4 .H, ' i -''' - 4 a '. - -fjSf 1, : . r. : ' - Pi - . r?N JAMES A. THOMAS, EDITOR. TgE COTOTY, THE STA TIGf TOIOHK rv SOESCRimOK SSO0 PTX ryit? VOL. XXXVI. LOUISBURG, N. C.f . FRpAYIIOYEIIBE'i 0 00 G .... - i i i-i i ... I ' H.- r'T r A VERY BAD RUNAWAY. FATHER, SON AND DAUGHTER PAINFULLY HURT. A Horse Belonging to Mr. J. M. Nowell Becomes Frightened and Runs Into and Overturns Another Buggy r A very bad runaway took place- lat Monday afternoon as Mr. J. M. Nowell, who was accompanied by his wife and two children, were on their way home. They had been to Iouisburg and Were traveling in two buggies, the son, Charlie, and daugh ter, Annie, being in the buggy in front, while Mr. Nowell and his wife were riding in a buggy immediately behind their children. One ot the wheels of the buggy in which Mr. Nowell was riding became entangled with a fence rail which turned under the buggy, broke one of the shafts and threw him out. He held to the reins but the horse being frightened dashed off dragging Mr. NoWell with him, which continued until Mrs. Nowell, who remained in the buggy, called to her husband to turn the reins loose. This he did, and the frightened horse dashed into the buggy in front, overturned it and Bpilled the two children on the ground. Miss Annie received a fracture of the skull and Charlie was painfully bruised. Dr. R. F. Yar borough was summoned and went immediately to the home of Mr. Nowell and administered to the suf ferings of the injured. For some time Miss Annie was unconscious, but Wednesday she was reported by Dr. Burt, who aw her,- as being very much improyed. to be a preacher; v if he take dot whiskey he's noi good arid going to be a drunkard." Then he hid be hind a door to see which his "'feon would, choose. In came the boy whistling. He ran up to the table picked up the Bible and put it under his arm: then snatched up the bottle took two or three drinks, picked u p the dollar and put t in his pocket, and went out smacking his lips. The Dutchman poked his head out from behind the door and exclaimed: "Mein Got, he is going to be a boH-tician," ANNUAL STATEMENT. ?.och ?-Kf norca vrouat rvd in, irbo dlb A MOST EXCELLENT: ADVER TISING MEDIUU. Honor Roll. The following is the honor roll for Ingleside Academy (or mon.tjending November 9th: ' ; A. M. Jone8, teacherMary Bell Dement, Mattie Lancaster, Ethel Willianji, June Egerton4v Miss Ora Winston, teacher Cul- lom Lancaster, Ollie Dement? Dalian Dement, Marvm Davis, Irene Pace. Will Go Into Over Twelve Hun dred Households and Read by Over Five Thousand People The Rates arq Reasonable. In a few days w will begin plan for issuing the "Annual Statement" of expenses of the county for the past year, which, as heretofore, will be sent out as a supplement to the Franklin Times. This gopplement will go into over twelve hundred households in Franklin county, and wift be read by over five thousand people, which makes it a mou valua- Lble advertinng medium. It ui a per petual medium from the fact that it contains matters of direct importance i -r . . ucauonu leader. Thk cehsbrxriorj n ooordino with anifcf the 0txerl THE MOVING PEOPLL THEIR HOVBKBKTS IH OUT OP TOWM. AHD Wy 1901. whichv in principle . . follnirr lAnd Thoi Who Cctat and Go. The GWil Antmblr of North! om for peuari. 5on3f tor Butlnesj and & L&rg Kara btr Dacauit Thev Uk It. Carolina b'etuct Section 1. Thai the lth dy of October la each and evtry yAr, to be caUed North Crrtto IHj mf be deroted by appropTUte xrr- cie in tbe public vchooia of lhi . , w wue oonaeruon of iorael ik iiaiomjL rt of f rit&i Dcr X $m dl Twurin ni will r4ra v Wheeler Tirhberlake. The editor has received the follow ing invitation: Mr. aijd Mrs. C. E. Timberlake re quests the honor of your presence at the marriage of their sister, Miss Lil lian De Vere Timberlake to Mr. Ty ler Biggs Wheeler, on the morning of Wednesday the twenty-eighth of November, at eleven o'clock, at the Baptist church, Franklinton, North Carolina. At home after the 'first of December, Scotland Neck, North Carolina. 