felt such a vptv n1 h reived an ovation. n 0084 of 70- deP and y1 interest, should pay to J r ' . . . -i ner memory ineir inuuie oi rer- Daii(nna Nntae ence ana love, i uers are some uid the reporters of both poHtical parties say that he made many con verts. He was accompanied on his tour I gia a protracted meeting on through the State by Governor I Sunday Jn September in the school 'Glenn, Senators Simmons and Over 'tnan, National Committeeman Jose Rev. G. W. Coppedge will be- amou wuu rm.nW ..a u. th 4th Der naPPJ 8unny gvnnooa, as wen $hus Daniels and others. house in J. P. Timberlakfi's Grove, services will commence at 3.30 o'clock, p. m. On the 5th Sundav at 11 o'clock, Rev. Alexander Holmes, will begin a series of meetings in the Kates ville ii Tobacco Notes. There were' a number of i fanners gi house ' Mitchiner of States and were highly pleased with prices. wiu pu,pit o the Hurrah for Louisburgn(ang out Baptf cfiurcli Qx.tJ Sunday morn- farmer whose tobacco .brought a very unfit evening 11 a. m. and 8 satisfactory price on the i armer s p m. warehouse floor the past week. . The "tobacco men had a barbecue To Old Veterans. as those who have loved and admir ed her as the, gentle attractive wo man of maturer years, ard we all know that with every fibre of her being she loved our Southern cause. To her the work of perpetuating the memory of the valor and bravery of the Confederate' Soldier, and of up holding the righteousness cf bis deeds, was a veritable "libor of lovew, snd into it she threw an energy and real that commanded the admiration of all. Be it resolved then that in the death of Mrs. Jones' the tf.D. Ci of North Carolina have lost one of their most important and effective mem- outatGeo. W.Uavis spring wea- Mr A s Strother requests the bers. That we sincerely deplore this esday, and it goes without saying fofi&fa-old soldiers to call on him sad event; that , we shall miaa ber iat they had a very pleasant time oi ftnd get afiadges of Honor." words of encouragement? and cheer t J. W. Gilbert, Ben Harris, H. B, and that in "our "beaxt of hearts' her The sales havei heel quite iarge Alford, J. C. $Baker, A. S -HaTria, memory will, ever be green. this weekvand the farmers till Cus A. Ui PearceM Mi' Stone. . Calvin Secondly, that we extend to the il ZJL-&a iAoi .liil t tfai7.. w' a inmates of. her stricken ! home our WihctTht Wrs-te Mnlli. Sr. F.Hortonr j; E. eept andsmcerest sytnpihy, and j r w v . . , , - nravthif tTta Ilivina mv the weed is high. .mm fi3i MooreG. WsBarperajrH. fuller, tenderiv touch their bleeding hearts. Hart's warensliadyhebiggest H. rras, A AiiHunt, .W. S. Thirdly that a copy of these reeo ale of the season last Salmayarid 3tricklamd,andyarris, X JAllen, lutions be sent to the members of her -xw u a we iv ir lUit-j pr Mr. Brrsa oa war Con at Portsmouth - Toting his hU tocr thrmgh the Huu. PPIe her9- On aocwctnt of this mUUI far MUe Glennie Arcocke hs axrpt- ai fTir Mr. Ilryaa Amdteml n ed a position a teacher In the tpak at HtlJikara, th 1m utico Graded Schoel at Oerrlarxl, snd rd.i aft.r the dth of I, left last Monday for that place. Mclw, arrl at nartisVia where Mr. Tom Lancaster who hoalds a Terr Urp crowd vu proi to position with tke Atlantic Cosxt hear Mr. Ilrrmo be Uy woi efc Line with headquarters at I lock t the rUtfona and rl: Mount, is vwiting his people hr this "I am sore that ro-a w-U sgr wrth wek. : us that this m tK4 th Uo t. Men. F. S. SprtiUl, W. Msxmfoc a jcAitinaJ rjch wUo I Person, II. H. MasenbtirK, W. H. f -Ta J0 w lH,f" Hnffin, W. H. Yarborocch, Jr, and : m w f cvar f. 1r I'. H. Cooke, attended th Suprew !)- McKir, saUealy dii. 'mirt at U.lwtrh thi. wOr . the man ho nt tnt Mrs A. M. Hall, M Grao Hail ! and Mise Ixiuu Bacon, who have been in ew l ork the past two weoks purchasing the fall stock for the llaoket, will return to-dar. ' 0 The following yoang lad Ml tliis week to attend the Normal sod Industrial Colletre at Grnabaro: MUi Finnw and IletUe IioddieJ '"-f t i ii i , T . . . . ot anv man I knw m wil, Tatr Lola it. Person and Iajcv Hawkina. . .. td the Tajue of an Wial. II wm axWw-ards tsarrWl Uks cn2 Cs- lrte who porrirs tia wiC'the fcjL. lo-wia eHiirwitt! Mmseru. 