I "jfrr i i . I i 1 i 1 JAMES A. THOMAS, EDITOR. THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE TJOTOIT. sgEscamnoH mjoo fxh t VOL. XXXVI. LOUISBURG, N. C. FRIDAY,: OCTOBER f, 1906. KOEEEB 15. i r v , I- , I , V --, ' ; : - r . . . p ii ' - 1 - " 0 - .. REPUBLICS CONVENTION A VERY TAME AFFAIR, AND SLIMLY ATTENDED. Only a Skeleton Ticket Nomi nated T. H. Whitaker was the Only Speaker He Did Not State the Facts. The Republican County Conven tion which was called for last Mon day met, that is about twenty-five men calling themselves "Republicans, assembled in the Opera House about 1 o'clock. It was called to order by ft. R. Harris, Chairman of the Coun ty Exective Committee, and T. H. Whitaker was elected perraament Chairman. A. O. Perry, of Franklin- to was elected fcecretaiv. Ine as sembling of the Convention was done fto quietly that very few spectators Were attracted, and altogether there were not fifty people in the hall at any time during the delibertions. In fact in the language of one 'of the participants "it was a very tame affair." J. R. Shearin of Hayesville town ship, waa nominated for the House the same man who ran two years ago and received the enormous vote of 276. It was then agreed to nominate five men for County Commissioners, and a number of names were sug gested. The following were nomi nated: J.J. Wilder, of Franklinton, Peter Stainback, of Hayesville, Grif. Gay, of Cypress Creek, A. D. Wil liams, of Gold Mine, W. H. Green, ot Youngsville. The two last named are Democrats, and Mr. Williams is the Registrar for Gold Mine town ship in the coming election. He is a staunch Democrat, and phoned to the editor of the Times on Tuesday tnorning (as soon as the news reach ed him that he dad been nominated by the Republicans) that under no eu-ctnnstaiK woj a nomination. E verjrboHy'wlio knows Mr. Williams is not surprised at his action. We dare say that Mr. Green will take the same course. Upon motion the nomination of candidates for the various county of fices was left to the Exective Commit tee composed of the following: R. R. Harris, T. H. Whitaker, P. R. Hatch, E. F. Yarborough, L. S. Alford. After the adjournment the Commit tee met and re-elected R. R. Harris, (postmaster at Louisburg) as Chair man. There were no new faces in the convention, and only one speech and that was made in a wrangling sort of fashion by T. H. Whitaker, who told a "whopper" when he said the County's indebtedness was thirty thousand dollars The Times can't believe that he intended to make such an outragesously erroneous statement, and we attribute it only to his ignoramce. The fact of the matter a the county's present outstanding indebt- Bdness is as follows. On the $20,000 bortfc issue of 1897, there remains only $2,000 now due 116,000 of the . entire amount having been paid off since ,th pres ent Treasurer went , into. office,, and the remaining two thousand dollars will be paid off next July. There is an outstanding indebtedness of $10. 