,,-"- N - - , . - . I . thii cou::tt, rj;:n Louisnunc, r. c. r . V 4 r IM SDURG COLLEGE ? w-.iy-:it'ir.-WuJ The rj Erii n g 1 1 ... . I - ..A J .-' ' 1 crmiRinnJTTOTITNV. vVDrTcr-e IHIXD THIS WEEK. Fine 'BajBifmreate Sserjtfon 7- ' , 1 " Ale Literary Address Ap- The ; eommencfirtnenV Exercises 1 at Loswbkrg College twere-bes:an SLdn.i Uy last, with the.5.skmofito the j vix6 w9 yjtAyrvu .AM fc" u rcy ; or ; o.aiisQurv. : a tie Bpacioas 1 nttditoriara; otth e , Methodist church wsa filled ' with ', a -:larg& audience." Ttiey'had expected something great 3ia. tneirxpectations were, realized to the tallest degreed speaker s hia ;subjectV "FaitVV,; FAn qH themeit is;. trueKut.feeatel in tA manner :as rholdptW ateon IKsi Iff position ;of --'the subjeQt was fele,: and; instractive; closing ;Jwith Itoabeautifullines of Joaquin'Miller,i muiuuu iuan v wuicq no - more; apt or strikingly ;, impressive illustra- lUon -ould possibiyjbe 'f od.v : Qn Monday after noon theochfldren of the primary class in ;muHe;gave recital ' from (five to six ryclock. Mcs-iLaura Ballard 4sin charged of department and the pupils show-Tent . tV their :renditirih-.''f'"t!i''OTn amme, the; 'pa tteation 6f their teacher; ; The Art tempt , at eloquence or- no . effort'' at Kfchibit was opehtoVthe pubUefrodispaynta .' ad w to fie in?thekemoon:' vdressj of ' ability as it came- frbmrthe srfeo ; weieofortunate as to yisit it lips; of an ' able 7 'and . patriotic N"ort!i highly : complimentv the painter atrte of them cextraordmary; merit wde 411 " wereiallyf lip ; td thel:usual uaraissruauiaaosinria.in 5baffge' of (this partinentandhis Hferyy reason : ;to 'j bev, prpud ; ; of her On Monday eyeningVthe Annual Uaiuet of tje 'Alumnae Associatidn aa kelty .and -1 largelyV attended by Jocal andlisiting f Alumnae J, of h this pttlar institutionT ;, V'H la 4her absence oi ' thepresident the Association, Mys. J. Harrow cfced as i toastmistress.' .This, t aSair xs?aa oae foV which ,"mer0: man" Tas either 4 expected : ;nor Invited , . and "tfee ladies did their; bwn ?talkmgin fich accomplishment, they Qndoubt d. excel, and .exchanged1 aheedptes, called by the; sterner , sexts wapplng Jjc&es. Itwas a ood tinier for all, the .Tadtiates of forties , arid ".fifties for getting the lapse of years and becom 'Colleg; girls i.once mor.::The format t6a6te;were"'as "tpllowai The deal! lw.bma'n,n responded by Mrs;MM'onel; -Our Mothers,?, by ;fMiss "Blanche ifwuiMii : ; . ,.'.-.1 . -. . i; l'f-& v. j-ilj . " v t , f- s a-.! y' -j-v 1 1 V ; ; 0 '.HN - 'The Class of;!190rJ.bv MissOOh- ,J -"Tne Class of -lk fc'-by ::Miss vOh Th of All by ; ;Mrs;4V W, The toasts were all meritorious and Appropriate. 7 The occasion was a tStocoughJy enjoyable ne ' and f more -Uia,never makes thisannuai feast 'si the Alumnae a permanent feature the Commencement ; occasidh. ? ; ' The -class under. ' the management Miss-May Jones presented' a' most enjoyable cpmedy i'Breezy Point" at Opera House on; -Tuesday even- ing-v A large, audience greeted th wwformance. V.The'fine humor run 'uog entirely through the comedy ept the' audience in constant smiles. The young ladiejall acquitted them ''selyes well and it must not , be. con TStrued as in anyway disparaging to tiers, : to : mention , the, capital act ng of Miss'es May and McSwain as the French and American maids re ectiyely.' Mrs. Hard scratch was splendidly typiCcd in the percon of , ss Midcett. Mira Beckwith as the fortune teller , is worthy of epccial enlaon,' 'jChe comedy was much ; "joyed by a, delighted audienco. ''- TTT ' ' ' ( 1 . . , rrT : ywowea oy.. an; essay abeVMacR"ae; fClas3 ffistory,n was ? ead by ': liss Josephine 1 Pinriell; Ith?. - "014?3 issLuta Ma sent ''ub''J 'U1 were t)l tio W;-V': -A ri d " ' - '. V " : ' - floif"AV - Wftiv1JirS 'rifwtLA was then jnhrodaced by Rer.' J E ju aerwx?oa, vafia detivered:the:iiter- ary - address. : It - was r alon 1 ediica- tionaf lines m " ' whicthe snpafcpr referred 'ita the rabid- brofrreTs whirtli the'; old Kbrt state -vis 4nainsz in me, eaacation of- her T.hi irpns.- Tin the, edncktioh oilier child also preferred tW.wortb and hiffh standards bf ".honor bftthe ' Southern men? "ascohipax-ed. with others, quovv ing. ,te Lby t the p6werf money afoneVaud I veulpgy.Vf f their lih sense of honor and, lategrityS JLIe also :'said" that wnue-otnor .towns and counties were &mbns.rar-tHeir factories and great bbess-5 v achieymenteV V'that: pld Louisburg and -Franklin were" noied for Jtheirpfom institutions of learning."' o attempt is made; at. -a syhoDsis of ;the excel- address," but just 'a few of the snpsnk-pra -rafoTo-nr-aa o w.. vt em;Tixere was ,n at- Carohniaiv;;- The Diplomas and Cer Itifica J; Kinder wood Jthe" -BibVfsXbylieV. x. daasey. . Tne; Musio, Sledal was f presented" to"' Miss-' Susie,' . Eton Hayes, by He iE".'l Kr cLarty ' The Medal A or excellence : in ' Pens-- manship-and,the t Primary English Prizes werel presented L'to Misses Mountain. and-Hardie, by Rev A J. Parker: .The M athe jnatics : MedaL to ii las yia juoug, uy xvev. ,vv 1 ;l. Morton, and tne: 'Latint Medical to MisVAnhie iQaris :Bagley, by - B.t!' noiamg.. j.nennze .tor i punctuality intne; primary-7 department:, was a warned, to guttle; Jileanor . : x Tar borongh, u and : was ;. presented 1 by -W.; W.; Boddie; Vv f 4 V, -The -presentation? addresses '. were inyeiy instahce-entirely worthy of I wuio-j ; do ,t uKD cacio, viiuu v appro priately .and 1 gracefully . delivered This cc;ncluc(edthQ exercises of , the mbrningr ,". - V..: vr? ' ' -s-' ' " v ne ijrranct vjpncert'was' ven in the ejfenin the rather tall: program eingeartily, enjoyed by;: a .'lajge t auuxui v mau- uici tuy uubu every men 01 avaua-Die roorai a The mstru- numbers a training "and proficiency r.i I: . i - .r , ,P . f. equai, 10 me usual sxanaaras 01 excel lence at hese ahriuarconcetts.. The yocaljsolosi uets and:trios were ' un usually sweet. "v-Tho"" vocal trio "Ab sence"by Misses Bagley, vYebband Parker was oneybf theinost ehjoya ble'niimbers of the: eveningas -were the?du;'theBr bv MissesParker arid Fpyjandthe solos 01 juisses costen,oy and Webb Just before the singing of. the part-' ing chorus; Prof. XTnderhill, ol Wil-mington,- presented in an appropriate way to Miss. Annie Carroll the, "Bal lard Jilusic MedaL." -- ;1 he ? presenta tion was most1 appropriate and Miss, .Carroll was warmly -congratulated at her success. Mr, Ivey Allen 1 then made-vthe .'usual . announcements, among them that a free . scholarship had been awarded as a prize ; to ; the m st proficient student, -"Mi23 Viola Arringtbi3u Her. close seconds were Mises Llamis "Wilder, Belle Mitchicer and Mary Holme3 The announce ment Yfds received with loud applause. After thslct chorus the audienca ws.3 invited to rersrin ahd spend , a social hour. " The invitation vrr.3 ac cepted,' t!i3 ypunj pcopla enjo'inj thc:r.:ivc3 to t.:o utnicrt HEIIEUBERW-;,THE CO II TEST ...CLOSES 1IEXT THURSDAY; ' h ir .'.,. ... , .. , k V. . i .i. .. . " m 1 w The Contestants aro . Almost ;-NecU'-and jrecliTho nanics of the Two Winners t.'III bo Publishccl Next Week. : -x Renwmber fiat. the Timks Con. test for the Iwoprku- -rn:ra to;, the Jamestowr: .Exposition will close next rhursdayt X' o'docV.. Thio who wish to vote for ' their favorite must, do so BKFojiK'that JuurT in or. derto. have-'their:, voteV; untrtl. SeveraVof the candidate's aro -ntck and neck' and it inflv'titn tt, .r.: cial coonvto'detvnnihe which, of tho two Voung ladies named kloW ar to receive tbeiPBEitripf, which trie a aujexpenses paid. Some of x!.j ladies have been doinc , cood - work and as a oomeqnence 'we have added quite a nnmder.oF boxa fide" subscri bers to ourjiat. 1 ' ' " ; AY repeatThis content has' been rn.-on-i arthoronghly 'hbn&t and squafe-basis,-and it shall end in tlia same way-only - hcn;st" and'Vqsi fide votes being allowed. Tbo'wbrd from'now to the end is, "Hiytle".?' ' .! JJp to yesterday at 12 ; o'clock tlio contestanis already on ''thVlisi stool numerically, as follows: 1 ' VlXMUsElla Harris, f7-. , r;3. Miss Margie Macon. ' . ' Ihs Fannie Svinstoni! ;' -.V 5. MiiVircinfa Foster. C. Miss Loulia Jarman. . 1 : . ness, and. that those who laokeil the couiAge this time are : very hopeful of -acquirbg a ' sufficiency.; of thH i;uuiu virtue orror oeioro tne. next session's festivities. ;': v Misses Martha-pyrd Sprnill, Belle Mitcjiiner and Ola Long, and Messrs, btuart JLJavis, Wilson Jreen and Dr. C. II-Banks, constituted; the clever qorpapf ushers, at the grand concert" . I'm ' ' . , . ine commencement of 1907, . with its lovely, women, . "handsome b?aor, flow of eloquence and oratory ia now nuraberea with the things that were and has pasaod into'a glorions mem ory. VThe8e occasions are always welcome as tlley are' - bright .'spots along life's pathway, lifting bne'for a delightful season,-above Aha . sordid levels of busmess);the hteheY" re gions of the intellectual, the - beintu fid. and the aesthetic. k ' , The" FalV session of this noble In stitution'will open ' September 1 1 th. sv ' In Mrs. Ballard's music clasj Annie Bel king' and -William Vm stbn tied and each received a'beaati ful prize. ; .' . . ' - K , " ' -' y ' Jr The.NormalCourse'certificate was awarded to Miss MauieRLdwinc, and the Book-keeping certificate to wain. x Certificates in Arithmetic tb.Missas Annie Allen, Annie Belle Harris," Annie Carroll, Mildred Midgette, . Margaret Uarris, Mary Foy, Jennie Duke,- Mamie kWilder knd Elizabeth Norwood. ' ; At 'the Conclusion of the' exercises on edncsa7 ev J' E. Undei -wood Pres, paid, a ler- tribute to'the late lamented FrcU -dent, and expressed great pleasure in the success of"the piesent rcr'icn under the new management. ' It was-annouhced that tlio nine medal in Mrs. Ballard's c!a-j for the past fall Ecrsioii, had b.jn awarded to Hodgia'B. William?. M"r. Allen announrl W lr. niht that this ha.l ixn cm ' meat eatiifactory an 1 fv. -c.'