, lr.).y . Ivi kv f.AV:. I- -. . - , : v y JAMES A, THOMAS, EDITOR. the coxniry, the -static the tnnoir. VOL- XXXVIL i-vLQUISBURO, ' i:. C, FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1907 f ARWERS' . - V, IN STlTUTE. "B?& Solution'? , named from deaur. France. - Thi' ;iinothiricr more, than -ordinary lime" and-v blue- stone 'in solajion and spfaved -nponl the diseased - plants. His definition ' BTET iN THE COURT HOUSE ON TUESDAY OF THIS WEEK.. : CHRlSTIAIlr lOUCATIOIl.wr- r Tr1 TKE ' HOVHIB , PEOPLE. men. InSdelttj hu no Hglitto boa it of in culture: it hu ncTer furnlab-! I THEI3 tVe itimnlo for intelloctcil dtrtlcp- rev.l: -s:' hassey deuvchs f ;'able seruon on subject t R Pirkep Dps HeLeiidon of Prm8 nd bacteria wm ' so plain T, B. Farsep, dps. mcLenaon andv . le Understand ;i ,!''. v v - ........ . it, and his advice to the farmers how COYEHEHTS Hi OUT OF TOVK. AKD itndF. L. Stephens, Mrs. Hol lo well and' Miss ; Moore Hake Excelleiit x Addresses. vrhe Institute r was'opened . last Trtecday morning at ten o'clock with 3 j i . m . -x r i ft abounded with goodr sense arid g,od advice throughout The speak er was very interesting evn to tberfc than farmers and held th full jittention of his auditors, " made up of all classes, and callings, during tlie ntir time of his remarks He laid eapeeiai emphasis upon the necessity of ploughing deeply. The one horse watr, supply from to keep : their being contaminatel ' and what sani tary rules to obierve : during the prevalence of fever in their- homes was . timely and valuable. A Synopslff- 6r : His plsconrs o V Last Sunday His Text was h From Firs t Cor liitheans, llith, cv: Chapter and 3 1 st Verse, i v v" tvBelow we give & synopsis of a itt- mon preached in the i9 Methodist church on last Sunday, by. Rev. Z. S, He discussed briefly also the great I Masse y, upn tha subject of Chris- meot, .The Church gJing dit94 cf our people famish oar jtndentt. They do not come from ' the noo-relloas elements atoog tu. ETery influence that cripples reUgloos motires and itutincta b an indire'et threat at tL edaciUonjadTeiopmeDt of the race And Tbc3 Who Come jtnd Co, Some for Pleasure, Sorsa fcr .:.:Bailncs9 and si Lxrs Ktin:- ber Because Ther like It, . B. Terrj eftcl Sanliy b Ho- Dtilh of Hr. G. K. 1 ' -,. . CJ. . IiT,!t.l 4k "V Xn milTTBtZ-Bi tills jta, iie4l IaM Sv.'.-isrtl'- r i. I' The , Church "joccupke the bthat J dro. importance ' of selecting sisedi Es pecially as to corn, he , said' a good plan was to, go in the fields and select r seed corn from the plants that gre w two' ears instead of one big" ear picked from the crib. He spoke of the heredity, of. plants as- of animals. One illustration. He and C. C Moore were traveling tian EducatIon:w v uOOVKT -BABNBSTLy 'If ground for famishing a full, well rounded education. ,-The- ChrUiIin . . . c4leJoOtttVp0O life from, the standpoint of Cttrut, and ' be it the centre of all truth." .ChhsUan educa-l lion develop the whole man, and' it! inke its appi to men ixu t! aan-i oth- gifts." 1 cor. -12:31..'