000, known as the "Bridge Bonds' which were floated at 4 per cen interest, under the Democratic ad ministration of 1901. These wil fall due in 1921 , sb it will be seen that the total outstanding indebtedness of the county is only 12,000, and there is now in the Sinking Fund over five thousands dollars tapay onje bonds when they come due. 2 Four thousand -dollars lof this amcfunt is bearing 6 per cent interest, while' the county is only paying 4 per ceni.on the $10,000 Bridge Bonds.' Deduct the amount iniSiniing Fund'frorn the ft 1 2,000 outstanding indebtedness, and the real debt of the county will be just $7,000. In addition to the above the pres ent Treasurer has piad $3,300 and interest, which was due ot thejbond issue of 1884, and during the past eight years the county scrip has been worth one hundred cents the dol lar, and the county has been run on a cash basis. And tor the information of the public the Times will state further that there have been built in the county, since 1899" seven iron bridges at a cost of $14,645, and they are all paid for. All the above are facts and can be proven by the records. the : rnov;iiG people. ! . . COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 1XET IN REGULAR SESSION ON LAST MONDAY. Death o Little Francis Cooke. The Times4 regrets to have to chronicle the death of little Francis N. Cooke; son of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Cooke, which sad event occurred on Saturday night last. . He was a bright boy, 11 years of age, and was the pride of his parents and grand-parents. -ThV funeral, which took place at the Cemetery, on Sunday after noon was conducted by Re,v. :Jciah Crudup, and was attended by a large number of the friends of the f ataily. The following were the pall-bearers: M. F. Houck, T. B. Wilder, E. F. Yarborough, Dr. D. T. Smithwiek, T. W. Watson and W. P, Neal. The bereaved parents have our most sincere sympathy in their sad hour of bereavement. THEIR HOYEUBNTS IN OUT OP TOWN. AND The Cotton Growers. Last Tuesday was the day ap pointed for President C. C. Moore, of the State Cotton Growers' Associa tion, to talk to the cotton growers, merchants and others inteiested, upon the question of establishing storage warehouses in the towns located in the cotton belt. On account of the very short notice given of the ap pointment there was not a very large attendance, but-the "faithful few" were very much interested in the ad dress of President Moore, and re quested him to call another meeting Louisburg for Saturday, October iSthrlJ dondusKm of Presi dent Moore's sensible talk last Tues day, a committee, with F X. Eger ton as Chairman, was appointed to take under consideration the building of a storage warehouse in Louisburg and report to the mepting on the 13th. Tobacco Notes. Tobacco, tobacco, tobacco! The own was full yesterday, and our warehousemen were making thiugs uhum." A number of farmers from adjoin ing counties wh sold tobacco on the Louisburg market the past week were highly pleased with prices, and say they are coming again. Mr. J. W. Hight, auctioneer for Harris & Ford, desires to see all his friends when they are in town, and especially when they have tobacco We make a lively sale almost every day. In Addition to Routine Work, an -Election for a Special School fax was Called In Youngsville Township. The Board met on the 1st, all members present. After reading and approving minutes of former meet ing the following business was at tended to: J. H. Cooke recommended that re pairs be made at Gill's mill dam, and E. M. Gupton was appointed to have a bridge erected across same, and also to have Whitaker's bridge re paired. W. H. Pierce was appointed Constable of Youngsville township to fill the unexpired term of S. E. Pierce, he having resigned. The newly appointed Constable tendered his bond which was accepted and h$ appeared before