v' 1 1 i $ j V f . "JAMES A. TJIOUAS, EDITOR, ft. VOL. XXXVII. LounBuna.;;.., rniDAY, afiul 121:07. I SH fl T T fl II P A T H take of their Strength: 7 They : 4 A ;.-. dod'tBmoko.theydon'tchew.tlieydotft f .' - y ' ': 1 j - ' ' ' ' -' C drinti they don't gamble, they ' don't W.. :HENBY.:.VPERRYV KILLED SJij BY - WESLEY. PULLEY. . I for the srirla. and tmW thein or lose caste. ', ?The bova are 8 of- Without -aWori' of "Waralng WJe: ;iwn'.VlW-and Pulley Shoots', KiilDeSth .WfTJW? - " ,ft .r- tninks ne can be '"gay and deceive ncauxim , wuuiuaws-. everybody, and he Uuns alongnlit Pulley Givs Himself up. he loses his job7--ByUat time he is .A;:mardern'aVpencoldblood apt to thin Wlt,hat eorrieboy: has " un- occarred;jatiiley,f near.ttnei: line b j derniined hirand to look quite past twee'n Franklin and-Wakeon'o the junty.paruy ffxumess is au ine ume )uttmg up bars against the gay .-yoane ed Etenry Prry, Kotn white,' with t man. Positions of 'responsibility, 'posl-'l a Biugie-uarieueu'. . suyt -guu.. vur uons 01 xxust, positions .requiring re. APPROPRIATE - r."i01T0 I nrTn TTITPC " nrrv t fn--Tr our;souls TO GOD.'V - This Was the Motto . ori tho Flag-Tof the.Franlclln Rifles :tH . the. " Civil . War Sugrgrest--,Tjie; editof' of' t!)o Times hzs , fi. cently:;iearnea -. the'- onna "ofT tfie beaatif ul":i..?ind,mon .4' appVftprhte motto JpIacedon , the.''' Confederate FlagVwhich was -V foltowel br Hie gallant men composing the; Fiiavk lot Rifles: As ' bXwell knon tho .wuruuig w,- rrry,;W luai.ue is pouncea Decause.'. ne isn't Comoanv : was rpntipf tr, was' sitting ohjthe pbrchin front. of honest, for he may able . to ! swear a m6tto; Araeetmg of the company . , ?7 -T7, 7 Tt- 7 rvT' . .".t ""ar-. ,uo was cauea and .a.- committee com. Perry saw the gun pointed , toward took Wmuckjas'a fickle; in' his .life rsel Uf C, G; si 5 Baker Chaa. ' U him ':&?twty'Wfc donH that djd'nfc he Jhbma.'an.i; ytj WKink; Wpi. yon , shoptr; me,t ;at the.t same-: lime has taken time that did not belong, to pointed: to rsugest "a" motto, to be makmg.air effort to go' into the store, him: .He has had; to p, besent;:f6r. placed (on ilie door to get ontjof the- way;, but he Hehasn'tbeen faithfuL . xHe -hts joYethe old; Barrdw failed tgef inside beforo "the, en Hd as to whyheVas latef- and' as to & easaritVstore on Ah corner 'of tiredoad strockhim invhrs rigtt where he was lastnigh HeVhas Mam,and:Na streets ?'ia Louisburg breast and shoulder ,!Perrywalked gone uponjthe theory; tha it was ana , after 'consulOng, View momenta behindthe counter f and fell. His nobody's business ;howhe occupied the: following - was teridered ; by Mr. friends"? and vrelatiVesjj rimmediately hML time L outside business hours. Yet W.' J. King - who is - now the only raisea mm up; ana piacea .mm on a ine growxn 01 a Daacnaracter, uyou gurviving member of the commitUe: bed in rear of the itore,'tbut he soon aret all close' to itj ; is agout i as ob-' Oor Xives to Liberty-Oor Souls