fit) iTOVi: .-;; r v''- jv - JAMES A. THOMAS, EDITOR. THE COUHTY. THE T. AT31THE tTOTOIT. i VOL. XXXVI. LOUISBUBG, N, C. , FB tp AY r t) CEHB ER ' 4, 1000; :tr':i' '"Os -"VX 1 '0 ' " ' I - : - -- . ' -rtv , A NEGRO FOUND DEAD: SUSPICION OF FOUL PLAY NE CESSITATED INVESTIGATION Coroner R. P. Taylor Summoned Jury of Inquest and Made In vestigationDeath Caused From Alcoholic Poison. A telephone message was received by Coroner R. P. Taylor from Cen tre ville last Monday morning, inform ing him that Buck Taylor, a colored man about 30 years of age had been found dea4 and that there were ' sus picions of foul play. Coroner Taylor went at once to the house of Billie Williams, colored, near Centreville, wnece tne aeaa man s ooay was found early Monday morning. He Was put in Williams kitchen Sunday night, by Joe West, Billy Williams Kphram Williams and Mansfield Al ston, an( thjy reported that he was "11 . 1 . "" very arums: at tne time. rie was left there, on a bed, all mght, and when thay went into the house to wake him Monday morning he was cold in death. An x affidavit having been made by D. C. Alston, that he had reasons to believe that the de tseased came to his death by the crim inal act or default of some person or persons to him unknown, the Coro ner at once summoned a jury and ex amined a number of witnesses. Af ter a thorough investigation into the fatts and circumstances, the jury rendered their verdict to the effect that "Buck Taylor came to his death by alcoholic excess, as there appears to be no evidence of foul play." The Coroner was assisted h the investi gation by Dr. J. R. Wheless, and the following composed the jury: J I. Pleasants, Wesley Radford, J. E arnett, Af.D. Williams,- S. C Joy,- aer, D. J. Burnett. Educational Notes. Superintendent R. B. White will deliver an educational address at Sandy Creek Academy on, Friday night, December 21st. All invited On Thursday every December 20th at 8 Dclock, the people of the Maple- ville section will have the pleas ure of Bearing that gifted orator Prof J. B. Carlile, of Wake Forest, as he will on that occasion deliver an ad dress in the Academy. All friends and patrons of the school are cor dially invited to attend. . Prof Carlile will also deliver an ad dress at Bunn Academy on Friday night, the 21st. Cooper-Davis- Aicoh, N. C, Dec. 8. At high 0.0 on on Tuesday there was a pretty marriage in Bethlehem church Areola, N. C, when Miss Belle Davis, of this place, became Ihe bride of Mr. Thos. A. Cooper, of Hilliardston, M. C, the ceremony being performed by Rev. B. C. Allred, pastor. The decorations of ferns, evergreens and tiny wax cau dies were most artistically arranged. Mrs. B. G. Harrington, of Inez, rendered the wedding march and the flower girls little Misses Mary Exum Burt and Lula .Hunter, nieces ot the bride, and dressed in white over blue, led the bridal party Th ushers, Messrs. M. S. Davis, of Louisburg, and Robert Dunn, of Wake Forest College, proceeded up the centre aisle while the brides maids, in single file as follows and gowned in white china silk carry ing lighted candles tied with blue ribbon came up the side aisles: Miss Mamie Johnson, of Ring Wood, and Miss Sarah Myrick, of Littleton, Miss Myrtle Gardner, of 3htwch Hill, and Mrs. S. Letm S cull, of Windsor, 'who acted ' in the absence of Miss Margaret Everett, of Palmyra, N. C, Miss Mary Alfred Cooper, of Louisburg