f 1. . . . -' - t 4 3AIIES A. THOIIAS, EDITOR -V the couiiTr, -.-z etatt. Tr: u::io:;. VOL. XXXVII. ! LOUI3-UHG. II. c, '. 7.IDAY. rzcr.UAr.Y 22. 12 07. deduce he acreage, vjy- wt: - : v . , rfuen joa ecq a man gom ;o n T !C - ? P o :aiaice your own town out - a very ,HESOLUTJ01j , OF THE SOUTH- bad placeandt itvery" chance -. v-, "i '.'5 ntttT nwiiiinmi nnAnmnn r'- 7'; I - . V.- . "'."".' ' r-- .- s -'-. ..SUfll lU IUH UHU . . JOU get.- Refuse to. unite in any scheme for 7 :-iiVeryarmer, Herchant, Bank ttermentV the material : inter-. not f -.; , h erandAUUen of the State vJli ::M-V-r; ' S . . . i-r . , " - , I V1 JUUl lUCibuauHM UU Villi I a UPgea tQUSineiP inniience bay yoar goods a great deal cheaper the occasion,' , " 5 'I Bont pray KitTi the " hnngr f i until .you have giren Mm lomcthi I to.eat. , Pmjtr without pork avail b THEin hoye::e::t3 ihv akd . out or tov;h. . , Honor Bolls.-"' BeloV xr give the' Honor Hull cf tnct lo. 4. icrr ' A,hv the great convention of the U .VJ; Ui Gmd M9ry Young, K th Southern Cotton ABSoejation held , in - 7 J "t y:"? McGhee, Annie Letile ;-;l.?ccrSa?,i Cotton Acreage in another; jtownt and charge . him. tlie public wliool in .Dittnt l ; heioUqVing resolution wi& efonhvWt MrM.JC. W. " iloberin, Uach - . t-L it' - n - rKeen everv .cent vour tret, and . , . In vie'.of tha'facrthat.: itl0 rti- rrf r, c 4. r ; t in Lis r.V'! 4 . . ! ! e - X.' T 0 . , - 1 . 2nd Grade-iEdgr Hui7. ; 7 many farmers have.Vdopted -the' in! heo .rt? : Wn' ofryour Gradei.L Ar t5 .tensivVem of farming; tiew Tt WV- - ThomiaNehns - L -la - C iM 'a wlU ve. theimpreMiony ... . . - the yield peracre and new' territory ach year i beine piahfed in': cotton " 1 - I ihii h"fl;w W, U Vn' nM outside newspaper 7 to ? v m ti..; ; thereby inereasuig 4he production, I C.T " - ' -1 , I uwi uraae aiirr iiirrt. And Thosef Vho Coma and Go. Soma for Plcasuro. Sorao for ; Business and a Larfro Jlun:- , bcrEccau:o ThorLlxo IL Mr. Jonxt Tt spent lait lSur. !y m town. ' , - . . : 4 - MLiS AHca Spru-Jl b tuitlng ; lives in WiaJ.or. Xat Bulr U boie from ,Mu Mr. " A Pern! I, of- Daibacx, tjvnt a fw tfsyi the pitfwe: VI th bia' sister, Sirs, 1. Pe rod!." - Ths editor of the Tikxs aiU Jfr. w put rrcllr i!.-t xr, IU rr: '-- the jtif ar.l rr. jrr.t wtih (!.- tro lis l ftrrr r r - rich ani j - 1 I 1 fir- J. i : thettlm.la ordeir to'tintain, ttti. - ionW''noil of C-ntr.n,: - 1 -W. It; Yarboroagb, JN ,r.nt a : f ;,La Lilies" -is -1 large as the eity ii)ers.ij;v?-:i-t -i.Moncr.I coll ot Contenrina j . 4-1 v . . "V J auT? eint f6r week ending Feb,. 8; MCU7. aT V .ttmgtoa Oty,' toe fear- Decern, r, ; , . - ;M 1' " 01 I, ZTZ'n - vHionY-a pnunue.tc grow.. , . '?vY0 aie sure that unless tii6'.far . - v '1' ; --.li" L - ti ' - 1T , , u'.f ..l t c. . ; : -t .' - . - f - j , : ' . : 6th . Grade Eleanor TTrhare! a western part of LHo bUK?. was mers; unitedly reduce their acreage of ' -,r . - - rj : V r-' nji if- l ' w , ; ; 77 -ti i. . , . , ; mi u 7 v: s.' a Postponed, r? r Cv Boddie Upchurch.v . - , called here list week, to attsivi- the v. ,v tDotton that thevwilL.be ..confronted. . Z?Z?"