,'-5, , - - , ' ; '. ' -. r - V."" ' .vuuuufwuruuunLi uii l.'.Stita : v ' Marcellus Perry, fakaD III V . UOITD AY .IIQIlUmG. : iiudgo Bla and SoUbitc Dim- 'btf&ij-M . . , ... .T- Jurgra Anstrcrcd Promptly- -i?i7i Capital Cd3C3:.' :v'"- y ThiprU jterm. ot Franklin. 8 tu penor ' Court, opened on Monday horning at 10 o'clock J Judge J. C. f Biggs ' and Solicitor C;ra Daniels jamvedon-: -Sunday itt ordeV'lto')e - present promptly; at the; opening oi ' "couTfcVriV rr-';?r-".-'-i-',: T""'"-r"-.' , eerying bn the : juryioiatioua rea- iseet 'for atrial today.ViTr ;rv:. ; Tlie winners of th3 iraxrn "Triirs v ons: EliingJ an)J o'f; Ji.XVally,1. Wlio wi!l; have- rio fcause "'to'.' regit t'.tl.j wii) . jul. , Alien, , ju.' jt. xxickb, rfyJJ. "ueu, xieurjr - jrcrry, a iew uays enoru pui ionn.v- A tnek m::nl:crs iicu cm rvlo 1y r:.; !, rTharringt6n, agbiji ibe passed upon next Tuea-1 of the editor to make tha trip cni cf - That ' 'tv.-s a frr - ricLrr.1 ".Perdne.. 'fhe Grand Jnry; was drawn dayo - V;?;' the roost pleasant they haVo rcr n. . . -.. 1 : as'foUows:' J::vd r(eekmbre: F6reVr):TlV' vr'V:.. ior3. -Remember that the i.lan-r.: ' . .' . Error. . . mau, u., o . xriugB; p.r, Aiiuru,. yt y;j'' ' ' ." n : WU1 umve a:uve uays siay at me 1- . tugQt., ifpograp!.ical .error. , H. Delbridge, J. J. S.;Timberlake, I A.:; Wilder, J, O., Wilson, iHar.BarhimiMaiaey Holmes, S. B. Mullen, W;T. Wilder,!4 .WW.SlrflJ.PWltt. J. C, Baker was sworn m .as ofaoer C : x -" . - :.v to the Grand1 Jury : : -- 11? PerdueiN;W. Winston, HjH. Den " -'hhi''m - 2. Mias MarSie Macon. v A-Vr 1 W -S . -We nave examined all the offices 0 ,yr, A , . ton, G; H. Cooper, R. A. Speed, C. . ; v, . , - , A. 3. Miss Qnme Tucker.r ... ' -m m the Court House and.find'them '. f , . ,.- w . v -T. CheTeau'; ;,rt- ".vr : 11: V r :. t ;! Fannie Winston. "MrB.VT;Holding - e 8 Cc M 5. Miss Virginu Foster - ' aantul Vita ltAan& tn frtA f '--. vnrai ,v ' . -r I 11- t V orar in by -the: Judge as a: full- - t fledcrd,attornv-at-law.nj' l ''rV - r ; ,av: , . foreman Grand Jury. . . . . . . : r. - 1 - . -i' i -1- , TM- Judge's ;ch5rg6,;whilenot yy - - - ' . ? , wero entered by their friends. T..i chcrch of the Wtte district, wa$ ;yery:iengtiiyj was .delivered in a clear bv thaTlcYok 4 .8ttc1nV-i .ina0 Tl3tf cf lI : 1 1 -IJ ia fi Vadi's ehurth. in" lrf 7 f .cut," and.Xeasy " raann'eri andcoverfsd- k J . f ' faP that, thp nitnea of romof",l!: .u burjj. oa VTcdne I.iy ; .hf'-Tht;r Isj '-fibto d&fci coinc to: Miss 'Veiterdav .afternoon ' - tile, following'. 'W;wm.u ot. '.otheVwiSe disposed of:" -.Lv -.v ' 'M.