f-Jr j t i ' ( 3 : si 1 ' ' ' "l1 ' " ' ;-'--.v:'?S J.-"!'!? -:v?v- i'-iT J' 'Vif ".;:. .v -.. ,' . ; ' " ' 2 S ha v .,YW ;W.- 4 r . ; a ., """"V' . vaiwafe Jfc -.- j JAMES A. THOU AS, EDITOR. W . THE.COTOTY, THE ETATE, THE TJinOH. 'SUESCEIPTIOH C1.C3 TZ2 ir.:.. VOL. XXXVII. jLOUlSBOEG.rlT..; FHIDAY, JULY 12, 1007, " ' 1 " 1 ' ' 1 ' II i ii I i ,.. ' "" '' ' - -i-- vi:T -;. 1 " " ' RURAL FREE DELIVERY. THREE NEW ROUTES TO FROM LOUISBURG. GO Mfleg: Beginning : at ;the Post Office, CaraerwiU go North ' . and ' - Northeast oastage road, pass-; . ing Ingleside f post office to Kearney post office - r P.5 Westerly r on HuntVMill road ' to Weldoneystore ' Southeast on Henderson i oad - 4 passing Pxighs post office to Faulkner'a corner Westerly on Farley road to Newton's corner . Southwest on Eiisom One Goes North, Another Easti and Another South-West Making Five Routes From the Louisburg' Office. c The Postoffiee Deparment an nounces the further extention - of -r 1 TA . li ' tt t r- . I . ivarai jLenvery m jd ranKiin. county J ooutn,- oouinwest on by the establishment of three addi- J road to Rocky Ford church tional routes to start from the Louis- usoutheast oh Kockv road -to burg postoffiee. Petitions, were in j Jngleside post office circulation a short time ago asking J Soatiiwest on Ingleside road to for these routes and were very J : Timber ake's corner generally signed by. those living I Southeasterly on Lynch' creek along the proposed lines Congress-1 road to stage road man Pou, who is indefatigable in J Southerly on stage road to the his efforts in behalf of his constit- . - - . uents, promptly rtook the matter up with the Department, with the re sult as above stated. The Times congratulates the people on the. benefits that will; accrue from thia BOARD OF FPU AL17ATMM compii, in u,ucontr u na tAiatioa Vt lho price at which uae Was onglnallj bought , from -the owner of the land whether' the same vm bought tCTcmly earn ago BUARD.HET, LAST MONDAY TO H1SAR COMPLAINTS. " 2. 1.6 THE filOVHIG PEOPLE THEIR HOVEIIEKTS IN AKD ' OUT OF T0V7N. There7 Were a Numher.or, Com- Lor bought dorintho . present T5laints. afid nil pc-.l ' v, o T rs V r . A number M other complaiaU . " prere made, but tho anaeiuion wcr inangres were Made. , sustained in all cw except thoo xne- Uoar.d of Equalization,- com-1 abore mentioned. iosed of the County Conmi&sion- Thi Board of Equaliiation Uien ers ana the Chairman of the List! adjourned, and the Board of Cam- w i Lair i iiiiti a NupuunrB nr anon t r r-r i ac'nn ami - m - . I . . l t -.ww v& v.ia.u I 1 IS tA4VV AUU H4tUIHl VUP ship, met, m accordance, xvith the I accou:ita-of tl.e'.VRseyom and LiU 3.2 law, in the court house on last I taker. illonday. All m embers of the com- ; ' ' Jr tipm eacn township:was present I I6n-man & Martinfi. P.imf .Vr. -i"u w .low ion uit,tiio comroenci purpose of the jmeeting and duties buameai 55 ya&r ago (in 1852), o 2.5 of the Board, which -were to aacer- of tho largeu paint maktrt In th tain whether the assessment of the trad, hare fiWI bUni for an -' mi. 27.4 variona tnwnshina worn smml rY I .i::.t tt'i f . . . . r: t . x - - vxjtM MUU . uiwuunt i cuifcfacwrr in i) r J & 4 y D t lair, ine assessments of the fol- which will b about 100 hr-2Q0 f-f A Beautiful Home Wedding. lowing townships jrere adopted hi area, fire floor In all makiae lhe home or Mr. J. E. Timber- subject to mdmdual changes: 100.000 iarfMt more of workint? And Thoso'Who Coq txd Co, Somo for Pleisare, Soroo fcr Business & Lir Nam ber Bocaas Thcr Uxo It. J. S. StritUif4 toi $arUj U Mi Lccjr Vvuti fnt& la A!ti:;, Mr. XT. it iWr lYtilUV C.: 1 . Tbjr in tt,t4 tiun-tJ l!b vzervT i tu c;. r. c . IMt. V2JT.T.T.J and A. tea ; llvvt Paint Factory. post office Length of route improved rostal service. Kural lake, about 6 miles south of Louis- Dunns, aYerage for real estate $C anrfmc Free Delivery haying passed the btirg, was the scene on Wedhes- an acre; Harris $G; Hayesville $G; experimental stage, .is' generally re- day morning of this week, of a Sandy Creek -$5.50; Cedar. Rock garded as tho most benehciai. and mos.t beautifiil home wedding $5.50; Gold Mine $5; Cypress far-reaching legislation ever enacted when Mr. J. F. Brower. of Win- Creek io. The in the interest of the agrifcultural ston-Salem, and Mfsa Hattie Tim- iu youngsvijle township (outside sections. Brietly stated, the routes berlake were joined in the holy the town of YoungsvilleK was will be mentioned and run as be- bonds of wedlopk, by Rev. Dr. placed at $8 per acre. In Franklin low stated. Citizens in the territory Hufham, of Henderson.' V ton and Louisburg the average was to be served are urged by the;De ; The decorations were most tasty made,$9 and $10 respeotively (out partment to procure and erect regu- and Tery appropriate to the occa- side of towns of Franklin ton an d lation bces prior 'to the inaua Louisburg.) : tions of the serviceV which ' will F'air, by Bweet and Holy" so The property of Camp Lumber on August 16th. Postmaster Hams eIegantl rendered by Miss Aya Company in Harris township, was informs us that no appointraenf of assessed as other property in im- carries -V has yet eh made, . .v . ;ltfer iiaded much to the , pleasant The property of Tar, Rive Lum- madefrdm tha ataWoliwent The best aniauZwas.ldr. er Co., mtfce'form'of stariding Urn- wuw. luuuuMo ogu uuu nDuj unas xveemu, ox Ainmaum, unu uie 1 uer, w ascsevi. uv ovaiwi. - cival service exammation for Rural ttnaid of honor was Miss Annie I There were a number of corn- Delivery service, in v the order -;-in J Timberlake, "sister .of ' the bride, plaints heard' from Tariouspections, it 8.30Tclock, lie crniUacun which they passed the examination; Thef bride and maid of honor were and among them lhe following Mr. S. Atwood Nawell, In New Qoarteri. The! ,TiMc printing ofHce ha new quartern having moved ainc our . imu, into the Hughes building "on Court utreet next oor to the DeiU Brother, 7U a big job to move a printing oiS el even of our aire and we aak our patron,.. to ottr -look any short comings , in thi hwut- -We will be glad .to aee our friend in our new quarter. : NawelWSlmpson. A vary pwtty jaarrjiga ctrmmooy took-olAiUJ led 3fetho5?it-chnreH