vcl: xuxvil O 4 4-4 1 ASHLEY HORiiE FOR GOVERNOR SK.stsss; , -.: . " V.: " '. ' ' v ' of moncpoliej and cc- ,b:r. 1 I . v: 4 -' i r f i , i ; . ; t c : t : : v..;;i :i c , .4 . A .. . . . 1 I.. '. i 5 arty. i. f .r. r.,h haa nlwav:? Etocd fcr th i HlS;RECORD AS CONFFnpPA-rp -cnr- IO1 f-vcr ofth3 frc t c 1 V- W l I 4; inr t i- ' 11 I L LJ A-T- lM - . " " Huu. lie UUtS IiUfc UCU3V6 111 CHV Wltn VVl mUUI. BLEMISH: lave which res one man 2n t ly:,l age over tmother, and he belhv;"' H STERLING DEIIOCRAT AL7AYS VOTED - STRAIGHT TICKET ny reement -twceii two c r TV-- ,'' 'V- ' V ' - V. - - '. - - ' . 'more, men, or two a (ye . coraparu;3 J ;,:r - - . - I, - TV- -V ' - -V A to restrict ' competition, ; cr to As a Farmer and business Han He -Has 'Been Successful cre -a a crime again; t zn i'ow .act.. Ho has" been i ..... 1 .1 i:; ' fr IT ' ( . :Vpct or h): cv r much ho mny t!i;::r rriih ?!r. II r:.i i:i !'.'.!:; t r c:!. rv. c-n l-j fu-.:n'l who wouU ir.pra L;i r cr honor- cr Ic!:jvc h:ra rruilir of . .. ... , 1.3 C:-. - , J Puollc ; Spirited andatribtii He Leads in 'All. ProCTessIvel rlght? and on3htto be Punbb TU..,tho Farmers .Md ; to , the; Laboring People. : . v ' , bnater on paper, bat -.WwWba TTo theV. Democrats of North Caro- Aabley Horne, -of this place is a aaxjiidate f or Governor, subject - to tft -acfion of the' Democratic State I, feave known Mrl Horne all of is fe and feel that it is not out TgLaca for me, of . my - own knowledge tia tate what manner of man he is. Ila is a ' naUveof Jdhnstod county, iis xty-five years old; , had a com- chogl ed ucation, - but r in early ranhood volunteered as a private in Coniederate armyf and? followed fortunes of .the Army ofNorth -gta Virginia11 for, four years, . and j rcssrendre(vwith His resodrcf ran After" the war j he had neither the tfioe not; ability to complete ; his edu 5fi9n,'.7 Necessity required ?him" to ;tO wdr Thefirst; year after gaiag home , he cultivated a - crop, ben clerked in. a store, and in 1867, liegafflL merchandising "for . himself. EE prospered j inade.-v friends tof his 3astomers, and, -many f t the men mers of -the state, and they were not monopolies in the oclv wav he found slow in :exPressmg their; gratitudeto h practical to fight them.' , uuu- " ,8-a ' 683 When the cotton oil.industry bo- propositions-.a -very practical .;and came important he was oneJ of the wise counsellor. , - : ' r- men . Who organized the first cot'tort ; He was one of '.the officers of the iniU-fnh'WLn- U Cott6n;,Giowers' . Association',' and iainedihat thAmnn 'rtnn n i he har.establishd . warehouses 'sorn Company had obtained control of what on i tho ; plan, -of .the. bonded that mill he sold ' every dollar "of warehouse system now advocated, by his . stock and ttoA. .Wh.n u that Association"- I'I.Ij iuj'fi:- ,t 1 M I f.' TT v,'. i a- lemncranc j rr,:a wr.en torr.- systematically and earnestly . fon-ht L, - .1 f.,r nr.hiM-.n-'Mr -t. Mr. j. s. (;.;::-, N. A. T--::::: I:f; Mm. J. H. TucV-rM: i" L! .. - It. I ?. r .ys stood fcf, fcr th? 1. ::. tha school ar.-l thr r'ir.rrh. lie hc.i always tccn a prc-rc-iro II:i!c:5h t v; ; 1: i.: :n; and while by far tho Izr-t. - tcr I ;:r ci hu f; :'.;nt ho hsj t!r,-.ijs . .. - i. , CipLlh (J. A' ' n r-.I tcmed from th' :r lr;l:l trip li.?: Tr;. j v tscetjv.tcl for spec;.! utcs fcr ech u"-.r r: 1 rrool 'ror.d. "a:il has favcrc-I tJ rytLm; Uiat promoted tho wc. o " tir-Ur. rc'iurc s Mn. Gevx -o .r c.I, c f Wi;".: t ntir 1 ; . I ti His c d rara n nil v. re crordie: u ct ra t-.e. ; npi.euects cpoo.hia. ( Mai llzsf IW.-r, tMU:r-:h, ' lift nar nl WS va han otr Arann. I - V . , . ... . - l i. .... , i 1 . v -7 - . " J . " -was ; going into., vine , hands . of .. Isrj; f rwmentof the laws pai.c i by ths White lar.. ana t organization Democrat MnMmi v ! . . He haa voted tlm HprnrvcTntift tiVat.l u - a - . .. ... 