' 1 i 4 7 , ... J "':V - . (, I ' A H M tf.tv rr JAMES A. THOMAS, EDITOR. 11 , . - - - Vol. xxxvi. A $16,000" MONUMENT. Memorial to mciver to be ERECTED IN GREENSBORO. Six Committees Representing the Varied Interests Promot ed by His Life Appointed to Solicit Subscriptions. A - .1 . Al tne request of hundreds of prominent citizens of North Carolina, Governor Glenn has issued a procla toation to the people of the State and appointed committees in regard to th memorial to be erected to the memory vi tne late Dr. Charles Duncan Mciver, the beloved president of the State Normal and Industrial College. The proclamation is as follows: To the People of North Carolina: The life work of Charles IX Mciver is ended. For twenty-five years "he served his State with fidelity,zeal and efficiency not surpassed in her animals. No one has rendered the State a greater service. It is now the high duty and privi lege of the people, whom be served with unselfish devotion, to manifest their grateful appreciation of his life and character by a memorial that will transmit his memory to posterity and the corary, ihe state, the toiow. LOPISBUBQ, N..C. FRIDAY, SEPTEUBEB. 28. 1008. they pay and is a healthy example I thOlf TMnrvan t.. . SSSSS for other countries to foIlow.-Wil. FHUrilAS K LLED. THF . MnUllIP Dcnmr mington Star. . 4 ' rturt-C :HE ,WAS MURDERED IN HIS THEIR "' n ... OWN PORCH AT NIGHT. " KU1TEE2 Biff Guns Coming. nairman Simmons has arramred o the dates and places for the speeches cnonU1 n Hon. John Shame WillsL. Sp6Cial ner Hon John Sharpe Williams, of Co"ne J- Collie And Those Who Come and Go. .ODiFpi, ana japt. Kichmond -urjr ana Yiewea Pearson Hobson, of Alabama Thv Body Yesterday WIIav Wll areas follows f. w:n: u.u . . , 'i miaujB, uates uw nwu gn suspicion are: Statesville, October 13? a A vr boro, October, 15: Go rlT0. W ' w - w i in ii i i i mr vriw rwva K- i j tf tt . , l 6 bck l oornsr our. noDson s dates are: Mor- colored man had hn k.n a ganton, Octobers 6J .mi s.i;flK nr., 7 ' ? . b66" kllleri dunn8 OW "CTUJr D1ganw &ome on J. dv OaaW P. S. & K; IT 1 TT en r " " xmmeaiawy " uuuuil. j. 1-kllla was I . . r ,, , . lu s rpeoai 7 "5TO ana oia vyoroner, ana m com nan v with n.rv Soma for Pleasure, Some for Buslneiianda Larire Norn. bar Became They like It. Mr. I M. Johnjton-of nt). u in th borg. Mr. Itaodolph Ilarria. at nfh.m hera this wk. Depoty Collector IL J T.. iatown lut Sturdar. Mr. L. B. PhaJitti mnA - 1 ivaxwera in town Yeatelay. oa Peroq rtturnJ U men, are asked to read the page ad. uty Sheriff II. A. Kearney, went to vertisement nfP s ai? r a h . f --ien lU" occne. U Don rrivinfr theCaotWersonthecnrrmr hm..i.. ft. . ' ".V" ,r,wVa4 i v v vuv uiuiuHmn vn mn h ak u:ui i rrrm i.-iar t i x oe8e young men know the wants 1 J ack lvinc nn Ki l I rr' . . mg ana gents famishing and they ball going in hia head jnt above ud Btcta .wvaeu iucu BwrB wun ortvo a inxie nt rt hi. m. i '".. arietv f 8t . : M ;Aina Uaria, who ho bn rn.' r y" , .:: - ' -r-wang out ana from in- vttiting friendj in IUleitrh. h r. They make a specialtv of clnthin dicatiorm dMn n.f . . -i . . " e i uauoa uf imn m-i rarnaa ivima . gents furnnhmgs, Hats and Shoes J tant. .w ' and it is almost imrosaihl fnr trn n. rBa a .. . . I f rjrrove returneJ I tit . r wi - wuci Kuiumonea tarn tnl. I i' - . . fail to find what you want when vou lowing iurv: E. V wish v