.'- ' . - . , . .-sfJXci - o i ' '"Z - ' -; : : ."J-L;"J. w-;l;- , . " ' ' v - :'' ) ' 1 ;; ; " .." -.'."'" " C0PI'' r vol. xxxvi. ; . . -. ; ; .. ;., ; .- ; ; : lohissuuG, ii.'.c, rr.ir 77. jauuary a. iM7. ' - '- . " : r- 4 i'.' 1 v 6i It r II' 11 1 t , . ' h t at i. I Y.. THE RAlLnOAD WRECK. OHE .HAN KILLED-rlfO OrHERS SERIOUSLY INJURED. J- I Inferior Equipment ' Cause s the v-; WreckNo Air Brakes in tfse 1 , and the. Hand Brakes not A V ' Sfilucient to Stop Train, - tTho Timjes JIxtba ' which waa r r. gotten out last Saturday in a short C time aftet: the. Railroad;-, wreck; tccnr V ' ed here, gave the ; particulars - of . the , X J( wreck, bat aa-theu Extra did not reach J i 1 i" ' , .1 of oar subscribers, we v will . tell f more about it this week.' :-' 5 , tf , As is well known'by rriearly every body whp has ever traveled on the ?:; Louisburg Railroad, there is a vsteep . grade front, the ,Vater tank to 1 tlie '?:TerreU plac8"a distance of about one' mile".- and it was down this grade " ' the train M came" rolling last Saturday ) , "' ? morning and vCould- not be stopijed, ''Oh account oti'the" fact that there f " .' fVere. nx-air brakes! Engineer Teeter I V : i : reverseaxqei pngme, ana ;.xne ? nana ' , brakes ycprrippliedu s Bach a start' thatit, 'could ' .not be I ' , v Btopned, md ; when it reached the ' . passenger, ' istatioD. the. -terminus -of f . , theline, he engme went over the , u,Vs embankment into Main street a dh ' ' - 'tance of about 30 .feet, followed by ; V the tender and 'a loaded freight car ; -yjdhb two;" passenger t..7:-were-i)f0- ' .'-.yentedby. , the s loaded " freight ; car; iom going over, and they remained 00 the track. : There . were . several passengers on" the trains some ' ot vwhom jumped off - while 1 the others remained in the cart until the poaches .- - Carne tOa stop; The" engineer, fire- , man and conductor all jumped just in time to ssave "their liveaConduc-, " tor Williamsr jumping from" thet top oi iqq ireigm car. . t i - .At first it was given ? out A that no : one was seriously I hurt, vbnt iust . 'as tne v TiMES-iLxtra was being distrib 'i nted on the streets; a report came that a i man was i caught : under ? the tender. A crowd rusned to tue de ' pot and with picls, shovels and " jack screws soon extricated the dead body s 1, of Tom Macon, colored, the , .22-year . old son of Chas Macon,' a driver for J. J. . Hayes. ' - Tom .was standing in . v .the street below.and was caught an- aer, tne runaway engine . before e ". could get out of the way. He t was , " buried by bis people on, Sundays ' ; ; The wreck . could have .1 been pre Vented if the air brakes had been in - - order, and no blame can possibly at ,s tath-to the traincrewvas it is stated -; that they had given notice ; o f the in vferiority of the equipment It loots . ' like gross negligence on the part of f f thoie higher op."""'' ' The wrecking ere w ' came ;Satur- j , day. night, but were ordered - to " the Main line to look after another wreck . near Monroe, before they started to V work .on tne : wrecfc nere. v. lbey xe- . turned Sunday- afternoon and by 4 . o'clock Monday morning had every I- "thing cleaned up, ' and strains?, were . runnmg regular again ; on iuonaay. : )A very large-crowd u:of our;; people ' assembled' near the. depcrt Sunday - and stood -. for i hours witnessing the' swift work of the " Drofessionals" in it "U ; Removing the, wreck, t People came . u V'-' for ten miles, to" see' the wreck. It Vvpthat"has ever occurred oh the Touis burg Raiiroad since rits : completion L in lb85. V " 'x . ' ' ' " V The Movers.