'l V K 4TL N w 1 I phlt Jtmi ihnpUl U rii.l in i':. to all the taxpayers -in the ommtv and being made iitto a good gultan- ! 1 J this year rm I)Mtnlr tial and convenient form it will h preserved anl used for ready refer ence quite frequently. Our representative will wait uton hia'ir.c woiiii in yar u o the merchants and business men of! KlloinB tlif rhr.r. '..u'aI .-r i the county within the next few days and ;ive them an opportunity to take space in this supplement which will be gotten up in pamphlet form, will be neatly printed and will present an cr-c. tr topic or .topic t! onrsuui hUtorr """ ' a ' ' to U .elects by th. SoperinUn- Ncfk, wc vr'- Mr rVl iUi 4.y. dent of Public Instmcuoo." S ,l- Nwb 1 'iL"- Tb4 act nroridM th.t tK- .f.i ) Hrnur 111 to aperintendint ' mv difjnttp m- . 1 . . f I. V I otnex aT tram October i'J Suu u - SuperinUjndent Joyner bj taken th!d ( lilerty tllowe-1 uiyier ih law of lr T. W !irk.-.t ;f. f : K,ir fixing Ui dsti of North ( r..ir.a ' w J ne -!t ?' 7 ir mm of the Rt.iteV lustorv, tl,. the North ( r-rlin Ist have lfn a folio In . The Fim .tiilo.at.r. NttJemnt program tr.p in America, TJ. Ail-eruar)- attractive appearance. The r.tes 1 eotioo; in 113, The lowor hae been put at reasonable fi cures, FeAT SecUoj; in 194, TK Taralvoi Mr Mo rri;.v-. Jim - k ?f 5fr K;.'. T-- -ir. I chuj.'or., J r.. V ,M I r ir.. T W :;. !? lit r.. ' A A M ' ,.c .--. ... e? -Jar tr m: h prU , r'. e:.K-1. Wcii e vrr4U-. 4 i t u.ft . ...4 i u it m f M i.w 7 ." tu stt" t iwi i ) in order that the can get in. smallest business Franklin County Teacher's As- sociation. The regular monthly session of the Teacher's Association was held in the court house last Saturday. Fifty oue teachers .were present, only one of the members of the Association being absent. Through the kindness of Supt. W. R. Mills the members paid a visit to t le Louisburg - Graded School and were enabled to see something of the methods in use and management of the school. Each room was visited and the opportunity given to see the Work in every grade. Supt. MilU and his assistants have reason to be gratified over the numerous compli ments and the very evident apprecia tion of the visiting teachers. Ine chiet matters ot interest in the regular session were papers by Misses Onnie Tucker and Florence Pernell on uDiscipline in the School,' and by Misses Ora Winston and Jennie Peele- on "How we- obtained a School library These papers Were more than excellent and do redit to the whple Association,. Sup E. E. Samflj&nd a& theteaeh - ers of the lftldintbn Graced School were present, he hearty sympa thy and cooperation given to Supt. White in this work by both Mr. Mills and Mr. Saras deserve the ap preciation of our people. Most of the subscriptions for the Teacher's Library were paid in and by the next session there will be a library costing $75 consisting solely of books that will he helpful to the teachers of the county. The next meeting of the Association will be on Saturday, December 8th. - e Mr. Pou's Big: Majority. Hon. E. W. Pou, our able Con gressman, from the 4th district, re ceived the following very flattering majorities Franklin giving him the second largest in the district : Wake, v 2,505 Franklin, . 1,824 Nash, 1,326 Vance, 674 Chatham, 383 Johnston, 311 Total, . 