t i ! FRANKLIN TIMES, JAMES A. THOMAS, EDITOR. THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNION. VOL. XXXVI. THE COUNTY CANVASS. VERY GOOD CROWDS MET THE CANDIDATES. The Speeches of Mp. Biekett are Able and well Received Every Precinct Gives Evi dence of a Full Vote. Since our last issue the Democratic candidates have spoken at Youngs ville, Franklinton, Rocky Ford, Lau rel, Centrevi le and Cedar Rock, and today they are at Gatesville in Cy press (reek. At Youngsville, Mr. F. S. Spruill spoke with the candi dates. He was there to represent. the County Commissioners, and right well did he perform that duty. He fully explained how they had saved money to the tax-payers by their economical methods in handling tire county's affairs, and denounced the attack made upon tho members of the Board as unjust and untrue. He also explained to the people about the contract for the county printing and said that the printing was award- e l to the Franklix Times after a full investigation as to its worth by a committee appointed by the Board for that purpose. He also referred to the excellent financial condition of the county, and showed by facts and figures that the present Board of Commissioners had saved at least one thousand dollars a year o the tax payers in the way of reduced fees in the various county offices. The campaign of Mr. Biekett, the candidate fqr the legislature, is one of the most brilliant ever made in this county. He has delivered able and telling speeches each day, and the people are charmed with him. Solicitor Daniels was with the can lilates at Centrville and Stallings where the candidates were met by large and enthusiastic crowds. The able speeches of Mr. Daniels were heard with interest and pleasure by the people of those two townships. 1 he canvass will close o-morrow in Louisburg, when the candidates will appear in the Court House at o'clock. Let everybody attend and hear the issues discussed. Four Boxes. There wili be four ballot boxes in which to cast your vote next Tuesday as follows: State, (Congressional, County, and Township. The Demo cratic State ticket will be headtd with Franklin McNeill, the candi date for Corporation Commissioner, and the county ticket will be headed with Charles C. Daniels, candidate for Solicitor of this district. The Congressional ticket with the name of E. W. Pou there n will b 3 voted for to itself, and the township ticket will be voted in one box. A CARD. I received last night a letter from Youngsville which brought me the in telligence that Willis Tharrington, the man who claims to oe a Demo crat, but who has been persuaded by Republicans to run against me for County Treasurer, and whose name is already printed on the Republican ticket, is going through the country telling the people that W. W Boddie made a bid for the coun ty printing for $100. I d nounce that statement as untrue. Bcddie has never made any bid for the print ing. He said he wanted to make a bid but he never made it. The writer of the letter also sa; s that Mr. Tharrington is charging that the school fund is being squan- LOUISBURG, N. C, FRIDAY, .NOVEMBER 2. 1903. EGERTON MACON. SUBSCRIPTION $1.00 FEB TtXlL NUKBtB . Marriage of a Popular Young: Couple of. Franklin Co. Last evening at b:3) o'clock a large and select crowd gathered at Trinty Church to witness the mar r age of two of Inglesidea rnot popular young people, Miss Mary Elizabeth Macon the attractive and accomplished daughter of Mr. W.J. Macon, and Mr. Geo. Blount Eger ton, a popular young planter, of Ingles ide. The church was beautiful in its decorations the color gcheme ln?ing pink and white, and when the girlhood friends of the handsome couple gathered around them, it was indeed a scene of heautv. Miss Sallie Young Davis snnir "Because Cud made Thee mini-" in a voice replete with tenderness and THE MOVIHC PEOPLE. THEIR MOVEMENTS IN OUT OF TOWN. AND of the Methodist church in a romt