1 c ' ' - - - - . - - , v--" S;' ii ' v, - - 4v .. :. . .. - -' , ' -1 - c - . A - ' , v 1 ' ( , - - -. " ; s I i . A- A m ii V y J-i-A. v4n - ; JL lJLV ' ! ".h: ,y r JAMES A THOMAS EDITOR. THE COTJHTYi THE STATU, THE TTKIO IT. ' . sunscnimou si.co mr.. VOLiXXXVII: 5 , - . t 'V. . - LOrflSBUBG, C, FEI0AYf: AUGUST 2l907.: - - , .. - - - -1 - iA- ' , . 1 1 1 ' i i i i ii j , mm . RAILROADS SURRENDER mm&Mn ; ;i j ' y ' credit to ' become oOiaessor- of the EIQH LAST SATURDAY. ll ' u real estate :.c . appCTtainmff. -lbfereto ."WWlnW PUBBCBBIUII. liters An Aereemeilt Reachand a. for toUy, home audcory the new rate Gpes into Effaet August th A' Grea Victory for the State. i- '4. i i i The "Railroad Rate War"; which I fiT-v TRinill ATI 0 f 1 U A 1 I ! the way rvuib!a ciUufc ; No ti-TJ I c 1 rinVntin WrnrM r l .VTJ5ITORS rOWTTN fTR Tfl I TOT?. in' l.' t.i t.!..;:: r' ' l-rtiT '-"if At?trt?? QUENTHETEIIPLE. itlieaWirVanh; ":t;U V IOUT' O TOTTH . r grttertti Some for aterTorHtransient lessee - V : ?;?adgementlll , f Buslnfiij mud E.lJLnrt ; Jloa- Mwtmi-ianor othere eatiijSSS&t8T ThoY Lite II, C iuoco uuo uccuei liitcren i v lire uoj Bummer aayn seem not 10 , j a-. uo itait 1 j;o ii t rc; t4 u,j rt tr. , .f hai beetf gomg on m North Carpliria in (nxa amctowtx.V ' f M the past fejeein wW Tarboroaghy -Temra JtutacV iViWSalfm hotnt thi 'Mr A. Y. t'oxCl; wa.ac aUWeen-theb since' iur iastreport hia'-VecorH. rat ftacdc.iod UmMtrV In towa'jl.r.; f j??? ll JT Federal Courts came to agr that a Wmb of -those , who AaWth "ui Cl.aAjcicU W .C r T TZl U..t temporaraatSay- otber institutions for the upbuilding haye failed to regard the: re ire. ihntoclalde the fn. in Ila IlTtl 7 evening. A conference was held in of the state and nation." , A property menu of the statues have bitv in tefTcclive way to 6ht thoevU U Ut tU'.l .u;;:L.L.?. lil -? ,r . . jurir i. Jul irwL lim Ui ltn rtc t:Jjr -rri u ,. IVr - . . ' .,. a tVry io4 i L K. I. Governor s office betweenthe owner necbraes ,a tpayer and hence a" taken their medicine.V - ' . VAth rlhx (lir tYl .J - . Governor and hir Counsel, tbH Xbrthtrnaad-Wrn ' .t Tf Twbore, wi?t rtri leo4'ltia -iuk- TUy at iy ::tt It a ccb.il More j people are owners of their that.tht streets were his. But when Ictunr uViog thtir trad from Vthsto nounced that an agreement had been rsached and the Southernand Coast 6wn homes in Ithe rural 'districts he was assessed $9.85, by I1U Hon. when they axe negteewne tootle ihel J.T. Mnu,ftf Wswj, t j Line Railroads would put On the than 'm the cities. The; spirit. of or. and held in the lock on for five opportuiiltfe ofTsred thecn for wtkfn. I H fUUr.J.HU lUMx. : A 2 1-4 cent ra.te on the 8th of Au- American ie cities. The , spirit of .or, and held in the lock op for, five pportunltjei oflertnl thta for rtUib.' independence : is raore in days, for failing to pay which added hhg it. ;Ot courts a4ttrubs: don't gust. The articles of agreement are evidence inHhe country and doubt- 12.15 to his cost his mind rio doubt Ipa thsjvuurchtnt that' Difrw i lrpt a t5wtt Vlt o lUU'V as nmwn. i iAsa on rftsison tor thia i that urnru I nnrtfirwint a fthincm. lit , ' w i r I . i - uFirst the railway puts the 2 1-4 erty is -cheaper and taxes are lower! James Lyon and William Branch, cent rate into effect not later than m the country. Tfcis.is an favor ot both colored, eneaced in a cmp?l .Let It Pats. August 8th, next v j the ; country dweller holding the and were inducedn to pty a yUh to B not swift to uU cfletxse, Second, the State to appeal from ded to the property upon which he "Tribulation" but in spite of : tKefr - r Let it mm! Judge Pritchard's order discharging 1!yeIQda:mer- Mi riue.W.a6f sw YclJ aii rjij ti-i U a gxustt f Mia. IkUi j rT tt ViT-sia Mr. T. lw AUa ' rtsr&J y f. (pile ol tneir r il u pan: efforts to convince the "Judge", that) Anger U a f to tn; Value of ADDreciation. -.)