- y k ' k a JAUES A. TnOIIAC, 2DIT03. u:;z . ..... ; TOE' TOED. FuZE TRIPS. V - i , HCTEHBEIl, . THAT CONTEST VrtVL CLOSE 01MIAX30TH. - Subscribe t For:, Tho Times Now, or pay-; up Back Dues -aAd VotD for Ybup Fayorw Ite ' Young"' Xady. N -r K-s- The time for the closing j of5 the -cooteet tor the Times Fbee ?TRipff to th Jamestown Exposition isdra io near; and all - who wish to cast their votes for their-, favorite v young lasiy should not fprgdt .that they; must 30Uu as the contest will close rat v 12 cVslock on; that-dav. ? If you" wish' 'to abeoriberenewpr pay bact rations,' voa can r vote ';The --young ladies who arejn tbe,"contest are also te nwnaed to haye all names m betojee ?t3ie closing, as our 'contestsHLiijBE ABSOLUTELY FilEJrTfA VC P'ye?teraaat:ilodolbe -oatestants already ron:ithe list stobd jiTHaerically as'f olio wsi I. Miss Ella Harris.x.f" 2. Miss Onnie Tucker.. S.,Mis3 Margie" Macon. "' 4. Miss Fannie Winston ' -5. Miss Yirginiaoster.; , 1 ' - h ' v ' f f - f , ' Let Him : Hove Qni v: Occasionally y onekwill hear se Te -oiark. ttI wish- I was AOut of this wu rtands ' on' the -streets corners chewingLnd spittingcursing the town because f she was i ja! woman, claiming that the ; merchants 7are a lot thieves, that the lawyers and toews; pjr Imen ? would skin a, mzjx to aj .unisn, ana. a wnoie ? lot more -is a nsisance and an J abomination. Any town pesteredwith:'one or, more aach worthies "would be justified in exercising cowhide authority xn the bosom - of thetf pants.,' -Nov" one is obliged to h ve where he is not suitedi If one hasn't an "encouraging,5' word for die: business : enterprise u and ; ini aUtutions of his to wii, her shduld shut up and gc-way back'and sit down." J things. don't suit you..- move to where- thev will. : A" growler andN wehead in a u "town --is an' enterpnse killer every time, x t - would" , pay", a town to dohatd T him $5 and' tell Kim Franc Jones 1 Surrenders. Last rSundav.'mbrnin2s sXTharlotte Observer contained the following: , Thfr expecte4- happened yesterday nwar ning when Mr. Franc Hi' Jones, th Aefauting assistant cashier of tHe Charlotte " National ; Bank, v suddenly appeared in the city and' voluntarily snurendered himself inte the-vcustody, of the .United States pfiicers "to' "an swer the 4iarge .preferred againt Mnfc tbat of embezzlementi;Mr.' Jones arrived on Souther n passenger v tram fo. 44.' which came in a' few minutes before .6 oclockl .He - was accom panied by his wife and his attorney, Mr. br B.'I Bennett. ' : Immediately pon their arrival, 3Jrsi Jones ra3 driven home and Mr. Jones andIr Bennett called npon Unitedr StCss' voimissioner J.' AV . Cobb. U nited -States Disttict 'Attorney A. E. " Hoi-, ton, was ' summoned from Winston y 'phone andthe"preliminary hear- lM5 was held in Mr. r Beunetts ofiice n the Piedmont Building last night. lf. Jones', waived - examination " and was bojindoier on a $10,000 bond. 1 his bail he gave-with the f olUowing amed;; as sureties: -;Messrs B. D. Springs, F. H. - Andrews, Jeremiah off