he JAMES A. THOMAS, EDITOR. THEXbuIITiT, Tin: STATE, THE TTITIOIT. SUCSCEIPTIOn 51.03 TZZ ILlU VOL. XXXVII. -V - LOUISBURQ; H. C, FRIDAY.v JULY 5k1907. .- BM-aa-aa-a-m ..B - a iMMHT -aa HHHJ ' flftLiiaiaiBiHB ' ' j" THE LOUISBURG COLLEGE GIVEN TO THE NORTH CARO LINA CONFERENCE. , Mr. Duke Donates this Valua ble Property to the Metho dist" Conference for Benefit of Female Education. Wednesday's Raleigh Evening Times contained the following which will he read with great in terest by the readers of the Times Mr. B. N. Duke has made anoth er splendid gift to the cause of BOARD OF iEdUGATIOil; SbLTHE MOVHIG .PEOPLE SoMritecdeni'of Hulth, vti r. THE BOARD MET; IN REGULAR 1 ceived and Clod, n. wport cocntT SESSION LAST-MONDAY ; homejo good coodiii-jn, id jtU la at , ' ' C'ci good condition tt cxrcttmiunont vill Was presided over by tat prince of Christian gentlemerand educa tors, Prof. Ml S. t)aVis, but the reigning genius, then as. now, was Mrs. Maryv Allen, his daughter, who succeeded her lather to the presi- dencyT aid under ose wise lead- 0suaj R0ntlne Work Attended Pff ersnip tne coliegeuias greauy pros-i if 1 01 0lil POX in tua couniy pered and grown. . w F ,y' I ComrJiinU wero heard rgardbg As the property of the. North moUBiy HBreiectea Appqini- neir road in IUyTHU lowiis Carolina CJonference, and with ;in- ment of Committeemen V i I from Gilli bridge to Ifcockf Ford creased facilities and equipments The board of -Education met church, md Y. ,V. Gren, IL S. which friend and patrons should last Monday the old BoardVatl Foiled and T. H. VThluW were ip. bring to it at once, it will soon tended to some routine Duaincss I poinUdXS lay o(I aaid road acoordiog stand among the church's noblest and adjourned sine die. The nw to petition formerly prtntd with and best institutions of higher- ed- Board, which consisted of v the no ooi t to eoanty. ucation for girls. members of the old Board, metixn- PhnVillUma, color) , wei ilacd mediately and organized by the re- I on patipvr lut at $1 per month. THEIR HOVTnTKTS 1H OOT OP TOWN. AKD And Those Who Come &sd Co, Some for Plexsnro, Soma for Dullness md a L&rsre Ken- ber Becanso ThoT UKb lu It C Bk trial W VLiot tlU . ' I - . .... - i a: t "Ai tT: 1 e... i win: add greater honor to the Farmers inslUUie. , ciwMuuxui uuu. x. muswia;. v,.uWliuCut w K. BAWhite, who-bearal Uotraty home rporu 9 white and TVtl tera ib Err cc li lit Tla HauiIir Mr. Ilrj aa, I n uAl a amry aji A rrra t- TUi Laa rg jf J O&a Ttal rtiuSc ICT TU O-asnxaa waa week. MtMxrj Yaitwst, U. r. u ti a.n as 5 wii: -Sr Mcirti ef itt tJa,"Ua tLat luit, add s?reater honor lmnntAmiR afinftrnsi,v of that lib- The following rrosrram has been Chairman eral philanthropist. sThe following arranged for' the farmers Institute the reputation of being.one-jf the 8 colored inwatee-no chingte dor letter from Rev. JB Hurley to to' be held at Louisburg on Tues- best and most efficient County Bn- mS month. nlrh Christian Advocate ex- day. July 16. 1907: perintendents in the State, was Goran Cheek waa allowed to lift plains itself: ' Mornig session will open a ten unanimously re-elected to guccjed and pay btckea on a tract of land Tt nm mv riviWe. -mi well aa o'clock and afternoon session at mmseii. oeing me regular ume iu x7Tme A" j r o i, . .!..' I mftfw to it a t i pleasure, to make an announce- 1:00 xor appomuug Hcmoi commiwe- WW,.w,lllo.N ment that I am sure, yill bring re- Subjects for Discussion: Cotton men, the following -were appointed: adjourned to meet next Monday to ioicing to'every friend of Christian Culture, by W. J. McLendon, Dunns Township W. H. Wll- hear compUint. regtni.ng the ralna- education m me MLiiit!. ijomsuui -o-uouu wuLiuj.k .ioxiu ..v,. . ' tVifi Tronftrtv of Mr. and Imnlements. byT. B. Parker, .i xt -v- xr n Uo Wnb Plant dasaftnd Pilot District J. H. Massey, IB. A Hint to the WUe. been donated to the North' Carolina spraying, by Dr.,F. L. Stevens, of C. Pearce, J. F. WiUiam , The property of all delinquent n . 