- , With the beginning- of the new year, the ."movers", begin to ' i move, and, up to date we note the following Mn'townt-' 3 ' ; (L l ;,..pJ-co (the W. li. ITzzell .homestead) k at Maplevillc, and R. P. Taylor 13 ' y ' . . : tt! t l.i'. i occupying ine xvmg piace yacaieu y Mr. Boone. Mrs. Jennie B. Hart has moved to the Stokes placo- vacat cd by ZIr. Taylor, and the house va cated by Mrs. Hrrt will - bo peenmed by Dr. C D. II. Fcrt, who' Vail rnovo hb family hcra frcia Oxford this werk. .) . . .-. ." K. G. Allen has moved 6f his ; new residence recently purchased - from D. F. McKinne ' (the Joe Kearney place) and O. C. Gregory will! occu py the place vacated by Mr. Allen, while D. P. McKinne will occupy the new, cottage just completed by Mrs. Foster.; Mrs, Caddie Strickland has moved in the new house - recently. built by Miss Lucy Perry, and, Mrs. Dora Jackson has moved to the House (which she'has recently purchased) vacated by Mrs. Strickland. M. - S. Clifton has moved to the ; placed va- cated .Dy m rs. J ackson; which hd re cently purchased . from -Miss ' Xucv Perry, and-WiE. Uzzeli vkill 'occa pyhis new .residence on Academy street, which is now nearly : complet ed. V. E. Murphy has " moved., to it la 1 a a ' 4 - n . J3 " laD jubv ; ueuuu j1 ox..:: Bwamp, and the house vacated by him will be occupied by B. HrMeadows. : J. 31 Palmer has moved his" Beef - Market in the store, bouse Tad joining Allen Bros large brick; stables on NasH street, and E? Odom will occupy? the Varlyle store; vacated by Mr. Palmer. J. "D' "Alston ha8 moved ' tintQ- his juo w resiuence on?-J4-ain- street. . Under hill Egerton. . ' A very pretty home wedding took place at the residence of Mr.. F." N; Egerton, the bride's father, on Thurs day " morning, -of last -week, at 9:3Q ; o'clock, the "s contracting parties . being - Mr, " Wiogate "ITn- derhill, of Wilmington and;; Miss iiorence May Esjertotf., Rev. L. ,S Massey performed " " the " ceremony. The groom is a teacher in the Grad edSchool of Wilmington and is jone of .the" State's - prominent .educators. The bride is also a teacher, Shaving laugnt in ;tne; yraded scnoois o Kmston iind Louisburg, ' atsotlie: Louisburg College, She is a . young lady of charming dispositon and has a large circle of friends at home and abroad. r - . The wedding march" was v played by Miss Sallie Green, and the follow.' ing were, the attendants: -L. 'C. Brogden, best man, Miss Blanche Egerton: maid o i honorf Misses Ala bel Davis and- May ' Jones, ' and Messrs. F. N.'Egerton Jr.;" and r Wl W. Boddie. Ribbo a . bearers: Misses Kathleen and Mary Stuart Eficertbri and Masters Wldon , and Graham Egerton. . ' ; The bride's gown was of , Pailette de 'Royal.-""Her bridal "veil" was pinned with'a pearl brooch the; gift of the groom, and she carried ; a shower boguet of lilies of the ' valley. The maid of,. honor., wore - point d esprit bverf taffeta, ' and '..carried white carnations. ,T " r v' ,.The bridesmaids were , dressed in white silk and carried pink? carna tions. .V'- j? - Tne ribbon eirls wore white ;' muir. The ' ball and parlor of the . beau tiful residence were tastily and ap propriately decorated with holly apd evergreens, - while" the ceremony 4 was performed under a - beautiful bridal arch of holly and .mistletoe - ';. vbVThe'ndwly.; wedded couple-left ion tne 4,i:zu irain- Tor - a. visic- xo c xne groom's "parents' They .' will make their home in Wilmington. , v- w The f Negroes Emancipated " mr" Quite a large crowd of colored people celebrated their; Emancipation in Louisburg ' onxTuesday -Kew Year's Day.