and GeorgeW. Wnite. ' Speaking 'of Mr Jones' desire to Return his lawyer in an interview with an Cbserver reporter, zzil: i -v 'Four daysf ter 2Ir. ' Jc:::3( lilt town," 4 jancvthenJone teels like - say iner, t wish you - were,"yfor i.a pian here, he, realized : that he '.bad-sold 1 "T hb birthright for a mess of pottage ; and immediately beg W to make' hb piaus, ta retard. -.The only vreason mometit was Jbecause" he; feared i for his wife's health: ; Her condition was " 8uchthat.:.-any.xcitement'.' snchvas I v,u ucuusequeni upon ms reiurn would biy:flaV:H not moved by any selfish reason , nor Was lieafraidorjnmselffoheas. a :man:S and Vcould stand ; it. ; vHis ihoughtsere for others.- Ten;davs J.coraingtD the charter for the newly after Ke left, he- Communicated with a friend in., Charlotte, asking him to c'Ol'' uponVhis wife,talk with ' her, physicnnr and'nbtify "4i!m' ot. 'her I uouumon as that The kefrt -'her whereabouts letters SvhicK deem nftCftsaflVv: '.MUm' a! j.-. ;"iA j IJJIT ' - i 1 " r 1 vuiiuauya w ; , our enaer.- mmseii never waveredri Wtrefefred ; to it ri I his- wrong and ; asfwilliiig to suffer I': anr physical pain;to be ' relieyed of even; parfr-of it.v He knew -that vau buiubu agauiai, ui imuy :ana r had" placed- upon the name , a blot r' IlrsC Barrow s -.Huslc, - .Class Music .lovers .'always .weV he. annual Recitals ; of.- Mrs.' Aetoek:mteresg.1 The exercises Were ; held f in. the Opera Housephpndayvening last, tnlarge:,audience .present seeming ti-wjoy. e?ch ev dumber of aerogram ' which W evidently .been arranged. neater -iodifferent tate and there. applause; and iwas f really .wonder- ,;uiab:twxibi44ii'ba.vuu.';p:i: foW suchf diMcidtselections': on thfe' pianp;ij 'Amon the songs was oneCome ;Dreams 'Come,' an original -cpmposit&n'oMxs.-- C. B J ChetHam,,' and sb, weU;'v rendered by Mils Julia ;BarrpW liss; Sallie vxiaxjit; iieatiiaxu VJ ' wuu;xouiu ments on teyery sideonthe; splen did.manner-in;in .which she played her ' piano j solosV She hasVeal talent andis , rapicUyae,velpping into-a fine musician.-All the par- ticipantg the fenderin'sr of their several "'numV bersamd ; space alone t forbids special -mentions of Aeach lt .will be. considered no disparagement to oxners,ngweyer, io uuijb tiip- picaa- i inVecitfttiona'aiid' sohgB Aof ther Misses 'May and , the"; beautifully snng-Swing Song" bys Ma. lone. and jyurman. , jjituexiutn.i Mail was cnarming in ner ; xuua- by. ; Tne .Merry. . MJMaios rketcji waspeciaUy good; ut the Tableaux at " the " last,. - "Sleeping JeautyvWas most -oeaumui-anaa fitting close to an especially 7 en - joyabU concert. ? The little "girls, j. jiiiis lener a nave as wen i , v s w" vu," -which he - received in' renlvJ ree a 'certificate of their eleciion," adviceofthe'iriendVwas, that arid;it-then '?f mS : too' late, in secure he remain away untii4 more.' oppor-' them the swearing - in of , the'view tune time' prWntedi itself. Shortly d;':iMtP.nea untiI after' thwl Mr; ones got : into ' ;ctW esday morning; when; they ussem municationwith 'biswite: rHe- has ,bl if thVMayor'i ofiica witli their ihfofmed :of .his general prpper,yeieniia8 ;. i -ever : since.