r l (r JAMES A. TIIOi: AS, EDITOR, u J VOL. XXXVII. c 1:3' THE "TluES" C0i!i ST END er. Tha.maa who trad : . a: ' h c r. : knows a good trade when ho r . v-j it. ' TTT1 . . . . . uea yea iraae at nomj m- i ' I-Ptead of by mail order you rare 4 fc. . . I . 4 J I.. ATiTHE HOU R OF TWELVE YESTERDAY pcVe 3aJ rrc,;;"J ; THE VOTES WERE COUNTED. - Me, but they , fo..i Cf ...... ::ovr::r.:;73 i:: w 1 L .. i U ) i . . . I to a a f v i MDCH, INTEREST II A rllFESTET) TiY -imTmjTiQ nw rmTTi?CTA?TTc ., , -i w. wwiii,Auiu, Snrrta n:.. 7 : i,it in:; mail ciders that thcv r!;k thz: ' Vw",J ld . . - - . 1 - f , T? - casn. that wav. - '' i . 1 1. , w . , w ... c Business rand a Lar.TO lium- Aw... e f T The Winners Were Iliss Ella Harris Miss Onnie Tuekei oMouisbur'B '' ' " . b7 bargains ia tho horn stores ;2n.l : bcr.DccatlSO They L!.:o It. " is, of near Tounsrsvillo, 4nd nd 10 e bi2citiwt bca?03 -th Hrr n,n r, of : rV. inn J " rBut the Vote of Uiss Uar- VLf'f ;V ' ' ' voting v. v.'cthc j In my opinioa the man or, worn a 1 X gie Hacon, of Louisburff, Being: so Close to that of the Second who trota around to th Winner,-She will he Awarded a ' Trip Also. - i no;A imes. boniest ior xwon ree Trips, to thq Jamestown Expositiob closed,1 - according to previous an nouncement, yesterday at twelve o'clock: : For the- past week"5 or ten days ' the "young ladies bad put in some good work,and their friends had not failed to manifest their interest in theirifavorite 'The contest,was real ly between three contestants,Miss Ella Harris, Hiss Onnie Tucker' and Miss Margie Macofi;" and the : vote sbotys . " " that all of them did good and faith- ful work. VWhen- it was 'announced that Miss Harris was first winner with -166 votes, and Miss; Tucker second with; 137, the , editor .'of the Truss . announced : that asr the vote of JMiss Macon was so close to the second winner,1 being 108, .that he would make V it three tnps instead of two, and v would givo all three of the . young ladies a free trip to the Expo Bition , -(,",.,;-:.. - v ; -j-V a postof ;e to mail money to tho bi city "mail sad ritesi;: Rev. t Mack Stamps con-1 to ' ntighbors; and .V complain th: ducted the services, jf' ' this town b no good. it neitheir a phi- ;Thev;s following, were the pall-1 losopher nor a patriot Drs. I). T. KmrJiwick ir. I F, ICJ All Coko v:;tc4 Hcndcrcn th:' trcrV.j Tha Trv.s: oraer nouses and lhea trot aroan I w j w... if '.. . - ' -t t t . t ton. .-.' i- - - r t r - " - I 1' r - ... 1 f The contest ;beenrunxrit a ! from a visit to her j -p!o in IUIifjti jf "r-Vri1er; Bobbitt, S. T. Wijder. . lv" s.-M;,:.;denly. I .Mm Graco Thon.,s cf lUleuh, it IJ I V-V. I e C ' c ' - v. , . . i r two! t Seldom has it been our datv tor:- vUiiin tho family of th rdir cf suauguwiH a, uumuer uear reia- com to sudden - a death., t A dar.. uia 1 tives survive the. deceased,' ' ' gloom SDread oyer the whole com-. Dr. A. 11. Hswllr.t anl wife, cf J H r J)rr. rnumty, wnen it became known - U. '. j uauign, were tuiiora to I-ouyburj oaooaui aiternoon taat Jlra. Thcr; ; aunng tho pait vck. V: I.: Rev. Forrest Smith. 'r :,-T't:. .11. i : j-na wuuiQ wm.uuuujr irrespecuve j.. Svft m. Mi nn Win. -, , , i . a coasecrr-- of race or denomination, was delight. ot Tounr,viH. . , , 'om1 ted ChrisUan.: ;She warof ta'affec with tnanri tm s a fair Hott thv: n.at I . .- . -T . - T v V, J .