r 4x C . - . - V JAMES A. THOMAS, EDITOR. THE COUHTYi THE CTATH, THE XJinOir. Vol. xxxvi. LOUISBtJRG, N. C.V FBIDAY DECEIIBER 7 1CC3 r . - t . , . :.. ... ' . ' . . - , - '. - , ..... ... t .-.--.. l- . - s - -- . - f TA 7T I. V " ' ' . . I . .11. MNI P RflllHTV P.nMMIStRinNFRR WWIB V Villllll Wlvll hllV I j BOARD MET IN REGULAR SES SION MONDAY AND TUESDAY The Old Board Goes out and the New Board Takes the Oath of Office All of tlje Newty Elect ed Officers Give, Bond. The old Board of County Commis sioners met last Monday and after attending to some unfinished business adjourned sine die. At 12 o'clock, noon, the newly elected Commissioners, Messrs. T. S. Collie, J. H. Uzzell, J. H. Cooke, N. B. Young, and E. M. Gupton, (all members of the old board) were sworn in by J. J. Barrow, C. S. C. The first business transacted was -the election of Chairman, the vote ' Percy Parham Killed, standing as follows: Collie 3, Uzzell In the afternoon of Thanksgiving 1; Cooke 1. F. S. bpruill was re- day Mr. C. B. Cheatham received a elected County Attorney. telegram stating that his brother-in- The Board then proceeded to pass law Percy Parhatn, of Granville Upon the official bonds of the various' county had been accidentally .killed, county officers, as follows: W. M. Mr. Cheatham left immediately and Boone, Register of Deeds, $5,000; upon arriving at the home of his J. A. Thomas, County Treasurer, brother-in-law, near Oxford, fund $42,000, (covering both county and that the dead man had been killed school fundt); J- J- Barrow, Clerk by the accidental discharge of a gun Superior Court, $10,000; H. C. Kear- in the hands of his little nephew with tiey, Sheriff, $38,000; R. P. Taylor, whom Mr. Parhanr had gone hunting. Coroner, $2,000. The newly elected It was' a very sad affair and his Township Constables gave their nephew was almost prostrated with bonds and all ten of them took the oath, in a group, before the Chair- tnan of the Board. A petition signed by the necessary n timber of persons, asking for a pub- lie highway, beginning at a point on the Henderson and Nashville road near Ernest Rowe, in Louisburg township and running to a point on 28th of November by J. H. Ballen the Halifax and Louisburg road, was ine J. P., the contracting parties -be-granted; said, right of way to follow ing Mr. H?' FiiOer ofDunhs the ridge path now used for a high township, and Miss Mary Card, of way. Matthew Stallings and Ed. Harris township. After the cere Conn were relieved of poll tax. J. mony a reception was tendered the B. Smith was relieved ot special tax bridal party at the home of the in Ingleside district. N. B. Young groom's mother. There were a nnm was appointed to investigate condi- ber-.of friends of the bride and groom don of bridge across Turkey Creek, to help partake of the many good J. R. Williams 'was unanimously re- things which go to satisfy the inner elected Superintendent of Roads of man. The table was ladened to its Louisburg township, at a salary of utmost capacity, and when all arose 660 per month. Report of W. M. we could imagine that the table was Boone, Register of Deeds, was re- resting much easier. 