College, and Miss Nannie Beck Cooper of Hilliardston, jandL 5 Mjsj Maude Holmes, of Rockingham, Then the groom with his two best men, MrT W. L. Davis, of Areola, and Mr. Neverson, York, of Hil hardston, followed by the bride and her two maids ol hdnor, Miss Pattie Bet Davis, of Louisbarg College, and Miss Mary Davis Cooper, of Hilliardston, in blue organdy, with white chrysanthemums. The brido wore a going away gown of brown cloth and caniod brides roses. Immediately after the ceremony they left for the home of the groom, where a bountiful supper awaited them. The bride is an accomplishedJ daughter of Mr. G. W. . Davis, of thi9 place, a graduate of Louisburg College and a most charming young woman. The groom is a prominent merchant of Nash county, and has a hast of friends. They were re cipients of many beautiful and handsome presents. Conference Appointments. The following are the appoint ments of the Methodist Conference for Raleigh District: R. B. John, presiding eider, Ral eigh, Edenton Street, R. II. Bumpass; i J. O. Guthrie, supernumerary. - 5 Raleigh, Central, L. B. Jones, E. P. Pope, supernumerary; Brooklyn and Apex, H. W. Starling; Epworth to be supplied. Cary, J. D. Pegrara. Clayton, G. B. Starling. Smithtield, J. H. Shore. Selma, F. A. Bishop. Kenly, A. L. Ormond. Wakefield, A. B. Wilcox. Milbrook, G. T. Simmons. Youngsville, I). B. Parker. Franklinton, N. E. Coltrane. Louis burg, L. S. Massey. Tar River, H. G. Stamey. Granville, W. C. Robinson. Oxford, F.M. Shamburger. Oxford ct. W. H. Puckett. Raleigh Christian Advocate, T. N. Iv'ey, editor, Methodist Orphanage, J. N. Cole,, superintendent.. , Missionary Evangelist, L. i. Nash. The following are some addition al appointments that will be of interest to ouc readers: J. B: Hur ley, presiding elder of Durham dis trict; Hay Street, Fayetteville G. F. Smith; Greenville M. T. Plyler; Presiding elder of Rockingham District W. H. Moore; Fifth St., Wilmington K. D. Holmes; Presid ing. Eider Warrenton District W. S. Rone. Warren Circuit B. C. Allred; Goldsboro, St. Pauls E. II . Davis; Nashville W. H. Kirton; Springhope W. O. Davis; Hender son R. C. Craven; Rockingham J. E. Underwood. Presiding Elder Washington District A. McCullen. Another Sad Accident. W illie Smith, son of our good friend, A. J. Smith, of Stallings got his hand so badly mangled in a cotton gin on last r nday that his physicians had to amputate his arm above the elbow. At last accounts he was getting along as well as could be expected. A Card of Thanks. The teacher and patrons of Kear ney Public School wish to personal ly thank Messrs. R. B. White, J. A. Thomas, W. H. Rumn, Chas. Cooke, Henry Kearney, Wm. Goodson, Jno. Smith, Harry Davidson, Jno. .Wilson and Dr. D. T. Smithwick, ' for the beautiful solid oak office chair, which was placed in pur new school house last Monday morning. Our teacher says it is such an improvement on the nailkeg we have been using, that it is a pity we haven't another Thanksgiving Day real soon. A Card. I desire to thank my neighbors and friends for the great kindness and numfjeriess attentions shown me during my recent illness. It is forth while occasionally for one to get .sicfc as it jhows him , tha esteem an4 50od elings of his, fel-4 low man. : Verjr.tralj,... r' AN ATTEMPT TO BURH. WILLIS YOUNp, WHITE, NOW BEHIND THE BARS. He Threatens to Burn the Res idence of His Brother-in-Law and the Same Night the House is Set on Fire. 