THE HOME CIRCLE COLUMN v 0L0 .PJeasant. Evening ReifBries. R Column Dedf catBd to Tired Mothers as They Join the Home Circle at Eiening Tide CBTJDE THOUGHTS FROM THE EDITORIAL PEN Use tbe better elements of life as mIicidi- Hud feed on the sunshine. e Don't neglect yojr children until tl&y are grown and then complain ivec-nuae the.y neglect you. . iivt:our children good books nWif.v of them and then help them X .j'?derstand what they read. has scattered snowy flakes on hr brow, plowed deep furrows on 1 r cheek, but is she not sweet and Time is never lost that is spent in j beautiful now? The lips are thin leading any person into a better and shrunken, but those are the , I lipS WU1CU UUVB UJOUJ c tear from the childish cheeks, and they are the sweetest lios in the world. The. eye is dim, yet it glows with the soft radiance that can never fade. Ah! yes, she is a de r old mother. The sands of life arv ! nearlv run out. but feeble as sue is. ! she will go farther, and reich down ! lower, for yu than any otlur upon earth. You cannot enter a IlAUiTs mrmed in youth are very , F q k(?pp h, f t to stick to you in after llle-! Uut , ou Cannot. mount a scaffold Young people who now spend every - t(j thjt dollar they can raise are not apt to j . pviilpp llltXJ 1 UVJ' t. wv - - lot' her deathless love. When tu world shall despise and forsake you, when it leaves you by the wayside to perish unnoticed, the dear mother will gather you 'O PEOPLE be tb ril'ty in after life. Those who tro in rude company and use rude language will naturally associate vith the ruder class in years to eouie. .Many parents never seem to think A t hose thigs, but allow their uhiid-tx-'A to unit along just as it tuas happen. her arms and tell you all her virtues, until you almost forget ithat your soul i disfigured with vices. Iove ber tenderly, and cheer 1 hnr denlinin.p- rears with holv de votion. Sympathy does not lighten a bur oi t-urrow, but it does heip the Hjrdeaed one to bear load. It th-re-tore, ou know of a sorrow which reses another's heo.rt gi e exprehs ioKx to your sympathy with id, even xijougn you undersLaud that he Jone mutjtstruti'jrle under the 'Aeiir'it t hi burden, in one sence rour : days the earth would be destroyed, words cannot help him, in another ! what passion they can. Speak them out, i survive tnewooK: ou.u u i. e hat, or envy, or ambition or he ! rf o-nin0 Oh no- nt n the nnh"- NEED V1NOL Because it contains the very elements needed to rebuild wasting tissues and replace feebleness with strength. We return money if it fails to benefit. rODDlK A PERRY. DrnffpiM-. FASTIDIOUS WOMEN consider Paxtinc Toilet Antiseptic a. necessity in the hygienic care of tie person and lor treatment oi "feminine ills. As a wnsh its cleansing, rfrn-.icirinl, deodorizing and hci'.in qualities are extraordinary. For sale rt Druggists. Sample free. At' iros The R. Paxton Co., l'ostcn, Mas. Raising the wirvl often rears ti.e whirlwind. LOU I S BURG- Harness Stjop IS THE PLACE to buy hnfTtfT broee, wagon bar-, n tB, rising bridle, open bridUa, hal'ra, brat ro'Ur pH, eg sadlea. cellars, bill, whipf. ! ond bod barne-p, relur, martin I galop, boots, tie relni, napr, t washers, check hooka, iaM'i ' girths. Uarnofs repairing don real cheap. Yonrg to work for, C. F. RICHARDSON NOTICE. H' q'H ifld at'taloWtrfttnr r' Mrtba Wlldw. aU rro o or t r MtiUro D' t fl'd ti uik r'tne t.. v r ( i old velvet rye" pure - old - velvety the best for the price, sold o v e r v v h e r e call for it at louisl u i rjr clispensnry loulfiburt. n. c. m at d f . ati proci h us rlun oat tA will f rtt them to tn o or rW' tt 1 h dt o ' 'rt' b-r 1 TC7 o ' bl r tir- U b- y l in ' ar of ti-lr r"- orj Oct tr . t" 4 . ( L Ku Ado'r f 3!i rt-a s i.drr. ! d 4 aWV A A A A A A AlAAA A nn iru roe y e On ITU Every Tongue". Lojntuf O i p-e n a r y , -7 Notice By Publication. ruk'in i niintr. . A t'-rVM-.l Ij-n. M V rt-v N K . ' ' i r t - r m. i Nei;-.