... , if , 1 . J .'i-. jauts a.itiioiias, hdi.c?. W . . - vofcziizviiv . , W - J U . j 1 ... i . coonroa;.;;:!e:i:::L --r -f:i, : '.y'Geo. -A7. .Drorn w' appoints 1 U tatalbta ia- Ir-Tc?Ue K. I. Ucst iaVilaplov::!. inJ. BjF Pcatca 'b Ttta-ttUAUU, jiftT Ui IlEGULAR rrUia County, fror t SESSIOII THREE DAYS."' 'reports i; - Bosr.I c from - lbs .Iwrittch Pilot 1 rr.xl I -r a . . . cf Education of , .Ki. , H. Young v waaaVwIiorccJ-to ,V- , 1 . " :., confer JwitK J VY. F. B'tuhy in to- r r gam t;costr.!;t:3rja LnJ:p cro 1 -.. NT&0.JUPy.-B0S;R0VlSCd, V In eacljs ecLdoI atr;ct "ot Franklia Tt& Board iraet'mregBlat taonthly County. for tbd ;peiiod : i of our.c() Virgil 'I ; "HTtohlner, ; CFranklinton L Ab'TV.heiusas tbd total f ; income townshipwas allowed, ta go, to coan- or public mconja 7or ubHo ecbopl ty'lioraelV.'An allowance of 45 was pwpos'ea ip. Pranklia:;'6puntt-rfrom mde to the touisburg ".Fire4; Conw all 6ource3;atihe present 4akaie?or paiiy,Report of ' .Dr. BV-FiyTar- ievjv b"tnly;BixteeaTbo'usanb!.;-and a rjaxa on Trboro'foi rniko ?uch contractus. be considers eulta- ! J urors. vrere drawn ' for An ;cit court. (List, will bS found -ia another column.) ;-'v:"-: - . . .'' Ine lioard -met yesterday to axuc 4 An: ImrjorUnt . "Step; ;'Tbe action of tb Board of Com- rnisaionera in the levy. of . V; ipet;Ul tax. of one cenbfor acbooi,'purpcc4i wuiw lecognuca in euucauonai c:r- T - V f - - ' . 1 . ( v. , ' t . AT: z n bcworgKbf tbe county borne anT jail l?VQ Ifcndred Dollars ;v pi 6,5 00.0 0 Vn Af tWo voriAna tAnranli no .nA a fiHd td FlftV Dollara fSl.05O.O0V I . ' , ' . S . v. w w...j --Ur- ' . ' . I aikd 'iie circumstancer toa -reasons number of assessors who; met to re- as, ids present tax f Qr ui.doubtleia be" of intend -took the oatKbeforetbe fcbairmanior County purposes, cxclusivf ipecui TTna tbe aifnrt in Tt,Vi,! tatofnl'perW do, tares levied le?ialanve;thorityf Commissioners of Samson county. -tlT.:Haw,kins,;aent;,for such a" lory waareWta ??0J WoU in listtnCKeporti or-JtS. JSA" iyy,vv) vt property. ana a wo fKftKv M,AA .vu : uams, oupennxenaent-oi counw vu- . v yyi 7 yuv aaunr i : Tinder tbe declsiori in Baildale vb tbe ties. wife -error Wil waa receiyw wir ;uieu.; axe -, V ?wc -vw:; were not a.necessarr expense.' i: Tepor 9 whW vanf aSjcoW 1 - w . . . . . j, C . , - ClrcrG r.r.!:c Cr.Ir.rlc cT ' Tf.j-City l).v!s" !.:!.! ilclr ic:rv I n;. "''ng kv. Tr.- !..r cYt -ir.r-. Marcr Y'.r! .xon-h r r !c !. ' - '.T.'.a. f.rat I'ns'nr.-i is- t!.i' rc; U.7T c( report f rv -i v arb - 0 - cn. f'.Tbn Mayor app'I:j:l;th falbw. ir,; Crarnittcc.s; .. . Kofdt- Balloy, Burt. Al- lo.r-r. J VL:.;n-By. Cvor, Ford. r : , Finnc "B.cxvBtlloy;" AUta. - . Ba'IiinFord, Aliton, Cbcpcr. Ordinar.cc.1 Ballry, Bun ial Av-tcrney,-'' ' -'. - ; ' - ; ' -. Saratary Kntlre Ikixrd. ; i'i: Hit:. V:::- ; o. r'. 