-,PeT'!Bc.j-ddgnieit abs'olnte. , 7 Sta'te WHenry: Holdenigamy: --r State vs JCobert Clifton, aO, jm Li ' n j - a. t i - :te vs-B;. H.!"ifeadows;i d. JiuJ'rJIkKn '.ia-v-V- 0: V t"' txr-iir' i t. - State vs Douglas -Williams, aban . i..J cyniltv .Wr ijj n k judgmentj suspended on payment of -L7? .-i -ii '-wt... AAi : - 'State vs Vastus.' staiimgs, retail- : ji -'"lai u j S . ing, submits, judgment suspended on : ' x e ; v j ,;,'9lirt . hU - ' - : pearance, tram term 10 term ior a pe ; : , , - " i -; . . nod of two -years, ana snowau ne 'ha.:nornanafactnredoroid:whis: leyr brandy : or intoxicating, liquors y-any.kindoj-Y-- f'"7? tf , i . Vstate, ys ,ErnVstKoe, -inj ,perSonJ propW, nltgnilty. 7UU '.C ,Stote.v8:aR..CAlford,j etap -;rittbiiuts.'4 months' on "roadsl; V'f ; RfofA , n R Alfnrd. rtailinsr. nfAl; 'r .State vs Ed Pearce retailing, subf . :ir raits, 4 inonths on -oads.f; : V;V " "'"'I r,State' vs Furney Spivey and Peet Giles; Tand a- not guilty. ;- '" State ' vs Harve Wiiliams,"submits 1 .to murder in second decree; 7 years in year in penitentiary. : ; ;. State vs Isaac Davis, Jr., failure ' r. '.work rods, nol pros. - ' - I - . ' - " State vs C. A. TJnderwood, a. d. rr. not cuiHy. " ; v ' nolproW-..rtJ it-i'V.f ;.:r: ,;?.QOx'.T.lr!m "I"" State? vsV'wilhtotesVi; and .thereby edged. hi . nosoE.tosap- i ' i l' ;r ; - vrr s t)ort rthenonuness:. and: the Times tatort,' Mat-Vpison: if and r.V hopes that no roter. who voted in the j -t " ' - l ' pnmary will lend his influence in any discharged-on payment -of: bond, f v.v---i- -r-v - - , r Paid' r i. t--" : - way -.toward the formation of another ' fitoia' VtriW.' Mi':rJ'nh- .tickevor :thUK::or;8cratohiDg7 an r , . w J f - - -7 , -r , :!' '''.--btate vs; Henry Matthews,: alias April, nineteen hundred and Eaven, 'Xharley Hobba, larceny, 6 months on at ten ' o'clock, Methodist Episcopal '"roads' Church, Jiouhburg, N. C.;. No cards ;.t State vaGcor-3 W.LccnirJ,frr-:d, " s notglty. . ..-t k Stata vs GzzDcard Air: -Ru ninT frdn3 en Gurlrj quired to 0 n L-i , CJ VJ c .... j V V ' t' ' L ' C - -4.-k ' L3t-3 T3 loj, c. c. vr., a. d. recalls': facer, cno year oa read prcianaVplaads guilty; The trill cf Butler "Alston, charged -rDclrr,: bb:b ofyestcrday. Tha kilbn: took -plac3' nearly tTTo yezr3 and; it; wsi iiaiaed.Vfis" acdectsL W'jury! brought fcra verdict for manslaughter,, just before report closed, and on account of the: age;vof the defendant" being aout J5 yeara 'old the wntence of theyudge only .two; years iii the penitehtiiry. . - ; - t- ; , V v ' - .' The'casa ainst Tnm Ham nhnrcr- "v. t,j ' T : i - f lcJuhty'Jaa'aid'fihd it'tobekent , ' v.. th' OoiintT" Hnmiind th.v fc.n I v i- A; I jail theinmates well cared for, allthel r v. . ; tools rell 'dared for. ; , - -,w XXTr I r - room be pronded for as a Grand Jury I 4 :--;ir. -T - I . - . , . . - : 1 -J .?PWsVfcy: oo of tte sue. cessW anddatcjJ rt the town. pri - - "1"?;?? Uft-ttat, n:.attompt bemade to.ron n, oppoUon , l,' ;"?'