! , j ' . . 2 , -vr r- JAUES A. THOU AS, EDITOR. f o - . j-f f, C. T V iy Ifvo ;VMURDfeR :cages; 7; The JgraNd jury : RETURNS TRUE BILLS. - . amm Jepe jattfrell, TdrnVHam.- rBoth B r v - White, ; and ;. Butler Alston. 1 - LJves at Next Term of Court. ? c At the ' present termJ of Franklin ; f operior jourt trne bills were; found ' 'Bgaiokt Jere KittreUandTom mra, f :the;;idiibg7l0fck "wuiM, wiorea, wnicn . occurred : in Cl,B&y Creek township; thW- county ' 'A fetter' jMrt of " last' September. Twq negrpesWesIejl KJ r Williams ,iand Fletcher Thonias,.i were suspect- ;e time, ts bemg themurder ers, and were held by the Coroner's rjury, but it 'seems thats matters t took i4A, fuv suosequen; evidence which wai producedl)ef6reth oranil " OTJrJ;rweekf : Ucated - Kittxeli and Him and if is Aow generally bV ilieyed that the killing; tookplace ;at n-a blockade distillery which,ntVishre ported.Vai being run at Vthe : time; uoar , wuere i acK, i nomas lived, v the whole matter is to be unt',at ithe next term of court we :refr3id: from pttblishingSinyof the'eTidence whicb was heard before - Judge -Biggs, in th habeaa corpus case,- on , Friday j evening last. ' V V ; j " t vxue omer maictment for murder xuux- Alston - a negro boy, who, sbme tmie ago; shot ored girl," Cleora Debnam; i few mfles southwesVof - Louisburg.; ' At the time the shooting took place -- it . was reported among the colored peo ple that it was'an aocident: and-5ie matter was uaheLiip. . The Hlling was mvesi!rratedhowvii- wa.v by the grand, jury, inS Alston nrrestedon U berich warrant 'and lodeeUiiriaiL 'xgKkrhm.xrin . 9?f reportof . the?;trial -of " the , , wiui we pro ceedings of : Thursday of last weeki Aoe- ioiiowmg cases. were tried or otherwise disposed of- TFrufay. and Saturday, ; the - trial oV the State docket s -7 closing with : r Saturday's proceejlings.i The grand 'jory'was in t session until ; Saturday at noon. , muq., m x urver xumn ana It. VY . ' Pord,' scifa, Continued "'"-77 .State TsChas Poster ; and W. , AL Person, : scifa, continued' until next 7 term; . , State TS , iBAark - T)avf Tw vailtire7to work: roads, continued.1 State ts dillnn MU'. -7 ot guiityr; .; ; a 7 .V , . State ' Ts-rStliadraqk,jdA,9J . 8wai smpenuea on payment pleads, fguilty,S judgment susDended on pyent ot; , cpsts.n:i: 'iArr ' State vi , Henry , Powell o. wl v ' tiot 'guilty;;' rxv.l State ts .Henry. Powellj dilarbi .ing public, worshipi pleads guilty, 7 60 daya on7 roads ! I J f--7i; '7 State: ts ; Wilie Freeman; ; disl tnrbing V public ! orship .60 V days . ' on- 'roads7 v7 '. - -Sj 'TX y -State ys Sidney" Noble7 and ? fc 7 rv"er7T f1? discharged! oh, pay anient of costsi'Vj ;-77 i'V-; . ouiwj ; ts , jl jneaiin, ,jjou , line with. .fendintlTdoneVho-L jTT'af WS' racetin-of tha'Jci J. -.found . notjgailt, 'j; ,. , W?J .ffil-f CLrtcr Vm bo" hcU in" yj 7State '.and P. -B: Clifton vi W W: n..YarWsb,Jr.- . : jj. nd, fc 3 - -'- bnH - .V'v J .;a.