JAMES A; THOU AS, EDITOR .THE STATE, THE TOIOir. ; SUDSCniPTiuH ZiXO Tizrzz VOL. XXXVII. LOUISBURG,-N.C., FBIDAYV AUGUST ,10, 1907. , OFF FOR LOUISBURG SENTED U AmESTOVll I rM seeing; to lt that every miftutd ua .uuHT-Bwy. w eojoyapie. - . this oia town hai had, tne : Exposition fevw REPRE- bd ir thl of this paper who could not, wait for 2.01 o'clock Monday morning 4 but AT: JfUBULATlON HALLv WELL THIS WEEK. MAYOR YARBOROUGR v AD- VISES LAW BREAKERS . . ,- , f ' - .- FritnkUn County-Boys. ;: r 1 On boioinrf 'beATeUi willi pnd to f iun Me Fnuiklixx county boj come to 1 the rescue and ut the sUl.:WhlIe"GoT: GUan and n early ' . all the balance .of the 1 THE- mOVIIIG PEOPLE, THEIH nOVEHEKTS- IH OUT -OF TOWH. AKD Tho LndUbnW i Rlfls wifh W lefl wn? last . Friday; with Misses . ' rL , 'v Thomas, Macon and Tucker; : anxT at Large Attendance are Taking the Wm.fUft tlie papir to iak. ineir Aunuai nncampunent care of ittelf. .The aforesaid paper Many Others Gone. however has withstood so many ad- The Lowsbhrgs :ty.;iiine. r-T z May6r Yarborough has ' been Gubernatorial chair, and auditor tromr left Monday morning at iwr w Ul AWrfn,, UU-. .V tr t.V.-' : . x -1 xi . i i i- l k i : t . lOBug tu Duma uiq lawureaKerB. i Auuiwr, uovn oi waota . are sterling Freeman ' coughed . tip I Franklin county productions. Tb disorderly conduct 6th er temporary state ofEdals am This was Quito a , Busy J Week I eUto dl&cials are off to Virginia to v and Many Recelred PuTilsh-i0? world ; what North Caro v mantfhp' ThfilP Wwn n Mn,:An' do w gmther froma Snndav nicrht? nrih ih thnn Means and assisUnt republicans etc; o'clock for the Jamestown Exposi-Ith litUe thing like a weeks frolic tin. From Capt Thomas down the .5ue parx i eaixor, muKe. men were m fine shape and as fall of excitement and real joyous enthusiasm as the little one oft to his first circus. This is not the first time armed North Carolinians have trodden Virginia soil difference at all. $3.35 for Mandy Powell, for keeping a dis-1 either natives of Franklin or haTe uiuerijr uouse tuuoeaio me tune i reiauTes nere wnicn is tquauy as of $3.75. " Lindy Powell ditto' and j good , The sUte is safe, the coun ditto $3.65, Poss Winston was upllry, is safe, and -ve pass along Firemen Returned. Mr S.P. Bpddie Foreman, D. G. Pearce, Asst Foreman, J. A. Turner, and as thev made their tnresance felt I J. Lancaster, D. C - -rf A I iorty oaa years ago so una pasi weeit " v w.vwpw uu i sumcient to cuecc His cav have they been in full evidence at the J A. Harris, members of the Fire festive proclivities, proceeded again Jgency big show down at Norfolk. A spec- Company returned batorday from to redden things and the iotlow. lal car of Louisburg folks sixty in all the meeting of the State Firemen's ins day was called uton for $7.75. accompanied the Rifles on the spec- Association at Wilmington. BmDayisbeinganaigned was taxed ial train. The entire ninety and nine dwi not take part this year m the $5.45. I one day for disorderly conduct and i felicitations that Franklin omrnhr . . High, M. S. was fined $5.50 whieh noti beinff I products from hard cider to stsie. b ana i men can oe reiieu And Those Who Come