'Willis Yoang, a white man, of II arristownship, wis brought to town Monday evening and placed lh jUt havin8 n by Joatice of ll Peace W. W. Perry and J. J. Young, and bound over to January Urn ol court m a bond of 4750. He m charged with setting tire to the resi dence of hia brother-in-law, P. B. Clifton, and wjtataiwateniag the life 01 xur. Pinion; aw nw wiie. it said that the evidence against Young is very strong, but as there is to be a trial of thecase in the Superior Court, the Times refrains from publishing the evidence at this time. Teachers' Association. The session of the Teachers' Asso ciation held last Saturday was pro nounced perhaps the best of the se ries. The matters for discussion were published in last week's Times. The most striking features were the pa pers read by Misses Morton and Wrin8ton, and the reports made by various schools as to improvements made in local conditions. Miss Morton gave delightful plana for the school window garden, show ing the practical as well as entertain ing features, the opportunity to teach children by observation many things of plant life, and the value of nature wor,k in -our schools. I AIissnmcwvVTrLStoh 3ea!t -HKT the subject of teaching children t6 write, the old fashioned "compoei tionM that we used to have on Friday evening. She gave it a more impor tant place than once a week, how ever. The paper was exceeding val- uable,"and convincing as to the bene- tits to be derived from frequent ex- ercises in writing. The teachers were called upon by! Supt. WThite one by one to report the ! enrollment and attendance of each school. Then reports were askeil for I nhnwintr nnv imnrnvmnti mndp inHH" 1 me iai iw) m n n in the schoolhouses, grounds, or equipment. These wt-re striking. m ai "o j a t woicvi wuu jivv buav uiir." fourth of the county schools have within the past month made some distinct and marked progress in these matters. The celebration of Carolina Day was discussed and plans suggested. An informal discassion of the treat ment of school evils was participated in by all the teachers. The teachers are a bright, intelli gent looking crowd and Franklin county has much reason to congratu late itself. Just before the close of the session resolutions of a highly complimenta fy nature were unanimously paed relative to the excellent work of Su perintendent White, and in the reso lutions was embodied the appoint ment of a committee to select an ap propriate present to be given him by the teachers as a token of their e- oA tU (at tK.t teem for his faithful work both for the success of the schools and the Association. Honor Roll. The following is the honor roll of Gatesville school: Fiest Grade Mar? Howard, Lucile Wheless, Lutie 'Boone, Clif iord'Sykes. Second Grade Elijah Wlieleas. Third Grade Stephen Sykea. Fotrth GRADE-i-liartis Booae, Ernest Wheless, Blanche Sjrkea. 