- : ii' a '' ' : .. : I " 7 : k.voiu. Jt l .. r; t '-. : ''''Pv'.?8116 Jodgmenti of - lower J 'j1, Btl5rm1,17 '. consent ol. de- y- fendantl Fin. rA " nrmf ikiC - - courts mid. .j : 'jwu..iu KWia -;;Sut3 za& i Vr. Hd ,UtM--Ti "gt:ilty.7 - ;r ,77 7 7, v J7 " . -.tlnued "hi.;,-, -17; V, : :l the t grind 7ar;'rtrt: . Ja "'I.'- tnie'bnbdr.cicrdcr, r-y- KittreU:tad ToraVH, for hill- i - ing NJackThbmas,-colored.' '-Ilam .was .arrested and under a :. writ -'of habeas corpus, was 7 allowed bohd by ;the judge in. tbV sura "of 2000 case being" continued to next term. InVdefauTtof; baiV IIara was com mitted ;to -jail.-,' Kitiell noki: taV en. ' "-""'.f f -bffl : w" aUo '&ind ; for - r 3 " vuuxiuiLbcu, vo ' ' "jail term;-": -"' .' ' f? 5:-.?f" V mt ,. - . 1 .Wth:-ii4- t.' CoantysnceV for; the;1.gid ,nd V" . oltm.laUy f.r t!:rc , Infirm ; and repotu -'the aaj&'nH '' " '- ' V " ' " .rooddition, - W - Areaea.fiiW WiU ' good che, r cared for,: well -cioihed, and 8atU- r.C?armBt 'f"" ' W.feniined'allMa .'outh. 'clo,,- atuntloa ect. " n." r -'.:c-C" -.;' r,wv . msirucave. -..bodrand . find rS T a." bodrand - find tbif mi-SiV .Valtconditionnd tho.-ganitary.-'conditiott soot) JhuKZ! . "v . - ' jmd. Treaiwr. ira- firldJ th.".imU v.:W,-riA;i,..U;i.y.--,:' fir LShmflf'. Cfcrjj: :of;th'ei CdurvC and that' a' room b hnilf monaay morning, and the-foUo'wing UU-t V.Viti ' - V jaron were . worn , for . the-V Weifc S ' ' W- Oot" to w. -t 1 J . V . ft J "? i v7? ."ay ,f arrneri hav. - adopted ' the in- i t wire excu.ei;R 1 :V .viHvvSr ;t1 Ki' -, Vi; A.CoV.trial'pI which n.nn.ed 'nir.- for plaintilX7 C ; : ytyyy ; ,No other cases of ' n6te:". have been tried oh the civil docket. :P?i-k$' J Conrt closed for the term 'yesterV davevening,; memberaol the bar;and oncers of the'eourt tendered unDartial.' nationt nr? vinrtairn man- 1101 ?r TrrVilrT V V - ' a .! 1 nr.. or' Tir.-lv- ; , . ;','lmnTirmernav'aaoDtel '.the 'In. lywo daystneissuei were decidad .'.1.;, - ' s - fain " oj: toe1 jury f-ia far cr of th$ . defend- 7 , 7 . ' jits- n t r?!? ductionf;10pcr ceatof the cbttou -C :HW1'nenVCft. againat WT.-Haghe- the,. plaintiff. .crc5SeWr 'b' fbs" la l0'! J7ii::; ;'7; 7'7v77 i- ;:.-.:-1.::,.- ; . .EiohwdPery :vi;.'M.Jperiin,! SWei ere acre thst unle tiS fm- '5 HoUingarorth7 . .DaTii.Terfict cotton tiit'theT-will"- be- coalroa'tsd I 7". , - - ,7i; dav." Fr h.CiS -7 - . -' " . Wyzy .offtheSctrio V ; lihta .rerd v-appdh'; turned on .Tnsj. v, ;-r;7' i V -dcynrjht. ; D. :J. CWan'cxp:n ;Att:ztI:n "'Ccttca Crc ,;cr.: -cl'.tr.:;uV 7i3 . hirj-ltTi riirtd L'Ali pirii: .1 U i73 (it. thd,brw- dova t- Co : power tea Gr rr.t. hoar3.; Tho l!3ht3da -nbepprir lln'coritf, :"1 'r!:-' n -t i-t!tc-th:27i- ctrcn tnd bright cJ cu . - r T, r-y3 thrt t!:-7 Trl dl O. H. . , u t ia-oj3T7 tv v;v.U:.7-' -x;v..74 j o 77 n 1 f - 7 w- 'V7-i-7' f ' - ...... . --.. 7 ,.-,.. .-.v.' .7..--.- 1 LOUISDUHG, IT. C THE GOTTOII GR0V;e:;. . "- - - A' E.ET" 9i HELD I!I CIr- V XIIHGHAU; vALABAUA. President poore -Writes Thnt ,: .tlie Delegates. Present' 7cd v PrL!