..'--:::',' .-.J i - I bet p along the runnings exjnjiisra "of Which will disappear trt long, Has it? ever struck you what. I:k nnxMutv ; Vf "f?,V sweetner ot life lies in a few words I , , , , i I3! '! :. : v;nariy uooo ana nua rwnii who had a misunderstanding. Jn ;'rej Kcho not an angrf wprd. of appreciation and encouragement? ! parties in Ashyille on writ of habeas orpus. W uThird the Southern Railway to appeal to the State 1 Supreme Court in the Wake county case and if the cue is decided against it to take it by writ of error; to the United States Supreme Court" "Fourth; that both sides co-operate to have said, cases advanced and argued together andi' t speedily, de termined. ' - ' .; to indict the Atlantic Coasl Line in one case. ' lSixth, all indictments' and pros- Qntinna nrw t.nilincr to be dismifiS- d and and no other, to be Instituted h4 them by little :praUe when ni.1 j . i tney wera wormg,. or it we naa for anv alledged violations of law up J ; , , A xl . a1 -v cheered them m the dark days when to the time the netf 2 1-4 cent rate ;. . . t. . 4.u they were troubled - and . suffering, is put into effect as far as the J Governor can control the same. ' nly a few word of appreciation! "Seventh, the Governor advises all Th cost is -nothing, but .the re pel sons against bringing any penal- com pen se is beyond price. Let the tvsuit pending final determination hoshand tell his wife - how much he of the auestion inv6lvedCand asks I Prize8 her love for 1,ira and tbe wi? i - thwv were onlc MDlavincw thev . we f i Let It uiu! asked to. contribute $1.7U. ewch to j Hrood not dirklyoVrr a wrpng , TTnar ' f a w,' n( n . tlr a . tb a trinnbl a" tiri I - -. ' t- a . , , Jard to a base ball game, and piwi . ;?. - lt it tuad 1 - mmmf g a serT a lick or two with, theiroak fiiti Think how oL you hari; vant for wpr ell done, fve j- wpr r.-: LeiW? pause towteltur nearest and dearest ' f .-r i'v, '7 vj C ? . : . .-.i' . - . ... , allowed to go, after depuiUngXi.S5 jnf Tulgar souU that live how we;-appreciate all the daily er-: AiJf:Mr'(:li k.-' h. . . . ippreciate all the dairy Vices which we havo; apparently nev- A 17 eachvwittt the Chief -ot.JfoTics. -y I Mar condemn withoni nriaY. Presley Thomas, colored nd1nbm?tt tA th ineinMi enour rrieiwff- aw we'iirasten to send beautiful flowersias: , last auuirwuuu' vi .uui -auto iut ujow. i ---.-r 1 I But Would it not be better if-we had ttl .r. " u UD kma M nu ljet pam! MfT. IX. J sox la, I TaiWs WSJ Jacksctk Kfiar, t& ft.a fXa- am vigil. Mr. W. IL tttfia iJ Cilly r. turTf Sirsr I. 6 a J ar&tna a W. H. ThLfiik lfi turdiT to tUit Us ioie in Ktclrj. Its Mr. li. it. Uks sJ r tara4 Wtl&Jir fro a , hit d hoot Wwfii . ' .. ' Mx. Sita lVtttt cjtrse crrrr trat Apta and trsi a 4y .or.. xy ,whh le tUs V wrU He f2 ! wV. It wis a cmi rruTt fe rm t4 sry4j slikls i2 Jsl if Cat trr sj3 Ws-rt.t3 t;mMkr M lliHir 1i9 as a a i L f:7- fc tt'is cw-ttiy. . He Lts a ci Pcsltry Kcltu Tb t s3 ii.t irw r ' t5 