JAMES A. THOMAS, EDITOR. THE COTTHtCT; THE STATE, THE TOIOff. SUESCBIPTIOH SIM FEB TtkSU VOL. XXXVU LOUISBUEQ, HrCl FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19,, 1900, KTJ&2E2 IT. ' 1 . ' ' " " " 1 " '" m ' 11 THE TRAITOR SKlllNED. HON. EDWARD W. POU LAID IT ON TO BUTLES. In a Joint Discussion at Smith field the Able Congressman Tells Him of His Meanness and Makes Him Swallow it. Congressman Poa, of the Rr'eigh district, and Marion Butler Jiad a joint political discussion in Smith Held last Saturday. Marion Butler, who like the gentleman of the same name, of Boston, who com manded the federal forces in New Orleans during the war between the states and because of his vil lainous conduct there was given the name of "Beast Butler," can boast that whatever may have been said of him, no one has ever called him a fool, slipped up in this debate by denouncing the white people' of the state for causing certain dis turbances in 1898, especially those which are known as the Wilming ton revolution. From an exchange we take the following account of Mr. Pou's reply to this part of But ler's speeches? Butler denounced the people of the ntate for the distr -bance which took place in the campaigns of 1898 and 1900, and charged that Senator Sim inons encouraged mob rule. Mr. 1'ous reply was one of the most ter- You think that they have forgotten, and that you can deceive them once more by your soft and hyocritical words? Commenting on the above fie Wilmington Messenger says: "Butler did not resent the charse. tie could not. for lconscinp.A dnoa make cowards of us a!l" and Butler's conscience reminded him that every. word of that denunciatory charge wag true. Think of a white man of North Carolina, one who had been honored by her people by election CRAIG AT LOUISBURG. if HE EXPOUNDS CRATIC TRUE vDEUO- PRINCIPIES; He Pleads for Higher iWeals, and With His Party Agrees that These Cannot Come En tirely Through Money-Getting: The gift ot oratory "t rrreljr be- , upon mortal b. It is not simply the power1 of fluent w viiis, W1ug luruwi 10 mum i speech, or the conception of before an audience of his fellow fancJe8. It u theiha men ana near sucn a denunciation thing more It thft itUlneroent of his conduct and not to be able of the chord 8 of the speafcerV nature to deny a single one of those fear- ; ..k L " DTi" Lauj t w i fail kiin luiuirra srss inn so and and sensible talk upon whit the A fc M Col Were wu doincr for the farmer boys of the iUU. A Good Catch. Meaner. Go May, Fred May, aod Sraitli Alford of near Youngavflle went banting the other night and auooeeded in bagging foar opoMomi f weighing as fbilowK 12 1-4, S 1. 5 and 3 1-2 pound a. THE MOVING PEOPLL! THEIR BOVEDBHTS IH OUT OP TOWN. AND iui ana aamname cnarges, tor tne audience 1- - A 1 1 .1 I reason inai n enow T,nv wnrn u .i - , . , true and that the listening crowd I anr,a anA j r i... P111 those who durably listen No man To Tobacco Haisers. Mr. E. J. Ilagedale, who m well known here, requests the Time to state that he will addrew the farmer in the Court Hoom to-morrow, St crday) at 2 o'clock- He wants them I all, eepecially tobacco rawer, to be It is the powtfto render P1 eent " he nm mehing to tll them that may pror of great benefit to them. alao knew of their truth. aoie sigm u must nave Deen. D9 a eat orator rni . -1 . .....!. " Tit ' 1UBre ww uoesx, pawiouc wmte an acute iudee of human ntnr. men in that audience who, no doubt, Th(J of gpeaking welt U iimilar blushed for him when they heard the m of VlBtenlu wfa 01iver a native JSorh Carolinian charged Wendell Holme says that