I r i . . W ' - - v - - ' . ' - : ' , . - L - , ' -v. t - ' " ' - " ' " , , ,t" 1 y .' ' ? 1 S v , E" ' . - fcL- r 1 K " ; . ; . -- . - r . - - ' " v ' . . .... ' i ' J i" , ' ' " ; r n.i ' - i, ' ' - f ' ' - ' SUPERiOil COliHT 0PEII8. ' 1 ' ' ...; JUDGE J. C. BIGGS FIRST AP- tiy ,'V'':,v.rllAllAIlbIi U li . 1 ti K n K ill H r : . PEARANCE ON THE BEIICH. , An Unusually Large State Docfc- ; ai , '.Frw p.oniriL- - t.. j , -superior, uourt convened on. Mon- ;- vis Jr.. mis- Counl o d-ca . h ; day .last, th Hon,-J. ' Crawford iT r - Court roo M,;; Judge . Presiding: It. , Sta?; Vs: Mat Rod.ell, ct f ' Judgd.: Biggs? J6rst; appearance on and.'a- ?'T:,Pls-guilty r ,$5 and! rw-Herf?u?tJr-,7?t Ju4ge : Biggs? jGrst.'; appearance, the bench." bat 'thrf av rsna-'in ,,,Vlnchhee8idesVoa1d.bone case. l"U.-Wa ;.. ,".to 'tUnk, who-'did- .not. InoV . , State v .HmiWliamurg, ip$ -; ;,.guitebUe,;Hi harge ,&?;.'!! ;, r ThejChairraan ca!I1 njion F. S r ; asa.'s: ping at,Maoo5V,Hote.-- r V?-'E- Canadyf c v. enbe'of bonda-,'- .V ' Jv?" " 'H ,ff .C;a.e;kbie, Stato -" iTbV Chairman then cat.ed' for-.n Solicitor, WM ; promptly . on;: hand,f - !v'. Ed ' Ro.vater, c. o. cxpsioa fromaU nrent of 'thW 7 - and.withVhis UrikUvigorousW' Pi83 S"lty, 15iand costs -V.. - yiVtTU.;uT..Pr,r. ner;; prosecuted" '-the "State's' side' if Sate Lncien "Green; 1 and'r, V-Wiiik Th;. ' " , : : : ' the'-' docket ' r ;':-" ' ;'..::.' i P!l '8y, years oiroads.'. if bn" ' ?P !' . J. ; Kvr jursr 'sumiSioiea- answered - .State,;'. Sidney obleVl.andi'r, ;M;:E: jovnernosed , (except. x,nei,o '.had been..cus: months 'o 'road,. - .SSttS' ed.5 ' ,Th.V speak. eU for' - tie i. State . vs-George'-Perry, l and r, ; --r- T S, . patiiotfcr The' foiloSg 'teS V 6 K the ,'roadi. ' 0f tS' ' th 'f5'"0 ' excused: J. M.' Alien, JD. T Swan- vvs -Otis Kearney, q,; 1;:: V .'' . : 4', - - - k-,,wn- . j -i. A, r s sm " . a ptr li, vans made inauiri4. unrl Bon ' .W; .FiJovner-K:lr,.a Pleads $15 costs. ? - -2 ; : f J WUlrw: 'TT-M'JlU'. .tt nlJV- mt State VS P. B -.Tftnlcinq'-n rl w t - ,V 7U T 1"ue'.,.i V. , -rr fT-upwu. jLne - v , -T - ' " - - j' t 1 pmlmson stated that' following were -drn i'rn,! PMS. $15, and costs. - - .L' . at WTharringto.n; Kearney, G.; T. Collins, John Inscoe, :H.a F., Richardson, ong was excused. : ", C , Th& ft-'V --t.I: . uuvu . ja uiK-en-upi sS vi w.