111-1 11 T TT-fc All ceivea ana oraerea recoraea. j. n. ah exiena mosi nearty congratu and J. E, Moseley, of Sandy Creek, lations and best wishes. J. was relieved of tax on $5,700 error ; In listing. The monthly allowance . Fine Porkers, of John Williams and wife was in- The hog killing season is at hand, creased trom $2 to $3 per month. and the following reports have come C. F. Richardson was relieved of poll in Some of the Wagon Factory tax, Harris township error. Julia pe0ple, it seems, know how to raise A. Walker was allowed to go to fine porkers as well as to manufacture County Home. good wagon8. j. t. Clay killed one Dr. R. F. Yarborough, Superin- hich tipped the goales 255. C. H. tendent or Health, made his monthly Clajj two weigbing 247 and 214 re report of jail, etc. He recommends gpectively; J. A. Wilson one 296; that some repairs be made and also j. H Pan- one 266. On the same that better and safer arrangements day Sonny Hayes coiorGd? kilId are needed tor the separation of pris- two wejghing 201 and 171 and Dave oners and convicts. Supt. E. N. Wnnd p.nlnr. nn wfi5o-h.no- IK7 J Williams made his monthly report of County Home. He reports 5 white and 18 colored inmates. Two deaths since last report. E. M. Gupton was appointed as purchasing agent for the County Home. A number of accounts were allowed and Board adjourned to next regular meeting. Franklin County Teachers' As sociation. The fourth session of the Teachers' Association will be held in the court house tomorrow. Heretofore the sessions have been well attended and much interest has been manifested by the teachers. Practically all the public school teachers are already members and it is expected that the others will be present tomorrow. Three sessions were held before , the public schools opened arid it" argues well for the standing and s. interest of our teachers that tfiekmeetinBtfoal3 have been so successful heretofore. Quite an interesting programme has been prepared dealing wit jtf ac tical questions and the diseussion can not fail to be of benefit tc U,f Beloir are given subjects of some of the pa- P8rs to read and questions to be uiscusseu: . , I North Carolina- Day and How to Celebrate it. II. A Window Garden in Ore gon. III. Reports from the schools ai to attendance, local difficulties, im provements made in equipment, grounds and buildings. IV. Writing in Public Schools. V. General Discussion on the Treatment of School Evils: 1. Ir regularity of Attendance. 2. Care lessness. 3. Cheating. 4. Impru dence. 5. Profanity. 6. Fighting. 7. Rebellion. VI. On the Encouragement of School Virtues: 1. Silence. 2, Studipnsness. 3. Politeness. 4. Truthful ness. 5. Honesty. grief. The deceased was abou 39 years of age, and was one of Gran- ville's best citizens, mammm. Fuller Card. Avery, pleasant marriage cere- mony was solemnixed at Mr. Jack Card's, in Harris township, on . the . . 7 O & - - f J. Lancaster reports three 197, 205 and 226. S. B. Nash, two 298 and 288. L. J. Pernell, 324 and 288. P. B. Griffin one 405. Mrs Mamie P. Neal, two, 236 and 310. C. W. No well, Franklinton, killed eleven the heaviest 292, total of all about 1.500 pounds. J. J. Wheeler, killed three weighing 1.197. W. W. and W. S. Holmes, reports six weighing 1.606. W. . L. Tharrington, five 8 months old, 1.283. M. S. Clifton one weighing 270. To the Farmers. To the Farmers of Frakxi County and Members of the Cotton Growers' Association: I want every farmer m the county who is interested ; in the Cotton Growers' Association to meet in the Court Bouse T in Louisburg N. C, on Mondayih l7tti 4ay of JDecember, i90ithiii a .reary! important meeting and all should attend. Let all who read this tell his neighbor of the meeting.