good to nis iace wim sucn conduct ana 8peaking is much like artiatlo play wuo oiu noi aare aeny tne cnarges inK upon an organ there b a or attempt to defend himself against rauch gkiU in the ugQ 0K itop8 mem, Decause an Knew mere was fn xn that o the keyg r no aeienoe mat couia oe maae. The pe0ple of this were And yet you can hear a few white treated Monday afternoon, October men who claim respectability prais- 15, to the speech of an orptor. . Mr. ing this traitor to his state, and Craig is one of the few, who is the throwing up their hats and hurrah- the gift jpf oratory. ... . . Easy and graceful in manner, fluent mg Eur aim wueu ue 1 aou8mg n some 01 tne nest ana most patrotic tic in fancy, he fills th4 '"high eat citizens of North Carolina. The conception of platform speaking verv idea of Butler and his cohorts The facility with which he can paw x 1 : . . . t ... .. V , ...-j endeavoring to saddle the Demo- iruui argument 10 ipasaionate nnc cne wnier nas ever liBwjueu io,anu --o , , . . , . . , , . . ' -t, xU 1 appeal, or pathetic recitiL i I wish every decent white man in crats with the various crimes and inarkable p tne suite vxjuiu uave uoaiu it. 1 ui 1 oioouuneu uiai uave occurrea m me When he faced hia largq and iaiu .omiawi oiiuuiuuo wtn cu" state as a result of their own Houia-Webb. The elitor acknowledge the ceipl of the following inriutirtn: Mr. Fannie Tnll Webb re- And Those Who Come and Co. Some for Plcajun. Somt .for Bailnett and a Lars Horn be r Bcauio They LlKt 1l Ir. C. II. Ilanka u bon aain, from a uit to Wjiingtto Mr. AtxnW CIjtUkv, ol WU gt Of Mn. W ill M IWmVif lS paat wnk. Mr. S. T. .A'.ioci J1 wUr, Mi Annie IUU, petji Ut Svodar wllb Mr, il lte WLUUma Mr Geo. Ditm, of .VmU, at ttaotrz the tmjVoc lo IovMb-ar ihia vewk, lng a gut at lr. Ji. I. lUrt a. AfUr fooling aeveraj m.orvVrf it the -M-cklenbrg" b C" Clir. Vu Mr. W. T. IUgh &J cirea hare reiorned bom. jnl w tii ide lo Cm m thai the rW2D ocsUm i ftvt rv are alcxwt aJ3 descar2 ! IT. ren. T. WirmUio came re rqueUi the honor of your prenoe ; f IU!eh atJ mt few 1 ' ihe pAjit wk with h mut Mi V S Sprai'.l. TKe u t ue wjr crcxUcw tiiI ra'ie atjrtijag lir tixaav IWa Darie aee are tioort w-hjeq eioeffeco lUfitbiwei I! Cmcc La4 lo be diiCTrausLUc it woxli mi t Uk IUjS!jorM wrU4 be Ca Cf eroriM, twl: Mr. CX&iKam aad Kit rjij ta Kazataa Cby it wcuii hare -M3 rjfurd tJal th rnh Jirui frm frctJww) pcKtci orcrf U Cer wrv lerviU t t!KffUitArca KjstiMe w-re lr k4 a, fca aaajsy kaetaxnea few lUo Ia icw Ce rerj rwamai itxtt wre tolly aj4 rway. Uol rorie J hji CLat lie Urtfl make 1 Irrtsftrt irrircnM, ajad e roe : raj jui ex a uA riiea.it hire schKi ao do rhJi fa tie pro&uer nue renzoa fur ea? c&rcrfj t&H a kt xtitismi m Ifnrrg izirUArw 4 way at the marriage of her daughter El ma Ethel to Mr. Henry Chariee Hou on the morning of Wedrveedav, th thirty first of Octotar at nine o'c'tick Haptiat Church Mapleville, -N'orth Carolina. f'ji s e ci c.ra is re- couraging mob violence," said Mr. doin 1895 and i on. i ou Know me cnarge is false, aci you shall not slander a man who is better than yon r-ttitt his absence. I charge here and now Marion Butler, that you are respon sible for every drop of blood that was shed in city of Wilmington. mis- pathetic audienoe MondayAfternoon, 1896, in put- after a graceful introductioi i by Mr. ting negroes over the white people - s- PQil there wa a mgettSon of theatatel - . .1 MmetreP45J ot reserve power of ajfund ui store to be drawn on when needed U. D. C. meeting f caiieu meiinc r me J o. Davia Chapter will a heM in J. the the A. A M nl nfn n li i ic-tr Mr M H. Ha-i ari dasriur 1 Mi I.ucs, after j.)in un with ilr 1. A. iUai Uft t:r Uwir i home m ( art th k Mn IV A 1U' h aocxiitat.ml veci I 1 returneil reetrdar 1 Hm hct of frxrvii wer Eeilioai KoUca. lUi T X. Krr. A xi cv.tc He m ce 4 li n l art; tkr. l Ui Mr. J. J. Harrow, f dehghUi A ftw talUr Word 1 '0 ifc Claa t . K r i 7 a . r ? fc a )' 1 1 11 I l a aaonic Hall oar Mondar afternrn. ' " aPV3T ttr l ' ! Oct. 22nd, at 1 o clock .harp. ItM. wrk' l'klT kr1 aake.1 that all of tho-- trulv interei. 1 - "f-m Km fa.-w ! texl in the work of rawing moner for h wnl to lh r'4' fo v. t- cr- n tuuuei 7 j our Monument will be present, M r ' 5-T ti- I f-i y i? aid in the entertainment to be given ' I to t Egrorton Bacon. - t u.j c on Ocl 31t, Me.i. F. S. rui TTj. SDu, Ii, IL Jixri. 6ecy. Pre J3rraa Hobb-Bpitt. The editor of the Times acknowl edges the receipt of the following You betaryed the thousands of good invitation: men who had followed you into Mr. and Mrs. John Theodore Britt the populist party, and yon formed request the honor of your presence allianace with the leaders of the at the marriage of their daughter, Charlotte Virginir. to Mr. George Washington Hobbs, on the morning of Thursday, the first of November at half after ten o'clock. Saint Stephen's Church, Oxford, North C: -olina. W'l be at home after the fifteenth of December, 37 East Passaic Avenue, Rutherford, New Jersey. negroes of our state in order that you might go to the senate. In the county of New Hanover you put forty negroe magistrates in office. All the police of the city of Wil mington were negroes. Nearly r'l of the deputy sheriffs were negroes. The result of course was a carnival of crime. Such an era of lawless ness the people of that city had never Been. Highway robberies were committed in the open day time. Burglaries were committed night after nixht within the very shadow- ' Mr Green Declines. of the city hall. White women were The editor of the Times is author knocked -off the side w?lks by in- jzed by Mr. W. H. Green, who was solent, drunken negroes. You will nominated by the Republican of this not stand up here an4 deny that county at their recent convention for you were more responsible than any county commissioner to say that he other one man for patting these w:U not accept the same, and further venal and incompetent negroes in more that he is not a candidate for v .liai, thof rY,on this or any other office. With Mr. , r . . J Green and Mr. Sheann off the ticket you soia out ine organ oa M only three name nominated by the the populist party. Do you expect recent Republican Convention re- white men to submit to such con main viz: ; J. J. Wilder. Peter ditions? You are a white man youp. Stainback and Grif Gay. Undtr self, and you ought to be conscious the CTcurnstahees it would be agod of the things that your race cannot for. them .tQ Pul1 .J fand l 6 , T T it unanimous for the ticket n ned by and will not submit to. Now, I ' deplore every violation, of law which has ever taken place in our state. I expect I deplore these thing? as much as you do, but I tell you here and now, in the the Democrats. Our columns are open boys, send in your withdrawals. thing 1900 llr. Shearln Declines. As will be seen below Mr. Sheerin, presence of your own people, that it I no wag recently nominated by the does not lie in your mouth to denounce Republicans of this county for the the people of Wilmington, or any House of Representatives declines 1 v .1 T- the empty honor. H;s letter speaks one else m North Carolina, for any- k u4 that wii don in 1898 and J,, TlMtgf . to rid the state of your! t work. It was all largely the result I ijer 5ttl90o my iiamerinentiori- of your work, and that is why you ed as having been nominated by the did not dare stand up in eastern 1 P ?"""" North Carolina and attempt to de- T r "I a 2 -t aaavL j vono I I wish m ay that ! ca : ,u uur rewru m WU B" the nomination. lhat is the reason you have waited Respectfully all these years before fou return to n J. R. She akin. aoe the people you have betrayed. Ingleside, Oct 15, 1906. candi- cannot accept He began by laying down, in broad lines, the underlying prinoiplea of democracy. He declared that it was not the pprty for the selfish man, or tne man whose life was j given oyer to money getting. He inserted that it the party whc teachings are all altiuistic, and whose doctrines 'nco'cate hicher and' cleaner and better ideals. Briefly he dwelt upon the record of gr?ft and greed that the national Repub lican party had made, and then, coming down to deta 's, he took up the present iniquitous tariff law. The difficulty with moat discus sions of the tariff ia that they are too abstract, and statisticr', and involv ed to be interesting. The liatener loses interest while the speaker tells of "per oenta," and "duties" etc. With Mr. Craig thi ia not so. S'mply and with wer'th of illustration, he explains the workings of this law, that, were it bat once understood by all the people, would be wiped off our statute books within thirty days rfter the sitting of our next Congress. Through the whole dis cussion of the subject, like a gob den thread, runs the apper' to hia lis teners for a spirit of loftier pa- -. triotkm and more unselfish liring. "The full dinner pail" declared the speaker, "is not the end and aims of life. Life is more than meat, and the body than. raiment," For an hour and a half Mr Craig held his large audienoe deep ly, sympathetically interested, and when his rich mellow voice ceased, the crowd was sorry he was done. It was the speech of an orator, and of a man passionately In ermest. As a whole the meeting was great success, and the Executive Committee is acting wisely in send ing Mr. Craig out to preach the gospel of pure Democrasy in the state. Dr. Geo. T. Winston, who had seat on the platform while Mr Craig ipeke, was called for when the latter had finished and he gave the audienoe a tew minutes of Hgh We ack rvmr led t. Mlnmrtng: Mr. rJ Mra WEItata M c innte jo-a to b feat at the raarrugr c lh:r daafitee Marr ElnaWrh r Mr. (ieorg H:nnt Kjfrv n on Wednnwlar Tnin?. Ot!,.er thH-fT-firat nmeten h.ird a- an at half afur mrM o"e-V Trunfty Ciorrh Ing4ede, NcfLh Caroiir.a. a Wt tr' tLai LL i Death of Bike Burrows. After a lingering iltne of nearly j two years, Mike llarrowa, a highly ( reapecteAl citixen of 1outabum, paa. el away on Monday morning !at. ' He wan stricken with pumlyaka which wr the leginnin of hi il'ne, ( something like two yearn ago, and haa been an invalid ever iroe. A secxni stroae a lew aaya apo gave notice V hia family that the end was near. He leave a .fe (bit second) and one child. She was Miss Roaa Nash. Hia first wite wri Miw Mary Plvranls who left three children, and thev are atill livine. fw n,.r.m ..nif- . 1 otic aieh. TSo botv Um th tb la v s n,l Kainrr a .Will.) worWm.n .M larmera arw mTcranM, rreveouo a manotacture almost anything cot of wckxI . He waa alo a muaician. and many of oar people "U rem em - er the "Italian harp" he made aome years ago. Hia remains were interred Taeiay evening at Trinity church by the side ot hi 6rnt wifs. reim 4 t" "Srr"" lorn LjbJ cv.ocx. v!ua) u Une be draws ml w ft I llf dlT Cf tsaaa . It at aa4 ti w lca- Poa at ounjrirHle. Hofl. H . I'rvtj filler 1 hia afj-nl-mental Voanii Jle c Krlar lat. andve made an are, ai1 very y u County Teach era Aaaoclation. The montldy meeting of the County Teachers' Association wn held lft Satunitv in the court houae. Forty-five teachers were preeenL The session was both interesting and profitable. Among the aobjecta dlv oussl were "The grading sod ctawd fyinj pupila, MA schsdr'e for recita tions," uThe preparation of the teacher before school ope na. Seventy dollars was pledged for the establishment of a permanent TearJlers' library ytrxi 8 Opt. Mills and Sams were appointed a commit tee to select the books, , The next acaafon H1 U bald Sat orday, November 10th. It ex. pected to have Mrs. IlollowelL, of Goldaboro, to apeak on "Betterment of School hooees," Papers will be read by several teachers on assigned topics. No movement la educational mat". . - ters of recent years promise mors benefit than the enthusiasts interest taken by the teacher in the Axaocu- tion- verr laree crowd betas pcenl, 1-a there u a rfrlale ttntr, irvrJoding a oamber of laiee aod the itraded Soiv4 ciiO dren, oat to bear ttr aWa Coogre- trixve. Mr. Von alwara naakes a! fivdrab4e tropreioa whervver ke apeaka and this oooajaoo wmm ao ex. oeptSoc VTbe Ietwxrar ol Toensw vttle town Kip, r well aa tboe A every other townahrp m the coanty, will grve Mr. Pcfs a go?cl toi. DECBIVIRG THE PEOfLE. Tariff 3psaksr Poser for Cannon. Speaker Cattnoo ia deoefvlng tXe Rspoblkan voyra by doLariog ia hia stamp rpeecKes that the ari cult oral pre parity w de eatiraJj to the protector tariff. Thai leada the Kansas City Star to dedarw that what the pece of Mi jiui canaot arjderatand ia why the bleav aioga of the lUpebttesa ttaod-pat doctrirke' have worked so aneqarfly in th several commie. What iSe Maasoori farmer woJd liks to know ia why the protective tariff ha brought bomntifnl hxrveeta to lbs rich aHttTial coon tie alocg the Massomrl Tivei sod to thoee oi the midland prairies, whBe It ha dcos ItUis or Dothing for tb rocky. hUlr conotaes of th-a Oxarka, A ever hi-.ti tecr h.r I txart kJ Vl.'. I Wkr derwrk JftfiiU o. He h rr.i ri rMmTL fc wieey ei. d xc N Ccamak U: t at le-fctt fet-r mcitli. k: rar tr. atcis ynar He br a l jrrCU i r aaiiTxri 10 teanh U cu (r. Jt tnere ward c4 oi ( haj r laJki ts& pveo at tzr& to ay icw K. Tesa ti we kt a rivw exp to lit km ptana wit. tie twtee citm cf peoe bj So a th w e rx ttifi txait i ard wbeire-iee tSa rrrrt ' , are eceamrvud a m ta lrteli&j j the rtj to yortarw I fc ttm i staiu radkar as as v tckt to c& txr fall daiy. If et bm:4 the mi anil be pt cta tje beale t4 tst riee 4 aeyn;a wfcne aJsa art ' Ve ibcea lit$ Oat wvl ltft afi Ova pre. The Wfers nrtsaav tm OrrveQ onu c ie aa a e art -t w-ao ixj a warx rxi XV e sfWaWed to eL Tbe whh grviog u errry ouar ar We ehcMtli av-e rt. Wry ata bocae, pay or taxa seal traxa vmr cHVJreo ka the war tSer aSaukl ra. I aja erre tSere is oo wbere oo lhe gio4 better fc t to lire tlaa bv tSe rWsra. I lhack Mr. XQsek&s ol KrureiL North Carotaaa. for wLal he aaai ka iaet Satkday4! Kri Q briar. I bote all iSe texpia rQ read his words earrf rtly. In daarrs.rKhWc tb &rjro are ootbbj I caTe tae wSa rsos lb tcull if I ara aAevrad to r4 oaL nan m Tb rrvtramect of tbe fioarb rQ rvoaaia a h is lor all risks gad tb Felrei spfateaAta rS3 bs given Vo tkoe wbo dslra lo b ReabUfiatM. Tbe ooiored sbxa U. ia tb agrkwlreral arcaHd; vbal Semi 1 care who is traaaaJarit opUoq ia IS oeeta, nrpotfIrj Iaaar Vp. HoLtrtDr. YccgrrOs, Oc. 16tb,lK 9' '" ' ""f