1 . . . & I ra. ivas .uiw tr.l ' - w w v V W V V W W 1 f Pr. helied to - orcaniza : th . f!)tT9liT 1 as xuey were pnntea., ,v AM Phosphate and' 'Fertilizer-; Works h.ttr r, t r.W.i In the early 90V when Populism near the City of Raleicrh. . V : ' I rft hP.iir in w.lnV;,,,,, icciar. . - L with' it at;AbDomattox' - 3. i- U ;.vi au w ouj mai l3 meir amy am witnin u:e law . , " ... XTSlW '-f ' "Mr. Horca opposed it ,,d Joing thU WU, W.1 J-!- --. as a soiaieru witnout 8tooi the: hard, condmons . nnder offered to bicomn .nnn.;w. f.r ,hn ., OxtrJ. which the farmers .were suffering; ft :x the. raiU himsell provid- rnlaUocs of corrano; has al- T. r 1 1 y- t -s r r-' t r n It' Dr. T. A. Mi::hevi t-.l trif?, of '.3 U:. auu,uiBteu o uwiouuumg uiwr move- ed it rwas kept independent. A fow ways 'favored requiring railroads to "-' - - t;;.:..r?,.-;.'-'-f'- ": ments, many., nnwjse men did, ;.he fears igo, when it appealed that the perform -their duties Torowly, tnl U:e :hl5 VccV- !''1T? Ci- ' treated them with kindness and sym- American Cotton Oil Companv and- n 'the lowest" "possible" rates, and Mr. V.h i;.:, ,1 Cer,- - pathy,dissuadmg;tJiem from leaving th8 Southern Cotton Oil : Company ha never rode a .mile, on a pa-, !n J, wo here tV;, c.vh-ch v:, c the y Democratic, party,' but never would -control the cotton seed mar- believing that railroads shoald irve ry r inlx: I ai-.r.c n t?:. denouncing: them. In' the country tet of the ' South,- and that they -nd not boss. . More than thirty immediately contiguous to Clayton, Possibly might combine and regulate years ago when thox rates on cotton Populism iema.yieaiway, immediately MrHome Utwe en- Clayton and lUleigh were b. begna .to ade wit, blm. 'forty mi:0 the,asbM. .for.-thia.'wai. at dano wh ch" rfaTT ' i 3 , - i . - K - ' . - v miu , at Clayton, wnica mm . Is nor j end sent . tlio cotton throe tho owned ; and' controlled by Clayton c on try, nntfl the- railroads 'In d:- .. peopie- ana run maepenaenuyatjgu3t, pkwd him ta -t U 'Lprovides; ran independent market.forl though; waaa fair rate, Thu he -i seed, 'and furnishes independent 5 f did, and this'' rate between Clajton other companies, fertilizers. 'V,. . Kalelh has never Wen exceeded. He is president of the Clayton Oil He has always opo?e l the granting Mills. In: many Norths Caro- of ppecial favors to nJlroals. In link . Mills fayored : going into a com 1885 ho was'a motnber of the state bination, so: as to effect, it was said, Senate. The Kichrnoad & Danville r large economy. The proposition was railroad proposed to ba:M to Morpby made to .Mr. Horne to have the j it the stato would donate free ti of j Clayton Mills included in the "mer. several hundred convicts, Mr. i ger. He declined to even submit the Home .was as anxioas as any to sco I proposition , to the v stockhplders. that work completed, bat ho thought The fate of that merger justified the the Itichmon d and .Danville was no- wisdom of his course. v der obligations, to build it at its own He-: Was 'one 't : the .first 'men' - to expense.; He . voted againit the advocate the formation of home in- donation of convicts, and wis ens of f surance companies, both tire and life 1 the Senators who signed a pro- and' to. stop : the1 outflow- of North test against tho measure. Carolina .money tor fire insurance. , This is a brief account of Mr. He was one of the early stockholders Horne life. He Is in the raco to lay. of -.the North Carolina Home, and. is Ho encouraged by promises of ah officer and director in a num. support from every section of tho ber of successful life and fire com-1 State. We behove he will bo nom inated. , . . . ' ' One of th rules of his business I '.In conclusion, I beg to ny that if life is to 'give the" preference, where Jou wantto saPP5xt a conIera practicable to do so, to local, and in- wldier for Governor, Mr. Horne U dependent companies, rather than to tno min" H you want a foreign companies or large corabina- bu5:ac;3nu3 and a life lor. farmer, tions of capital. Us far as it is pos- for tbe oC rt,rno ' t!' sible to do so, he taboos ' trusts and If you want a man who has bee n a mnnononW ' From thW- nrr.halse .consistent and .life , lor- enemy to Mr. J. A, Terr.