7,023 Encourage the "We" Boy. Don't laugh nt a boy who magni fies his plac. You may see him coming-from the postoffice with a big bundle of 'his employer's letters, which he displays with as much pride as thoughthey were his" own. He feels important, ahd looks it, but he is proud of his rllace. He is attend ing to business. He likes t5 have the world know, that he is at work for a busy concern, The boy who says "we" identifier himself with the concern, its interests are his. He sticks up for its credit and reputa tion. He takes pleasure , in his work and hopes to say "we are" in earnest. The boy will reap what he sows if M'lVER DAY. dir. Mr V;it!d 7,--i b4n covered. It h c town. LehS employer do the right thing by him; check him kindly if he shows signs of beinV,too big for his place, counsel him as , to his habits and associates, and occasionally show him a pleasant prospect of advance ment. A little .pride does an honest boy a heap of good. Good luck N to the boy who sayB "we." , How Father Tested Hihi: One of ourrexchange8 tells, of 7 ari old derm nil who had a DoV nf whsnl! he was very proad- ana ' atciaea,-io find out the trend of his mind. He adopted a novel method'by which to teat him. H slipped iiito the ?. bby'8 room one morning and place4 ontitrf taole a bottle -of wfciskey IHajid a silver dollar "Now,? iaid he, 'when dot boy comeakin if he tekea dot dollar he's going ito be a beeznis man; if he takes dot Bible he's going he keeps higritfai4 sticks to his job. J,B,w-fl m YoumaJ taHoffotirhat tohirias net b? Prof' W C' Smith' of List of Letters Remaining in the post office in Lotusburg, Nj. C., nncaled for: George Ausj;i!Th; BlackweUf Proprxam is Being Prepared by Prof. R. D. W- Connor, of the Department of Educa tion, and will be Issued Soon- The program for the celebration of North Carolina Day by the pub lic schools of the state is now in the hands of the printer and will be issued from the office ot the state superintendent of public instruction at an early date. The material ha been carefully compiled and the pro gramme arranged by Prof. K. I). W. Connor, of the state, department of f ,1 9,J T M education, who prepared also the Ir anv lrn excellent proammes for 1903 and 1905. Xorth Carolina Day this year will be celebrated as "Mclver M morial Day" in honor of the late Charles Ducan Mclver and on the frorrtupieoe of the pamphlet will ap pear a splendid half tone engraving of that orator, educational states man, teacher. The date named for North Carolina Day this year in Friday, December 14. The programme is a follows: "The Old North State" Wil liam Gaston. vjoaries uaoan reiver a do- Section; in th lppr Cp tear Kectim. In uooivr.linji( Tr the bistnrj of othr Mrjwint r.f ih Plate will l tadil, imwrttt in the order 'of their wtde-ment try devnloDnifent. uniil lh ontir rri.i t ... . . . . .... , fr t blu4 c of the nktorr of th tMi hJI h A Kantitnofor the Bllai. FBOH IHGLESlr ft 1 tXi ?S-U-J ijfKKUitUt i. LH too u tt ptti4bi :n rvAcmi f-izt ' M f hd, t La ar.l to tb Uidy Cff timttelr to mimulate a IocaI snd county hwtjirv. Thii annual clbrtv.n of North Carolina IaT siflcln evrr tarhr UiaJ fr f i th i r-lr . f Eviii;r.e for ih tfA an ow-ortunitv to mtir the rhd. . ) i Ujm M 4ii ':. U ltiimr fal, V. )l dren with a n.w prhl in their auto, a new enthiuixflm fr U) ta'ly of her hutorr, arxi a nw lo of her and her people. rCe fy i. z "Z. r. f Th rr.ixi.c m r,t pojrsey BibbyM BHjyHin'a Foster, C Clescfier Jenkins, JT; "C Joynen JoiKing,' WmKeHy WiUl Ham iljiny Mary iirarmorra vy es- Susan Perry, Walker PerryiWilhe Powell, Oscar Ruffin, Ho&d Sut toiif Airs; v SaHie ?E.'