ax w jLuinmoo, oij ittanay -oKsmifig A. CI-voo, d lift tts 4i v Ltia h V M ... sc-r a can irh iv.,,v.i '" aJ tU J.txrL3A 11a. M Ua Mary M a!osa ta tikir rwU 1 a. r . . . : I - C 11 Avert kjivra tonlar ri;I I 3!u-i, Ca. Vi O-cr a3 11 am peopo ta iurtam. v:a:T, Jf, U Wji a. wtra Ma Halaa Crw vW4fc,n,0- la VMilint Mra If r-v., I - 9 a iitv - - E. S.CraA rvtsr&ad lm vk from a hjizm trip W Kw Ycri. W. F. TWltr. Kl, waal to IU5-1 etgh oat day thW rrk r ktbtM, Ma Vara SulUsg c4 iuuot ia 1 1 la rna anxnr;irlri loa awa ilea la Ittrc tr lata t3 Mr; K. l llwlaJ l.fl Mra. I). F. McKwse ni 34m. il S. Fur, ara ritiiis ia J.ia county MUaHmma V$ cf .UrJa, aa a gutt I hi w,k a: Mr. T. U, WiUafV .Mra, E. t!'. firaWUU d Will ForrtL, la a iMa ak t Mn. V Ma Marp Suvart, f Wima HZmj, 2r. J. J. rfno tn f;r ta C1 a;M au&a t-t l u. .t'-- - - .. TtJit H aa bc&cilcia om la , ., - g ait aw!U 4 a C;Xe t f n rvtarnad o day t)r -faa Koute No. 3, is as follows: V 7 . Miles. Beginning at the Post Office, Carrier will go South, South west on Main street to river road. West, Northwest oh river road to Allen's corner Southerly on neighborhood ' , road to rail road crossing Southwesterly on Youngsville road to Harris' cross roads Southeast on Flat Rock road to Flat Rock church Easterly on Flat Rock road to Royal East on Clifton Mill road to Clifton school house East on Solomon road to Tay lor road , v North, Northwesterly on Taylor road to Perry road, Perry's corner Northwesterly on Perry road to Raleigh road Northerly on Raleigh road to Timberlake school house Northwest on.-Schooi House .5 2.4 2.4 4.8 1-7 O 1 o.I. .6 .2 2.4 1. tarnad Uu SuarJay frcca a mzi tar H rul tin TJuZj: 1.1 . i i. . ... - .... ....i.t.. tt very tastily attired. . changes were made, in each case formerly ot hranklm, ar4 Slim rtauaivaau io imo. The groom is a most excellent recommended by the township as- oimpaon, of illliinloa. The Col. W. T. Jfaln-a csem crf young gentleman and holds a sessors present: nahera were C. Ilarry Btgga and Uxxa Oxaa Cxtr aa.J aai Ua4 responsible position in the -Wacho- Land of A. T. Strickland in Frank Hajaell, of Wmiamaton and diy wlih b UsxUf. via; Loan and Trust Company, Dunns was reduced from $G to $5 Dr. H. A. Newall and J. II. Mr. Iritatly Man gta al'li:Ca one of the leading bankihg insti- an acre. of Louiaburg. Bridea maUa MlKa tUajhui rur wd w tar Ut at tutions of that city,while the "bride B.W.Ballard, of Franklinton, I'cy Coppedge, of GmaiW, Wak rrwx iVl vk. .1 ,i j r, a fiir.-tt. AnatA Crawford and KJ1 SltorL cf . . . . . - r . IS a Uiearmug jruuug itnaj uua l "as uuncu icuuk,uuu.i vr tuuv o . i I Alt. 11. J4CUJO WTSs ft-1 possesses qualities that go to On residence $250, on half interest Wilnaraaton. Dama of Honor, Mra. makeup an ideal companion and in guano house $100, on half inter- o- Jewell, of w tUumiML helpmeet. est in stores $50, on half interest in Beat man, J. O. Kawelof FraoV- The Times congratulates Mr. Fort lot $50. L. J. Wilder's land The bride waa given away by Brower upon the prize he has (known as Mitchiner and Williough- hr brother J. I VI Sitnjoo. Miw