1JL, 21. C, VV. IU Jr, r IL I'Wasu Hs. d2s IL A. Psps Aiitrd, Lsscy Early, Wa?Ur4 vk, of Icrhaavk Haas bailie rWsuta, XfeA. hwerui, fxhtiaj ub4 sJwira tr&c; hcjs fctaliUe kii CcrU PlcicaaUi la dsi. W stMra wiih the sKirrtw fo&jdTylTM cif iiri4s ' sa hrijrtt sal fucsi sa4 whone ftS swt isifcstcrw w-a the ?s)?j-tatrtil til chr. Os erf the yrtucSasist traJb erf bLrWf sa4 has Isilhfd s ortx wrf wavs thai pttar9s harjcuJJay sa trWr tUodM to aJl, iet r;moiaJ7 y to the snbarurv erf Lha Ke4hajsa. eft. fcrrh rf w linb he wa a trta k&d Th fcAraJ wtrtm wu2 ! hald ' a4 the lckwtZi.f i3 W the hrnt Arets. J. Jrf. AH3 IL O. l2iarl 1 Aii-na. T. II. Wui, Wal IlaOry. 1U ai iw- p--v Ca.W. rr I JL rti t& to , Una, i. II. t.ic(r. JUcKirvrr . ,n v v a . a rvj rt t r and I hsie trpt b ic-ur fui j hrwxh, F N. KirVia, J. n. WaV sine bat that he ru oo the ro. ' A. S .Ktrch. J. K. Harre-w. tioo cocBtnitu ari US ferri to grA ' - axd chr tri who I roa'Jr In B LC 0 SXlK . V -1 I 1 . . It rachI New York frxm ahncni lr. ! Mclvef waa Ur to rrei te ari to intiU me to North Caroti&a I -Hi Superintendent Mills returns! Monday erening from a ihort vfarit to Wilson. He made it convenient to come by lUleigh and hear Mr. Hryan, and he eras pleased with the speech. Mr. J. V. Upllings worth returned one day this week from a short trip m the interest of the Tar Hirer Mattreas) Factory, and he in forms us -that he had a moet satisfactory and profitalJe trip. His friends were glad to meet oer former townsman. Thos, ' RagsdaJe who spent last Sunday here with, hie brother, Mr. Geo. A. KagsdaW. He is now living in the good old cc-anty of Johnston,.. . as educated man whoe sympathise were with the SAtdocaU-L He dot Ul in the htghewt czrclcaa, yei srajp Pd the goldsn chart! vamlSmhij idi tngthere sif, axl h- detc4I. that life towards btinjring Usaisg to ths poor. Has death ks a km, a fxrfci lorn to his country, his 8ute, his csly of Greenaboro, to the gkxioes iDrUt tkm of learning which 4s now his monument, to his family, to his frt; , and a great paraocxl lose to r&e. I tli Gfsra llocie li Groahoro was tcked, not more than s fcxmh of those desiring to get in beieg able lo do so, Ur.1 IttjA 1 changvd his The Aew2 erf TVli b Sk rr;w asr erf jwrwca to bjI yenp Hhm he cvcl Oa the mh day rf A IU"J Mra, Mary F. lUniiwv, wile ul John W. lUrthlrwxirw, of f uTir N. C, 4rd I rears, was odd to her reward, fhe wwe a wTMxxa c4 racre thxa oricury kidsiea, sju aniaUe dirtckix la Ualir wiih thos trom&A her kininssas mmrztmi ta be hr ssioCto, Jf a seifi o ! i ry nav siitraUao- The evMslart tad hsnsV ors of cKhrrs was brr rat thcnrrlt. She Irsrt s Uiknl, cos trtfthear msA threw sarirrs--he was the dies ckm erf the lirfc rilrrCL For mane than a rar her beeiih ru lecC't-.rxg Wt God's wi3 wee (ikj borne a&d her rwewt rririi swsaoed to t rvw cu?rs sx! oar bto the k&srt ol Ifbn, whoo she hatirxr rxK srs yvi she kred- s WU sW4 ' w le our town Tt nr.J u iinoiomew, iu.. Gontmne to I i ns tlA hWa named - er 1 . are as high as forty dollars, -dell says that he will make things humn ' :i (dead, the badges will be delivered to Has. J. E. Malosjc f .fas. HI X XsRXS so a wt .;',:Mas;iF4 8. Spbvtll. i:'.. Committee. Mamie Masaenborg) of Castle Hayxw, arrived one day this week to visit her people here. Her sister, little Mies "Dot", who has been' visiting her re turned with her. ' ' . ' Dr. and Mrs. A. H. Fleraiog of Spartanburg, 8. C and Mrs Minnie L. Williams, of IUlUmom, left for their, respective home Jut week. They wets guests bf; their r4raiiti Mr, and Mrs. f. VT, Wmiama. , Mr. T. W. Bkkstt rsUrned Wed- rtW'stctl. til sfttf bdni W orally btrwfite by Ma)j Cats M. Steadman the Grel OccnAocMsr delivered a most fitting and feeling eulogy epoo the life and characttf of Dr. Metre. Mr. Henry PaUraoa sad Coloksi Mcmyt two popular tratalbg rvctr, wtra la town ytstftrday. g 'Ht.J.J, IHcksy. of nkhactA, reprtJSesauTe icapenax ao beooo Coca perry, M 4awa. 1 le arto4wa wiwa i 4 w rAs sJUA, Wtt u rftnkMS KW wse Wn4 - eJ W Si aww Wm at i ifcl kcrU wuk la MUlkUy istkern stf gihsort to thsTncrs ILCX Be sure to read the advertisement I eir w, or children. iSsajsajBispiiHi

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