-V - J - J ' JAMES A. THOMAS, EDITOR; v: VOL. XXXVII; LOOISBOHG; iN. CU: FniDAY; AUGUST o; 19 07.' ncrrir " 1 . ...... f. -. - ,r - ' " ' ' ' - " " COUNTY GOjMEVIlSSlON ERS enf o1 i y- ' rt ; "yfolf,---- established proddejdvthepepleof -. v" : : l.'t?. the district vote ?'tbeJ special f $ch66l ALL MEMBmiESENT OK mm Mm WTt LAST MONDAY. v this puroose. r, ; v ; ' A; 'repori was made, by the Regular Routine ' Business: At Cornmittee appointed to examiae 'iti ' jiiv':'y'fiiti:;t ;-, Coaaty Treasurer's books,. and? tibey tended to-eclal; School rep5 the; ai Election CalledE, B. Clefirg: 'doaats well ept an correct. - ; Seea Weigner,FPanKlinton. A petition from citizens of No. The County Commissioners -held Cedar;RocV, for location of , a con their regular monthly session on the yepient school was deferred for the 5th, all members presents ; purpose of conferriust with citizens LARGE DEAL'.nJt'.7 RUniL HQUTES. m f ' BUSINESS ALLEKBROTHERS' CO., SELL tHHEE START UP ON THE , SIX- ?TO JilCKlNNE BROTHERS. ; . .TEEirrH or aucust; iult, io3 petLi tit J- im tri4Xf qacsi'aoraC t.vl tills llJirjr,if Del t. Urtir The Largest MercantUo. Trans aqtlon Ever Pulled Off In -Uxli County McKlnne Brothers to Continue the Business. The firm of Alien Bf'othtrt, pro posed of James M. Alien and Wil- The Carriers are VWyatt;Freo fmn?K?B. Allen and . J.; 7. ; WaYer--Four Stir Route Or "flees to be Abolished, "y'r S r AasUUd in former Ustie of Uio Tiuks three nrw Kural Free Velir E. Williams. Suoerinterident of jNa8h with of establishing- of Countv Home made his monthiv a Jomi 8CD001 report- white and .18 colored in- The fact that some of the citizens of mates; one death' since last report, school district refused to Mrs. Pattie Perry. l hst their property was called to the a a 4, tt n atteption of. the Board, and the Superintendent of Health, K,. F. r u v i-. ,r , . . , , matter was referred to the County YarboroagU reported, tha the o,a OommMon who have the tower iy was u uw euureiy riu oi smau Ham H. J ller having decided . to .rj lloatct haYe been csUblUbtd go out ot the mercxntUe-" bnsintis to go out fromnUburg. and wfll nave aoia ineir enure iiock ot intr-1 begin Operations on Friday the L..JI a .1. . t . . . ' I a. ' . power of iht FcarU jIA, ticb Ms botn cxtrcWZ and ai time br thcra ja ibo nl Uriliua nutUra, . . fibe two tact biportiat r4alj b tb tvxt Dmoraue cJalloro a!4 riori of thce rights of the b'utea al the people which lby exprMlr MTYed to ihemffclTM m rie Ccciwo- to act. A VERY GOOD OPEdltlG. pox, that the county home is in good sanitary condition, and that the jajl is in as good sanitary condition as the circumstances will admit. Robert Perry (colored) was" alio wr ed for month of .ugust. :; N. B. Young was appointed to T TT - , . T. . vfAmount Sold bout Twenty Kiif f uuu8auu ruuuus man aver- uruiiv as. ch&ndi, together .with their, large double store uuilding on Mam street to, Fr B. anf D: F. McKiboer . . 'This is' the largest mcrcintile transaction rr pallet pfT in tiit countv. ' . . : ..... Allen Brothers hate been connesf ed with -the busineai interMtao! louisburg Warehouses had fair sales yesterday. 1 ship, and have same thinks it necessary. The county attorney was instruct ed to call the attention ot the solic itor of the district to the' violation of the health and vaccinnation. laws of the state, by Jacob Perry (colored) and that he be indicted therefore. Messrs. Spruill and Boone were appointed to adjust thetax; on R. W-. Lancaster's estate. The military companies of Frank linton and Louisburg were allowed the usual annual allowance of $2()5 each. A ballot . wias taken for f seed weiorher at h ranklinton. 