. f;:l Eions of tho colic' ia v -r-. 1 ay tie C - 9 C. W. Con ..- ...4. s v-,...;- A .i t,Vii j I. - - - SUCCESr.nir. ' ' ' U- r c ., -. rlntcndcnt I'ltls and . his ::-cc!le.nt Ccrpt cf Tcichors .-11 to bo nc-clc!ctr:i Drl E. d'r. led $aivl for thftl,!: cV;Mffn ! Wr.ntiful bti-I-ling ;w3 H'lrJ ' ti iu u?::.vn cykUTu lev iU aJJrtij i ir--t,uy !'at ;.W'31ct, : ForrJl . tV.!r. n ...rw 1.30-pf.iker " wit fwtredec J Ji lortiueov lud -prejri: C tri r?L-:;;ition$ l"C.t wh?ch r;, very grr aI Iy.cnjdl4 byitho 'luiieD tacit the dalorue 2rtWen iWu lr.i'ftgirTa-JrRw TUm and Kore Dr. ICAVl Sikes iv,fc.n.r of ill, torynt Wake Fprcsl CV';,, "wi imnxlud, by Mr. t luSn t t!;o t't-aker of xhp evtntn. -. A cm cf commanding' pr?ieftcc arut w tank's rersohklity, be impr'cl hit audwcoo vrry favorably bv.f0ro.h9 hid f pofcen a vnrJ..He.c3ptivik4' tiieca with the trrace 'of. his fine g'otid ;boroW. .VA h-arty.Uu jTor tV toccb cf wartti humanity; in. the intrcnciioa ' of. hlt r- ldrc8a;and he wii' mifUr of : hit h-aren, as he wal pf'his f'abj ""vHtkea' dUcaM.4 1 tbr' 'devtlofv, f u en t ' btAroenci dj3 emocne ytaik. -in?t:i W rliacai.:trchLi tlwMptr, pnpnal icfiifr.of the word. Tir;Ia:tory ;of--)mcisn .'uotcrautr.t has been a hlatory of 'growth' erolo. tnt a coord ing .'to .; th d ncfJa ai. ! ideairof the timr'It'lui ben'a -'an ?'n.ene. cbani. ;r; The got. ernmeotf jViUtam Va ; Coaqctror did nonsuit Kbab4thV Ecg!ind; th g:irernment of KltaiUth Vould cl stand the test of UiV. time of. ' Cromwell.- The ideal of democracy. am", bbdiel in the Declaration of IoiVpa. dence was not found 'UecertabU m J the fsrmert of uU Comtitauoa. Tit .vwiKmuya naj Changed,. ly amRnument, oy cliangng totrpreU U6n, toVait the need i of the 'char.-- mg years. - f growth of the democratic ideal ofgovernment in Atstrica, tfca speaker "pointed oat f oar 'great Ugtf, The 'd'emocracy .under WnAliLntoft'i administration was anitocracy,' ttpre sented'in a Frt AUe'nt with morapoW. erxthan a King of England Iiaa Wf had.iun'.;tha time 'onftgna Chir. ta, in a Senate. elect!, not by the jhx. pie, bat by leg!orct which in tarn were elected by a laHran limited . tr tho owners of thus and ioraoch iaodt in a ivstem of courit In which thocf ficers hold oH!ca during life, Wrjh. ingcon was not a dcraocrit;'. a great jnan h was, a good man, a true msnj bat an aristocrat, not a ." UlicTcr "; in the 'nglit'and ability: of the jx-upte' to govern them.ph-ca':Vk ; .;: ' the cabinet,' HirJton, ti.e rreat ccntralLrcr, tho groat ( ariicrat, t pitttnl cga'inn ' JctTerrjn, tho ;grrat democrat ; JeCTerson's dcrr.r.ncr, howoycr, contemplated only t!.o de- centralisation of power, ihc ' wciien- ingof Lho nr.tionat government, t!;e increase of tho inilccnc-j and ' j-V.rcr of the St at," ...v., Vrrn out witii the endlt.-3 an-1 'unequal 'f.trn'.