- , ; ' v A W 'a V JAMES A. THOMAS, EDITOR. VOL. XXXVI. ANNUAL STATEMENT. A HOST EXCELLENT ADVER TISING MEDIUM. Will Go into Over Twelve Hun dred Households and Read by Over Five Thousand People The Rates are Reasonable. In a few days we will begin plans for issuing the "Annual Statement" of expenses of the county for the past year, which, as heretofore, will be sent out as a supplement to the Fkjlnklin Times. This supplement will go into over twelve hundred households in Franklin countv, and will be read bv over five thousand people, which makes it a valuable ad vertising medium. It is a perpetual medium from the faot that it contains matters of direct importance to all the taxpayers in the county and be ing made into a good substantial and convenient form it will be preserved and used for ready reference quite freumtly. Our representatives will wait upon the merchants and business men of the county within the next few days and give them an opportunity which will be gotten up in pamphlet form, will be neatly printed and will pre sent an attractive appearance. "The rates have been put at reasonable figures, in order that the smalle3t business can get in. A Bad Advertisement. It is cheaper to vote a special tax and have a good school at home than it is to send the children off to a chigh school" and pay both board and tuition. Besides, when von send them off Tou advertise the fact that your community is not progressive enough to run its own school a thing that any progressive citizen should oe ashamed of and should try and remedy, especially when the remedy is so easily and cheaply sup plied, by that medicine which we call "local taxation." Marsh ville Home. Louisburg Tobacco Market. The Louisburg tobacco market is a "hummer." and our warehousmen are doing their best for their patrons. The prices the past week have been "way up a limb" as both the buyers and sellers express it, and the sales have been very good. A number of farmers have been here from adjoining counties, and they all say that they are coming again. "I tell you" said one farmer, "these Louisburg warehousmen seem to be in earnest, and I believe they work harder for their patrons than any others I know." A number of splendid average were made the past week. Dr. Young's Wager on Frank lin's Champion Speller. Dr. L. B. Young, of Roles ville, un der date of November 10th writes the Raleigh Evening Times as fol lows: "Apropos of your article copied from the Kansas City Star in refer ence to the champion speller of the world, I wish to say that we have right here in Franklin county, N. C, a man who can spell a little, too. He is no professor or doctor of divinity not even a L. L. D., but a plain old farmer. His name is Joseph John Allen. He cannot only spell every word in the English language cor rectly but can tell the page, column and line and give the definition of every word in Webster's old blue back speller, and I think can do the same thing in Webster's Unabridged Dictionary. Now, if he can't take the starch out of Prof. Jones and Mmm Hamilton I will pay for the dic tionary. I will also contribute $10 to help pay his expenses to- meet them at any place designated in the United States, and there are' plenty more who will do the same thing " We stake our good friend! "Joseph John" against he world when it comes to spelling. MACON ALSTON. Union Between Counties Pop ular Franklin Man Gets a Bride From Vance. A very large and representative audience, expectant with peculiar in terest in the happiest event of the lives of two of our best known and most popular young people, assem bled in the beautiful Christian church at "Epsom, on Thursday evening, Nov. 15th, at 8 o'clock, when the Rev. M. W. Butler, of Newport News, Va., former pastor of the bride, spoke the solemn and impres sive words uniting in marriage Mr. George Washington Macon and Miss Pattie Boddie Alston. The marriage scene amid brilliant lights and decorations ot