'to nirat -vacancy caused byhe death of II. S. Fur man. The vote stood, KlB. Clegg 3, W. H. Byrum 2. s 1 For the consideration of $5 from each of the grantees, and without cest to the couuty foc preparations or leviordat-on of deeds, the board agreed to deeds of release to Griffin & Beasley and to Anthony Neal, respectively, f orthat strip of land lying between Griffin tfc Beasley's stables and Tar River, and to Main street. ' A petition was presented to the Board, signed ; by one-fourth of the tree holders "S)f school district No. 6. in Dunns townsmp (known- as Bunn Academy district) a and the same-having been endorsed by. the . Board of. Education, an erection was ordered to be held on Tuesday Sep tember 10th, the -voting placeto be at Bunn. J. H. ..Weathers was ap - pointed Registrar and J. W. Cheaves and Jr R. White, poll-holders. The - a amount to be voted for shall; not exceed 30 cents on , property and 90 cents oi each poll. Boundary Af district to be as follows: Beginning at the bri&ge over Norris' creek at Sutton,-therice up the Louisburg and Tarboro road to Harris stownshl ."' .'.V line tXence" -along said line 'to Tar river, thence down ;said i;ivei to mouth bt Crooked, Creek, thence up said creek , to mouth, of Norris Creek, thence up said .creek to the beginning. 1 c -;y . V A tax levy of 20 ' cents on proper ty and 00 jeents on poUsafeyied in special 'Mhooi'f-dMpt'xtettdmg intoy this county fr-om Wae. V k A few accounts were alio wed and the Board adjourned to next regular age of Something Over Sev- v en Cents per Pound. Yesterday was the.opening day of tn Louisburs; Tobacco warehouses, and although the crop is over two week's late 4he amount of tobacco on the floors was much more than the 16thof August. The Carriers are ai follows: Rout no 3. Wjatt 1-reeman; No 4, J. W. Wurir; No r. A. B. .Ulen. Route No 3, cpiag South, tur- pliea a territory almost whollr without mail facilitf berttoform. vn route 2o 4, going ZmI 4 the Louuburc for a number of vinwLm . cj i? . " ..... '""r- vu,ew owaunga ana Sickens ine present nrranavmg beelormsd lijl be aboliahed. lapUrOl mil i . J K' maiaand be.upplied witb clewed luey r. oor gooa ouaiosM;men I puefa by RarofCarri and have enjoyed t very large patronage and the Times it glad ' to be abte to state that their selling er. The Cat riera from Louisburg and CajttiUU will exchange mail for their rcupec- tive routen at the Junction poin Dickens. various v warehousemen anticipated. According to the report of sales the amount sold wasabout twenty thous and pounds, which brought an aver age of ower cents. The", buying was spirited and as a - genera-thing 4he f tr jiers . were pleased., - The warehouses are now regu arly open for the season and daily sales may be expected from now on. out doesn't mean that they will not be engaged in other business here. Their main object being; to Ted ope ihoir rail uat. krJ4inM n .1 v!k I - . . . 6 . 1 oe discontinued and vuo .(HBBiiig ui iuii pro pe ny . ima leaves the Allen Brothers only one other piece in the immediate busi ness part' of town, that being the new Farmers Tobacco -Wirehoote, and for which we understand thre is now going on negotiations fo organize a syndicate for the purchase of this, which will embrace many of hie r.ovi'ic . out c? xoiarn. i Sad Death;. During the storm of Thursday night of last week Mrs. Will Holmes was struck bv lightning in her home four miles South of Louisburg, and instant! v killed, lne remains were taken to Trinity church for btfrial. She was a daughter of Mr. W. H. Edwards- and . leaves a husband and one