?7l- .k r ; tmi -Vr v " . . inn.-i ftj'.?H. nr v i - j'. ! .- )d,if not :Woe-ina.tioni. than that the bration "of .WsBhington', V' 'i, n "7rT. " -, , - 7- lK lioiii ; .Birthdarattheilnzieaidafoademv . Honor Hp!l,of.Cntfr.i!l. .c3. rmataUTta ra th -ItguUtsr. frora VP .t-j - went wn to 6 cenU per ponod.y m 'kit M Respectfully submitted - - by the x? ' ' Uommittee on acareasre." -v, -V- s w -45 V' r ii " f riF. Gr'HuDSOir, Chm'n, rcademy e 22d inst next Friday, March 1st; on account the wta h'l:;-g?cZr. 'f, ,5 -toivi' ; dCn .fAn i BirthdaV atthe v.Inin1 V- . N , ' - -'.- .V.1 wiH hftivjitini frm lilt . in -ii7 - i vn . ...... v . - i i: n ,i . . ; . v : . r t :f 1st, Gfe Annie Ileal, .Garland Minburg. , . V, i , LiDement, -Lucy Demsnt. , , . ; CtvVJ. & Thomas, tad Sergt. J 4th : Grade William . Aalrows, L. Palmer went to Halcbh Mortdty Bertha Neal, John Ke,alt Ruth Par- to attend to the - getting of mere rish.'Lutie,ThomDon. Olborne Rkd-leiothinf? rA mnnlipj fnr thn tnlli?ir 'I" i - r4 ,i. T' ........... i -.'S ';' V,X - f ' -- ' '.. Mr noyi;-.MnorAjigbnA .infr i - - - - r, i --. --It..-: 1 T . - --- I z A it., ft i volicttthedofever i.v toercb'Weiandrall n&bt.ihV ngel came and:her: from this :.VGnt.;,; -J; , :. On the nl5ht' cf Stc YalcctboV cer, aaotUr w;lS cic" r,i VBtatl Who are inUrestedU n&ntiin- ? y .?V:Tinur Fbruary:i4th acoording to In. and taotoer wt,'so toytU;-g d' ffr oiW1- lor .WtonV'to-: Febi.aCTir ocloc p;tQa ?i&yj:;-; : ritatbru which had pretioculy bcn arwlauJ, caaaiob!y irTrfI' tli; i ;foV907 full 10 .percent: front tte she-wffi Ievotel-to: about creage 90; ,a - We also call" for help inoureffprt f11?1 .fr0113 ; g mother. to brodue oneverv farm in the l?ft bWren . gneVeVover - 'the State.' eufflcient f6od Tana ? feed !ad X Tlje services U b'-ops for the neWof man-ind beast oonductedby the. Methodist , ; on our fms ;V ' 1 fv'. V ?Jz 7; tor Rev. JS.;Msssey at 2 p. m; ? v : - Respectfully, V - - ' N.O.-Div.i5.C:A.'f Executive Committee: - - . - NA. J. MqKiNNOX, " - - gr CharloW, C:!Feb': lsriUTr"? ; MrJ.:w Jones Dead. v Mr. A:X Jones,. of Fairfield, Flor- ' " ' tia arrived " here xr Monday of last - ' r Veek with the bodyof " his brother, ' . ,j :Wf Jones, who died in the hos: " ,e pital at Waycross, Gabn 'Saturday vs ; - evening February 9th :f ThefjA f : :;inains were taken to Fiat Rock, ;and j , interred, quiie a numDer -oi , irienna 7 J jRnd relati(et being . present jThe V V ecesed' was- S5,years of :age,C and I, at the time if his death was a bridge l :oreman,;with the Atlanta Coast lane V-Railroad. He yas a native -I of -. this , ' - , tiounty, and left here about 14 years ' i . SS make hisi thome - ini Florid j - "tie Vas a brother 'of.' X' ;R. Jones, r MrsrP. B: Clifton, (Mrs. H. C, ;Ipn-' , , I Jton, Mrs. j; 3L White Miss Ella ;, iJones all of this county, and NTI T ' Jones, of-. Orange county, ' L.