' fr V JAUES A, THOIIAS, LDIT03. r. i coui:r 1 "Vs" r . BURROUQiiG-urpEru.inr. 4 ' " ? I7 - sClifton,;Mr. ftad Hrav.S. P. B5d: ' ' ', lie; Mr. ana Mrs. O. C. -.Gregory, VERY PRETTY lIARRIApE CERE- Mr. and Mrs: Wm. Bailey, Mrf and UOHY-III II. E. CHURCH-. v Mrs. F. H.; Allen, Sir, and Lira. E. ' p - .,Xv- s. d.":L-rVr''. and llis3 allio' Daniels Up- P iJnjunctlon yCaso. goo otilL i;: -OTThe; civil ecciihj: Pullc7 Found Inc-no nr. 3 L to Asylum:! any Other Ca: : j i-l. bc in Louncur.G o:;; v;D:ir:DAYf ::ay igt. Derman lase :?tneboiemn ?Ah injunct&v caV waaaied' a- Importance Disposed vows i-iuirimony. Clzzz or ristc:n Do-;: -r.ci :::rh vin givj a cz-zzn in Opera Lou:3 That" III Let Everybody Go. i 71 Ka:;r Tour, cf th - T t: 3 i - - spoken :pnv.veanesaay r- . "5?- " - rMJwOu-.V1.week.:s On-FxIJay.mornins the case e'..: nd nix bors will ciro a concert! "M;r. II. i O r-,!T. ' - ' ,pofnf?&emolT; 'SS1'51 Ae:TrKt3es. were 0f t&atdtT.V The 'iu'rv;. out tr,!. v!t- tn r,-.. . far f. ... s ar.I c4t:5-t!r i. e f.zr tVr, - J - church- tad been beautifivl.wPre8ened-b7IIeri-'G- Con-l&oxu 20 -minate. - end. r.t.M, . th.iri wrtrV t.J AiU'tu: ThV v.lrh i s f 1! :? J. mOny. vv": here on Tuesday - before ' Jridjrft of Solicitor Rrrirfr ine veacunff vows 01 miss same Br- w uuol , quesr 0ar rehort nf tv r..irr, r rr- . , o-"--o ' I twin m 'lansiin oupenr i v i ui viio uiiora virpwaa ATiurn jttirrougns,oi iienaersonVs wer ; ft: V coart.cloaed Tharsdi vainS of lost I:m -n arramred, ami a of Un napnjiv; morning Methodist Morton bride The ri nor ana IS. J. liarnes; all of Wilaon.f vaAn :n . and the pews were , crdwdedl tfl lu waaing ; oi amaaTiw. ana-K: In the .cao irienas the eye preceding pated lovely to the and her fine Organ undefthe master touch of Miss 'Sallie-WilH forth he beautiful bridal the partyl entered 'thchirch J. L.; Palmer was dame ; Mr. Thomas? Bullock ' 1 r . z . c : c : r ... f; "6T rt:;b :.';v. 1 t f - t!;itllrra i"..s t'.'.-r. v . t . lit 1 iilty.v f j , c-;h-n. r.'J w . giro ihepopU cf ta:-ftcUin tnl -?--rir.. J I ; of State -vi -Willi i' j Suti an opportunity ' ta wso in d rr-- 't!y L-.s'U !. i1,t t:.-i.V . Jt-rt, c I Vc - r :-1 t : ; , 1 MriTIIIUHMI. Ill 1'IIIIIIBHI 1.1 1U . J 111 1 7M 1 I T" " " 1' .... . f. - I Ift ana x aamirers .'Witness I .t& c,r rMW T.?,": 1 i onnc. tsonvictea ot attamntin- It r.-oru haw wr I thtr r !!t l;oss. ' irn.::.-? j ni' fheK dart clouds othfi l olved 1 Uhr L!i t ?r-, '..I r. r . 