fifwi'i Ivo rsi t t-VIt liskts T head of Tribulation -nallw for, playing too ranch of his - over-joy feelings, in consequence) of .too rat "booze" and after a "curtain lecture T I lor good yoaV. ulm . . : Wi,Wtih Kc,I rTCf- ! the people as a Vhole to acquiesce in this arrangement. "Eighth, the suit pending before Judge Pritchard at Ashville to ba diligently, prosecuted without thev State's having any question of jur iadiction.".; , i , The Governor stated that Messrs. Thorn and Humphrey, also, as coun sel for the Southern RaU way, under take that it will not inaugurate con tempt proceedings because of anv- ttimg heretotoreTione oy any 01 ine tell her husband how truly she rec ognizes nll hisV care for her. And the mother should reveal in words how much she Rvalues her children'? ajtection, while the child who says to its mother, "thank you for all your love to me,M has rewarded hei far beyond knowledge or understand i jg. Woman's Life. Mr. M. A.' lUUtt axJ UxiU frtmm Hono,, w aUowd to .d ,-t,Mt , thin!!, ,ttl!gbt, X?ZZ,r ... kn t- Ytm v..n4 I n fiinan.ul i Jjucrirt) (Jut. ing over we sum 01 f iJ.ou. Aa otir v, There were two or three other jt it pa! trivial cases, inwhich judgment was t?. , y suspended. . f , Iay these homely words to heart: Iet it pai! J Follow not the c-Muraon U r.n Miaw Kxsoa ItQSgrzzrvi cf Ui!rl, 2iiwt cf hr s-!t Kra.'Vttu I.Ajeock. Tbs i'a liCoe trAllj njriors 9 r:4 tr.iL p-rt Vca-J t.Vnii'p! t7-le trCi Marriages The Register of. Deeds record & ' 15lti;r to b wronc than wrvnj:; duiing the month of July: -ri . - w " ; y . i Thefeh're smc thw chety sonc: Mrs, J. 1. ll4, of Knw2, ssljtu rl Re s HIWt J tiamt ! M AIkis MKta, f New Tck, Jir. art rcg si Mr. V. l Twitj'i,; J. Timberlake, Lin wood Henning field and Janie Biggs, J. F. IIa d rick s and Winoie Iyd. Colored Wm. Mangura and Emihne Fort. It it pju! 1 4 hf K, I'. 1 KUsy, if t! rt tii. ' et4 j w trtp lo lSe 1 ut, IVtiti&.. . . . . , . -7r-c;i. , 1 ViHf l-t tjMr z w ruUtrl , is sjid Jm. 1. ... Dp5iy 5bri5 H. Kxry ttk tre3 l Jwiia. Regiments Preparlnar To tlove. Raleitrh, N. C July 24. Adju tant General T. R. Robertson has i- p-:o:T:c Gtxarc-m Wlioi. cci. tA iLwtiftil sxn w sefj t:trs s f swt Tribute . to Woman. Place her xamong the flowers, State officers in connection with this foster her as a tender plant, and she sued orders for the movement Of the rate litigation, and, that the road will becomesr a thing of fancy, ;wayward- Second and Thirdc ItegimenU of ln-i do what it can to prevent the ini- ness and folly. ;-She is annoyed, by 'a fantry and Tirst Battery Field Aria guration ot any4 such contempt pro dewdrup, frette by the touch of a lery; jyortn earoiina atipnal Uuara butterfly's wmg, . ready, to faint atj t tne Jamestown exposition lor-en- ays r.u. - T:!r r,r,i iZnvamnr T of a ; window Sasn Zl mcnt. ana': is t encampraem- iuc x mi iwiniaeas Gle ceedings. List of Letters Remaining in the , .. , chinnag tua h atisa49ir&i Mun FsnnU Dok, Mr Lcy j t:. f;-. vrrt- ai'.m. Mr. EetU U CV- Uft oe Stokea. Mr. Martha F. rrrr. P10 " w . r m . Persons calling for any cf the above letters will please say they saw them adverted.1 , . ... IL IL II a a aw, l M. I How. Th foHlowtag left tbb wk fr tK Jarion Ktpo.oc: It. N. BeJer W. V. KeA Mra. W. IL Fcrgr. Mtas Ove If , T. N, Krrrwn, J r. We note sssix tie xeU at its Ll-e frjt.s ire jiro U ml wrb ie4t!y riUf 4crix ts e-w?j trff l2urr ire tuU i '-'vrl a f ie- iDcal Set Lt.s .inui 1 llbey s-oU all. ta Jt'iJ tiers txrw e titf Ifd fuef This arrangement between: the ' -"the sound ot a; beetle or tne ratumg carapmem August lior uve;a xnftiin aj , oi; v. v. -v. , v- . .. - ' - I V " . . 