and Go. Some'for PlejLsnrf Some for Business and z Larje 1 Karn ber Because Thoy Like It He It. G. AUca sptoi TaJsy la E H. Baker is"" acting I fakhaton ilr. F. L: UtrmsQ irsat to Wska Forsl ToewliT. Mr. LealU -Peck" AlJa V ci ' ruit to his tarsals n4r 1oc'uVcr. Hus Mm Ilestar rsiersi froa a viiitK Virginia poiau Thrity. Miss lltaH Btnt, of dw Yaap- gat of lhe5jtot' fa . . ur. - ' ' upon in any emer-1 Mrs. u. iv. UataShsta sai Ou4rsn reiamea ytturuir trota a vuit to KiKxsIl. rt. John LAodon sa4 Mrs. J. H r-Nb reward comei to him who robs I Barrow Ift Tuaaliy taombr for Its -Charity at Homo are there for the best time possible and it is safe to say the strictly moral j shows of the Warpath will not be overlooked in seeing the sights. A large per cent of the Louisburg con tingent will stop with that old Louis- hnrrr hrtV Jnhn A TWkr mn natrr Carolina Beaches and a big Ban- ofthe Virginia Bay Hotel. His Uaet on Thursday evening last. friends here are legion,and they know that under his management nothing but the very best of service and treatment is accorded to patrons. The Virginia Bay is now and has been Loaisburg headquarters. The members of the Military Co. attend ing are, Capt. J. B. Thomas. Lievts. M. E. Winston, W. W. Boddie, Sergts. C. H. Banks, T. H. Lacy, B. N: Williamson, J. R. Perry,. K M. Beasley, , tJorps. G. S. Earp, W. B., Tucker, W. B. Joyner, A. S. Gupton, J. H.' Hoilmgswoi'th. Privates H. R. Parrishft. W. Stur divant E. L. Beasiev, L. B. Bow- den, Lewis SQuthall, J. J Lancas ter C. H. Roberts B. F. Wood, T. H, May, VV. J. Perry, W. N. Faulkner; C, H. Holmes, C. F. Up perman, J. S. Strickland, S. S. Williams, AW. Wilson, A. G. Wilson, Sam Cha npion, Matthew Champion, W. K. Massenburg, J. T. Collins, Peter Monger, Chaplain Rev. John London. Caterer S. S. Meadows. Servants Zoilie Wil kins, barber. Joe Leonard, Julius Hayes, Scolield White. The occupants of the special car were: Mr. and ' Mrs. B. G. Hicks Miss Blanche Egerton, Mis. Lucy Allen and Miss Alba Allen, Miss Sallie Green, Misses Kfcte and Lil High, Miss Glennie Aycocke, Mrs. C. E. Johnson, Wilson Greem, J oe Davis Hill, Joe Mann, Greenwood Hill W. W. Roseboro, William Barrow. D. E. Miller, Henry Mitchell, Osmond Yarboro, Badger contests but carried their full outfit Mftvnr VarViornn rrVi trkrtlr nooftaJl himself of whit h &M!l ti laiHm t JliStSlOWn ElTrftif :nAit.:no t-v. i ' ti . I ... .... 4 ( . ' ... . . I iuuiuuui8 wio'. uuo. xiwj report a 10I1 to remark- that many coni- H" na neiun, or Whit u needed to I Dr. A. Cam mtll KUis of e Uni TBa vox piamis naareacnea ms ears reia-iw ir uw own, merely w give to j t nuy 61 uiu it t tta4ici s h oi ine nospiiaiixy oi tne people oi tive to a certain negro disreputable woss wno atk. Xo mm bxi s right whil. with hat pirtnts henx. VV llmin crfrTi rPK qtt tn.ra unforfiin. l i-a n '. a TV 1 1 rlr I. 1 ll t. ! . I wuw muu- i iQCaiivy m inn iowq. ne saia n i a hui iuuy na own no i jjr Frxak Bllard Itft W4at an rtr oTrnrainn a rrs w rinhtawii la 'inn I ii i t i 1 i t . . inhA . i . t I v-v. vw-aVia0 vv , x&aa.aa.o . lu ej conuimea to maice inemseives,bu,,,'b,,wwT maiwoica IdsT to vitii hi in I belongs to