1 lr.,-.-. c -f Ue : r ; ; - : L 1 i . - . . w rr ro ";.r$i t atiwc? 1 1 ti:,a cf !a.-.r!f :!'t ... t raw nro navmg oeea xeceijeu -i Amendment however, tbe situation t!rcted NiSbt rollc-cmaa at & , ince; :iasi ; pown; -ine Teporf , ox -7- " v- k" ".T bat changed, and it Is tbe opinion of c f 1 10 per montb, ' - s 1 , 1 omminee w -setue; wiu w r7- '77 tbe;est:Uwyew nor. tbat not ony is U ai crdcrl that tba olTw'' received-and ordered .recorded. but 'tbat!jii5 Mayor. 6 wrf fcrt Y!B:VUS.T. -Br'J7T ' vrr; V " lto0 w urmandatory and njoa faiU Clerk and Sorr;nU:nJat cf ..L tied to appear, betore tne iioam' at .wbomu .wiweouoaxoi Me oiha cbmrnTon- tntaVn such end that ..n F.ntl:. V 1,-1'. ot'mee1ang;an8how; :cause wb Revisal of 1905, fif:tbe :-v levied ac; they, would be liable : i,' in. .W'!4dat:bW:;:G and forState tbe'support of ;the dictment:Sectiiu'. IX. article 37 cf lotbere in Hayesvaie towhsbip1 should P10 hool shall bejusufccientt to thV constitution of Korth 'Carolina Is VnotN,bo made a publlo-roaa:- maintain one exjnore scnoi.inacb UfoUows- , VATecommenaanon was , maae-ojr .-.y.-.;1v: t r Each county of the State rhali la thibardxhatthepro X4) months, to levnually a spec-T tf. mto a convenient nurnhef cf Paiiiin ;t to supT!y eficiencyv.for ;4istrictia which pne or mornpub!:. v upon the ground that - public t cbrvolat t3 "tr ncJiry rcpi-rs la tp bc 5yPr IIoujs.' - bnai! . JT, C. Tucker vaa cnawuioatW ' ro- -, aUiry aJ- ntar lWcr Uouj! fcr atcra oU, r .c. ; ; The .salaries, "o(.8arnaur.Jtai Bcls "was ralsod to 1103 "per' cntb; thxi tt J. M; Bercoa, XijV.t 0;raior at Bower IIoco, to an! that cf I). CXIt-h, Chief c f IV.ij, ta per. month. ' f r e rj.- tci v:--! e . : CTfT ta r.cit'lc? ;f Jt s;: ... V A Sid Hon:s r.r.i Ilciru. tbft hc cf Mr. a::.tJ v u i vtci- fiilitc4. .rl' rrv-f jVf I Ma;..,-j ; cUissi as iu ovtj th vl t f 1 V 1 ' Iexr bi! r i: c't t ! xcA 1 'So f iVa 1---. ?- vt! 1 ' , r--tV ell. Si u ka :? t- Alfrrl t -r rr.-.-.'; . . en ti tvtr.'.T.a - -I ; Tho fjT tr tiff t;;vi-f ? V ' p ro --Totice WorVIerbe; serrtd 8?h?s?0fv S2: foui montft eTiryeafV'imd: if tire treasurer, 7wd'-"atrt":0' C: rr..'---S-U" .?4.r! :oa, F.;Beasley: to tapper; before months ioy more, c-t;ni-V- Commissioners of the. county ahull fuatmeetiaff cf the Kew'lkari, ia!X-'" taMereg ?1 such deficiency it; wmiTuU 000 wai tendered ac t acoc;.,t-Cv . . .. : 'tiqn'otheTarbororok saidtoave special tax levy'of bnenKonXthe liabl to mdictment;Vu x , beeVi caused Joy his cankn5 his land One ndreoVdiars: :(W topllwing. levies. were made;r,For Commissioners OfvFranUirCount bmit a statement 'otthe , amoont --.il-i ! l.:-.4., oo'rf o .A. in nnnnrdnncrA with -Haid TftnhirftmAnt" '.' - : - . v . - - , on poll -For requirement of revenue -act) 21 cents