' I ' ' . - . :, t i i" ?AIIIA.TnonAS,ED - Tirn COTTITTT T vol. xxxvn: v;-vv : ; louissuhg :-c.t : day, iiaixii in, 1:37 -"l -4.:: L. ' 1 rri rtt iiti n w inunfi a i u: " "... ' v -I . Lcuiiiuu unt iiuuuuiuiC). ru- y- gooa. M were nn FFnFni i f nnnnriT year;"Reibhi1ion vere adopted expressingt the : deep regret of the rA. -17. ALSTON ' SUCCdHBK OAVEL FELL IK BOTH HOUSES i : r nOHDAY AFTERKOON. , Upon the Whole' the Solons Did : . Iluch for, the State, 7 a Num .fbepof Good Laws Being1 En- actedSuccessful Session. -. teachers at . the death of ;Mr. Geo. ,y TWE11TY-F1VE DOLLABR. Education, as follows:"; Resolved b theeachers' i Assbci-1 Ad llakes a PI ea to all Patri - .'w - - I - '. . v..: atiQn of Franklin county: 1. r That the'eath' 'of George S. xaKer ine - cause r or education lias (Both houses. of the North, ('arolina ost a staunch and valued friend,' one legislature' adjourned. at 5 - o'slpck hose interest m the welfare of the last Monday jBveningjTand nearly vail children of - his county and state was of the solons left for their .homes, deep and abiding and whose syra pa There was a stormy tinie -Monday vi Wgw ior7 teachers were morning Upon the discussion of; 'the J often , made manifest to, us. otic Citizens to Come, to the Aid of ' the . Daughters In ' This Good "Cause;7 I have been thinking for qaite; a whiles I would "mention the subject of the monument to our Confederate dead.' Are we men ; 'of r Franklin county willing to sit idle and let the 1 L..iilU 1T7E YOUKG t LADIES ,. ARE "; :KOTT III tlTE -RAC2. Up to Dato Hiss Ilacon Is in the Lead Others -aro Closo Behind;; her in the Order ; , llamed ; Bolovr. - L , In accordance with oc promise cf By a i;nciil tci of.Uio If jli.-r3 J f- T? r 1 r " , Jca'Joo of tho Peaoe- Tho ic'.iI'.qwi him to practica lav -wbtn ha u Co u - una vui. cr ci::s. -Jcdge" Ilrrscnbarg " has qciUrd, and b rtxJy for Lailacr. tut Triiin our cr i:: SomoThln tho Bible Contains.1 Mr. F. L. Herciaa,oar Iktilbj; orla asanjte-errji to b aatta a. tic Acl Thc:o Who Ccrr.3 r.r. 1 Pa-,. f- p. r- Ccslnc:s isi a Lar : : : tcr tzzizzzTl'.zr lu !ir. G. J. Jc!tr rr'.:r- I i! !s McLeamof RobersonBut at 'the wind 3oafd of .Education: nd we deeply hel'Iifat: hf lP lidW in PnVKn LnM, u tin nil w,. bW1 ,1 thA t appreciate the Jbelnf al interest wWh 5nem' . eroes of 6r to: ,'U5 are L : . , :: -T .T.: .7 lt wek we give below, the: atinJ.itadent of da Bilte, ibicia.- from 'jt li CLrra C.:r. V ic? of the conteatantt for lha tol tho 4 followia. which hn tuztc ca 2 In. J. L. IV-rr . -1 m . . ? ' Tne UiUe contains Uturs rirb. 1 111 11 iiiMii i r . nnn 1 1 1 wa j r & . m . 