- x V - JAMES A. THOMAS, EDITOR. THE COUNTY, THE GTAXU,' THIi UITIOIT.' -rt - I U - w . VOL. xxxvi. LOUISBURG, N. C.f FEIDAV DECEHBEII -21. 1900. , IB-' """ y THE COTTON ROWERS. THE FRANKLIN COUNTY ASSO CIATION MET MONDAY. The Assessment of the Associa tion to be Paid to the State Association and Steps Taken to Raise the Amount. The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p. m., by the president; Mr. J. O. Green. It was stated that the principal object of this meeting was to raise the $25.00 which this Asso ciation is expected to contribute to the State Association. The meeting was addressed by Mr. T. W. Bickett, who spoke brief ly pledging his earnest support in the future as in the past. Mr. N. H. Macon also addressed the meeting with, a "general blessing out." A Birthday Sapper. ' Mr. B. N. Williamson has rounded up another twelve months ard ort Monday night had a number of his friends to take supper with him'. The following were present: J. B. Thomas, R. O. Bissett, Dr. R. F. Yarborough, J. R Collie, E. S. Ford, J. A. Turner, A. A. Clifton, S.' P. Boddie, K. K. Allen, R. A. Boboitt, Blair Tucker and J. A. Thomas. And they all without an exception enjoyed themselves to the fullest" extent. The only missing face of one year ago was our good friend T. A. Person, of Greenville, who while he could not be present in the flesh. all agreed, was with thera in heart, mind and "spirit." On this ocassion Mr. K. K. Allen was voted the palm as the "cham pion" though Alex Clifton and S. P. Honor Roll. The following is the Honor . Roll of CentervUle Academy for week ending Dec. 17th, 1906: First Grade Annie Neal. Second Grade Bertha Neal, Ruth Parnsh, Johnnie Neal and William Andrews. Sixth Grade Hattie Neal, Floyd P arris h. M elver day was quite pleasantly celebrated in our school with the foh oring programme: Song "Old North State" School Mclver as a Farraei Boy, Fred Thar' nngton; Mclver's struggle for an Ed ucation, Roy Tharrington; Mclver'f First attempt at a speech, Floyd farnsn; bong ttWe will try to be like Jesus Good, good byV Hattie Neal, Eleanor -Upehucuhj Lutie Thompson, Viola Hunt, Johri nie Neal, and Bertha Neal. He died THE... r.lOVlllG:" PEOPLE, ' JohnsonThonns TT tam 4 Him Harah Xit jpEIRZ-lIOVEIIENTS . IH KD w.y )OUT OF TOWIt, rf ITmorstng Utt u tia Vd:ktl tK :I:il7'':.1'- : . . , 1 If owdUt church here. IUt. L. 8. 2 crib CajNc. l'-iti w m t.:4 . c : t f t I And-Those- Who Coma and Go, "r. Tpm&3 m uj Bt;ut Biit Some for Pleasure, Some"- for !t Business and a Largo Kum-: trtnjooy. . Tht drcrch m tuiy houy,, beaoufel nrzXitrt ct ibtj ber Because They Lite lu J Mr. lL C. Beck tptat -tut Son Oiaabnd Tarborx) b homt from ccr, Lore Stt Wli ' ai'r Bbgoarn School to Vptad tht boll-1 hich d toW jutr tr.icrx.J tU dirt. r i . : r; , ; 1 church. Cm tb cj.VriL ilrccra. AUt i.-T. F. Ttmll,of ni!elgW:b V ;TLomit. cf Th, to apad iM hoUdiVi with er Dr- lL. T:1 rV-5 il O here Boddie were close seconds. T . 