- : ' r;- ,. . ' - - : . r - . -. - . r ' ' 1 . N . .. : ' " -. - . .,X-' . ' r " ' 'l J;:J ::7'j LJ, pC. . .. JAiifiS A. THOMAS, EDITOR. the coThrrit the triATE, tke uinou: vol. xxxvi. "i,; ! LOUISBUBG FBJDAT, OCtOBEB 12, 1908. : n - - - - ; - : : 1 " , . - - - f . TOVH OF YOUUGSVILLE. GRADUALLY BUStJRELY GRO W ikG AND BUILDING UP. Its Business Men Live and Hust ling Two Tobacco Warehous es Good Banking Facilities Flhe Graded School. The editor of the Times spent a few hoUrs ia our nejghboriog town of Yotingsville pii' Monday of iiis wee ecuve committee of his county. He was elected state senator in 1896 and served as chairman of the finance committee of the senate m the twenty-fifth legislature. He refused renominataon, owing to the press of private interests, but still found time to devote .to his church duties. De ceased was a devout Christian who lived a life above reDroach and whose kindness was proverbial in his county. No needy man wayever tojaed away empty-handed?' He gave, to fcljarityith ; a lavish hand, and sontribated to every public e rv terprise. LV.POU AND C.C.DAHIELC THEY' WILL SPEAK WITH THE COUNTY CANDIDATES. -3 and it is a pleas ute tolr us- to state thai 'wis found business lively in that growing town. The cotton platform was filled with bales of cotton, which had been bought, w0 were inform- ed by one of the live business men, In the past few days, and the two to bacco warehouses, wUch are-fun by reliable and energetic warehousemen presented evidence of the fact that they are handling their share of the weed, while the various stores of the merchants, which are filled with new goods, contained qnite a number of customers who were j providing them selves with some of the best "before they were picked over." We had occasion to "call in" at the bank, which is so well ofiicered by W. G. Riddick, as cashier, and J. W. Mitchell, as assistant, and found these two gentlemen in their usual aecom modating and pleasant humor. The graded school, of which every citizen is exceedingly proud, is suc ceeding, and is heme; conducted most satisfactorily under the superintend ncy of Prof. Conley and his efficient Special Train to State Fair. assistants. The Seabord Air Line will run a Quite a number of new dwellings special through train from Louis have recently been completedj as well bure the State Fair next "tVed - as several new stores, among the latter riesday and Thursday as follows: U the large brick store of W. avI at 7, a. m; Winston & Co., which they are already Franklinton 7.40, and Youngville at occupying. The store of Sprvey & 7.52, arriving at Raleigh at 8.35. Re Timberlake is nearing completion, turning this special will leave Ral- and when finished will be one ot the eieh at 6.00 p. m. One first clasr prettiest in the State. They hope to I piU8 50 cents for the round . 1 Death of I. G. Staunton- Mr. isham G. Staunton, one of Franklinton'g oldest and most highly respected citizens passed away at the age of .74 years on Monday last, after . a short illness. For many years he was one of the leading mercnants oixur sister town, out a few years ago he retired from active business life, Vnd gave the most of his time to looking after his farms His estate is valued at anywhere from $60,000 to $80,000, the most of which he left to his wife. Thev had no children. At the time of his death he was President of the Citizens Bank of Franklinton. He was a member of the Methodist Church, in which faith he died, and was a Mason. He was buried with Masonic honors, at Plank Chapel, (M. E. Chnrch) on last Tuesday. Let Everybody Turn Out and Hear These Gentlemen, who are Informed-Discuss the Issues' of the ' Campaign. Hon.