- . -.-.r.? jUv? h JI OjQrexv, Pres. ' i i"Mri NiH. -MacOn requests me to say .for him. For God's sake come,, as eptetoilce'i speech on thit JOS. J. DAVIS CHAPTER RETIRING PRESIDENT MAKES A FULL REPORT. - Her Raport Shows that the No ble Women Have Hade Prog ress Toward the Erection or the Proposed Monument, to the daughters ok tub cox fjcDkracy of fraxkli couxtt: As President of the Joseph J. Davis Chapter, 1 herewith enbrail my report for the year 1905: lne underlying purpose of Our organization is to keep forever fresh the memories of our glorious dead, to teach posterity somethim? ot those heroes of our cival war, who. living, adorned life, and dying, ; glorified death. Therefore, the first important cvmtof the new administration was the observance on Januarv 19th. with becoming ceremony, of the birthday of our great Chieftains, Ias and Jackson. The Legislature of North Carolina has done, in recent years no more seemly or appropri ate deed, than its solemn enactment that January 19 be forever a holiday within its borders, to be observed with memorial exercises in memory of our exemplar of manly virtue. Our Chapter celebrated the oo casion by having an address from one of the soldiers who followed m General Lee, and thus oould speak as one who knew Rev. G. 31 Duke. Ilis speech waa the loving tribute of soldier to his leader, and gave to those who only knew of Lee by history and tradition, a bet ter conception of what he was and is in the- iife-of the - nation. Along this same line, and endeav oring to 'carry out the chief pur pose of our organization, we have been bending our . enersjiea t the task of eraotinc: a monument to those brave men from Franklin who gave their lives for their country's cause. Our entertainments and bazaar have had for their ultimate aim thu glorious purpose. The work is very slow, as is ever a woman's work, but the purpose to do this much for the memory f our beloved dead is unalterable, and before we cease our labors, a granite shaft will tell the world what manner of man was the Franklin County Confederate soldier. In compliance with the requent of our esteemed State President, I have organized a Junior Chapter with an eorollement of 1(5 mem bers. They bear the name of the Louisburg Chapter, and stand ready to set forward as best they can, the objects of the parent organiza tion. I am proud to state that with the exception of possibly a few, who have not applied for, them, w have given to every Confederate veteran in the county whose record entitled him thereto, a Cross of Honor. Oar zeal during the 'past year has not manifeted itself in giving generously to public causes, still we have done something along this line: We have paid our state taxes $ .'J.SO We have paid our National taxes 8.S0 To the erection of a Con federate monument at Pittsboro we contributed 1.00 To enclose the Qonfederate Cemetery, at