1 ASS tl EETlilG' .GiUiSDST- l ,-uua.i, com TI1E .G0U;J7V ALLI-C2 . i - , - - ' ? ' . , naa and TopaWhe of ,::;,;rDca., a the r.;ovi;:a peqfl lis. r. ( J -. , ' - G00D .'V-V DET HI REGULAR SESSro:,' Y-3. he: ui;ai IN COUDT nQU32. ' , '3 r ii , - lzxnxy here. nOVEIinNTS - -t ...vv.uuty,- ouper- I?; A T 7 n . , , . t u.'"c over t';a our OF TOVN f r . 1 I' 1 r - , L"j"-::s,ur-' : I C : uxiiuiiG. i:. c., rr . r " i ii liiin iWi n , ha r-?M ' week J p t " aj. 1 1 a rr i - v-ioru.xor th or - - - eve- -jears, fend , ; j . - ---- u ot mo Doctor :V "eellent famar. . Th'o Times cordkllr welcome, them the Doctor a lmr-i -V . - . ou8 oi mo pat- Aad lhoso Who'.Coaonnrt'n, Soao for Picasnro. s., . ' EuslnCSS and a Ncrn. 'PCJNEecaUSOThOTLtlrn T, ViAu Trent to T?, O a VUB r ? 1 a Tiait to Ater.- nu host of t. . wero -E'SJ to outers- ; - j' .SB! Sin wioch Sou-Jx Dit- Good .'-Woman. J C mr fjts t '-1 to prj a rc!: Tho ts-crii rf tii..: rtierroJ ' to, - WOOD ITElfs. r v: owF Tanner spread of small,-nnY , t : - , that the. foi!owing;regniations be. adopted , aid nr,- :, . . . , uuuu me uiat aue publication OT ID ft R3mo ha 1 ' i TT . y -distributing printed ' coDiesr ' aV of the Countv SiVn. . ? Uljr regularly -uxu , ana fid; . to : - consider Emm . pox. Emergency . m rania:a- coantj, a qcorum- of ' ri . . t . m V v- T memoers Demg prec2nL- it b by Dr. R. P. trborc&Connty ueni c IIc-':5, rr-D to tppcir, that EIl pox j"r; at to ei!l county: IfoTz-ia crdirXto I Honor Roll.. : The following i3 the honor roll . ' Fh-st , Grade IucUe- Wheless t ' ' . ' .bogbammik ; - Mary toward, Lutfe Boone, Ola fc : " Cooley, Tempie Vanghan, : William v , ' H oandation. Gr4en. : , -T m Re-dl Gen. Lee's FrevreU Ai Secopd .Grade Bessie Ilarper cTr-10 -e ConfeJe Army,' ' Third Grade-Stenhpn Li - ' bj y Jbnes. . " E5 LIinn.3 Boon! Sr " " i --ay. . Tlje farmers in : VhU Uu.' , . wvijuu are Dreatin up their tnb eeic - .Miss Irene Sledn-A " I,.,, . , from a vt to Caatalia,- and reports a Veiy pleasant time. - . rZ ?- moved to his " fiGe that our people confer 'ovedTT' VCr fr ."d .lias moved in the one vacated by Mr. rkia- while t?ie sun thinck. -Most ai, tho asJ l0M--lnI Vri. lr' our . v i! u 1 v wi UJa ere 2Ja j i . our "Viiiarje, hava rmna rr f .t . . J ecnool and it seems very loncaoxae to I nr. - "XJ" We -a here ' r Mr. C. G. Wood ploughed up hi prdealaad today; a'good-craarJe for others. v .;.. 4 !Oor ichool opened k 'tJ?cvr9r' Ozr ml! with a very good attn'lanc d i J C -: ' -ww niui u iiev vr;ri 1 - k t: It seems that our people , corner t ' h c.h t iorr; tzd ire ytio power "xp; eicccUTo vbo zr- , 9 n5ht scrtcf err, L;r w J i ; tf u an crrrr , , t a tise, ourta Gradfl Rnrt- - t Blanche . Sykes, ' Ernest Whclez?' Fi:th . Gr-Ic Ec- Ja some of us. Mr. Ilu-h Il'ht hroTn a full Ctorl- , 1 get tin- array freni t're it deliver a-d gTcz: fh-; to The I'rrc asl Adi:cc3..'ca tho -Ufa anlClir- ex uea. Uotcrt E.-L bj Jud-3 rijna bv C r , 1 - " hoasa belongin- tj Ulzs Crrr Snciy Yonn-, X Uor.Ij. , , ' TSr t 'u--3a very r.:ca rchccl at liiCcryllccT: Ac t-o crc;:::'r.t t " : . ' I: vrcr.' 1 v:rr --7 1 v.'o . 'i t: 1 . . ' , OaDec'2StfL Mr. P r: and Mi-3 Anna TayIorVcro ha-X lf!.m'A,l f T, 1 1 A I w.- UiU,UUia Cl y z 7 . j 1 , J tlcydi'ts cr a' j 1 :cr. orr.o cf c-ryoun-j j- ;rrv; - r ; 13 cr.L meet v. I en t:. 2 f :.: :c I to 7 . t th 1 . rr 1 .7 Our to:- ' 1 - - . , W V. I- ' - o. KO HOHAL r.ICHT T0: - it-cii fro -a Sozih D-! ... t ' I7 r " "i I4 -7. -: 1st tli rr-- 1 . . . rc!pcni;li::tT ij rrr.. 7f , , , c.a t3 ctcx o " 0 J c n la 1 lTo,rcTC'. 1:2 .1 -2 c... , T r i r: a ti 1. r ; t c ( n C ! T V 1 : Cidy, it 13, by tho Ci-iiLrvlnh..- . r-- . : . . .... :i ( provido c-inst tha