-1 tionate disposition, bright and win- :,T "".Blr m uur. iaat w-sue nmg in hef ways, so that friendship's his host.o tends here were glad' to circle was to her a la Q one Indcc l see himlookmg soweU. He arrived it may be said 'of Tier' that nom uereonuursaayi iasi wees ana kne w her bat 'to love hYr. ' ' -w hk oidx6ngregationhad-the pleasure - Only a few year, ago the wa, mar- of hearing him preach "thai wght-at to our good friend, Mr. AVillia the'prayerjneeting.in theBaptist Thorp, .rhohe leaves to mourn her churchy He preached. again on Fri- ioss, Vlth a large ' "number' cf day night, and on last -Sunday morm relatives in Franklin county, and to ing preached;to a larcje congregation ail of whom the editor"'- extends the in the, Baptist church. services deepest 8yrapath : t being held in the Methodist church, The fuiieral and buriattook ph. , una , congiegauoa 'worsnipping.wiui Taesday afternoon atGoshen where high,,-' plain," v andthe' young 'ladies it - ' " "j i ' : tLuJ aii: ; expresa xuemseives uiguty pleased with the-manner m which it - Mr. O. S. Macon' and Mk ' I.acri Macon of IngtciUe, tza attr sdiss tha Re-unjon at Kichuiond. - "D. T WiSliama rcttJrn?V hoa trom Oxford WcdntaJay and tzs a ccptCil a posiiion at tho dq-ot. ;Mis3 Clyde Jor.cs af:or fpeadtng'i few dajs with Mill Oau f Aycocla returned to YoangvillaTuttday. tV, II. :Yarboror-hf Jr rtturrl Monday .rora the. , Fc-lcrVl Court where ho appearl ia iQTcral csct. "MrsK. G. Uurrougha,' who hi been vlsitingkbcr cop!o hcre,Tctcrn. cl this week to her homo ia llcr. lcr- roa pi cf ihi Cv::.fl GrJ: ! . v. . . . t .. t:?, ar.1 IV : f. !tf: ?. I ' abo-t tho f n: cf A ll.9 a r I-' r ' f 7 5 ' " - : - C. : T7. j iri.'- : - - : : ; t - t . 7x. f;.- r-, t '. c r t - 5- - - V - , l :),. . . . , . , . . . . - . . .:. t. " Tr " - . , . r . .. V i it e - ' - - v : r f f - - ' lea, Gh- i, vti tcT!;:n;;r,,j ar re: :r!i f tf. t , .t - ... ... , hire r.c t ct:r:r il.a im'u'i th a!o.t;aclj cf th? i'fJ -- I -r v;.a in Gr tj!.. r? th'j -j .- 1 . . ... V - i -'a, (i. i tr - . i . t r . T . ! 1'c-r c; f;n ; ' ..- 'i uesaay atternoon atuosnen wbere s . r . . . v ... , f. .. j theirjaptot.ends. tare number of relatives, friend. tr Dr. C. -Fonl return.,! to Hxltl. r " "V ! ": 1 a.large number ; of. pecrom tj -about LSi'J.-j u:. t'i-r- .Iv, i,- " ' , r " 1 ' I-T. :-. :. thef;-rural districts"-. tohear.Mr. form with b-negt bereavc me at ,'t plocu W uho. UrJvity.Uri LV.- :- 7 ' J ' V SmitK vHe delivered a most We .... ; T lf"'4 -J ! J. i.C:--"- :. hM : W uc.; and dantJ ' ' " ' l ''r uiai no uoudi puquiie a laree cum- -,.frv. r. -I . . v . .1 - i-ii.?. i:. . navenjwreceivsa. a goia4 minej.out , - - . r . UUJiiU iies iicien, l.acy and Mallon, left ot ie eaitoiWfuHy by Rev. M, HccM, c. to vUH.iv,. contort, opened o Babscription haa ould not fill the appointment: m3e goih .nd . wo . grown'.from 1,500 to,' 2,050,- and or Bim-.at the. Methotot; church coifidLy tt that like one who hw-TH hl?i quite a number', haVe paid P , and Sunday night, but as he was compeil- ale8 ro7m a . drM - aho . renewed "fGllow8hiD,, with us - TTT has awakened.to-ee ? Ufo'aendIcas f T ... .f renewea ieuowsmp , wuu us. , ; .'ci,.