chHd. ; . WW 1 1 lne Dereavea nave our sincere sympathy. . ' the best tobacco farmers of the ooun- McKinne Brothers, the parch twig of the Allen Brothers busintsVhaVe On route No. 5, going North, the offices of Ingleside and Pugfas wil . V Kramer will be supplied by clomnl pouch. This will enable thrwe liriug beyond the line of the rural carrier tontill hare ihe same facilities an heretofore' . Tlie carriers on these routes are scheduled to leave Louisburg at 11 o'clock, a, m., which will' enable thera to deliver the mail fmra the train which arriTe here at ia30. This will prove a great convenience -long the linea, and tlw people should show their appreciation of the establishment of tho rontea AT . oxca , so been residentsTbf Louitbnrg.abottl c .k. , , inat inej can get Uie pfiietlUt from amonf us have imnread imr rwui.! . & 1 1 ha 1 ;-: tn ' : . ,., ) w the Timks who lm alon anu reiiaote ousmess men. ana m Times predicts for them a success ful career in this new and large un-dertakeing. Franklin County. Lady Elected. The Wilkesboro Patriot, of Au guit IsC contained the following: "Miss Mabel Estelle StalJings, of Stallings, Franklia county, has been elected as one ofthe teachers in the graded school here. Miss Stallings is a graduate of the Oxford Je.male Seminar and ta'ught last. , year at Murphy. Sheoomea hhly recom mended as a successful teacher and an agreeable; and cultured, young wo-, , Base Ball at Bunn. There was a game of ball played between the New Hope and Bunn bo a ball teams at Bunn last Satur day which resulted a score of 8 and 5 in favor of New Hope. This was be deciding game of the rit half of the season making New Hope victo rious in iive different games. Don't be discouraged boys but re solve; to do bettei in the remaining half of the season. N it man. , tMiss Stallings is, the ? daughter of our highly esteemed county-man G. -B.il. JStaUmgi, and the ituxa congratulates the people of Wilkes- bpro upon their wise, selection. . . meeting. A A Board Of Education. held? The Board . held 7 - its , -L regular mnnthlv sAMon fonthe J5thl ' all members present' ' v Tlio TlrkAvd " ' a err ned " to pay - one half the expense for digging sl well for Inirleside Academy.,, - ifv created' for the colored race i in Sany'Creefc Fireman's Tournament. The Louisburg FJre' Pepartra ent was well. represented . in cthe . Fire man's Tournament which was held at Wilminffton "this 0 week. The i V j . O . - . y - following attended S. P. Boddie J.IA.jirurner, u. u., nign, xj. - v; Wl J.' Cooper,- Alien - Harris, J. X. Lancaster. - f'f ' ' ' Thev took the. horse and' wagon with them. v . . AV' rr., terday and they .write that ;thdy are haying the timer of t their . life.:, iThV horse and ragon'are greatly admirr ed, and were -given;, a -: prominent place, in 4he large ; parade. rThere ar about one thousand . Bremen: in attendance JU1 i tne old officers Glenn Is Exactly Right," Says North Carolina Congressman. (BY TELEGRAM THE KP1TOB c eitber line and who desire Uio papor sent to them by IL Y. 1. Carrier are requeate'iT to notify tliis office or the carrier, nnd the matter will be promptly attended to. Some Fresh Vance Starlit. ' . . . Ocr Hooa, pU'tt&4 at Marahvia, which a n4r WaJwUpro ajJ Hjo- 1st, baa collKttd aomt BptrAtj ireaA stoma ami Stoatar , a&ot. They rm rch x& rtcjz 't -V IkJ., " lib Tba Ute Ssaitor Vatr eoojt4 UiJing jokes oo fcimtif. 1 Wbtti ta was practaa law be coexanaeutly ttsnied Lnvofi Cosoty cysrta. Oa one tit jaat aa he had arriv! at the botsl at Mem roe and was la has room brtahinj oflP the dct, an of ItUgant entered and picv a bl of money cm the table, told Vc Le wiaud to empIoT bins la a eae that would be called aaa after ocru opened. He tot on to ifJb thai ha had a lawver. boi daln'l like Llo. Who is he, and nfeat ta iKe eu:trT aak4 Vance. Mr. Abt" d client, 'bat be dont mantle ray oae to aou me. ell, cow,' Vt lx-c. Mr. At He In the Sute, and m s tMrfecl (nile man boile, ari if be cn'l (4ea you I cannot hope to. Oh, 1 ksw tU thiV rep! led lb rer.i; 1 it-m r Mr. Ashe U a ceatUnsn. tulilat the troabie; he's lo tavtix cf a jri t!mn; I waul yoo a tain what ran get down and fling dtrf."' In the IsUtr pari of ta IU Vtfeot midt a Uctara bafct Ue. Lsw CbS laa tf Iha.D'iftrict tt Cfflcca, "as I reftrriog: to Im etrmrx aa a law. yer, be eaid: -I weal la oxirt borM- Ahd Thcte ATfco Cccf ltd Crw ccLiisesi ira a Lzrr XT. rtcr Eeciuxt Th:7 lire Xt-T ' Mw 5 at Th t f Xsrlaest taswjii Kr. J. , 2ii Has Hrnle Dtitra, of a A - s TiiUi?r raia:ira U Lrki Hs Graaa -HaH ntcwl i5tfUV. Harris Us gaeai tbrn wek ti lira XL C Fori. J4ra A. C UtW trtx ,p town.. . Creak, la wib hit cuam X iftly Tong. , Jocee MaoaQ r;tt gtaisy hie pirrctt her. Hs is txow at A;tx. -Mr. A- II. CtryvclyrratrJj ten liaSjirJ) tt tiairg Mrs. C It. MrTtarb aal c.nwy ex vaacuv, , c are tutOin 1 lit la a4 or.ar titVcrc ' ' Atr.n De4?t Ufi Tolty- -xittJLLr f all t-taclt cf b tfxa. Mr tteexr; 'lk5d who t5e TeieVcoe Ocoiraerp- at. Irack, aod carried a pair cf ttJdle- WajUrrt. bag with a c-baoe of tbiru ar4 tbe North Carolina Fornlk)ok tn coe end of tbwiLddle-bt. at4 ft tt ro-ce of vour tmetneiM what n to lboib. erend"' j CcicfceCUtiSe, Ta coi vadi la. jttt b.e, Mr. W. M. HtuMv.Ue focZar we-ie.i Ceek 4 the Cwrt e. Wake rcaa!y, was a CkJT la Xtiec tarr tan Iriiay. ' " f r. I. I. 1 HcJLs aal fartSy sokX Crf eek f rcefl a trif t Ja K4ard T"btraa relxrTtl frco ,ieMf5.?ii tiit weV tK: I.rn- it Vt tag fvane b t T tie Senator Orerman's Views. The New York WorW last Friday wired Senator Overman ajking him whether or not he thought ther would b a effort made loSropeach lU thera eotne 4noun!atn yift 4 U:e dacri-r. cf NjWa. Tbrreday J Urt wV, aI wlZ. t;4 tiarie Iihi with ?e atcrtfi, TO . t OF TH WORLD.) Dnff.lA V V -Tr J TT Klk AVlf. ty.XUUaiUf JL. m V J f fc". uu i vi- nor Glenn is exactly right in seeing that the lawa of- a sovereign Siate are respected and obeyed. - Xha .core tempt which Judge.' Pritchard h s shown for the laws of our State .rat y raise a issue which wilL unite all men who are opposed to the obliteration of State lines. President Roosevelt and Secretary Root are largefy re sponsible Jor the unfortunate condi tion of aff Airs in oar State. Any ac tion which mar be . tales n ; by those members efCongTesa. who still , be Hove in upholding ' the Constitution - i . will probably; depend-upon' the ex tent to which Judge Pritchard may co in ignoring the Btate laws. . 'i.wish eaitilyvto comrasnd .G,r. ii . .:v j. - force the' la w ' of . our State.- An amendment tox;the ? Constitution . of the United States providing for the people wonldi , in my jadgment, ioreyer end tnat judical unsurpatidn ox power wnicn. jeuerson preaiciea mihV bemeVmenaca W V6.; RepresentaUre tin CoDgrea .for: to that he eniertained then cnul ttv4 daylrgbL Then a great tall etV dent by ihe name of RpM Lo44 tbe Mye tbey ocmld r-t L.at Zb Vu while he vat arcarJ, eod ao I be has a a a ins wat ataoaooc3. A4t wil at to htm. Hot ihit wm oalr the twria ning. In later cats patent bis wit pel to flight the tiroogeet tc UllecU l tbe Slat. - In fact. 7 b Vaooe voo bis Crtt political tSctc by tlawiL He be came a catxMtie for the lritJttsr and btaeppofxaal was a Ugily ra t pec ted gtntlemaa a good deal xde than Vance.- The cocxVrocca of tba W "-mm couaty was crowtfeO. aaot coo pUior obecteJ to jorg Vance's sga.. He waa loo yocx: to be la $X- iltca. Zeb spoloUed for his yxwth, and dt dined that U p1 hsTe cherrfcUy been bora at aa eartwr dale if it had been la hit fowar; tlLat bst fa'lbtt a fed noOr gat e txa oui chasoe wbatatfr aboct the exit try. aiid ba bamUy brjred irdoa, ai t-iil he woald try to da better tezt tioaa, ' The err Atria lha ornvbocaa was trrmeodoca, to caah to lis l lit oopetiiof got acgrj atl aJ I liVed to te a assart bay tel llit ere was taUriJy too tsirf Tbca te t-era ssala yelled aM cStr4 Vlcrr, aivl thai dayft weV, Wpcol dtiinc aerared Zl eletv w ibe GectnJ Aaetatly ' -. ; . : " Mr. J. II. Kmlf an! wilv ax Ma;i etvie.. A t-etitioa for k High 'School at Weier.ected..:;r, ; ..r.?. t J ..-.. , : j ,; .V -f; b - -Vanoe't wii d btttx bJte4 1 Mr T, L.rjrur. r I him to'ciitab or d;oal:i wbett viifec bit booe,i3 Ileay other milcJt faDef. WUa b at. r.h ibe Cctt lire at Ccol - rirel at the timtrtitr9 lki.J titiiing bit tbtifa ia Ixci- Mir wit p- - 4 lUrwocti C. Cf ue bating rrpoM. io tbey Inl & aa . e Judge Pntchsrd, and toliciung hit M r-pc:. al .v,- t . her they did thit be atked Uae lo World appeared the following reply from Senator Orerraan: "Answering your telegram aa to whether any sction will beukeu at the next seetion of Congrvet looking to the impeachment of Judge Pritch- ardr 1 While the people of this State sre highly incensed and ootraged at the action of Jodga Pritehanl, they do not as a rule heliete ha acted oof- ruptly. I have1 no idea' that any ac uon on uie part oi me .orui varo- ina delegaUon will be uVen in the next Coogreaa looking to bit Lrn aeachraeot,. Keilher it thera, nor do I thioV thera will be, any gtneral de mand for such sctiorl " Or people are calra'but determined that thera shall Who roVstion opoa the, aorer Leignty ot thairUta,v Tbsra-will be oo conflict between the Mate sod Federal courts, such as tx bring vio lence and the clash of arma. "The grtsUst quretionj inrolred will be aattled by pie highest comt in the land, in whose decision .our pto rJecheerfally aoquieaoa. But the Sube has: entered a .nrra protest, which' will beheard.by all the k pie of tha Sutea and be a 'warning to them of th e open InaUio&s attacka which are befog coastiail cuds by the Federal goramment cpoa the la Ugriry of the Statea .and oar dual y 4MTbe 4ueation ot States rights wU be one of tha live subjects ef ditcca aion and actbn la the celt CoArftja, growb'g'oat of the child Ubcr bCs, the J Rate . KeguUtioa and IUEroad a a&T Ac:x fbntve wbo left tbte f csr tbe Jtawa EiKcara J.J. narrow arl fa2y, Mr; lodlZr. Itey ABra, It C Tsjlwr, TT CUr, W. M. Fraeao-a. TT. it. Wbtie J. P. Ta&berUkje, Jt, V,. F!ler. e The editor hai a tCuiM call C- 5rtt week frees Mr. Ce.ewe.tl SStm bul, wba waol frcai l is ntt.tr lea ytirt s r; to grsrw wk! C weat. He a aa rf Hr. TTJHI and Us bcioa it ka CVIalocj be Is dcecrg w3 al l.X&a. ' Mrm. rvtott sl dteur Miet Di rial of CtnnriHe, 1 Mrt. F F li ra ei, cf Warrca. ire tk;i:rg at G, L. Ajoxis's. " f ' i'i t .IVpf.A.M.JtOaa ef IfrlU AoaZeeay Warn cf tbe ceaih cf lie MfK Mary J. Jcom, wlicii at brr booe ta Orarrwe ctcfcfjv tS SUht! JtJy. fU ratetibU the ' lata Vcs JiCa, tii t r abctl"I2 ytra. - IH. A. J. tasaaier; Mm J&taiuV, Mrs. Mary H al fwo datrJLura, Miet iri rexnt. r-wjju. 1 1- b9 are t lirff ptir-jile kx C basJy, are tLit vl rtru if J ; K,. LiaAf.ter Tbty tr 1 raoiaxu of lie tUa If. V. I. cawir ba lt.fl V1 it Mr. sa l I ,19 tuJke bit bm&s taTrr- Ha u s lrtilr - tX -

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