? The gospel of Christ sete -hi fora . c j .r ler and broader ground than en? not eaUsned with a man until he . . - . .... - . . - . , : I'er typ of ydutatKn. . I , noil ra Y Af nt nrl Artflvi . : wtnft n.l i r .u- w . .u 7 The speaker doeed ,bi dewm Mia Alt Wl Fhiit i c- a vwi reUurei la Warrrn. " ' , G. 0. Sj:r.e Uft Mcljy fvf Lii hooe to f-M VE acnucca. Mr. J. JL Hlar T5l r' tiree la Iftadtna erIy, . Mr. W. H Ztrp, oflUleV rd bit brother hTT tKU v tk. ilrw ad Kira A Tltr Crsi tf tiH-. tivi t;3 rrly fcTurTagcaa, S:h c f v ri r. Tle t Trnli nt . r Qll tna tima oa t. If P , , . - through a western county and noticed dtng tome of th tomem pres- a fine cjrn t, A. avewge.depthof plough. alm08t ;aU ot the ! stilk, o in tFranklm ,1 county' is about - . - . . " '.c -i-s , have two ears each and upon mvej- three inches. Get a two horse plow . .. - . . - . , , , . . . tigation found that the seed had . Next said he, , been originall rom , tWo sab.UDee that harrow8 were a pnme eMed - J, B8,rotioo8 We elch ncesBity on every farm. 1 he soil . . , . . . . , j year trntil thir standard was achieved r ? 7r His talk was an able one and intense ordec tnat tne young piant oouiu Mr. sod Mr. P. li. MelOoe ttte perfect accord with the .pint otj the of ti. rf-.J AI,.ATEtr CU .4 'CmiU fa rfniifVAl whan HIA0Ktriitt. I Iv the beat crifta.n Thav are Hot ta I 1 . . . - - I . . n;vw,ixrn.wuai. . . ? . ;.- our people to patrootae uxtm teujoi. td, PfXV JruII lii-d lrrsfc. Snih Cuf.e f -inr. rWT xorne puxpoee gu- eJ : bring youraelt into the poeaeasjotfox I" . the highest and fullest life; and la L UroTArt tactb ahout Trrr far as yon attain this end, you.Kill I r coixsK; . , make your contributiop to the i ijlihl Jn 18 Trinity College opened lu 1 1 li.taraQfinn H nllni-mi 1 Ir Siavana I I . .. thrust out its roots and find a good J ;'- Ms n.; s l ean never lift another to a tigh: time the plant cooelited of eight (3) vernal abiding place. Opntmuing T" Z-u?1.7.T erl thai thit poa . whiehVria bdioNow Ho,,4 w.MT- b referred,) the scarcity of labor . , -. ,.-'7 ' , ... ..v. I stand yonrself; and every demanl for f0Ur (24) balldingv a this state; and therefore the great f. , . , , . -" it. t onras ana is aoine muca to mou need of getting labor wvmg farmh . mK.jm--- miehinery. He ina nibst interesting S , 7 f? own capaciUes. There.mxat: U , a Ind: way told of the Uwiy - wheat was , Ms.HolloWelf.jwas tlen .ntro- effirjeQt befor, tb 'pr. bi. Biding, : " . .-.- d need i bv Mr., Parker and caotored r . .-..;- -2'.: .r , .4 n linnaad- onn aoin ThOt . V - - a life of iervicelilirat ot jtW a:d:Q- J The niot of the CoUeg property 1 mand for thedevelopment- of you U aj followi: j ! her audience from the very start. 1 In a "splendid talk bristling with efficient eeryice. SilSaeiidao harvested in Kansas and said that while such machines'were impracti at deal from tliiVMj J CM W W. V.W W . W. VM.V .. I w wr ' w M " - - riaa rif vnnr ttfa i tft tr Kji I ' "1 - - . . 1 1 .' t vrf- jl"" : - I Wnniftn: mt- K emiAftAd .with 1I 'the I r.-TI . . v . - : : ... 1C - was nouuef. bu xSfefttJii-' -A- f . v - aiz., -A Tnorla - . , 14s5i w The aposde therefore "would . have 1 library equipmtnt . 