-: The day being pleas ant' the' exercises' were held on the Court , House, square. Several speeches were made,, the- pfincif al er being Rev.' N; A. Cheek. The exercises "were opened v with prayer by Rev. J.1 A. Hawkins and the speech of welcome was made by W. M. Algton : Oscar Williamson jjas master of "ceremonies' and "the Mapleville brass band made - the music The drowd was very orderly and;th8 speaker save ; his . race good ad vice.- i We ; heard ? sio untavorable con:rrsent3 upon the President for HbV -T - charqint.the ncro .c: the cari m oincr place - -. cldisrs,- z$ :7Z3 COL. d. F. JOIJES dead: ONE OF THE , COUNTY 'S liOST . -PROUniEHTCITIZEHS. A.- He was Harried' Four Tinici 1 and is Survived by; His I Last TifeWll of His Children Pro . cededTlim to the Grave i " ; In ' the-. death of Col. 'Jbrdad F J one8,wj&ich occurred at his home at juaurei on .a rnJay, .evening; last, the VT y "f io8fc,auoiuer oi lta Desi and ' most highly . esteemed ' citizens There y;ere :fewr people who -knew Uou Jones but that loved and - ad rah ed niin, nd - he rt will be ;greatiy missed - ln-.his community.';' jle. was Born in ' November 1 82li"anr was therefore :0'.-years s of -age -f He outlived all;. of.' -his, children, -and was f our ; timts married. ' ; His first W13',wa8 MissV. Lucy . Stamper, 'his second MisaIIarriet-;' E. ' Person, his : third Miss " Sallie J M. " Person" -andhis' fourth,'-! Mrs.1 Annie Perry, who survives. V' I ...lne .funeral- services .w.erq;held at' his -. residence,' last Saturday morning, conducted- by ' Rev.' G.M. Duke,' and 0 the interment tuok" place at v the cemetery here; thV ' burial services v being conducted b V Re v L. S. Massey. The folio wing were the -active pall-bearers: . ' John Fos ter,W. T. Cooper,. Patrick.. Bledsoe H, P. Speed, . J. f H. Harr, , Charlie Gupton. . Honoraypall-beareri - H. Edgerton, L. P. Hicks, WH Ruffin, Ivey .AllenVvW. W. Boddie and J. -A. - Thomas. Quite large :- procession ,' accom pained the xemams from Laurel to the; Cemetery. -. - X-. . : : " : . lLQLsslJabI obitoarjby friend wiu , appear m a- tujf .issue EditoblV v..;-v The TWagon Faetory; President --G..H.- tlooper,- of 'tlie Louisburg Wagon : i Mahufacturin Company, mforms ul : that the rstqek holders of said company had a meet ing on Wednesday and -elected ? the following directors tor another year: CB. CheathamrSP; Burt, F N. jc-geriuu, x.v v. jrerry t vv ,w od - die, M C. Pleasants C. J. Burton. The directors - elected the foHowmg officers:- President; G H .Cooper; .viuB jrresiueni,, vv ra..joauey; &ecre taryand, Treasurer, Ivey -Alien t - A dividend of 25 per cenjt jras de claredwhich makes -a- line ; showing tor ; tne nrst year's, business . forthe company." It was decid ed to increase the. capital stock to $50,000 and ary one wishmgtortakestock in a home enterprise that s paying ti such good dividends should - jump at the oppor tunity i of Investing 4. their ' money in r, w agon actory tock1. r Harrlagres. JDuring themonth'-of December the; Register " of Deeds i -of this-- coTinty 7 White. C; J; :BarroV- and Jia E. Winston; '4V H.