V- . . . - . s - - . - - , crt- , - - - - -..." :v y j- v . f .'."1' .f s ".. " ' i , r - :i - V" ' "V ; jauesa; thoiias, editoil - J 1 s i VOL. XXXVII. 4" . "J 'Louic-ur.: a, , - nUnAL"" FREE DELIVERY. John.vOUVnnejl, Mr. ; Wilbur! ths csmnd chapter of Ruth, vcrr3 - i -f i vyt auva? nujK juawcon, juias Miiian tentn "la en she feu ca her f ;c3 ? 't -: -' -1 Shattuck, Misj Anna "f Brandt; Ulzi and bowed henslt to th 3 ground, an X una " I r J f i : t r a Uon cf th 1 T WEIITYiTHREE ST, T , t ZZ " '7 1 . ywwwU jjxiaa ajvuiso . v. Wll, ! B2UU. UUU ' i'J naYO ' X 10 ; rjJbKJSIS DiSLlVliKY UAKiUEKS. Miss Helen Soiythe ,aU of whoml craca in thine ; eves.' v. that ir'r: ' , ftv'r J have been' teenwith' performance thonldest' taierknowledcre of me, :m noYnunnTa in ; aiid thoa I . ; nm nt? - rnrrtri " i'"". . Jilr wi'.iu n " I witlLmanr of the larcre musical - Dro incr that I am a stranrrr?" " ITn ro. aucuons.:: 'lJorcas " will be crreat v tarnnd tha boolrr-. nintin st t ' ; i ' . . f I T . 7 . , . I c I . . .- , - ess and a Lanro - Kum- causo Thoy Uko It... urner paul iienderaoa tn ciitcr r.aTcr trcrr;:a orcr tv s cf fubcrilf r except Mwsra;.W, M. Person and C. K. Ratal - Freo DelivCTy ,Ca.rier.'.:w?. VitAA in "fVi Pnnf ITnnaa in T n?al' r T -C? U rJ t " - "j I taCd. that OUT. lOV fTia V b f nil n I - t.- -ct. va.- .id I ' J- . - . 6 TiW k 1. I rs. b.-W. Jones returned trora ruiea auu reKuiauyus as laiu uuwu uy 1 teacnen sv r-v - - -v I "-""b ".'.; unae oara ,ine ciass was .com- r . i8t lirade-iifiulah' Jeffreys, WU: ' ;ueu vi n DUbjrrtui do meu auu uuj b, i icy -O eUteV ana me examination was , conauoieu uiarlc by Postmaster BL R; JSarris, ."assisted ; 2nd by Mr B. F, Yarborongh. v v. : u JaraeaMarahaU Tne names of those.whq stood xne v. 3rd Grade-e-Nbra Lee Mar. ex Kn Barrett, ;Hanris,j;DSpeed,;WHCatedj H. Unde Uaniwg.ttehjiftre E. J.: Cheatham, whb eoxi, Vd Mra'WrVSturiw Vwwe vK.,Perryv:V:. M;; JVeeman,;-, B,. A, , J k J-A;y J :v: 1 MreaUenVaif'AiHyannVud Dr. htre the past .week: ' ' ugu . i. xxVu, v. MuiUvLjj, i'rr:'; ,ff ? : , Prof ; J. B. Carlyle,-of ;Wake -,For. to ft r.voeonnt nnr, !;rAmA I Cooke spent TueadaV niht in IlJU . .uavia.VY neeier, Mabel "w wumnj, i . - . . , - - . . - f --C tl xnwvcompany,-wnipn. was recently -,v .v- -" . SradearenlseSliiike iowd atnklintonisoinffa fine tr. Bennett Perry, Vyoans law- ;r,:l.V;;:':-r9 iienaersoo, wai . Here Uiis -,.A ,:i'arWey,a.reliableandexpem ' r. ; ; : animation are as .toiiows: :i' unariie v 4th Grade Johnny rMav r Julia P"0 A Me company: is; mcor-l ' is Loiarabu uraaup return ott, W,!0. Green," V E.7 Collier, i Fratier." Kenneth Vrzn&i' J? 1 - - ' porated, its stockholders" belnir cora- V.VJnesdav from a snort rlsU to her lit Johnson, Si BLfrlfaah, iT;B.k ,5tihGreOe6rHl W,-WrPerry Jr B. ;; T, I 'v etb Grade AttfIaiifialL' Join .citizens of our sister" town,! .Capt: W.3K. Stursei. t 7 Header. It -hen V.a t r.r ir.. T 1 ft . v Vlr t. . -j c C1V( s t;;o country . without J inr. - cp r r- rcirsrrcs. Uut "wbt not to and f sy to tlo honest xuaa jat what you ftl in Vur Go into Lii den, rsl: bin Lot, you owe, par Uio t!;ir.qu;-.cr 1 tell him frankly that you dorit v-t u diirrepalatle, l!xcl2rJ hft any longer. Say to hira b a s :rruw. fill a( I, I 7 . 