5l,S S3 4T you to covet earnestly the bet q'dti. End ow mantt ' 60,23 9 53 asioe I ausceiianeoos property -oo, iw a the county's most proeroiife ntr rvrHp.V -wav end d.tlil as to' the best means of ulti- P6 rating corn and cotton. He told of a plan which he knew frani experience to be very success ful in getting a good stand of cot ton. First plough deepahd j get all the humus (vegetable matter m pro-' .eiery means possible to make it pleasant and attractive This was something new for Franklin .county Institutes but the good 'women shall nbt plead in vain,' for our men. once brought to realise the fact, that their wives and children araAaSmething more than are Vi .) - . slaVe8 wiu wqaick to make th.,. re- Then, by me use 01 narrows P"" ( oims 8 - j, Tha Ill8titute WM iibst successful ever held begins lUU BUM. 0.0 "OVU c ,u 6.v , , . to crack even Detore tner. . nM; ,4 , . cotton shows itself, take the weeder - eakers ateir Iast, every word which he had previouly described, ortntentM, illtete(lt and a In n.i 4hA i.vnro 1 1 ' ' .-. and gO up 1 LIU. uukii mo aoquired is not the essential, thing.) The aims ot'Tnnity CoUege The fundamental obligation.. Uiat is to assert a faith in the eternal ttnion upon you is the development of the of knowledge and religion set forth capacities with which God has en-1 in the teaching and character o! dowed you; and. when this is done,! Jeaoa Christ; to adranoe learning in you are in the true "sens educated, all Unee of trutn; to dilend UuMr. Ail 01 me is a process ox eaucauon. p k,u" But an importkn't part of it falU idi to velop aCbriitbm lote of within. the schools. To neglect the freedom arid truth; to educate a m- advantages which they offer is to in- cr P'nt 01 tolerance; 10 aueg our Mb ISancht KprVa U r;t4;r e.ju time iib rtUiWr la IHel or., Mr. M. K. Pkiin u al trii ar med fcdcirJty 19 iOt his ijcie Mr; anl lira, T. WWVet Uve retercrl aiur a vtut &erUtm Gltide Ajcocle. rt!ri4 Wedo-eir frocj iiiittd irxtz 1st iff. Wi) Ufd SkjoU v. (tatyty i!U Julia rC4tcij W vitiiiftg Jbcr aofr. cere, , ; .... ; ; , ,,. . Mr. aal Mr. X. l IlkLt i'tvl Mrs, m K il eeyf . ; f t vf rt UnU4' Iran - . . , i Mf.C. rCCooVeab wile aad 1. tii. aon, Ctvcdra, wtit 1 1 Way fc th Jenrton KiW ' . ' Mr.V O. r ae4 iiuU 0at-htr i Virsre yiag tit wU.'e fattfMrv U- T. IWti y. A; W. Wilen Itft Torelty W ,w;t fnwrvds and Velitirtu la IferjQ. Mr. Geo. T. Aclfews axU MiM Alice Carap, o! Kocky Meal, sr v4iin tSrir iut, Mrr. AV. It. Uote. ' j .. . l'r-o r ft t .:ri 4 f:i i: .:.. 1 Trljc Mi:cia t OexUi cf Miliar Uula t!.Tl t rr L V t taJLc tr; ta H. . j-rc-'i'-ts - t .,,; a u 4 Mi'.tr Ixil IYot,'-X ae w mu tr;i r-iar3 uciici cf tlia Jtnu.-' f-'Se erx a frrt 4lrlla6 tlsrh CS-riu ialltk 2e Luilm! a c:;K'.crS - f-A fktU a ptioi fUrin4-f 0 haut f&oOil l" It art a ir3 etxs.;-e u pU4m al ur. 2!r jcrjcass frWdi d5c4 Tne afc .e t at itV - ma iwc urt"ssa - v go tlence across and then diagonally XT nA fKof it :"VviiTfKt acro. : : aoin, In addition to aoqttaintine friffhjten one badly, but the farmer . , , ,o u . t.hpm with twentieth centurv methods trnilL This ia as true of the ' rri- tU ptrtlian'tna sectarun stnfff and raarvschoolasitwofthehigher in- to rendt the largeet irrosnent r.l Mra. John AUea a.4 Mr.Tharl stitutions. We are prone to think 10 ? individual, the Bute, the AlUa ir 4X hotpe t-im ,!trr3 Ughtly of advantages at our doors. Nation, and live Church. Unlo ihee Kj li-sr ;at .raaara' wineeed a grea work that the State who did so would always find his stand a good -one- ? Dr. McLendon emphasized the of farming, these Institutes suh as were held here Tuesday are also . ed ucating our farmers to a higher stand- tance to a large number of our rural homes. . V- - , -. At night in. the;, Court Hoase, lr. special 1 eed ; of means to reform . ard of culture and refinement in the the present f method:, of picking cot hoiiie; life, a feature-oC greaf iinpor- ton. He inquired how much cotton the average picker could pick per day in this locality,, and Aars told from 100 to 125 lbs per day. He then said that in the great cotton states of. the Southwest," -that a machine was in use; there,-into which the entire Wf was thrown and the cotton picked therefrom; by machine . 