evergreens flowers and plants, was one of the prettiest ever witnessed. Miss Emma Alston, sister of the bride, was maid of honor and Mr. j John Cooke, of Ingleside, acted as best man. The bridesmaids were Misses Maude Boone, of Rehobeth, N. C, Susie Macon, sister of the groom, Ingleside, Rosa Avent, Rocky Mount, Bessie Alston, of Warrenton, Carrie Alston, sister of the bride, and Car rie Thomas, of Henderson. The gentlemen attendants were Messrs. Charlie EgertonW. L. Beasley, In gleside, Dr. C. H. Banks, Everard Cooke, Louisburg, O. S. Macon, W. P. Wilson, Ingleside. The ushers were Messrs. Bayard Allen, Henry Jenkins, Nat Mitchell and Ransom Duke. Miss Margaret Alston was ring bearer. Just before the bridal party en tered Miss Sallie Young Davis sang with her usual pleasing and enter taining stylej "Oh Haste, Thee Sweet." The bride was becomingly gowned in white chiffon taffeta en train and carried a shower boquet of carnations. The maid of honor wore white silk elaborately trimmed in duches lace, and carried pink carnations. The attendants wore white orsran dy over taffeta, three in pink and three in blue, and carried wands to correspond, which they crossed in front of the chancel, the attendants passing under them. I The groomsmen were attired in the conventional black suits and if they ever looked handsomer in all their lives I never saw them when they did. The bride is a daughter of Dr. and Mrs. B. P. Alston, and is a jewel among the young women of our time, is accomplished and very popular 1 possessing so many lovable traits ihe is the friend of all. The happy and honored groom is one of our most sterling and indus trious young men; a business man and a busy man, he wears a gilt edge record for honesty. We congratu late him most heartily, already feel ing about two years larger, we will watch him and see him grow. Immediately after the marriage an old fashioned wedding reception was given at the hospitable home of the bride's father. Mrs. Alston had pre pared a most tempting feast; turkey, shoat, old ham, cake and everything good to eat 'that is sufficient to say. The genial doctor laid aside conven tionalities and joined the happy guests in the pleasures of the even ing, which all enjoyed. Cutting the bride's cake afforded much amusement, Mr.' John Cooke getting the thimble, Mr. O. S. Macon the money, and MUs Rosa Avent the ring. After the reception Mr. and Mrs. Macon drove to the home of Mr. W. J. Macon, father of the gr;xm, where an elegant reception was tendered the wedding party next day. The list of presents received by the popular couple was one of the largest and handsomest ever seen here. ' The Times joins their many friends in extending congratulations and wishes them much prosperity and happiness. THE COUNTY, THE LOUISBURG, N. C, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23. 1906. Cooper-Davis. The Times ha received the fol lowing invitation: Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Davis re quest the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter Belle to Mr. Thomas Arrington Cooper on Tuesday the fourth of December at high noon Methodist Church, Areola, North Carolina. Pernell-Hoyle. A very pleasant marriage cere mony was solemnized at New Sandy Creek Baptist Church in Vance coun ty on the 18th of November, by Rev. G. W. Holmes, the contracting par ties being Mr. Robert H. Pernell, of Franklin, and Miss Lillie M. Hovle, of ance. After the ceremonv h reception was tendered the bridal party at the home of the bridt'd in other, Mrs. J. H. Hovle. The Candidates Express Their Appreciation. The following resolution was handed the editor of the Timks with a request that the same n in serted in these columns: "At an informal meeting of the sev eral Democratic candidates in Frank- lin countv, held in Louisburg lant Saturday the fallowing resolutions were unanimously adopted: KesoWed, That the Democratic candidates of Franklin county at the recent