- ;! r:lC Uamilton ia n!nc; the l'rfiflcut fa vored Ilam-Itons r.!.tT,.. 1 1 f purr.. men, Jcf.Yrn rvl:r-- 1 "f:cm th3 cabinet anl h.icr cr.r,.- to the IV dencv. UnJ. r h 'r..!m:r.:'r-: f C ' 4 4 4 h'.H 1 1 0 a . ( I ly ciTc: :z. aVf rnnif :,t r. c T' Tho the po;. i.r on-larv. Vtao r f 1' povcrt!.a , th-: .;a 1 J- . .1 t ,1 .1 tV T1..1 t!. "..! t:. t-- tU-1 rr.- u ,!c t5 I r. , : "i ?- - - 4, ' "1 .i . n v .... : r 'n"' AI tt W."e: 1 l.t - . j, r . . 1 .i ni j,?-.- tuj.;. i 1 - f - . I w .. ! r 0 f I:.- v 1 lbUUMirir!!nI.f pvv. . . . ! w . . .... , .... e r c -. trca a f-nl cf. :r.t. ra tt c:a ! is-d d -ra rr. t-l den? t. 5rrw.!:t"wir, tir4 M ir ai w U Iq j;:-v-!4', ft my cmi,w thtt-f3 Yar xiur Apporaitr a tKrrtif r,t f v.v l?ni?t4 SisUjt wa.t t.- ' r 'jrrx tt , cloa d c.rrspti-ta. Irr-'xt wcrabosght, cjjrf,- vc4 !- teadis ta'th $r.tc. a . I)f pf w, a llata Qy. , 2i!zt r:-,;u of t.h 6UWrfi tvrf In ti pay Tth 'raea'tia-a th y . r m m - .. .. m tlift L!CJtfd ch1 I an c 1 1 r! rjr coald lit a ' the mi ?)t (: f.-frt tsr-."hj hit 4 and piil rSr, 1 4 dertlopTStat ' ci dtisrr-jr, , ti waljab-rf th rwjV, ?h? IvAzt thn of corra- ti ; a. frosi' th t . ;J. - b tratirn cf jthfs a tht btrrita ti.an bf gafemest'to chfcl it, ! fVj til ral-.arr cf d;iht;l irA ?,u hh prWtic ca'thtt pxrt tt 0 dd. ffrifnlcoa'otntl al trif. da!, which bt grawo Cjj fb ; th cavil war, the fHrr rxa;:ln tt& fact Uut wrilih tvcr,l th v.? cf f wrr uc in a irit. ... 1 ; :c thief axftsriar .tnhi. tzrtt 1 th ikcr, It Wi.:U. Jtr.tdzrt Ijrtan, aad.iu atia ftwt ' txf to that 'grciur kaltuV tf iarJ borrawrr frcn Mr. Jlrrin, tht IVrI.i daat of t! nr.;tol 5vi- h l.-i raovrrr.rr.l vhlch It d.;bl'- b cijar o! the rirg to. cra, ti' j'brw U: ' Aiancin 'vv.rrAf r tj..;a flarji higher ii;aait'hu rr-hr-1 hup. tof.TV ; x'. , - A r.cLiUe 'a,i!rt it ixdl fcrrffo 1 J th rr.ju . r "c ;T, ti rf a rr-v'. rab !, cf a tnta c f tic viltr; v:jI; the iUcr.tr grzp, tho c r" c C of a te-cr t f tetVrr thl- a j f ; ; ; d hipc .ach a lf ;.:h thl aa f;.r r. a.ftaa: i cf iu l;r ; :t, Ta cjAcH Ut taca cr. ra-ul J.a heard t!: ir..;ci, cf hf' ; ?A, r f :r. ; ; hat f-e.n h. fatc.; !,:? irh.ifv fcrird aai mw w-2l not k-h f At th? cl - c f ' th KcfHa who if a'raer.i tt c f il9 Tr.: tho inaa-.c laat tf J?. Ich ;.. ttat'd t.- the jra:.-ii:.; r, 1 1) rc,-s aal fn-.r,.!f cf C.U rr-.it tniicn t ;.: tie ; i -dcr .ianav r. Uzl 1' - ...I I. c !!?at c; rj 1 tf 1 n , i-ju!:.t xt fir:.: rf, wrd v? t c f-:r"i. ! V ' 'S I a t r , r t , 4 4 J 1 - 1 .... . t . 4 : J ! v ; - ! : - - th. t 1 iff. ; - I V C f 4 .'!r. i 1 1.1 t n.. i - 1- t . . , . ..,, . c .,. i r a.., Jr . . s " . 1 - ft. -V,, . Jr Axjs-1, . . M 1.: 4 4 ' it J t 1 ' 4 . IV ;L Wj: -1' r-.!r' 1 wit. I fr: t - J .! : t crtl v ,a.i ta A.t 'ltn r c 4 . .4 ' a1 J tn 1!: ... . . ' , . . , :ita v , f 'i fnc,.U ti . rc-iUnf la je. 1 4, !l'"f7 r. vrti Hire i L ' t t? 5 t-v n s Cvu eft: irf-;. 9 rt!,r;.fj t di.v fr:a5 li:v...'t !. U til 1 - f a t i"i A x ; t , . . t to t: - ti t e j 9 1 ::: v .ft if Jcr,, j-i th VU;i O-: -t. ir 1 C;rt.: tr hit :a c t: hff?TJ:. r; I vh-:V i ;Tit. n v Q T :.-: t e- IT 9 : T v ; t i j v ' "SIS e f :r a v ui it 1 ' 1? l . tr if.: .'.with t: -