1 -rto o-v the North I f),rn lTlft 1 ;ol leo-e OI -.r - wu m wuu uu uuk Corn Culture, th mIWd was about to be Agriculture. Uorn tjuiture, Dy ' "-T wm " sold for debt, to save it to the T. B Parker. LT r J x'Tvt l4 tot Thi' 10 church and to Methodism, it was Opening of question box and -f v. - luwlSw,yu,pwweir 4l, bought by Mr. Washington Duke, general discussion, his father. It was ever Mr. Duke's At eight p. m. Dr. F. L Stevens ,1 Anivn 4-l-ot tV 0. OTl cfita nf hlu will deliver a free lecture, illus- princely donations to education trated with ma'gic lantern, on the should be enjoyed by the daugh- Value of an Agricultural Education ters of the church as well as her to the farmer. . sons. Hence the opening - of While these subjects will b6 Trinity College fo girls. For this discussed any others of special reason he purchased Louisburg Fe- interest may be snggested by male College. .Certainly no one those present.. Every '.'man meet man in southern " Methodism no, with difficulties irf-his1 work; -and not even in the south, as for that the institute is the place to which has done so much to advance the our farmers should bring their cause of Christian education as difficult problems and help each did he by his great benefactions to other solve them, this purpose. Since the purchase There should be ho hesitation of the property by Mr. Duke it has about any farmer joining in and been run in the interest of the making these institutes of great olmrch as far as possible. But good to the-county. No one man hoping now to increase its field , of can alone acquire either by study usefulness in this sphere and en- or through experience wnat is larse its power for eood in every needful for him to know to do way, Mr. Duke donates the entire the best farming and therefore if property to the North Carolina these farmers institutes are made e J Conference. The property consists occasions iui givmg -""B of a large and handsome brick help, for study and comparison structure, lighted with electricity, of ideas and methods much good with water and bath-rooms on can not fail to result to those every floor, standing in the midst who take an interest and active of a beautiful campus of twelve part m me wux. acres, covered with stately trees aud laid out in handsome drives and walks. What the property is vi-rv-Vi I -n T .-vi-iici'KnY'rT T am not. n.Tilp. ..vm m xjvo, - JJ. ji T t 4-1 aify thousand PrePareu ior WOTI1KII . WlllUJ-l 1 iJ UV UOIU iXi connection with the Farmers In rington. 4 1905 and 1906 taxe. See I. C. Franklinton Township J. "O. Higb at oxca'if you do not with to Green, B. W. Ballard, J. H. Cooke, tee your property advertbed a na Hayesville Townshirj R. S. Fos- cannot dwcriminite. ter, R. G. Winn, K. M. Clark. Sandy Creek Township A. T. Wilson, J. J. Cooper, E. N. Will lams. ' s. m Gold Iine Townshiri JV It Wheless, (D. 3. PeaJceJarneq rewer. " ' Cedar Rock Earle, J. T. Inscoe, W. W. Boone. Base Ball Notes. cjd iea.Mey navtng rwugnea t captain of the IouWbtirg btlt- teamf J. A. Tamer waa elected te fill tbe vacancy JUif Uklns ter to bare a good team and will call npon all m t i I. . xousmuuu Igveri of ft game to awiit, fintn cially, in equipping the member of Cypress Creek Tojvnghip J. R. 9 Xem with new And gniubje nm Boone, E. S. Wilder, J. R Tie- less. . Louisburg Township L. P. Hicks, C. P. Harris, D. C. Strick land. Mapleville District G. M. Duke, C. P. Harris, J. S. Wilder, J. W. Strange, W. M. Boone, J. H. Uz zell. Ingleside District Chas. Macon, J. O. Beaslev, E. N. Williams, Al bert Dement, W. J. Macon. Womens Institutes. The following program has been Stevens. to say; doubtless m dollars. But in Durham and many V. r -nm a in tTl Ck ototo 1 tr Wrtlll fl -, , nrx m- stitue At Louisburg, on Tuesday, easilv bnnor $75,000 or more. This 0 J in another great gift of "tmrf good JuJ v j' - friend to the church and the cause of education. Surely such gener osity should inspire every true friend of education andarouse the whole church to do more for all her institutions of learning. , , Surely the friends of Louisburg Female College especially, togeth er with the entire conference, vill rally to this noble old college en riched with such a splendid histor ical background and now inspired. to such a hopeful future. The town in which the college is located is among the oldest yi the state, appearing on the map only three years afterthe "Old Trinity liell in Philadelphia had proclaim- ! the nation's independence, 4and is situated perhaps in one of the most beautiful sections in eastern ( arolina. It has a population of over two thousandHnhabitahtsand is located on a chain bihigb4 rolling lulls, furnishing' naturaT superior drainage. Louisburg has ever been h.iious for the culture, rennemeht and morality of 'its people. .'For a hundred years or more it ;has beeh the home of the state's most distin- KUisVlP.fl anna a-nA A an rrltova" '-' u-l For many yearsjthe institntion Death of the Oldest Citizen. In the death of Mr. Richard F. Stroud, which occurred at the home ef his grandson, E. B. Preddy, in Youngsville, on Friday last, the oldest citizen of Franklin County passed over the river, and now reata "under the shade of the tree.' Being born in January 1807, he had scored his one hundreth birthday m Jan uary of this year. He leaves a son forma, boya. Leta Mchip inn and help the ! turned Incwa Battinc. Mr. F. d. SpruiU tpeot Tdtv lr Ilaleib on legl boi.'ice-a. Mra. "Sonata Oay, ci KorfoCk, m tiiitinjc at Mr. D. F. GxWa. CipL J. B. TbooM it la Daarie thir week on Vaalwa trip. Mr. T. W. IikU'.t ad faxay pent TttoniaT In Wake Fcrwl. Maw Virginia FtiTMl yrrurdy to ffprnd a wek &t the JartVro Fxpotion- Mr. IH. S. P. Bert ao4 c-Lildrta left Lai to ;ni4 lo lit IWjiofotx. Mra. M. L. llntlWr ri ion, ef Jackaootille, Kir, ar tiKliag Mr. Wulie Heeler. Mr. CL B. Chorch aad wife, re traoog the reopot rictom to reiAtare in Ixmitberg. Mr. S. I. IkldU who r!srrfi from Jtmettown Kitcitpa tLia wek, report pleasant trip Mr, I. T. Smith wick acctara. rued by her children, left tail Friday to tpend loot tirae In Aberi!!. M firi It, G. Bffrroochi aad J. B. Bullock, two of Htrlaroai pracal. cent riiireJS were beta ,Sbii wttV The edrtor bad a blcactat one dy thW wek ttxea Dr. I. G. I lUJdkrk and ion It er, pf Vcscp. caswwerUe, itX tbe cLiimA orttr&3 Vji ir3 aal LzjlZj t iki "Dvrka ua tc4 tt o -e aQMk I at c! alw liat cjoti tyjU r4Uoo cl tila akoloca. If tbe Dfimie. critic ffcrty Uya a eiiry aad ft He t'aUioaa lYtkitt luVw it al, bo U tbe roOir c4 lie clacAjML I ua prtuSti a tbe oUIviSr c. tbe rar wb at tbe, wrrj iWl tbe duck, far he a duck j bj citksndrtisg tbe calcre 4 Ce. m tte tcCT Vjut Ptss&uaraJUQ L UAl liii h or Sue RrrvbCiLnta lua tUl Ltr.Vl it It dwsVJU j! asy Ihttg m AsTkvei- trjocty. It vti jrn;.t,r.t, I of tbe .Chair KacWrr i Suurv! j u hrre, gorU of Km KiotboT, f. At Mr. T. W. WUia tod wif Uu List of Letters Remaining in the poatomc Louisburg N. C, uncallrd for. , one day lhi wtk, for a tnp lt tie J Mrs. M. P. Allen, llcr. A. W. j Ki position. Hefor rwlumin ibe Alson, A!is Lnrina (trandy, Mr. j will vurit WtxLun.-a, i&i4ejpbu M. H. Guthrie, Mr. Daniel Seal. ! and oibr jtmj. A World for tht Onlca I( fmol wcoii eil fcore cj&km tart a iorre c4 Ual icT:nj ux tier woo!4 l a jrrU deal WClbbir, Murt c4 cj eat t turb t&al ai ' grte aJ Vsttwrtii trul, aril iwt essjb VrrUVuNw asl tbe cot cp wxiib jrwa a2 rlarc cf ltrra iri wicrJff ai we, crtxue at ccr tntN xxti en:i ctr ciiirva ejkd fM wba tbe WVy orwia, t4 cwu. rl wlS C tiiwt cat idiur(iuca4 e4 ; isV3 r?e at tbe asd Atxrally tvlly or tajrwla-tu, bet Whvm w ire IC;aa. Vby axe 1 w bcu& IW-4tM w- dual al ctioc. Vc tr aw a dj r;irj4ia ex in eau- chzk He tluka tbry it ii:oS( l-xt, is fe.rt. tbey are b I odri&e VLM be rtc t td. WL sv Misa Zma Yarbian. Mia Cor- j Mr. Ibil AUtoo, of Tita, S. C. ' VT ?c,3 ta evau, rc ee nelius WanhingtAn. Mii Pattie ocompanied br Miw Iil Hr, ; t .V-eu!, ce.lyul, )u2v Williams, Than. Young. Ju ruling hi people m Franks j fSw, wba kra bal be Persona calling for any of tbe j ; Htt friend in Ixobrg were jc'.ad to La 1m? lira ia a caod tbey j w ,hke bU baad lh week. j TtJk iU tt tU ru5 ci iifa. . Mn. F. M. Sft4.mas.iL who hW 1 Kt tv.d m ocJt cratch T!be k j been twiting br $iur, Mr. Wr. j Bailer, the pal two wnb left tbe week for ber home in Gerelaad, a Ohio. Mr, Bailer aowxayaaied her as far aa Uichmoni. Va. j Mr. Sirauel W. Alttn and wfj nd bttle child, tmxca here frota above letters will please saw them adrertiRed. IL IL Harru. P M. A Beautiful Illustration I once heard from the lipa of beloved pastor, a beautiful illustration. a t. a a A naturalUt one day wan stndring a coeoon in wrnicn a Dutiemy wu struggling to be free. He heard ttc occriibcwt ia aa cirua tbte u la a rcl. .Tbe co Yo kep ibe wrid ntig Lo er totb tag of j-cciiiaj it wti c;uc cf ha f ua, p4latml- M. B. Stroud, and one daughter, Mofninfif. session will open at ten Mrg y R purKQraont He waa a o'clock 'nd afrernoon session at I , r;t:7.Pn one of bin neichbora I fc"" j o 1:30. . . Subjebts for Discussion: Foods and their Cooking, by. Miss Mae ;Card. The Influence of theWomen in the home, bv Mrs. Sue V. Hol- , 2 owell, Goldsboro. Suggestions for , el criaafc) church. Ilia re- Home .Surroundings, by F. L. wd to re8t in the famay beating against tbe sidea of the little prison, and hia heart went out for the helple&a creature. Taking a tiny lancet he cut awav the fracrile walla. remarking in eur presence last Moo- and releaJed , KttIe captire day, that the decased was one of the ,malftm(inl :. WJl, nol men he ever knew and that he had w a y. hf .twlj ITLKS FE0H WQ0DS. 11 jTexaxkana, Ark on Wedneielay. Proud to bate k cuasy ef the They will tpend aUrai a taootb with! yemaj; ladie axd tl!ca fna nejrer heard any one say aught againat him. Ile. was a member ot Oak tber people in th.M owonty. He wul leare U-Jit to frrU a few dara at the Jamestown Kipiuon, L . . . . . 1 Cs.trerUU ad HiHiardtca ia orr Suadaf JVbcaL Tbe rrvj ar cow UkAIx uq bctUr, Vmt c?f crcre a fU City Father j ranact be ext-ed- llonrrcT. it U Tlie "citr fa them" held refrutar I tbe orntioa of exe rctle tLUwe raonthlV meeting Turdar morn- ft I ull we dowr rrtraray ii we place ex- lovely objecu In ronreoualv covered winrt be burvincr crrounds near Y"ounrsville. . ' . . . . i s i QT1 .i " : peciea io see were wcjk, wantim nnftnm? of Question box ana I ti k,;nn onnf 1 K V v 1 1111,111 vvi v e ' mmm v ' general qiscussiuu. , by Key. D. U. Farker, of the This program will give an iaea church rt-f" Tio,TinirA of the subiects to . ' 1 'll ' i. be discussed at this meeting but any difficulty which any woman may have in her farm nomemay be introduced for consideration. The "purpose of these institutes is to enable the women on the farm County Commissioners. The Board met on the 1st, all bad developed auQiciently through members present. The following the struggling lo be ready for iu business was transacted : : I glorious flight into the auaahray ikiea T.C.Weeter.aTOnfederateao nowera. . .. , . . ;- I V j 4 ' ' " I O God 'when tha walla aeem to be to heln each other by giving ana was auowey w uwi pawui meutcuiea ' -1; iT,fT-mntion. obtained m tne county witnout license, rv wr-- " "r " -r -eo through study or;experience. We : Willie, Smith andD. B. OT)aV,x! tgcre To be; frf when thon nmheen will V attend ihi Cdar Rock, was.relieved of poU tar oet not cut away the bamera, ta h nope tne womex v , . . ?c V -. . f; becauae in thr infimte wifdorn tifoa meeting in large .".nuniDers ror a on acwuu ui uuxuuvy4 . v I " . p. f . . S wftv should be - Ctorneuuayonea was atncicen xrom T " r T ' r . t pqu ., rp;titionforllewVoaare.au,gfrom la.V-h.a.th, .tn,!. 1,-fial.b.d, v u - " . , -"HoUjGTe 'to' iliuuttiig'roid. UV , the butterfly,-ire roif coo. 1 Geo. CaUett mae short tnp . -- to the fonrth, not perhap. In glonoa.. robta fo!i7fe :v toi. ika H.D. Egerton was ap-' of nda color. a.?t,U, batln.the . . Jlte. S. D. Catiett, of Apex, is vu- pojua to jij it.off.'. ' .' ereriaatinc rob df the rightcoo iting hef eiater ilra. J.'-u; reainerB. v.iw n. ..v.tw. . v . . to see. it lay struggling upon tne i 1 1 . n . grouuu uuaui 10 y , a , Tft 1. Ull ocr Ifakrr WtUr tba of thai V . I . . . dition tn reirular muHne iitiftswa. f oo, cmr rrorrwxwT -" ctimo r -i he following preslinfr I h frra!-rr. bal; ' I We bate a ftwiiihr Ssi-laT Tbe contract with S. A. L forl-boal et Wc-i " Ardtrjy, asd it ligbU wa referred o Lsht Ca j girr yn:r xrrrwr-otdrsi taatcb mitW- 1 rJ rMur to vzxth a iarre !U-zt mm Jhe matter of buying a piee of I dxzC aid lo u ibVr Ule - land from Ir. O. I. Klia for al nucb .;.iTYt in.iL la ti-ct crer ditch, waa referred to Dr. Burt rm! fnrorralJy are talirc a who waa authoru-Hl lo pay I IS fori t m'.er iat4-rti lhaa "brrt lefcre is a with this creature which should hare been ao fair? The prison gate had been opened too aooh; the obstacle had beejn removed before the atrogjrler i Mr- Bryua'a Cenlniu Otzr people are ialiir cf II a. - a One thine which has oad " Ur. w Te , OltmJ. Rrran 10 t-oru!ar aj a Ml ice a-ae- a we MMwi .nVer ia hia aMiia cd ex. ?- n Z"T r f 7 - 4 t t -tti.. i rotation and tllcruitlon. Irf a reocst " inrnaczgwnpwj.uar k. peech, at Fort Worth, .Tela, h t:or, rom'..' 1 rcoi PrraUent IlooMvelt aa an 1 Nv c' dearribeil iQcabator that hi batched poSlia to aaUl t-Wafly la lila time to time. Tbe Setr tibia Dc. trated thla alraile wiih a iter? cf a debate C3 tbo i-li:n, wLi;h If We are liailfl tbii vc? ate but liltle ilcir:i U t--."; : ' -V t-:rb'L ' C. 0.

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