election keenly appreciate the splendid campaign waged in the county by J. A. Thomas, chairman of the Democratic executive , committ e, and the tireless and eternallv loyal champion of democracy . We call the attention of the public to the fair, clean-handed methods pursued in the campaign and register our approval of the same." : - The Chairman fully appreciates the sentiments expressed in the reso lution, and extends his thanks to his j "brother candidates1' for their sincere endorsement. Candidate are in a position to appreciate, to some ex tent, what a chairman of a countv executive committee has to uudero. The Talking: Face. -T mon't say a 8inle wor.l, ft 1 .1 said .vnnie ixirion to her mother, wii was reproving her for her unamiahle temper. "I know you didn't, Annie; but your face talked." What volumes vour faces say! Some speak of love and kindness, some of aager and hatred, others of pride and rebellion, and others still tit aalfialinaia We can't help your facs talking; but we can make thern say pleasant things, and all ahoul.l try to have them do so. Selected. Special Train To Richmond Thanksgiving Day. i ne eatxanl announce ac- j count of the A. fc M.-V. P. I. Foot-i Ball Game, Richmond, Va., Thanka- I Giving Day, they will operate tpo- lal train from Raleigh to Richmond, round trip rate 13.00, train to leave Raleigh at 7:00 A. M., arriving Richmond about 11:15 A. M. Spec ial trains will also be operate! from Louisburer tor Franklinton and Oifoni . it , . . .i . to Henderson to connect at thoseoomts . , t i v. . Tritn train frrvm Ka aioh Itottim l n cr train win leave tticnmona at i-:'uj 11, 1 ...-. j a.. t i ii i midnight. Parlor cars will le Uiwvl ' on going trip from Iialeighseat $1.00, returning sleepers will be open at U:00 P. M. at TTnion Station Rih - mond and passengers can remain in game the following morningantil 8:00 A.M., double berth rate 12.00 '2 can occupy one berth. Reervations should be made at once at this office. This train will be operated on faat schedule and will leave promptly at 7:00 A. M. . C. H. Gattib, T. P. A. Raleigh, N. C. Get your engraved stationery, J eta, from the Tuns, we can aav 1 you money. STATE, THE TO10K. Tl t f' IIAIIIIIN M 1 V nr. liiuviriii rri Hi K, r THEIR MOVEMENTS IN ' OUT. OF TOWN. A ft 11 f Some Tor Pleajurti, Some for! Business and a L&nre ' Nam- . uor Dccause inoy uko it. E. L. Cook-j retnrnMi from 1 thort vuut to IiendroQ Mondir - D. W. Splrey w,- in town WeJ. . neliy on -important- bo-mr-. .J ... T ' omw it. i pprraan riurneJ , yeterdy from a visit to fnnii at ' Macon. j VMJm KaUlle I'emrll returned jday ihl ek from a vwtt U fnrU ' at Stalling. j Mm. M. H. Kinp, w ii'.ir. hr wn, Mr. J. W. Kinr M hi h.-mr . n Maja atret't. Mr, J. NV . Il.-l.m-. town this week 1 n tio .'.err : Matttm ( '. Mi I.ucy lVrnvli .-(, -jndar (.'afltsiia w 1 1 r .".. . t" t .r ch.irgv of her . Mihfl lU-ttJo 1 't r'.i-.. f I. ... u n 'spirit a fw ilan -f thw w)t with M". Taylor, at I.v.;!ur 11.:. si I W. H. Vilicx r.-turne-l T.tr ly from Uford wiifr h w.-r.t ! ! "out ip" the new tUphonr ir'":.a:o Meaars. H. K. ( .jlaud. W. H (iriffin, J. J. S.n tk, thr f ; nn hop'a hujitlin tnerchanLfl 'wr. hero thiaek. Thtir freintl )irrt r. 1liirrwit-1 t.i r: vf .. j w- n- n Aaheyille. Thev I. S. Allen's. are Ti.siun; At Mr. Th Afiitrir vai nl ir n-wr Mr.- John A. jnn in town tht?i rt'eek. He ia a till a SxDmmercial tourist" and saya lie ratiier likrm it. Mers. il. K. Vinjit-n, W. V loldie and Dr. 11. Fank., sr. i .Mr. ,M. C. PUaftAntu .in 1 w:f attend ei the Mills-Welln marriag at Wu s n thw wtMk. Mr. I. S. hn U,n ir. in H;iltimore reui".rV.;nc few w..k rcfTrro-l ! '-.. dav eeiiin'. ?n i !i : : are jMtial i- ). - i k : r. " well. Mm. Ir. 11. K. Kin.:. f I" Norf 'it, a., fl;-'tu 2 da'. town thf pi! vr ', t. .'. d her m.nv fr;end. hero. ar. 1 w. horn Tulav. V NV hi! o hrrf a a gueat at Ir. J. K. Maionr'a fr W lilt.. f T'r.-i l'oint, Md., pnt x f 1t i brother, Mr. W. M P.