1 .. 11 T . I llvilUV Ul auvauwK or tremenaoas eaucauonai yaiue. xi " . - . . ... l.j, -k.ii t- tfTtra . tKL rJU.- Kvery community now na its puuuc v',,ww " ' . school. These furnish the. opportu- alwaya be ailmlnistrod.n nity for laying a good : foundation. The 6rt annual report of the Nothing it more important In efilc- President and Trearer of Uie Car- ient wSrk here will tell through all nS Foundation given the cliuifcc4- the years that are to come; ParenU of ohern ClegtMi and Uoh shodld co-operate with teachers in veraiuea aocoruing w . ioe -au-m. seeing that their children reap the requirement VanderbUl, U; full benefits which these schools of. Trinity, 12.5; Univemty of Texas, fer - . ; 11.9; Universitx of Georgia, 11; Uw- vermtr ii North Carolina, "11; Ctvir. : But I must .protest "against too : . nAl(k Wofford Collie, Stevens gave an interesting -. lecture great haste in finishing the education g 4; Joivetajty pt Virginia, Ct This on plant life and the results obtained of the schools..' An element of weak: nortt which is based Con a "looet bv the use :of 'different ' fertilizers, ness in our American life Wits fever- ii-.u iaVeauVatkQ of Aroericaa Thedecture was illustrated through; ish hs?e." W e are in too great a bur- qi . tQtl Univeraitie; : piece routfwitb stereopticon views. . ry to majce money, w - .taae time w TrjoW- College second among ruia. - 1 mftfeA man. . we are too lmoauent toi . a .:-.. ,--'!. - 1 -" - - . " . a. -v- a en r 1 arrae ss r-i 1 a nirrni lit misu of life to . take I .; l,.;.v:4v"wi- Mr Alxiol Nx31 arvl Wii, c4 J "... J week vim lus u Mjf3e-I lova Jixpttlllcs-. Tbe yV:HtiU:0 f &i the A tUi us Cu 1 f ie 1UI w pending toot lirsr '..at ranwxa S3 l.ti d riU3 vy SopL IL C. ik aal wiJe rt5it.Ui i;chl ta ,8,wlU eI lneIa, tiu&lsdi j wratjr tl W.erf rUit to their rarvnU V WcHmi arl 3 1 AvoU.a. , tteir Tte euAvcfc tt , f ccauIJy tj iry t-. nit ery before it. went to tne gin ;saws. , . dash into tne taata ,01 -u WL,W4i, tli. anutiM ii to th ;eom is, k;., mnn3vnint.fa'Wfl nnnblAdi' 1 . '.KBfiTPO ArreStBu. a?s' j .nffi.;Anr t?mA fin dAVlnn onr r.9rftfjl -w m " -7r.,. --7- r parauve ranaing ot irmuy - vAxtrg Bichard Freeman was arrested ties rana powers xor ane -raov; ""o-i ; , v sua-1 ient accomplishment ' of those taskn. By this raeanji : planters'Vere enabled to gather with one laborer ah average of 400 lbs of Negrpo Arrested. k Kicht seed cotton &AAZkinf ftprnoon on-.: VU:. tt'V"'--J T - 7 , . S.U.-XaOfO.S. Mtoaa, 11 1 at. j. li. i-Ki n 1 u YJU, left this wk to uU b Klpoiitianl - th-t.week. ' -' s . W. T. Fdltr, if ur rprir e o titae with hW peopla ,t' Mp5ni, returned . to his too la llocky Moant yeaterday. ' ; -Mrs. CX IL Char;h ll T for her home la Norfclk 5he wa the tt rof;lw4 1 ty m 1 tf tL A&'Jr3 tx:t ytt w''v it tari txzj c-f t3Ue Its cfTcr are ' lr. I. TT. F t4 -V,i!surr. N. C, per day. After Dr. McLendon's talk picig;iaS being, the' man charged Do :not. forj? t V that your .highest Mr. Parker expressed the gratifica- sauitori-!. , ScdtVof efBdency;- totj thfeir.Vcconipliab: tion of the visiting gentlemen at the TilTr 'dreekV township, J Wilson nient v .is in v"i proportion to - the m Injunction ciock. APTEEN002T- SESSION.. large attendance, and the good, at- LVntv.