- R. th Jones, of.Rpchelle, Fla., A. -Jr Jones, of Fairfield, Fla, and : Mrs. - W. ;B Murray, of Morganton. His mother, ; ; r - Mrs.' S: E. Jones, who' lives in .this ' county, also survives rnira. tie "was v never' married,-and his ,'headquafteri ."'.' ?''w.o IT.aM -PlAo X r " " - fTo Contestants of the James- ; -y-t : jtown Free Trips. number of oung ladies have en tered the contests for the Jamestown Free" Trips to be -: given - by - the TniKs;to the twoyoupg ladies send- Migjn the latest number - of irubcri bers and renewals to the Times be-; tween now, and June 1 lst.;v We wish V and her. -remains were interred in the fimily crave rvard at the bldvbof-'e placebrf Monday eveningr1 i : v;t5ie8sea are tne pure in nesrt tor they shall see GodJV , ;H. I a. ' " I 4 n r:r.nfr.iLc:i:ii-!ci: tune cf ha aeKl.: ,:'? r " w I V j I ,4 . cara. He cxa wr.a a trrrr.ee, ij tc- j spilt w&jJ, '- hit, wjjI. 4 .! 1 1...:L iii o. ir. i;i ::; w L 1 1 f 1. : r horic,(j:i Inr cr g -irt, cr tr.j. J thirty it an.--r,fr.,l, r.TUo. ' t t c ; r r -. i T 1 .' - rnivm itehs. , " i A fit cf cur ribt raadunsg tot sZrvty - sa'cr tj r , a.;a . r "ery t V til tTf r.; ipeta tot baml, sal st-'J;cr fart I . " ittxndtarcJ: Ituiid u , T., A . , . . . .... ' J - i i T. Sng down hult-k Ther o;J, cr.? it .? t .'. tot U bora, pre parcel to g3 oil cCb lt Ipr;2. ello taVe a nuU Cnl arid wer.l c;5 to fccJ tot Lirr2. TL Itc! u toan-d tDd f -I la rUcr. Wise Waltc dU toe cxr tzl i ! --t hiifLat7er Lilly culiJ, trA Ci startal to lorrtJ al f:i u tot U:jlti and tasd." TL tirrrj-i ipl vm i gncit Cut U raa ia a dit.) Uirt it ccc!i be sic-p pel aril tot rut wjtj . t .. ore, c I: !e .ti !e, tr.I 11 cf C:t II..; I d iT r.' ei;TuT? vers -Irv - C . . . '". Li V . . i: t tJ tot t 1-4 C .... v ... . t r..rj t : r ', Schools.- ilorality.- v -' Viiurcarfr, ;7.''-xlanriony. ; . Cordialitv. - ; ". AdTertiaing. X"V-'' V: Talk about it. U Write about it.; ' ''y,';& y Cheap propert. W:k;y SpeAk .well of itl 4SV:&"it V-Hesdby location.' r ' ; ' r Htlp toimprbve it., - ! i sent out, Mba Bltoche Kgtrtoa garel there shot!J be co raore fcarrtlbr a very ueununi party to cer icacnua. lor to eta. 7 She bad arranged for the, entertain- Ar tQ .vUoWrt u toll mentof her guests with -toe Tery cetrhborhood both of whom t3 amuaing game of progrc4Te Old tht ..irr.e trxf. Vnl it hir rr.i t.rr I t r " Adrertiae :n its paperv Patrouize its Vuer chants.; . v'i uGood coDntrr tributary; ;-r ; ; - ; Elect good men to office. , v; Hoijest competiti in pnocr- Faith exhibited by goods works. . to, siyto' the contestants that they t ' i y.'V a - j" ; i r -' ' '1 buouiu' genu . ui iuo uauivs . acuuui- panied with, the cash as. fast as : they secure, them, sq that the paper fcan be sent to the subenbers jwoxck.. Tne number that each one aenda in will be kept a PBorouin sechet, so i that every contestant may have -afsQuaaa dealJ ; Every contestant will please make their returns at end of '. each week: ; V e would be glad to have a number of young ladies in .Jrranklia ton and Youngs ville to enter the con test! Remember that every one will bt dealt ith" paikly - ? t r. r- V, Ho7 to kill your'Towri. 