Dennmjane.ist,- y? ana,enar . -.ritters r were ' receive'd from" tbe Vm property (ani:6r oents on each mg May 31'st a speciaBtax; of gtate Superintendent-cailrag at polL or public 8Chools,a8 cents on one cenii oneacu Mue xaunoieaixvoi. tention tothe law and askings that properand 54 jpents' on ; each fpoU. larg-(ll0a.00of property and; three ed iuiV The iction of the Porpension '4 cents on property and centsbn eyeiy-texeyolwi iJoird of jMucaUoaand, of 'the'Com-12-ceite on eachl'tK);ift": gie said Cpunty to eupply the deficit era wa3 ukenii" pursuance of v'ti: ; "encv for the sunnort and maintenance .t.j ..J:;-: ' . . j ; ; By 6rdef;of the. State Sainton-' :irry-L the county -protected ; wdlilso to c. it kf Wm,; Tnflfrntinn , hnW 8chedole.gB & .C as; that made 'by onCQ , fot th0 rrindi.ler It ' by:cop of his fetter eretdat6 .is inthis lastpUse filial the matter v wl onA I Jnmi&nnAvith i nrnvkinn lwvvT T" u 0'. . becomea'sol important and it Li rroba oSectiottr4il2 of Ae-'SeVitalCol lPH ble thatold Franklin county will be 1905 of Korth' CaroUnathe; Board Treasurer pf the ; county that .there fottna8gaia itl the lead and the ac. l Uidrinri nf, Franklin courithas has accumulated; someL surplus :in;the tion'0f lhQ Commioners .rill be the & a' 'Ibafefid ' estimate'ound ' that 'Bridgeond, and in jhe f ondFond, moat Valuable, step-iriihe educational tWeumof Seventeen' housandve, now,uppircmmendaUon of-said pr0RriS3 of ihe State in recent "years, x fcnddre vand -fifty dollars($17,550. Treasurer, oidered,. thatthe , It 8hoaia beaidalso rcsanlins In Sn,nt.'in - for:bridges,be;pn!y thetschools' of -Franklin countr that public School nVeabrl 'district r of ? nts. on f'1.- we have een having practically a Franklin county' for (the -period; of on the poll. : r'Xjf:-:, four months term, but this vhss "been signers thereol ttbg, T. VT. Biclctt, F. N. Bgcrton,C. T. itokt, A- A. Viiitoa, iv. a, iiuj. The Comaimiocerx ?!irt? which h aVe Wxn I '2Z wcr e aboliah TL water commuted wa au'.Jf rucl purchase ncccs-oarv -mtrca arJ la uU same as soon ils-tt-a 'o, ' Tb time,, and' hour of mating .. it tl. nl"bt before f.ml 3Icniar in rich month'at o'dcciC Ii u unaul rnotnlr arlopt-.! tiut a fir.v 110 t impcvfKl cjon each rr.f rnWr who wt viut present at rtgzhr cie"in;r willi out a Urfal CXCV3?. List cf Lc::crs B-r rr.M";; in tio J s u Mlt.j IU Al! f . ! 'r a A 1 f Mr. H. IL Bi;-. J.rr, 1V, V. P. Mrs. J U Jr Zri, 1 Vv 1 .' 1 ' ;s . C:lf;rrH;;.i Bi.l- I-r. Mr. G- MIrlctU ltr. A .VJ! ..: 1X7. , Severn Hail Storra. A'sQTcre "wind r..f f.crra jV.50l over Cticra cf " th; "c-?cr,ty on Wcdnc-Alsr, "'-Tho'crop of faro 5- It f r t I. ;r.;: ,r i ... Mr. . i. (.fcr rt. . . ..v - - ; y- , "'j1 .; ! 1 J tr.-" -n.i.! :-xt .1 .n. 4 v r . : snnrnnnatinn 1; rrn-u- jl our aiteuuou ia iui iui wuou v k - . - v . 