T -nrt ii '-irrarnii Tnmrr n tttott i, i iiuuii ' " " " 1 " v - " - ' -" 121 OPTOTY, THE BTAtB, THE TJHIOK, . . . ' " 4 vol. xxxvi, , . LopisBOR ' ,1' " " ' seagrnH tt m nz.rzi 7 - ill i! ' i r? f IN FRANKLIN COUNTY. THE ENTIRE DEMOCRATIC TICKET ELECTED By Majorities Ranging From 1664 to 1900 The Republi cans and Soreheads Snowed Under by Shower of Ballots. The election in Franklin county passed off quietly and the result' is a stinging rebuke to the hand full of Republicans and "soreheads" .who have been charging that the present administration in charge of county anairs, have been extravagant While the vote is a little short of that of two years . ago, the majorities are about tbe same. The Republicans had no names on their ticket for Solicitor, Sheriff, Register of Deeds, Clerk of the Court, Coroner or Survevor and the flight was centered on J. A. Thomas for Treasurer, (the Republicans en dorsing Willis Tharrington, inde- pendent) T. W. Bickett for the Aouso, (His opponent being Dr Peter R. Hatch, postmaster at Youngsville) and the present Board of county commissioners. ' Bogus tickets were gotten out with a view of fooling the voters at the polls, but very few of them found their way to the ballot boxes. Had this trick not have been found out however and exposed by J. A Thomas, Chairman of the Democratic Executive Committee, no doubt some of the unsuspecting voters would have been fooled. We have heard that only a few of the bogus tickets were voted. The tabulated statement of the vote by townships appears elsewhere. TWO ALARMS OF F1RF. ONE IN THE MORNING,. AN OTHER IN THE EVENING. Justices of the Peace and Con stables Elected. The following Justices, of the Peace and Constables were elected in Franklin County last Tuesday, all Democrats except the Constable in Hayesville township: Dunns J. H. Ballentine, W. H. Williams, B. F. Pearce. Constable W. K. Pearce, Harris J. B. King; J. E. Wilder, J. J. Young. Constable Cains Chamblee. Youngsville J. R. Johnson, Je nadns C. Winston, J. R. Tharring ton. Constable W. H. Pearce. Franklinton C. R. Sandling, J. E. Nicholson, J. D. Speed. Constable E. H. Evans. Hayesville R. S. Foster, K, M. Clarke, R. G. Winn: Constable Nat T. Mitchell. Sandy Creek E. N. Williams, J. J. Cooper, J. P.Pleasants. Con stable M. C. Gupton. Gold Mine A. S. J. Hamlet, Peter Collins, W. D. ITpchurch. Constable R. j. Burnett. Cedar Rock T. W. Stokes, W. T. Davis, -Charlie Cooke.-- Con table E. D.Pgflrrish. i Cypress Creek J. G. jCreek more, H. A. Hipeg, J W. Sykes. Constabler-J. ,T. Mitchell! a TmkhntgO. l Ellis, .-Gear Baker, W. E. Tucker, J. R. Perry. Constable K. W. Hudson. A lawn without a flower is likeTa hoine without a child. ' ? 1 ; a s Our Fire Company was Afforded an Opportunity to Show What it Could do When Its Ser vices Were Needed. On last Friday our town was twice disturbed by .the alarm of fire once in the morning and again at night. In the morning about D:30 o'clock it was discovered that the kitchen of Mrs. Willis Boddie, on Cedar "street, was on fire and the alarm was imme diately given. The Fire Company responded in good time, but on ac count of the wrong Si were mis led and crossed the river going in the 4th ward but soon found the error and returned at once. Upon their arrival at the scene of the fire it was discovered that the fire being small had bten extinguished by out siders. There was very slight dam age. About 9 o'clock p. m., the alarm was again given, this time it was .Lancaster s Stables on x fire. The stables were located west of the iai and belonged to Mr. G. W. Ford In a few minutes the whole building was in a light blaze and as the fire company was quick to -respond they soon had it under control. The work done by them was grand and leaves no room for any one to question the wisdom of putting in the water sys tem, as in their work they saved wooden buildings that were