--.,- to., I - - . - ' . . . .iy I Mr..Ivev Allen and, wif- and 31 l t' - -L Ka -?. morning breat and knowa Herself at U.. - A1, , ' , -1 . It is propeivto state that the. other aMe to aflfy is gent request L Jith 8,,,wMs. t.W f W Allen altont3ed thargraiaauns youn ladies whose names;- appeared Mr. Smith has a . warm spogin itbe ones missed from earth, safe about tho BaPUst onircri in ineiist oiine coniesiau ; were xjuw ohub pwpuux wmuiuui- her r' Her home insUncU were strong f " entered" by their friends, s;and the tyand be wiU always receive a hearty arwl her affection for friend, and kin- . r.D. h.l'rtrce.olCMtilu, wxa votes cast f6r them' ,were cohsidered welcome, here:,.-i: , 3 : ,,::; "y. dred was tender and abiding. . a visitor, to our town thv, week to at, mvmflntarv v ' v f She ranked waya as a' woman: of 'tend -tho franklin: County Uartl mereiT complimentary. c .- , ,c,Tn tio vtpwm: r : . - J . - rAw. a...u Alstoa-Klsrr. jly complimentary - v 5 Death culture, refinement, sympathy, a kind Carriers Association. l.r-r-rz.y.U- fV-edesire to, place mthe;:hand8 neighbor, a true friend, and with aU a : Mr. G. A. Strickland cf Ilaleh, )eath Of :a,Gobd J Woman. : ofvthe fpUowmg Veterans I then- Woman of heroic, mould in bravely and Mr. S. T. Bennett, of' Apcr .. V..' : 'iV. ; Crosses ,of Honor. onaWednesday meetinff tne stern', reoniremenu and were here '.this week- to. attend tho In ; announcing the. death ot Mrs. tenooVWSth, at a meeting to often ae disappointment of life, f funerahof Mm. D. C. Strickllaj: D. O. Stickland, whi9h - ad. event -he,d at the Masonic Hall at 4:30 ;sck: l LL ;f , tr.-,.u. ...i took place at the ome m.thu place when . there 'wiU be eome. : special I herhband with -devoted, fondne.3 ltodiia ,tnncd booo froa th v wuutMj. . r t reaoing in commemoration , -oi , tne -Be . is . bailed . npon to mourn State Kormal, at Greensboro thU was eome'Denmaine-wesMsruiuuB,! av---0 jefF3raon :DavisV; c i T, , , - ' r ' t t ri it . & - -.-V ' uirui7ua oijeuersou xavis. earth's Greatest loss, and mav she not I week - 31i.j Hawkins was one cf tho our heart goes out in deepest. sympa: s H Evans" 1902 J H Fuller u vu t . A - . . . , , tnvforthe bereaved" husband and H ansr-s M tsifna ' VTg -tvl . . , . . ' , . i . r- j. - . . y i iiiiii 11 n 1 1 nil . i iiii ii 1 1 iniu ill . ai iia a i a ,,i n ' i ' r Ti n.n n a a, t t , . " i i ka , : 1 I . . S3 O 1 A41UUU,, 0 44k4. 444 V-ai 1 U Csipt cf the f Jljvi- L-t;ir.:;; Mr. arrl M.-iu V.'il.'Ura J. IC;--intito Tea 1 j 7r: a; tho ttr riag-o cf their daughter Ttrnj Ijc-zit i SuU, U Caj-tila rhu: Gtr-.. r.. A!, at-on, Wolr-t-sday tscrs.:.--, Jta Cflh, ni-ac'.f n hrnirc ! ar. 1 t-rcn;al nine o'rfoct, Ifcrd !!. C!.zr:l South. At hctr.e, IUzt. af:r Juno 1 1 . Color SerKcmt, Mr. J. A. Tcnvcr rc rcivfS Lis co rr. ml-. ton frcra CL J. 2. Crat.T, it co.er icrrr.r.t cf J a Th'rl IU.rr.ci4t, Ncrth Ciruisa lt a:i: U Gcird. Tbl, r I-cIctc, u C p . r 4 a 1 ' P ... i . i. lit:.,. rt .Alii cf th . -.. 1 ;;. c t: -J. I- J t : L- r.. T. 1 ' CCarr. Tf"- -' h i ?h r i : " con -c. .rs..' " : r. 1 a neas 1 1-oddio returned homo from the I the GcrJ. ar.l Turner cpon hU r;r J children. 7 Pipkin, -1902; Geo.; Pattersona90 beforeOxford Ledger. Forest Cotninencenent "wrcro Ira. C. M. Cooke; Mrs. P. II. Cooke, Mr. Association. I Iver Allen and wife, "Mk Ma t 4 Chairman, after which the follo'vri nrr ofiiccra wero elected for tho couildc: None but those ho ' have sat in W. J. Paschal, 19.02; Samuel : . Merrill the shadow of a' erreat bereavement 1903: J. H. Edwards 1907: W. R. -J . - -.- - ' l-: m wm..j.-v.--,nA0 isurai tamers J-.: - v.r- a:: rrrl A --A The Rural Letter Carriers of 1 . b. Sjruul arvd iur.t , - - -.. i 4.' j . - i WrMt - 1. 