another. : - --v-t-. -lt o 1 f r I VriaxK imu uxa si t;4oa. break them up. "Disorderly houaesj order to relieve pove. tr;io loe the will not be tolerated" he said, and I respect of his home one, or in do further intimated that the law .wh nli weaken their fith in hinj would be applied vigorously tol provider and a protector. a tal tt rrrm lrx- Lit trua -: vuii ahit aja;Mr. Dstid our Public School Library. One of the greatest needs of most excellent Graded School is a well stocked library, and this mat ter is now being agitated by Prof . Mills and others. It is suggested that a good plan to follow is that owners of books suitable for children and which they could readily spare, do nate them tcr the Library. In one rid the community of such dens. Marriage. The marriage of Mis Fannie Jones to, Mr. W. G. II an kins, of Tampa, Fla., took place last Mon day night at the home of the bride caxrges tne auty wnen ne U true to the family that is th rejalt of hi making and begetting. .Men err by withholding when they have meant tojspire as well at not, and they err by gifincr heedlessly to the efidlet The bride is the "kl?8 f whoM in uxe is to attacn tnemsdrct to those mctioed to charily. Help those who near Clifton's Mill. instanoa an owner of a large library, daughter of Rev. J. R. Jones this found that- sho had duplicates .i county.. Joe couple after, the v care-J 'rrr wao certain books and has already pre 1 tnony tookHbe trainlat Frankhntoff l.t ... .. Z CI. " TT " " 1 : ?. , your creatioTs, yourseti or your aented the school with the extra 1 tor a wed ling- tour North. monies. Tf other wonld do thi'a wore unable to . obtain - turther nucleus for a good library would be Ul18 of the happy event up to Ume formed. The plan suggested is a ot going to press. most excellent one and meets' with our hearty endorsement. We must A Sad Death. r - encourage tne young to read, as by Mrs. Robt. H. Strickland died no other means can the mind be so last Sunday night, after a long broadened and such stores of know- illness, her death for sometime ledge acquired as can be gained in the past having been known to be a perusal of good books. It is a prime I matter only of days. She was a necessity to have a good library for I consistent christian woman and a the children of the Grafted School member of and The Times appeals to all its readers, to look over their stock of books and present to Prof. Mills such copies as they can easily dis pense withilf Everything done to forward this movement will be family. Be jnst, and then be gene . m - . . rous. i o give wit el y i an art, to gi?e well is to gue euccesfuUy. To provide employment it even humane and wise but you thoutd gire it or confine it to those who try to deserve . -.1. ! . . l uuu ueuuQc, not 10 in oat wno are lazy, dtrty, thifileftt, carelttt and mdineient to your tacoeta. Let those who will not try to come up jutt a little higher, with yoar help. bandy Ureek remain where they are able to giv mi a I ine interment xn man h rith --.tv -A 1.1 I .... nb uio uiu I liDeratelV into nrnvMrtv m nr.lr tr J Wr -J " " " Baptist church. took place Tuesday home, the "Sandy Stallings place." pr0ve his manhood and deposition to much appreciated by and his assistants. Rev. G. M. ceremony. sympathies Duke conducting the The Times 'extends its to the bereaved hus- the Principal band and family. Rev. Mr. ; C. H. Pratt at the Bap- . -t tlst Church. Hart, Weldon Egerton, Mrs. R. R. Rev. C. H. Pratt a Presbyterian Harris, Miss Ina Harris, Henry Missionary lectured on Foreign Bowden, E. L. Egerton, Clay ton I missions at the Baptist church' on Hisrh. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Lancaster;! last Sunday morning. The. talk Miss Martha Mann, Mr. C O. Har- was illustrated with maps showing ri8, Miss Annie Belle , and Jessie the predominance of , Catholics and Taylor Harris, Miss Ruby Harris, 1 Protestants also the dark barbaric Mrs. J. R. Collie, Miss Fannie Bod portions of the worlds -He also exhib- die, J. M. Person, J." P. Hill, - Miss ited a chart showing the comparative Meta Gulley, Mrs. J. B. Thomas, 1 expenditures by tthe American people J. T. Stokes, d. X. w naer, vv.. ju. jqt misaiops uoui uouibswu auu iwt Beasley, C. E. Gupton, Mr. and Mrs J eignand ewing -gum, tobacco and J. L. Palmer, 'Miss Mary Best, Mr. liquor. The amount expended for and Mrs. R. G. Burroughs, Miss booze ws& by long odds the biggest Gertrude Pinnell, Mr and Mrs. W. and the amount for foreign missions E. White, and Miss Ella Harris' the the ver smallest. The f speaker latter joining the "Times Contest" plead for a deeper interest m this girls who had preceded. important'matter and urged that old time methods be dispensed witn ana modern business methods adopted to carry the Gospel to heathen '.people. He stated, that the Bible undoubtedly The Girls tro to Jamestown. The Editor of The Times is "at tendmg the Jamestown Exposition I taught that the heathan: were lost and this week accompanying the HTntEsi hence the great?, necessity l of larger Contest" girls, Misses Margie Ma-1 things in v missions., -v The I statistics con, Ella Harris and Onnie ;,Tacker. were those of the F.S. i Government Miss Lucy Thomas is v also a member and showed' that .- we are : Branding of the party. They, fought a Ogood more for .whiskey," tobacco andv eyen Gcrht TKa. Tnjia if unhnfiriDtmnl ehnwincr crum orconfectionery than Ht yinr loT-rylv uncrmented I we are for carrying''-the' Gospel ; to " " V.AA . V . . . .., - .-. I w. ; V ' . . - . hrough their good work and the edi-J heathan people, humanity. This is not the way to help mankind, or to serve your coun try. When a man U stricken down, then help him if yoa otn, bat da not encourage him to fill sgtio and to keep oq falling simply to be helped. Do not be a miser, nor yet a spend thrift. Do not be telhah, bat be Mrs. Uattie Edwards Holmes. The' subject ot this sketch was born on "the 10th of May. 1833. and , T ... . .. waskiUsdi)y Ughtning on the first elal w P" Toar own betiim of AmrusL 1907. She was married meaM d abmt to helP who I Itl u . . .1 in Trinitv Chnroh t Mr. W. IT. 1 a5 wraorra w, as win Holmes on rhe 27th day of Decem ber, 1905. The present writer officiit- ed both at the marriage and . at the funeral service. Sister Holmes was converted in the days of her girlhood and .united with the today. NOTES FROM KATES VI LLE. T. S. Gill returned from James- town Saturday. f ? Da lnn fKftnn Vi a Vkn mm , --, , .)