J ;--:'V v -... .. -Ju ' r"H ; . J 0- 'J V u .- i JAMES A. TllOIliS, EDITOX -V' V0L.XXX7IL A;V .J s' li JOYABLE TiOUGE PARTY ?of .eu . . ,,; - " predecessor. -The week atllapl e- V ' ' - - vitfe afforded no short-Hved'pleas- AT THE BEAUTIFUL AURINGTOIl ureto-the Quests, for -each "one , H011E cJLAST Y7EEK, - :, - treasures in heV'heartof liearts" a "V y 'iN' XV : '-V legacy of' memories some are ten- The' PtiCipants!-MOjProfusft 4 Vt-BOme .jojois and in thelf Praises for the Tonnff .iV- r. IIen"yhoOriinatcd and tne Future they-wilf often: recall ; Cruelty to Animals, I wro"i - a Cnnsne'e " - ? V. v rind ;nrd nr?v r-" ' t i J:i,:irAii " W I flb'wera,, . thatv- HanDT time:" anS Since our Inst re nor: HAYOR -YAREQ HOUGH o Ju - TUE' PAST :WEEi:. Several Lay Breakers r.r 3d,up for Various 0- . 1 r v r o 1::.; ir.w 1 . "I i . - J ...i 4 .1 : Li to t r Izt:::j to c-rn 1 - qu: ibr.s.s.b'-. r'l farr.ir.T cr-cr:". 'It 1 i::.:r TO . I V . c: : 3 :. A r i 1 ' tV.i t fev, ! czl- the anticipation of -pleasure far theyvxnllst)ften hear in-imagmaUon pnts nave receivea a tasta 01 1 nw. exceeds in J enjoyment 'the reali those Wpld "Songs' of the South" Ution . Haiy,and.: V conr u.nca tion. 4The House Party, NaV,Maple xnhich.W tonesl of the joyous s6 vera! are " .assist xd Soperir. ndent villeWt wek -was :6ne glorious Tnng vpices oWutifully blendf of lloads " J.;K.;Waiisraa in, 1 laking exteptionfrW slart to WsH; It 6tU Tre'wiliso come oftelOhe the roads mp?e jassab!e. -.; . 4 -Scored'granduccess. OnM6n memorof that'Ust 'grey rdiwn. ; Mo .rat case called t! , week cu--3 f u..i ut,?:;. :, r.l di- inert:.. their Ir. . '. -Ij m l Ira- prvvin0'-tntir I.ir;r.ir. ; trJt;tci o ' r 1 4 1 1 notonque .iJil 3; r w 1 staruea;Consciousness tne inmaxes 1 renaired to bav ii.u . r casion Vecame-frbmtkefyery out- theoffice, .ho- answered -in ; a less he;pky? i!ie coits ha will I most materialistic 1 way - by.-' caving remain , on the roadi for partyindderer-' insiSaU6n, hot pursuit to mystenousdisr &A 4iAin 4Ka Wrrd turbers of their peace.:, .To thepeo- 'i:ifitm KraMl1 Rhr WOUAN n IN.TITCTJ:. "T-ouisburg, Tuc lay, July IDf 1C0T. Tho?3 not fanailibf rit!j the pur pcs of tha initif-i.-s'tcm hcM ly j , ;.;v:-;. Mr 21. (J. Itxrt. ?!r. H.T. i i v J i i- t:r :V:c.;u: - IhcyUxc It. 1LT. I' 'cr v : . . t A"iT.'!. ; - r T T t ! t . t ... I ' - 1 i( ' J . ! l t k4 ' .-A ;..vr-i t.-Lij,t;nlft of IVTftTilftvillfl-we beer toexnress rv.'-U--''.";,i..--i,v'' lt kfl upom;joy:dusneartsana repartee our -sincere appreciation; of .their 1 her he trr'.c T'.m winged only with gooiwiU couli generosity; r and .to Mf;WilHs town, He was under" the in; .region prvotenaugnt?saVe ionUgeons- 3oon a special; Tote. of , thinks j is having: ylsited a blocV - a San-: v laugh?Be;foree iightful due for, his remembering ;howvery y he was .-liberty; to .r tho sidVecama in tfe leastV)fatiguing deHghtful' ar thing t is to offer red bat chief High .cllned the ilace selected ty " theVySung ?SweetsJ;o the JSweet v to allow! him tov do : so and 3 was fi 1 j.-i' LThA mpmberR of the House, Daftr .iaa:aa tr xAf?' ,it. cfintiemen ior tneir -weeK a tjuier- 1 - ; . r - -. ' iwt&Du wv.vu , ' - 1 tainmnfwasacWar.aSd Yar" . different xlconveyances wbund. Harnson,.J5Ianch , inust around the dajsy-starred awn; thelJ - Tv' nave more respect ior- izoies 1 un. w girls all realized that thi.wasuP leanorooAitce Dpruui;anq. corse, and. "awea; in their presence, deed -ani BEoiHWiihiiiea Vif;tFoter.essr and.proceeded to bolily him hospitalitf innate in the feart 6l Fell Jr.r John Perry E. ,8.7 5.v-'The .amount w promptly ierefy southewoSkn sevWf of Glifton, Edwin Cooke, BG, pd;andRhes was thereby saved SUdieVbf'ttighbrW froshovBlingdirton the ror .1 .:' athere towelc6me,:themerry Osmond;Yarboro Wm? n6m GreenloredAo l td only farty;; AVthe gateWe most mBoddie-AUen Ar- theroads treQ day f v.-.3 up :LrdUal 'eetedbylurs; IJzzell turerson-aercsres- - - oa.Tuesy, i chare-1 r V.i -et- wu: ij;nc;..;n ot ujo ci lubjocls discus? ! at thes? rr.r-ctlr. Anv ct air of tho followinir rr.-ir . bo dlicutecd' it tho? 5 prcont dc?:.rc: " ' The Farm '-Fruit Grrderu . Tha Farm - .Vegetable- Gajieo, Fsrtu FoultTfFarct Batter Mling, Bcia tiffing f the "; Uorne.. Sarraandir., Hoine, ConvenVence?, . literature ict Ibo Parro ''Ilnnio,' IToma Making, H?roo ... Nursing, CookInsNMcat. Vegetable, etc, -lrcid Making, Educatir.3 th5-(Girlon tho 1'zrrx Thwa arc a fair iiample cf . thc questibnsthatpsy.be dLicu53Cxl at theso woman s institute; and purely they arj practical, subjects". and sn intelligent discussion pi thorn cannot fail to bo. of much benefit to thOBo who attend- If raf-clent. interest i tna'niiested by tho'-women -of this county ia ihc?? institute it u- tha pufpoFe of the -rtrscnt of Agri 4 from s t Uif.rJ. ' :ir. llS. Fvtl .".; ! s It: :. t trip io Grc-er-tbvra t'.in V( V. . " - . ? fr. A. A-Cifun r;-rr-! M n- dar froTi ?- ;rt to Kj!e--h - Mr. 1. I. i-9 h:i rs Urr.' 1 (r-. a lhw7' lliy at I' L: ; re 1 Cl.:s ? City. - ;., . . . Mra. FeoiU Tirr trj !rn. cf Durhim, are vulur.g Mra. I' L ' .Mra . J. J. rh::t- ir. 1 c,MI Ire cf Ttrbcrcx, aro tuilir ?'n, II. O. Hart. ; - ", , . ' M-lfj Albcru Ktrr., tf Vrtr-i.cr.-aletn, m a ,511 rf Mr. if, I. Hocck. . ' , K' . ' - s - ' ". . li?A Ada U Txrr.Urlxl ,f Vrako r 'rcsi- rb -Jr .; it Mr, 11 S. Grct n, , ' r. , 1. . 1 I ? J . . , . I " ' . , O - v. . . . - . 1 1 - 1 T'U . t V , 4 9 r : : itr c r I :.:k- -Hu ;:--r v. : rc.; v.. t r . r . . . - 4 t A ' r;:bt r:! i'- tt c- -.'ti t ti ! . . - v .... . " . . , 4 4 4 f r : ... n tt :!:r:l in that :;! ! v . ...... f . .1 .Uf K,. ...'r, c. iic.-. , .. . .. , Wdiallyl'greetedby'Idxs:-ITzzell tourrersoiLLaperones,es-- 8'siia. 0XX.TaeS!Iayf' char- - Hli -et- c v.lt -.re tn r.i th n r.: Mar f --:rc , j -un, t,-3 t,n a f. :t .- ca K f . . t,-..... , "ana:MrBo iT: , 'Ku,,f;':r,:. J:.,..vf 1 Mr7Arl;hur R6ss,: this county- ;U will benefit ejery Master C . lw Cook b ri r( -!f :c V.t Zt.z. Mrs." ArmgWn: 'l- Mrs.!,; Tebb vie cdngtiie; Tisitors dumg;ttie ia yingecure woman in tho ooonty to : atnd t this in th Vctk.whh hi. grarJ.rr:j r.-.: C-rXtr t-'v-f io ceived them most graciously at tne "r ;vrnr--r -w7. u.-v:'JwleJWBuluuSw4 r uuwi. kjup wa; ucw..- u - li,:t, aicrs 1 i-s-. dnnVAnd bV- tfia'- timV'thiTj-wWl SrufllA ;JJeUie ,:i5oddie,j.,Meienr assaulf-.the Mayor wiU-beC value .to her in her work, welcomed "the VultureXtones df Censhaandily .Hayes, Judg ' HmXdrdiys bn:th' road S: and but ithe.doe not ehe will, still -bo MWlmngtW;genile;r voice' aid M'r C:,Oooke-3Jand; a88'ed--nltti4.4as c6'ste.V-v1V benefitted just .the; time, for she witherefined'eourtesy Qfmai ;Beck,v. esdaines J; M- Q fej; - io needs the day's outing.-. We ner; each one f eliM If she "0d "SK CookeX rL..vPalmeif, tveofdisordwiy conduct wis" there will be a large attendant at - '! ; - i- Tt G. -Burrousrhs Aand strJUessrs- - . Jen under some suen oi encuaiiL- jr -r t . . .-v r verv eorrv mentr- When the . girls were ' car- forwhat he.had done. -14 tbis Institute. ried to their special" apartment, Nin , yOU offwith'that little speech," said : - - -Let Alb Attend. lirma thi Tinfpd with keenai)Tre-1 - tion the kindly thought which Ji provided.; so; beautif ullftQr , t ' p riT f WKi n ih a h onr for - r-Vv-; : VV ' -n : V,, I grants, as. it was nis purpoae xvi n . '-rnanv farmers anendin ner arrive a, anai;iney-y - oiiCJ moned to the cool inviting?.dining I doubt ¬ ssss: - ' To xuk FauitEus or ,FjiaKLix "M o:'vW .!!" i .-? I Mavoi Yarboroajh'rastrttctcd the - '., ..V.!' : , did sfet9 i& die ncroffice's ieiitattins Chieff.Pote. to lobk- out for - .Loj July. ICtb. I in- have' a bre'ak 'doVrbefore tTa'9: V.- ': l r po!SiU?. It will k,V d.r well room -theyy beheld 'tables-spread they.get Half ground the track- vv-. - .-v-.v:-.v, ,nt withnowiaid'hbln ft nlshed; Namely V;r his neither, and, arranga ,s -ork licioiis,appetizihgiaWwhiiet The A. College Catalbue S' frfena; incon Vers ation4ith'lhe "he , can attend-VCome prepare each stdod a Wr,6f -sable hue; : -T to ask non, and to gt all , you with;fly:brush in .hand; stpod a CoUege of AgnWureandVlde; is Wdejful how , names of promU can out of Uho ; ever watchful of fand resppnsiye to JhanipTArte-, shows lOlstudenteot nent people vanisb, and .never again ' , y ... - ;. .. ; " . theneeotof , each 'gustIff ;t to'be: heard pf.- Take the nkmes of , ' -y:. - ----- -- ,.: realm'of 'deUgnt they were ushered ngeerlng; 71:" ot': Mechanical, Jasper, Fenner, Maxwell, Littlejohn, v .? -.U. D C. ' ' by.MrtmanH;; fopnearly. Entering; En' ofUtton;Manufaci FanarlhaKg : The Jos. J." Davis Chapter will thirty years; ;haci ieeiTthe presiding turing; 16: .otVlndustrial , Cenistry aby, v ; Verelle,. LeMay, .MacLemon; hn-itih Maion geniou'ovetthiS': department .bf an-d104 of ;iatgVicultura. ; iTheret;. ar Muner and 4nanypthera once -promir io nalJja Wedne-Jayf Jaly Snl,' at Mrs. 'k'k hospitable hoiheTis no manyNgpecial students of Brawiifc nent in this county and not a. single - , wonder that each? girt ;snouia ?ieei - a Designing, Machine-shop r, wort one nvmg-ip,Mi -ui ; v - Mc- J. S. lUnnow, Pre. that atebouch 6f s6me:inaglcal d 0Bped4unesvy?young know of. i it a 'survival, of .the jv Davis, S-c. waTid fthfi hd VKeen ' ' ,v7 ' ' " - . -- ' . Muvs Obr.tr an.i AlhiJca JUr aro vl'I'Jr.g iVir'iUur, 2.!rt. T. F. Terrell in rUlc'lu ; , r Mm. J. B. Thomas an 1 Ugh!r hare rcVtuxcl froci a tiv. to her ,.' j . people at linisbftro., . -, .. CcbV. T. Ilcghtt, citft oter trom Chi; a Cty an ! i;crrk tvo datt in Ioulsburg this we:k. iFcUr Ilrcsm t rnt a da) c r t d with hi f-t ple here thli week. He ii now Utjr.g inVC?s: Mtr?. VT. H. I'KcT.n ar-1 C- Ik, 1 rue 1 r-a ir,2 trj hrivca. W 4 L. ,' T X 1. j 1 z 1 1 J r r ! 3 wrtr. : : tn. r. i : - f:r 0 f I r r-t - - Q;cathim,anl Mra. I . f5. -1 . v , . nH v T:- p' 'e rt in Cli jlr.p , town a r c : : c : i '. . the far-away days, of aPast whose charge, bjf addressing President Geo. :ff'JX deUght' nadeen ' vbf ten portrayed x.inston, West -BaleigWvfev vfj in v j.AkJ'tla rkf 'mother's y ' ' : - in tliATidprfnnps of a'motheVs voice as a preciotri"'memory all het jjow0 EntCP7 - a IIe7Spapep own. Through1 . the Along sunny ,: . , . : offlce; Y V-. T : .-. n rL.- ':..- nrtlfl - rtf :-vv:V !.; -'. iti ....- v . --;.- t A , Hours oi ineaiiernouxL , Advance' torthe inner door-and discontent or "discord jarred upon ' tforaps; the: evil" the beauty, of the dosing dayand . ; Tx)U give then aftepdelightful buggy, rides. postofflce addiess over the picturesque drivesaround nurabV 0f; years 'youar.e there they gathisre d on the , porch fi -ihe paper. He Vift then and lawn of , this typical old boutn- , yon wiU advance : to the home, as it 1. bathed, in tne , , -e addrcgg the ,edi- sr -radiance -of a June-time . ,:fv ih 'f oil owin countersign: Farmers Institutes. Hlhtott Escapo J Louisburg, Tuesday, July, 1G 1907. . ; f' : , - Ni.. - - r i V4 i4j -v. w v 4. a 1 at is quite .certain mat a iiirge ma- , hvf.A hv li-Ltn!n- . m 0 a a. a . I ponty ot our tarmers are not . BeiunK , TlUr cwcnlu: M. Pcnron, 5 ern silver moon, when they breafhed in , the exquisiteperf ume of cape jesamme and magnolia,' and listened to thp tinkling manddlin' and the, softly throbbing , guitars, the place seem ed indeed ideal-the life idtllic. . After a f e'-wlhours spirit most s joy- ously in tliehythmic movements ; 1 of the danced tired f cct cought their U , Place of rest The clamor of ncr- " y tongues Vt3 hu-hed r.nd :!1 f:-l asleep; to dream of t! - jc 3 c l i" ) fpnung'day, vicli : t V ' Extend the ri3t; hand about two fppt'from the body,' with the .-'thumb and index nngcr C40 v-- . - drorrinto the hand of the editor, at eama'tiae eayin-, "VTcra you frT-mc?" Tha editor will cay v, Y.i:: I to ret: i " recent riihth wav creasing either labor or expense; V7e sleet the seed ia tha best .way? to vre plant the Uc't .varieties? Ato ttcrriht kinds and amounts of fcrti lizers u;cd and Lp pile 1 mtln I : t ray? Is our metliol-cf c:.,:A::n tl:3 I ; t and den :. tV. o 1. . rcr- :? Is tha cren lJ 1:1 . ; hoino frnm hprin!op?t Ftoj c 1 in ft Mr. 13owthns to wait for; the storm t ) j ;.r uvcr, cr.lf as t'-cT itartcd in tho ;hn r frur.i t!..- rch a sharp thih' cf l.;htr.ir.;: r 1, and .Mr. l.v.v.!,a v.t.3 L.. . V. I t tho" r. lid v.-r..i irv ; ". f.r Eouu r.::n-.:t r.r. 1 rnuc!; ; r !. - r. ;E:on vr f 1: f r 1 ' ' r.-.: jvi ry. In iafevr i:.:r.-.:l l;.v, vtr, .'. :.' . to fp-a!r, r.r. 1 1...5 co: r. -t:.. Mr.T.II. nallfcfIUlc -h,U tl-I: in hi tlur an! troth'. Mr. C IJakcr an 1 3Ir. A. M. Hjut If. W: F. WtjhL-.r n car. e c tr from Wakf field anl ;-. a dxr r.i J t, 1S O ;n : r'"v.t with hit -iTTdhfr hf ra thu it.-) , v - - n Dri, A. II. Hm:r.?, C. 11. inka and' S. C. Ford ar f.u r f r tho Dental Aajocii'ion rt I'.rchel th:s it v. : 9 . - 4 t 4 J ' . . The cl.". : r ; C-C.,4-'. ' lPj-.il 4-- . t-V Dr. G co. "T. Vtbs v n, cf tl. i- A. A if. Cc'.r - fprr.t f r.c r-J diji i'.h hit e..:crt Mra. F. 1. S-tz d-r.r the ti week.' ' Mf-n.J. A. an ! II. A. Tirr.r- two of Yc-r.-'-T'c't p :.i-'-: j J-.'r it J-iJ.' buslnc?5 n:en, were m I"-.rr- c r. : .r : . . - 7 v.lt !3 ?'r. J, div -thl week. Arr.cr. thf tho j it "k "v;;. of J. J. r.-rrov, V Mr?. Dr! H. H. H.-.n r - - - f - ( :r'h.; thi :r. J. Ii. H. ri t 1 ' Mr. V,Y-r I lie- -: i a r 1 l . . 4 1 . : r f r t' :;crr3 tl:3 rrc: ' - v-1' it rr.l rt tlia l:-'t cr r ? ' I . - t? ir. i r o v r i . 4 J 4. , . I - - t J;

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