Z 1 1 hk Popf l visit their store. And evarv M.l. Cook J T,. T . I f - v iuumijjHKj, 1. J. JtCK' I Q n T 1 J- er receives the verv ht nftnfin nn J t tt j y . . U. Ivoodie came or fmm n , . "iu auu joi uranch. ti , . . both from the proprietors and their After viewing the body it wa. tnm f "nd7 ght to be pnt t r.m r.s J : i ... - I LTM., 71 11 lt.f : b n.m.tn,! "rfY. UWpg salesman Mr. over to the famUv for buriaL mnd rK. . of the S rmuhT example YartOT011gh- proceeded to make an inveetig.: An hero1C statue in Ln" r- Uon-. S-P-n reate upon a ne ? h.nu. .1 ,h. ligned and cast bv the erlrZ WUrt Decision. by the name of Wesley Gay WU. f? Johnson Lumber Co. of the world, costing not less than o P handed down b Whom mQed man t J? t. arrir in tha fifteen thousand dollars to stand on reme VMUrt on Tuesday the aa a difficulty last Sunday. The Ynday mght from Moou the grounds of the great institution foUwmS wUI of terest to our Coroner ordered him held for farther Kry. Ala his headquarter at Dilltary Note. Tha LooiAborg: lUf wiU btta a Jk m . . it . tv w u axatawuUoo can UaccnJ b lima ih boja will Ute a -a Tha Jlitm dtdix Uriutico u, Uka part to a drillbg ooctct b nght foc Ftm LUouoaai to D i- of Ueutexuai T. S-, gwt M. K. Wiarua m Itcu.j b? . k. . tt 'M . 1 raring rotM lo Lieutenant W. V. IkxldU'i IT. the grounds of the great institution reaw general consent as . most fitting JdTt memorial. fhi . i .g errOT- This case was tried at last diateiy af r h WTLZ te-f 9 -d J" F" Soott w hi, head and features was made and tP-. f measurements taken of his body. -ujoagmentne appealed. rn , . """""V- Card vs. Fineh, from Franklin, af In order to raise the necessary fim ... Tm? " fai.dnlt.t.R.'..x.'.r- .was aeoiaea in ft i.utj aiavuvjtuere snoaia oe at least o . " t ' " . .i ""ooiieani. State vs. Bornett, from Van&i ' no su committees. reDrssentinff tho . anoe, no ried interests promoted by his life, to !Tw n ? T VaDCB aolieit :.WiL. 1. !, and Will Burnett, formerly of this I herebv anin tL fo, victed of the abduc chairme; of these commixes 6 of a child. He was sennced 1. For the teachers .nJ m jau, id took an appeal. Amnntnn -na A : . . .u&vu to. nrnugion, lxom Hon J. Y. tf the Public Schools Joyner, Raleigh N. C. 2. For the State Normal and In dustrial College and its Alumnae: Miss Gertrude Mendenhall, Greens boro N. C. o. if or the VV omen of North Car- y ance, affirmed. This was in favor of W H. Arrington. The Recital a Success. The Organ Recital at the Metho dist church on Wednesday night was v. v u.i Kjai- 1 1. 1- . . I ... unna: airs. Lanasay Patterson, Win- 4au a success in every way. It ston-Salem, N. C. was under the direction of Mr. 4. For the University, Colleges Wade R. Brown; director of music and Academies: Dr. P. Vena- of the Baptist University at Raleigh, ble, Chapel Hill, N. C. and he was assisted by Mrs Henri 6. For the Men of North Carolina: APPV Soprano, and Mr. E. H. Col. W. H. Osborne, Greensboro, N. Kker, a former Louisburg boy, as V. Tenor. The playing of Mr. Brown 6. For the Press of North Caro- and tne 8Ingi'ng of Mrs Appy and hna: Hon. Josephus Daniels, Raleigh, Baker was pronounced by judges N. C. as being music of a very high order. I request each chairman to select The , a andience present a full committee, of not less than five, an 8Mme 10 greatly pleased and and to orcraniza t.h aom ; highly entertaned. W