now, "and extends most sincero .by lands) was reduced "from $8 to Nannie Sm;th, of V&iimatoo par good wishes for the happy couple. $7 per acre. ! formed very beaaUf ally t the organ. They took the 1 o'clock train here Lands belonging to Mrs. Arring- The frieoda of Mr. earell in ihia for a bridal trip to Jamestown and ton's estate in Louisburg township, county will join tha editor in eztatyt. other v points. was reduced from 1 1,200 , to $800. ing coogratnUtSona and wUhing for toong those who attended the H. A. Kearney's land in Hayes- him and his brile a happy and y!aa weddmc irom a aisiance were me i vme a icuuu uuw fu.uv .f j j " o following: " per acre. Mr. B. F.: Brower and" wife, J. J. Wilder was allowed a reduc- Industrial Education At A.& H. parents of the groom, and Mis9 tlon of $100 on real - estate in Mary Brower, sister of the groom Franklinton township. jof inston-Salem. J. M. Morri- A complaint made by the rep re sett and wife, of Scotland Neck' sentativ.es of' the G re enleaf John- Misses 'Lillian Timberlake, of son Jbumber Uompany, regaroing ar it, u. Uicsnr, Jr. C tiki txcariisa T:ut to rMJ- rxv to . . ItHaSaJaca i:rr a.u! rai- J -y. tr '1 l P'J; ani - M mad tr Franklinton road 1.2 Northeast on Franklinton road of Youngsville. v to Raleigh road North, Northeast ' road to F. 6. Length of route 1.6 on Raleigh 1.3 " Franklinton, and Mary Timberlake I the assessment of timber - bought by them, and a request 'made that! the assessment -be made at two- thirds of cost of same, but the re-1 quest was not . granted by, the j Tribulation HaU. College. i uThe world b demanding man who can do, aa well aa thinl," aya Preaident Winaton. The beat equipment for a yoonglaan tiday b "technical aaill,knowladgavad poarr. A century, ago education was for the few, and was dedgnad to equip then for, the, learned profeasbna; to-day education la for the manr. and ta WaAliii4ia aj3 nucr, lmtH HCg ia jdU3 rulcu ua ( i. tiiv JJy Ui, u U'3 l 14, fc53 Dwla-ia if $;Kil to Ha-tu-mla Pxswiai at t JL'5 UL att; t dlU cctn'rtina wiCk K. S it lti5f:ia a;rj at Ili. i i.2 A. IL al 2wlsc2s r'i W rvl ctl " i rmi Sinwl aunca rMere-m c.n ra.'2.ii.3 la tlra tr : m Ttt . rfid . ip fuo lit!;:.!, ia Mra. 8. C Catlap c! At, 112. Dalwaj Hrer: eunto! Mra. J. W." WralLara. - 1U, Oxfart I1U-2, Yt S lUxkr Tcrlar .waat U 4 Heoa 1 1 f sfw4 1 1 Has. ' i lul Frilif tvab, Lk bciIs, WJlsaj jina tlUAh, Ua be mikUI vaiy isctJUt.,,' . tro llX's Utj-i UM, CU:U :v her paopiln SuiMtkta. lira. J. W. MoiUa m f-alizf: tha wak with har brxrtcr. Mr. M. K. Jof nar, oar MarjraraU Mra. K. II. AUra acd Ma At.i Allan ta!l thia wk U XTtsx Uaach arl tS Eapo7too, Mr. I- P. Hkla aal Mra. L. S. WuMf and MUa Hi5!p AH too, am at Vaaaora Sjfispu Among the vkiura ta Lot -!arc ' lk aa aaldog Ur cWa UiiU Mm u Iiaola!, L Coc;ca Kaeaaarita. t-HiiO rd ' ura tn3 Jtlr as! cjus ! Lff:kll til! Cococrvl; . ttaal aTtnJ cam Since o icr lif poo. with hk paraa dari 24.3 Ire' Route No. 4, is .as follows: Beginning at the Pest Office,Car- rier will: 'go -Jlastynl street''an6Mrdiasffl Mapleyille and Stallings Post OfficesKCaftoc Northerly on Dickens ; road to -r Wes1,S0uthwestfow Bird to 's itxe . Northwest f Sfi- toIt Gilead church . . . ) Maia'streetiWl South, Southwest on- Main to Louisburg P. O.' ' , , , . Length, ot route 2.6 .