- P, f.r tr A. I'r'-rh- r ct' ff-o i.V;:f HtW IT W.,UL' HE. If an authoritative bulletin wvr. to be issued this moment from the court of heaven th.t in just seven do vou think wou'd B.17 Wood at a v 00a Y.-. T" n't pu".ScTtJ pr ;i'Un1 f in k -jr y"U l--' bv pi.QniH c-f t -tf'n.-e tiii-v can. pt-aK trie in out, 1 fipjpfore, for what they may be Tvorth. He will be irrateful for them )nl you will be the better for their .sowa king. lady bus She Solomonn des cription of a as complte: '"The heart of her I 'i.i nd doth safely trust in her will do him jrood and not evil all iiie days of her life, fche girdeth 5;. r loins with stienfxih and stretch- tn out ner nana to the poor; yea, i asbeivth aid to the needy. She maketh herslef to , ( rings of tarestry;! lt"v i lothin is purple and fine linen. ! Iter husband is known in the prates. ! Sfri-'Tith and honor are her clothing; : Iih openeth her month with wisiiom, I l and ;n her tongue is the law of kind- ness " Strength, htjnor, wisdom. : joorlripss and virtue are her 1-' quisites. A woman strong anrX vonianly in all her ways in whom the heart of a woman can satVly irust this is the Derfect lad v. 1 . ?)on't complain of your husband to :rv ore,not even your own moth er. If she is the wise woman you think her he will respect you all the wore. Did you think when you mar ried your Will or your Harry that ha was the one perfect man in all the world, and now vou have found Jfchat he is very human, alter all? That it does seem sometimes as though he loved himself a little Setter than you? That he can vpti bear to differ with you some times in matters that concern you -very much? And, oh, dear little woman, that he will forget just what vou want him to remembpr sometimes? Now just take our sidviee and don't tell anybody. He Is your husband your other self nd you ought to cover his fault just like you do your own. Parental, love, conjugal love, fiilial love are the keystones to that arch that supports the pil liars of government and keeps our -social system secure. As a rule anarcnists nave no children. No j nothing to love but themselves As rule the poor love their children better than the rich, for riches will in time absorb a man and ab orb his best emotions. With tbe fioor the children are first, with the rich they are second. The law of corny ensation comes Into every thing in his life. The good and he bad: the joy Idndly mixed bv 1 hen let us all be content with our lot. Let us not lqok over the Xence to envy our neighbor, for a?e know not his secret sorrows. Ijt us not trouble our own houee ifpr ear we shall inherit the wind. sions that animate the human breast, the one to enuure would : be love. There would be a rush j to grasp love s final opportunity . j Mothers would gather children j about them, and there would be ! no impatience, no putting aside oi i bothering little arms, no withhold-1 ing of caresses because they dis- j arrange hair or lace. There would be no turning the bovs out into the streets for the reason th;it in their play at home they wtre prone to make havoc