nnmio o 0uu aixiuitrtila lA3m I -mviduouu ly for active work. The chairman fcDe receiPte amounted to over fifty dollAra WUDIllVUltJ a general excutive committee. Charles I? Mciver a tntire life Fall nnanlno given for' the better education ofl all t ri . JJg il "?i S S our women, the improvement of "the iwiU, have fthefe educational opportunities of 'all "our 71 S3 children, the upliftini? of ship, and the elevation nf ... fM,aUy very lady ideal, of civic service. His work , T" ' Py n touched helnfullv ,n , .1 . one o " 1 make i o , a most elegant d.splav of the lt- peopie. ourelv. now w itM I oil with ' n:r . 7 681 fltyles m MUhnery and dress - .u vniauusuiug liUIB I QQQQa R. B. Glenn, Governor of North Carolina. invesugauon, and adjourned until Saturday in order to secure more witnesses. Wiiliams was brought tn o warn and placed in jail Notice to Registrars. . Those who have been amjointAd ! 1 A - TheFay in Erenr Ja: eIecti Charlotte and MecUenburg hare burg riertIonday,? 6ir8t, ;and been getting a ligdveltisement getbBistratiott! Book,4hd otb about those good roads. They have er necessary blan&. la? een paid as an advertisement asg9 tgtmpf tlje fphaIrmeiSiii jxmntry to the city, and as a factoin .hm-nihffj, building up a city of which any State ber 4th, at 9 o'clock, and closed on Would be proud. The fact that Meek- Saturday October 57th at aun set lenburg wants to go deeper in debt c J ' '"MJ. Ob. :yiiQUGBV: to build good roads is evidence tfiat ; A Chamnaii Boards of Election. A Judfire's Decision on Tobacco A. Judge of the Carolina Courts. X. .. -. . . . . wo9 w evwenay a good jiaige of-toi oacoo as well aa law, wrote recently lu" ne naa been uging sun cured to bacco for forty years, but in all his experience had found none so good as Reynolds', which was first offered tv. the trade four years ago. Previous to that time chewer after chewer of to baccos made too sweet, took tn Schnapps and other brands of fln. curred (which require and had lea- sweetening than any other claa of o- i . . . oacco proauced), until there were ten times more pounds chewed of Schnapps and other brands of flnr . cured tobaccos than the entire De duction of sun cured. Soon after i mtioduction, Reynolds' Sun Cured grew so big in sales on aualitv that J - J VMM R. J. Reynolds Tobacco CotuDanvfor me ias. two or three years has pur chased not less than one-half of th entire amount of the farmers' trodnv tion of sun cured tobacco and their purchases in the sections or territory where the best sun cured tobarw, grows have stimulated the farmers to increase the production of sun cured tobacco. Reynolds' Sun Cured is not onlv pure sun cured tobacco, but it is choice selections made from sun cured tobac co grown where the best sun cured tobacco grows. present Joe lJaxell Ml yesterday morning for tha univerjity of Maryland to re sume hi studies in the Medical department. JVleaars. Charles II. StrickJarW, tn4 Wi IL and S. E. Peaxoe, of aoungriue, wera vfcdtors m LoaW bor yesterday. ; Mra. O. T. Bryant and children, of Globe, Marsh-ill County, Taruu, ar visiting her father, Mr. W. X. Follsr near Maplerille. Mr. Percy H. I-leraing aiyl bride, who wer returning from their bridal trip, stopped over and spent two days with hi cotuin Mrs. 8. T Wilder thw week. Mr. C. M. Wilaon, of Johnston County, waa in town this wek. The Democrats of that good old Count