1 Afi rv ana m - 1 r . l t'v i m. -ana--, occart "4Ql,JIT- time. th.Jtvt. nntitrnaf hill tfio I ' 2. ' That we. as teatthfli-ar rAcrkcrniXA , RanV T.? .wi nV thevalue6f" hi5 Wvin ' -tb w rew iuis raonumenw -.. onoma -w? ed tor of the Tncxa to the two otxn cnaptcrt and CC bookt. parted for their homes with apparent always took in w and in our F.'u rlJ : wa7 good feeling. Probably - more bills WOTf t r tv-- .r . - T" ; 'I . . . iJL -l.i v S Th'at wa rt w f,m;w good to-see the monu passing :rap(dlr ; awav'and don't I largest number subscribers their hearts t cewais by June 1st Up 1 word -Lorti-occur I,S55 feta, tbt Mki , ribers and word "Wfeiead?yoocwt -bnt oaoe, jir f.'"7 " 7- A . todataths wLlch la Ihe'Cnh. rms of the FraakU-'ia. were enacted into law at the session UK That we extend-to his family. . Utandin of, th. ? oontestanta an, U1Ul l1ula nW.tWar, of w .u and " relativfea'our 8inceret avmrwith v 1 - -lo,.?eir aw S comradW; a-ndr i v. . 4 the th verse of the U8lS Paalxa. tofore held !n th Shnt it.t in thil'thelf iat:W,V.- rV.-toW;?W ilrt en. cf the 7th chanter nlnetvper-centof those IbUl were - I M:V Vrv:; oy ravr to yeBt:tataer Uimde 3XlJg Macony Xoula-btir l,ot , oontlrxB sJi t., letx. of ,.... ....... .. ... 1 v .!,";;' .. . r "" . I fT T.nO TTAM " ' that hi. :.n..t I' . I V . . - - . V uiy we owe ine orave The John H. ; Sparks' Shows. wiU to the m8ot7 Th a m,;MnW I Will exhibit at Xeuisbure Thurs-1 w.e we v ,J ... l o ' r.uVu. of iranklin county to erect this aws enacted were as follows: The revenue and , machine: dav Afternoon" and v niorhV'Mamh 21 . s The excellent reputation : left by UM Bei .8 " the Sparks Shows om former visits to the Daughters of the X)onfeder: td I Ya4 br. Geo.T. Wl-a VnzlUr t! liter lira, F. S. S-trzZL haa4 cf lit, A..B. Hirh, ct lUI-l. - ; 11 : T.nniflbnfcr wnnM slnno !n9nra lJKor.t WOrK. ,v v - w w.ak Mi vhAW. -, wtw : a W W out much change... . . -. -t ' -The State banka are exempted rom the franchise tax. Liberal appropriate nstitutions were made first time smco the-war that such in - r. . 1 . . r. ' 1 mVa if mnro - .ttrontirn ' thanavA Sparks prise, for. V ; - V , -."X r WW It men - - v; ,VUMW b. m -.um caapter or tLo Acu cf lit I I j , M k,.uA A VSkCI . MIUIUUI K.I 4 " IV1 V. - icyinl I - 7. . : jars alike. The looget rtrae is thsdlX Sunday wiO. Lit BciLar. onsto all State Patronage;this, time but the lusty p. ve wie-xnosi iuwni- wo- ycTne Iriends of all thtae yonng U- wer. ino lacrtcat verie u us lUit: b-l . 1 v . - " .... , 1 mn onrl tha mnt . I r - - ' ,-- j . 1 5? s. . f .V- iitV. .A. I ? ia fifrowtn ;r and vsst itnnrnvAmAntx I . . y-r"'??g'Vwu:v-wru.BM tit. i; . ui waincx - I i - . - . . ... pnnaA tiiot vont dnnm t AnnAm.tA. . jmwu. "ww q. TV- ( nr,- CtU if.A nt. ..i 1 . v . in tne snow since its last visit will. - w r.----.-v,.MFi - . :. , . . . c. cw,. i - h ' verae ct ' ths 6th chapter f Mr. C Tea BtUrr, for COW Cf IIcl LcaiiVrnrcse dir stitotions have been adequately pro- vided tor. 1 - - All insane persons will ' be cared that any county can boast of.' Lets hare been placed to their credit. is a man of energy and enter- -ma6 their heartr glad-by aiding them. 'i:.Sevefal others will enter the con- , wideVexperience : and , ample f f I test next week, and as there Is two .lAand hehas-brought all this to I , 7 I'.Vu' 1 . . . 1 - - ' 1 ovbi v 1 1 1 n 1 1 111 i1 mil Kiin, , rriTi nrv - m-i i i w m.vm w u. . oiai vemux tae iu.Ui l-aalra are . Mesira. It S. McCcla, cf IU- !-r. i au&e. jfu tae tents c tae I trr ?sl It a ru4 ,f v-. l aaita cnu sixse. acre are ...r .1 words or names cl more than ix. I tv:. a u r ;r,ct-u,i,Vr,D iDear in ma Km T nis anowsaDenor -i B,th KV. all other simai eih , - r , - , , , .r , MT K tho -rKtimiMf nm.n aew tram of monster railway t .--j r-7 . - - - V- Vlrc"v 4U I win out 7 liable. Training School, the Spray-School of a brand new HI ' Tecnnoiopnr ana ine oanitorium ; ior 1 " v r-' "v " J A u "t..-8?7 - :nr.n Mna a! - J who participate in the Consumptives were estaDiisnea.Vi "'JBTt "WJ Wflr , , ine osteopauiH were leouKuucu 1 r o - r railway v Jf , , . . . wwmea : ,a win out. lQn rl the-old;Korth; :SUte:TwiU ; W ithwe . 'unveiling r of - Hesolmionsof Hcspcct- . Whereas, in the dcath.if Ilrottcr George S. Baker, L JoliUirg lJbJ, No, 4 IS, A. F. it A. M. Icl a vala- able raeinbcr, one who always faith- I ti, 't.-. : - 1 '. . v r- - . r c- x Ir-n r t i. t '. rtnnpro that frauds mav be ex- .ei10" een maae - regaraiess; oii''j., . , v -7-7- .r. ..., . - . . - 7 ' : 'jr.. .. - t-. . eluded The a a . Mr ttra. T. W. a:uai.l Ktxh r. n. 1 rcanbe readyfr CHomma-rHInohara,-. and riven a charter and a .board 0f taientoig salaries can procure, yery , , v. r- . :..r-. V v 1Cra-80lnal Z- cost to mako tosho.- satisfying' to matchle., glor ot the; men who Egerton, . fevrda,. . ; I 'new conntv of Leo was made his pride and adianced ideas. It ' is wore lhe grejr from 61 to .'00? . ;- Mr. -and M Shampe. Horn new county of Lee. was made . . - -..Let tliere bo a unanimous response, mv.to Tou to be prcMDt at the m upon him, one bo wortLily were for ma I nearly half a oeatary tho dUuag:h- mar-1 ed bidge cf a Maoaf aai oae wbe irpm Mopre ana unaam. . - , . " 'TCT Send the money, or cUylee-to the Mage of JIUs Mis-.KM.ko to Mr. Uf. w.nJiSrf tj,. Utifd tei. A sheUOsh comm.wasesUb- Treisurer of the Paugh ,of : the f-ky Hinohara Wedny .,.a. log, cf order, U U rv-i. lisbedv f - -v- - ' ' v Confederacy, ; Mrs J. P. -Winston. ing,: February the, twentieth, one , 1. That Ixcicxg loJce drlott The salaries of State -officers .were m - .T I f n?abn-T.''"r!' ri :"ni tLonsa'rVd ninA hnni!r-l nA at I th ltM f a . .4 '';'5&--f:5Yours truly; " . 7 I leven o'clock Branch Memorial Chap-1 the tndtr ideal otabers the ukiag ei, ivwanaei uaKUtn how, Japin. away ox saca a xaiuici Lr&Uitr. At Ilome lO chok, West Soda Osaka. 2. That we Under our hcartf:i Mr. llinohara is a Japanese, and srropathy to the fasUy of the de ls a graduate from ; Trinity College, 1 oeaatd and ray that the benedi'v ki very little difference in. the pav .at noon,aQd tnen toiiowthe crowd to c,; ':-, v receiyed by the variousjofii the ow; grounds 'and; witness the ,;r, m ' big free exhibition. - r . ' " - ' ''--' ' - - - - ' v ' r , v.I r rhe; salaries - of the . Superior , . . . -r - :,ri,; nnnali 11 fm will bft ' turned veryoiiar snouid come to town m into the State Treasurer This will to pee the gorgeous street parade make verv little difference in. the pav .at noon,aQa ' then f olio wnhe crowd to now cers The; , salaries - of the Sup Court judges were increased, zou. , : " HonOr The Attorney uenerai is auowea , onor R0U forProsp m. i.n('nnf!1 4-Vl A niOont form la I T. r - - - . . ' au aBoiDtaiifc uutu wo tfu. . jy18a (jnnle Tucker. out. , lV ; - v ist grkde David Mcuoweu counxy wasmaue; ury jeffre, Wilev, Jeffrevs. and Anson left wet. - : - . r " 2nd grade Jennie , Wheeler Ar THe.people.of Scotland :Neok wijl, tliar.ClarieJames Marshall. .V ,; vote on prohibition ; V rr ; 5thl grades-Georgia .Marshall; rv '' jrassenger raw ou xiu-cb. 6th grade- Annie Marshall, John , tnose proiecieu m ; iue uuw iauivu 60-mile limit, vwill be reduced-' te 2 1-4 cents per mileV This law s;oes into effect ' after.: the first day of July ; :XA..; Alston. Franklin Cqunty Union. v T?!i.ii.i:. V-i TT;r "'.2m I and while at colleca vinitAd Mr. nA i tlnrr of th Sorrn Arritf I Bolls.'- :w ; ; hold'.ita nxt meeUng Wth""llt; Heb-1 ES5fto,i w? Edward, 1 efcr. opoa thera. , . ect School.- ron:? Church, henning . Saturday w? W8.at. ifcoi; w,th him. Mr. , 3. That a copy of lhee rraoJa- , Teacher. , ' - morning March 30, at 9:30 o'clock. A KerJu was we ursimencan nome uons oe seai 10 vzc uo cx its Ue- WheeleriBeulah The !f olio wine rproCTamme- has co was. ever in. Mr. Ilinohinr was caed, tpread upon the ramau cf quite popular at Trinity, and was a I tat lofge and seat to the local dev)ed Chriitian. : lie was vsry la-1 papers for publication. tereating in conversation and In I Honor' roll of Centreville academy for week, ending March . 8, 1907 TtwafiVfrrfht "rates will Mis8 Loali E. Jarman, teacher: ,inyjM.. O : I . i rtl ?3-TVl"'T 'J 11 ist. ijfraue x-au ueouaru, .lexan- a1 W th "Manninct 1 r'r" rr J 7-v i7.T - '.Ji -- der Edwards; Ethel-Shearim- Hattie and penalties - nave ueeu,-ieuuw . - - . . ' r- . - . I TTnrthnrnJi. Annie Neal.' ' - , 2nd Grade Carl Strickland. Char- The Commission Compulsory pUotege has been re- Tayldr, John Hunt, Arthur; Shearin, established at the mouth.'of the Cape Flossie JJpchurch, SpruillvFpchurch, jear , f , s-. . - - ; iuin jrarrisu, jouuuio xxeoi, wt iukuu Andrews.- . J ToaPlipr's Association - h DU1 uraae ioyu f urriau, xxmu m a jt. v Neal, Herndon Jenkins. :. .. ." " 1 Z r -C " 7iV. "S.t ' 7th GradeLillian TJpchurch.