-. Edward W; Poo, Candidate for Congress, will speak wUh tb Democratic Candidates at. .Pophr Springs on October 24lh and4 at Rocky Ford, on October 29th. H will also sueak at Saturday Octobeor o'clock. Charles C. Daniel, Candidate for Solicitor will speak with the Candi dates at Stallihgs oij .TitUTday November 1st, and will loin "the Candidates at several other places. Louiabur on 20& Lat 2 THE : TilOVlUQ PEOPCL THEIR HOVEHENTS IN OUT OF TOWN. AND HOMOnHIT TO rJCIVER Franklinton He HoVejj The new hotel at Franklinton is neaiiog completion, and will be vady to throw its doors open for the ac- oommoaation 01 guests m a very short time. The Tiuks learns that it will be under the management of Mr. G. L. Whitfield, which is a guar antee that the guest will be well cared for. The new hotel la on the former site upon which the old one stood, and at the beginning it wm only contemplated to renovate and repair the same, but from the outside appearance we judsce that the pro prietors decided to put up a new building out-and-out. complete it by November 1st. J. W. Winston & Co. The advertisement of this hust ling firm of Youngsville, will be found in this issue of the Timks. The members of this firm are Jos eph W. Winston and: Chas. Eu and 18tli. Timberlake, both of whom are young but experienced business men and while they are in the business to make a living, they do not want it ajl. In dealing with their custom trip, which includes one admission to the Fair Grounds. Tickets to be sold October 12th to 20th, final limit October 23rd. The Shoo lv will not stop to take on passengers between Frank linton ' ana Raleigh on the 17th tesj Hon. Locke Craig will speak in Louisburg next Monday. Send Me the Times." This is the . message we received a n if i thftir nlan to take onlv a mall profit, and as a proof of this K fact, they rarely ever lose a custom- Jones, who sent us a "crisp one dol er after once getting him started lar Ml torn his faraway home in the with them. Read what they .say in Tobacco Notes . No njeking about-carrying your tobacco to any oth w y mir)L said a farmer, uas long as the ware housemen here keep up their present lick." The Riverside intended changing tneir aaverosement tnis week, as they had something interesting to tell, but.thsy were so busy looking alter the interests of" their pstroxis they could not spare the time to write it up. Look out fur "another blast" next week. A number of Wake county farm ers were here the pat week with the weed, and went away highly pleased. Craig at Loulsburjj. Hon. Locke Craig, one of the fin est speakers in the state, will speak in the Opera House in Louubarg next Monday, October loth, upon And Those Who Come and Go, Some for Pleasure, Some for Business and a Lare Nurn bei Because They Lite lu V . Me. W J. Allen, of the Fe O line Engine Co., t in the Vorg. M Nina Ballard, , of Franklb ton, is a guest of Mr. J. J Harrow. Mir. G. T. Andrtwa, of Itrekj Mount, b vUlung hr aiittr, Mrt. W. C. Cooks. Mrs. P. H. Fleming and Mim Madg Flecaiag,'of lUligh wr guestA at MrS. T. Wilder i ih pat week. 1" , Mrs. J. C. cetnrnfrl to.bsr home in Louts burg Monday after a abort viait to htr brother, Mr. J. 11. Iieddingtild, in'Itocky Mount. f 1 t- :j t ii j t . .r. vt m v. xjaiiaru. mai a : ' i i short Tbltlvsre HhW wMk to hU father, Mr. Frank Ballard. IU u now Caahier of the BaAk at Roanok Iiap'la. Among the v iit on her thb wek .ware Jlra. lxut . ill mm iui chad ren, and Mm. Sallie Witn, of Sprinjthop. They were gieu at Cspt. P. G. Alston's. Mr. Nat. Beaaiey, who ha Uwn with a firm in Iorta, 8. C will 1t in a few days for