1 1 "11 ic was a most enjoyame ana pleas- poor to enrich others Hattie ant occasion and his guests were pro- Hig kindness of Heart, Elean fuse in their wishes for many such A few minutes were very profita bly spent listening to some practical returns for their clever and hospita- hnnt "nrodnction and ble host. " &fo"v i disposal of cotton," 03 Mr. H. D. Egerton. A Few Mope Fine Porkers. It was voted that the president ot Dear Mr. Editor: I saw in the each township be asked to get up Times where the people in and $5.00 and pay in to the President of around Louisburg, alsos Youngsville, the county Association. have been killing some pretty fine "Upon motion the President was hogs. I just want to say that the authorized to appoint delegates to the people in Franklinton' dont have meeting of the State Cotton Growers rauch luck with their hogs seems Association which will be . held m if they can't kill anything except Jaauary. The time for the State piggj but will give you a list of 'the meeting has not been named, but weights of a few pigs killed 0 m and w ill be published in the Times as around Franklinton. W. A. Cooke soon as the call is issued. The iol- one shoat, 500. W. A. . Cooke six lowing is a list of the delegates ap- piga; 1536. G. R. Moye one, 434. pointed by President Greenland he h. G. Wood two, 37,4 410. J. H: is veryjmxious torevery one to be I looker pieJt32. Iparwo b eal IL. .r Ul- I ! church; His Death Flovd Parriahi Ten minutes for decisions was here given, a prize having here offered for the best short composition on Mc lver's Life. The prizes were then presented to people. . Willie Furman and Bonnie Cooper T9 home from Wtkt Forett for the holidays. i Mr. Mittie Johruon. ot Uockr Inunt came Taeaday to attnd the Johnson-Thomaa marriage. Mr. Fred Fullt-r and wtfof l'itu hurg. Pa., wer here thU wwk to at tend the Johnon-Thoma marriage Jude and Mr. C. M. Cxkr cam h me Friday. The Julge will b at 13 tht -JU-.rJjL. - kia, iu r Dtt 1 Or r TUj u y Cat Vur Tai't tsciel tklrr Ll tk m IUt 13 UI OXA Birro wither. S. A. Ptc; JtU. Ora Wb.JtUi It dclzg iilr? ton of Fraakltaioa, aai 51. K. Wla ton; MiM licne Wfe-iStiV Franktiatonaod Mr. lUa T. Ulfa, of Wak Forr:; Mm MartL Vb too, o Yorifru?J, ai Ir. C IL BanV: then tt ctc?o ti:h JU. present aV tfieBa1lnitingf Dunns J. H Weathersby. Harris Jno. W. Wheless, King. Ballentine, J. R. c. B. Kittle one, 342. H. P. Pearce one, 364. Mrs. B. R. Harper two J. B. aift ond 330. A. B. Cook two. 297 and 244. Mrs. Jane Burnett one, Johnnie Neal and Roy TharringtooU h ,me untU boul mkJdW of Jn" Ruth Parrish and Bertha Neal also received rewards for neatness and fijood work all round The school then sang the old son "Why don't Parents Visit the School?" ; The young people then enjoyed nice romp on the yard while the "Mothers" 00 m pared copy buoka and discussed things generally: The children had decorated the room wf(b national colors, holly and other eric greens. Mclver's picture was placed narv. Mie Velle Harrta, Umi Fiord, Dlhe Strickland, Gara Iienton, arriv ed home yesterday from Littleton Female college to ipent the hoi VI ay The following young men, who Ira attending (edical and Dental College in Baltimore, arrived home hta week to spend the holiday; J 0. Newell. O. T. Copped ge. Jot. II XTtttU, T. J. Dean, E. M. Perry and S. C Ford. 340 anaSTX. L. 