Alton III, - with an iron railing we contributed - 2.00 To place a stone in the . Memorial Arch' to be ' erected at: the Cemetery To the, .building of a mon , . , nment to our own Am motali3eadijlth IjL " Respectfully iubmitted VERY--PA1I1FUL ACCIDENT J. A. SPENCEn CAUGHT JK GIH SEVERELY INJURED. HIi Left 'Arm Tnen otT AboTe tho Elbow Threo Blbi Brok tnaeflXeft sldaofFaeo Bad- ly Cutl 1 O'clock Yet terday. v Mr. J.A. Spnocr, oa of , Mr. J. K. Spnor? hippnI tbm typaio fal if not fitxl ceddtnt ynttniiy tliycV mi h eoUon gin bpo A Nhlt mil w from towru whf d bie fu u'tftl In th nr. chin -er.End A prt of hi body jmlli in to the gin.,, lie for the tngm c?old be stopped the tmfonan&te nun wu serewlj cttt'tboot the fc, ibrt ribe brkea 10 bad It crushed that phjician had ut arDputite it jest above the lbow. Itm. Yarborough, Malon and Manji were called in and gt the duffering man all the attention pc-tViUe. Two Death's in Nashyllle. The TtUKft rrceivMl a phone rar sage from,'. Nashville one ! y thv wtek which brought the al ne of the death of Mm. L A. P. ( iev. and Mrt. Allen Whiukrr. f thi place. Mrn. Cooley -e-l it hr filher1 in Kkbmoad, V, ni Mrx. Whiuker die,! in NahvilU. The bereared huibtnd'a have the nytn path, of their friends in tbt county. L. .. - - i Eloct New Ofllcen. I The JoMph J. h)vw Chapter, j (Dauffhtora of the Confederacy f , Xoutsbcrg heJd their annual .Wtwn ' . jrf . . JiZiCATt on tineuay vvnicg htch:fiHialt4 at fottowi. at Mra. J. S. Harrow ;Vk- rreident Mr. J. K. ifalone; fW retary Mm. R II. Iaui; Treaar er Mn. J. 1. Win'..-n; ilwir.f. ian Mm. J. K. Malone. (ar re rtor ia informcl thsit the -norr.j nating njnechcw" wer mrr f.ne Honor Roll. 1 I.e t .llnwins M the tjnr r f Centres ille Aca-lomi: 1ht(kie Annie Neal, Y Andrew., Wtlin Thmnir."n .".h-r A'.a Tharrington. 4th (iCAi'k: Wiiluni An.ilre, Kuth I'jrrtah, Rertha Seal. I.o.o Thonij"on and Spruii! Ijharcb. .'tii Ukade Kl-yd larrh, Kua nor I jn:hurch. The tachtr of thw K-hool m r pt'ciaily anxioiiji fur the parent to vLit the choil. Tbev will le t;!'l Iv welcomed at anv an! all time Marriages. Daring' the montii of November th Heguter 1)1 of thf cunty iMUel licnf.. to the folio couples: hitk K. K. Hftchelor anl Mrt. I'attie Welter, Charlie Raker and Nora Medlm, C C. Cockrell and Viola Perry, J. Griffin and Saie CVowder, J. R. Jovner and lW.e learc, Jease .Mitchell and (toM:e Mitchell, Albert Medlin and Tearle King, Kddie Wright and Mary Alio 1'rivitt, T. B. Whaler anj Lillian I). Timberlake, J. I'. Win free and Little Phelj-a. C'oi.orei Albert AUtn and Nora Wright, V. M. Durvaton and (tajwie Watkinf, Client Davw and Anny Copped ge, Daniel Harn and Livia Ann Wood, Joehua Kearnev and Mary -Pender, Latvia :carboro and Julia Hart, Patrick H. Tbora aa and Flora M. Perry, Peicy Ward and Relay William, W. R. W right and Mary Singleton. Board of EdacaXlon. The Board met in regular aemion last Monday. aU 'raambira prnent Keporfo ;qpt rejwunng ixl np plTtrwuac(:hoaer arera reoeired ta follewc - h v -Dva PacN: 4' dold Mines Bhdw'l-Oiwnmbuted ly root, Mm vm aHdrU niila, oailtag, tic A. ( l!G.;o for! Itt frto T. S. talanrJ Hal lk cixxA bo No. A, vaa alkr4 vs hil! of J. H. llixj vhU kwJ onIT foe llQ 04 j Hl Zm chool baiLlir:. hii with Tirtws I VA cV tvt j ulf of hoc, fcreharn uc, v coooir, aiaooai tiOOk Jib tkH v tr d4 arvi 4lirr) to j?rbtrai tel. An oarrt cf T3S m tl- lod for daka 1 Doona, No. & fctr mcitocli N IxwuScrir, Nv 4 for larobtr for hit. 7Jkoa vti cc&tTmi ! lion m eat ofl dutric u VoftcC;l Death of a Good Wonim. nlT r.:,;K: Kc-- h.f d She waj ft Mfirn t. K .