the Chairman ami took the oath of office. Report of Dr. Yarborough Superintendent of Health, was received snd recorded. Dennis Kearney was placed on th pauper list at tl per month, recom mended by Commissioner Cooke. The clerk was instructed to purchase a barrel of paint from Manhattan Paint Company, to be used on rotff of jail. E. N. Williams, Superinten dent of Home, reported 4 white and 18 colored inmates. E. M. Gupton was authorized to buy harrow of McKinne Brothers now in use at the County Home. The special com m it tee to settle with Sheriff and Treasurer reported that all foods have been fully settled and receipted for by the Treasurer. The County Attorney and the Sheriff were ap pointed to investigate the insolvent lists reported by the Sheriff. An election for a special school tax in Youngsville township, waa called for Tuesday, November 13th. O. Hote good was appointed Regiatrarjfor said election and June Jones and Charles Alford, poll-holders, the vot ing place to be at the residence of June Jones, and the registration bcoks to be opened according to law. The boundary of the district is as ollows: Beginning at the place where Middle Prong creek empties into Little River, thence along said river to the Yountrsville Graded School district, thenoe along said dis trict to the Wake line, thence along said county line to Middle Prong creek, thence along said creek to the beginning. The levy to be "10 cents on property and 60 cents on the poll. This election was recommended by the Board of Education, upon a pe tition ot one fourth of the freehold ers of tne district. Claims to the amount of $825.7 for bridges and general expenses rere allowed and the Board adjourned to next regular meeting. And Those Who Come and Go, Some for Pleasure, Some for Business and a Large Nura- her Because They Uae It. Mr! J. A. Sheets of Italslgh, was In town yesterday. Mr T. F. TsrrelL of IU'ftah, it iting her popl here. Mr. W. IL Waddell and childr n are visiting m Gt4dkboro. Mrs. F. S. Spruill made a short rtsrt to Haleigh this week. U Miss Ljdia Anderson is visiting 1 er Bister, .airs, i jyjjajejr, Cspt. T. W. "Darn, of haleigh, U j a guest of Mr.T. BicfccU. ; . Mrs. M. C. lieu-ants rstormd home from Wilson laal Tenlng. , Jlr. rv 13. MuKinns Las retxmved from a visit to his people In Johnston. Arch Joyner, of nsJeigh, ceme over this week to visit hii reotJ near town. Dr. F. K. Cooke U back home, irora xJuinore, wnere n went on s professional visit. "Old mm" Will X. Colsy, ot the Raleigh Evening Time, vu in to see us Wed need sv. 3frs. T. B. Wilder sad chUdren, returned jeatenxayr from a visit to her people in Aberdeen. Dr. Singleton L Foni left last Saturday for Baltimore to complete his coarse in denistry. MtM irue Cheatham, of FrmnkJin ton, visited her naiter, Mrs. A. W. Alston, this week. Meeera. F. 8. Spraill, T. W. Bick ett and W. M. l'erson, attended Vance court this week. Miss Zelma Edward returned s Board oi Education . Tfce Board met ia rgmUx miuq 14 1 Moods j, all mecabvrv aM Scptt inuodsnt W hit prsfetnt. The rvport of Sorcri&u.r3sl White that plans for bc&lkg llL Zkn school boose hud hma draw was retTd. J. H. Hsrper w3 rs perintsod the tixiioo erf the saxa. A. T. WBsco aod J. F. IVutv wej appointed as a oooti:v4 U psrinUod the mw scBml si KtJUTvsrs, which ta to cjrt ghomt fiSO one LsJf to be nail br tbs Board. Whiu Districts Nc. 4 aa4 S c4 IawboTR, ard No 1 Gold Mb,1 6led