adjoin ing the burning one, and moreover stopped the fire before it had con sumed a great portion of the frame work of the burning building. The estimated loss of building is about $500. No insurance. Mr. Lancaster only lost a few old buggies, several sets of harness and some feed. His horses were all got ten out. Several traveling men who wit nessed the wor of the firemen ' pro nounced it as good work as they had ever seen in the cities. "Joshua Simpkins." The humorous comedy drama, "Joshua Simpkins," accompanied by a fine bard and an excellent orchef tra, will be seen at the Opera House Friday night, Nov. 9th. It is a rural play in four acts, bound together by an interesting plot and produced with special scenery carried by the com pany. In the third act a realistic saw-mill scene is introduced, when a real buzz saw is seen cutting through a real log at a terrific speed upon which a human being has been help lessiy bound by his enemies and left to an evident death. There is an abundance of comedy in the play, while there are many fine singing and dancing specialties incidentally introduced. Board of Education. The Board meet in regular ses sion last Monday. On account of sickness, Geo. S. Baker, Chairman of the Board, was not present, the other members, Messrs. Jno. C. .Winston and A. W. Perry, Sr., were present, with Supt. White, and at tended to the following business, Mr. Winston acting as Chairman: D. B. Pearce was appointed to have repairs made to school house in No. 4, Gold Mine. James ifrewer and D. B. Pearce committee, made a report on Sally Murphy school lot, and recommend that same be sold at 120. & The proposition ito purchase . the school house at Pilot was discussed but action on same was defened to next meeting, yi . r Accounts for,ipensdi ih hdinl Mt Zion and Pearce school houses were allowed. . I ' itapt, White reported sale of May oaooi vho jorpsrly No. 6, Loup- Durg, at f 'o. T , " It-waa' ordered that the fourth and h Z D 0 0 z J z ir lL or o Ll 111 0 0 Ll Ll 0 I h o o 3 a a o " ' i V 3an02 1" v n d wm V S3 ST to W i ma in n m . r - f mm M S S " " " ' o ',flcxi4oov c 3 T. a ' T tr x t- . c i a,)iodyo jfi f , 53 c r- r t- I CD 0 0) I 2 x ? o o n c. ?. c a t- 3 b ,1 1, n r l- a.jitcxJdQOx- r - - U T - c r r -1.x- o w a ao" f." tcfo o "o c a 2 X X o x x. v - c r m o F r r- o i n c I i - t t- fc.'j t r. t- x : x as o 5 x x c o -5 c s r ' r rr ? r" 3 " Mt U Ui 1 " S C i t-f t i . - vj ?t : 1 tt s -3 3 ll I por) - 7 o i 9C 'no j 1 c r-- f- r- t- bo n ii n as C ac woiI.jDdiy " n oi iujjo an- i ll I: i ?. 5 r "c 2.' s 3 f -- r last publio examination, be held at Louigburg, on Saturday, Novem ber 24th. , . f lids) Wedding Bells. The following invitatioos have ben received by 'the editor COK RKLL f ERRT. Mrs. Martha Perry invites you to be present at the naarriage of her daughter Viola to Mr. Christopher C. Cockrell on Wednesday afternoon the twenty first of November at half after two o'clock Baptist Church Mapleville, North Carolina, twenty.fint of NotremW nintn hundred arvl ait at half tftr fight o'dork Konr hordri?d Wwt Njh Strwt WiWj, Sorxh Caroima, Reception imnie.liatly after oermooy. im-Lswxixa. ; .Mra.John D. Wella requests the honor of your preseaoa 1 at the tilarriage ofhet daughter , - - .TO lrii W21iija Hobert Mali on the .eTcnlng of Wednesday the Current Literature Club. The Club will mivBt at the ccJJm, with Mr. Ballard aod Mra, Ivy Al len, on next Trmraday afternoon Nov. 15th, at 4 o'clock. Thm fol lowing is the programme for the ev ening: A personal sketch of 8h Walter Baleigh Mr. Ballard. Sir Walter Raleigh BxpedrtoJia to the New World Mra, It !L Davia' I THE MOVING- PEOPLE THEIB HOVEBEKTS IH AHD out or TOWK. THE STATE ELECT! 