.nn mm ni --.fl " - -:' " . v ;--.--''.' ; , .p.. . : . '". - " ' ''V - - N v ' , - - ' - - . - " y x - v - c l . . - i - - . .- w" . . r f t '' . y , - J AMES A. THOMAS, EDITOR. voL. xxxvii v FRAllKUH SURE'R COURT fr AUGUST TERM OPENED f AST MONDAY MORNING.4 J udgfa , WalteEHNeaasElEst Appearance on : the Bench In Frankliri-. Dispatches Business ' With. Ease, i The August term of Franklin Su perior Court commenced on last Monday Judge Waiter H. Neal and, Solicitor Daniels came over Franklinton by private conveyance on Sundayand court opened.prompt: ly Monday morning at-10 o'clock. The following were drawn s as Grand Jurors: W. E. Uzzell, Fore- Hat man, W. H. Hudson, Geo. Terrell, I (col.) L. C. Mitchiner, R. C? Hunt, ,by their verdict declaredthira insane. W. E. Gay, W. D. Edwards, W. D. 1 State vslToney Kearney, aban T jster, Leroy Jackson, G. D. Wes- donment, not guilty. ter, E. A. Harper, B. J. Lancaster, C. L. Thompson, A. H. Sandling, Henry Beddingheld, A. C. Carter, O. D. BurnetVG. R. Strickland. S. T. Gi'pton, was excused as jur- or, ana ti. Ji, ureerj, A ii. isea dingtle James; 4Gay and T. H. Mostly, were returned as not to be foil nl. Judge Neal's charge to the grand jurv, which consumed about an hour and twenty minutes, was one of the best we have heard in the Court House here in some time. His eu logy upon the Jury system was ex ceedingly fine, and his effort to im press upon the people the great im portance of better roads was not 1 lost upon the great many who heard the Court room have been heard to make verv favorable comments. I Lnmediatelv after the Juiee con-1 eluded his charge, Solicitor Daniel's announced his readiness to go into the trial of the state docket, and j the court dived into it quite a num- ber ot cases being disposed of the first day. Cast s dispc sed of were as follows: Mate vs Marcellus Jferry, nol pros, with leave. Mate vs Jerry KittreU, retailing ... ... i nol pros with leave. State vs J. W. Pully, continue under former order. State vs Robert Upchurch John and Dock Radford, affray, plead guilty, $10 and costs as to TJpchurch, other defendants discharged. v V Mate vs Jim Perry, nol pros with leave. State vs Bill Mitchell, a. d. w. $10 and corns, including $10 doctor bi:l. - , State vs C. R. Alford, retailing, recognized to, appear at,: January term of court and to pay $15 costs by that time. r State vs Robert Harris, 1 and r, pleads guilty to trespass, $25 and (Aat , ' wawj. i otate vs Joe Cooler, a. d. w.. pleads guilty, $20 and costs. State Acnes Harris and Nina Moore, affray,, $10 and half coats as to Acmes, and half costs a to Nina. State ys J. S. Perry; Judgment 'v 'f '1 An novmanf t iraaffl and costs. ' l V State vs Will Wiggins, t'). rA t . c. c.,w., ;r T X. 0 . - ' , $15 and coata v O Q State V Wilartrt' MalKrio wnftlt.l to anima. ln,m. f Xn.n'f that boy pay oo'.U and U pan- whed by his aQ officer, j uesrro hoc -m state vs Govan Cheek andfothers, Y:. w- not guuty. WTO. Mil- 1 1 with the costs;V 'tV- , . - - - c 1 rOOUl TOt Uie- VOUUVy : VWUJIUie:VUWB mother mj presence.qf ft . - '1-$ - o 1 J- J. Person's hoas 1 c ' ' ; - PJy: St9t SJ:' V & eipffioe' which iseneralcroiyv tate vs Zollie Johnson,' ! and r y " , - f- TVftTirer ffiiltv ft u ' a , - , ded.an noisy, rand, tne iTeasurer, 8 lty 6 montbs onloads. ; :s ; ' ? ; iAiirini, v Jonrtf1 as tate and : R. hinonJvs al transact piriyate1 bnsineri l lam Hortonjabandonmeat of crop, juct uials or ; any other : buiiness of Ktulty. r. - yeac jnjailas to Boe,to -be hired V vui in iss ion era. same tence aa .to Florence. y - '. State v& CaarKeGay. ea cBfaiCT -V. - State Vfl Buxton aud Jod Cha'p'- pell, 1. and r. not guilty. State ys Ebb Fincn, assult, bot guilty. 