.?,ttf ' t?d wu. be: made, ;as ; a very b"" - r-; I oi me. nominees ai jub pons. . it w e . 1 .". .i.-Al. Ltl 1 T ! ngh.t to.:all;you. can for your man; in -the . primary, bu whens he fails tarm out, as an honorable man, - .Vv ,,' T joushquld go .the poUs on elecUon Jay and cast your vote for the nomi- ,.J . .. ' - A, nees This .having always been the of'steadfasthe -.Nation. Sta' j. ' ' - - and.Town, -its editor. most respect- . - . V - v. fully;; submits to the voters of y the who participated in-the pmu- I rv on Thursday of last week, that it - t" - -- - t - I is their dutr toT vote for , every man . - -; , - . . ot.cket.;:i, a--y- , ; r - TY L : . ' v--..t; - - -. - - f- editor or-the Tiup ;has i ceiyed &e &U , ;Mr, and 'Mrs. James Lee Palmer : request fthe honor of your presence I . Mr. and ;Mrs. James: Lee Palmer I rftrtnstHhe hbnor of vour presence at thesmarriage of their sister, Mi:3 Sallie Daniel;. Uppera an, to Mr. Roger; Gregory Burroughs, Wednea- -: : . ... , If, .. v, M day rmorningrthe twenty-tourui ot in town. At home after tho tenth cf May, Henderson, North Carolina. to Ilictril In ThZXT Czzo. . . I - 'i Aftpr a trial of eleven Trccks'the rhzT7 c ia a rciztrki da: in Nctt Ycrk resulted in :zt - Friday evening, t it die 7 fcr murder b tl.3 .- ... i 4 I t.- ... . ' VQVU w. Fpi' , cf, v J- - - j ... . - -y-1- - - oro In::: -"ted TIis Vet : .: 13 Still GroTrir-;.' I ; Huch interest is brio- rcanL'c-t:.! ia. the Timts ccntc .t for the raa tbips to the; Jtroc:tov7n" ripositt-n and quite a number c! the fnendi of the young lady contestants havejent in votes the past weel. Theyoun fa'dica firA cTan nln-r 1' rAt- position without any.expenie.to thlsci tfhatVer; .WW "other ydnns'U.j dies' of ihe county desire to enter th. contest they should'do sc now. " Th- ' .Up.-O.yesterday t 12 o'clock tt, contestants already on the hst stool - - 1 ,i , - numerically r.3 follows: . I t - Pi l74 I ytn 1 1 .lermsn j . 1 We desire to state that some of the vouncr ladies in the list aboie k : n0T7 Camp ;0nriWlcd. . " 4 A Camp.of 4 the Woodmen of Uie World, said 'to be "among the beat ana most;, popular of the fraternal orders, was organized htra Wednes day night by Mr. T. Ray, SUte Or- ganiier. There, 'are about twenty charter . members. The tollowing , Council 'Commander--! . ,11. Mi tch- ell. ' : -.-'V-:- - ; Past Council; Commander J. A Turner. - " i Advisory Xieutenant E.Odo'uC , ?;,ClerkJ. W. lting." ' ; V , , 'ABS,taerk--Prank"Fot.";, , . . EscortFrank Foit. j :'. t I' WaichmanD.'G.Teatcol ' ' - Sentry J. J. Lancaster. '. "V V. Managers--Dr. II. A. Newell,P. B. GrifSn, A. F. Johnson. . ,l - Chaplain Dr.: (VD.'lI. Fortl -. " To Jaxnc 3 town. : -v '' At a - conference of the officers of ? - . - .