-I have his oaP oi:ottice. oetore .Uerk pf the b n- -wUi be-made nublio if Penor 3ourt,-J , J. I3arrow.- The for it No one can C know, whatjie Chief IJPolicelX Cji. -7 . has endured during the - past Asar VChief ;of weeks.yi His'inentall languish' Was BanevV"w:iX-":.''-''';-- , i.! - ' 1 sucthathe .Vas willmg tondergo; " T " - 777 --' - Mayor,-400;Clerkt $75; Troaadror, was W causef his keenest .suffer- $250;- pg ent,-' tbO: 1 ' someriung. 10 piease every Doay. pju : 1. .. - . v , -; . thl&sVespeciLaUythe 'younger - - -. " ; v ' membewer greet edwith warm PS.e?,s; D4 " I as fairies, enchant, an thenr awaken reside in this section. lie i a pleas the sleeping Princess.' 4 r.T-.i ing epeaker, and made interesting -The next session of .this; popular addresses. The principal degnia U the class-will' open early. in September, -You should not . fail , 'to consult Dr. Rapport- in regard rto. your eyes --- .--T; -and'gla,:e3. . He, , can e ' of great be erlasUnsly d.oy, d, ;wL:.3 t!:e help to you as hundred'of others can hte ; tctifv. He wUl be at the ' Louiiburg Heaven. A number of Vco: ;e, ad. r. - , vr oriA. r-,n. linton. " Thursday :iay23fd,.at .the . . . ... Hotel. ! n : n pt r s-: PQ-pn ! 4 . Ld4.aU h. r',; 'V'-rf 1IAY0R - J.; B. YAHEOnOUGH . . . , A ikUU AAAU Ulltlii I ':Old Boardr.f inlished V'up ' Their! f vorlr fend. Adjourned Cine .'Die-NewS omcersNElectcd -W , ': x esday .Uornin. , 'vTnesday was the regnla time, so- elected JMayor and icny fathers" to qaaWy, bt;wheo the o d Board.com. V1 ' work ; Taeaday night ont'llo'clockt was difKiovered that iioard the went into a ; caucaa 'for thft Titirtvnuft nf flrrroomrr nnnn iha nw . r.r." :";-o--""!;,"rv'; ft1 1! ' .Clerkl-M.' S-.Clif ton. . " - Msurer he election "of ian 'attorney and JTight Policeman was deferred 'to an6ther meeting.' ' Sataries" were -fixed aa foilown r';';MrV: Lin wood Cooke, son, of .Mr, v - T , ; - .c ; v.-. tvhoid fever, 1 It is ; V "me - dial JzJL'a. of Mr and; Mra.' Cooke - to die with-1 m5nth.-Two -hildreD i.l k-tCr-r'- 't a.-' :2-'rl:; hVr: residing in AinityvilW hsr 'ThA afflmt?rtn k U d m' - inv5ta 8eVeritand one hichCapDe thVmnthi th n'hhnni and ds Wthe 'familrv: ; , -At the Methodist . Church 'on last qunasy . morning, tne exercises 01 ChlldrenVDay'wefe IjeliL 'Thia iVa day "especially appointed by the Co I ference for the benefit of "tha children and is observed one Sandav in each I conference year. The large and ito- "tium was crowded, the progronV ren. 1 aerea a most lnieresung one ana in cluded songi recitationa c,f aTnost excellent "short talk" by the Pastor being a : feature of v the "exerciaeiC j "Superintendent McKinne acted ai leader, -' Under ;, his leadership the schools is"; fair of life and growing thonfrh it is no doubt verv trne-aa tha Pastor remarked, that the;rex are'Iots of us who ought to " attend - that . do I not now 'do so; butjt-b never," too later tocommencev- - w t U---':"!