imprtuli-e and ilron manner. Youth, beauty and flowem had right-of-way until dinner vu announced Tl en uth tnmpfk road to mm' h arte I find ia through their raoathr, or I mistake mankind," mad all par . J tie- happy iadeod. A"d ThS6 h m C Congratulation, pood-by. ! Sora fo PleuuTtJ. Som for were indulged, and inthe parting, tb ' Business nd a Laxe Num- wish expressed by all that ha enly aanahine may ever brightm your future path through lif, and guardian angel hover over vnur vir waa one universal prayer. A Pretty Marriage. n Wednesday morning at y o'clock the Baptist church at Map'o- ville wr.s filled with fnr.d an I , Kirri i-a. (irca. ; Ca liarrvv mi IW.taai M Mil. irz. I-.L r 1 i II iljpn.- tzi Matt Hacv IL Mi:. ;-r.l n?Ay Km :. ii lxru2 z KiiJ L Ay :.vt, )arJ Ou ir axi Sdi . ber Because They LtJCe It. Supu W at Wua-n. I op j:t ( V ''., K J dered. I denounce that statement I beauty, before the brid.il ptirtv ,-n- as untrue. The same writer savs that Mr. tered the church. Then t t!;e strains of Lohengrin's wed'lin inarc'i m, . i ,, , 1 r the ushers, Messrs. J. O. Wi'.s n, 1 barnngton is makingr all kinds of 1 ' v charges against me, and is using the old i;189b' song and dance"" in his ef- i forts to fool the people. I have faith in the true Democrats of Franklin county, and I do not be lieve that they will allow themselves to be influenced by the misrepresen tations of a man who has not been a citizen of the county for a sufficient length of time to have informed him self of the condition of affairs. Not being informed upon county affairs he is allowing himself to be used bv the1 Republicans and s few disgrunt led men, claiming to be Democrats to disrupt -the Democratic party. I call upon every true Democrat in the county to turn out at the polls on next Tuesday and cast his vote for the entire Democratic ticket, aud thereby put his seal upon such double wishers t- witness the T-iarrhj Mr. Henry H..u... . f '! :.. .::: MlS Klhe! Weh'f.. T!.e , ;rr' h.m'is TneiV dec TV..'-! ;;h nnd f--r;: l;:v nrriri e-1 In-st f t-i . j r e 1 ; . tif'il Kvti" t ;!. !h s-irr un le 1 t.n ..ir 1 : K M Duk- f r .. 1 . . c- r.-niop. . rs :. ... ( 1 1 1 t:ie h; J.h :i. ... :. : 1 ! a 1 'err v n i :i . - ... m tiw r. v tM'.ft i t . and riat:r. m Ur.. Mr V H Mr k v ;-tirij ir. J !r.Vr. - -ur. '. ; 1 . c : . ( --..;, i ; ,c . . f r :. A . i t n trt 11 J ir tir-.'uL ' 4 lie -St a- and W. M. Haes, enteral, f .;io el bv the attendants: Mr. Waiter Alston with Miss Sa'.lie Alien, Mr. I'1 lV W. L. Keaslev with Miss l'attu Davig, Mr. Ch'as. Kgerton with Mis a beautiful . Carrie Thomas, Mr! n. S. Mac.n werrt MlM"H Lur with Miss Elizabeth Hue, Mr. John j Jack8nn- Tl"' "1:!"r Cooke with Miss Val. Alston, Mr.'Mr- J.ph Ib-une ,, George Macon with Miss W lihe w"h and Mr ( I 1 i. . it M-. . i. 7 v 1 ;. j -, . ' 1 ji l.t '. c ' ' I . c ' j If 1 11 . Vr 1 J. r 4. .4 F.. e n lie 1 . Mr-. :; r were Mers. House, John t t J - '.".a 1, , lVrrv flower girls, Misses Lonie and Susie MeaJows and Hcnluie Wil liams, and little Miss Sallie l.onise eVe- aiir of thu l.ri.lo nrrvin.r iu! The bride w as a 1 1 : r Wjdding ring on a silver tray. The brile entered on the arm of her sister, Miss Susie Macon, and was attired in a charming princess iag suit of crav hr sdr' a earned a bouquet of br-. le r The bridesn a d u re wh.t- -re de fihine and earned fern tiel with 1 t . . gown of soft hite silk lavishly T116 Tthfton. IJiv bn to has e-.rr trimmed in handsome lace, flowing lH''n known her U-auty of p r veil Miicrht with a tarl wo.wnt. 1 8 "n an,i awtHs id Jwtit; r. 0 i - dealing. James A. Thomas. Dp. P. R. Hatch fop the House. It is said that since the refusal of Mr. Shearin to allow his name to run on the Republican ticket in Franklin County for the House, the name of Dr. Peter R. Hatch, the Postmaster at Youngsville, has been substituted. We had not heard of this until last Friday when it was whispered around Youngs