Piema City, Mo, wher h has aooepUd a poitn with a leading buaine.M firm of that city. The editor had a r4aaant call yeaterday morninir from Mr. Jc May, who is visiting bin father Mr. Tbos. Msy near town. He ia in the inexcaatnebtrsinttt -taaar, , Morria. Mr. T. P. Alford, of IUngwod was ia ov-aanctam-ywiterdayt.ciHi ad hia aam placed ;on thhom.rfg . rolr of the Iimks. He wajl acon- ' panied by hia daughter, Mia PatUe, j who will be one of the teachera in i Sandy Crek during the ouniinj; -sion. Mrs. Wriglrt Mann, of ( arlwlr,, Ark, ia visiting her father, Mr A. J j Underbill, near Iouuiburg. lj-nj arriving here ahe told a friend that everything looked natural to hr i j ahe had kept up with toe minr j change by reading the Tina w h vch j arrivel promptly every Monda? j morning at her home. The ediUjc ! ia pleaded to leam that her Coxy Homos. The dieoorery ol imv wkk prbv dpie eo ei!ouv a4 rei o atasfie thai tl's a wooder eo om ihochl U h before Km so rs4mSootasd vbe that rrJcWL amok aal ell. . CiroltnA to Zntl Herd rr IS EXFECTTO THAT SU.COOi WILL EE RxHTD. cashed hj Lmptrfjhci wick arrxtug- rneot. nra v hm tifthr rrrrr-drl m I thbg ol the rat. ' 5uts to rcrpcrsuljfc The M wick'aUaceot kbU HU HsCiCry. tovr oo the PrfVciiou.' pa Haxr. To f im r Xctant Cajetnr aj Inurr-lmjr. U4U abow tha CtiMHtli t Th. OaAt tJ. MtZtmr the heater jitm IcVftlUM beat th i Ce rrlcm t4 Urn f7 Ku. wick canxvoi be lamed too cc cua or day Las Tivrml nuater too low abaoiou aaiety Utm Ub J ce Im' "afrWel Jl-TTi bj ajMored. Ooe trrhr featar vhx m h feffe arj (rnn if wei worthy of umjtirMl V ii ejookie ' "U : nstrt aj4 4 tiy, alcrtaaeV device whXcA prvrente aU oLe a&i naxcuJ rvnice te re eotl Imarjtb odor. The porubdttr ci S bejiuc foxa ckM So to Ws Imvm U alio cmoerda K for geAeral boi Huie fcai valeric wmmi uLal totCA hold ae. Ileater ia very v arJ St W liaa ta eoa Od iria can be &xt2j carried abooL Iia tlem- tb hjert kitsl aa LV paAsraiiuet pie operation, naefmlaeea ra beatigf KcTtA Ctrxifciaas t4miiU etrm. water and wmrmhif 4d rri taake rri W Wrre Czs4 LS pao;Iej it a coael hxifcdy awi fmL ertkrie ta ha ewr d ka 9 wire any home, Thia teUr h en fix "tii ew r L&sjt aJbty aMl. pexioc to other jcdl berK m 's w-C 4mi it a jrtrieya ar4 at auch falf poc that lu actterwd h to i&.tnbrVe to a ftxi U edofJtioa ie trtt a matur of tec erert U M berate trues The Ilaro Le-rarx wtk a eale trptai tY CbwOkurr. Tttm by the manttfartrrtrt of th Partv nszA oAarJrfeees iWelwis. Hon Oil IlaUr, m witioi dob4 tSe ' p sud by Cl -cjrerar ( lie fsLuie beet lamp for aJl-rocrvi hofteicJ4 rt"llj f.' fco every cru ui a. I ecippl witL ( ho UtM'. Ncrlb Carmi, wl ierr U ftaAa proiei barter, aa pre t trit(i, , ara uccrt tiMkLC Mnm, u r-x fcaiy iitji at rnsau evert, r xjU-U l c-o a ac itcUjs tar t far librarr, vtri cic c bJ-rwra. Ti utt WciS W vtri.f 4 The Perfe4ro Oil lUaUe a4 t a-si rU It Ucjd lUyo Lamp form a cooUnatkc; thjii ' tSweic, i V,m llk,CXt t&sy for reaj hooe ooeafort r4C3j vin.kaii Kzftt exra ajui we eoaJVed. Whea v-.1 rai 3 m ak,M N'crtb Cniaa eKjcai e-ke taken of the aim pie fjrUicj U -tn-te 1 ih; t&e Vtdr4 the htr a4 the larar, the !. ' ai wcauet 1-19 umi twk late rafety, the lnune Keat por r - 1 a Led by th coe axvd the tcjht aj4 fc5rl az.4 wrmti ftl4T.lbbt cjTeA ht lh or-eii ar4 a h-w of tri ad wiihost Strxkexrt23ri2-t4Jr-ajM in arty Coetaryi 1 otoe what avrrvcuted. f?otl"lrf all rraiiiATe we, twLW g-avj a:i&trtWM rattee. Tbe ermntiu t! tbake CASTA LI A ITEMS. The I-roorr fir coantj r.i rvi opn br ThoredikT I tin wk Iitoot Oray Pa!li. n( L T ti. A,. hU Acat, Un J Kio, ooe day Uurl -V: . Ute UaUm .SeJ.n nt-rC, U Kere rvaMrtlnr h