01! DEEOCEATS WIK BIT THE DAL HJUOEJTT. " And Those Who Come and Co, Some Tor Pleaiur, Some for Bnslnext and a Urg Hun- ber Becauto They Llxe It. L. M. Johatoa, of Uttlffion, t Monday in town. Mr. John Daan, of Wik, Ym waj m town yrtecday. W. F. HUckbam, of Norfil, pail onr town a kit Saa-Uy Mr. 1 J. Ctthto cf Vrkn kltr. ton waa in to WJnjtT Mr. T. A. Prx5, ot lrjiuJ, HI l-r.,r- ml V . Mr. N. A Tar.tulJ tl ! City thi wk. Soll4 Delt jmuaa to Ccraj BUckbara Utf tatti try Eaxk- tU-7Th UrUlUcri Otcjn. Si Mr IL H. !W C- f w af h truth Mr H T. lLo,..:r W.trMlay for iUr,i.r.. f;Si.,: w f,ftlii fca h mill rimii hr ftJn Mon. MtM Mtry 1W- c.f S!r;.tl.;,( paAMi through thw c: hr return frwn a u. fnrd i Foar Oak.. Miw Ktiu FMr. r.tsrri c., .-ww uC t4 Th ;kiraT ti, UU t r ; v frcrx Icirty ts A 13 to t4 ard rlaiitcHi. . - . Him. two of Hroitrtoc'. tosiita: - lawyer wer Ut MoIit & ' rnak a aai of rrai uu, ' jri.o Iklacktw Hm many frurrU rr u J e Mr. Irry 1 1. Hiing of lb S tau TYrarftncT o5r i?j town Tolay. H ITrf. Kaanie Crea CrtSlat Dead. Mr HoUrt Martin, Na& Gma 4t?xiUir cjf ScxrUry to Hon K W 1'. w j Orr U a.i ;f CVti Or;aott able onrcin froa ti.u lairiri , " Frasilrs Co. N. cm horo to tot ci Tcwwiat ; Aycu -4 1 VI a:i iu narm.1 u I!s rainr frryj wx ts Ttan : " iri5, Net IT JKH Ti pUaoi to hat uH pirju-rv i ' J !;ur ciai.f-!i tv hjrrly han )h.ak wtth Htslt. Sir Walter lUlclh aa a eTrter- Mr. Jeniue' B Han. . iTery one fnterertedfet an ijci of IflQaLaaa, 1X jea Icdot .ci , ATJ local hspptfii that it Bt tsiriU knova oocngakate the fid tstUl Boartl of County CanTasseri. In a co -nia.-.r w;'b law ti. Ji of (iaiutni ( r thw x.arsr mt ta th Court Host ir at !! ..'ciock, a-n-l r r "Mlj t.-, cr.?jn t- return.. iJ th riion Tr iar. Trs Iloar4 oor.i.w'.i of ti. foliowin; W. II WClia J. C Baker, John "Wiaav-a, K W Cf. rw, A. A Me.ihn. J. R I'amt. K Ii iVrry, C K cjra, W. H D.lWilf., J. U t Jl, K. W. Mom tu Uk1 Oarr roan arvi J. IL CJm, k. Tb official netsrrai aai rvl o-t at f!b CVort !lotat dx W f icai ia cmr taM tWHr in th Lilt of Jurort. Tha foilowteg u a tut ci tram 4rwr I art Moo4ay by iS matiocim foe Jantvarr term of h-1 rervr CVnart: Fit tiu-lL ll Htrra, Uwm Iko (cL), W. IL WitLoo, W. U TTiarrinirtoo, J. W. fUW, C. F. Ilieiur4joo, J. T. Iocr. O. T. CcJlim, W. IL flojjrx W. IL Karny, C H IUchajvla, F. G. Al Uyf C, W. KtJma, H T. A3tfcv W. F. Joytkw, W. C. If. jVm, D. F. Sranaoa, H. F. !laly. Sua Xaah, J. M. AOai IIry YaHor. yogh II. G. .S. C. GT- too, II. M. Slmlfy C. IL May. IL I. Frwi.rf K. H. McOU., Fbti. I'amis M. I FowW, C W. Gtf HaxapfoQ WClkos Arth ClaCW. a a Hodaao, n. w. iw, j. il AxJrr. K. IL ItcKlg 8030 War IL L, Mrrjy, Jno. I). Alit W. 5. Frrar-s W. T. Coopff W. E. Htrfry; . 0. Gria, WaJ If. Harrk," W. TT. Creixaore, 'IL''L.',YtUt,vr.: p. CSiafii,' !L CL UsdirYoVL X L.J C a4 17". tb cAa wer. cct f& art cud aJtid r u tvri;Trig a LtlncA aja4 Xt-e aC c4 doC oajse ac4 iucJa arti; t rai eei the WckX ' : a: T i. e LaJ ti.r; 15 14 hJlh it &iart jus-.w ye?.. mi :$rm Uar j V- 0 W reward aa lao4 tj Jsa Hecate fc aii CLai aj uUi HiSL Hf life rat fieiM frfeKtJy Layj brt aa a cibraruae isfe. f i lavt ber c4;sfi tui hatuM fxa iMuay yera eAe taw mcmfcjwiKa l be r4 &aie to c SW aeoiwr tf 53jy Ov rUf4ie CSwt4l I etacy rmmfmci ae rnk rwrfet cjriweiaa w-wauta, cij t-y aJl kxmwh. h.ie wi3 W grwrfi m.mmm Vy mv itte&iaS JLbfas tjaut frWaia. AJay r a2u Hly t a'l A ajayilar( lor Cm tumM el lt tzajeur. T fSMtl wnkwi rr coetKav ei fcaiay txrtuf S eewaa o'ciX, a3 Ue rwtajai rar iVnrrwl tKe fasJy lcryisj' grptSai. A larp etasirr csf f rwoa tJai fu&w ti J lie ta4 in-lru twwC T)e foCnrm a.ctu.4 na f uSNaVK IL ML lUptoa, IL t. Thxrriit0 J. J. Forhrt, H K. Xauc IL K. Galatea ti.raJ J. J. Occ1 taa? May l&e tr4 txa-i lia 3b4.7 aor.L-rt le & Utfre4 tccJy. axad IX ry arw Ll . t3& tt rfr4 14 tsilr ice 4immm leMae r 7. IL'WKLi, WjlL irWr, ft, W l tJ. , .... r. F ''JiroiijadrJ.iA f mm "in ""'iiwiiii'iiifti.imipuiBui.,. . . -..in, mr .. KmmWmwmmjmjmTmWBmm'm" T t I t . I, -.. A

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