. Terrell; , Kate Wood; Mrs. iOaIUe Williams, Mar- above letters will please aay they aaw them advertised. R. R. Pjl&bis, P. M. . lege. Charles Ducan Mclver A ketch by R: D. W. Connor, of the Sut Department of Education. "The Caronach" By Sir Wal ter Scott. s ' He Died Poor That He Might Make Others Rich By Josepbu .Daniels, editor of the News and Observer. Charles D. Mclver as I Knew Him By J. Y. Joyner. America 3y S. F. Smith. Some Stories of Charles D. Mc lver By J. Y. Joyner. Southern Educational Problems Extracts from Addresaea by Char les D. Mclver. "Hoi for Carolina" By W. H. Harreil. The Subject for Ucaaoi) this year is a departure from the rule of the' 'fj'ait fflor y'cari 'whfcnhaJ been to itAdTf thi" tlrtary aftha'-ivarious aeotionii-of : the vatate. nBat Jt I - fit ting that' the pnblio school popSa throughout the atata . ahoold have brought eloaeT to their ' attention the Ufa of thii man who hat done - to Law Relative to Vagrancy. Section . . 7 4 1 of the Uii hail come . wi'.hm any of the following r'Ai, hal! b ilf-iu-"! a agrint, and iht!; 11 fined r.ot exodint; fifty blian cr inipn- nil not ic-ljng tharty dava: r v i t. ,-'ft:tr5 - u-c.n .r. rest f-. r.: ir. l t -c!4 "J; i tf.at wjrm .. l tt c . .iz. iz. k f r T it 4Ji 44.1 J t.1 .1 1 i M it 3 i J" 4? rr t r M : lt iJ tAa '., Sc t.v v. M 4M J 4.rmM , 'i:.-; !:.c.a:.j Ttl Mi.uin i .4t '.ruiitt .i 1 tV.4 t HClM U"- 4 1 t:.4 4 t t04 cC Jil. i. i eraTtia wandering or troiinc: v . ,i v- v i. . 4 . . . aboat in KilenfM who ar atH wi . v. t, ,,r , -rv . . u ' . . worg aoa liar no pf-or'tv to aorv , . v . . .k . m. iort them. , TTmi pabiicaixn f t ai-ajit fcucit ) v.-.. rt totiiia kii 2. I'enona leimg an immec . M ,ttf : -. Lc-ei 4, fftW rtJ al or rrofligate life who have rvo ; rv, a x M - m property to .upport them ard h u' u, w r, are aoie to work ana an not worl. ( . 1 . . - j a. n pmorui imi to won M,"lr ing no property to aapport thtm arvl 1 who hare not ,ma honest ail Think of It, . a t4ufeUJ4t t Mci t mC TUU- r tiaiav. I 4 .--w a. A iexrtb f Itoai cftr' 1J ,ti Vm drr2i a.r4 lO , I lira. w I pTopertr to aor-,prir VocjI ctmnrpsbg aJi t 1 1 . - lire br rUvaiirur it m cot all tbe faalt oi lb mv - itncrwn mean of a fair. reputable livelihood. 4. I'eraonj hsrirfg a filed who have no visibly port Uiera axva wno live by rujm it m cot ai u taaai c iz p or by trading in bartering for cir Any ltr polMSr wul cH buying tblen properly pr an the rw wc-nby c c-u, j Ju u tcr.l r&W ri . l li t-- i.k 4 .41-1. .1 o i roieewionavgamDiera nirrg m imnion u kcw 'wrt 1 I: iirf la i!l 'tr' " -aAL. 44 f&taaa rkaU tatehticra. KlleneM i it .1 i . f . j:. i . 4 4 . :. 4. .. - - . . ( ' u. iiii ite-iOQia men wno nave fuiwr, wat rrecocor yx a-jr x s',eJ'i' rf'VlW no other vwible tueana of applet , ocaisHiel aiknkjr. cf r- 4rr; ' it Tt4 tsrV wJas whonhall in idlene deprl tipoo'qrrfwle! with yow r.ff rvr the wicm or eammct.ot innr motrer elite at r, t4 toot ru5 tif. r wife or minor child or children, x-daoe a buclreJ et,rr tX cpt mala chill or chUdrro ott l?. lc lUta years of age. pobilah orrQ tttwt Mayor and Jtutic of the iVaoaihmt rvi alltiirti, tlW Ui f" have final joridiction in enforcing i ty b ooeamoi:yi wcH t t this and 11 CowubJe and To- ( traciM-i aM Mlia 'r-:U-H J lice men' are citen authority b maka) Wbtppri cir 4-ar4 at ti rtaJL.! cT ! ftittWiiiltre !tika ai recta and otharwbe aii ta ru ec 'Tbtrvk a fnidiU'tt lS teti ur)crw4 foroamtnt., If thara ia 1 chanoe1- to btuin'efli,' bofiS k," Doftl ynf ea ( Ion faea axkfoot aa thoughy ha4 a atotsachacha. jJap ytjiir bad, amUa and loot for Uttar thhia, Hide your little harntoar, aad try to apeak wall of others, no taUr how iaall jxjn may itnow yoa.f to b. j thidga )ro aar tl"c:f toe bow It woaU IrtYtSrYfvZj criucsaa 'tbw trwrrwjT Lnr t HocMt! t f k' . , 't 'i . 1V l-KFfrsT.T'7.T 1 Uh rr afirw trda--Toia "Itiiaa ciir;iar ta cCbsA a laZtcar f ay trw da C2a UZ. r .V L.-,''',' - , ' .-. 4 .1

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