1 v-kick.' : . ; ;: - 'iXeep kicking, -1: ' And don't quit kicking! J ' : -4 One pull one May and one t'other. Go to other towns-and 7 buy, your Coodi." it, ';. t ? 7 " A; Dcnounco your ' raercLnt3' - Lc caucc thsy mate a profit on tl::r , Don'ti) Dont ask the editor-to 'publish a list of Avedding gifts..: , .Don't add to the terrors of . death by tacking ; several Stanzas of dog: gered to a death notice. Don't crowd the mourners. - I - - ; Don't lug old clippings .into a newspaper office and tell the "editor that yo have ; brought him : "some thing to fill up -with.; Take hiia a cabbagei he Ciin fill up with that. ; , Sitt:p in th? ecdbf a'church pavr, don't get up to admit others . ilovo along .v-;:-'.-, "V:;-:;."; ' t Doa't lack a man rrhen ha ii Covrn unlcn you cro euro that ha Trill r.;r- MaiJ, w&ich . wasV ouch enoyi?d. 0fun toat ttey are Uto tone at to The first prize Jing a heart shspa l Mmi time. So a few due aco tSr v boxbfcliocolaWsaad.was'giten to amd to bate a foot rar4 at VuitU MiA Alice Spraill, for tfe beat .play-Ito'detenatat' who sicali ing. .."Mist Fannie Boddii bmg iicxt going toe winner of tbe not to U -v;j;nnf5 fH. yby x"t cotnlc ' Ue i uecmfcl caller,- a oi 4 toe lfr v'r- valentme-t.;:';: ;7 7; "' ' waostop.: So'cn toe tppaatl After all had sufficiently enjoyed I dty a largt crowd gathered to wl the' anjusementa of the ; eTening re-1 sew toe noe, ltd pretty 3a ccve cf freshments such as Ice crtara and cake I the raactra aso cp, TLer wiiu J were served. - t ' v for toe secoad, but aH ta . rata, , aa ! Tlioue present; were, Mii Cora wh'cn tot truth was leimcJht wt at BagleyAlioe SpruUf, : Kart Malone, to Privett Wfcrt day ir,tl cf at Mattie lleate'r, Mary Fort, Matilda o'clock, the appelated t;rp, al Fter. Virtrinil FMtAr: Marv Sttiirt aiu4 a few c;:n-'.ca and west frca f l tooyUnJlbj. s Egerton, GraciVHall, Sallie Urr-here to call on to. rpaag UJytil Fire "all croakers, ' loafers, , and c-ik- I at toe thzn cf the ran waa 1-..; V. . - , . , - j . k ILIA ' A' All A 11 D A.jriTA U. Jk w U IfU k k I - - - v . aeadbatar;:; l.t ybtu:, object .be the Fiorcac Terrell, Urtle Harrison,lr. was sluing back ia tot paricr tlaj. weiiare, growmana - p-oamouoa :ox oa lu Ua3 your wwn ana its- peopie. t opeait Allen, 1C;W.' Furguraon, . B. ar her. At last reports toer r. weU ot toe puDUo-sptnted anen, and G." jlodw'elL. T. T. Terrell, A. A. bcth go:ag to m toe taae g-i heoneof-thtm-ypumir Be hif'lJ. M. Prr. before. fienejt with all your fellow mcn::; w. W.Boddle, J. II.: Heat, G. !flS:;i JJaierr,' 