1 , . 1 t State vs ! Tom Hanr; J retailing, called and failed, judgment nise scifa and capias in three cases. State vs fienry Bridgers,!. and r. not guilty. Several witnesses were called and failed, and fined 80 each. State vs James Strickland, attempt burglary, committed to hospital forc?iminal; insane, the jury having State and J. O. Beasley vs R. W. Hudson, appeal for costs. Judg- ment of: J.T., reversed, prosecutor' discharged.' N State, vs Buxton Chappell, a. d. w defendant pleads guilty, judgment that defendant pay Overstreet $100 and costs of this action. , State vs W. H. Brown and C. W. Shearin, assault, Shearn pleads guilty not guilty as to Brown. Shearin to pay costs. State and, Marthav Hunt vs Lawrence Fuller, appleal for costs dismissed and Martha Hunt dis charged. v State vs Seaboard Air Line, run ning frieght trains on Sunday,guilty, uae UUV aPPe1 10 oupreme couxu n :nn - li . o Mayfield for burglary was cotinued TO nexc-wrui.: s "In the divorce) case' of Alice A. Harris ys Ridley Harris, the divorce was granted All the business of the Court was disposed of by Wednesday at noon, and the grand jury made there report, when court adjourned for the term iollowing is report of the ffran(j irv: o- . J w We the Grand Jury for said term respectfully submit the fol lowing report . '"We have passed on all bills given ns m cnarge, ana jwaea. on an ques- tiotirthat have come to our knowl- g-' ' ' "Our Committee has visited the Home for the aged and infirm and ! 1 ' x 3 'II find the same in good condition and the inmates well cared for and sat- isfied with their treatment, l ' "We hswre visited the County Jail in a body, and find the same in good sanitary condition and the prisioners well cared for., We recommend that cells be proyided to seperate the Lwhjw prisionera f rom the colored. 1 . .rir"' ' . 5 . i.e.. a nova oraminnn rna various "County offices and find them well kept and in good condition, espec ially, the Records and the - filling of papers. v , - "We recommend that a Grand Jorroombe bail? and a waitihg roonf foAne witnesses for the Grand ere is no plaee fprr wit- I niaann 4 a. nra tt or nont tt tha .y-l Inn-rr. -House corridor4 and bur r experience I . .. ,. -u.l Aif ftb UIW lUUl lr U HUM Uli. 0 VMO or- on : it wa so difficult to get, the . wit- FpPfe J. ioOm.be;bnUtsiot:the Sheriff Treas- "r. .S ot.the tiujai: tD Grand' Jury is forced" to - becapy tir' their" meeting he vf Vbir&rt hasnd" a private nature''Or if-the rooms 1 minauou wo . uuu ua , LOUISBUBG. 1U CFKIDAY AUGUST S3, 1007. new Court Houm. - - 1 F6wman GrandVnrV:'JTHEin ;lIOVEEBTS, IN - AND MOV1.wv'' . -- r If "J !. Convention wUl meet in Riieich 'August f28thV 9th, and 3Qh. ::A j "X large ' auenaance -m expected., VUI, railroads will grvetpecial low htes. , ,- - J uame Law in rranKiin cotmty. r u- 1 .u 1 "11 tjie time in which the law alio the killing of parlridges and souirrei, in Franklin courity: '1 Partidgea and turkeys can be kill- V ed only between rnovember loth ard March 1st:; Squirrjs can be killed .only- be tween