4 , Fifth , Gbade I5eno;a AVheJes, Pearl .HollrngsVortbCarrwHoinngs 'WorthITl'an,nie HinesT . ' Fifth GRAi)x--Idolene Culpep- piv Bfonoic .WKele, Jim Ham. An ojtur ftfpper will b given At GatefTilleon Frkliy night Dmo wri-m, u e proceed to go to. ttr- nmojr, th school room. Olhr in- a good lima georanr taay b i peel ed ior all who mi j tlicd. All as -dhfij Inviud. ;Jt- - i The Pensions are Here. Tbi peoorJ for thold dWr,! to4 widow, han, .rri, .rinU, btd thr callinfl on J. J. Rwrt,- Cterk Sopprior Coort, Tbyotm jott U time for ChrwUnaa, itd tho "tJii u" will no dembt pfrdu There ara 6S old oldir on thi 11 , o ... ' firtt ctara. tlUO leH, 2 of tK mmr.nA cIato,W5ecb, 3 of third dw, lai. eoh, CI of the f.areh rix., $H pt n 61-midowa, ll of whvxn rrcip Underbill Eperton. The TtMKS acknowlpdgrn the odpt of the following invitation: Mr. and Mm. Fitnk Nich-.liwi erWn request the honur of your pre. enoe at the marriage of their daugTi ter, Florence May, to Mr. Winu I'ndeihill, Thursiav morning, I cetabr the twenty-neventh, nineteen bundoed and six at nine oViock, t ! i hotrieJ Louisburg, North Carolina .QCWBed are cards reading: MAt honW after January the tint, 219 Souti Fifth Street- Wilmington, Notfh Carolina. i lloro Fine Porkers. ;( tabcriber from RUey ayi that the folks in hu neighborhood have killld MpigBw as followr. Albert Jolfcaoa on 40f (354,day old). J. ohthaold). W. J. Gay fi, 42 41 390, 315 and 31H average 377. ! Kcarnev Pearce four that nett-l 1,)0. Joe Carter, two lem than one year ull, .r00 jxmnds net. t)ther report have oimc in aji fol lovs: W. S. Tharrington, of Dunn, ono 'MO- H. Sill one, 'J74. S s Ransdall, Jr., two, 414 an i i'J'V Clement, thr, '0, 279 an I - - " - 1 It nry Carter, thr, 8u, 3.M ani1 -7:)- w- Holme, thr., .To, an' :-n- J- T- MrIy kille-i f,uir :,,i,S :1'. -"i, 1.S the fir: .... i c a .. i . . i oM. J. W ing 1,7 IH). Fuller killed tire weih Wry. Bailey killed usn weighing 2,230. S. T. Wilder kill el two 11 montha old, 343 and 28 ,..l,,;t.... t - :n . numiiiwi i diu I till 1 1 n c vi rl f T n , it trwI t n ! . .1 w V- " v liMf s tnat vou have worne prettv ' sz.ini noir rairg in a l noe rairg in ani arouna louisburg and beinvj a little jealoca or the reputation of hog raiem in i and around Youngsville, I lo3kel and got up the following which have been killed: C. II. Wi'.luma two 490, Ben Young two r"il, M. B. Strowd two 707, H. T. Bailey I fur Monr Smith two 6tXS, I A D. Williama four 1370, M. S. (iupton two 600, J. A. Gren (hrwi 748, 1 W. H. Bowling two 0- U. V. Stricklanl thro b97. M. A. Alfonl two 113d. lu.let Fuiler one 4-ti, J. S. I.umpkina uir 40, ti. C. BatUTson two ti77, J. ( Winaton ! ne 3UG, W. J. Young two 34 , If any one can teat ail tf t! e above I will bunt op the rv : of oar , hog raisers and" whit they : re do- , ng. . tionVrRoll. Following.-.h. the honor roll for Ingleside Academy for month ending Dec 7th:' v A. M. Jone, Teaoher. Willi Macon, Fher Beasley, Mattia I-an-caster, Ethel William, Mary Louise Foster, Sally Lu Mi con, IVie BcjiI, Mar; B. Dement, Iluby CoUias, . JMlss Winston, Tacher.OllD6 meni, Irene ' I"aoe, liUian Uealcy, Marsbain nosbr Evie , iirdIoTe, Cullom Lancaster, Horila Hntdloe Joe Bets : Beialey, Dallas Dement. Carrie Bel Dukas Ethel Collin. . THE HOVIliC PEOPLL THEIR BOVTBXNTS lit OUT Of TOWK. AHD And Tboie Who Corn ad Co, Soma for Plexurt Zczz9 for EtiilDeij tud & Larr Hcn br lUcxtisa Thrr liKt It. U Ondr, . u T.jVr. . Mr. J. W. owA tail 34r. it II. I rrj 1- 1 . J ' ' i 1 ti w M A4t k . i Mn T J 1 rv IT lxt rrt ffv-tr. m.i , ;, Mjm ,. li TiftU;;ut, c-MVal t Sfr-;U ar.l T ii Hrndrr r. a r M n lav r. i. Mrv J. home un d AT tk Tce, ' Ilirmord lmg re la ti Mr. Kdwin Maluo armed !ut Saturday, and U1 rl f w , wekj with hia ropH hrt. H j ta atill with lh Atccrvcn Toiocw ! Company with headqiixrUra a' ' HaTtnF, Cuba. The dilcr had a pJeuant call y- lerday from Mr. J. J. of Richmond, rprcnutiT A the Ira- prul Tobacco Cora pan. Thty alao liave t very cU'r and reUar4 lrt! ret'rwnutivi in Mr. (. IX ChraV ham. Manv f hwi frujivi hr were lelhti t. beAr Dr. K II V Li aker preacL here i.t mia He filie-l the pulril of the Me:hl! churcb, toth;n atl nijh?, ar.'l !.w xr.tTTeati-a fro : hi plea.4.l ith the trru4n. Dr J. K. M alone wen. 