'Allen nVST'1 toI1J &&&'MiuftCi in the centre of a lara board decora I Youngsville R. C. Underwood, 290. H. Jenadus C. Winston. Franklinton R. O. Pernell, J. H. Wilder. Havesville R. G. Winn. W. M. Hayes. Sandy Creek H. P. Speed, A. T. Wi'son. Gold Mine A. D. Williams, James Brewer. Cedar Rock W. W . Boone, J. O. Wilson. Cypress Creek H. A. Hines, W. R. Bunn. LouisburgT. W. Bickett, N. M. Perry, A. W. Perry. A. S. Strother, killed, two 355, 245. S. J. Matthews, Jr., killed three 221, 215 and 150. E. H. Har ris, killed, two 388 and 345. J. F. Joyner, three 12G, 138 and 408. sketch of his life written below. We were glad to see all present and hope they will come again. X. Y. Z. NorJi Ccwu Us 1212,0: ?,C 3 Uly it St IIISAO. hotvdr, MW - Ur Thai. tbt v " to9 T uride wm aiurtd in a Li a U c W " ClTUTt , 1 the raJUy. The rnavl of bcoor tn wtnte tiZk arJ eurM3 jirvk I In urj;i tJy f camationt; the clW tr5n;aill J tts&f erf &t te- 4 Cx wore whiu 'Jk toata, Uacil ficlirt 1 fvUii?3 fcrt c4 J'T' ha.u and ctcret lo trauh a4 1 trrrUr 'wLIU la 2Crv York It K. I.. Cooke, Uri man, as4 tb briJe, acooc7jaifted br lit Cl cl wu ature3 1 ' " - jus ijam carried rhltl No Paper Next Week. In accordance with our usual cug torn no regular edition of the Times cjg will appear next week. The editor and "the force" are entitled to one week's rest in a year, and we are sure that our patrons will be willing to concede it. The entire force joins in wishing all ot our readers a "Mer ry Christmas and Happy New Year." Expect the paper again on January 6th, 1907. Honor Roll. The following is the honor roll of Gatesville School : First Grade Lutie Boone, Lncile Wheless. Marv Howard. Third Grade Minnie Boone, Stephen Sykes. Fourth Grade Burtis Boone, Henry Faulk, Ernest Wheless, Frank Hollings worth. Fifth Grade Bennie Wheless, Pearle Hollings worth, Nannie Hines, Hollingsworth, Clereland Moses. . Sixtn Grade Blonnie Wheless. (Miss) Alice Himks, Teacher. Farmers' Alliance. The quarterly meeting of Frank lin county Farmer's Alliance will be held in the court house in Louisburg on 2nd Thursday in Jan. 1907, at 11 o'clock a. m. The secretaries of all the sub-alliances recently organized, by Bro. Cates, are requested to be present. Also delegates. W. II. Stalllntgs, Sec. Mr. Conway Promoted. The Times is pleased to note the promotion of Mr. Jas. C. Conway, who has for s6me time filled the pos ition of Baggage Master on the Louisburg Railroad. He has been promoted to a similar position on the Main line, and his run will be from Portsmouth to Monroe on the fast night trains '33 and 34. Jimmie, as he is familiarly known by his friends, is a very capable and faithful young man, and his Lost of friends will be glad to learn of his promotion. From Privett. There is a storv told on one of our neighbors somewhat in this fashion. "A certain man the same one whr some time ago raised the cross-eyed chickens had made a vow that if lie should become able to buy himself a new buggv that his wife should he the rirst one to get in it. So a few davs ago he went to Louisburg and bought a new buggy and to keep his word after hitching the horse to the buggy he got on the horse's back and rode home. Upon arriving home he called to his wife and had her get in." There is a widower in our vicinity who is very much of a ladysrnan, and a few days ago he went calling on his best girl and carried