to; expired.ljI)r.Tl; P. Floydr whowas vious as the-growth :of a -corn fieldl God." Without a moment, heta- knew wsl5 ngbL Miny of tie Cvcj tro almost if not eriixly G!;tenu:dt ind W tsk help in ro itorin'tlicse,' ' " " ' pa. the' 10th of May, Mcrr.cm! service" wilt be belli, a frogrxni of which; will b giten liter. . Tfia orator for Uie occasion is Mr. Tw- . c r i cis ox axreaxon. dinner will bo. given to tho Veterans, ard itb theo; projKwtl ihzi ?z& g to irto Lemcterv ana af.er ajiproj.ri4t, ceremonies there, wo wi!l decor: with flowers tlij craves of TTrrl Confederate ldier, and . pla..ca each a small Confedcratu flap, -which U ta remain until replace.l by, a neWf one rnextyear, Thit Wautifal custny- has beun oweived laany pbov anil it is .with.: regret, that we cknowfofca our own tardinw. Let it no. longer bo held agiinit ut but ll . every ron, ; woman anJ child in: our cOmraonitr uniu with u iohonprbg the heroes of oar lot; but still immortal caaae. , f ' Ox's or Tub DArcnmciyk IJetow we append theliil we have f any one : can tell rtj eff othrrt we will be glad if he wUl give the names :to Mr. W. H. IlUl or mo3 them to Mr. ILH. Darit, our Seo retary. , -j : ... the r.:ovi::a people Tiinin hovz:uei;t3 am - - our o? lovnr. . . s : Nun:. ( fi i And -Those Vho Ccn:o tnd Go, Sorr.o rcrrlc-isurj, Scn:o cr' Duslncss ar.d a tirnc bcr Because They Ltro IU J. K. Wh'TtUrru i Knlir ; - - f J. A. Csh Tt rrscd Tarliy frc ' I- 9 2 visit to Dcrl.m. ' , ! ri f r l? : :Mr:. It i. iWuHie t;rti f,wdtyt ! ' il in' llaJVkh ihrl, . "J. , f i - t V . f 1 ... - - ' it ;.;.. . - i 1 n ; 2 6 t. v - in the!, neighborhood;, attending his The prudent b usiness man d oes not 6'the oi patients, arrived a ; few moments always wait until :he has kcase' in committee other two membefa Of the accepted iV and;', this'-. I after .breath .left; the-, unfortunate J court , le prefers to setUe. the, little j how it cirae' about that the raostad C'x- "e"7T "r'..7"f r.v"'-," ' mireunagt ana.eapeciaiiy tneTery There tere several eye-witnesses havVgonethat f ar. Busin4ssis be apD opriate ; motto, in 5 the late'ei vil v:to the'killihg; andnone- ot them coming' more and Tnorev ecting' on war.' was .'that of the: Franklin Rifles saw , any immediate cause' forthe l the point of individual chanfctor.;;;:Itof Caxolina. Perry r fell 'ovlV some , months ago J saying thatr whatever 4he head of the X: :Tho Ttmes'' FreO Trips. 1 Mr. A iron lu-u wek from Ualilrscre. . , J. W, 'IWx!it rt'.rrc-l Tofkltr from a thort trip FUUii. Mki Mnr Jo-IJ, cf .IUir;r wi yu-ltt at Mr. tt 11 Tcltr thai week. t'.l err: in svtl o - v a! : 51 r. -v Krr z , cf Dtr Lira, Uiu hit cr.c.c, Mr. VT. fL Ar- tarnru r.omo j-niir a::r x ty,i to his ur-rZe, Mr. J. I. Dcrwy. , Mra.'Marf Grea Fcrcin at,4 ; ra. W. T. M OGtrtcrT. c f Vr k . Mr. W. p.; Baker, Mr. Walter ibtoa. hata beta CieaU til wisk. cf roan, Pr .Meadows, Mr. Wiley Mra. W ll Pcrax - Hardiog, Mr. John C. Ayocke.Mr. , g rori reueJl 'fcM Newton . J; Batchelor, Mr. D. I). Grtni 4 1Jt f.a tri! c3 D, .Mr. J. , H. DiiUrd, Mr. Kis rtTrm hs toht aa rlrrl halhaniel Macon, Mr. B. If. Ivearney. fof tls ,Tho Cost of Bad Eoads. . , ,7 V t "V T: ', . . 