- he parties instrumentail thoroughness J of e xyour : prepara tention paia tne proceetMugsv;t in makiner tne arrest were iuessn. iwuiw-wgwuij.ww then announced a recess until" 2 j w rt "vearce and.IL'S. Fbrd The Acnpn was saia. m uav w ,. .,. - j . from MrMarcellus Smith's where, he had? -been workingv without waiting to ask for bis j wages'; upon a'Ai-nr .fif. .bat a reward was t . 01- ' j tiiaft-nfntp Parties vacuity of the,; a; - w.. vouep -awt as the same;mdn and. officers- here were sure; they; . , had theright inan but Chief High is not now so sure after taiK wiux wje cueu lypuoiu wver, WUson authorities r uLl desenp- otker diseases among animals He vq tlie an wanted is in trahs mentioned: certain common ;diseases - , . - . . iftn- ni.n'.nd ftneciallvot fruit . . ' v. trmcm tv, 1 MmA ottered waair"' Promptly at 2 Vclock' the Institute was again called to ' order by Mr, Parker DrJ 'F. LC Stevens of ;the L CoUege addressod the audience. t He.apoke of plant diseases and ' said theyJ were caused! by germs, ach as caoaed typhok fever, diptheria and ond rate results is to r bring t yourself to a first class vdegree 'of efficiency. Set your-goal high, and;; then make cucumstances bend -to the acoom plishment. of your purpose. T X. The Church cannot !be indifferent to this work.- Christ is tha life of the world; and his Church cannot ignore so important a factor in life as educa tion. It has not done so inrthe past; it willliQt do W in the future. r ... .. . ...... , . , .. ., . . . . - It holds before '- men the loftiest ideala of education, and . urges - the strongest niotirca for . the . develop ment of our powers,'. The education- aoooopaaVl by Miit IJ2lIn ll;h Jf . . V. XZizzt of T-r who will spend Mai tot hh Mm. JTla- Dr. l J. Ttccrif, T11- gument oi counsel! as . w-.bumj . . , . t, ' , t hia temporary.iniuncUon arvcrma.. , , - v . . . c ...f -r-.- r- nent one,, ree training the County Commisaidnera from collecting the tax of one cent , on the hundrrd dollars worth of property and three ccnta on the fKU, aald tax 41cuj over, tne consmuuouai ; iwiui. ur a educational purpoeA. tional tax is necessary faalf at VUpsI They will tjeal awtpe at ibe IWtch and take la "tne" Jawtto-Q Kxpii- . . . . - Uoa. Scstjx; JU:2 et Nal, V. u a c:-ler cf the Errrl ThUaddi- baxy, trhAhars loea tui: Dohb3 - 2r.crrod, of High j ... . - . . r :,. lt loir, tJur a tta--ar. - , . J3 te fcTrrr.'eJ jr-;. to II injure Kleanor Cook left fc'ilarixy each" public school in " r ranklin paaled b y M K! a.'ujr, U coimtV a full four ' months Una. ! fneni at MsrfrrtK-ro, N. C. ! An appeal Vill. no doubl, be Uken Cape Chirlea V. and U'.cj ry j object of the legal action U lo hare the Supreme Court paa upon. -the constitutionality of the special Ur levy .'. V-' -v . w;.h 0 tiVWrS i ri-'r as.1 c'.r ciia c f i. - m r ' i - fzt2 7 Uvja. 4y. i rl I t t.' r 9 ' i' J i--t lir.T rnt n in alwttf txllb about arso ou.fr mta art for I-ck. lU rcrda f . r i: ; were 1 r. 1 : z a u V ' - . -' y ... , . ... . i ' 'it

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