September 1st and March lst ' i H Thev opossum' can be caught- be tween the 1st ol October and thel at day of Februaiy. J All those interested will .find" thia information convenient if thev 'will I rtnnt on,! no.ta in o n.m.nJ nlace -7... Re-orcnlzed. The Louisburg Camp,- No, 214, Woodmen' of the World was re-or ganized on Wednesday night, under the management and instruction oa oov. o. j. nose, juiatnct mjtmger. rThe members met in the Maaonio Hall and after one or two motions had been made it was decided to start at the first and make - a com plete re-organization which, they pro ceeded to-do. As a result the, folj lowing were elected officers H6Y the ensuing year: - Consul Commander ". H. Mitch-.' ell. Adviser Lieutenant Elijah Odoro. Clerk J. W. King. Banker J. S Lancaster. Physician Dr. H. A. Newell. Escort C. B. AvenL Watchman D. G. Pearce. Sentry R. E. L. Lancaster. Managers R. H. Davit, A. F. Johnson, D. C. High. It will be remembered that" thia order was commenced some months , . ... 1 ago, out on account 01 tne memoers not being sufficiently instruct ed the injerestwas -to art extent lost until last week when Mr. S. G. Rose came over and began the work over. His instructions prova the order to be worthy of the careful considera tion of anyone ' and has awakened I much interest on the part of .the members: . " It was, agreed bythe camp that the charter should remain ope&ointil Wednesday night ot next week t at which time there will be another meeting" held when the re martin cr charter members will . be rece ired. At this meeting all members are es pecially, requested to be pre&e nt. v The .following charter members frere .: received , ; Veinesday night: Dr. H. A. Jewell, C. B. Avent, J. W: King, A. S. Gupton, J. flitch elL A. F, J obhson; . IX C: Hicbr. E: OdomVH C. BoVdeni-Jl ' Sr Xan- carter, J. J. Iancaster, D;"G; Pearoe, BrahTuckerr H. Davis, R. E. .L. Lancaster. Ji' : ;!c l I Irt This Tord er has S1 very broad repi as excellent inauranco and -fraternal features."- Wewish for it a most ;prosperqurtattU:e,v: ' '.J.r-'- V f The nexfsesaiort of thiAericui: tural and:: Mechanical College Vifll begin V.T'hursdayj September 6th. Entranca'examinilions VilDbe'held at? thes ; ColIege in" West Raleigh, Wednesday,- 9 aimv,Septem6er '4th. Ke w applicants f oradrai ssion will be examined V then, and ' applicants who failed "to pass the Jplyexamina tionjat the-county; seAts '.may- .trjr again at the; College. ... i V i i il- i !P i rimmin?' ocnni: - UUTOF TOWN. Vorao lQT riBXSUre, borne lot pu?Ineas and a Large Nam- ' fiflr oecattse TuOT UJS it. VrJ rt . " . i j u tit are viriting ia Ox ford. , Ur. T. F.T.rrelL of IUWh- b -F.-L.-IIiynraan left Towday for J poplt. r?i'Owwa BlickxiilJ, of Kiurtll, XS 'nendi In Loutabor. "Jlia' ilatua B. UwU?r hi re- turned from t ybit to "Newborn. ,JoeProa relorned hooe from t wit to the Eipoiiuon xh'xt week. J MUa Matti Cook I aft ytjurday w Yi&u menui xa iuaeign ana vpez. Ret. L. "S. flatter and wife let Toeaday for the Jarocatown $J PfP11?