-- ! A - A V V AA iusiuoois., pucopai I . ri -.t, t:. ri.Lu l e .--.-. is Miss Annie Fuller of Monlton visiting Miss laxxio Clifton. The reviTal meeting wiliVegin at Flat Rock tlie third Sunday in August. 4 ' -. ' ! The fanners are disappointed with their crops .thitV year. They tinned to hold her, membership . to the day of death. She loved her church and her Bible, and in her quiet wajr adornedjthe doctrine that . ! : . .W. !.' - bub yruioaiBu. xue turoae wuiou took her from the sc. net of earth fell suddenly. In the ; vigor of r youth I are not as good as Usual . and m the strength of her "woman- . ; -. , . . . . hood, she was cSUed to lay down the revival meeting is in session burdeM oiiife.!: The ways;of provi- J Perry V Chapel this week and denc are-beyond'our ubderstindmg doinS iomc but we take comfort in the thought wori ; T . inaine wno oroers aiimngs-w -ww . Mr. W.'ft Owiek is -in Mr. gocto re uiikmcU We iympatnize v n-j with the sorrowing husband: who is rV VJ u uus wee k ana ius wpr is nigniy Mr. T. J. Kio. Mr. C V. Sohh, of Virgiau, srvi Mw lyacr Smitti, ai Oxford, ar viiiua st J. V. Ktpg Mr. J. A C Mi oa W,nlr for trtairi wberv h will auc in the Tabc Laiot iu th . ton. Mr. W. M. McGh, Jof Juritw Fls-, sni Mr. X. li. Mciiiw, cf Newark K.J. wrrt in Itjibrg tbli week. Mi; K. J. FaKsr. Mr. C. I. Hsm and J. II. UiitU ol Msj4Tir.e ,t jj. - c4 ihroogh oa ihtir, way w tit Et. potitioo. -- .,. . . Mrs. Guy Hasting aai two drvn, who hart Wen the fr&YfU of Mrs. O. C. Grrgxify,' rtutrctJ hae jerdiy. Mrs. J. H. Ilotlowiy, soeapi!wj by Mist Slt Allta, left Thnlsy for a -ooolh't mil to AjhtrU! sd Wsynesrilla. Mrs. F. B. McKiaaa, Master Psv. id and Mm Msrxaret llkkt ira ii. tting Mrs, MoKmnc't rtlalirct si Prince too, . Among Ue ttort in town t oeatir were Mr. PsaJ Jooe of Tr- boro snd Mr. Joa QA of YoangtvilJo. Mr. bewii Zenith, of Florida, is tbittog st Mr. J. J. Aliens tvexr here. This it hb tint rvtit tor the put tweniy-two years, - Mrs, K. Psmth atd chUdrta sc oomptni4 by Mrs. J. C Conwsy sad Miss B! Htle rei-omed fo Ceir home io l)arhm the put wrtk. Dr. and Mrs, D. T. Scaixhwick are at home again after tpetxiing a week at Jamestown snd other pools oa the eastern shore of TirginisJ Mr.V. MJ Booos went uGrK&i- boro last Yiilsy to meWt Mrs. Urooi who has been at .Ashsvillt for socct . ' A- " ume past, tisr Deaiin it vrty greatly improved. Messrs Leroy and Joe Nsth who hire bcQ alUnlbg the MetKodist Ophxnas at Itileh cua far a-ci tlsxa. ity troea a te-nlx cf U- lTr - t . . . a m c-TT-D-t at Wr-a ui? w; ie iocdc Ibm Sl4asri Crrnwt. TL ' . . t . . m - a. n we K.ann crrre L3 WLini a oa otn mm tod to Ui u , ka-ow Mr. C4Lljai i i S-liifMT ta Vni Ilia . Ccrtr. " H tk A . . wt,i t-Jt bsacn rsi!:-y ti sboe oo eri t4f U tu tLZe ertMiiitg Ue deewrt ail. -( . ' II--hi. " - -., " - , - Woa by aHotfcer'i Lore- At tha dbse cf as siurKrw riot fa coe cl tr Wrrurra r-- s. weBi ce to cn-t to r;teak ia Las wiyward boy. 7 was the ii trisry of firlak. He Lal al3we4 i -coca t9 Ual tla . be . wast t. iUyi, Ht Lal irctui ta away frocs Loos