1 Franklin county met -m Lou.bartr I vuco an l .irtiia 1. bmiul into the valley of sufEermg and stood applicaUon , for , cross. jvWill each , ..ry r"' ,uu,i ; . t W Uf;QW.aw 5f yesterday : and organized a Uounty - .Mers, F. S. Spruul and T. W. am i,Anarotfl-. 11 -rfrATinArl 1 iv iaoiva I Association. ; - Uickett v.ero both out r f ' VUdj :U v UUpSV UiaVI .: 44VlW .a44Vj,..a . 4(,DftU( 1U4U 14.VUH V 4VVV.IU ,44U I -. , . .13 I anraw na thnnntnla fell -frnm a fonmrr Anca ' a aanrl motfnAHnni a frt nnw I o I vl w . ... "', i. " . .... , ' . ' ., . ' i .v , v. .'v.. : .v.;,.:.;.'.;.. w 1 ,. ... .. ,j. . . , I tTT . I H ' II Allftwn V Tf WA, JawU TT .. UUaV 0 14.JL , tA4t wa-iu u. vn " I aV 4iC4T 4U4 IT 44. V.WA. ' , . not finds solace in - the tenderest :. Hbs. J. S. Baebow, Pres Words.: She "who has gone - forth ""u " uyyv.. 4.,.. .v-- - i 'ihfl month! v meeting ot itne Jos. I PrcontTT n ttaa,i xr- Tnr m.1i v.: Van raa :, -fViIr -fffrini I -.: - .. - ;. .. ... . I - - n 1 Z'T:7 . r. J. Davis Chapter U. U: will - be raret; Secretary and Treasurer inenusbanawitnadevotion tewmen at 4.30 p- Wednesday, June H. Holloway, Lonichur "".T "'' wrr 5th, at the Masonic Hall. In com- u prc;:dent Uob-ood w elected fTltrori ; otiTflfltltT tannoTirr trk thu T.TA- f - .. .,. 1 1 :- v o- -T, j - memorauon ot.,tne Dirtn-aay -01 delegate .to Stato Convention, July T m,aueu' -vuu "CiUiU . President Jefferson Davis, tnere Uth, which meetj at Durham: uVBr liutu tsuum u,u. will b0Jome .especial readmg, and Dcc3 collected and a f rcc!:i col- , of Honor that htian o tl.CO rahed for . benefit 1 1-;"" ' year: tOWn taVaJ co ::. :r. c n c 1 r.: c r. t r I - Temporary dPCS:osftho-formcr at Listen IV rna!o Colli an 1 tho lit:, r at tho closin- cf the n:ithf!l Gr;.!c-1 School. Mr. P.erry I'u!! witji r. :;.Vc i:. pist fov.- : . r.:h-, ever;:;: " timoro 1:.. tion ia th j. ,1 her by the clasp of earthly love,- but . delrvcrv 0 crosses after the last word had been-epoken, have bcca left in the ' hands of the of LVJonal Prc-idcnt, Ae last sign of recognition was -ono, phtcri - Tuc!::r, Ga. aiooKotpeac3e;tt:cd on,ncr iaca lie's. J. S..Basiiow, Pre3.r , which: proclaimed victory, and ho jjes. R. H. David, Ccs'y. new she was resting on a mignty Paul Linray, Aft:r tho comlcticn cf la:"a: Vl4j 4a. ail-j . . .4 J , . 4 . 4 I.... 4 .. in Jcno at i o'clock m tho arm. - The funeral Ecrviccs rcro held fuesday evening frcrn tho rccca And the rcn:i:m vcr int rr: 1 in tho II:-3 Tr.-.ilo Ontc. A vrit:r in r. c-cIiirD cay3 ccni3 urd: CO he--:. ' J. II. Hollo v,-ay, C : af. th:z f a-l a-. 4 t 4...J r- a.,7T... J 44l 'II)" 0::r V- a 1 i. . - 4 ir.tr. r :v. :i v, h 1 n :'-rt.-n th ; .vo f,r 1 T 4 4 . ' - .. i i ; . 1 - , 4. . 4 k - J J. . - . " n. o. : " : - Teller Jcnes liny Subrr.it. Chr.:::::, .C, May - H a rcpvrt rcrrrn. M tha r .Tf tl.it Frr.r.c IL Jct.r c 1 . x r r - ! vi'J. J.? r.:u; r r jrrii'.; n cf th.a f Is c f ih ... a 1 1:.- r : - z-.- I er r tr.-: Th a.-l i .t. 7) ' a- - 4 a. i. V .: when !.: c crsl o"j-rt .: J c: r.; j tji :r. th IV-: r.-s t." i!t tL'i . v : h . a - . . 1 a 5 . a . a , Kvrrv t ret. iIst L.j vr' ..h a firrr.c rs. ! Lm I. hi ,r. ' f,'T t. c k ;:1. CI". Pr,f.(;.T. I:. I T 1 ' - 9 rr. : s ! c-l: 1 . ; . .. , . t 4 . 4. 1.4 TT r. - O: f t ..-! W ' a . -aj Jlilf-t, J. II. I'tTT. A'f ; 0. ,1.4 b. -a . j 2 :-t '.e . V;:: a f Cemetery, a 1 d r." : c : rowing fri - '

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