v ... -v. ---.,;. x ' 1 . . ' "' - " " ' ' . ' " ,'. ' 1 . " , . 4 - .... . . . ' 1 , JAMES A. THOMAS, EDITOR. THE COUNTY, THE STATE, 1HE TJHIOH. r subscription st.oo rm thulT VOL. XXXVI. LOUISBURG, N. C, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26. 1906. ' ' 1 ' 1 .i i ii -n r , - i DONC, E. W. POU SPEAKS HE CAME IN A SHOWER OF RAIN LAST SATURDAY. Although the Weather Was Very Unfavorable Quite a Number Heard Him Preach the Principles of Democracy. The raiii came down in torrents Saturday about midday, but not . , sutlicint quantities to prevent !! n. K. W. Pen, the present Coa Livfsnian from this district, and a didate for re-election, from liliing ! - appointment in J.ouisburg. He .'!: '.'! here in the heavy shower of . about '2 o'clock, having driven vv tr.)in Franklinton, and begun 1 . '.- speech in the Court House about 'clock. He was introduced by .m T. W. Bickett in a few veiy ap propriate anil iitting manner, and I t more than an hour our able Con urt sHinan discussed in a most earnest ;;rl convincing manner the issues in ih;s campaign.' lie thoroughly ex ' . ''ainel the iniquities of the present hlx-r tariff laws, and denounced the 's of Congress th.at allowed the mufactories of this country to sell i'ore:'j;.ers cheaper than they do Americans. lie also took up State :ira and contrasted the Democrat a; administrations of Aycocke and Clenn with the administrations of Kuesell, Butler and their gang. The stench of the many scandals that oc curred under the latter administra tion still lingers in the nostrils of the people of the State, and the speaker 'fervently prayed" that the good people of Xorth Carolina would never again turn the State over to that gang. Our people were highly : 'leased with Mr. Pou's speech. They all like him, and will give him a 1 ilt vote on the Gth of November. Tobacco Notes. It has been quite encouraging to our tobaccomen, and also citizens in general, to see so many people here from adioinms; counties witl i tobacco the past week. We noticad same from as far as Moore county. This speaks well for our market, as each and every one seemed to be ex tra well pleased. Mr. J. J. Ilickey, of Richmond, was on our sales Wednesday and al though the weed is selling very high it was noticed thajt prices began to climb a little in the evening. Our warehousemen and farmers especial ly, are always glad to we-lc me M.r H'.ckey and are more than glad when lie brings with him higher prices. The breaks at all the warehouses have been larger for the past several days, if possible, than at any time before this season. Double sales had to be resorted to on Tuesday to ac commodate the large amount of to bacco on the market. We are always glad to welcome so many visiting farmers to our market and hope to see them again soon. . Honor Roll. The following is the honor roll of the Ingleside Academy: Mr. Jories teacher Mary Bell Dement, Sallie Louise Macon, Willie Macon, Mattie Lancaster. Miss Winston teacher Irene Pace, Kthel Collins, William Faulkner, Cullom Lancaster, Dallas Dement, I!ie Dement, Lillian Beasley, Joe r"ii Beasley. Two Fine Sermons. Uev. T. N. Ivey, the able editor of the Raleigh. Christian Advocate, the organ of the North Carolina Metho dist Conference, preached two fine sermons in the Methodist church orr last Sunday. Although the weather was quite inclement he had very good congregation.' Dr. Ivey has a large number of admirers her, both as a preacher and as an editor, and they are always highly pleased to hear him. DEMOCRATIC NOSIINEES FOR COUNTY OFFICERS. HtXRY C. KT:AKXr.Y. Candidate f.