-.. " f the 'North Carolina National Guard at 'Raleigh .on the iCth, it aa definitely decided that the Second and Third regiments wuK bo lent ta Jamestown, to", spend Ncrth'CiroHiia week at the Exposition, August 12th to 10tl, inclusive,, accompanying tho Governor anil ,his staff; tnS that the l iirst regiment will be sent- to tna State rifle rantre at Horehead City fl .,.., , for pract:c3 five ur.ys at - the sane time, going frora'th3re to the Etpo sition and 'spending the last" three days, with the other troops. The de tails of tho rpovcmjnt.3 v.-ill be ma io knovrn for. the "mfortr.-ition'of ' t!;o Guard later, . . U , mmmmmmm ,,,,,, . - ' ' .Cottcn Growers IICDtln. Mcrrrs. 11 D. ?:::ith, Pr.'lJcnt of tho South Corel in a C;ttda Growers1 r:oc:-t:cn, an J C. C. Tlccre, cf t'.- ia Lea: ar I.-t IV. y, to addr; : i Vat) cotton rro'.':r: cf FriaUIa era t T ia t!;: .rt!.2 : v:. .... SI t ..4 i ' :i ' - 4 ,1 ,. ... ' ol co:::;t:.;: t.;it -1:to tlr-:;. It! r r. I -An Echo Frcm tho Hcccnt It waf here the Xr.H.hr ' " : ; rCjupcr irkd, V.ho put t!to Ff-nch ttrr Bat v!..-.: t' ry r ( -: Wit rde fnfoararucls-Ust wek relative thcMnotw of the Frtnklin ltif.es' I-Ir.-. :'Tbe 'ntme If Mr. AVw. J. Ivir. was made to r?.vl Wm. if name ,wu correct la tbo V hc-J,nC. - . Tho Governor 13 Comlnr;. Oar Governor .wil1 iak at Ingla tide on April C0iV.at, lI oc!ocka, m. Therti will be in old- fashioned f bsjlet picnic,;, apd ltt ei-iioJj como and win a Itj br-ireu- .'; ; Episcopal Conference. rv h eight, when Re v-Gio.- 11. Tclion, VrcliJcacon 'of ' tbe Convocation, preached. the owning scmon, ia : the abience of Rev.W. I. licHicimp. . . , . , -,. . Among tho other .'ramutcri prei?nt was Rev. Dr. DaBoto, of St Mary's School, Ral eigh.f : r. ; ' ... . . ; ' , ' ' Addrcwca rero,raade list n'ht by Messrs. W. II,; RufSo, T, W Bickett an-i;.p. S. 5prnill.' : r -:: Additional Fnmkjlntoa Hows. Frsnklin LoJ, No. 24 1, 1. 0. O. F wo highly atertained by Rev. T., B.;." Joitjce at .the ."lodge , room Tuemlay night. He ex gained to thn pleasure snd satlifaaUon . of sll f res ent .the'; application " andxnurnil meaning of all the' degrees. ;; Frank lin" 'Lodge . No. 241'. lias latenty even raembers and is dob good work, '.They- will celebrate oa FriJsy ni iighn'Aprii-CtWtbe aanivcxictlJtoTir2 CT .ralr,;Jr. 1 e., ?r 3dd Fcllowfhip H Ame'nca. ,Thf rt fff CZiiX;! u txV a t- Uj t, c rill .be atverai speakers and refrtah .Uo3 ut Af! ':r- U'l r" " . Odd will -be meats wiUrf be terved. Only the ra e mbers "of .. til a I ulge : will site ad, as the . ticret .features of th; work will be dicajied " Et ery ra era dct