1 v 1 -1 1, -x a-- o ' -a' f- J6- I ci. ciw , - w 1 mnra in ei f i rvin t ' m ' mrr-iA ' the fact that- aU reeeiptaT'or money f ' "r ,7 Ki: " i more -.insuiacicnt. x ne mcrcasoi whichWy ' be-nsed for; school ; puY- inS sucien,t fanf S6 ,Cost of living, the -rowing; demand posesm nit Exceed; sixteen thou. mee these ,demda H teachers, "and Vdacational pro. ;nd on'flWn dllarar" That The,special levy .for. Louisbur z3 inVorieral Lavo cans, 1 brr ' applications'to tbe State -for aid from township' roads - was ade y -at ,5 demarJs from r.ll the cunt:c3 till ail 'the second .$i00,000' appropriation cents on property and Jo. ..cents;-, on . requests have tobo.,:crJcd don. tiavftplw Wn nt 'down. owin? the- poll.-T ' :-v-. :'--C .'!;.'. Of , course in vir.r cf ' tho tuiount, . . . - , . . , T?r T nnhr.rr Graded School di3-u -11 . ,. - , , to the fact thath3 demanas trom tne tv " r - v . ' . - ' .e t trict 10 cents on property and 0 Franklin count v. rir. t!;.i tax cf or.? variOUS COUUX.J3 CI luj k;.J-.o 11 i-rr . -r tt n . " : '-oxeoftha laoSftTdbHy.--- ' c;at3 ' ca. th3 poll, V . E. .TJizcll, c;nt : , :J . .r'i r . cru u,,?:t 'Tiikt therefore th3 ' tozki in'iay to Uto bi li:t. : . ,; N - , b-t lcc" r.: V.:, : :t: .: c f C, .. .' :Wrfia dtoation trdbki J f tho ,Forrr:tonGr-::a School rrir' . ;. . j .: '..'.-v ujn 'hobl3 of Ci cscaty-irfa t j - fcnsr- trist C5 c:nt, cn popcrtj- tA vl.C t ..o ; . - ;; sr. V.ari-BSbt:,cur:ii'fcT eatia :3. W. Ilomj to ta;:D t ,; ; - - I. . (1 (i H - 11 ..- i . - J f i era in rrrtionrcf C;e ,to-arr.V:rt c? f riir fr;n Trv .t C v. mt: :" : . - Uarrij, Cyj regj CVcek, Cedar Ilck anl Ixclibun:, wire badly daras:;-:4. A largo number -cf tcca 'r p rooted and ft ca.T.l-cr cf ot blown down, . Ko cue b.?... ba tt- ortcxl as bc'.r.-; b -lily roj-rc J. . . k Alslon-illn IlTirrlr-TO. ML'S Tcrriju K:r.- and (J pL Fhil G: Alitrr. wt.ro uu;.d i: marria.ro Us:. Vm-Uy rr.f rr in.ij at ntr.o oVt-.-rk at I'-if r ! M, B. C:t:rch r.cjr C.-.sia!:.-., .K:t. V. II. Kirton cr fern: in ; . C. rt:.: . nr. ( r Uf aL Br. K.C. r.r! rz fr rr: i'.ii u : r -lc,-c ... Mr. ICS. , - ' . ' . 1 ' . r , a "j - v. : 1 : 1 1 1 . v.'i rvcrproc r.i crowded with a I. Mi ; c. vr: a:.! Mr.T. V,- Y,V! n C: lit At! I 1 4 i v-c: ; IV, ( . B. v. -: , ' r a J . - . ; ;Thii Crd day cf Jcnc, 1C07. , A' j?c: Ir1 - ilFilct nnd McpbYllIr, Jiro. C'VteTOS ui-i-n. 1 , r t:i:t:, J c:..3 k ... . ! . . ,c: r- M 4 . . . A 4. . 1 .lie 1 : v t .1 I..:, ' - . 1 ' - - - m.: ::x ... 4 v- I ' - .1 t; I . .1' U V : 1f J! I at 1 . i ' 1 ...i c ; V . .f : . X . T. v ; t ; . .. .1 t , it ( .; ..: 1 . ; I . IT : t . ' t Mm-!.'1L IVrrr, IU. Br.j V.t:t, r 1 V. ,.. . 1 .. . . 1 ' $ t - J ; : " : '.. t e v c I". . . , ' . - t v t : i. .t 1 ) 1 .1 : t 0 B 1 ; ' ; ' -it t I . . 1 : - . . t ... ' ... 1 1 " c: