r. J: M i: v. - A ; JA1IES A. TEI0IIAS, EDITOIt. v ; : - - i. -V nun rn rrr'Tt'O' tt 1JLLU A rni - r - tj:;o::. Vol; xxxvii. louisbuhg. ::. c.t . x . . I L ut 1 C 0 7 WBSM - :- : -; i I W - , ' - . "" " "IBT C0U;TYG0rtl0I!ER8 ALL UEIIBEHS PRESENT EXCEPT COMMISSIONER GTJPTON.-, ; . Work 'Makes Hen. . - i 1 Wbrraake men.;: -Luck usually fails. Pluck nearly always, win .To sue ceed in! anything one must overcome obstacles; : ;3Torce and. fiber are built by hardships: Grit is as- -necessary Tv AASQnrC'AnT,ofnfprtRfto..rmhe maKng'of a man as gumption. v- . - - I Hardships7 are not always "handicaps. titer Routine Business ;Atten- oftin t, , -ej oa wm an; ded to Election for Graded dentahd thWUtterlti -twenty yews. " School .Bonds Called. . Ivr -Meanwhilo"; permit -one,, who has The Board of County Commission- lived that twentyryear3 -and more ' to rs were in regular session last Mon-1 J adviseyoo. in this. Hang "oh. to j davL all members "DresenfrWcaDtE. lob until4 vou, are: sure ot a abetter THE TIUES FREE TRIPS. THE : CONTEST . IS GROVIKG hoRE interesting: s The Friends of the Contestanta jare Becoming Interested and ' are Seeding: In Their Sub- scriptions The Standing - The friends of ' the young ladies who -are contesting for tlie Tim es 3 llTS? :ca tha !; Why rrish of btt!;;s3 t! then do poj'lo travel o f.-.rt trom dialant loolitie, to do bujsincr a hcrt? - Hero and thero in locoliiL.t, tro siill to W found lilUo tnwerlf hz ncn rnea who have not yrt lcsrnwl t!a a g.re at lesson oi Lciinais jf rrnc sion, bat gtnerially they ln tgttckst deported coustert and o6er or Utrr go to the .wlL .'Ilcsiness progreMion thew davs t acUfJty -expansion. Th btinc peg?llI:: THEIR r.OVEIIENTS IN . AND OUT 0? T0T7K. better L,;,;;, ;;; '" . C. man most npak to thotxopleor thty M;Gupton, 'who was detamedVt I one, "Dependable' bbyr are' in de- " . . : : V- - will not fgeak to him. . ' . homeron account of sickness.', After 1 mand;: no boy can be depend, P0?1"?11 : arebe coming yexy much m- Ho owesit W-the worte, and the reading and approving minutes of the ed npon who does not finish:, the .task tertsted; aud';duriug the - pat week people axtcpui!I to know whsl he iormer to tr E. dier. medicine cense A petition asking for an election Louisburg ' Graded . School; district, was granted and the time, 'of election was set for. Tuesday. 7th: same dav of the town election M. SI Clifton was appointed Regis- Louisburg ohMonday, afteroopn : trar; and E. C, Barrow and P. A. , umeHB Ul auuuu Reavis VeceVbDointed'as 'noil hoi- kidne7- trouble. ,3 He ' ders: TSee notice' 6t' election else- 1829, and ,would;therefore where m'iheseolurans.T ' -. ' 78 -yeaiE' of age .some; time next f 2. Miss Ondie Tucker. And Th02Q Vho Cr. rrrt C.n Nf''-"l tap Pint ri C a I 1: s r r - ; k.z:'. ( 5 . 1 1 r r, r V t ft Business and a Laro N'um-h,? r lUt L : bcr Eccauso They Llto lu it r,w; tt O-t :t r . . Alc-. .SjrtU Idt jcv.frlir C n U J. with hU rTcj4o t 1 1 151 iVist. tMt to Ill:?h o.p ir ihU vt. t ' VTinu to rikt ltSbcrt. r: . ansact business' as folio" wsC'' J; disagreeable oof work, '.db;it; thor- and renewals havecume in, au4 tlio ia' touch rilh thero, and kwjv them W IL lUCu wr.t to IU!rr a utjiiujiib !D:Uobbins,a Confederate 'SoU- oughly Do it oetter than the .aver-' enlightenM regarding hU -.Loiincs co ' ptoff wlocal UfiaW lL fk- firrttH U tji fv.r .Wallowed, to eddle:. patent age bom do it: 1, PiunurTI,reV ulentv of ,ther will reciprocate h sliU Th.y Mr. J. IL Jobn.,n,; .of Yccr j without' paying , the:- li- . - -' ' sr-.-.-.;v-.v r . t wiu not kep m tonc wiin ht.3taaa rule, ipcnlStssJay tit ia Uv.. w w' -v l . - 1 - : -.7s ior new; canaiuawrs u enujr me con-1 j.- ?. u ' . - ! vcrr c "tr f ; ;; Anoiner,oi i? raniciui-s pia ciuzens, 318L--. An accurate -and correct list people to be I eoogniiea by tie bu. Mtp t0 fncx . tcjjir.t in Lj j " , m tne person or Mr.-r.u. juacon, :jvu: w-ll3,ira i44,t-.'j ti. i ' r aWV . "leU: ",S. taie aqare deal." , t . i" - j .! "3.S .".".u.A J...n.tf V.-.m-v , upme, inree anu anau miies-JBast, oi r 1 j" ,, , conitltutestue most . desirable, ' , " ' " 1 - u p u yesicruaY .. ai o ciock uuo . .... .. , . . . . . , i wi4 icucu n, II. u. uku anr Indipft b?ncr vntd frtr utru'vd ail. . .... . ' . t I tuli Wrtk. . ' was. bbrnVin I follows: y. . v - laod wild-cat advertising, hat tho Br. 1I, IL:. lUnit as! cf have been rti; Miss Ella Harris: ::y-- : I fulness and brawn of sinomy and " k oreJt; arru;Us l iir. . 4 A petition for a new road begin- ra.0Qt?- : He, is survived by .his; wife , y 3. Miss Margie Macon; : ning at JohnEarleV and Tending- at .and;naeyeral children. A . of his ; :4.vMiss Fannie Winston. -WI N; Fuller's X Roadswas laid on chUdren except one daughter,; Mrs. 5y. Miss Virginia Foster.: , o. juiss Liouna Jarman. - , mr:n n - 'tit li the table for the. present r- hu vimum m; arreu, are uying . The Suoervisors Tof Frankliton I TAkbama, : having moved there township! were authorized to Imake several. yeara ago. MT"Macon was a V :tj 1 1 A Panning Board.; , ' 1 r t-TLvii" farmer and 'ub to a few vears ' apoi . r . " . ' o . - '. . 4 finds . stability ta soaod reason, tn justice, and ingood buiineiti pdnd- 31Ii.i PlnnfN, Ui& to e-cod IIuUT. . lJHi i ii in . . n rvi'iiriiMV. ... . . ".r. " r" I iltri Jt-:ro r,l - Dasy? xr?r ci ju cf ling relatives and friends assembled il IMalf at . - , . - . suDerintended Bis own. farm: but "of : . - t -1 wg 10 pay me . last matite t mpeel I . r ,1 t ti .-...i c. u onossing in the road in said town- ?uPnw T. . FopJ UsiJt5i icricl in r.n- 1 LVer. 1. el i , ! . ...hip; with' Ao expenseJto the conn-1 .years .ne leu it .au.witn tenanta, . . hnhftdeclared tD4t h9C0 p p : Grwwbote tii. U--3V tL t.vt the Cemetery here Wednesday eve a till can Ihi :t to, rvra . Ji tt ttr !rift fm Ul: ' r wc?:k 15 C 1 1 !! trrct 'J tt tUt dcr. l-t Cat x'.u t!;TrtI:y rf cr:;. tSe r W7:ne cf !tl;r; rr r j. . Report " - receive public ?x-rolomonToadrrwas mittee discharged . ' declared a of committee appoint Bart U:y. n-M a.1 Uu road known; aCPollt W wa8 uveu OJr Ur lu ; U tl, t,,!,,, T '5-' j 4 fReDubncan ticket Bflveral'tTmea c jes? una -.