-Brinkly and 'Ana i? uner, :x oine ; jh. uonn ; andt -j anet Edwards, O." D.T Duke and Lizzie Kearney, .C.C. Dement and Matte E. Harris, Ernest. Gupton and Fan nie Inscoe; Luther Harper and Acf die i Mitchell, H. 0 Hill . and ' Laney Clifton, ysW.: Hayes . and Nettie Long, 1 Ed gar xHarrisand 'Ada ' Gup ton, 5 A. F. J ohnson and Sad ie 7-N. Thomas, 1 Jonas . Pa'rrish and ' Mrs. . , . . Nancy Dentoh,: Charlie "Powell and Mary Young,' Albert: ..Pernell ; and Ella Faulkner; W C Ransdale'-and' Geneva -E. Burnett, Will Rogers and Ressie Loyd,' Billy Tucker' and Lucy 1 'Jenkins, J. II Timberlake and Mary L. Winstob, R..E. Tim berlake and -Mrs.. Lena WJ Tim berlake, Eugene , Thompson and Katie, Howell,, JT. A Unherhill and IJaggie A -Perry, Wingate, Under hillrand, Florcnco May; Ecrton, Willb Winn Tand Carri -V.; IJelnis, J.,W. , Wfjins,. and Rclia Briiqc? JL. Wc:icri and Icc::3 V,Tc:t, Cqlosd Wo. .Aveat, and ilar nUi 1 Voodiief, Plummer Baptist and Ury. Danston, John Black and" MaryTrWiiUams, Arch Canady and -ue;u: x:ascai, Ernest iJlitton an r Senetta GsIpr, .lames , Conyers and Mr ndy o Mcss - James : Egertda and Anna 4 Mann Geo. Evans 1 and M&ryHendncW,:Bryant . Green and Lizzie ' ; Ierry, ' Lwls - Hnnt . and Cora TerrelL -"John Jan3 -Thomas Walter Johiisoh and KatfexGifli 7-Oscaf Jones . and Rachel Chavis, lluf us Ligan r and Il..ty .V;Hart ,Wm Neal and Julia c- Danston v Lewis - Person ? and iUrjt;, AIston'Henry, -Perry' and Helsb. Smith. Z.- B. Perrv and;r 1JU lie i?ealc ;W.jK- .Pulley - 'and Ran-- dyjJ0ne8, Vick-;wilkins'' and- Sue Pari-iyaVeWiUiamg: anEinma Alleni Kicmnond . Williams and Emily r.erxyt; Edward -Wiggins , and , Ca- -meli'Norw6od.vJS- ..' , t ( : Double Marriage.. -1 v.- Ia M double marriage took J places- in the baptist church' I- at ? Youngsville, u uie avm or jjecemoer, -. tne con tracting parties being ; vfo brothers andtwo Sisters. , The" marriage" of .Mr. JH. Timberlake and Miss Mary i.y inston, had been announced for some.. time and v the cerem6ny,twas, performed. in the presence of alarge congregation,'byRevVT.B. Justice, but whe,n the second couple-r-Mr. R. E. Timberlake and i Mrs, Lena ; W. Timberlakewho' were among the attendants pf the "first Vcouple1 pre sented. themselves at the, alar, -thre was great surprise! on. vthe faces - of nearly everyone "present, as they, had kept' it a, secret fromV the other - at- pemselvcS, however, .with .the 41pro per cpapers'V the preacher proceeded .to. :' mae iem man and wif e ? 5." The gcooms are aons of the late. J S.TimberlakaV and : the brides - are daughters of Mn B.H; WinVton; two of the most j prominent . and - highly esteemed families of the' county ,; MitchenerrMitchener. 4 i . va. Deautncu pome weddings took place -at 7 the residence of Mr. Jno. R; -Mitcbener; father of the ; bride briWjedhesday evening at 6 o'clockj wbenr Mr., W.F.Mitchener and Miss' Nannie Mitchener were united in : the holy1 bonds of wedlock by Rev. T. J J usUce; bf Franklintonl (Mr? James ! M itchener was - best man and Miss Eula Mitchener v was maid of honor.- The . following were the other, attendants:' vs -,..- ,': ' f -1 James Gree n and Miss Bell Mitch? J ener WiUiam Turnery and.Miss Emily Mitchener, Ed Nicholson and Miss : Nellie , M itcherien Matthew .Wilder and Miss ! Pattie : Bowers; .Wilt Wildet' and Miss Fannie Jones, Philo j Thompson and : MisiNina Wilder,'; W illie J ones and Miss Sal feHarV: Miss' Sallie ITpperrnaiv of Jiouis burg,i presided at , the organV ."and when the" ceremonies were over, the' bridal party went' immediately' to the Jhbme of the, groom's, f ather j-Mr '.'A DMitchiner, where tpgetherwith a humber ,of invited friends,' they were feasted witha sumptuous repast, con sisting of barbecue and all of its at- tendahts. --K. ? The presents were numerous . and costly.