his banjo of which he is a very clever master, and while there among the pieces be played was "Take me down to the longer branch." This seemed to im press him so much that rhen he started home and had come to Moc casin creek he left his path and sub stituted the creek bank. After walking about too miles down the creek, however, he decided he wanted to cross and hereupon plunged in, when he was nabbed by the thumb by a turtle. He then became con scious and began to repfnt. Little. Sam. The mm who had been trying to walk on both aide of the street tt once with moderate lacoe tarad into the office of the one dailv pyj of the town, taking it perhaps for the sample room two doom beyond. It was the noon hour, and the girl re porter at her table wa alone. With her the man entered into the follow ing unsolicited conversation: "Say," he remarked, leaning ovrr her table, UI am all righr, I am. iot over six hundred scxe j'iand and II, '200 in the bank, and prettiest litUe .. 1 a T woman in county- uuicn i m Irish, but that don't make no differ ence. She don't like to have tne eel drank. Given me fit when I do. ?ay," anxiously you won't tell her. will you. Shake on it That right. I'm perfect gentleman. Alwaja re spect the ladies. Say, I like yon. Come out ami me u. Give you peara, watermelon everything. Bring your friends along. YooTl come won't yoo? Shake. I'm all right. Everything all right. God bless everybody. Ain't it? Say, yon won't tell my wife, will you? like you. Come bat and have a drink. Dcn't drink? That's fanny. Well, good-bye. Shake. Come out and see us. Got prettiest and best little wife in Blank coantv." CATTUtiCO. Tttlfcl 2elJ f" CWt fci KoT. groocuwa c Uak earn, grtry Dak cJi CTJfc. Korth Qtrtrt lass glovee arvl tia. The wedding WM (vrooocfrl U be a beaalifaJ oce hj lib Urt ntunber of (riaadi cf ih ccs'2ci Tb pCTHMuts wr nattefcc at3 h and torn manr of iha froTs a diUnc. r. 1 roa.-j.1 :! a MM lilt A 9 . 9 A -..4 . . ?ftsn ti tjry s?u la iSe Ufcla la iKti ire we IWj jcr rtii la l!bt .cJLkt Srriicra ti4kra Ttiua l"t'rX.O:t? Uurji"laj"lV : y, ArkaaM tJCC, .Kiij Cant or. ri.tCC Virt.ia tZ,(09 c - m'ji Tar H glAM, The Mr J. A T) d Ti ar. f ; - rt .n 'jualirira'.jor. that :.j prrde m L the T:mj: dustrv Lr.a -: i 1 c. 1 the f -f n.r. : f ar.'i irnn aer 10 Nio hiru at the t.p m it I'rinur.;: to feun. Afur re-cjmg the cv r.r tula U?o of friendi, the happy capi !ft tar Hockv Mount whr thev wili pnd the honevmootj rla laves of the groocn. H. YcrTi Hmw:tf,i frcita 1KO L lr:rr. tn thvC Uuj te 1 v nrrty lie tb:-x.ai dc.Ilar If th.i fu kfi t.p liJI prrirg eiJ-: b; iK' Why Dtt Ir. ts T,!.Ci2 uu i Ncirth Carc!is.a .t t4 at tota. pr-viaw CA i - 1 fir in err ; i. is jv: tx;re ! Wj.Ck) Hat'Ucta, vhiu azi !ick ot c4 a Vtal p37'tlaU:a c lflVS- 1 ft, or aSi ta ct. List of Letters Remaining in- the postoffice . at Jjouisburg, N. C. uncalled for: Carrie Badin, Mrs. Emma Collins, Mrs. Mattie Driver, Mrs. Alice Doles Harry B. Dales, Henry S. Foy, Jr., Phacpian Janes, Mrs. Peilin Johnson, Roser Melton, Henry Moore .,,(2), Henderson NowelljeUipidham Candies Perry, -Hark ' Stpne, Ernest Tailor, Elizabeth . Upchorob, . Annie Pettona Galling,-; .foXtoT of "the above letters will please say they saw