-; ' '"-'r Butf&J?T and. " ; " T, w report closed with the ad jounU "7nTm' me b yesterday' evening- sSr.. -VtlA Theand jiry staiinion and ,.fcT,DanieL, Carter aafj.itli.iSuffltaatftVWj" v T "vs te. Branch, ' Furnie erdict.. not guilty; - . , . t ' . ' ,V Louisa.Davis, f and a, pleads guilty, "judgment: expended on, civmsr.t I : Nrfccsti''- . - - Tuesday-receiving every democratic ,? 7 a to ubm:t to n'i k- ' -rac-t - 1 " ' ' tha voters of, Franklin County' tho ; Vtense, ' plc-ds r-Jty it " cot5 3 i:c' vcek cf tond.L.,uo. Th motion . guilty. r-r J- :c-- 7 , ? ; - -tcl - : i r:-?t r'sy r.:: - - ' cunt -of - , - - 3-.Vt)C 3,C-J 1 " .:r- tc. ;-3 C-,!'. . ',vV4' l.r.-vi. -til' r-r. i -r c . ' i,.--.----i . - . . - , . . .". tm ":,'.:. i .- s ' '. . . . . a - t ' . I v- - . . .---... v. -.. -. . . v.- - "' ..- , . r - - - . ;- t:.!.i-.nv" ,. .'.''- ' -- , submits, 12, moaths oa the road?. - "State vs Sterlbc 'Freeman.' rs. . iault s 90 days 'on. roads'. , . f .. state W -Biik SpWey.'i d.Tw. iv K I novg Xn . -' , . " 60 days on roads! f 1 2 cat se58) 5Pd .jcostsin each case. 5 : . . .. . - on and- costs 1 costs .in theolhec case. V ' 3tate" HarvieWilliarnnr ".jBta Pearce W bandonmen ndgment f0- I . " ? vA m V?18 - rtutbinfflpubho worshiD. ffniltv.:' t . 4. - - i z. Tn6 angrfcT6m.iiot gnilty, bot'.',r:'P.n?S' la;a.-l.! etprcsjioat .; prono&ca:;:' r', r: '.r ;.! .'tii-iayij . 'ta' acts for different counties have- besn lation is yet in the hands of the com- ir:-..' : - - ' - . 1 -; Scnator F M Simmons .ws form- aUy elected by ths joint bodies on" Lcuizunb, II. c.; ; rntrnn pnnn M'VM" uUUU 10 Ml:: i V . . THE ' UASS IIEETIIKJ rr . . " ;- v LARGELY ATTENDED.' Irt"S,,WUo ; Pha1rman.;.The :;C!ui the SS roads bylaxa W-tirfS, - ' citizens with the aamcw To atfemnt r h . AoaweraPl I u reiuxB to old siaioa rec.u ioz .hu pc-IJcra ' -with oandcLtcin be Render prccntsym-LrU oat as conizf M ?; 3- the'matter - , of ?J?n7T moT I ett,-Representative', from -Frvit M'e?,t? Po rnd obtain the 2p:3 ' ctinj . . the Tl.j meet:: . ii- i.LTi-t:,-, beo J. T T T ; '" - ...Leo's Birthday. In 'accordanco with the prepiri tions nr. Jo by tho local chapter ci the Daugh"tcni ;of tha C:r.fcJcracr last Saturday. Wii, roj riatoly cl cbrate4 in IoaUbarg in honor of t' great SoMit-r and chrtaUnn gcnuV msn GcjL-.Ilobort 11 W Tt court room dccforatcl with Con. fcderato.nng- nnd tho -ladle uj rade all nectary arrange men ta for the occasion.' Tho pupiU Qf the collegand the graded, schoolf, ac corapaniwl by, the teachers, raarc!ip-J to. the court hono, nnd vcro ' given ' Pn ide of the fourtTcvjm. Th6 Exercises wcr openol with I raKr S Iv. I' S. '-Ma-?y, 