r acted wisely b unanimoualy nooilna tin him for the Senate, in the recm convention. Mm. J. L. lUtd.of Kiurell, arxi Mrs. Loai U. Werner, of Brooklyn X. V., who is viaiting Mrs. liekl, came over yesterday aod $pnt tha day whh Mrs. Edward C. Perry, sister of Mrs. Raid. Mr. H. W. Thompson and wif . i of aire a, who hav ben vkiting her father, Mr. C. W. Roberta, nar town, were in town this week. Ha inform us that he was measurably sucoeasful with his farm thia yw. . Mr. T. O. Coppedra DaaseJ thjvmn-h w v town this week for Haiti mora wher he will resume his studies b ths ool Javfflrey-lUy. A marriage took piao. oa WJ. Way si tba milro o J. R, Thaxrtttgtoo, J. t ctniaC parties Uing Mr. R. II. Jaffraya aa4 Mks PaUU II. May, axi tS. crajoa. bial knot was aur4y by Njaira i. R. TharrixigioQ. Th bolal pmr imraetliataiy Irft for th Noma of Mr C. C JfTrya, fatber ol fxtom. wnera an Jayant wddia rart had bean prrparad. Tbs happy oompi, Tharaiay for tUtr ftare-bom in IUUV Tha groom bold a totitkQ with tba S. A. L, aa CoodiLctor, hj rmn ng Utrna RaJagh and Macro. Qaita a numUr oi frWoda aiyi vU. tivc wr prapnt at tSa taarriaga aai "pper, and jemed ra Uartv cr-c wkhea for the nawiy epia. s TO C0TT0II GROWERS THE ASSOCIATION PLACES THI1 raCE AT TEH CtKtS. C C. JXocrt. Pmldeai KcrrO CroUnx DJrlUca Sonibtm Cottxm AtiocUUoru VrlUa iht Coanty Orialxatijasj tic2 My oaa aittij a-a cv vw fail al ioUr. Caa aay oc dctU m tii Uijt trio cr Wtaaa tf wa tryf AU wa rri t taila oXias 10 enaiM or ora at tU ha!a paofZt who Lav aetSaax. -,0 aa adoaij aa ci uC toa lea- Um UUa taai otfe?. vary cka t!xe4 naa t irr Kf t v M WllB itj CLxn 1 0 oacu. Etary UI (Su it all U L. . frio lcnrr dcrwa. No luiMt caa now enrw cv a tara a fxi feir b lair if friot it tadar 10 ra ri tlia wa fjve tct s aoaxj.1 f rotu IX tKH luc. to rKru ol fartxhcca Uirff wfilmf lo mCI it M-Swa. liir ox4c frx ts.ak4 aitij iy f aiyra !0 cwiata rary f rnaaai ill ta rLkU rranUift orjj dirittoo al iW HtpubMean SUU Appeal to tht j Ua P1 Ca Eulu Negro. H)ur Coiored Cituaoa" u th. titl- of ooa of lb prooia txi chpur U .... taxioools wfoc bout of Cn fact that no Republican IagWa&cr na erax aoActed 1m which -m.v ii unpowui for a octrwi paracrn of - v m4 uj ootnoT or onenfort froca ooa part at a Slat to L Ta : ... Kjwiac. a nig raxaaxkaiaia cA.r,L.r ' tagianxng with a nfaxaacw to tia dt " iwjiiuoa of aiaTarr u an appeal to a very nagr n th and to stand by lha Rtpobiican j ly. It potnta with poda lo i2m fart that there are 4610 nagroa bcOdiasr onoa in thagormtoeotarTc, ajl tbay draw m aaiariae daring tba coarae oi a yexr iha aam irf I2-X, In thia coonctk the tail book aayi; "The fact that rriy i.OOO color. ad dtaena are tn the pvUic aarriew and reoairing aalaru agpratiajf about thr raOlkm dollxrt fttmaibad further erklanos of lh broad and liberal policy of tha IUpaWkan party wmta La Xurlhar fact that tha t. oraxl arojiojaa ar prtrrarUally faitb. ful, courteoaa and tfSciaot is irnpi juatificatioo of the aulmd of tK. prty Uward tha freedom ol tb a- Don." The tabi of nmom rmUori tn I u goTarnmant aarTfc ahowa th,ra - " v-. vkuciq wcrwara al Joriaa aal Uorv E. I). Scaii. will fc--fraaai 3 tn0 bnjprujaa. Onion Meeting Postponed. y wing to tne fact that the Tar River AssociaUon will meet m about ten days from the time for the meet ing of the Franklin Countv ' TTnUn and the Pastors in the Union and the