-rT.. . n h-.ft He is a gradual -f the A A M iege, o!aw of ar.. .j, 4 ;arn- ti. jh itin w ith t:ie Mars. an ! iie (.'ompany. Mr. and Mm. W. li. Mi.ia are ,,n their brixlal trip to Wajhinjrto!, t New York and other j-mitt A full account of the tnarrug wheb took jJar in Wiiaon n NSe.lrteJaT evening will appa.r in the Tiw.ft neit wwk. The eJitor had a sery Jej.r. l oftli this weok from Mr. J. W. ( .j.fe, of ( irnjibortx He m f.rtnr Franklin countr -, an 1 tho Tiwr. i piea.el to not that he wu am nr 1 ' n the ueo?fnl aio!irant . t I examine! th k br the H-irl of ' Pharmacy t ' 1 The ediwr had a pJoiAant call on I Monday from Mr. ('. Perr, of 1 Sirintrhon. who wa here on rrr- f feiwionaJ boaine. H former j Franklin county lir and ha ea practicing law in ua-n tor aome time, but haa recently located in Springhope, Rro. V. F. Marshall, who re cently old the (Jaatiinia GaxetlA, pad through town laat Sotarday and again on Monday. He cam over to snit taothtr who lives Dear town. We are at a lo to Ldov why he failed to call to H4 u, hIm he had (aits hat we might "Man - m I him for thit liule "balmo ihxt be 1 I . . I - u houm a r'ght -bb b.i Uo h. rfcM4 t iroogh, which w crvuWr.! aoevntn ; , - " xmm m MM l ; . Mr,,l . J V . . V' Kar-vn r K ft ma in( rm . .. . i . - V. . V - l , . t r u . I xwol t-i U tafMOM i.-m 1or'x tn-ir " huad r,J uk. tout ttJJ-in, K:f.t, :x i Cockrell-Perry Karri 15-. Mf-! tiajt ( hsfci. 1 i on W dn 1T 2 "H'.t ( ( V: ..a . r '.rv.! : 7. . ''.rvu: .'.-.. --.,1 ''. r: la. ; .:'. : j. x :.: .r x r r. V i r . 1 : tiel . : a V . r. ir 1 .. a . ; o ; a . 1 W xcc :n p l. W 1 f Miilo... - L 11 Mar. tr. e l.r. pa:-.;, rim' Kim: . r . C K U Vathrrbjs . - .S:.i 'rrv. of Mftfo'.. li lianift-m. K. K. A ;..-'.. A ( I".fti3r t) u"oir Tcr( -. i ire. raf ir.n Mim lioaLrv- Hjlt . NfthTu., .uv. I)r H .'v Ncvf uf I.. . ji':i-ar, M.m Ka'." I. .-h.rf; - X J K N n'.i :., M I . " V c a -. o -.!. a ' .; 1 1 : :. ... a "k. J W It. j v. ; r iti. a r. r. c I ' T) r ; a: : :f: v '. irrvft rer. '.v. xt- a.. C I T! t r ie a.. j '. '.jt -e Kal a-. IV. tra.-.r.- rr.xUt., rza !:h: .ft. : v a w ire if i rn i. a . : c t ; . "u . . - a a r.i ! b't.fti'A r: u 4 tSe br5jafti r-cr, ft ' ? t a v . ra inu . Imrvliaty afurf C -r -ts-s. t tSeif a : '.rl i r. U '". f e !v.;- fi..t? thcn gl fr4ift TS t-atifiu r r. M ftUMft'.e an 1 a-"rvra p : m S Martha A Pti ft.fr t 4 ;-? 7 l ft? ' t : . a ft .1 t a. A frMa xzl JrzaT t u a rot;!ar - t4rK' rc-s.?- . rrajiae can cl Na.'tr., izi m ' tv h-e vxarlifti1 Z11 be hxft w on . A fKpUra fcft fP1- V-e brilal prtr at th boo cA tiu bcvle'a raotiT on T6ay tutfi.!. and oq Weil ay tuht t-be prx- gave a rtoeOoo to Lb farlt at the NftahviUe HouL There wer. t nuobet of ol thtbriie ari to from daa. from lAJm&wrsi wer nk 4ia Wlffiamaoa, Mra. IL VI. tWxij, Urt D. C Uigb ixd daUJ, HieiJ suesouftioh si.oo m tlmjl k users 42. mu. v U TS frrJ U C& TlK . fc 1. -. . m w . OOLLXOt KOTCS. fit rMr--3i u n4 r in rf 1m B3 ft ?.CITili M ft aZ fKWii;L ft : ftiJ t: l iicvft M It rarrf if r m.c ' ' t lUfl 1 -. ' cV.rxaatrta 1 1' ir V ftr.d Umry "1 w. c:. a ikim.i : t vJLtft.. M rt Ji;. a.r i ec usIjtu ! li TLaiV Vr HaJla; IU1 jjft. Ki yci :us i Hrt J 1. r a , t i Hrt K .-areJ. I'eiTT ? r i.;;ift cit. Wd trf'. i i l.Se;T .-rr.'l.i.:ip aat via '-:; ".. a v.-.nr '. e " : -c .? c t i.tiAmi vt l.a' ' 'i r: .aUtf ' a 1 - ' . . a.: Hi . -. r. t : - i . t t . , " yv. T'-.c f r ;f if-itr t:,i VMM c :.. ". ' e 'c .' " i - - m 1 I:r;tlft V ' I, i a.r.r l.S Ti TLft.i ft ff .j -:tiii.e r m wim W. t Atwaa, T ' . !.ft2 t tmt tiitimrm& le-i. !. 1. I !vb!tm.c HCJt VMl It lA- s.ftj:t kioM inile- U jfanurj ( ! iaI tk !tif .m 0ti.ft t!i m . t rLiyVft C3f V trl, rat.ft liaaa siatra 4 '.cn :4 Viat InUruJnctal at JcjUrt Mau Ticma IW aary as yuav vaJtuaMe ff LLat Canrw wiU a aaaa i WrTfts&:44 ai ib rViic: t -rtaaaai j Traiaj tKc rrtii to p la nia. Ubnrj Urn tb rVadL rajuL. rzr

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