- s.-: i 'w-y-'-.W: iTlre bride and- groom have a hest of friends who will join us in extend ing good wishes for a long and - hap py hfe. .-,' . . ; To Celebrate Lee's Birthday. ." .". '-"'-.-"" ' ;-; '. The Daughters ofthe Cenf ederacy of IxubDurgwill .'celebrate' General Lea's Birthday on Saturday, January ICth, and the Tmrj ia' requested to all -of tl:3 veterans to ba oh Tind. Speeches will be made by prominent men, and cher ; cTutabla excrebe .will ba fcal. .-. Th 6 f pro jrahiri 3' ia de tail will appear ia' oar next LzzS. ' liavenia Perry;. Augusta Perry and ttipinda Brod ie Amos CPerry and the. r.iovinG people: . . X 1 THEIR . HOVEUEHTS ; III AHD OUT OF t67H C'. -1 v. And Those, V7hp - Come and. Go, Some for Pleasure, Some for Business and tt i Large Nil um- eeause They like It." iSVSrriandi-paidI Kenlyu a visit-last week. . y:-.- -. Jones Cooke,?. of Youngsville, was l ' " - -! I . '-1- m town Monday night. : dayswith: hiseople in Weldnn. ; Misses . Glennie andvAva) Ay cocki were . atf nome .to spend the . hoiK days.;--: '';-v5!' .;, :-:c-. -.tr.: Mr.andirs.: F. F. Limer, ; of Af ton; visited T her - father the past week. ' x ; . - Mr. J. C. .Washingtorf, of Florence S. Cr visited his brother here this week. . i -.!.."'. - .. .-.." -v , - -. . - -Mr, ,W;?F Washington ;spent. the hohd ays . with r his people - m ' Ox Mj;E.-;.rW", Harper ;returned Monday nightr' from taking- f Jpa holidays. ?j ") ; - ; i ? Dr Si S.1 Greehj'of - Monroe; came home to see his, people, duririg the W'diiva; l:;- C-v -. holidays. Ernest ; Hale, oi the 'Times force, visited Rocky - - Mount daring . . the holidays.' " ' V ' ,; 1 Mr. Arthur, ; Arrington and family, 01 wauania, vare . yismug nis . mower, at Maplvule; 4MrWHBeddingiield, of Rocky Mount spent hristmasrwithr,; his children : herex:.' U Kj -',- ' . i day from a .:f isit to Jus? pedple in. Halifax -.couiityv?'' Mriand MnCRj C Beck returnedfrom"- a visit to' -"Richmond '"and WeWon,;Mbnday i I!F returned this ; week: .from - a visit to .Leslie; Johnson, of Rocky i Mount, spent the - holidays visiting- friends Q n1 r&lotivsikin.tnnin ! v. - - .--- Messrs 'Henry and.; Joe" Clifton. of cegor,Texa8 'j :1are visiting relatives" in .this county; L:; " ' Me8srs.yE SGreen andTCVMl y aughanwent to ; New-York. ona business trip .during . the holidays... ; ;: Mr. and; JMrs; -Ferrel Parnsh and family xf i'DurhamV visited their people herd during the ;h'olidays. yT-"' ' r '-' ' v'fi - . i "r; ; Mr.A;W; Alaton and family spenta portion V of c- the f; hplays with friends 'in Johnston county. Mr7 IL .'jT. Beasley: ' and ? ' wife sipent a p'ortioji bt "the holidays with relatives in Lumberton and Pittsboro. ;C Mr. D. N.-Wallace, of Morehead Cijy, was ; a if -Visitor here during the holidays,' .'6rt;f very important" busi ness. 1" , -: -'-'-.i i - , .J":--. --''''- V X r Mr E. L Grower; of Johnston county," was a caller at the-. Times office this week and subscribed" for the T'nbcs' "a ; - ;ri.; I , Miss hEdJth Yarborough, who is teaching iivjychmond County; came home . and , spent the. holidays with her people hers. -.- 5 '"' - , vMis3j Alice Spruill spent the holi days with friends in Charlotte, ;and Miss Martha Byrd ; Spruill is-visiting relatives . in V Selma. : -". -f : - -'. - , '"' . -'.y-.'k Miss Lucy Copped ge, of Greens borospent the - holidays KwitH; her aunt, Mrs. j3arah E. - Newell, near Mapleville; ; '-; ; ' ' . . ' "Miss .Annie Strickland; who has a -. position as teacher in - the Graded School" at - Lexington, came home to spend Ui3- holidays with her people. :t,l-j:i-..' ' . i ;; ' ' Mi-res Itarrizoa. ' and Joyncr tcacl:cr3 ia, -tbs"'-.