1 l? Minn. fthA tT tjtm it -The Department of Acricalttrt b. IJfl Jie!' t,,,.-. v,T. ' Irafd a bulletin showing the coat of . t, tv. - Ve j, I: vur rA it w-J; Irlr- i t X-' 1 i'.t a :recj r t 1 til!. Tco it iKCLriDn mi:". (tea xx-rli& r; ijs-t x. r r. rrr. ) ill c . V are r.'p;t"eI 1. dlffertoc-.obimed by h, and. that mwhichit can.;b, yrgaiast " i&LUi Jto rt-L C. w th. f,r . - .wneli-irimey -aiscovereawavjv.iai -vueiuj. uu-;.un r w- tu- -iue wwiw ,?1 ,-. ...-, - r Y " -, v - lew caj a rta caeat ci tot trcuvcr. Judgt ,hid beent'dofcketea;; a,!.V.?? i. 60 la-UW, Mr! W. IL Uo. II.Ux. Wak?Coiin'ty,-!he became .inriou throngb'conBolfdation.V, 0$" Tnas Uton Jono ltti ar. bawd sp- . J"7-' OVw C "1 UrK "aaUr et bit'tiatosUl. ft (1 w rt , ft 1 ' f CT C t : 1 tlk e t J '.' . IW1 c-rcrr-r " J. IL IVts t lty wi-Jj C; r:tl f;rr T. - lev. V and.swore yengeance i against r?Perry On bona fide subscribers" and; rensw- '73. and7j that-v is .supposed to : be the als, ihd we wialv temphaiixi f the a-.,- v.;"i ' . j 4 r rranKlin superior Court. - - f. v.. , ,r . - Cause pf.hu act. , - '1-A- i r- fact that the conf eat shaJl beY abso-' , After committing the deed Pulley f, .TheApril term of Franklin, Super , v -:, , . , V, , . , ; went to the. house 6t J. B. King; rfor Court will conrene onnextMon. ,e5v57? a Jristi(ie ' pf.the Peace, who lives day,'with7 Vf?8?;.1? about two . miles :from;Riley and presiding, i !TheiQe)rkVd6cB:ct'iDp aQrax)KiLi,! Nft:";onV ;ioept arrendered -'lmniiDltanr4:':'tirig- to'yesterday, contained thef following &efedito'tand;tne! persoa- Wping xung wnai uo uau. uuue. : : iucsHou-1 ,y..yoor.; " it recora soaii Jcnow" now many cers brought the x. news cf "the mur- . Tnere r are hve capital rcasesj. V;-- ! 1. der to Sheriff Kearney nd Deputy j: for trial as UoUows: vWiUis Young, L;--. . ; - ; -V ;-i i r , - -. : " L'J: mi-.Tri -llni :rroJLUted tor each contestant nntd, after i. A.; i.earney f lei t? 4 immeoiaxeiy jiojt ixouu,vav"""m ,.'r?s-, .-.-v Vs -V r , the scene of the tragedy. He found VWilliams; burglary; -BuUexrAlston, , ct,close'thereiore:it can be the defendant! at Squire-Kingsjand murderesleyJPnllemu readdyseen that all of thecontea brouchtshim to to wri; .keeping ; him ' 'As will be seen from thecalendar 'antd wffl .have an'equal" ihowio'g.We in custody untu.SaturdayJ whence Published in another wlumn no cases wm 'only' publish eachT week how the wasplaced pn tMcrvdoc contestitit? Adli. We doesn't(much;aud;s seems un- Mondayofthe second reek.. 7- V coned,4;evxire ,jr V to emniovajawveri?Dutnispeopiev2 i ,. . , have emplbyedMr.TWBiYkett.