'and 4;iro' Firm a Fonndatioan was ' aun ty a choir compose J . of lalics and f; :atiemen from,tha varioos charchw. Jh farewell ad Jitss of General Iyeo yas read in a very irnprtsaivo .man. Iner by Mi&a May Jonts. . Another Roiig ttCome Unto Men wsj rendered by the choir, and jJiaa Ohner Mat, ia her uauaT very ' entertaining t asd rleasfng manner, recited an.' approl priate selection. The orator of , the day, Judgo c. M. CooVe, was then, ia a fetr well chosen remarks, Lntro-. dncod by Jifr. i H.lJuClrL The Judges addrcs3 wjii uf6n tho lifo nd character of the great General lor whom the day T8s bein? irated, and- hia largo audience, e- whom Yetrm a. W23 uu me oeneajction 'v?l rro I councca hy Kqy. G. M. Dako. . ' Tho 1 veterans .were, invited tn t,iehoteti fordmner, aud a; naar ' .' r i - -' ' i - - - . : - , - I t :Harrls-Bobbltt. " v , w .uiu, ai me resiaenc-e of, the bride's -' father, Mr. if ilea Bpbbitt,t at Aventon, 'Nash' county, Mrl L; Harris, of LuJjburg, wla joined in the ' holy bonda of wed. 16cfc;to;Mifl:.'MamU M Bohbiti, RerV-Villio -Rosser, of Radford, Val ofJciaU'nff. . ' The . attend ant were ;2IerrJ. C. Harris and. V. F Davis-and Mue.1 Carrie Sledge tnd Zfary Rooer.-' AfUr recti ting congratulations 'of frUhdi th" new. Ijr 'wedd: d oocpfe - 3ro a". ; .':'Iit Ueton v.L re. the.- took tl train for. i.. Irllal v trip to AVti'-.gton, Baltimore .and? other pcinta. X On their return - they took"; rooms' -at the : 11 aeon - I loteL ; Th a Ti u r w-insnua coograii.ona. . - : - i i'Su p criiUcrtdentn fa d cVirej kj t o state thit'tlrj'paru.; ibd-.rnardi:na . f - - i t ; ... tne parents would haro t);a chll Ircn lb bo jucro punctual and ' . prompt in getting to echool." ".".' V , 'Wo r:gr:t'tT:-.v.? to c!:rc-:::i t! death ci III j'L:. ::cl:, Cjru:, r- 1 12j":V-r.: a " r ci 'Ir. Gcore;?. C,ru:,c:.j c f thj f:.:ti:.;! c: royc: c!, Jv,3 Vrr-rcr. C; A ' ' ' " ' ' - ' C : i 1 t THEin ::ove::e:;ts in cut or . tov;:;. - t D And Tho:o V.'ho Co- 3om3 for PiCsur ' i r - u.i..v Lr.r,73 ! . - bcr.Eccit:: They L!r.o It. . .u. I,. .-r. 3 wcr.t out u i:'. ' c-lnc - -ay. - i v c ; r c c n La uve Iucc : t r ; urd.ir anj S-tr.iar i - Mr. F. Div: fcr a buiincM trip t3 . rMk. J. V, Ilonir-iucri rctcrr.c 1 hit urdav from a bcjT.r-t trip r. rJi. Kock, ia vij"::n- rrhUTti b t-vnr .MMahclMc?rcrrar, f I.-.n. Ilarrwon. . ' :1m. VTalur Fa-c, cf Kv VCTV kvuiiiug her tlaur, !fra.