Sjrot. lire Hft-r thoVmrw, La her raCIbrj ihIiaV tMXtt TUr. Q v li . Doka Ik om cked rvw cd xaMertlnjr at Keebrbtrew Aboat flttjr luddtUonrfi to the rittrrh gooi j the reealt. err ei 'art l niM lS f StfU WltLi tb it vi-irtj m tWH evafiiKi-a ti:trf ai4 Zmim .w&t, j -;w ibUIk r r. VW, U (rtrwW Ueeadeittfce Mn J IjKderf IrrvrKiev Titty VU! Ccat tixk. TUi r rar. Ut rhr iKrr well erBe laidk. their advertisement. HEBER STONE DEAD. Canal Zone, Isthmus of Panama. He I the political tMnes of the day. The has a position with the U. S. govern- apeaking will take place at 2.S0, ment. land everybody who wants to hear one of the beat speeches that will be Card Of Thanks. delivered in una campaign ehoaia H make it convenient to be in the haabaod and hia en erg tic brother, Mr. W. Y. Mann, who lire near them, are d i tg weil. To the friends who were so kind Me Was a Native Of Louisburg. Uomy husband daring his long illness, Pft HoaBe ;next. Mondif. The Th ditor ot the Tims Was hand- T rrtrui.mv omtfnl jlt- m ooroiaiiy iomix. v " a ja. re eww ' ww -m J Q e - ed this week a newspaper dipping, nreciation. and to assore them that containing an account of the death their sympathy and kindness will Prof. HobffOod at tUplerille of Mr. Heber Stone, which occurred eyer be remembered. fhe-4iMits is requested to an at his home in Brenhara, Texas, a Mbs. W. G. Muktord. nounoe that Prof. F. P. Hobgood. fawdava affo. He was a son of De- of Oxford, wdf deliver an addrees witt Stone, who was a resident of TjnnV n't Un Onlv a Jnk in the Academy at Maple ville on Louisburg when Heber was born Editob Times: Uara glad to note FfeVimg 0cT !8 Aacruat 26. 1853. The mother of . . llT : o'clock. Friends and patrons of the O I tUO lOb UUIb U1V TUUUK U1CU Ml UU1 I . . ,. , Heber Stone was a sister ot Col. W. school are cord iaUy invited. and strorg. There is one young fel- coon alter tne civu war Mow tbat ia particularly so. I refer No Excuse to Change. and famUy, when Heber was a small . Ma Pftrrv Trft mrnmt. hriht There is no excuse for any one who hov. moved to Galveston. Texas. I . d.j. a Ihaa heretofore affiliated with the We glean the following from the . nfF wn hu v, iinrfinir Democratic party to vote the Repuh- newspaper article referred" to above: wifh thfl filihv After -truttin ,ican Ut "Abide in Mr. Stone was married to Miss L.A -trflftte for .ome tW no one ship." We cannot help quoting the Louise Giddings on June 4, 1879, knowing his business but himself;ile following News and to fWsunidn five chUdren were went .ioand to one of the leading and Observer. "The man who wants born; namely, Giddings Stone, Mrs: . VonncvilU and to mother legislature adjoorrp - -r --r t i IT t A a I OO v . I runnr n.4 VroA jitiaV Tlinrrtaa rvrt rk k. ii. jicnoison,neoerovuu,urfc bought him a buggy, and inta it he I "v r-- " Htn end Tawfl Stone. r !:v . .Mvu:. fuse to adjourn in honor of Robert Stone and Lomise Stqne. Mr. Stone ise Stqne. r Wped, saying as he took his seat, w 7"" - had been prominently l0ng.w But all of a sudden he E- Li should by sll means vote the connected with the financial institu- realixed that he bad left his horse at Republican ticket in North Carolina Hons of Brenhara for a W timand I UugW among th rear. No other sort of whiu .fl..Hi,aufmm UrM com-L- Dtt:wrcn,n8. mm man should rote it" Durham San. " "v J ' . j he tumbled out and maae ror no me, mercial enterprises at the time of eyer ?body fce met the only thing ' btdeatn. . V he could sa; was, iNew Doggywui TV.n.l Qrwy. J ( . r l . m i i t J a o . NIZiw:- tmomtv " 'TAnk: ftut uujsi, win oo m xxuounrni w- lur. ovone vook a yrvuiiiiow uwn- i aw - i .