-". mm borough has been Regulating": a few of the unfaithful, and each of ; them have wtasted,T from the "bitter'; cup" both fag wine and a coming." The lis'ali:being colored up "to yesterday was as follows; :r- :y Arch. Howell.druns: and disorderly; $3.35. i ' Marcus Ruffih, for a aimilar-charge, but somewhat Of a more boisterous natu re, waSNoiad e toj cough up $9.25. v , Geo Wiison took a contract for "painting the town red', and havmg trangressed only , in a smaU .wajr His Honor let him gov after l relieving Geow of $3.35 llmboro; alter a rest of several weeks reported st the Hall of Trib ulation" and hot, haying tiie . amount to fork up, was invited by. the Mayor to spend 30 dayr with - Supennten lor, Willi ama on the roads. -The UVUB ' J . invitation was accepted and Jim ia "getting right." peT taken :U, Corporation JCy ty -!: k a titrtr I- rv-i ess arc u.,6 -.v.. t . 1 1 Hamlin uonesre ci vmcuuare taa ..i t it t. - t . i .v . v. . Jt 4T 1UMI4 I by tliel5oara: .. . . , I Mechanic Aru an pexra la another - ... ... i . - -. . Whereas it is made. to appear to column. Thla Collega baa the Board of Equalization that pf ,injtmcUon m Agricultur,; 104 there has been "a considerable in- nuJeip; Civil Engineering, 101 crease, in the Talua of standing Um- ttudenU; Elecuical Engineering, 10 S Sinpaco toirru ra co ztk I .. .. at fcr arcrtriil cwopaay, caoa. t;c:a laiUwrak asl aped a faar diya whh hit rte 1a lj&zllxzrg. ' Mr.: FcrriU Pj;rriiii west t IUiy Mo'aat 5day to m-t bT trc'wef. She tra aococs ald aa faxuijlrjj. i ua r-Ai: ber during the past five (3) years, I (tndenU; Mechanical n. En gi oearing. the result of which said . uicresse 71 atudanta; Cotton Manafactunng, has" been that ibe .standing " timber Cheraiitry, and Dyaing, Z2 alodaata. bought several f ears : ago ' was Besides the regular four-jeu cocma boucrht - verv. cheatdr. and that I iii-m r hnrt eoani aad atsecial ll, 'mnMAan)1 VinnVlit I t- r.. tv t. T-t--l bcta tT Cat. J V W at a iukuw puce wiu I ana ucuzainz, axuiz maci cpiai . . 1 ' Whereas, the Board of Equaliza- ning. Weaving, ' Ooth AnjJn, I Taocnxa at!adl ia rtfi cf tion desire to" assess the standing Agricaltnre, and Dairying. . timber in the County for taxation Next acaaion begina September 4, at a fair and. ennitabie value and 1907. For catxlcvue, etc, aadrcaa rate; v . . . :. . v N6wvTeerefore be it resolved" by ' N.C. the Board of Equalization of Frank lin County that tho standing tim- jber bought by tho several Lumber alirur D t:r.: r: : tcrtC-jJ frrSl rfcdLx-rrirc 'J. 1 1 d;ii:coj aU ncr3 l;t 1 , a I 2 ixi JX, v 1 1 cr t-: 4 1 1 lv-A. If rra fttrs frctra 1 0 t-Irl. Jv'r .ivtj.:o ii n Net!; IVcaiJcnt, Winaton, West KaleiU, Stx! IVcni3 KKNTLitt C CO cd:a wbca cut al IlaU''Mr PrcL E. L. Beat r irrrl ThoUnitl Sutrs Patent OfTc ia moctba bchinl in ita wcrk, t I . . . V 1 . -1 hre U 4 arrtt: tj ar5 a? r c - liSR6uto;Noj5i ' .