-- - - v. HMrf -' J? -S?thui.itatd.r TTeieel sure the,: COveM . ;r, flA ; ...... Ul,; r Uu.:r.:;r.tt: -a:. CJ . ki:- - iDutwas successiui omy once nav-p- ,i , v ,? i.- K'w,"tt"wl,'vu,.,u,v' " 4 . . 7 I I I oneaptonao. - nm. j,i . ' , - e , placea oa one man.-. It ptrng Uo ; wh TUV P-itria Porrr nr? nVll ron wara I'VOTea.a gOOQ DOrUOn Ot. Uie JemO-1 . t v - , - , .t-: I ihnrivo kin are 1 Url M Eattae ?y and oMf ron we r ---- - T r . A t t 11. CI I .trr. f, C-";tr. ir -! irv vwAwm- vin nnv liar t n a it n ott -.r.;i j f .. : . a. 1 - i - a. -m.- k t j . : - rr: - - u, ut- - .. , v, ' k v . greavwiguvoaiuasuouiaeia, e Keinier. W. G. Ketniev and Mi Wfe.n. .Cunstvl J. LVb- u. f 1-t .-. t ...... ing.gona-to toe tounty nome. 1., .-. . - .? -r " and.acain joat anch casea aj that ol rvi A Trri '--';'' ' ... v,--..r. -.t. . . . , , , ', . County home was receiTed and filed, otttermoet nospwo men tne wntei ; 0- cannot act InanT case.- The k, i,. .'. . V ; ' n&Ul- W;W.'m.- ii-'-Y 'whlti haaever.known. Hkfanerd-took , V - 7: ' f r. nom. t Kearney, eoodactoJ ky IU. yt. J.c. K.nr, wto t d ra ,surJ fcio a.-.! tie T v. d?7S : - place 'm' toe Baptfatchoroh Wr".' on . B.D." Poe. paator of Corinth CWb, i . t b te tf,3 , t, .oi, ; f HAk TneWay-afteiwn.-Waactedrby board-nom ..aule dmJ- -the rem.ba, .uUd ..Ure, Mk.' ll-a tce b M b ti -J.. ,r-r, taw2lSliafr EelfVStaipW'the-rem J.: wr.br6oBht; .to. '.toe-Cem.Ury at Dalt;a.- , . . . ' H. U K.i-,. C,...-C-,icr. Stat'A were tendeily laid to rest in tbeCem- ?TTn' IoUborg .for banal, ac MilK,'lcT al J lt.a .b, 1 G. Atr,:., IVrt , ZU Theiuowinere the pau: fSjfe by the riWaot the .fanfly anda fcel3a ct,irtt t J.O.Ot.,,.. IbeKesisterotieeda was request- -J- t. ;Ky. .;.v.: Ij.to.arwe atany..wth any man iirge nnmber ol relttlTetand frlenda, tT..f eLn 11 Tier-' C ltrr edhelrsaot .-p 'f Clinn, wiU it who nS JSS " Z I T; tamber;transactions m their respective, rank li pis tact xaaa. . townships, in is; county m : order Harria,f arrow,W; M. cb'gni the necityof thek Iir..C 11. Atent, lU tUt Ar!tT nvftfUt., , ; that the AaaeBsors y make the pro- GEv, tolaVflsWO. era: i George Eavet, A. T. Wilson, J - t V . I. w e )ui:tJAr:v-- per, assessment on saiu property. i "r"", . ' - '-- :v,;v minrtoa JUesseflg-I : -; - I u Rm n W! Wilm ' T. IW . T . I v-.- - a . . y. ..... r . .,-. - - - ' ' :,f I . .a. ' Z ' - BA. White,, the newly, .elected cotton weigher at Franklinton ' gave "I tnent,' Ed; Parti n art! ' Johnjlcafia. ' "1 I . vl pie ia DwLira. . . .1. . . M - t m mm ' - - Sm nJUc u-Jaoorjonnitywithan eataUIahe4 chuca. Tr,.:y Trxu;j,r .Z, elected o.Wft;5H: k;In this'unW;,-The ' castQm, I hereby icsue, a , call for. tpr..-; t G.A! ' iSn HnuryaadiUrs oftha K?1 5.. U Al ,,f rt t C: , , : to.giye bond, the present encumbent ' ;, ;;. . . . ;B M other towrA i'ttid other 0fX0ubbur3.oaTh0n.l1yi Apr. T7iUucu, e dy rt, ta vl,.lMia; -k r ? ADoddWd,lEa lpWeime near; VviDOTor the'p nomlaa. ! vb .r- f'JF? w,lJ?J iS7 aUythb wOrthirodenslbilUyof candidaiei for CommUsIoairTof ; the IUT.UP.rr,5U fcr-tsry, ! !ir : i: : : : -. .J18 I'T?. Li11, Kearney, JiminieNewinan and Mat the jihitw OcrtrJ rtr-s rrl' pli AAor?;wer appomthe.firat - j--,.; . tome'tbth'edbK May. IVi- EdcUUoatl Ik-trd f th Karth Cix. r,Jd, 1 tr! s ! lSST 8 CoBckarlib fertg, hy.noJ nt.i n Conferee, itD: i;U . : r, , : Mertie Sanford; .Henr'yJT;Brame i, $J&g?J. Jk. . :Ttcxa was a en&r&Per ' ' : O-.,!. 