- illy xr;avuvio vv o - r - tirday ) was excellent, 47 teachers m ',t.ul I e ijeonara, vioia oneann, jxaie up- i vc. .. .. v i powers of the corporation , t , S : l.T.. - hv.f,n? a-4. t -. . . . - . ' - i cnurcn. jueia uuuuuruu. . - u; -i w. . .v fcwo w uo.uwuo ri. have oeen:greauym-1 . . - r:;-:-Vj :Vw.;m. ;vAV;rV-.:.!'; pr .:is it wise at tnia time to divide I been arranged:,-.-.-N t : V; .Saturday MoRjnxo. 'Sft3.-?YPraise Service, led by Rev. bis lecture on. Janata, He is now a J. H; Harper. v)- I missionary and teacher in the Flow. ,au;uw-.yrganizauon.v-. r; y cry Kingdom, and 1 we hare, no 10:30Introductory : Sermon, by diubt will do mat cood: HU friends Rev.:E;D.Poe.;-- Cv.- A.vw.,,,; Ingalls on Death. 2:00 P :in?As8odationJJiaaionMn - wuwrtw.iuu wueKO. ; me i the Tar River Asfloc' was , TiUed Jut of the late John J. Ingalls, Static J. J. Dafctow. S. P. Botnir Ivrr Allcx, , W.W.UoMirr, Ccnimiitce, air?itWhai has' beeh kccomnlished lMPday night by. people of .the com- from Kant a . - RevI G; MrDuke I aunity to witness the Spring a nccrtl In the democracy of th brWhat is the rjresent ondook-- an(i M tumai: on such cxajuons the men st last are esal. Th part acuitted.them3elvea moat the Tar River, Association?; Dlscn?- creaiUDIJ- . Ano martaais, laacs sion led by Rev.T. H. C Harper -and Sadie. NewbT lbelMcIUe, Jennie uuiB anu.vjiexue v icser, were eqnai to tho occasion, and were very raco f ol in seating the' crowd.; Thcso concerts, under the direction of MLs Sallie T. Williams", musio , teacher, are always very entertaining and th't one vafi no ox ( ption t llie rale. 2:00 p. m. Relicrious Iiteratare The Current Literature Club. The Current literature Club will o deal all era it r.tl:h audience was verv. hie hi? entertained I cr rank nor station nor rrcrcriUTe v the rendition of a . must elemmtlylin the repablio of the prate At tblj epared procramrae. . All those who I f&tal threa hold a a ructor r.cr Rev. G. W. May. H :'; Sunday M6nNo.: V 10:00 .Devotional Exercises. -7; 10:15 Sabbath School. ' -X11,00 Bermon -by 7Rev. JMark Stamps.- being present:. I? ; 'v;,''' houbb..www 'BwrauB. . Reports from all the schools were . The members ot.Kobert M. jvic tnadejhowins an excellent condition. inney'Camp No. .1527 N. C. - Over ''400.00 has been i raised by the and all other ,Ex-Coniederates, ; inlRev. J. W. Sledge'and others. teachers during the 'session -for im- good standing that wish and - expect ; Some ot the subjects to be consid- meet on Thursda afternoon, ilarch "Movement " of school- grounds "and to "attend the Reanion" at Richmond ered are f great' irnpoiUncojnst- at 21st, -with Mrs. T. B. Wilder ta I houses. The; money for twelve ad- Va., on the 30th day of May, 1007, this time and the committee very much hostess. ' Subject for . diiccssion ''ditionai? rural'"' libraries .has been will meet in - the Court ; House " at desires that every church in the Un- "Revolution," Paper by Mrs. ILC. raised 1 - ' . . y'' Louisburg : on' " Monday,', April 1st, ion shall ba represented and that the PleisanU; -American Revo!ation,n . The Teachers Library recently re- 1907. .. The people ot iticnmond are oretnren come prepared to enter into Rcidbg by Mrs. T. A. I'crsoa. kr-A h ht lihrarv nreDarma to accommoaawj aii oiu uia ui-coa. u navQ a I oil ; for public school teachers in any .-Veterans mat go aauro uuwo wOWW ta in S county in the state. This will, be pay hotel bills, by furnishing board tcresting meeting r..-Tc . -.r i'nf mt nt ' , and lodging durin- the time. ' G. H. Dmr, . ceases to be wise, and the or.;r cf the poet U lUenL Dim relLiqcuLef hit rnlllona and Lararcj hit, n The poor man it as rich at the rich eat, and the rich nan as poor as the m . a a paapcr. ilo creaiir Jc-t nis enry and'tho dcotor it aoqtijftd c f hit cb- ligation. There the pro-1 man ' tx renders hit dignities, the . -'.:r-z: uui aor.or, i: wcr!:r. iis p;eu . ... urea; uve mrjuk.1 coc-t no j :.rf.c;xn ar.d the laborer rests frr m hli cr.rc qulted tcU. Ucrc at list his r.x tare't Cnal decree a r Ti.s WTon.s ot tirr.e r.re rr Ir. - - lt i-.y-i-tico Is etpbul, tha ir --r.r cf fz'.a is rrfntol, ths cr.- u-I i!: wcil Lht hener, c-r : . r, ' Ilerrr-uTa Jixr cf G: : i Meslir -i-lt "with Ut tlrUr. Mr, Mb lUih IIxtjd r:ml .cb at Sl Mafy at P l-b, thlt v -1 tha iun wha 1-xt rcttrel. Aa22thc frcr cl cf ; who wre here to acl tha f t - c r cf Mr. Gcr S. Haatr, w-i 2!r 11. 1L IUVtr, 3 uc Ira Ilcrti ir. A4di Hain, cf lU!c!5 6s;r:- r. dcatP II. WLhf, cf rrxUr, Mr. J, IL CtstH, cf Mx;.!cr:. lUrrtacstitiTt HkkfU wm pes tst a: tht lu; rc'l cf Hctu Uch Uck t lt? Ixt lie:,!; re:ur.:r. ttl ntxrrl bcet Tee He uils su Cat U it cUl Lxi it crrcx, aol .thai L fc.t r:r. i. cm, far at Lit heiTth ard O-i: scut art ccnccrr-oi. ucr tof(4 m;r-:i irs are lighted to :ILm C;4tla Cr who arrircJ t;rr. 0 lu: Silzrlij. Lit lcn Irx cf the let Iir - hcrlttla U thai the jcj: Uo frrrt tTfrtri-- - la co:e a tnl zzn?y t-1 C3cr year If fa c-zrt. Shi be Lcr tl;: ve-tka. . . t r t - Scr:a Intcrc:Usr Tit::. 1 in t J c tx ' i . Pirj nii K'X ye-llftr- 1 i:;.3. Ifatrhet rr.xlft 112?. Fint cxjrvL-?n 1 1- 5 L in; r.cvr r Ur ic - Ceil cr--! rs f;: Fn c. I e .a C . . . Tcl:coj ir.:rIr.-- ! K -r.n: ftri rxZr:- 1 lc : X Ktrc-s.-r. ir. tr..!:. ! U". Ixxl r-: crrTtun..r. tr:.: ; .1 a creel and ineir'.ir.:.! llzch ir.rnbcr of ths C-b Lr "l :.m c:.Ur u::tcd to :!.. !: : r 1 : 1 f.-r the coming -bool: yc.-.r,'" nr. 1 r. ; rt I tin n-mo cf I "r. to J.lr-J xn tr? " s in t.. rf r:rc: - - T Vi'ir. l:-w ri.-? t - 1 C! ',. n:. A ..... . . i:::. Lr.L ' . a J - I , - f H. C. KrAr.i7i:T, Ccm. y At; ..... . have b::n h:ld. 1.. ..-. j C Sk meeting cf tho Acrocnticn I T