-V n n - , ?fJa""V 2otb, write, the editor ct me. aimes as to low? ham where I atUjnde4 the .'cifeat con . venuon oT uie outbtru .Coiioq" A aociation, it was the most eqth'oak i: ennvuntinn i. ..T.J : J i ' 3!?. 1.. " to.wbatirm bs.tha prie ol cof.cn by tneprodnerand,tia'coc.-.--r. j V?0 I?1 u 'Wtton ..KTOWr.M" make a vigorous war upon the vr!. i-. r f . v. . .... . j 5? r-1?1! jierewiow nta.'oot-Krownl'flot- rS?! ?"' at the end of tho aesaonxtrith equallT " 001 Foree conditiona than th?ywcre in 1C04 Vh-a-ta t prioe 1F P0nflt.7 , 1 V? u 57 V&AVC: ITooek Pres. ; l7.7 f ...; 25! 7 -, k '. 'r'7 "7 . Tt T r VI. X. V. . : ; : ": r Vr-r ...... ATGrnrrn'T a rv.. , cuiUiUL YESTERDAY. . With a Doubln.T w ullUk.VJUit I 5 A, . , j ; - - . J HoBlovsOir tho To? of His a Debater th Cih, 17; ti ih'cSAn- Th::: ;7-5 C:r- -Head-Temporary- ' Insanity ,ro ULa focr tr.ll i!:--::, : - Said to Ea the Cause. etrg wai brought to town v.Jf r.-t w ...... ' I. " d,r.th,t Mr. .Mscmcri A. Kva Creek tounsStn :.. - Upon investigation' oorsiorur Ifarnl frota .ilrAVillis Jornr. lives cearthe home of Mr. Kvir.i that about. four o'clock. yciterJay racjnin3 while hU'faraQr Ja!ers 1Q1 ntout into a lull- waywhtra he, ia 'ionie war, ahot me up,0f .His .hei4' cflt. tuing a doablo-barrellod shot gua, ' lie died house at the lime except hi wifd tnl two; cbUJren: HU trifa . and tlie uwuoors nxa nouced Xortavcril days that Mr. Evins ecmed to bo worried and only tha dr K.f vt. - wwv suicide he told his wife not to iive Buiuo.oas wss , trying to cat all he had. from hlml T a-.,Vi that thU preyed on his mind, untH h Ko r- r "t . .vcuiraruy . jaaaac, ani -He. was aboat 61 ycrt of a-tf leayea a wifj and two chillrtn, and two broth ftn . - f ,; ' ' -:-- ..-.: 7 Harried. : The home of Mr. John d Foster of litrcl, frii the iwneof a bciati- "Cr8 WJJ tTcn E rj;-: n cf t!L$ fal minlage tcreaony oa 'AVednes ,cztiV 'cr!?l iih th-t 'rat tU 'dy owning at i o'clock, irhen hi. f-- b:iU,:--:r. At. I hssa la circle o! frisnds ai. ad- mirers, and. the groom Is one of ocr most popular yoanir . citiaeac. Per ome tiuie.ho has held a position in thotore of Mr J. V. 'vKh?. The editor oonrttulatea Maia his good fortune ia socarinr for himaelf a. halp-meet a young woman worthy of his love'aad care, aad viabettha a iongand hppy life. ' ' "YV .7 7-.- .V7 ; V .r ;.t ; Honor-Rolls. . V-' thelfaUleLceSaithl - i Cob radeMauda Lasc:r.. : i : ', : v , .. r 1 ' - :7 ... , , - -I.H' tVr-v77 I ' raIi r X"J ly rinapalaad wwuj UUIUf VLTS iiumi ester. r - Uia Wilder, Grovcr Iaicoo. . iai -aVUCO lliCSl. J(J FatgTidd LenaHobbitt,BeaIah GgowEcaaor.Uaxe!!, Mary Bar tholoa.ew; V ' Blanch. .Wew, SalU. nN .Vr Wtir lrV. r?.. I f - av. MCtUU kJ W iZl son, riaa bwrar.aoa. . The foUowhtg were Va the honor cr nr.c ar.d m'a. .tilVSrtd ilud School Uat oonth-i crJalain- lit-J .s4 Uaxir Jafirt Sails Hlwa; teachtn v - " GC Wl?' U - C.dETUe-lMyrtieParmGtorge f , Oao cf th, c7i Third ctad.am.rlr.-VralJLr:. r i- ;i: v-ai- - . . I to a Urrs crowd cf srr lata Ned. Ilcrr rcll cf '.CentrsnUa AczL ctny for " week endic. Jia. 25. 