ville. As soon as we heard this we c?uld account for the "negro school" that it is said the Dr. had been super intending for the past several weeks. We heard in Youngsville last Fri day, on very reliable authority, that he has been "schooling! negroe with a view of getting their names on the registration books. Did you ever? Who would have' thought it? A "White Lily" tutoring ne groes and teaching them how to reg ister! And now asking White men to vote for him. Death of Miss Cenie Tucker. After a lingering illness of several months, all that was .mortal of the above named young lady passed from this to the world beyond on Friday morning of last week. She. was a daughter of the- late J. B. Tucker, and leaves a mother and sev eral brothers, among them Mr. Jno. A Tucker, of High Point, and Mr. Claude Tucker, one of our efficient policemen. Her remains ,were taken to the family burying ground in San dy Creek township on Saturday morning, where the funeral services were conducted by Rev. Q.'M. Duke. The pall-bearers, were A. A. Clifton, Evexard Cooke, D. G. Pearce, R. A. Pearce, E. C. Perry and Blair Tuck er. The 'bereaved mother and brothers have our sincere sympathy. U. D. C. A regular meeting of the Joa. J. Davis Chapter, will be held in the Masonic Hall on Wednesday after noon, November 7th, at 4 o'clock sharp. All members, are expected to be present. , Mbs. F. S. Sjbuill, Pres. ' Mes. R. H. Davis, Sec'j. Hallowe'en Party. The Hallowe'en party given by the Daughters of the Confed eracy at the Court house Wed nesday night was well attendtd and proved a big success. The many good things to eat were all sold to the last crumb and the many devices to catch the coin of the realm such as fortune teller, palm reader, &c, were well patronized. The ladies worked hard and deserve the handsome amount raised for the Confederate Monument fund. gift of the groom. She stood at the alter a perfect bride. The maid of honor carried pink carna tions and ferns, the bride white oar nations and maidenhair ferns. The attendants wore white onan- dy with pink girdle carring' boquets of ferns. Mr. Kallard Egertmi entered with' his brother, the groom. Rev. A. L. Ormond iave the j vows in a solemn and i deartiiikr ryanner. To the music of mendlessohn's wedding march from the skilltu! fingers ot Miss Asia Collins the party left the church and repair ed to th home of the bride where a reception was given, refreshments served in courses. Those from a distance who were present, were Mr. L. M. Michaux of Goldsboro, Mrs. Lucy M. Mos, of Greensboro, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Crocker, of Middleburg, Mr. I. J. Young of Henderson. The wedding gifts were fTumer ous and costly. The many friends of thia hap- ipy oouple, wiah for them "a fair sky r and smooth sailing on the matri monial sea, and may the roy castles built by tile young lovers, indeed be a reality to the husband and wife, CoRREKrOtfEN-T. but'on her wpddine n. . r even mor c.Marmm liwn ,.r The wedding was a r Cess in every detail So i ,-t conclusion the partv dr--, e to t'.o stition at Lvtiihur where t. the 1 I a. m. train t r I o, Mr !-::. . :-. ". y. J J i'. ." : ' .. . ; c r r :v 1 at f ' M ' t Hun x J - Ih T- . r 1 li - r i i u . ; r. DF..STOW.H ITF.HS 1 t ! ' ' : ' r ' ' ' '.''. V ' It i - ; '.(i ' I J t j . ; - . ' : " i :. 1 ' c : : : e ' -j :. ' D t ' e 7 I.1 : ' j - - A - i j t ' T ig hi fr. ' 'c r T i ' i t ill . to ' 1 ! ; f , f r r ! . . r. i y . J - e ' r i i v ; I - ". ; i f ; ' ' . .. -f ' c v .i '. ' t u . : it :.t '. hi1 t i 1 tt.- run. t 7 L . r. x tf Lrr Tie n 1 ni g' o ni 'a .i" ahoiAired w uI.ition at winning .-. " Ov'lple starts or; Ltrije ti'in-.K'T . i fri.-n n whom -Ttet;l a lar'T ':.. ir--the Tiv r f iti t: r. i - " ' ; . i . "' k. 1 : A T r ; A J.'