1 Trill in Jill. . t 1 -,- ' . I'- 3 . m. 1 v T7 ? " . M I - . mmm w nn is also assented to by George Oven overpowered Dy-tne penume, proceea w, iae ixposiuon ior en- ?. .- e . f Rountree, attoraef to ofi wnwlm. TJirnJ . jll1 ,a Sfnagt .elanaj lU ut My cwl Ws lv?y.W Buckley kd Ither 5toa the target practice at. Camp Grenn,lWfl"t J 1 -k tie came- e4 MV-e OUie al trt, . by Alexander iH . . .. tSili . M u :.,, X.t U counsel for the AtUiie-Coasti'tine her' in, the heafof battle,, give, her the companie at Taiboro,:Kioton;1r court w foVrotd an4 jCjorr ofj Mr. T. A. IV 1 .if itn- Wor il.r !ju'!,imS Company, except thaV?&eytao1; not a Jchfldfijbiid.or anytog to pro- Vf ilmmgtqn, Gold.boro (2), Fayette-,U m ..ltl to h..r th. vUnc U.t .V ftvo J.to.s, ,rj a. U'-, Ci -.W.- .rr consLhar . - 7 Mo. .hU WjSttipW armerloodmsons her .on, Lnmbe 4 d Max. .aMtotl-- .wu. 4vU ,,y ,f ..at a to that Jeaving he,Stat9 at nptorned forehead, pra .for her ton ".- .mion of U.e tbUf.U,. W o.!cS .r: UV,S . . . liberty to do as its sense ot anty may Fww:''uig ur,r"'?' : - - T. " n. eo. i. sarew ijwt dictate, this agreement being signed; plant her; into, the' dark iac.-s of following ; companies: - Lexington, Superintendent Wniiama: tng brr ee-.,r, Mre. W. IL CcU Uft byHtRoun, SlK ter;. U y ' ;' -- wnth lmea a Oxford, Frankhntonr . sviUe, f a lUifact rBaIiH. Moant scrtpt.-: iy M:. Ownln:tydweSOwn Home; heaUiiibersena;b by s'al Muicre WiUiaa ttl IX-euU. --r-, i " ' ', tsjik.voa in tike hhn !o the! somethingevee up wh.n .whlped far thU KU -if. st demure, Me 5 throuhages ilnden - r? crime. . the eryrne waa' .an oatnjre has rather elawd lth ; There are certain - sanitary condi- w wtnt pM:. 80 it is tUt possession; of f property her -not; she -wears away , n me uons tnat it is necessary vto obsane -j. With the hopeVtst tou wUl rightfully? acauld ia order to protect your health. the sss that it is well Dad, we'are joer the Hnlbllnjiill pla statue .ThA -Wivileffe of ownership alter. In prosperity,, sue is a ;bua , - ' . w- 4. , , . ... : . r. u'mn,,. arid is predomii- iuiJ jTie'l r.'JU tsf tirurs st enVer frvi txcre (tUij b-t. el ty i-ajie. Lodois waiting ior the winds Jropo8ft to te extended article s only want to citizen should : are "kept in has bann AKtab1mht.d nan "piSf 3lfl upon, this' subject. We only want to xxrSBiM&S told: valuable, but untried in the sayjust now that each citizen ahould every thlt it'' is the duty of -feold, TjittWthe that each c 'SAmecafecitizeiSwher Mack Wurnariojr. OoTmot SrAtxijras. Job Bakxb. .Tnoi.' Be. Jtirm. U 1. Arifes erur t tn'g'her Ittr, Mre. W. IL CcU Uft Moa-tiy .lor tr Lixr.e la , llcrly Moant scxrtpir:5tl by 3i:a. Cp;V sal Mulcrs Wiilliia tI ZVcaM. : - - ! Ujc m tvcre fit lltt Mr. U P. Ihcsx--;r.-J ly . , rj r . . 1 ) I f 4 1 t Vs s re rt e?f ti ry SKitre- S4I Ms7rvet;lefl trip to "ih Jisa3ti ilxp a j 1 rr rc.t-:r7n-x.n 1: ctler 1 . Mke AlUtta Kera, Yi:iaji Mrs, M. Y, Hcck wtll lo her hcse i Wiiiu s.5x!c3 C-li w e k. IS he 4 e aco ; 1 1: VI i-y 2 Jrt. Ilo&ck wL wCi -j"rI acrs C-e with. her. ; ; ' . f :T t V :r. tiriKf a f. tZ 4 . ..... A I e;;-.y x i ir; r 1 c U-e v. T t U tc .! e. t va J I ' ri'jncr.-ry VTII. , Vita t 1- 1 1 r f 1 1 :