with the tidies on j the chairs and tbe bric-a-brac on the shelves. Th- re would ni lack of knowledge as to where the girls are in the evenings or at train time, whn the depot i swarming with Icafers In-iiff renl husbauds and nagging, bickering wives wouM forego their coldness and their quarreling to vie wi'h each other to redeem the past during the brief time allotted them. Friends would be more faithful lovers more true, associates moiv thoughtful of each other'b comforts as the swift hours sped away. But we need no bulletin from heaven to acquaint us with the briefness of love's opportunity Tba span of our day is already set, and we wonder if the thought of home to us may not quicken us to improve the chance to brighten our homes with the full and constant shining of love that is in our hearts, although dim med and corroded by the sordid environments of life. b-i 1 L vt W '-ti on !i;y L. & M. 1'air.r y I ' ll .liofj of pMt.t rhat won't - J f-T 10 r 1.") .-, fij-t. j i M. 1. u hanv ihn L & V . Wh'-- nd iDqVr L. it N' . jint nr k- ifnr. 4 : -il Ion- I. . & V . ui t it-d with ." w ! !r, n Lin-ctji ( I will pamt a m,vl-rt Miid hmi; A T 1 1 :-i 1 r;wrs dbout 1 I'-r tja - lot'. Sold in th north, east, '- uDd wru'. C S. Andrews, Ex-Mayor, Iau barv, Tonn. Writ'!. Pintrd my honc var ago with . & V. Louku well x -at." So'd bv L P. Hiokn, L minoriTC. N " , H. W. BalUrd Co.. KrantiintoD, N C. Ar.n . ; ' ' t-r. I U.: v-r' 1: - :. -, k- r. ; . t ' . ' '. .. ' 1 . ' , ', 1:." ) p-r; r ' . .; r ' r t b- - : r ; - rr a : n r ' n twlonw' us ' f--. i m:'- . -r.' i ti f . r-' ' ! An "I i 1 r -t. ir ! h t h - r ' T" 'h mi- rr e. r v. rr t r - :r- T Kr:. -v. ' orll!: n x . '. ' r x '. ' r. -d piatE,' rT i - ' -y ' u f tr. t : n in i n i 11 1 1 1 i f t r : PAINFUL P X t m . V 1 UlUU Woman's Relief tr. i.'L,. und r.. io tb cart hiM ij lh 'h d T "f ' t -ijr or d-'nar ; FINE FARM FOR SALE. I offer for pale my fertile, heav ily timbered farm at Four Bridep contaiui ug 419 acres. For pricfp and terms app'v to my tttcrnev, Wm. H. Ruftiu, Lnu'ebuf. N. C. S. C. Cati.ett. PEYTON GREEN, THE OLD RELIABLE SHOE - MAKER who 1 p ft hre about 15 ve r c , baa returned and opened a Sh f Shopi in the wooden buiMiti7 of ' W. F Beasev. near th river bridge. I can do any and m kinds of shoe making, repairing, etc , and will be tflad to have all my old frierds call to eee me. Respectfully, PEYTON GREEN. J. J. LflUCflSTEfi, Successor to J. S. Lancaster. ronjplaint or p-t:"oT m i r t!ninifT will pply to 'h r. -;rt f relief dmnd-J :, vd p'.i'kn Thi 4 h d- ..f ( .v br. j i. J.J. HB- -a". Clrk Sap-ri .r C 'irt. Fraaklic ' N r. COMMISSIONERS SALE iKm US A LIT 71 . 1 Z i -. . -.. : .5i 1 ' 1 r I VTTO.JZi CfcLAT. T : : 5 if r"if t- : 1' ? r 'r 1 n r .if' 1 OF LAND rn i y yu"- Yoor StoioaaQ cham aod di-tt the food yoa rut, and if foal, or torp :d. or oot of ord-r, yoor whole r' ftn saff-rrt from blood potior. Hoi Hater's Rocky Monntain T k-p8 vou w.ll. 33 ceatg 'fva or Tatlts. Bod di & Pnrrv Wandering never finds anv termi nus but woe. and sorrows are wise Providence. Sluggish Livr a foe to Ambitiah. Yoa canaot aceompliah verv mocb if yoor livr is ifa5tive as you feel doll yonr vhr are hfsw aod slight itr ti n xbantn von Orino Laxative Fralt Syrup Htitaolats the liver and boweln anct makes you feel bright and active O.ino Laxative Froit Svr nauseat or ?rip aDd is mild and tery pleasant to take. Orino is more f fective than pills or ordinary cathartic. Refuse snbiritnt3. Boddie & Pery. Living is the only way of learning to live. In vT7 clime its colors are onfnrled Its fame has spread from sea to ; Be not sarprifwd if in the other world, Ton hear of Rockv Monntain Tea ' Boddie & Perry. tat w a r r n to 1 LiYery apd Feed vzsts: mor or 1nm Stables, Hr vlrtn- of n ordr .