-.r Slicritf. JAME2J A. TnOrAS. Candidate for Treasurer. 1 1 i aT'r vriW. -r ' afrfgpS. V . r : '' ' . '!' ,-."4 .m)se;'ii j harrow. L.anuin; t i ir JerK o tlie superior Coin t. WILLIS M. liOONE. Gandidate for Register of Deeds. 111111 s V1 JOSEPH T. INSCOE. Candidate for Surreyor. 4:7. "1 m A M Mi m If, If 7f f 1 4 THE DEMOCRATIC NOMINEES. We present on this page tins we-k t!i picture of th nominw . f the Democratic party for this county, .-xr-pt that of Mr. Tvlcr. tht can !!date for ('ororier. (no werj unable to . Curn a rut - f htm. All of taps,' pU'rlin Democrats received one 'i i.ie lLos; i ;a" 'O. ius C'Uivcntioris p ,r ?; ea ; -,!;- fair r.atn. a-.d Ky a ta-.v tlie count; w- , , i s sOfM't. s c. 't.'i::";'.; :ey iuive n er t uid t';..::, -n'.ia. up to tiiis vr:.inj pa: . a ' ; Hi II e'l,ience f lh" f c' t ' he nianaiicrr.eni of c.r.ntv next Congressman a;Y.;tj. fe&Wi h II )X. HOWARD W. '.. Candidate for Cunrt-ss f . . r the 4th District. THE MOVING PEOPLE. THEIR MOVEMENTS IN AND OUT OF TOWN. And Those Who Come and Go, Some for Pleasure, Some for . tiusmess ana a Large Num ber Because They LiKe It. . Miss Marv T. King, of Warrentu is a visitor t Louishnrg. Mis. Au:'-.t.' T.iyh.r, ot (f..rd, :i i't i rs. 1 1 . I . I aWiir. a "husiness'" visit 'edues'la . Mrs. Certie .Moormou, of ( lic wini y X. C., is .s.iing at Dr. .1. i-". Malone's. Miss Eula Mitchinr, of near !ier-, is visiting her cousin, Mrs. . (J. lianks at McCullers. Messrs A. C. Zollieofft r and T. . Pittman, two of Henders n's prom nent attorneys, were here this wee'. Miss Minnie Jieck, who has he-n visiting her brother, Supt. K" ( . Beck, left for her home in Richmond last Saturday. Miss Sallie D. .rppermann left Wednesday morning for McCullers, where she will spend a few days with Mrs. F. G. Banks. Mrs. P. B. Singleton, of Xewleary, S. C, who has been visiting her sister, Miss Joe Jones, returned to lu-r home on Saturdav of last week. Mr. II. X. Beasley, after spending several days with his people litre, left Tuesday for Pierce City, Mo., which he will make his new homn. Mr. B-asley is a very clever and pop ular vounc man ainl though w , . . . regret very much to see him leave we wish him much success iu his new home. A Pretty Marriage. There was a very pretty mar riage ceremony solemnized at the home of the bride's father, Mr. W. T. Wilder, on Wednesday evening at seven o'clock when .Miss Pattie Wilder was happily married to Mr. L. R. Southalh Kev. L. S. Massey performing Che ceremony in a very impressive manner. The bride is a daughter of one of our former county commissioners, Mr. W. T. Wilder, who is also a successful farmer near the Oswego section. The groom is a very clever young ivJ ' all ivy a unanimous n Mi;aatj.n i:. intv, an-l .o f of, u t. i'hr t pif " T , Ii it r. i , p"" wirly D ui , kt , ! i-tt;r' f . :r - tl' ! : on-'. " '. ' o , ; . CUf t ! ; i W Candidal- f i ;!,. Ii. us. , (.Itivr. man anl n 1 -1 ,,u sr ; j of the convicts which j.lac? he :t I inrr with creliL ! r nn, ,.t ; f vu j'.iikji "an iTfi ji i( I iv.tion immediately aft. r tho or " j nil mv hv th hrot!itr f t..i' ;:r, rn, ' 1 Mr Jrmi, h Sl,utha-1 ' : ' he :"r "f t: " c ' n 'rr.it u! sli' imh a:1. 