1- I , 1 t .t . . u wjo vi iuij pa uwpij re-1 i.e;ncr it c;. i cr r.: t grtt hss Inability t pt:Uiah a cewf.l not kuev. - It U a icrl-cj ui luk w ijwq i-z.j i i rciiV'c i tr.t.i.9 t.i tx c:rr with a thialJ full of bratr-i rnd Xo C2 defied txi It wo vr- lo rjcrr.ir.i to vi s thcru. IS-t tJ ou.d the truit r.ila'a clc; seek torae occupation which dcxi not I cCurLru to require much wear cr tear of -'dad. it u r.-ht Id r rercr.t i DoIseadtheayoacoa, go away cUs. Uzx uhv Struts f with the mfortiajj' aaaranoe . t.2t driro the truat frcn tha an v the editor respects you fcryocr can- prfcrrc.! uhe ctIIs tin ve Lira. dor and will chemh no hard fcclingi others thtt we know n;t cf. because you choose' to borrow h.U pa per uutead of boyiog lL - arjcsl ,K. aoim, J. y..Ww,.K.v.xr. W. RA-i-A3.m'ii'ivfi..i T.!W ,-"9T Known yonngtaen c;t CoUece.'wu a welcotna .Tuitor, ' T. A..B.- Alien, C. L; Conyera, M: .E. H . - WeV fathers- ' UuiAo th. paVt ek'-, , , - ' 1st Grade Beulah Glasarow;' Jim !v'i rMiv . v vUrs.-J, C. Barnncer, of ker. Vic '-is :j v rA ii r . r , ivine ousiness;wiu do .conaactea on ai W'ti'm'- , t- "J oo., wuy .iV 1, V A M v' , , I - - -vn a ok'nn' flli frtr-. o'hnnt f BIT. new routes.in tnis county, tnree ,,go -5-'- inir out from Louisburg, one each , , ;TT T , , :v space ia'tbe.Tuoss and-' their adver- 1- xt- 6 -J 3rd Grade Wallace NeaU, .; t &jZ-r- Korwood are visiting relatives in Louiaburg. 4 Mr. E; IL Bsker, Chief Qerk in the State Auditor's ofSoe, " spent last jbouisourg, It m'.jht LiTi l-ta Tea u th Arurncia Tclacito C papy ahif'I its t rcn to Vir, " tint wu ro rriira whr !,cth CI the Bickott at, Hickory Hock. Mr. T..V. Bickett wiU dclirer aa l'a sou! 1 aaareu to the papils and friends ofltycx tutLirj Ua to iz.; t rr -t t . , i . t memory juock vcjiaeay oa Jrnaay I sxnapa-aj u.at true Ciurxa eveniac, llarch 20th, at 8 o'clock.! do jrj'ic 'and let th k:c l'.-.:. Sapt White w21 .alio be Public cordially bTited." prcacst. j i-ta be vhit th.tf may; tilt a v , rurt cct c-: zirm taat c:rvtl Uie trr v with an increase of the I number of applicants for also increase. . ( .4 V e salary Tthe .Ts or thVTrs rnni tip to 'tb4 Pid our. c r carried will X1,; "VR7Z. E . --7th Grade Nmnie Hicks-Norman v-rm :J'.L' f . ; " - v , v ' . t uuauinir ioe pasi weeic up 'to -is Hedgepeth,:-Minnie: - Promoted. Mr. - Frank F. PcrntU, one of the cletereat of the youn;j tl cf YounrsTille,! traveling raen, aasocuud with the vtown, ana -.."-T; I 'r. cc-w tr cf raaklr-a to a tm. I Stite, It rr.':-ht I- C ro nutttr wh:.t Vir-::.r-a c!fht 1. w n:.:t do tiht, sr. I, ccrtrarcr, t! Virginia w cJ I a r- re. !to law Fannie Winston. i Urtie Harrison. Postoffice Reg'ulations. -tThe five dayavformerlygiven pc masters in which tQ collect boxre has been continue by the Postoffice Department, and,-the "folio wing : in- .Young, teacher, r,- ,'zr-i ' t'-i' strnctions sent ' to all Vpostmasters i 1st 1 Grade Frank 71 Cates, vRena 'Z18 - the same will be made grounds , 'for Wheeler, summary action. ; X ne payment by ' postmasters of uncollected rents will j not suffice' as in the view of the, de- 1 4th .Grade Isaac iCobkejElva Clif- kibVppmad:murdering .rthe little partment this is a discrimination be- toni V'l" . ! 'v 1 : -i "T'vc -t 86nf;0enat6?;a8ley:.endea Wed- tween respective box holders. .Cred'.w 7thGrade-Fred, Nellie aneiBoy-1 nesdayjiigtit'atElizabeth City, :the jm'p .1 fet4U -k" bPMmri dittriet mmjr in th t,r. .cra ua.rc.aa ut, ar xr -- Egerton returned this week 1 ritory of North and Soath Crriir.a-1 rr.ua t tr:r. oa iu own corrrt c - trora the riorthern markets where he t3 cnaer Lis direction. 4nd CaiHr. that it were Utter to C - Mr. Pernell will foonadd two ir.ea ,,r- . ;-..... iA),5...,f . f CV b7" .w..U . 1 U'- z "-r-;;V V-..- iowsv,v. vj, k.v - . for his firm. : . ; - :i ' . - , . " sad nun rcvcrtl c;ua thu u ' Wr - -. ---v 1 v. ; ..T' -. E , - " o - : 1 ,Th above item vri taken from a I. . . . - . 'SK .r - r - ancl-.Mis3 Uwce parer puUwhcd ia the wcitero tart , . . x . nts ITonorRoU for the Cliftoa School B2? hT 'I ' - reekendgMaV:i5,: the fall IVII. Pcrne'll. fonaerlv of Loaisburr.l e'f c( " . . na iiraaeAnnie -lounff..' ,v ' . ; - iiJU'risu a uunty. ; . " 3rd Grade Annie Grace - Harris. The trial of Joshua Hanisonfor n Demg granxea m one instance: anu j ai .xnarringxon, iora v;iiiin.:;j. v4 Jj reuuermg; , veruicv o uuiy refused ;in an Others: (V r-'. It is thought that the little boy atill B,x rintS;;mMl.be ooUecied at the Wheless school if of - .'07. entire quarter; but no longer. , I en je Woodliet;tea:cher, 1. ' tasi uav oi lue uuarujir.iu eacuxeuwu i ..,r.. iWi-C'n--i:'ir:-:i:'rp.-i: "T. ' box. -If a box holderfails to renew vL::5 IV'A-S feT8 ,mor opltd: - then be closed and offered 'tor i rent Dis ngni to u s oox .oa.wtueiow t mj? . d Grade Troy Pearce, Pula - 'y7 w 4t dAv rf the nuarter the bor snail ' r. , tv.i ' V ker which occurred on Maroh,the ith last day of,tbe quarte.t box: snail ,Tanl Dorothy,TanL! -V;; ibn?: ififlt-E;?;nrnh . 4t.hfiradiLe Wheiefts. Arthur I ; ...". .'i "v : , ' , ; r. ",v. . rsoutn, iostone.oi its -most. -vaiuaoie )liad :.the Steward, 3nri- R.hftrl Siinr?ntpndpnt and fRA. "7 TiSfS UhooRoU oi -CentefilUe Acad- retaoTXhnrch Conference.-, At VUi rTft T " " emy .for weekending Mar.i45, '07. his death, and for aHumberjcf years loldus of a chestnut iteee on the Miss TubVJarnia'naeachef.X i before, he was ' Wtary,;ana-'a premises of Mr.,CJleasoalJuke; (aged ;1o nrlAnn? f Tn nl urer of the .Board of Stewards; 'In VI years) that measures 28 ;i-2;feet - - ct'-: : .- r , - allof ln:f circamterence;- about 1838,'and for th it has borne chestnuts and thft mail will be' niaced; in- the f -. V- -V - IT'WJ'S. o many year, ie' s,,r....v.. r. -,, . . Kimer ferrjvi.ma Stalling. : 4! TeisUori -i - .' I - . . -y- n 'r 'mi TXT t 1 TTTIlt I . . . ...... .It i snfivi 1 . 4fr-j . . .. . F , ' 1 j 1 . ; -:.t...i . a e past 66 years vJ' Rath ParrishEsther thebfficM J w . Jdextl 1 I mi '-vM". :- t' - ' church we desura to exnress our . at- V . lt -t, . , 1' - j'z eth Grade-Hattie Neil, Floyd predatlott 'of his character; .andeer- '; "Opera House J;-. irrigEleanbr TJpchurch. ; V. ! vice, herefore be it resolved," ' Dorcas? a three-act comic opera I' 7th Grade Llihan tTpchurch.l f -ilst.'iThat while we bow in submii- 1 rv, ' t r - j , j sion xo me olivine ; wui, we ueepij good old style, will be present-' ed by-the Ethel Morton" Opera" Com pany at the ; O perarrHouse frto-nightC feel our loss, yet we feel assured that bur loss is his gaint v ; X 2nd.'. That we extend : our r sincere stock for the lUcteL : and liia friend here wiil 1 ' r!il ia Miss Virginia'Xinpling,1 of VVesV j learn of hU sucoc;v minister, Mdn returned Wednesday to again resume ner duues aa miumer v. Tribute of. RcsdqcU or.F. "jr. & It Z. Egerton:- : t. t v home near Sandr Crek. cn - - Azr.tricxn Tolaxco Cor .iar i.h will, draw its buy en, Isxo! tax lurcrt wt -! 1 thtrthy irt.:n aa ali i thai wcu 1 enable tleru dtir i: i ' ... ly xo cpa Laiar4 tat x: . . cxsaice the KorJi Csroliaa c :- - A number oi Youngs ville's cilizeaa the night of March the 2nd, I IcJt -1 i. .. . .... . ... i ..... . . . were nera , aunng toe past wee, t,on died or rneutnoaiau he wajttf trhirro T.Ut. ia a among therix Messra. 1..W.' Spivey, tick only a week. He suffered much B.!a." mberlake, B. T. Holdsn R. but bore it patiently. . In '.early lito v. unaerwooa,vonn vtinsion. ;;. ine umta witn Saaar CTreek JJaptiit bnt ii iicisftvirr r a tua:rr car c . loes'ci rtnerrth t!od at 1. prove trawt-icir:e. VBJUwifc Deputy Coliector fo"r church, and remaise! a true member this.Divwon,"srn lie was a kind atvi This is, ia tntf, the arua:t iabure on busmess' connected . with "" ,HTM f113 the L-JJ. rt.TaJ n.ronn ' Rft One little MD, tWO slltCTS Bad tWQ VUW kV4 If" V I ftrf v vw w Bet the Sear ten dij a:., cir . t was accompaniod by; his wife who bothers to mourn their lora. Iln age raake the txprrir.cat,' They ir. srnt th'daywith- ,Mrs:B.'a Beck, WM 50 edgb- that' if they Lhli Uw aa 1 t at Lancaster's' Hotell' Or v' hor, a, true and kind frieal and to prise tt tcVacoo fed ar.5 - . : ' : know him was to lore him." By his Carolina farmers UI to tl! . t tad wtrch; t;l; . .: - earu!il30 t wherever f v U rclacd, lal c"jC uioouay c he went. May God rien and ccm- r-nkcta shcali U trckta was torctorttov Dr. ICF. iarbor,- . . . iM(M,fti vr. u-.vJ , . . - - ougnfuWj;-onpenaienaen.,oi U. eo ta toraectLiaiiaHiLaT.U... ,..-m ucuui wua VI to AAA . ' n 4 . overw at and near Franktinton, as he discharged tlie last patient, on . San- day... ;; ; : . . .; .'. Miss Francis Green, the nsw. iail liner .at . the Racket, arrivexl this Week, and will have charge of the millinery department, this season. House and wis defeated in tho Sea Mrs. Hall says -that in making her te Itat week had "teeth" if wo rasy wtj f;rt:t ia c j -t z's. C.z purchases this season she gave epec-j uao that expreaaioa. It drew the U- I We hare us to so live aa to meet hiai ia Hear. ea, where partlag is no more. - . - " H.B.S. ,. J . " . " , , . ' . ' 1 . ' ' . I '''. ' - - Tho Hcanlnrr of tho DefeatTcf '.- tho Anti-Trust EM. .-.The Rcil,blll which paaacd m 'th. i asitr givca by Kcrth Carwllr.i trs c r tha NcrJj C: lie. They lire ia a real c.t i Ueal wcrli; tley lc;k prcj-ca cct tha f-'.-ra. h.