1C07. - " ' ' - 1st Grrla Aruib NcaI,'La;y Dc-:nt, G::!-I Dec:: at: th Gr-? 1 1 c Jc:.r.:a ::jnr:caf -3 Gcr,tcr, VI, U Hc-t, TT . . ... 'c::a 1 1 7 . c r. : ; 7t.' , ... 7. a U 7..u:7'... ci. j. v. Jc ;:c IK,J;.C, ...r !.-.;.- : r :--,! tr r" c wlcn ? TT L.V ... 7, i-.X, .-, 1 I;. - - ; - 7:7 . " V Lr: :! tf , January 4. ltST,U n-.,, - ; . . . gin-a Iricf ilf.-h tf Uro JonesMif rf.-rtiv.. t v-? . . hfJe of his roa'. he , v. lojl cozilhmUi iinzl-tt cb, jobtd with 11 cxlznl p?:,, 02Un-5 entrr- arvi f!r.s h.s!s9rt 1-A!ciiiontt rra Li.-r., f:r Unef cse cf th rncnf jrcr-J-rzi 5n the ciasty; tnjb; f;r irr.t calr eottca cisuhcurtV b nty with Lrj raUl at I.icrcL . Ht v ' tae cechic barb rt. ceite l the ptrticrs fcr a gc'.vq" c!e Tatar. I njoycd hla fncciihf J vtI 1 ,:i -ro xcrty yean t-u tic w-:h 1 Lira, In K k-:'-t v , t sJ the larrucr.i that I hiT cf I I. t ? -i- . - . wir.7i iai tniJa what It viawa cf Uff, iu dLVa t-l j'.eviici 1 m tj nlunatj Ira. He U. ""n.o.ia.-idthe great ertrtt I cf the trt' ... IK bcr.-ty: lhr:r-h hU' lcr.- I kr'0?r cf a i"!ur.-a wh3 ct ap. fcT at to kziizu : ; 114 w" tTI r Lla a ;h w-ontcfth -t u l racch. . Goaercaa a.ni cr-if. Uoc b l?J taacnu ki-4 b hli Really lih hU ctpM.:r ,1:r a tlc'iara wjih bb frat. v lof ar; ! rfi;r. I tr rJ cctcrtJ. 'Ja Via Utter ytara hi , hU nary tria!t, aa3 was a'traa raasy rr. In l" t tlstrrh l.U ca 13 crla. Mary t:aacs dvl he help the f.aolr, pre Vht poor aad ixaf ths la" dlta, :r a ,f.v -J'. v . . I ' - ""- . 4 4 .i . ,. ' La Tp. jTM , . I f l. . .1 ' . . . , , A tal rtoi raa h:a 4 r. " -ro dr.? uSo t,rrcf ar. " ! I . . ... ... J " u.i..3ir;;::r, :..a rr-w;r. t fr. aad hs rrit bar'.-I ia li. r r tt Lc -III a.. Tl . a I rrli: ten: r a tcre coadrct-J by IUt. U j:. Ifr IJT, cf LcalTlar-. -B!:r::darlhed:aJt.: ia La t!:a Lcri." . j - - r- f ... - r - I.: W V rows. He tore tic i a w ;ih c:-rr. e - i. i.. ... - . I AiJi; w 4 4 vJ ' - " ' 4 V . c f V, !i tl.'; -c: ir. i r- - .. v, t i trc rr, i.c:s Vr c-t ti ; :. Jib, -xu: ir-M, Cf i:-- it 1-:!T-V .... i cr, cay tLlj vuiu Lcrtr;0.cr, Mf.J. A. . . Pcist, Va, M-.Iit. la ton c-s -Jit vMa vt-l. " 2;. ; f crru 1 1 tlr. : t la r? - r r ; - u - Vcnh Ctru.a I; l.r - ' Co., cf tl; c-rr. Il.'Ji lUzz U at h:.- r tit Ex;-! rtcr:'.- b '17 ' rt fit hu b: . r. : : : - r ' a:o.tzt tf iU Dr. J. J. .Vr . . f . .. '.-? :i C 7 - j ti J 1: ' - " -1 i t4 . f t tr:- La J T 7 1 1- tz, 1 1 aafc. , lit rstxra t;.!iy;cr t tairroar. f r ; 3 CI at t C :f ; , - n. , :: a V--' T.- Im CI. 4 ihtl wtt. Ua v,;Cr- hr i4Ur( liru 1 Hy, bcr?Jf: Tc:: ;it f r 5 Tr:P, t3 U 7r.:-:ai at rzxrr7 II L.: d a t -b : ; r ef Jt!- Irt, D . P. Ix r 13C.:: ' TLs z.is.:- :t cf -J.: 0: ra I: c:I?I ia' ti!7-- rrv' i; ' ? - ; ,?7.h J ? ' . 1 1 - v. TV-t la c-9 cf :!.s I t;- r. : !f a: 1 d : r. ."t tra" i; ? b: it- - 7;7i C:-:-3 t- ira t , a f I 1.3 a. rr -t- 1 . - T.eV, - r- -1,11. v - a U . . a a 1 . a i. .7 i c:.7.r i . a ' "-"- tt.,;c , - 1 e ' : : a. r V t r - 11 - -.1 r tf c'7 -7r c -:. T . cf : 7. J 17 7,7 7 -v'y - v '-'