1 l 1 COUNTY CANVASS OPENS AT POPLAR SPRINGS. CnndiciiUos Met by Good Crowds and the Speeches Wrll Received. 'I : i '".:! ' . . a h ) ; t o (Vatic ( .!:. : ;d .it .-h . j .. . . S ; r . : i ; ri S n. h 1 ?. r .1 n rutuT otrf" f t-. i ship. The can iidaU' f r t!.. r OilicPH prefiit madr crv hr;.,f nminct'incMtji and ? . : fpf.iker.H if thv a, M-r W . Piui, c l:d.T. f . . r ronri . and T. W. l;,-.-'t, C.i'i t : the leghilat Mr. lu u , h. Bjak-r. Mko f i j than an h.e.r. He wa .. v ry U-st attt-nti n an i , h id liir.slud r. rMvd r.. !,lanHt- Hls "I1-''1' c - j "n account .f th far; : j WA Iuro"1 l" in , rt':,ch I-mmburg in Uv.u. r 1, r j the 4:io train for h . nv I pointment in Chsihni c in:. j Mr. Bickett n k f r An hour 1 and a halt. 'I'.Hcucd rv s:. tfrt-sting! v to tho cru.l. State a- i X ilion.il ia s, mt rit'rrtt-i v.U ; nu i ber . f verv a 1 r pr an c - ( ... .it j 1 1 is arr v, ;n:nent 01 un imui. ic m ... ' J nartv t r iw Lilian? V carrv .u: r . . . ! IT' .'.1 1 1. its pleicct to tMf .-p.,, an I h j cmparisn f th.o i.it govern mnts 'f the Drrn-n.-xatic and H- publican pari: to grpatl) -r. j v- ed by hw heart rs. At the c.mci..un j 01 .iir. nic&eu fn'-ecn one enma siastic listener exciaiml "hurrah for the w3ond Z-f b. Yancxs." Old Dunns wifl come up all right on the Gth of Norember. The candidates spoke at Clifton's Mill yesterdayjand are at YounpmlU to-day. To-morrow they will be at Franklin ton. Mj. Poo will be at Ilocky Ford with the candkiatea next Monday. Ki :V : -"1 "H iij ir, t DEKOCRATIC NOKIHEES FOR COUNTY COMHISSlONkRS. - , "i t 1 " f t j, " - ,, .. - Tib -.v V 1 4 - WC 1. V 1 hi M - 1 j;V . . ELIJAH H. t,fpT05. ' 111 1 1 t W V' . T' .... " X ' ' ' t v ' ' " t i - . j B ' , f ';-' ' I I - - j p. . . . , . ''.' V ..'-"' (TAKES HER OWN UFE jOUR COHHtJKmr STARTLED ! TESTERDAT EVEKIKG. i Kn. W. H. Wa42cll. In a Fit or I EeUncholU CuU Htr Threat With a CarTln Enif ... f- H liui',r it i'jku t.Ki 1, .7 -. 1.I V ( Mrm f t . v - . ' ji4t-' . fist.? . !e V c ...? -. ir,J ' . U. i-rti im i o.,kf '..'. deJ t ' ? c kt 1 -. j 1:.'. U I t IT 4MMJ ir j ttT3 id ti C'worwrj. GU.jrov Harris. 1". '.AiC . - , ' t.'.c ,., - t.'.S m t Mr . U3 -j - e v ; i - 1 : , : 1 ?"T-'. v r v f - : - A Mr J I! ' ' -' f - t?J-.t. tw i- J : : !r l.c?c '. 1 trifle. ;T"t ' 1 JTTXfcUM. f 1 : c c t sr. vu S ' ft . . I r. !:".. it to: Ancthsr frmkhn Co a o t r boy Proraot-rd. 'H -itid it ; 1 cjf . ' . c. M . ? .f - ' M' IIC. .111 R. 1. w i i hA( nhTUirt ki St me., vc-a; ! KjjK tr.j.r i r. fi.r'cid nETfue. Laid To left. Kw Tcck la.it wk way trodtrif IaU to rvwt t j aJbur ri of her am loi la H0proKj4 0ssify, TlaoS Tbe fcacral, vUcb wy UrgtHj ixza&mli was ccoi V I H I r , si l . . . .4'. ...... .-.i.,rc ! I