5 f : ' : ,7 rv;lenttneA;.erjy. v J , aodm Wrigbt, WiUie Cop- buyers,rand return homeward well ert arpemted rto hold the regular - Tr. J.E.Mt!crt:c4 Ut vxrlC uil,-.:. 'V'VSJf JZ -Shaker, Hedgepetliv" Ked aatisfled.th; "th'e;mnlU:of thor election wUl condact the IMnxirr. wVfrcm a far cf Trtl ,!i;tt C ii f. H"r;B''r;r;.L. V'T:: Davlsd Haley McCurtfeh, Wflliam lonZ trip; ; ; . T - W. II. Mvcox, Mayor. usV MecUel at CUe, C:y,V 71 0: ; : !j t-:, .Yce-gB.Wirn, jjanntiime& the jSneatand- " ' rrrcrta a cry t:txix: lie ia. r,u'::L-,;': ;adu ipWmBW vJU' R lliamng- he EinlmtMartha-'W oinihendatjoathat can 1e; girea to ' .Death ot Ur. K. II. DaYls. fenrt cittitU ga'c-I ttlent t.Vre MarkFo and Sallie vPerryj'Robt our.' bcibcrs men; and, should be the . , ;. Mr. Stephen G. cf .Dalits, p0a- ' . . ' A, T. : t: t r ,;iAFran Hr II II OT-rAr- irA ' .v c r ;- " 7;. ;r,4 Keare; Moaea KeaLf and TSurrEgertbn, Oscar' Iittlejohn gritification -vx . turning from G rover U-W&rrca --p.; tll f-HayesTiUe-'S. YrrMacbnR: iS. ana Mary Jackson,: Henry Perry 5 It proves that they; have; backed coaaty; where he had -Wen called hx u f f A y.1T A Cl- I : tt: S 1 : Foster, J. H. Eaves. ' . J :y. ' ana Mary Tjbnyers,IIoraW RodweU I J their .romxaea "and v redeemed the illness and ; death-of his fatr vV3l! e Wr'cflln. 1,1 - ' . : VSan their pledges, and that -they are able Mr. II II. Davis, one cf the .beat c:U- - L ;,!jLra in .; . ' : !-J: Egerton, A.1 1 Wfisonr " : iVAiii? Hawldria, Met White -and to, as they hoped, meet-; the expect, xen, pVarrea c.,untT. Hu broker n;tj:::nu;Ir.1.!rr:t::.... ;:. .,s. GoldMime-ADniiWKB; Joseph Mr. W. J DavU, of Tern.U Tcx , .f r f,f j, , , ; PerrvtfGunt-D inritaUona, and . took thenx at the who ce to am a to f.al .4 j t t T r-:. T;.Jf ;.; r,f : : : .... r. , ; ;:-(. ' iV'a xHrr Uamj' and-Laura' .ViUiams..: wora... , . , j - r-, - lancrzi, remaira so.no uaj. wu Cedar Rock H. S.3oone,tT.J AT ..f.- r .-kv V. It crovcafcrthr 'that 'these mca- r;!iJrc.i in Warrcru - - - - -- - "-,--- 1 - . . . - " , i ..... ? . 1 r" ------ - - t C; , dnscoe, J. w Uvis. . . . : .IJi -.t . Jcrts' to thV-'oablic ia' crrj form or! Thci f!cnl!c:ncn hate i-ccjc-ltl ;-Cpress CreskR. '!:J3.e: Hiirrisir-'-; -TInrcr ,jpcrd Ilousd.'- J aner,lnowrp:pcr "and posil 17 ?. zl v'.iV n Terra. Mr.:.-; - ! T . " ; ' . . ;Ho?T3 Monday I hoped fcr r.cc-Iliu tt:3 form ct ia- h;t U.r; cr..i T. r vlr;;- .'Xbu'lb 'r.-C.' TJzzrlC E. S. 'rV:n ia tl 3t6ra :1 ,-; , 'Green A. VT; l?wy,Crv i- j u cc-I-j 'A ISth, f Claims to tho tbont-of 01,470.8 i ''- ! .yerotlloTrcd end tV.3 Beard t;djc"rncd ' - "t o mil : . , by i'-tha.; Ltla crenred Yc?--"T :rd n folki'Ut thaUs Cpllcn?- -'Ccm3 tnd' cf cr:r:.:cn rr ! i:r:JLr-tibths'cHldrcn:"-Gcr'-rtl - .cdb- If U'w.ol.. -.Iiy then tZ'JZ7 i . -- - in c r in 0 1 1 . 3 25 c! i