- - ' J , -Jl. J UUniOn nI Jim ljQ9 wenVto. Raleigh TuefLay on bua . Mrt. S.T. WUdir returned ycair. rom a vUil 10 bcr ln -Muw Mamie Iondon retarao-i ttJ&J a 'r"u a to friendi in Maryland. :MUa Florence Terrail returned l.tat week from a vijit lo friend in Gretnsboro. ' - SMi34C Annie Strickland reiamfd this week from a vuit to relatives In PeUxabur, Va. : ' A, C. Ilnghea come over trora Apex and spent Tuesday night in Louiaburg. B. W. Miller returned from Hickory Saturday where he haa been spending some time. , Mr. and Mrs. F. It.' Pleaaanta and children left Toealay lo vimit her people in Greensboro. Sidney Holding returned home Tuesday after a via it of a fe to his brother, B. T. Holding, here. Mr. W. B. Cook and Matters William and Donald left yeattrdar for IUlaigh ,to visit Mrs. J. A. Jones. The editor was pleaaed to meet Capt. T. W. Davit, of IUUigb, in town on Tuesday. He, with hta family, are spending the week at the old Homestead," near Margaret guest of Mr. Roy Jackson. . Mr. Mnck Bradley, of Jacksonville, Fla., spent si few days the ptst week with 'hia wife, who ia apending the summer in Loniaburg. She ia a daughter of the late R, E. Ballard, and niece of Messrs. Frank and B. W. Ballard. , J '.Mrs. Beamon Harris and children of Rocky "Mounts Miss ; MeU.GuUef of Raleigni who have been, viiiting relatives in Louisburg, la this weak spending the week4' with Mr. J.'K. JIarris, .-at hiai 'pleasant coonlry UUUlQt : . - - Misses Ida and Msitie Ieao Kear ney, who hare been Yitlting at Mr. GR. Fuller's -of Pocoraoke, return ed to their home at "Kearneys Sit Wday; , They wereVootnpaniedj as as tar as LoaUSurgby' Mr Iir-1 Q?i'A ! j".'-t ft A airs ' I Uflpu 1. .1 j oyner ana lamuy will 1 eave rto-d ay ;f or Garys Vorg, where iis famify wiU j remain rfe2, he, takes in the-Exr6iut2ofl. During babsencVjMr.Jonct Cooks, bt Youngs ville, will fill Captain Joy- nex place, .v-. .." V;r-'l;?-i.''-J -.-..l.T!."V- . r.i -. -, small Boy's Essay. : t Here ira small boy's essay on newspapers. lie. ought , to 'make good editor when he ctovs op: 4 ', W ewspapers are sheets of t pir on- v.!ch 8tu.it ' to ' rer.'I .' is ' rtintl. 0 Tha n: : :?n look ver it in it. I ' - . ' " ' 1 " " " 11 -7J."'"'.."' ","unl -- .-. T ftothwrx U1 Litton, as4 I1 ottr hri ol cp Was U bum. uHow wio rru tjiiSe joc4. He haa Wa ert aBc. Soce aoca &fU raW wtiilc.ra. ATI ti tba raiM Caia ui V$-r fc?giW. Hood. tkicneumM the fttfs? m aJ thtti rofU M KU.l, lm awMat onf turta ll u a-tia. IMilsn '&r. rr iraot to t-boot laauh ihon dol gl HiUL Oar f jr la a RR7 P00" btJt we uke it a9 rot ca m K ocf W faAtrv iWtMt, Oor t3rt dc-at aocnl,ia tatx rrai ja aya b a4 a ror chaaoe ba a try. lie pc oot o<rtoiKi la rtaUr, r4ri a acka axd hat a arifa io ttjtcri blm. Pa hta tot r-iil Ma aaW4fw 9 r uo m fit TfAn aa-i doai fcu4 Second Best, Tha Grr.bMa lift Iaanat Company K&a 3?(Jia la ilia r5 Mhr tiat amoo iha Mr. J. A- Tuinf rt of Jttlabarg. ovar ibe Icat fcf Jclr In kxVisj ro Om ? Mr. Turner tW-l oaJ, Iq i!t arooonl of bturi&cw ao-rarl for b:a c-mpanr dorujj lhal rrsonth, Thstl ,jaVa J for hita b obrnpany. Houso Parly at Glen-hclen. number of friend . bcr frwnU Ki the beautiful hvmp of bT mtbrr Glri-helen. Thev ar Mr. JiCni Oucrw and aitcr MU. HAtlir Ix Oue, of Denmark, 8-C.Mia Mary Hipe, of Harriinbar Va, Miaia Bethany Hkka, of OrrUk, Ala MlM,ltrwrra. BurareiL-t-Wjaalu Hoa. Bui lrck, of Hendrnscm. Jaxar - A White, Jr of AuuaU, Ga, d Weldon Haw kit) a, of iLidetiay. The Tobacco Karket. In our rounda of ih wara3iacaf reaterday found im wanhouaa roan and fartnara ariih azstlini fc j and mae eoqairy of oor jrod friand John N. Harria, oaf the baaUi&g propnetort ef ibe RKeraile, lor the cauaa. He enthiuiatticallr raidl Tobicco v from 11.0 to $2. SO pr hundred higher to-day than il haa been ainoe the market oftd and I am feeling fod." Graded .School Holes. The Board of Trutleo of LouiabaTar Gra.led Schools held a meeting on Wednlay to emmiar roatters pertainlns to t! acSoV.. The following uadvaro were elect' ed for the Colored Gradatl Scod; Quinnie YtrbonoagK, IIU Haw. kins and Locy Peraoa. It was decided to open the FaH sesjddn of -tbe Graded Schools on Tueatftr September 2rd, aad8pL Mills V Terr anxious that trerr Kxolar be present on the pab - vExpojltlon 2otet. As ftated In the last -ierzi of the - Tta the editor tpect last week al the Jamestown ExpoaaUoo, where hs accompanied tha threai yoccg . UdUia irt X.1I-" 11..!. "V-t rm OAMW a od Margie Macon, who we ratv oMal in the Tinrs Fre t Trip" Contest last Spring. , It aa a -m rtmi pleituro to tne editor to khow thit the young ladies were highly f4eal with their trirvand do not regret bar- tne eh tared the Twrrs CcrcicaL j la the 'contest they did good work, aal were joUy en titled to all the ea?y menu of thVFree TVhO ' ! JDcrrmg our rat to the, Ktpoaaiioa H waa the" pleii are'of the ll-cdr" aod the youn ladies of 'his cccptay to -laachH with the Ixalibcr IU'rs on We-lneaday of list wcV, b ft- rcrjM to 8n Invitation from. t!.a TWwna a Ur c4- ie al lb Kif.ofciua lt ftk, ajal ti Vrs: c4 tUitm w imiaitU Vvisa Hcui u CWa Aa ruuii U a tacakrr i Krvi 13 vncr:y frWida mm a tl ariy Suia n via ;aa. J AtJ deacre mf Y'rVt jol acooaiiiJcot aS ajthtoi ysnai. rS nt lixa Vim ia T1t.v " wit c u. gjrtT aM sa r--;. 19 fcciX it r'.M4Sl Cc stair or!. I?5 tif Ce S;Vvr ;raie oc:i.o fd. far Ce l?cXi cjI j:c u tb Kt tKal liy Vv:J twi faJ L V4 ! Tlj tKrcKa" lrr lla :iclkrtr tx- dociia ! V?z'u ia h.i aciy ta IvJf a.urr;n;ng rdc-rtcac '. CLad-e Xaw lit. wha ao irit:!ji tlla ilia cJiaro ie d -rriS-'Mt'" hle ia a rry m1u5 c, at4 te iea4 t;;UtuMi ly ilh ll aftiieGa. a North CtrcCis Atjm wx ,H. ai li.a -Itf! Dir" cf Ux-:S'&. Urta ibt Korf jlk t prs bti la Klk!g yLxX l K)J i ScJh 5uu" was a5 c Vis aTvtU sgTia. Tts larpirt crarwd tLtl ta. a:irsil Urpiwlurra ca say day aoe 3eo3r ras m Thcrlty,' -Kcsrib Ctrobi Daj, aul the Ta! ro:f-f trctd Ul GorTTo asjoift, CVorcTRcif GLt&a LMuaai GortTzter Wtrun aoi t rraJ oiits CLaie r;: ilm lara alisasa noC t4rg aLU W bo44 00a tarmrth ( tbe crj d wlc nc- aM Litsif &acl Ccnmxe sasde s vr) firorabl tctux. , w W4 care ocire sxmis swtx Hottio Piny. Ir tr Hie tt U9 ca tf the ytwwg fro4e have ciajir ile lnoia! tint r.y of Hfi f Mica L2y Ilsyra Wrvg the catw cl TVs gt taWyJ aarb &rr&crt of their riilt, ad ti-djm ilm cso?vcj hay riea aad daAnea, Thoae aailcc wcrt Hire KxiZ BUtkjaU, tC .KlsitO, HcaUrf If t&5cns; Itrssa AlaJ Efiaocs; Bnie n?a.clr.aTt, IXcrf. ' ar; 'Alkii SrtxI'IWa Jab: tlrl 4 sj4 Fassf IkdiLf , of txkX cr-; Lacy aad Mary Wah of Jla- viTIe, aad Farte IIae, TJaiy,' Mecaarv Iltiry JVit, WCie WiUoa, ' Ptrty AV-ca; LrvVe Xkaa Uy, Ciirne; naHxrd. Ha lharft f Wsluraad Jce Eerioa J Uaxa Wwl'I'; tt, Joha Perry, Krea KswaCl, AUaa, Percy WhUa, Anhcr I'rrait a , AtaxUifux-, Jiwra: CccVj Ba-V Uu, S. 8. WCiica, 111 TtrW, J. O. XsrU, Hch Prrr Xf. Pmy, T. K. ATea, aI Lrk AI r tf BirtslUra; S!a; Dta. IL X ; yawiv,c il BtcU, 13 i c. xrd; aa.4 Mr; Hca Ifcic. - Dr. S.IUn-rt nlU bI.tk bcrjA thatcUl-rrj llul Ttc!ay Jiy il tha L ... w ? j ,. . j - f til ":r r- - - otate wte vs Elijah Roe ahdFlorenco Cann ot b3 convene :ntly '