-.Graded Schccl. , . . - returzeJ Tu.d;.y frcm- a yi.;i to tlcr Her. . u ii Gran-c.V : ; : T r. ' - - T T - Their friends' were delhhtei see Mr. T. A. Person and xzll;-"-here; the past week. They llle? Greenville very well, bat caj tLai there is no nlaca lita Tr V - We had; the pleasure of raatV ing Mr S. T. Bennett, who cazne- ovtjr. from Apex and cpent & days .during the Christmas hclil Be-. says that 'V Apex b.tta hr- mer." ,Mr. B. G. Rod well, who has heaaa with Mr. B. G. ; Hicks - the f - year, reft this, week f or his CI home ; in; Warrenton; . It Kt-S purpose , to , attenda Busiaea3 Cat- His host of friends -are glzdl ,te - seeMr. ;R. : T. - Carlyle"- in towrs.' His home is now in Savannah, Ga, but. he is - traveling''; for Swift Co., his territory being the state . c Florida. ", ---u - -".-: -. v :,' : v ; ' . ; ; .Mr W, WDevin, who has friends, here, .came "over -. frox OxfbrdAnd - spent Jast Monday; ia. Louisburg. - He says . that hi has awarm ;spot in his 'heart for Louisburg, as it feels like home t hini'' r;v...--; .. Rev. lack Stampsjla '; Baptist d, vine.bf Tuscaloosa," Ala., arrived hart with his family about two weeks aov They have been guests of his brothers in-law . .; Jdr. ' W. H. Ruffin, unC this weelc, when they moved "to thci Ruffin place" near town. Thai Times is glad to te that rthey wiX make Louisburg their home. Pen-' . ing the call of a regular pastor of das. Baptist church here Mr.' Stampa-wG by invitation; preach' for that con-r. gatiom:i; ;r:j; V - ; '' The Times is glad to note the prt -. motion of Mr. E. H. Baker, a Fxan! lin county boy, - ad a son o. o: townsmenj Mr, Geo.' S.. Bakes. For some; time j has been clerk. t the State Auhitor, but on the first:. c J anuary he was promoted'to the Chle. Clerkship I to said office which posi tion carries a g alary of 11,500 pci annum. -Mr.. Baker, b an efficient ."young" man, and the Times congrat ulates; both.; him;, and' the ' Sta3 Auditor. . ; Honor BoU. : : v:.; " -.' '.'-;' -The following is the honor 10II c the Babrock school for the fall , term. ending'December 21st 1906: ' ; 1st Grade-Ernest Layton,- Ethr Edwards," Bennie Haves. ' ' 2nd Grade Pauline Bowden, TI- ola Bowden,Emma Bowden, Hubert Layton, Albert Medlin. 4th Grade Inzzie Bonn, - Robert Layton, Talrhage Moses. . r- 6thGrade Mayme Layton, Ozzzz Moses; George Bowden; , : ; ' 1 "(Miss) Pearls Stjlixixgs, tcaaler. There is- a ' e tractors w L every' graduate, from our school u building, young and - old, rich ' tnj poor,. each one for- himself. It ii called character," '.and every act of your lives is a stone for t!.i structure.:' If .day by day; yon ara? careful to build. - your - lives ' with pure, upright deeds, at 'the end yea will stand afair,, .temple, honcrcl by God and man. . Bat as cnat leak;, will sink a - ship, and cm flaw " break, a chain, so one mcea, dishonorable act will work .its ia fluence on your -character. TL:a let the several deeds caito tc f;rr:.i a day -and one by oaatL3 dr-a grow into noble years, aal te years as they tlovrlr .psas raise -at . last a beautiful clirco ca duriag forever, to year rra:::, rr. 1 you will cherish" with taa eta:::. teaderac:3 taa-'racaicrj el r teaocl -la. Tho c!I f: . tao 'faraiar ra:.: al:af tl.a 1 - tha c ; a t: . : year- 1 -' 1