'Walter' Egtrtoo,-P. IL' euKniiuiiy finicreunco, - R u Cooke aad Mr. and :.The ;Tuesd ay Afternoon club'iatt hfrs:'a'G. Hick:..'" :r al in ii c.Tir. .t. .t I ' wiux XLLiss oaiiia urreeu uu wuo mi in . . . . " i iu were unanimous in Loeir tx wie gu6 ov" pnwuons of enjoyment and that Miaa Egerton is a most excelleat hotUJ. - - - v. UAFLTYILLC ITZ: Dzia Utu K: :t! t At nl tl-rt I? p'ntTccO ? tr a-.l o .1 j t a a f t w t.; wki iuaa, ' Hit ll-zrti I) tit vu Ir. ' us I V !et c tr n r. c r. t a; lilt 5arItr wiJa tpt c f Ceitr 5c.it ia car r. a-i:it i u-tg Ktr ta; totr. lit, VZ'Ht ViTTT tsii V. Suar rtf-at if an'xr r; CrceV, f-r; j-iar: at "c!n. !. We were j i'r-l lt 1 : it lurVaert cf l ? H::tt ;1 ' ert, Ti-er vrt grti'Jr '; . ijitrtpcm, 'Tle:rJ;:etre5r;;:T C rrir; re ra f at c f Mr. IL 11 He :i tr? i; r. r'-Vi. , LtTTUi Saw. TLt fxrracn li Martin, of Raleigh.''- 77- :X . . -.For entertainment she had a guessing contest and- the qaeationa were answered by.he names ot the counties,.. -Misses , TJrJie Harrison, Virginia Foster, "Kan Afalone and Tho Editor of Today.' STAtLllIGS ITERS. The cl Rcxk wu on a bc-ri laat Satarday and Sca-iay. Mrs. IL II. StriciUrvl, of Oiwr-- who bu been very CI, U t'al'Jr rtl atitea aroaad hcrt, " Jiha Wirtaa GIxjw, who u c'rrkbg in ?rringh ;t pcr.l 5ar- day with her parcatf. j Mr. ar.l Mra. C. C. GxareH . eft . r .V. a Lr 'J i i are are rcir c ar o.Tr . : j tat to:y Ua-ifl V, u toa t: are a.: Ors writo- 1 to t f. p. :. nr Tho editor of today has to get Mrs. B. G. Jlicktied forthe prize, a his no so down in toe grind itoo sr. 11 ya,,tr(. t-..c.l tore a -h car tc vn Deaumui oon-oon aiaa' wmcn was keen it tnt-ro aixioen coura rcr ujt c ... , , w. . , y -r e rr ... 3 i . fc. - drawn by Mks Foster. .The booby, and CG5 days in the year, cr he falla perTj', . a tiny map of North .' Carolipa ia a by tho wayride. Tlicre are tr.cn who Tha ! it"x gold frame was awarded to Mrs. T. quit work Saturday " .night and rrat tf. T 7' V . . t- i. .1 W. ..Watson with instructions to onul Monday- rnornung. They lay . . ... . , ,r it welL . ' . - j asiJo 'buiinca carea at fire cr fix j t study After the contest Mrs. Martin and! o'clock every OTening anl do hot re- Mrs. Ford delighted the guesaa with! sumo thrra until faven or e:jV.t their splendid 'singing- and Mi-.i acxt morning. Xotfo wito yoar e-!;-r. Green bv her" delightful plarinrr. Ha h.'.s no . elegant lc!r-.rr. II i - ? v ta c-" t 'sat c : i - r er - 9 I: . - a . s f n ;ti t T. - . - ' . . . ir. . v Thcr3 precent rcra Mra, Erncrtj knows no hours. B.Jt3 chare;;, cr c: a:; t. no Martin, Mra. J. R.. Collie; Mr. J. II, nIhL Wh: n ho rrs to a j -rtr, c t Tnjlor, Ilrs. J. L. Palmer, (i. lliakr, lirj. 1. b. JL onl, r3. J. tr;:-, r. n :.. A. Turner. - III:::.! Cera E.-!-r.Wi ;:i C: V. t ?'f r.t -frirnl" Mr. V,. I. 1'irrv , ill return V,"c : r ii. r - i:a ! t .21. e C . a - t t:t

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