them advertised .A .'it; U. D. C. The monthly meeting of the Jem J. Davis chapter will b he-l! at the Masonic HaJl J any 2d, 1MT, at ao p. A. - -Mk4- Joaps S. Hasuhovt. Pfe. Ma. U, IL Da via. .Wr. the SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY NOTICE TO CLERGYMEN. The Seaboard wishes to call Clergyman's attention to the neces sity of getting, without delay,blariks for 1907 permits: fill them out and send them to. the Southeastern Clergy men's Bureau Atlanta, Ga., .together with one . . dallar ($1.00) to enable .emlto-get-itfperauta for nett yeaj JbeforeT tne 31st d ay - ,I)Dem-; herr as vaUdAVP'nhifi "now in 'their Dossession. will ' not ' t ; good alter., Marriages. At the home of the bride's fathe Mr. W. II. Perry, on the 16th, Mr. J. A Underhill and Miss Mfggie j Perry were united in the holy bonds of matrimony. Rev. G. M. Duke officiated. Mr. Tollie Conn and Miss Janet Edwards, daughter f Mr. K. H. Edwards, were married at the rsci- dence of the bride's father on Wed nesday evening at 7.80. Her L 3 Massey officiated. Th Times eztehcts congraicbJt?v3 to the happy eouplea " Style & American Dreismaker. Stylo and American Dressmaker ii) very attractive this month. We have jnat received th January number. On the cover is a prettv I girl who wearn a stunning hat which! 1 is reproiuoed from one of the Jlct Piiris mwielfl. The deiigna, an usual, are beaoiiful and practical and easy to tallow. Patterns may be procured for every design shown. The lext contain many u3tu''. eoggeatiorts rod meek thai s ot intereat to every woniii- The professional senioe of Muc itu&sell ue oflered Fre ic aer scb scribei.' Muj Kuaei knowt htct, ic bay bow hard c find fc ooveltioc b j tnmajingt cad oriuLneaia w berjetv w Sbft.n.U wstch staples r- s DoieeiTeifc aqijs.'tui a uo icuiax muoy uiocwujc o.-. wo j - FACTS ABOUT NORTH LINA. f5 of the T "2 n;taitn rnts of Wake For wit are country church. In the .Norta r.rrc f3 own a home; l:na one in eren -'. In Illintot one r.rgr-- in 130 k in prion: in N'crt-S CAHO- C7 A pain to 1 oatctaJ kc.TUl m t&aaviarCKrmg la all the ptcirj wm tf citcL Ncrth Ot-n!toaaj itcriJ m-m 1TT fc ftrcL I te artrare aocrstot , n yrr oeol. Korth Caroioa led ail Sovlbero aaa tn kacrkajM l'.aJ isrrts4 &v3 crm oady to Virginia ta the loul tmrwrirt ati tKat bv oJy fct talllkoo doU larv Whde Vu-psiaa lvars ras orJy fiT-i miH:rn in t v ymxrm North CaraJbs waj rreoty l,re c--iorarliTe table of trcg- in ewry prtltcC, iaat:fatcr aa4 m N cr"h tirc , . -i lina onlv oo m One hundred tears a were only tea thocwol ! Acrvi'.UTf. (a1r 1 " . i th I rv.o rti4preJ their rtiatxr J 1 r:w;;t-o ia ail ihre c4 tL- Cjr- ute, Tiu ar4 Nnh Oaruhaa. I TetM i4atoJ trrwe tKC&ts tXkd wfll beheld offioe of.fi ..9bn& mKrf th-re in North Carolina, In 1TP0 there were S4 Hiptirt chorchra in the iUU. In IWb there were 1,741 chcrcSe. Korth CaroUna hta nyww peo rie engaged b ' AanclacScriaf than any other 8oethern 6utsv ' - High Point b eecood only to Graod Rapkii as the s?ttMi far. bora la North Oir-aCma eerea the Tr IIeJ State U rrnstJL Thtta M iH the Carolhu: ?Ute Ilooe lf70 tivi ficiLC? tcaiLti 9 Jah, bdf -1007. -. jwswf & .-Ziwtovxjsi ,r-r sas; ' -.. . -. .. . - . -. ' ..-. ... . . . , - . mm ) l4 - ti. f