'eve were, entirely, dissi-1 -fe,.:v rtary jtn6aefendant waa Sentenced to .the Tli brsfa Hoc? a ihonld U to rvlf4 1 r.fd -;:.r.:;nr?, 1 1-,- f - , - , v; by.'the.bright sunshine -of "a ?iHa?W ?af; Ptentiary V ;f6r : ieren; year. An ov r Co-.vin? ntxt Wednesday ntgtt. -Kat i l!t r-.c,!f? Abl 1 1 v r : C - : C pril dayicompale only Imb? ;Chamnan 9i the School appealras tatentq th Snpreme Tl.jair.:!s,on fee wl:!)bt imall, .V it f,r ne cs :ihr ! L:t Itrr t Wilesbf the, lovely; bride oad of :,w? ft Courtiat: wai-; afterwards Vhh. I' it all cm afford to attend. : x Tl tot, iH:h lu rr:fr':rlT r! r. t,.. r v.-. (, - beautiful maids. ;The - ,x y , y . j c : drawn V r , . : ,v- . ; . .; Tho cii will W at Ycon-itHo cat h 1 L-jih.j. r.i!? frJ.cr h-.v 1 aW; pealed A mog. freighttiains tSnnlconA l - Ty I.cWll it ec.! i,uL,sl SJ . ,;. Marchas The longer we Jive, :her mora Tho Times Frca TrinJ 'i rtrrr.UUl Uirrl ct9 . MiJIewn,;ai;ihe:more,weVlear Thfl j ' -,a ' ivwn Ul U Ui) A . . ofhonof: le8S thmk'we knowy. Suchiisthe a d w- cnUned, defendant to: Hyb L , . . ; . . r Itaot-Vr dearer than l:rit!f aij ; "V , ' best Wan. and inconsute'ncT f:of Wgideas;The1bond!- vW ' 4la w.u,a J ot fTM kncV the fcf aV: -lit. " ! r ' ' w .IT. " - i A- Miss Eula-Mtc'eimaid i pneJteows the ;eair hla bpin- ThepwYil docket waa takeri op Sat- 'T 3 f50! with .Mr.- 'Jacques PhelpsvtThe ion "of :bw- abilitie4md wisclomiIii urdavand aeVlral ' :"caica, were'-'' con. 1Unv Pcch rauxia froii Marino che from Vttt Uent School Clc:a &l Pilot, . f . k usners were Jiaessra. ;y.tx. uaueu Djcpaseaw, ; s-r.a, oiatr rroraiceni men, Aooai inaiiideiCliftbV Et'Besi'Heni; pridesiiraself on his atneasand rfMondyWrnmg, allof the jarorV, Juae Oih the editor of the TiVr ryVs:?ayis J- . wondetoWhat; except tWo,H.: Yannna provUcn perxuitklcaccompa. I kji k. T W )UUUZ lvlT W 1 , 1 their aUendants',were as follows t- 1 upbn his school diatrict as the world wered to their nameiT . inren In the Ahts a izzai'Zzl urn t-f rarhi the :h--.l at IV.;!, c - !,:.- el by JJiaa Hitw L'.htrv(; - r an! Mh lillie Carl c! iUr.. r 1 .k lb. : I v j i : : i . I-j t 0. . . ; t. Ha 4. 4 4 V j.-i . . . . . i T . a n m r .W' turn mm . is": F v "s " - w jss Afice oprum .witn; lvir, aw uuuBC",M,uoi;gnfai .a.ne nnt case tasen op waj-ai.Ni. : . , x ca rnay Apra ivia, .tr;ti:,' tu-vj. . ... , ' . WatHnsrlpssSaeyHarn to thu Expoaitiotu Keraembex that thu rain hl:h feU !rlr - tit " ' V V MrfPt' toWa'iVkginia nature reVte ;He imaging the "oonteat waicioio May 1V and tncrnin a lare ' crowd wim cx. t . ,T poster with. Sam Peace Miss he steak's;1 nationato C-tilittie oxti month remalat b Eelf 0.M. J t-,I H :i " ' V 1 BlanctEertbn witn' Dr.vTucker, tains, totter and the sea becqmea iai- orferpubUcan'an'd addiUonal ttudi. which" tof win theae trir a. -V re II- Vi: IltVcir- v4irT;e r?;l!.r'tr-: a ' 'iVIissanMAldne with r.B.v"Y ftntflCVx : "mbhsV5; ::V. V . ' v . ' !, th( leather "cr f-rze c :hrr !.-:-h)r.'i r: !e! - Singleton, s.erGreetttfr . , . . tbcj r.-if. v -,r, ....... M , , - Mr.3 Harris. yiH ..xru ,:r ;r lV . , ' - ine onae was aturea m orocaae mm witn Open-month conunnea. . ; : . n - 7 r 1 satin, point lae .trimmings -made 1 verdict -tori our aim to make' it an enjoyable trip! Bat. fortsaty let,, tt princessej andcamedw ''-::j. .f'V V f for the yoanz Udica who ' shall la ijIc' J'VanUir.'on waa frur.J aJ r r. bouquet, of briesjros aes handwitlia.gta8pYthat is' perpetual. Solomon Davis ya Maryr Davis, di. fortunate aa to win ouu " of theey.j.rlVoiior Bafdarqhna ri';' .VIUmw. m wril ;VmW '.aWH. wore white net .over blue', taffeta jeara paM-ini' rapid gaecessionV'tJie r:. Solicitor DanieU rDa the follow- .;, ' . , , aad craried pink roseS. V;The nmid ng man fin'dV t . that he is U- report to the. Judge -"The ,nn- f tllU .al.rk t.''Jt!,;-i,; -. : , - - tfTv-. Amvnoii RAi;kfAif 'm;: to the Tutsa can hsva ' their to: tatteta.- 'jLixe oriaesmaia wore wmte er n w v and .;a v silk all'wea; and cret lost aU-wearing black cture;'hats nxore of all the people on-te j earth tba,1 hehaa.ettmined the offlce of the simply say scy when paying op. ; cargprayerWo , would Winiss himy,;By and bye 9$efkf nt hQ yesterday at 12 o'clock 'th After the Veremony K the.-happy besuis to realize that1 he" is 'onlv'one Bam. Q: good condition, - the recordi fniiTi1 fho Hrt tr-ni-n z'-ftvrr en af tnv 1 ui lT:2-LV'e ' "V-S' -. '1:1 J I TmnrW .kftnt nd v inrl'-d unr? Tka - Wa Xf-.r -X--V - rfo?"-'Af t.Tnffif?.fifkf numerically as follows 1wmio.-jva.uo.Vuu,. i .iwiuyio j. msieaa oi 'Blianuing iorui as .me can v . ttt "v une in irooa couaiuon. ' uie recorui . . . . , . . " 1 . , -T , . conttltanU already on the bat ivood ropcrly kept and mdexed, and the .-, ,;-"'-.', satisfactorily per- "fi . v ' , .is ilia iiia Harris. of Marion d;Mr.dJSta:Dole niche of some , obscure t corner ad r' I.' ' - ' V man of'c6nhelnK; reaUy attracte; bV littie Attention: W$k9 QP) SeUdtorVV ; 3;.Mt Onnte Tackcr. . : V Mr. B.XaBOytean of !Hen TheYgnorant man who Realize his ;v - Ja , V Apran-n W i"" 5 A , " J-"- V.'-t- -' .' " VV. v:, f.. r;.';-.;' 5. .MlSS ITgtnta Foster, ,N I.-, oerson. ignorance and who doea not seej to me. puixt. sext to ths iksaxe ok- v.ivw,,,; t v pass himself oil fer more than he is vpAKTirT OFEiTBXTiaBV. -v " , ' ' n.lUhWn riV-'r- v" ardonibiebqveelf- gn Tuesday a" jory: foM4 that J. ' tnV '?eU!::'- .V- ?.;PW- W: charged Vrith thVrWd.r CJ. ' ' HarrowEscapo. Th6;young'.men..of-the-.toWn eM orl .at a premium,! to be.eitied. :. ot.i Henry Peny, ii oV-iiiaae; .-Ivtnay.tTto of whow eavea most rdeUchtfal.'' German Thee8trVayig'to;hold; oneVselfy ',VlVthW tnM .o M.ifi ,nrt o."town.fnenJt.hia. jet d.acJ Tpesday Teveningatfth'e.dpera' esteem down,'. d; not . rate himeelf iSVwaiNidiQ,'.aic.'.'-thit.-th, .w''h, b,d e!a bt5. House. compliWr.tato' visiting high--.; Vm. &':ty fatneVif Ji Vf. APulley died m the ; . . ; s mMeil.a.-aKt,tdb4.inTited to ,ine .iate'rand ihkt two of hii (Treat "-' "V h" !?:. 8 bf? . r-"U2S ecacae 1 locsat.tae neaaunts and localy oung ladies. ? The danc- Wghe ing continued , until the early. i mornitipr hniira and- "Home Sweet I take a bisrher seat than to be deonv I nnt csJ 5n th imna 'rlnm I tr' ..u : -u I j Ti- : iA-:.i Via I mt .'j j ii . a tlie papers oaoe in a while to ace if j iiimih . w u. m i wii. isi w i 1,11 ' rnu i. ' 1 1 v I mi a i i " m l in Jiiuin. iiinoAaiiL Lm ilia ai nil a n rT" wn oa n toot i i i m i the participants lievins Orchestra king of acottage than the 'ervant of has' beety acqoitted.'bat if e regains i???5 happeflm m of Raleigh furnished 'eHmusic: a.place. - It is better to 'be al ood hisl'mmd he will The broaght back! Jt JC ' U! pUcr air Those present were;'' five'eent piece than bogus 'quarter; here and held for murder. noon vrhue the girl y TO Mr. Sam Watlans of :, Henderson in other wordsit .is ' better to ' hold with'Miss 'Alice Spruill, Mr. Frank ourselves at what-' we are f honestly - : karris oi ' nenaerson witn juiss j worm. , , a ue wwm jb. iuu lui. jcuw U. D. C. n i- Nan Malone. Mr. Percv. White with who never learn anything because 'The monthly meeting of the Miss Urtie Harrison; MrJpe v Pet- they think they know enough ; ;tobe- J,1 Davis chapter will be h,eld m - the ,t ;t 8nti'mflYMiaByTrii.nnC1ndiliA:'Mr. f?n Wii.fi Thousands : ar& .teachins Masonic Hall, at -4 d. m. Wedneslav. cru,u put a pa bake, and jchile she waa waiting" the picked up x paper and bcan to rca jj I the atnf! herself. She fjot ao inl j that she let the lis- . r t A.W j' TA&& ' ti; M4; ;iA 'wln : thv ourht . to tauffhU Mav IsL : - . . v iwks moment- .an. -r ur-urson vitmi.- iw ".fr. - . Vrr.. f .1 1 1 tis aaaWa. : r;aa 'a ir,-i; came into the libnry tor a touk:. .-na u:o jofce or i was, cor.tin Willi's, of ';Westt Virginia;' '-Willie thousands believe: themselves - wise TtTil -)T ii ..'.'" trrt "' . . '-.. .. Tk s lLiL- kt..! AnAAnnn ?a IflmorftiVilo' Mr. vre:?!t-r:i r 1 1 f , stat-l to r.e ts a ir-th. Fir twenty C5bUi he apVt-n i-Vt il- ing th a p-c: r. t lha V ti a larr t V :..,, he here cf r ru lr. cxr paUTc . x... 'i with j ul th oppr;r.i:y cf C.-i;r - Ir. Vi'ciUr for hi talk a- I bcp-a'lt mar h- wi:h cs araia. la l!;e tTcrJr, fnra Z 3 d ll.v '18 fcr.al ext.-c j-c, x- f li :r c f u-ds tc, were jtrJcnz ty ii : V-'. On the trbc!q the ei.cli wirat Cm - ' '. . - - -- 1 ' f t t tMt hare wi:.-: Lnit, Both Cachets ir. 1 th prZ are to be ocrratUtM cn ih tc! l- a t tt r. : t ru nrc-t th r a :T. r 3 . Dznr: tie pait ?'; a tho :! I btt?l:of7, which Wis rrc:'-.J ty the p-!o c( U.e oi-rarsclir, h ;! the cr-.V.y ar.i Co C:;r.y a t.r Cil t.- tplli. a chtrrh. T.. pij. rona of the school, ara talir. n bUr-st in 0.5 eizfaiicacf thlrc-2. drea than .rt.r!y. Tla ct:r.Vr cf p-jpl!f cr.rc!.'cl rschci ICC, y.r'.9 .v , . t . k. . k- . . 4 i.cre v. . J.? $ ; - . il c - ;-. r.. r - I. d X M. O.'.t ri:Ijy ) t : r ..... r t . . 1; cf i!x..a i L3 I- r. s ' -2 v. . " T v. T t! c ! 1 c a T 4 f .a a "it: ,f : s 1 trt. p-t , i n . .r c . 1 . largff tha-n-etcr it', rc. v:.'. 1 ! 111- Cowxr 1 tli I ... J c V I If. ; r-Tc 1 ) sHci to t-o t fc! izr C: ; r '' - ichol anl li:a n:n-.r-c;.r ar jr-w ntxi .r.. il j. :f. T t t i. - ;. t-.:.:t 1-9 a i' ;l .-i, ; ;r: Th9 orer;irr.enWc !:.! 1 . aXurfoughswith.MissSallieUp thousands belieye themselres clothed the .proper "observance of -Memorial Fcrgr.v.n, without a, mo- - a n li c pwmKAto' in gold when they; are only; thinly Day, May 10th. . " ;.'r ?ut a pe, "that thoy . found tha ; c c ..... ....y. Antoenette Taylor, Andrew' Dkvis placed and the copper shows .through Mns. Joia Bannow, Pres. cow next mgm m a . fortr-arre I - p . ; . V with Mss'May 'of 'Oord, in many piaces. The wisest are-com. Mrs.-H. , Davis, Treas. f -x . - - , i; Mr.Blair Tucker with Miss ' Judd parativelyignprant and, t thousands ; . - , . . . , 19 ; T ,E... , -t . of Henderson, Mr.-R. -G. Davis of cfen who have grand ideas ot their ' ' - n ; t , l' ' Uu n ...... ... VM" ' "hi '' n N will flftmA "davwaka un H0T7 To OpcaACca OfCalniCa. their chccLa lut r.:t r.: th - rt;r.-. with Misst Fannie Gregory of. Ox- own . abilitisa will some aay wase up . . - i : v . ..... f. .. i , ford, .Mr.iW..WBoddie with Miss" to the realization that they , been la- To open ft can fwir-o r.cd Sd- , " " l - , t'A . . . " " V . ' v ' Julia' "Winston of Oxford; Mr. Ed"- boring under ajage cized .delusion, mon properly; by tha can on its rilr, ' Vc? I-'cthrr. . P, : .: : . : ; - ; . jnlpooke witn" Miss jTell Durham ' He rrai or.!y a r.::tj cf a I ..nyl.r.j - 1 ' ; . ' . : t : of Wilnunirton.'.-; Staffs.Messrs. A. bri-ht dreams thit coma btho early then eland th3 cancn end, ar.l prc: ar. I rc--: 1, 1 .: ;- If :!' . i . . . . . . ' i. k k . . . . . . -i :s Wilminffton..-, Stajrs.Hef A;Clifton, Brooks' iaBoyteanx ctpb.cf tho bnt litcr on h a I it - iho ten cnly - Dr Tucker, Carrol Singleton, Jac- llnls that 'the: 3 dreams;, aro; . cnly u c;;:.:.;;.:u. tcit ,v:r.; queslPhelps, Thomas Bulloch, i c-ty, 1 O,,- Lo'.r lltlb u ! tho th3 c-h-3 tc?. Thr.Ar-o -rUl t';-: J'Judeind'Mr. J. CrkaTrfordJcI.az-o. r " ; , cc.-3 ont tn cn3 r:..U p!:! - j c I f 5

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