A CRAIID STATE FAKt TO BE nXLD IK KiiXICH 03" OCTOBER IS TO 10. nidarry lo t AH? e with CUx Showi-ttmy Other AW trtxUoat Hos, lUrrcy Jaw dm to Stxk Vcstx. Tbe wn Suu Fair Oct. 1I u Z$ iU U tl Vmti oe ' ar fc Sarxb Crxf.la Thm Fair vQ a ofi krt (rrrcTK IL B. Glsi&A CSV Tr hare I- hxivrv appioUom foe t&rsrW. Tb ! tu b li grcwds ao4 nZsvL county ocdy beiajt raliUed to IS U-1 rrucwiaHv ta airriscrt attorn l-jcf brirxs, rd already hirine; IP, h u axrirs-'ttrU M Irre Uxk &sw ordered that the Sopwrin al a? 3 i"o of (tas order libra rUs fcr all, ari await for j w nett aprro. n lenfr ra th B ats. Hej Tbe feirwa 4 ikqltTt wi3 w also authccuI r orchi air j tS mxj-kyrm OmssXj ciUa book cas for IChrarv A rtitk w baJjrtswrjasJjr derraJU4 W for a tf-ecUl Ui e4e-t r. in Vocn TVs frr-a-erai duisra, rtnicndar!y nlle towtuhip wsj apt-or4, aa3 UK cari&g fart t&dLtemaj w-Cl snl to ths eoontj crrriakricora, rT J mimwS cvWd b;c!Uu&. Tb bocmdarW of the dWtrie wl ' Hir tbre wi3 W be f ocrvl in ibe prr.j te j cJ Km ' frvaUi? pnMs i n wZl bs ficJu ooramissirkoers b aoohrr coj&otv. lh hijfr dam acrws a4 iau - oectai. Ery ic A rtn will taj-p Smith- I taka. msi cJtinr wi2 b sw The tvoroe of Mr. L P. Boe,! lU emx! saI ths fathtr of lb at J ; riWe4 Irxou to3 anj trb thn ooontj xj WJndv t thesrwne of the marriage ot Mrt ! ( tTii iithr7 Hci-a, Hds MamUB. .Smith to Mr. Ct. S. Earr. ' Wtzt-fraiUrM. U rrj rtmr4. C. C. W fll iama m h m t-oaJ bn tmh ! rirv TUur, i war. OnJr a few tnttmat tra3 rtd Ilanuuoo bcrwT aa3 t &cmt b AtMrtra. "at. mLycoumAi location Coant dersoa has arrarvcri fc a naaUr v ,, . ' .... tag ti f; Wk.:oK fimtlcm of hizb-ctsJM eaUrtaumenu in that . wcra. town for lhi fail rl twui, aJi L f . , . . learns frco Wr. . C Tc-v CkViD fUv9 Cec: Uman, the (raJ Maaagrr. xUi the Wtat4t-llt Va . Ilal U 1(1 w-'" w Kmoi u.; (. ot i ,, t ' I t soe weal to vuu nex urovaer. gnaaifcekk will iod-l be a trtat to all loren ct psjx fiiav seMWul ttracd.rj will be Tn brjJc.tJ II I)eroot, BltMlriWl Iclxr, ia NoTember. 1 Third. lKcer. V aru u at-d Ilea; C.R. Choroh, (formerij Maw Telia Johasoo) of Xorfolk, fc rkhin her atint, Mrs. I). F. Coeke. Mr. (. C. Ciregory returru-I Mon day from Auburn, where he rot Sunday with his wife ami Hiule daughter." Mr. Jno. A. Tucker and wife, of j m Janoary High Point, and Mr. Waiter T-ckex, Joiin Th..as are hefe. havioff ln suromone-l on ! v m;- ' c- ....... aooount of the severe illnw of their i f,.. i T.W-. 1 roaa, in Mtrrh The fooe of jLnn trle-tA, whifii dav from Chase City, V, whre he , , . , , . ' lhee rsx te cared t-y aid rotation the MiDiffr at Hrirwev. No dobt a noroUr 4 nnx i3 sall the miwi t r -4 lhe op:r -t unity of witr b oa OT 1 1 c4 lhe high erjtrutntieTtSL wgrT rttwfi slrr jrw Mtrt-Lkl Jtnm Ytrrea IditdMS, ut V-w Hr. sod a tTCi M evr 4 jM-nUr ta st lb r;Kizf of tbe C;tai "It's Onla Joke" Our correspondent form Kates ville says that he has interviewed Messrs Joe Strickland and James Abbett, Sr. regarding the ; answer 6 f Sal Skin neP' to the query in a former isstie of the Times, - as to "what would make old folks young and ugly ones pretty." At first they were in doubt as to what action to take, but after fully considering the matter they came to the conclusion that "it was all a joke" in their cases, and therefore no further action was neccessary. They can't speak, however, for Moses Ne.al, Tom McGh.ee, and Henry iDliftbn, but Messrs. Strickland and Abhett are of the