. It It 1 i ' il. uil a ( i t -r icst. i. ft i i Ingleside, X. C. Xov, 1st. Special Train to Apex. The ShooFly on the Seaboard Air Line will run through to Apex, cn Saturday, November 3rd, on account of the Big Land Sale . in that growing town on that day. Persons desiring to go from Louisburg can - leave at 8:40 Saturday morning and return same evening.' This sale will furnish a rare opportunity for investment, and all who wish .to double their money in ja very short while will do wet! to attend. Llmer Aycooke. A beautiful marriage ceremony was performed at the home of oar popular citizen and druggist, Gaston L. Aycocke, Wednesday at 12 ra. fThe contracting parties were Muw Ethai L. Aycocke, the beautiful, ac complished and dignified daughter of Mr. Q. L. Aycocke, and Francis F. Limer, a young and proaperotis farm er of Warren county. To know Miss Ethel was to admire Iter. We will miss her presence in Lo mis burg, because she was always pleasant aaJ friendly with that n Southern degree of dignity, that stamped her a type of true womanhood. We congratu late Mr. Limer because he h chosen 'well .the helpmeet, iozl life1 long journey. The cererpony was per formed by Rev. L. S. Maseey paitor Farmers Alliance. Stat. Lecturer H. M. ('at, of Alamance Countv, will ?. ldr-. the fanners at the following named j'.ac. and dates, in t'ranklin cmniv N on the rinciples of thf Farn.er'n Al liance and the imjn irtancv of -rK'jr.; laticn: Ingleaide,, Xov. 13tli rughA, Xov. 14 tii ro. Mountain (irove, Nov, l.r.;h 1'V La-urel, Nov. lith 19i.r,. Cnlrfcvilie, Nov. lTlii 1'. 4- Dictena. box. lnh 1Kh.. Jutioe, Nov. 20th li.'j. Cypreaa Crtvak, Xov. JNt fitock Spring, Nov Jri 1 jUv Bunns, Nov: 23ni 1KW. Pilot Xov. 24th lWOtJ. l'opee Chajel, Nov. 'iGtii 1V New Port, Nov. I'Tth 1V0. All the ahov appointment l j fiHe-d at o.80 p. m. on ch ly. ' every boly wmi" oat an 1 hr this distinguished sjx!iker and ham orlsL It will tx jrxd for you, driv away tlie blue and half yonr digr tion. Bring tho wompn folk and children. Don't forget th xl. W. H. Stau ihi.s, Sc, Franklin Co. Allunc. M r i : 1 M i Mr. IV... Tv ir: c..:. irr., of i ifwr.t'!. . ., t. : t:.-.r jmh; Mr. J. Lir.-n.i:, ( FRASKLIK70K NEWS. R. F. D. NO. 2 ITEMS. t L t l ( i : I 7 j ' tt r. ljiJ p)plr arr hay rrk'.r.j Mr. Ifnry Stsr.l M uiun Uly n rzi t (.orrv asjain Hrvry Th tarkv ari btri Uw nat ThurT ati I k-c,m '--V n'-irntr of t iri n. k ...! Th ra ; mc.ir r-i-nti t-.rvuah M'.'iu.r. iat wk am KarrT in rhar . - t. hat w o ;t'riM :t m cjiux h had 5 c - -kirj tS i A crUt:n risng mtr. !?-' i Mr . to! L It. I i Mr a-.1. Mri ii M ' i M Miv m .ritir.i -.rj M r J V r a - a M . S ... at )Li Ji it;c'.a' m :rr. 'w i r.t Hn J Jizrt a a a rir. i :ra ar e jr-i. ' M ct 2 tti.fc.rr. A.. ' u a ar.t 'iS i-l.r M'S t: i u ak KT'. V4iT aJwtrx.-t:r u ar I ilc.4tr.4c Nw 1 -iri ar.i Una Saw . xr tio.t ilu.r t a .avi Thk dollar rabcription aakivl for by the ItebubUcara haTing practcXl j proved a failure and moat of th gov emnent derka it Waahlngtoo haTbg ignored the rtyroeat for a donation of 5 per oeoi of thir annaai aalxriea, the flepublieari eommltiee U acoxxring Wall Street for lubVcrlpUooe from the trust anrmrporatko magnate with tar bettt ticoem. m2r thvah th ra:ri Jaa. hifrht to Km tt-ml frtri : -t Will, or tco or. will bc aszirfr. "Par That wcmll t '.ak tc rr Mr. I). T Kcllw'i foaod. ar,! ni(rhUri "wi!l t Sov-i c!, t: rc ir-r - m ar Ha V 411 t? r: w ari i Ti.c w y htr aVcrlar ar.5 a-rji TLa arprW! lo xttx cf a roct a!Wk ' a nnU? c4 dabaMt aiW nann of bJirt troaba, ari ul ca at :x ;-olai Lrv. J. f fvLnra td Toaaday, th SOlh tct, (oc I r La i .KrxrtiJU - dLrt r Cm iwmis to mm a fpcUlatt, wbo hxa toa ia end it ehargcrfhia cm c ir j Ttalay & i kiba Tby will U oor. iotohJ to Um Vsrd fa -Los fcTi a r 4 that the trill rrtaro ixh Bat, t U v. Uacry Ctfia a xr thiaaa ha eta rtaqairm bar wbci. or araa lvo bi- modiridas! aiuaiic (tood bj. jr. lj tnll 00 trrf li-rir tray cn4 Cn Lotw Oct. 1S.' M. izai wrrv Ura4 dtnii- T f 1- 1 'i- J r 1 i.'i 1;- ' I , . ; r p--),v- ..4..,. , j - - :r """ ' v -- ; 0.3, .r-.