-;T - - -:ve;f::t young Wiee bemgoteJfor jtood as v -trr ' -vW i itr J ; Mr. E. D. Smith,,, general X organi- ii.r -7-? ' A - to defend him. vfWe learn that Mr. . . V; i-A"- ,oU9wi:iiTit J.i' W ' l er of thfionthem CottoAsspiaa- vr.v V. ; - ... , f c products, the aggregate cost of haol-1 ,. .. t- I... .t.r, tr oe maae in xavor 01 gooa roias voxn 1 . , - , . . , , ' . - - - . ' I faHe4 to dirk uiim unie 01 nrares. iui rciu&ucsi uuicaie - toe pono;a aarisg through the derolopneat of freight nnrt a v ::. . tit then, b-ct we f 1H0I to 1 000,000. .No better argumeot ; 00 aid j . . . , . ' s -i . -1 , . I couateoiao dsns? u.: carrybg-' noUeyllir' bringing" the farmer nearer .to the , point of ahir McGhca-Joyricr. I Mr. ani Mra, Thi-eaa Cgn menu . .w ita an anQuai ouuay, ox j $73,000,000 for battling ..1,500,000. the niirnige cf their dah:rr Ma?. 000 worth of ordinary yrodacH, gtret CanLa to Mr. John WU!.: Vhi3 1 C -1 lirfhitr C-'i-a Mil, r a r ! ex' re a I y Jc-1 er:l; Mr. vu tU fir .! Mnu IL C. fxa, ai cf Mr- 1 r r- plaid that the saviors aearod bv Mrtmrnt'fif tnrurvcrrtAtiAn fri!itWl twentT-XACrta Ct Arru Cur:cr;ltc3 would be enorrnbtti, V'Hesolutlons of Hespoct. ,The,: following rejolatioaa wertj unanimouily paraed by . the Mctho 4ht Sunday School : hundred Ten at hilf afur r.L- o'clock DaiLiV Ccrch FcirVIU-, Kcrth Carollro, -'. ; V---hYxk ZnhmockUt bodyW .ftj.yBtXwJ Jaman.;c:;? cjfM "fe; Bonded WaVafiouse -Holding & VTho , Conatery. f -.VT- r Coigmnie'sia every ' cbmityVmtba AEejtob .TtMES.-.. I'-wUh to add The GlriS,inrBuSitl6SS. 5- sgStbi H;Vv.r V't'i;" Aometbiag to' that which alrtady The truth is that the girls are get- ' ' -svy..- been said-.was in. regard to theneg- ting the better of the boys in many 7'sV rr s.-tvj leotebTcbnditioh of a large1 portion of ' lines" ;of , fgentoei; employment7The ;7 ,7 j;! ?e"ltv' 6tery,.8jad,thU;i3 ' written - to , boys may complain of this, as they Hemainirig iu the poetofiMrat:lujs .UTjge-etv again .the Vplea,-thai "owe 'wiU,'butthe factstends.The young Dnrg:VN.rCanoalled f6n?r citizens - will -take steps '-at 'ohoe'.to Women Inthis, ano; matibsfter , eiioiit Mrs! Be3stor improve the appearance" of' a' tpct w ?a!cern;hbur,:arequite as much in Mianid.Andsbn,Mi Betsy Aus !?. many. of., w. SeVidence on their way to work asthe tiD a; Rav'Cooke, Mr.Diron; VL lW that -there, are -few, who .;youngmeh. and the man at the win J V Dunning" Jake DunlasVC. Sl :Ek- knqw bow many . Conlederate fcol- ok rnm anai Georce fester,' : Miss ' Qoria rTT? : --t- ; - neaL that thev holdr up :their heads I i 1 4-T?nW JV: TTflvrln: Witn tne aid of a Veteran we have as if tney-were ready to meet the Ur' Th' TtL Bill Hies'. Stone- ascertained that, there are nearly . l world and their employers. They r jaeobs, W. H. Jenkin3, Misi tenty-five, and there may be more. - Have none bf the appearance of, hav- Genir'lkton, lwiaUhmarMra: . a a belated duty, though none - deprived themsclveabt the neces: Har McGowanLumber Co &a ;lc3. n duty, th it we hcnors .the -sary amount of sleep, "or bl carrying JsJe3 mtcheU Mrs. EvaVCNeal, Favecf tho dc id heroes, en - X a headache along with them. Indeed Johji w, P2rham, 'Misa XubyiPerry, ' aPPJoaohinj MemorU day, the . Va ft03t mornins it is' pledant I 'to Lula Sili,; S. tWilliams.V - ?0 D.