Opinion that tliose three are very "huffy" and.aWvery anxious to know who "S?l Skinner" is, as the "truth hurte." V Teachers' Meeting:. The regular monthly ression of the Teachers' Association of Franklin county will be held at the court house in Louisburg on Saturday, October 13th. beeinninff at 11 a. rn. The topics to be discussed will be in re gard to the opening of schools, in eluding the teacher s preparation. Bn jttnia K TCI- Bister, Mr. J. V T. C'isy returnei SVedr- mother. We ar glad to know that her condition has improved. Mr. J. A. Tavlor and wife, of Ut tleton, will make Ixiabrg their home for a while and haTe taken ( rooms at Iancajter'i Hotel. He i To tba CoofdtraU YtUnxx. It m dtrw3 ti.al Jiy V-Utr.tt wt tc -i rwil Lw ere c4 if rr4 it. l.b arxtftkiD at tSe &r?ke d iti rii. ie kt ofcSJxA IL H Ius rWT Jc J. Ia Ch;r T I C. cf BevolaUaxu cm thft DeiLh Art. CUfXoa. At a ase'u& 4 0e citzoJtjft Audurj c4 L FaqU cbtrciL l:cW- traveling for Cchen, lidman A Co., . Thf 00 CaTlTXll. of New ork. WaiUc ca&d)a:ia fc The itor hail the pleasure nf j Uttflr0 mWilJ c uxf jei meeting his gooti "old" fnen-1, IL M. wflj tH tmmm w WeOxay lUsUtsa. TUl lieUali cf Mra. Fuller this week. He tells us that hm er jn nBQtv. ttabf. i Cico, Ar will make hn home with hia sin, W. aprotn:menji are a f Vvr Uoctt a ka a as 4 lua a M. Fuller, who will more til twn ' l'lltJir irir 1 WJ&rtUx ( Vo- cwxie c4 fmrit ajsi tvrucnilar- r - J T, . in the nar future. ?i Mr. Aaron Deitz has returned from the iN orth ana his new gooas ai-e rolling m. , t . Mr. K. r. Hill, accropo.l bj , his little s-in Kemp, left last .Sundav , j. fur Frankprt, Iventacky. wher he will put Kemp undfw treatment of a ( a speci.Hst. liofore rvtarninj: h wHl we 1 the use of register, the classifying of j buv .1 imir.Ur of he of hrev an i pupils, the grading of pupils, etc n.ul.vs. Discussion will be led by Supfrin ; j,,,! (W... nme home !vl JLm. 4ie2 TiaJ Fraaklaouio, atJay . ' ciUm 'S! 7 C- Aweary. a4 W aj'prctau lUky Ford, Mot lay, cslt S ( '!.!reri!ir, W ff n-i ; . ' 1. t -ndents White. Mills, Sams, Conley and j ur,j lv to aoJ c uirt School Building" Completed. Superintendent Mills, the teachers, the children and the parents, nre all highly pleased that the traded School building, which prtsrnts a beantifr' appearance in the large grove, is about completed. All tlu classes occupied the new building for the tirst time last Tuesday morning. The people 'of the town should W proud of this monument, and we have no donbt but that they are. ' ur.l.iv. tiui it: .u .r. 1 m Vaw liavn? t rrhanyjnl wttJ: Jnde I.on. He J id Franklin court, which nn tober l"th, when on'v rtw', cur will ! tritl. Hi fnewti- f)er- the hand f Mr 1 who .Knt !a: at-.r tive years ag he 1 ia. - IaT tA !v3ik W Hay, . and Sanday !f4int hr' iiaWtill', Frday, Nu'rUr l and Mhff tr--r.ai i.r wjU '.n t?- o-.-aiT o;.fjidiJil(M at itr.o of tb at jnlr-!-r."ki T i-! r -,.rlis!l-. in v- a!'.iti J. A T''u a. Oj-rrr.ar 1 v Ti.a we j.li:s .. fc .f :o to Zt Ta c7o iri that ct? HatcitJj r:.at w.fcir: Lira is Km 1 iiir i L ixir rutx we a a 1 1 i 1 3h. J Tl-ai a m thf 4tch-mawin bair.e.. in I'lainfieid. N. Jn and nichmon-l, , I u the latter city ring hi Prer t;.,. . abode. , Wb are glad to know U.at he ia doing wdl. , i'.Urfil tJ-o at r- inwI f ?r tr. j xinc Lsx f'ir rs". p cVi C Zt I, (j Mi. Aia s.vi feir ttc.caJU;ii u IL KttiUt Ttwa siJ iVogTe, Ma- F hrt; u;. H. C K liti at, M-2. , . 4