'lerrn verdy to t'.Un 1 quel T.ven br I'tlhvar.t V?wn. He mxa yv d n !Ur. a i an ' t ... 9, X. Tt p- nj to the toxt. "Wjen Kmt w.h-1 w v in f.nn " T)e dc! ? w a pevl"' on !.j Ir. F. K. (Vke, w.v. icr.-raf a med Mr J. J Allen toJhn. If-.p. , i . j i . v i kjn, returned tenne thj wsek i We hat I are p;ea.el In hear fr--r. . t x. , . jin. Alien at1 rr-eraT"r: md ii toltm? J or-: r.eir H ( . n fv f expectt her to aL4 ' in a rrx hot" time. re.rn Our frierd, K. K (isn, (hipn, who acvitr)pe4 rrntior Rlert to hw Lo?r Naylor, (a, a few k ajfo. torne-I th wek. He ntf-iru a ery fiur.t trip. arI aaj tKat he ha crtAJn-v tounj vh tc u CO L.1 kk Vn-itj- - t -5 fiarucg. He hi terr j rood Ue fact I hat be killed lo at one hot with s n&e. He ltx a killcl an alliaW 9 fet .a a--4 a ratu'e aiake ft frt losg. tU' tkin and rattie of mhici U brattt home with bira. ;r. . " HonarfiolL The fo4lowlfr2?M Vh H'4U ILl of Ceolrcii'lf 'AcaJefar, fr wek4 erdin$ Dtcomber 10th, li&k lfl Grad AoaW N'eal, Kthr Aodrewa, Ada Thartmgtoo aod Willi Thamngtoa. 2nd GradeJohn Tboa. Uot 4th (Jr4 Brth SVaJ, Holh rarriahfVioJ HnaU SrVuHftfK cAorth, WillUci AndritralirBf Tharriogtoti, Johnnid 'KwaL "" 7' J6th GradeFlojrd Pama llgy ttliamngtoa, Haul Xi3 .Klaor Upchoreh, llerodoa Jnkl&jul " " 7Ci' 6r3-TrJ Tharriagtao' tKctrsiDr rrtE3. lcra atci- caaa trvtr.xwr. J A I. 3 T 7 4 J 7 . iT"" "" wX. Cv4 l hvtotrtA. . . . . . . 4m U.r a tr c U a Uaviiir fcir C &o2 Tl ir.-f i rM ejr:a l3t k WvSm icut.l lo tcrii bus Scu k.v-n cwr..'.li nun Lo cit: a t lutll fUitfja. j irtb tsaar ii Karl oa Mr. If ilI. H many fr,vi rrapalliM wth I him. castalia iff. crf-gi IU-caa, a prewtt iiiwia j frnrr arl an ioiIrti arUi.o, jm s in Kraaki;a, taa icrtji a nam i icca!ci ard will ia a air i a K'y ridAMu. ! Mr. Hrer Crrc, vho 5rrt hrrw aod hai ahiizxfi mlrj s kr M tr orf ruU tVn; :i it a frn.e rci fu awaj ;cr- tirniijf 02: Xcli tbouav thiie. Mr I. I ri c wh: u a vhft - - nt ri-r bT, Lm tir tua a apr.T'i !c Ki cid ttcitx ka Ma ;'.ari. wUe U lul r II j. n.n aiur Mhi M i HcicwaT. f "At u'. Tiet w ill ur:r L r Mr JadL llsrd.i, U JtMCa TV:. T.M lr;j Ca hat ncte3 tr t Mr. Frak Cj it Tle are l:tj w it.h tii UMa WJi3 re s Wiar. t,? ryKirt Uj ic-fa, w iir. o-a 'l is rt at aCL Mr Wfcisr ?ruwCJ tJy Vn Vji tie Uia 4 C fsLars Taj'K e Ajfei t it tLi aira Jccr Icjxlr , At tie cf ti.e lrd' !uJLr, i Mr. W. C E,i ardik, sivr HtuiV, tl at eteJUafc, Mr. Ouarle MrtrllTI awA Man I SJit HfA ttil 11 1. Ma 1-:sj Fiari iH U.J r.irrufp on aju4 icKXk IMA ; ao i WT wmSw Ue t9",f txMJ7rl COM Uif t a let:- Iti 4 t-iiUrrt;u3 cojoJ i I dr-cn oi Uu4 ttaiaj ari teard a w:sni ai jcartiruJ raccj bi iS tMkvu. Mi. IU4 liJ. oe brrirw4 s t.a?a, hfc lxl UVUi ii fta nc aA- c ? tie r7r. tbry aAcn4 1 I jaiJy jr?i of 0sr 2in taw cijttnch'ai a t-uiy wKBtl. WhH orrr la yctr ottry rt traJ djja a I ouXicwl, La oTr;, lL dilaaa of tb roi m v-et a u ottr own ootxxy. 11 -hkith thrrw b cos oaJy laro llbp L W doo e.Ur tirc r rrjai prWrl rol law, Tle Ite. lJs, 1 r n 1 i 1 ! ! -'- I

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