-a tlve Arr.c ric-aa Tel C:.:: ; - Uea haU-1 racra tl.aa in Grar.; cat i: . c .. C3 th: iai attention to me eeiecwon gi uio fae to tne point between tae law- rot in U:.a.f cl the L-rr.-.: very latest styles, and her customers makers and the one trua: that tpcr-l e:a cf farrr.'r. siiaix be suited. , . . . ales largely ia North Carolina, r.atae-1 It waa this c:--V.!raaI 3t.F. Houck returned this Courtship In; Church, r : " 1 "It is b v: Ed ward Paul ton the f author i ' v ' ! A vrmncf crentlem ah" han oenine to of 'Exmime" and its ecenesare laid 8it in church in a pew adjoining- one sympathies; to;. ieberea house for the Mcck- ' in' England.;' Pauline Hall has, been" in whicbTsat a young lady for "whom and commend them to the same heav- lenburg Lidiu xin; Co,; to be Been in the piece for several . seasons he conceived a' sudden and violent father whom our ; departed ; brAtQ- 'throughout ; thevicountryandjwith passion,twas desirous of entering into so .faithfully served. ; : "great success. ',iiisV Morton has the a courtship ' yn ; the : spot; - but. the :rd. That a copy of these rcsolu- complete production and many of the place not suiting a", formal declara- tions be spread upon the r minutes ; of earne cast nsedbpMias Hall "lastesa- tion, the exigency of the 'case . sug. thebftaal board and a copy sent to -oti.'-,New,nutobere,mowcvcrhave.. gested the followmg plan:;.-.; .lie po- iiy. . been added, many of them ro'- com-1 litcly banded hh fair neighbor a Bi ased entirely. by IIiss Llcr ton, Such bl3 (open) with a pm stuci: m tne as; the Peddler's , r- Ecautilul fcllcis;- text: iJcccad tp::Ue ot nd now I be ta though- I t . a C3W coainizaciLacui. . utj t th-t T7h-"h T73 fc" 1 frcra 'ill: i.'il ;, V;; land of Love,' YLca s Cv.p;d hells j0hn, v. rz2 nrtla A , -.t tfie Rems,"r which adlj materially in ccsch thes, lady, "not V. making -the old t:3 plcc'j an up-io-' 1 date cntertaiaaait; - Th3 cr-t ia- Trrcta a P. A. RaAvis, . ; k - . J. A. TiioaTAS." ' " t XX CHGUII-0 J. J. T!Ar.r.0T7, 11, Odci:. ' il. aj. i.Gr.r.roir, Vr.B."Cco::r, a a a c 1 f ta to if ctllh's r II a r i t , Tl.:: C III . - - I at t- .ar."" f r .::! -j. s V. - as Ularr too ah : rt. weekHv v,t Anentaa Tobacco Ccrr.pany.j that defeats! th? ILL trr, pk,5 r;f uLr. aoUu avowca ana cvaaa.;r- per- U si r.5 we rr:u I at LLaa, euperiatendia-'tha erectioacf a largo ww prevent ti:at crr.pny statye .buildin- for CoL W. T. r maklr.g apecnuuta (wiuh iu nc?hcs. of the 'Jfecklenburff. Ho sabsdiary.coKpaaiej) t7 prevent tl.c informs us that he has acontract forPacrelM 01 Fns 01 Larciaa tobacco. It' waa des:ra also lo erected on tho Jamestown Exposi- UJ ncaaici iuj, f.c..r; tion " croundi. 'for thoftora-s of their tacnt. prices, c.c-cn i a- 5 o p waters- He will leave about April ' 4V i - . i rivals in luiiaeai. i La acLa:3 can nurrtlaa. t!:aH vo an 1 drives 1 Comp-ny frcm r :-a n.I. 3 . i: :: '.an lit. JL . -S . c a :nt-r:l p. n - r - -1 in hLs th3 . i Thcro b pr r.3 r.:an cr. :.. tho r ..3 :j 3 ia . t .i ..i enac. a v.. i LarcD Ccnv. ;.. It vr-J -rf t:.3l v- cludc3; iaanr vc: finionj T7hc: .

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