-, C. . . - x -; ; csrs, -frcal t:r , . . . . . C. K i (trf-.' r tL:thcrlT;-J t . iv.: home. r C ; vt . - , r r - - . ... a c?ur h; l!.v: 1, 0 X"i ... . . intsJrhvd for jrr. tl::;, Tcc!ay. ' . :t i;'uc:!. The cliff had a r,Y week fro:aMf ejni, J. H. V i'. : ' i I r : ot Hann, anl Clarence C:.x':;l, f j - i t:.V j c r: !.! ti t it f ASHLEY. HORNE, Clayton;,N. C. years ago areJ still his customers and -finends; 7 ' c;' y yjY :V v As a farmer and as a busine ss man 6e has Tbeen successful and he ' has '32so Embarked in other lines of Iiiisiness Now' he is 'regarded as soe of 1 the most successful' men in -Ehe state. !i While he has other large lanes and is engaged in: banking, in-' oxknee,' manufacturing, merchandis ing, he, is still a large and active far oer. ' He is not merely a farmer on Pper,' but. every day during' the crop ! season a .visitor would be apt to.find him. in the field,i actually r-c anymg on large, active,and succeca- d farming operations. And to vrell informed does he keep, himcclf cn narket prices of farm product:, that "a&ny Will recall th-1 dur.- rc c :nt hehas p-all:;h:d cotton Utters "ntainin'T ' whole: omo ndvic3 to tho banners with retard to hcllr- their trusts and conhLmt: lie m- tton., Th:3 advi:3 ha. f ' fee Well founded, 1 tl.iro is "0 c .imatingtho mcn:y it : v. : 1 1- oa v, a v. ho h:.i al'.ray? e'..l for roads, for temj . ranc?, t I nr. -it; morality, Mr. II cm a is tha in-.n. If yuu -vant a Tr...n t r (J wno vnu I'lVO iva . .) that : a V V -. . t - a. I of the oil which lobricates his m.l- the wise anv wnoiy manner in wmcn . , . f m,fo ; , is tho man. If vc u want a r.:an who , - - - 1 v ivr. enmery to the placinrr of material the farmers, were treated by. Mr. r , ,w,r. vVr been in tho i::l::.Hil Horne and other Democrats. After '.rj? vf , of hi, , Mr. tne tusion oi. ropuusm axiu iuu- v n n,.- Homo u tlio man. If y licamsmi carried the btate, ana wnen . . r. . x. many Democrats" felt that if would :V.Mr: Horne is" not indenUfied with be best for us to make some arrange- any particular faction ,of the party, ment with the Populists by which He is' neither conservative nor rad- the State could 'be redeemed' Mr. ical, so called. He is a Democrat Horne' was outspoken in his denun- piain. . n eiectea no win ciition of the 'movement. Sii or not endeavor to baild up any faction, eight years before he had been mod- nor create any personal following erate and conciliatory in dealing with looking to -hij fatnre advancement, thfl- Ponulists. for he understood tho He will be content to serve tho pto- .:.j.-n0, tlm farmer pie in the" ofdea of Governor for UUluCU ; Uiiuci " I - were then staggeriug. But m 18CS he had no sympathy for any move O .. . 0 3 :;tvo r.:.-5 ':.:. .;. four ycarc, and at tho end of tho term return to privata life. Ho vill ront looking to to a fueion with not xl:3 tho great cc3 cf Governor Untler, Hn::ell nnd Thcmpeon. Ho i fS rrnrceition. Ho to thi J " - . State Ccnvcnticn in lCvi nnJ. tnrev: in favor cf a th: 1 a X. v- - .3 . k 1 ... wi w to anv ... j Lb', whole .xsilss-c o ; If thero 13 cz3'L2:a in i-r. Heir ni'zd, cr ii t.-ire 13 cn3 . 4 . I! nc::: " i.' cr. :'.z c-: 1 . ... , . i -1 1 ? . tJ oil. or p Mr. II man. flra: C C V 1 to tT. f .' - If Mr. W. M,Grecn.cf1U!c in Loa;h-r thU rck In' th? inv: est of that rxcIlcnt T?::r: j jpr, j ;t !: the Hilacil U :r !r. ? - ' Mr. Calfrol lUrt r. an 1 rvr, MLm I-alla 1 1 arte n, cir..e mtf 'r :n Head cm 33 one dir t'.-? c : ia!t cno cf c-r tlcr.'.'s:. Mkt Urtio IIarrI;n c ckt thlj w c ? V: to a t tr n 1 t h 5 h - ? " r trt v . . r . . . tr.- . . ? . ' here Trcra df :'.ht'- P, - l..-r. 1 - - - r . . . . ! 1- t1 f-.a. -I ;.n '. if, a n . ct T. cf .. . ! 1 r anl ether f:;cn It n ? :.r t-rr.fl to her h in II Jc Ira t .4. v.-. a.0 arr.if- Wrdnr; hiT if'. rr. ir.Si!! h aSo"t for vcsl r-.? rc'.: ir- to his co arts in th? 1 I 7 ;tx r x r x . t r i - J. U lV.mrr rc'.-:: ;:r. - 1 an a c:- - : fcr fi'laro t dc'.r. r ':iL-'i V;r.::-.:.t V;- ch-.r.-- . 1 r - :.r j . 1 ' 4 Hall!- 7 M Mr. C.I I. rr t y C U. -.-: r.- 1 i it j w 1 1 . t