f a; .-K-- t -.. , .1--,.- - i . . -m, 1, . - . f ; , JAIIES A. THOMAS, EDITOR. THE COUIiTY, THE STATE. TOE UliTOtf.- suBscBirnoH si.oo ttlail VOL. XXXVI LOUISBURG, N. C, FRIDAYi HOVEHBER .301 000.. KUHEEB 42. - " , - s - .- I -.1' : ' , ' ' ' . " ' : ' ... - . . - j : ANNUAL STATEMENT. A MOST EXCELLENT ADVER TISING MEDIUM. : Will Go into Over Twelve Hun dred Households and Read by Over Five Thousand People The Rates are Reasonable. In a few days we will begin plans for issuing the "Annual Statement' of expenses of the county for the past year, which, as heretofore, will be sent out as a supplement to the Franklin Times. This" supplement will go into over twelve hundred households in Franklin county, and will be read bv over five thousand people, which makes it a valuable ad vertising medium. It is a perpetual medium from the fact that it contains matters of direct importance to all the taxpayers in the county and be ing made into a good substantial and convenient form it will be preserved and used for ready reference quite frequently. Our representatives will wait upon the merchants and business men o the county within the next few days and give them an opportunity which will be gotten up in pamphlet form, will be neatly printed and will pre sent an attractive appearance. The rates have been put at reasonable figures, in order that the smallest business can get in. Wheeler-Timberlake Marriage- A most loyely and beautiful marriage took place Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock a. m., in Franklinton, when Mr. Tyler Biggs Wheeler, one of Scotland Neck's most worthy and prosperous busi ness men, was united in marriage to Miss Lillian DeVere Timberlake, the charming daughter of the late J. P. Timberlake, of this county. The ceremony was in the Baptist church, which was tastefully decorat ed m evergreen, palms and ferns. Mrs. R. Bruce White presided at the organ and rendered mendels- Bohns wedding march. The bridal party moved down aisles proceeded bv the following ushers: E. . J. Cheatham and ' C. T. Nicholson. W. II. McDowell and J. B. Futrell. Beautiful Home Wedding. Wilson, always noted for the fine taste displayed in her social f unction , quite surpassed herself last evening on the occassion of the Mills-Wells marriage. The sumptuous home of Mrs. John D. Wells was the scene of a beautiful home wedding. Her daughter, Miss Sue Genia, was married to Mr. Wil liam Robert Mills, of Louisburg, Rev. Dr. Swindell, of the Methodist church officiating. A limited number of relatives and friends enjoyed the privilege of wit nessing the marriage, but the recep tion, which, promptly followed the ceremony, was attended by hosts of friends who represented the beauty, intelligence and culture of our cit The Wells residence, elegant in its appointments, was a fitting setting f o the exquisite floral decorations that greeted the eye in lavish and tasteful profusion. Gorgeous. chrysanthemums and a wealth of palms, feathery ferns and other greens, appeared n the hals and in all the apartments. The ofiarm of the whole beautiful scene was bright ened by the presence of young and lovely women, and of many, who if not young, still found themselves ex ceeding fair. The front parlor, the scene of the marriage, was in a. dainty blush of pink. Masses of chrysanthemums and palms with graceful trailling vines adorned this room, making especially beautiful the bay window where Dr. Swindell stood to face the bridal par tv. Candles in manv silver oandala brum and rosy-shaded globes, gave presented to the wedding party by Mr. Keener Harrell. The punch room was most brilliant in a color scheme of crimson. Hero Mr. and Mrs. Cox art received. The always popular punch bowl was presided over by young ladies Misses Frances Wells and Mary . Hack ney, assisted by Mr. J. C. Ealea, Mr. B. A. Brooks, of Nashville, and Dr. Banks, of Louisburg. The library, glowing in glorious masses of yellow chrysanthemum, was made more resplendent by the display of many superb wedding gift, in which cut-glass galore,' elaborate silver gifts, dainty hand-painted china, lace articles and lovelv handwork, i I made by loving yound friends, were j THE ' MOVING PEOPLL THEIR nOVEHENTS IN OUt OF TOWK. AND And Those Who Come and Go, Some for Pleasure, Some for Business and a Large Num ber Because Ther Uice It. Mr. K. S. Orn returned vetr day from Raleigh. Mr. Frd Hick j came horn from Trinity to spend Thanksgiving. M. K. Winston pnt Thankjgiv- ) raaUr of fteSLcaeot tc ing with hi people in oungmJl. i atfuaw u w n to be seen in handsome profusion. Here Mrs. Albert Anderson, Mni.iS111 Fultnore and Mrs. Patterson received , Ir- K. Bigtr and wifv, of Un assisted by Mr. and Mra. Frank Short, ! gh, "pent a few boom in Iuiibar of Goldsboro. j Wednesday eraning. The dining room, decorated mot i Mra. F. J. Hale of Ing ivc lo, Vi, gorgeously in superb chrysanthemums L visiting her rnothor. Mm. M. K had as its piece de resistance a center j Ellington, at Inglrdv laDie witn most exquiaite appoint- 1 Memni. K. S- Sprnu! ments, chrystal candelabrum, lac- Hickett and W. M. IVr .n, work and graceful festoons of smHaxJi Sh court th wMk. fW the over-hanging ohandeleir made ; Mr ,Uuij TimUrUkr it a thing" of beauty. WhoUr-T,mbrUke marriaS : eu,.,g, ueauuiui Franklinton Wrdneolav. elegant and the entire entertainment . ' AH EARNEST APPEAL. ThuktTlBg Oenzuu . Th ?, of CtiiHoii afw di. j TT Lokbcr Cwrr&aa &v if cuaaing th came of th (Vo bora ta ; aa&ai TLx&VMTiz Grx&aA. that -nvy who ha.i Uo witiwa to,10f Haam WdtMiaj aw to ih. cW w ax tU a f Tb tt wlW traa . . . v, tt tmmbml Vy Heal to th. p:runtiarT rain lia. ,Iui m UA rj nii aprai to th poj4 c4 ihm iOU i h j, jt WAdo (W ia bha)( ai a r forma lory fee Ou tcWvrog oZm f?t)abjVM : cliA of 1a brkr A W Vrmj w-nl K'um Altcw X . Wbta pobie atirai W ktxszl ; SfWIL, A. A ClJua yrtX Hm Km lh qaUon H tt Hori IV JL WUi trft Utm Utaj a rfnrmaijcy. , MfcX K. K Aia w-X'Jki Him HA. Wt'l rxr? ulp to nsg ty: c' V tri L H. JoLm:tt c4 th inter!? Ia yoa toi o:cit L-tirUi, Him tru lltrrm. rs-t, W V lL:i d w-nX Htm K itr Um. wr.t Ht rUr:. U VHm tc XJ trdav from TRnitr to .rnd Thank- ; wold I u"a J r f cit rn & ' :.t t it T W i .T !.t t. i c was characterized by cultured taite and generous hospitality. Receiving in the dining room wer: Mrs. V. S. Anderson and Mr. E. M. Nadal. The dainty maidans serv ing were Claire Jordan, EUie Moore, Sarah McDaniel, Sudie Hackney and Martha Stevens. Immediataly after the reception Str of r.e k riV';. li, cj.u of :Lo . ,.tv fT: n w i :r. 1 alt - -l. v---i, i n -r (;rar. it. i..o r-1 -"i t r. ' .: i t HI Up n '.-A f l jC. t ft e ;r k!r t.4 Kr l:. 'crd. H u4 cT, J Jvn -t.V Km T- Vi ift 4 i fill 17 f II V 1 - I'.rji 1 :'Vlp F . t ft rc v c- t .c iTr IL CKl.ft, f softened lights toenhance the gener- Mil and "Mra. MiUs took tha train for al loveliness. Promptly at the time appointed 8:30 o'clock strains of the wedding march, rendered by the Italian Band, announced the approach of the bridal party. From the hall, first entered Misses Lola "Wells and Annie Simpson, gowned in elegant costumes of white, with large bouquets of white chrysan themums, and carrying folds of broad white satin ribbon. Standing near the center of the room they awaited the coming of Misses May Hackney and Mary Early Vaughan, who gracefully caught the ends of the ribbons held an extended bridal tour. Mr. Mills U a popular Ind sucoes ful educator, and stands deservedly high in the profession he has choen. Miss Wells is a charming, attractive young lady of elegant refinement, of taste and appearance. May their fondest hopes be realized. They carry with them into their new life the best washes of all the good people of Wilson. arrived vnterdar to pnd a days with hie people nvax Uv n. Mrs. ICS. White, who haa loa ( .. it t.x . i r." c t.t ' i It Ua - ft. ft?x to her home In lialeigh thM rok. - Mma Lynn Hail, who ia attending do-.n r;jrth;r jj U school at .the Hantttt Univtmtr, Raleigh, cunt horn to tpetid Ttxaka- evini:. - Mrs. Katie Creabaw, Mra. K. II Davis anil Mnu J. M. Allen irt ei - ! pected homo from WsLbinijV-n Sat- ; unlar. Mrn. J. J. Allen left accompanied by Dr. r . K. C for John' Hojikin Hrmpital f-r treatment. Mm. W. H (').k" anl Chi'uren (f Cedar Ii n-k, are vititin; Ler of Lo ki'n i cle? rLOWERS rot THI LIT1KG. Ci:AC f ;' w irl . ftti Ok CutrVcrtfc ft lir. c4 tal a tratrMr 4 ixi at WWj kaf U "'- li i " : iJa-V Wiftt toot- ahVi it locg lira ar ; !f on that K.r a pUdfl, hat '.alcs.1 tttlL a the I --s? t rf.:;rrTaVT ft . , ' G ft r . ;-r r. 1 at.3 i v cr dj to rr ;r.iu Lta a.u aoft4 ! t . ar.C Uit t utrftt4 i c4 V :i.n!;i j mother, Mm M. K. Ellington, of "Happy they, t'e happiest (if their kind 1 J nwrleiviii e and tlirir Their hearts, their fortunes beings blends." th. M. H. M. Chansre of Schedule. TI?e time of departure of trains j on the Louisburg Hail road was changed last Monday as follows: Leave at 8.40 and 11:20, a. m, and 5:05, p. m. Time for arrival of trains about the same as before. Rev- Last Sermon. L. S. Massey will preach his this station bv the first couple and moving: for- Misses Sallie V. Harris and Jsome ward to the bay window, formed an Williford, attired in pink silk mull aigle for the Qtherg tQ pagg througbf carrying pink chrysantheums, Misses These young ladies were similarly Nina Harris and Clara Andrews, gt" attired in yellow chrysanthemums, Tfae m, with his best man, Mr. Misses Hattie Timberlake and Emily Akers pagsed tne im provided fiiggs, attired in Lavender silk ai8ie. standing to the risht of the win- mull carrying purple chrysantht- ow muns, Misses Margaret Joyner and Next came Miss Frances, maid of Marv TimharlQlro in whitPiHllk mulL i ? l -t. ..j . Mnonor,in supero coHtume oi pm MMt 8ermon before leading for Con r crepe aecuene,wuu a oouquet 01 ference next Sunday. Thia is the bride on the arm of her sister. Miss . :j ':a v. u mA ... ...... m ' unueHUiaiu xobcd, w""" winrlmfr nn of hia thirrl riur aaniilnr Myrtle Timberlak., maid of honor, ghe wafl a via-OQ o rare loveli. rf fc Rnd was met at the Altar by the groom ne88, gowned m08t elegantly in white pleasing to the editor of the Tlmkr Ann nia noaf mon Mr Fittmnn. when r , 1 .. 1 . r 0 Y ,r r' I u !i tT Droeaae satm' wltn P6 wimmingB to hear hia congregation so freely ex- ' - . covering an tne exquisite cosiume, pre88ing th wish that th Bishop will i.i.uouwuiauc v. was tne nimiy veil, tne supremest wife. The bride was handsomely touch to a fair bride's array. Her bou- gowned m lrencn Diue buk johbuh Qt wag a ghowel 0f roge8 anfl lilie8 over blue taffeta with blue velvet and Q te vaueye gold trimmings. Before the white covered prie dien, The groom's gift to the- bride wrs upon which the happy couple were to a pearl diamond brooch. The bride kneel for their blessing, she was re- 8ent out; rrfcftntAfl hr hrldaarrLairU with hand- i,rA Ktt tY, m-nnm Mr. and Mrs. James A. Thomas some gold heart-shaped brooches. The marriage ceremony wassingu- iQvit6 Jou to De present at the mar- The eveninc? before the marriage larlv impressive and warm congratu- riaSe of the'r daughter, Sarah Nor- Miss Myrtle Timberlake entertained lations and1 eood wishes were soon be- man, to Mr. Asher Frank Johnfcn th V,ridnl narkv ,! th hoantifnl homa at.nwed on all sides. on Wednesday, morning, December of Dr. J. II. Harris,- Dughi, of Ral- The. wedding, party, which received e nineteenth, nineteen 1 picrK sprvina t.hfi rfrpshmfin " were Mrs. Wells, the bride's mothen and six, at ten o clock, M The bride and groom left on -the Mr. and Mrs. Pleasant, of Louisburg; Episcopal church, South, . . ... . tv -n wna m;0o f qtt N. C. At home after December the noon train for Washington City .and UVUL1 " C"D' " , O I . . -m r m i tit fonfv. fifth I Miunn rcr N I Vanrun. nf ivi nrtreesDoro: iur. vv . J - & ' ' : - W.Boddie, of Louisburg; Miss An nie SimDson. Mr. Akers. of Hender- Notice. r , son, arid Mrs.! W. D. Hackney. The colored people of Franklin A hnn fr :ho t fa: rr.cr.I r r. e ;'. ft v ft ! c i TT-ft U ft L.?x- V:- i ft-' ..J ftu' H ( :r. mot jnlr: in lht rritr. th lck "f see fit to return him to for another year. Johnson Thomas. Invitations as follows have ihn tilt wooUl i el. of voath of been faithful and erticient tetchT in th (iraile! SchtK.i, jnt la; Sunday .n i LtttleUin. .Mr. KaI win CoA, aorimpanul h his fnend, Mr. Henrv lKekry, rar-i t over from Wake Forwit U jn l Thanksgi ing. The editor had a plwmant hand- Jr.il:'y.r(P,rivl nhake thw week with Mr. (ro. M. f(rrn lU. ,n Manning the faithful and alert cor reapondent of the Tiwilh at Inglo-tide. Mr. C. B. A vent, the popular Pharmacist in the drus store of spent last Sunday with hi jxxjple in Durham. Dr. S. B. Prc, ot Roanoke IUp- I on Am i tw n1 i n rr fwar i)irt with hit ! wrmld bp on -vr t -w-- J friend, Mr. H. C. lieck, al the IjOuU burg Hotel. He very fmd of luinting, and ia said ti be an "ipn at shooting birda. Mr. Hobt (oer, who reoentlv movel from thw county to K'Xrkwell, Ilowan county, wnn here lhi wek to see hin people. He mt that he looks for the weekly vHiitn of the Times with much pleasure. Mr. C. K. Cooke went to (Jrecn- W ft - '. ' ft ire z-n j i .Lai i ft 7J a dxn : v lJlrL irMftlf? ma w :itj t, vU tcir f:vir w1to J C ft fW CWiTil Vi f-ctTft'. teiT 1t- V-ftKl ft - -inr -im j :T. 0 r5 lb dlfJCM thee i I mmr of vftem tn i-. of present rin"tttor.t lhat were lh p-.xi f ci rii i w :Kirurr l cuilif, ai Tl vul i-ft r .fttldta4 taarit dui icrrt c-f icniravu oo'til; ht bfuJ trfc:ft4 tr-.mm li tri hrL litl tl w-a -Irnm ttiKJN ajui a w-at cd tnw azi v cftji ltUif i ft.icdiAj aj Lftd o txvc. tsi lo dtxw rir I a r-c 1 rca ca mc4 to ih ljtr.(j.. lK tu attt-TUr ri fLow ftV-eiK t yui.way cr I I hundred ' -. . ; dauehtei. etuoain . 4 from one rod ri t tta'u to i. w urfc other lhat tb rn.it le-3 a M w-(j M phoM mak rroiKw fr uS r u:a cf otr id It m a lint ITotfticva arvd trainia of ih xcnxS ,11-, l;s o In.tl k ful crirniar'a. cztr cr uss 'Jtzpi tLal t II im ihe luiv of the rv.rr--ft 4 r..,ir,jr it wi- ft to jive lh th j-.fcTTrja'.jR. u, t lijwr w-r do xm anI we are c-ad v ka.? ii: UCiW tj tiif dc.raria wiiii roaor of them, wilh the Ckari?.. the leud. are 4css tr lh r t r? 1 l ar3 other points north. The Times wishes to be numbered among their host of friends in ex tending congratulations and. best wishes for a long and happy life. following promptly upon the cere- county are requested to meet in the mony, guests to;the reception began town of Louisburg, on the first Mon to arrive, and Boon the spacious home day in December at 12 o'clock, sharp, U. D. C. was an ranim0ec scene indeed. to take steps as to beet plans for- the The meeting of the Jos. J, Davis'li Dr. arid Mrs. Barnes Bdmandson celebration of Emancipation Dty. Chapter will be held at tlfe Masoaio o'4;itiB'i'iTioe O. C. Williamson, Pres. Hall, at 3:30 o'clock, Wednesday af- ii the front hall. Miss Suzie Moye E!i1(?0'; . " ' : ' ternoon December 5th. 4rith Mr: Winatoru of Lomabtirt?. osh- . Mrs. F. S. Speuill, Pres. '.' 1 ered them into the parlor where they 1 -The Jntifui 'trepirxnWently to- Mes. R.H. Davis, See'y, ' . r- iln0&WM LofctWells f and 1 tifnL P PavlvT horo thU week to accompany hta Muwi Eleanor, home, who fell laat jveek and broke her arm. We are glad to know that h is now getting along very nicely. Key. John Ixjodon, I lector of SL Paul's Kpiacopal Church, Jefl th;a week for New York, from which port he, in company with his son, ajiled for Santo Domingo. He informed us that he would probably bo absent five or six weeks. Nem in fall dotv m paper in live tnattT op arvl nt 13 i- U an-i u? fptm unu mc taw-ear. owrt the grrat D"1 cf th tr-r.;.U!i I vj Tn la filed Uit iayi wlb )ry b&na ai iWy tftj tut tAie i ( ,i)K.T raliff ii-a m.-f! al Lm btutv U wluc For Tha Orphans The oommiUee appointed , by the masotik Iige.bir' to oolUci TliinVjrjrff&ff ooalrtttitioal liar ibt nesday Xox $ and a box cbtiia. It ia rwrf hard U f&d taiiroe for ill ujLra tion; lly are crxnr weekly la tb t3pric(t c&zrt la all eOotj of thm aui. Krery oot c4 them ta an aidjcmai p far lh Inttitaiioo axd a atrrjtieair ci lb argarnrnt of thoM who ant rooUod. lag' that tftch an karuHcUso h a ptc cty for tVt jriMrtaoa 0 ihti oLkm of eaJprirt Vd cf . tb fcLr ttatt of ocUy. tc-, . troci the T , ir era ttf iUa. Do res v ilai.k le Mxary ft urra fe jh: rj v- .f..V .,ww lid -em Tticrw trv a ti w fcrrs vucra) l!b arw f acavl a ft mmr g ? prxruv liajB tlacwt c ft in tena. Oct oftdxa-ia uLa a rriit la t d trjVirt ii4 asci frila It CrUla. Jy corr,rroltlf.c 4 Itfl' at Xftft aJ u r ourry frjCk tma r--ij c tuca ciiix ia4 tliir rrpttaiu-o toe LJv !i!l-, inn & rj-cU. tt trees Lm9 m " w - : fi tt . . t .- " 1 ii.t .

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