-t2r? .ot the Cc.nfc 2 cohere ;:- Bee fiowth.eirheeGlow. They p .: f 0r fanyi cf thV carncJy t: all rtrho.wi to LHaregbttingth3bVrbVli Pcons ci. fQ- unito Tnth thcx ia r, m a -t.buta - . - - . pat-a letters will plsa23. cay they rk o A Very Si4 Dcsth; , , The trrajnthjr cf tl -ur rxrz.- Clzzt'jeT. 1 : i I lit-.? i rr'j Ui4 t. .. tt;Va! ft, iri! Mrs, C;-l : a ;e c! Utlt? itA t il- er t trJ cf 'Jxr tr,c - Ik n ci tLt iuz. : r : w vrcf l 1 tfT t"3 a lw !: ; -feirr. At Crttir u- -- - Irs ttet c:r.r t, f.;. J:,"1.- v ry 1, t r 5 v u- r I j r J.t -.. ' .Ht li r: X cr r.l: !, 1.: r . arJ f.; b tLi: I vr Jl Mary C :, ti Kvr Tc-ck, e-- v Whereas,' the 'great Teacher b hit ccsi! Mr, J. J. Hayra b infinitore-'and wisdom'-has -set n lhe raavec-t Uh haa crr. ukn hun. r It was trxJy r.c w i La fit -tot2.ks from otir raiiit br ea- tecrncd .'Scplrxntsjndint and; co-la ortr . hose frraenC'e- and cocnad ,wui ue aamj. raujeu iu oux oaiwijr c' v::t. i i Jlesolved, That.whili .wo bow in humble tnbmlaalon t'.the - wOt 'of God," bcllerin "otir lofi' to be hb gain, w rnourn' hla .daih knowirig thit hu exemplary hie ana w-e ooutisel will besadlymutsed.; .'2.'. ' That we- tt tend "our ainoere ajmpathy to theacrrowiag family and commend theca to the love cf Hun' who will not leave thwu cota fortlcrs; ' t' . ' - - ; ' " .3.-. .That a copy, cf thc-ss "rrola tloni. bo errc-d cpoa tho minulej bf 'tho Lotilsbur M,r.H.J Scrlay School and a ccpy r :nt to tho fxally, to the county paper ar.l to tJ,a"IIal cighChriitian 'Advtxv.'. "t ' , 1) !Ii Matsi. I. Davis, . . . ; r. A;,i: ATit. 7" - . hear cn VWccIiy Ihat-IvtCt Hajf t wrj d il.". ITer ac ii 14, il oMm! danh.cr, arl h wia ici cf htr JU'-her. wta t r: cf a rcry tweet dlrjctt;;n, i tirc .Vr mothers 12: civ?. 1..- v v . 4- - 7 tlsat Ir-'.etlla .r.&! y. H-.t:; ( t f r. s vil rrtk it tn c V cJLcr rc uA f.aeil'rn o---n vl rf it t'- x t , Ar,;o He 2 f:'- 1 7'TT r- - TALL r f :i t y c:.!r -J.r -::.t,:tt. w death aS?ri two rc irt aoj iho bu bvn e-lxUi h-!rfJ ,lthtr aTTcUcca'. tiller, tr,i t k r-cat Ir.tcrtatvki Lv lir -: x'.u: her Irothcr and Cs u r. Fh vu uirn a. Lv.a -.it !. trJ f . Lai f;'.ln c t . . a 1 death. TI. tzr.eraL lrj-clr; al'.cr.ici, tcot rir- day aftr moon, at lh I'j- Ji. cccUc:-.! by IUt. Mr.fu tha rcnuirji wrra trIcrJr !x: VII veil ,v Of re a".". "I r r xlt: C-3 r-.r,rcrt ( ,"f err. . t v . 1 'V .44 i 1 ? in C-r-'t.rj. Tt f.:. . .. . . .. Vi . IL A::-n, J. A. Turr.-r, I A. 1 . . . v : - T 1,1 ,V cf . .... ... T r- -- 1 1! - -) n - 4 -:i A r t ; r. r cause they can be trusted to corns, to Ti " JiO w v Hheir'workinrofcrm.'Thoymiy caw thea clvcrtosd: ' : : 0 S2cnt , Cty cl -cur, Dc:i; vln . . m ... . . a " 1 1 i ' r! : : : ; c:-.-. a rood term. 'iHov mnv a; not be strong as tho boys, but they R. R. HAnniSi P. bvcl -44 n4. , V 1 av . A. - . 'r