al the xjct alnd leet iZticrs was t trabi cf hcos aI ddta fncada U HsJtr Le wtrS 1 ssk Js iU drj it ct ta. Fbe ailtiS tMt t talk wiA Lira. I Weil wtA lcr tat cos cf the altratlirs Lom la iLxl aectiaof iLe ci'.r. She Lrdot me lo tbe yorr.g tzxs; li USl tcv slo. I uU,Why deci't yati jrst cfriLlt t2e lilsg tUt It dr3b yocr I'JtSr Kljrt U rp. Le ttrrarv J ei; Gol kowa I wxll lta ta pve U op. Ucl I si aah I oanl ci U rT TLe-3 I ueid Lira cf live C5rto wLa cioe dtZntT iLe ciira tT mxaa Lisa tre. V2e ' we sok tcC.lhr t C9al Ltr iLe is of tLe Le xnifo V a taLer la the a-.j7tr.nc rt3cx la iLs ciirt c4 Cftr -erwiba tLe camels, tl ft.!Tgr ca Lrr lrxt tnfca t Le? t3 Icnusl rp Uio Lit foe s4 atai, la a roaoe iLal trLUl with 5aaaw My Jbcry, yes C.WI gtt U srp. 11 yom lrabUi viT I aLt2 .! T0 ot if asy ocrilas I csa " rrl sr wU Lrtc yii a Chntl, a3 I 1 taaae tt. l cm rct rem Idfb. Ia a t-cc:il Le was oa U kr4 crytcg fw tarrry. 1U taU hold cpoa the Sea cf God, VTLso the p fonaaiiT m g7ita la thw mt'atig thu t3-t, Le wat thsi rt tain t tlial ca Lit feti aad tvv Chiiit it cbv-s," It was CO. ty taiatrtry thai roa Lio It was i!mi Lsraiaj; un aai trVea soha ( Cul taolLer Icn. Lcrve wot Id oot prt Lx3 sp. Ia tLe ti th cs ur of I ilth U is wmiea, "rLom. hi.il tcrrt. ay a. si froaa lbs ft 4t ofrrpU-i.'-- Uillelieck. A PreildentlU F.t. The TyyersrLkil UV-oo of WsjHrvioa Lu t! war a Pt lid IVtUT fiuZicgi, '&isvfftsusag la la rrsJ lxj tor aa sttrp4 ati to dt t-ori&t aai durt;t Us LcriLIp. "Hit crr-t:r tyrxney Lave rc,uI la lbs d"s-r:rrw mors tLta oobl tbrr Mr.Suirrtisarwi cf th drat, sal is at. 2 to t ctrrria the Itcoeert-l rxi-ortu" t i . tnr indeed' bereft ! .and t witn i the" other relations of the departed one 'who I praised." mourn her lofu May the peace of J ' ;'. y God abide in their heirta.-" and may l ' " , jthe ministry' Vif the -Holy' Spirit Bt (The abovo wai ''Intended for comfort them! '!', t ;; - " . I last weeks issue but reached us too Ftosinx. Congress AbdXcitc-i VTLil It tLe te of Cac-t- cnU:j la Dtctobtr w2ca Im drat ItooiwreU &rS Bert llrjlia, the iaalrr Bezxlar frosa i . ..A- coJrruLe uns mtaa s u . . . i r low Tiawm.. i Mj in cnaut Teado3 la aires rpprteaUtirs of that ItitUtsiibo- j rrLot oc r 'J.;; -wilh tLe T"t My let laey. Helen Sciitbwkk I etbrr e7Ulxa, trlt rf Ccu . t .. ...!" a . a woo rats .j-rra ep-?oa3g va-e t3 i pt l-e it oo I:a wiry met with thetf sow, Mrs. N. D.I tLey caa muU ibe Ut l?Knrast ITot ter in MsttLewt Co, Vt, af wr a j t tiatit cf irisiJbsjt. t tc Tiiut to the J trace Iowa lpiioa,l Ilste tLe Iley simed home lait YndxT. 1 Corrrrct sMic. M la fir or cf Mr. J. J. Barrow'sAd faar'iTH . T.rrvw Ut t .. ?.. I wcv creu itu twj.tr.crt c4 a? a w-e v mm w ww - ttii v j- . !.,;.'-' t:...- i... I the uHJ Itcu? It tc13 Mr. aul Mrs Itf Allen wbo acw oomraaied thtm sU-o. murnt! the same dsy and report a my p,cx aattnp. 7 "Mr. A: W. Circa tptat Mcadiy tbe t. . Wkeil Hxbset. :T late.-IDITOB. IitUtton throo-h the OTir froca oocatry to ts-oV dare cxr rur-ia rert 't-i'-.r.Jt ci r ;; are tcl Ul to tLa e.rst--lire vi'ur trcr-h al f.cx i ;t drizk, by He yr: Us " cf fc Lx liir tlxr cl C-s tv lris n ti. A- .. A - . - v, - '. ) If