Churches too are'trtinc to close nn the years work in time for ,the Aaao- . a, ciauon, it haa been deemed wise by the Programme Committee not to try to have a meeting of the Union at this time. It is therefor nntfl the next fifth Snndav which t. the last Sunday ia Dec, oiilWafter consultation with the, Pastors they think: it best not to hold a meeting of this kind during the holidara, in hU ase it will be farther poatponed till v ui lu uuuuiv in rtiarerr iuit . ---ydf'thaVCommll iiltee. : Mr" . Ht Faruraoa IsalA fi lege of Physician, aod Surgeon, 1 ? W r willlaar n.xt V ..l- . t OQ tZ pay ruil c4 th dir. trict gortmmaot to Waahloirtont wiu leave next veek to tak a all course in the same college. Kev. Jno. F. Mltchener. of 9tit ville, occupied the pulpit of the Ban. uai cnurcn laat Sunday, morning aod Wght, and hia conjrreirationa wm highly pleased. lie pr ached two able snrf voru - - : ' ' .w. uw;ivkug nnnoot, lie and his good wife and two sweet litria children after spending two" weeVs with their people in this county, re turned noma Um week TiTthoM baidij ax4 XL t-la for fixing cWur ai4 orjttila t boy Um dtriM xtn. Eiaoativa oc-c&ta erf li ocrtysjy aoULc, are ratMu4 to oi3 aH towWap Jaccra aliadba to Ula lary, wa tmmi fd. cV csrraoa axpwna. C. C. Moca3 iVea. N. C dir. ft. c A. He!?tr fftmoriaj In rwtoAa lo rb aiocnakftaaa laat wk that Ta Tuaaa woeld ra. oaara alorrLL to ih Mclrrr oruj tarxj aM arkxkowUJrt i . " a or CKKataaa, har rmlraxl H fra Mia MartU rodarhiU, IL F. bo daaxra to cicirkbeia awl U abaoriptiooC " 1 J . u. d. a Tb BKXrtLly CMisr erf tba Jc. 2 1)4 T chjpur ana U bald ca WJ. raday. Oca, rd, al itD tv. ta. u tba Maaocle HaO. Mjl E. f. Pra-eiZL PaxjL. Maa, IL If. I) Aria. "ar-N- County Cunu , The county cantaaa by the Demo.' . . . i Speaklnjr at FrankUnton. Dr. B. F.'Dlxori, Suta Auditor leal issoes of the dar.at FranVjmtAr. wbera the people bar no orrrtuna. ity to rota, 760 m tha portafflfw at large, 500 in th Trairary, I '10 fa ths goTemmant printing oSca, 2SS ia the coatoraa aod raraoo aarrkw. i iv tn taa Jntarior; andilO army s ths gorerttasrsjajr ara In . WaahlrMrtnn . i o AM yet la thtVaoa olali lMs .IU ikan TMwipapefi ate c&Uisg the Uamocnta lor ran cMatUj. 'A - iuf iwapexaaarja ara a "aweat aat" any way you tale thesa. V a a . io ooa crath thar eorntlA the Demomti call thavi be faljaf party- and m the oaxx wlh thar whkpar'iato the 'ntetra un the .UapfiUint . taxir la lK- ttrty tint lazuli ua to allow "cokr4 pic0 ol rafiiaaeor j to ride wkh Vt&i Vka. j Avar -arit! mK Aa Am war. Eortta Ttaaa4 A tVw wka ao I aaw U ycaa. pafrihai Moeea Kaal, Tota if. Ob, II aery CUfsoa Jaaas AU boa,.r, vt5t4 to loam wLu WJ make oU fotka yg aad g!y om pratlyf Hare aa tbe taes. dy. fks to prmobisf wl tsaka tbo ywmc, aiJ If ibry wll tt lb c-aat.ru oci a broad ax aad ibj mamnroatola grabUag ho aad rtaw h down to laibar aiU abara tt will taaka ibro tmty. Jtut tk a I Diak Johasoo iJ WilurHrsiadlaTa dooHtbyloc4 cisarrJc I ca gfra aa aoaocat for Ur, IfKTbee stfbaae, Ha Inae b Hr; A. ft. Ebr roda bog ptatar. AH (iae rt4rm y- The rtaaoa I lurca aa. a warad liis Wcr, I wxnd -- if Joa irkilaad dVIaV watt to k&ow what wocld Biii lira rraUr Inn T dom) Uow, lor I tilik Ui s i U4 uooa. Tbcrakoo f--t for cr?y U fade ivrf 'ij W w r w p w jr 1 Jon Wdncadjryn!gbtOctoi0t2u i V - v "' 4T

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