is cordially iarited to be rrtont - - 4, -It was qtiie an eajoyatle occtilvn cn Friday afternoon, when the RouaJ Dozen Club was raott 'highly enter tained by f'Miis j Aliei Harris. ' " Tl:o games anJ excellent iau?:fi were much enjoyed and- 'delightful. refreahmontJ sirved. ' --Tho Virgiaia Dare' Cub rret oa Friday afumoou ' of la t week with tf. . ' . T.T--t Tl - . . . ... - .... . Ji4.vJ. i, ..'3 lit .... ... rar..l3 hrr report, and tl;en t!;o eic-!- leaf IV:..: :. at, Mrs. U II.'- .aa: r.iovc 1 'that they ia ct sixty do' ia r.:1.' baols,- etc. TLi t-f c,.: : v,-i t;,..r,::rl:.;r,,' rrc 1 t , v r:.: t hi: 1 . j to r:-. . .r. ll. . i " ' , : t r r.l ! :i Tc? !;r. Mn. JcV.n T.;!:r I :..t r '. i 1 ! ,1 ' 3 Ir. ' W. J. " Li r. rs f , a i ". . : wr!cv rr. e tis t s to c - r tit; ... . i t , - . '- "Mi? J Joe' rrr.tU iii.l hr '-;' IP i-.e..it r.ca..r 1 c -nt : dsr. ML?a llttclla's 'i:j : : IV Ttjlcr ,. to Dxlllra Tv; - lit. Mr. TsvD-r c 1I4 C.ir p;txl there fr L-ei'r.f zf libs Miry Yrrl-rrcr-V-wLt ttlfnif ta J cln-HcpVLj llc; it?.!, it ri:- J f tnoEret.m Vr.!5f.isy f.-r (j-it-.-.e 1 sccoratr.frl, hj 1 fr. J. It, C: : '. lUr. G e-j. M. Drift 1 f '! :2 r. tcsrdaf frr V. h?T.i at lis lie hr.i I t. r"-L;l'r-in a r - r t 1 1 1 .. i . Dr. 1. K C'y; 1 weik fxcr-i a IUJ cf ;AcrU at the' MecUcu.vr Ois C.:t, V. II Ifrn-J ts l?.s; i!rt V. "X Heches a r.l , cJ next Mr. P. R.:n5-tcf htswifa "a.r.4 Mki Mt ?r F;:,; f icaJav aa 1 Mcr. Ixr ia IiC-Ubrr gwciu cf Mrs, S. T. Vi'iiilcr. '; Tho cJitcf hl a iry rail th; wtk frcn Mr. H-Url lUr tin,, the very -'Zccat sal .?rxr PrivaU' Seeretiry l j ta-fcjt.a Poa.'' 'His hDtU cf frir.t L: were gla.1 lo see l ira lk:r. fa rlL ' with :lhe le;..hia Ca$pxay it Oaf crd ra a; e he r. t." tU r4:-sii Coat'-sav. -.' A Fcat.; . s-. W: r Thrs is what the Cr.!el c.v.i r.;a .a-: U V. chHlrca wHi"v!a"crycaanl!r,hjf n::ht It will t-a cju!-' 1 C;i - V ti.il rf f f r?- t:"'":' -Nau.-aVar.l a!!nhj;jtJ tls sf Tejl-"-r r-;rr7: - rcatly occartea It tL. AuxU c ' f 1 : Drs Coraxar cn Li! ci4 1 i ; a ra ay e.x pec ts. -t; 1 ti-a a a 1 at tl ssne-tiraa a! ! a rI c't-, SunCay Schcol zl Fir. 77 GroTc. The? pejtecf 'lr.':r cf P:r?y ! I 1 Tot f,T9 r j 4 r-"x -s.v j tlr ,,v-' " - f ; - r. f ...... . r f tl - c I T . f . 5 ! S Jtlis.1 a ; r 1,3 . M . ' . I , ' ;'. ;..- c. : T x.r n ST ; :,3 : :.. i - - f . j -: t T - . ... A & a!r, t I z.i;z tit - I :" ... , . .... ..... J . ,. . -' .... Cw. ' ... s . . 1 tz ' .i, ... ? ': np--.crt:! ' ... C .. w . V 1. w, .. W ... Ia U,-e Uit j r r i.;. c--; ! . , 1 1 ci v, rs a : .. ? .1 . I ... - .1 tavaa-' . ... .. ' 4.9 I If St". . - t sa : if: .1 t .. ;. c . -i j ct fi tz r ! 1 1 ' 1 J lza:ar-.:x.

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