-i W !. t'k iJ of M Cm, Atxaio.. Hfttu a1 1vhh C-k.. 7lx fa&trftl witl b aft4 in ti Ma..iMt chrcj u.it t i o'i. ni the rfuftirft wiU ! nurr.l tt ti I ctt TS tnvYM cv.Jucu.1 by lix In. R H S'U- . ner. c-1 llxtt; wood riEirs KrneaTir-Wft t4 - ! lira l.t W.!f,eii thai w O t... TC1J tuitt it lUi J w the .. . . a r-rer.t ana mj hd r. k-x al.telftru.:i the w.ftt, arH j 1ht r.r. Jeftt ! f f;.c t T -;.;. jrr. ha.- iii,,T k ft . i e we r.ae pa t- r c3f ..' a -i -.4 i a i.l'.iw left. Tie fan 5.: ? a ti ;-r-o! manv, bs'. f v teTf x "i t!V ."t.;re a "a the onjre-J'tco ft !-l ft heit-tr. barl if r.- ti-rTfl TV, 1 rtfttrtt-tut., c4 C chijl tT,eir thaaai fc the tr.w.i they max.sfrt'.i a toh..f 4 j cbool. Arvl with Che fLror cf' the -clx ! lhr ettivi liexr j thank U li' yakeT ari u. ; gentleman c-f the batl it It j will cvxne agin. We are rrr to relate !hat .err d ftCirilent cvcrT-1 z,u l l . . . : . . J . i ear oid eon of Mr. J. T Tk. hue in a rv-m ub hi to year old i:ilf, got hci cf h father gon, aa4 it i i3jnl that ne u Irving lo tpnng it when the pan red ani the top of h Utile The remaioj were ir:5-rrr-l irr the criet4rrT at 5ft. Sunday venlnff. The enure co muruty eiUrvi mach aytapathy to Mr. Tocker ard familr, ajkl grwt Tery moch their d lca Tfcit hoald he a rimbjj & ibcw ha handla gun. Ko more oawa thta tlcu, o bc1 MhfA for yocj piJ paper. .... .. J-.."s- vorth poofhl fl4.V Viai vfrtjoct. tKtlr tro4 blooa iy vtUir lUck bokju THE MOVIKB PEOPLE. raxxn naruLttrz in our cr vaxm. Sct tzrTUxxzT. 5cst tar tttllBfetl E Ixjp Kt- btr tczf Tfc.tr LUt tu towm. W. It. VrCi w-rl lUlwfV Ooswt, it TrutMh. fT, cf Vwt-inN U icf- yk- rc ' V n .:, tit if Tfwift r t,l;t Vw jjy 1 f -ct U i:m trf cy fvjf ova. Hm !rii re fi? ft iift, rf Nci:ti, tt. Vrv- Oi ' itr iMl W t I 1 "! ' t.xrrei en ftr vm4 trim, LWkr . a . . . . ttflJU. ZTTT L.- . li-r: at ft ' f . . IM. Tf ." M 1 1 ft- IUiC tirii. of puU a lrw .:n,tt ( -ftci.ti.1 ei. cf .M".ei. A:it-X t" lcf hft i ..... . I!ft. M im Iiift I. lid Ut'i Ccm. r t-r.d cir 4.ftt vm4 .na f il C7 .240ii Lit tun -.k.i w trw ! VC-rL (jLft.. Sjb.. rs-cr-jik, J i iW-c.i ftn UttlC94 1 1 ecirf Afcciii, 4 TVfttnVts. . J. ttunj Tifftiit, (H , a4 a o'vc-ft at Ij h:rx.e tft) Ata3re i a! HekmKiax h.n Mhm Rnif J uli W- Cb teii 4 Mr. JoLs Rci w Th joi: wa UUft.!y dWK r . ! f cr tnfiwca. "Tb onr- I) I, r-trK c4 th HlW I riie wm a t'wi ia a retry lKnLxxig .s c4 tiM ft: wcire a bcrag uel l i fe. JSe GtEe t3 ittftJTV- mw t4 U TU trfla b -;ijUfwjaw?iki-4d.iui Tw .a ir v I t4 ...a - U a3 U kt U TU prr: a. a ehew Hi lun,I.1WKi.i1ii,i , 4P jvlarw, Mr. ashi Hra. Get irCI aaal ti-eir boo co Ax'ra tt cT si i,b rltv-f U tit Uu lf. J Jail Oalj omUn c j at3 ffscMtdiala fricla wrt yywja r b?f li rtofci 51S tf Ca ftjbeT isJ cf br ajw, 2r . Osn Jedl, u 12.4 ll of 1j tu-w. yt l -. - .....--, "S - . m l ., .", V-r i-. ;-Xt--r ' -""'vv ';- '' "iV"

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