- . , - . -t 5n rtHri n w for a lonff ffo hto fibls. Your friend, day and' Wednesday JT onoss pi INGLESDIE ITEMS Miwi Mary Jordan FoatT a vla- tlog reintiTon at Inglflekie. She leave to-day to vlH other In Loolabnrsr. If reports are tros, and ihej sometimes are, wedding b4U will br rinaDjf soon and then perhape our items will be more LntereACJng. Mr. Macon has rem od led hia a to re, and now has one of the most coovro lent and attractive place of boal oeca to be found iu the roaotrj and his large and well selected stock of jroode can furoksh ay thl&x needed. A Breath from the weetern a&ow brought us a touch of lroct Uat nlirbt. and tola morninsr we art building nres And looking up over trxfU Dot Mr. rJdttor tf you could have seen the large crowd at Ingleslde Academy last nlsht, and how ever j one enjoyed the beet cream and cake, how bright and happy every ooe eeemed, yon would hare had little thought of cold. And too th liberal hearts of Ififftealde, rrepoTidsd so gvueroosJy that wfaW sJ 'was' over we found w had doable the amount we had hoped for. Ton know fngieaid nevtrs does thlnri hy halve. :" Wt feel thaf w 1 tocral thank Uks Mtta. Canady who la aria.ya ready ta heltf In a rood cans, for brr nice 'conlHhifitioh. Our only rrcrt waa that the editor could nov-be with taj . 1 roaxaroxntrrr. Oct. 11,1005. -a a ii. t mmK Mr. OxarU-j Ihrkrrt has tw'- " iiyw a commUeVocverl by Qv . Gkia km I, h Sfccrred trasa. LeeaeWx notary p-QDJc Mr. lckrroo Im a , erwo ti lee yer ttxkw rVk capable aeaa Ad will make Kb a. Kcartne Va, tber hoea. TWy aav orptahU ofTWijiL tWe m a-o faoe hk Lu ekw. aae Mr. F. W. WW, who ha bed tbe Tiarm rre ihmm Oh rtad hand. several yvars eipricxw. ha ao Mr. Tatkw 1.m hit a-TM almciel cs- eptd a poeHAoa a drtsjeyket at , urred V ro to a Kmporia. Va, aad will caove there 1th hia facaily abortly ad b-io hk work. Mr. JaOM Dowdeo.oV Joe tin. ha pqchsert the entire stack A ti CaataUa trux Co.. attd will taov bW tam lly bre and COCO EBeAW the let oi DeoecnbT W rUdlf welcome htm to oar villa?. The Tar fUvrr FUirtiat Aaeociatloa coaveoed with th cb arch at Bed ( Tnt County Olsltixx. The XeeiRXTatc cageflaSi th LegiMiaiacre w-KI ce ue eaarae cm v etawiiy ' Orteer tilh. La Daxn Unraakip The ap-atataaols are as leakrwv: ToftUr Htci&cs WeiaeaKUy, Oo. tlifuaa'e Mu!, Tbtsraday, Ocfccr Oak, UU covnty. Teiedtj. Tbej tAr wa Weal and the atteodaarw! ToaacvrCK Fralay, October a a a Ma lars, Alarjre aamber oi JlaptUt ' raAaitok, rxrOMj khz zj. from arreraJ eoaaUe always attrad lloeky Ford, Moodav, OcaoM TX thsaw annual eh etiDir. Ib.tt4, Teiaj, Ortir XUv. Q. W. May.wbo hae bewa eoe ! CatrerO, Wedn 'ry, Oc&otassr darting a flonrUhleuc school at E-ed II. Oak, wtlloov here wlU his coca- 5taHrtL Thtradsy, KotscuW L. Dttiie07p of Uevcherm. and wtll bepcln his school work January 1st Oar people are Indeed lortuaal U ertrriiur so capable a man to take chars ol their school. Ur. Arch Taylor, ol Oxlord, and one of th tie t ere t rata on the mad. bars Ttasaday. Puata Tott. CastalU, K. C.Oct, o, Ira. Dr. B.IUpportwil bratth btnr Ilotal , Wsdnesdsy Oc. ITth far thirrpoae t atsmrafrrg errs snd tjttft, Teaiabex'the daj axal.sai, Oe&cutaiaoo trea. Gaiewrwle., Friday, Kcrecabwr JL Loakbor Saxcrday, KiweaW X, CggtTsawT n Fcfkalfihar Itav sals and cLhtt rrainc4 t will Vsia th aoemty cwr'tte sec hi th Bfofcsfcaaeista T tie are cardial t isrhad to and hear tS aswa d w ptsmi 1. J. A- Taenia a, ChiVraaa Dean. Hxeoclirs OasatsJ 1 w! atlod lbs sVrtw tSs dirt fcaa3 far tha perns est I f ! i -4 . , . - I T T I TV 0I.V4-- J. TJ.U- uiuo wuauiuwii v iu w 1! 4 7 T T.T r-i " J II III

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