-' r ' - ; 0 r ,1-1 - ' : A v . f illlllennlalawnlsC' y Mr. j p. liarton, misiionary j qi tne jm uienniai , uawmst, irom Allegheny, ; rennn, heia - service m the Presbyterian V church on. hst Saturday, evening and Sunday af ter- noon. .iv 13 coraparaiiveiy nerr uoc- 1 trine, to a majority of our people, though some believers in that faith disblkf in , Jthe orthodox hell. They claim, the grave to bo hell and that ai Wennium; tho wicked who uerema vi uu iai;a we ro i:.r3 r:.; :r- 1 ri ntr frnm t!i j c::;crn n c' t! county to attend th- rvi -vv::ay 17. ice?. - r IISBUHG WAS A GALA DAY LAST rr.IDAY. ' , ;;3 Crowd Over ono Hun IrcJ Old Veterans In Lino s r : ..vcs of Dead Decorated .'lno Oration Good Dinner. Lui Friiav tr&san Ucal iHr for tl - njnioriiierc'-'c, anl largo n nbor.cf uur pco-!e of town f.rvl county &.Mcinl!f"14a juz'.hir to c trit5 the memory of lirbg nr. I dead heJoes Tha ?xtrc:ri rali eld tmdor th- nuBi ictn cf t!. J") -hurs of tbo ConfodtJ scr, nc .v . . 4 fr r. Liinnins to end ,vm tac?t f' r.in aniatercitin.''' i ' 1 A ' 1 V. I3ickett' Mmhal, sal t' foJIowiccj .wtro hi .M:5tar.t; . II. Kul.v A. Ali ton nr.J - AT v. -. IVrry. Thay all performed C.clr lies ftdrnirablv. ' The iroc.ioa orr4 : about . Un o lock fn front ottho vcotirt h'Crcj? V . Loauborg" Ilhlt lc.vltn iho P uphtrNof die Conf Iorcy text ar I the veterans cf McKinnrr Cxrr.p ia the rear (ta cam2?,,) warch e l to the cemetery. The daywsj I.t and the way Jtwty. - Was It tho 1 ?raory of ; oilier- raarche, longer, I . iter, dustier, with n' blank - car 1 : . lges at the ether end, that iai! tlvj walk eem abort and city to tbo oil men in the rear, to the fair wo n::a in the centre?. -A.". - Iniile'the gat jit the cerncUry t! 3 Lonisborg Iliflci halted and fona. c I in two lines, cich facing the road vmy, the veterans .pspirj; bct t?a t: j linea and '..receiving' with': bared I iua the saluto of tiia newer crdc c : soldiers, . the i:ntxitxl rccralti." loll awja 4 ti ih vturai; th-i .D--h- tert, too, passed between tie line' and marched on, to form the- other side pi a hollo- aqcxro artiund tho gTave, of Judge Bavia. - V ; A' hymn 41 How Crm a Foanlatioa" in .which all jhe aasombled. company joine-a; a prayer oy cnapiain JJuke, a salute of honor fired, by the IUtU, abort adlreps by Cliidf Ma.rahall T. Wi Bickett, in which vru read a list of the nanvea of tho dead beroc bur ied there, and then " the ilowtrn, the flowcral. women with" grace in . their eyeaand love in their htarU aad rev- erence in their souls went In and ontainong'tbe. gravta,. rosea 'hen, lilies there V "There's roeemary," thal'i "far rev membereace; pray you, lore, "rcratra- ber;r-theroVruo for you, and '. for me; I. would give yoa aoroe vLk Iets, but they. withereJl all when rny fathej died. They aay he made a good enh" ' , ; " i " Then back tlio long way to town, a feature of tho return trip belnj an impromptu marching cunurst between Ithw young bdicr 'of 1 tho Iouisburg College and the o!Jiernj3f the Ix)u-j. burg Iliflci. The'girli raarchcl well well, they marchet itrong and txti; Set the' slanting titles jjleacal' thcad atter a minute ot Moublo ur.io. . It wts pan noon -when tho , exowd assembled in the court Iiqujo to. heir Itho memorial addreM of ilr. Tsjsker Poll 1 ; , ... . The court toon; which wa appro prhtely decoratf -c-1 with x f. , wat packed to its ct:nn.it c-ipacltj, and the intrcviucuon of t!io erst jt cf ll.? day br,3Ir , BJekutt, was' rncs: Ui:!r performed m a vtVy fev.- wi nls," Th-i ipe3ker c.. turi i hi -auJier.c 1 frcr.i tho'linni; end ht!d th. r.t:,;r.' of every ono Until h.-.d .:.- h-l of t!;o Vest r.r.d iact sj ; r,--( r::o tlrrc " - it h :. 1 evt r i - n ' 1 ' to ll-tk-n t . I)-.:r;:; l.U ; ::n ct.k'i . 7 aa a ;-rc; cd t!iA f.diov. hi ' O'.vn t : r.r.'ir.r.Ta I)r' Cher t!;"t rr ' 11.': :r.; !:. : t : - v : j : t: A Tk . Ill: A 5 D II" tt'.i r i i r ' i r- - ' A! A y.:xr ' 1 f r r f ! Cif rrr ii.'', fr f 1 . 111. J.f- I'.rta ! is ' Lfinon r t Icce, ;;., i , , Ac tuv.f V tliir L'.M r-waf !I ra-r-' J Ova r f . i f c -' 1. An 1 J, a V i , I! ? t.-k.-'k Cf tftvr In t!t i.ir f Cvt ta-, rsy U 7. frc t-j t To xr.jr ruciry X 5mr pus - ti And y 'xrt li c!r-ir aI "r,tr. .Ttr they ,.biatsfc rrr. t JVU. tiJ" life jott, ihj 1 lt.r-i t'X Atl txn4 at th Kubu' riC iraTt Vfho fothi ad tJ'J -.lH x; rj? MAr.d yea thft UiL. th Iim. rsy t-y; " C;ta3 t.-. r." H.:Ut ;aj! f A rrat ihit UlirZ r Aftd .ror c; U tacy fc t vr Atwl lhrri Vy C. t:-t tl lht iU?ry And ll 'z wi.L"h aU-1 T ' ' ' ' .l Th lrarr U:4 tin t-sl cT ll la a!ttir.iaor&, u.H rrt-r. - No.rr-' oer h:i iV.xi z. ' 2Ct J2s"er i lt t rt b-- r:o. A trar ipr a !4. ty j'?y wrc; ."VfaA th trul tf t ran e. The a r f"" js. y C rtli c a i '.c n ; 1 For yt ti l arl yi t.4 tr.i ert, ' Tti r.hiha b-3 "C!f tiz Tlyttylcs ri'jhl ht t: Ko u t ti St? 1 th It r? .i 7 r At tWc! r f M i 1 3 rc s f ;4 ik r wa.ilo-ily ar ; !III ar, 1 ) T c cired r.iiay d: r.Ti.!j;!:M Crc es cf Her. r, were l.h -1 rTcer.'-c-J t. acVrnbrrrf t!ii. ::i'rstT:Jr. II. ItcCin, ' A rr.;l h::'-.'-J cbr.r r waji 0,cn tvc-1 w th ct 1 t 'lif.'s t7 tehi'b the rcTwUrf tfi were ir. VtcJ. hli ol the ttrc- tf Vi: day. - In Co if:rr.c..-5 th !Ic.:r.r.f t Camp r-rtt:rl c U xm 5 hsr.If 1 in tb-ur r. 1 1 , the M'z'y.l Mar n i: n.crf vrcrt 2! r. s in l.:.a ihcn thr th c-;crt f.'t-irc. Th Wk.ro c e x r rr 1-. t in th C. crl r , r.-l .;:h'"I;x-S- i ! fi - ' --- - .., irlr . ;;t th ? .:. it 1 -: t - .. 1 , CUT - At. .1 1. 1 1 : " 1 1 1 j 1 i t 1 1 t tk 4. jr, . . 7 t 2t T. it A . I r - ; -vri ;r- th :iu1 a :f 1. jhlf, Tc ,ir i I. C. Vcr'..h-rS : l.h?:r 'nxif ! !r. J, V. V.i'J .. Tt f-C?w.'r. fr:-n 1 ;.i-1. r.r : 1 ...... v . , . , . . ...... J. . v. . . . sr. ' - ! : u '. ;-. - : 1 x , i'Mr -1 t ... -",-." " ' - W r,? ; ii . i r h.v Her fr. -.1 i . 4 i Tkt C : - ;t .h- c ;11 K v u t err a 1 . ; ; t v . 1 t Sk t.CC-. ji, s. . .... . , i . 1 . k ' y t . .... ... , . . r. ,;. - 1 I- ir- pr- 7.; . . , . 1 - . w . . r C? T i I . : k, T f 1 e ( - . 1 f t . - , ... v. r.

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