( . tb'- Sapri.)r art rf Krntl:o e .c.y in th "p-rml priwrliut- rn''l-1 ' r "v,1 M'C r,1 ..(h.M . ; ' i f , ! t:i n : r 1 . K - - . j ,. t. ' . r. - '' - '.-U'!t. t."-" .'h ,! j it rir.k ' h firr ". r. d v i a N r n t - r , t . t h h .r f n D . ' f h r T t V. n i1 r ! 6 ! ; r'irr . N .''..-. I to tb- h trt"' t 1-r l put). n- L,-H'iO. ' fui.' id' d-rr'b i tMct i f Und nir t.. ih- ,. q f I. m inborn, d-criNd f 1 1 . litt:i. pot toft k. 'h IN r irorr h Iaibnr nd Wrro'n rod. ihtf slookj tb LwJ Kqp d T5" 145 po ! t , 5 link to tBU pp'r. .-"por' cl ' k' roror tn th n i:n. lto- n -47 p! 7 link im r.k i k ' corner id poocrr llo; thnc il Sp-ocr' Hn o 874' w rt h lok. Ao drr J ( boo n's eorocMa Spoer" iio. tbncj utb wftHl f Wh A JohD'O1 line to J nhnwo'i eornr on a bro?fc; tboc wtrdly loorf JohDo'i AtA Co..k'fc ho- to uk, wniin (ol td Jcbnuoo'i eoror; tbffcr loos Wi. Um' Hd vooibwardly to Crob' I llo ,tbDc CrdlT looff CrDtb' t IIdm to trnb'i eoror io w 27 pol 15 liaks to Cnotbw'i nrotr; thDM a 79 1 3" w 34 pol 13 Hnk u. tb Warraton rodj tboc ioti rdly road 4 bo at twlt f t to th mor or Tfrmiof mU, euh. Tbi Oct. 5tb, 1906 Wm H. Rrrr 5. Com. - Don't Make A Mistake lc tr a t . r t " - ! M rr h x ' i . a STOKES at bii aw hil front i d I.-oliUir. At4 Iwi . a o tc-xt InUrwt to tDj lx Ufor tod t .jr &yii:r.f lc t r ht I make no rv.iU oT bt I aw I sf T, - will rtll (Vw,k. ftn opportuolty I will bow jon bal I w:u. fa j the r tf i:t.r yoo bar aod Tapoy groeH. oU. elll f3. ;e I Uo k-; a nice Hne of bef, eol'i ibkrif.. oa.lart. eU. CV. t. V ry rtpetf ai.y C. T STOKES. LOTJISBTTRG, N. C. I have just bought the livery business of J. S. Lancaster and will crmtinue the business at his old stand, I will rivet the very best service. Busa Will Meet All Trains Following are charges for passe urers i to and from the depot- Special, or round trip, 25c; One way, 15c. .. ! Special Attention to the Traveling Public. f 6 Phone No: 40. J. J. LANCASTER. Largest and Best K ST O C P FF rvn IV BEASLEV -:o:- 4 I deeUa to 8y to tbe to ad era of LOUISBURG. N. C. U AIIU .VjO I Al 1 D VjO I FINE COW- FOR SALE. A fine Jersey cow for 'sale: tvp two gallons of milk a day now, and will ! NOTICE. The place for hungry menill be foand at G. S. WEITE'S RESTAURANT . having recentlv mored in Mead ows new building. A ffrat-claaa meal can na will b terred freafa and hot, witB Abo 'beat the aarket affcrda, f Com toeeC3, . C - t ' 1 theTucUhat 1 har tbe HO STOCK OF GOODS, I o?er bonht, .and I do not think I claim tdo purh wbio I that can be fonnd in any conutrr ' IJ store. I haven't tpac to mention j r- evsrvthin, in ficl J- bare .always j I tnoagnt tna( toq moeti chio mo as not the beet. Beeing la believing, and I cordially incite alno come and'eee for (hamielTea. DnttlNoVlttl will make some very loir prices. Remember thai I did not buy these good i to keep. Yoara to pleue, C.fc.WOOD, Wood,' N. C. alieji ktp a foil ixk tf Trn Ft mm- mm aod thay wlU taake It u ywr Ittireei ' U tee than before jvu j.' - ' 1 W pj the Mgheel txul ftlt ttt ail uume iresn m mil: in January. " - . . . Louisburg, N. O. -HoNouB the' dear ipbtoer. Time :Yoar io plewe, u Q. 8. WHITE. calry racoa. 1 1 - 4

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