-T. Ii.l Mr. J. K, Taylor and v;fa l ate rf tarne-l and txVcn rci at Ur.r;,. ter HoUJ. Mra. Siaud J. lVri,cf Ij-.rt!, w-a a v:5;'.or to frier. ! in :o-r. 4 il' piit week. Mks Itr:ie TC.crr. 1 r, dart eo fram a tu:; to frier. Is in Hi-h Feint.' . - Jtr. Kenneth Edward. C' p.;--u. lar ar.d exeunt lU-i:fr rf Dr: lt Vapcc, wa Le r this c-';. . Dr. A. B. Hawlir.il ar. ! M. , .'U;. tio BaUer, cf IUlr:5h,pcat witii lr. V,m. n--:cv Mr.FrantJo,c,,cfC-;::.., n through ItFriiay to , c M, , - J . 0r::i.'a J Y&rbcrj ' 1.--V I V ; 'C: ,vt;- : Lo-vtT cr.:o ct-r frAi U - t.. f Co-per cdnio over from WalcF, r- e4llat Suny to aeo the.T raKatN anl -the boya.- j , 1 1 U f ri c r.d w ere glad ti. h al c 1.V hand cf Mr. J. T. Cbexth, vho rc.thii wmV.'. lU!c:Jh hW Iu'ad.uaxtcr at prefer.!. " .. Mb luttie Fo-.crf who hia ln visiting her aunL Mra. II II Hr:i,r! . - f atSco'Janl Keck, returns! htr home it Icgfesidoihu week. - Ju-lge Cooke left but i;urJar to hoi d court in tho A 1 1 e t d LVl rt. He wljl bo away ccid i t;-e in April. M.ri. CooU'will :-cr.I tr.rit "or. the tiro wl Ha" in the nj'w. MIs neinor Cook . l!- r'-VrV Tccovcrc-1 rem htr recrnt : tec! !cr": tud returned cna ilar U.la wccV tj hcr aocVthiGlF. C; a; Or: . ... . . . . loro, iler ruoil.r arc- rr.l- ! at (it ii El!;'-!;. ''' ' -' , MLa AJi ?p -7c urer I Ual Saturdiy crcnir.g ' L-cua ' .;r dayi txi'to :,'ev " Ycrk tr.4 cl!.cr po'fiti. -which the' won b tha rt r?at RileTjh TlV.c$ cof.tliL" rr; :rj ft pc- -...pyalU'uip. - ' ' , Thofr,i:yr h:l a 's:-an!cl fr-m" hia good fri-;nd J."'J. A!!:n th't f c -k. are. g!zd to learn from Una' . 'J.it Mr:, Alien, vl.3 r.ct.'y . rcturr 1 from Johr.s-IL--ni Hc:p;-1 u greatly Lt-jtutc 1 in ! ilth. .."' TirrM -r. rrr! t- r , w h . t .rf 'Tho ekh..:.'cra cf thlabank h ' I their an n nal rr. c c l: 2 g c n I : Ff; !. Th3rcp,r:c.,t:.? IV. .:!,..; f r K wramzdo ar.d th.? r: rs v - b!gh!rj:Car.Iwi.h t'.r.- ; c: is 1 - cm -- . .'-,' J vT . to r irg 10 per ct.: T I - f t - - - ' ' - 4. - . .. i . 3. ' T ) - . i -. t .... (':. ....... ... r-o - cr, i ! beer: 1 " 'V:' r''--! i r Jchn CI : ' - - e.f h:ur h-- -: n r.:-e i c..: . I- 4 ;.:.rT. - r : - Cro;i,cr.c i j .- !?, k' . - -: - 1 it I i i l, ! : CV,XI,:!T':: , V !'f-;M " Turr:;-. l ' " ' " ' '"4 '- ' . -i..." 0n ! .. . ''-rcn -.1 -, ; j!s h.c.M, F;fth Clriic Ktn Iii.v?t I II ::hrircrth.trr:a H::;; Mxth GrIc Klcr.r.l? Ii-. ile Hcut- I:.r.t C, cf t!. CV r 'rr t . . .... . ... V ctr: J.urr I lr. 1 Grit V. !i ihrirlz. T'. ' v. r- . r; - IT. . i . f i , r c c '. .r v w ' t E. . j I :: . . Fi-so:.: r J? r I'll '. c. :'. C.