X ri ' JWr T 9 Jim 3 VOL.XXXVU.I sucscmrnoii ci.co run Tr: . f ,vv; iX-'VJ ..-. OBG.i;iC.t fbiday, adgust.so. 1007.-'-, ; ; : tbt. , EMJOYABtoHOUSftAliTY i oraan. --vA-bullet situck.: J craan , Tvj- ; woman, ;a i Duuet bituck. ooruau r - v ;.;.;; GLEN-HELEN AUYE Y(ITfi luatNaW-e,ftv nipple,7; glaril OLLY i'CHAliVlOrfv SmSI MANY YOUNG PEOPLE. around tie Jib and.camd ont doae to BROTOTR-W-Wv - " " v ' tbe fpine. ' Physicians say the Wound Vs v-v spine. Jfhysioians say An Exe8Unt;Gennant A- De-p-V, n ; v 1 r' - iBoth we PiatolselcbsCUl- lightfurcd Party id Kany t in the hip, ppsstbirnecewititingf : andhamploai Corjdusly, btnet Given Theguesti at dlen-Hilen, ; .'srhereT'88 ot tbe leg, nbt aeriously-- ' News vaa receiyed .hero jtav..Fri Trsoa TTniw' rvsaW'a Kmia 'n9Ttir Deputy Collector Riggsbee teoeiv- day ot a homicide oyer'the line ig in process, nave been '- the reciiJ- a buUet in his arrninflicng a Nash .coohiy -which occffled - near t A flesh wound. ' . Y tf.. I Hnnt Crrav ftoKlii-tha uartichianti ing the past week, and the gayeties The lacte are. that Deputy . CoiFec- being Oily. ; Champion and, Ifenry . a. . -i,. -4. toralHendrix. J.-sR. Banks and DepVl tvheleur Th Particulars, aa : we c - I uty Marshal Jordan left Raleigh I have been able to secure thetpr are There was a largely attended TPr """T. . -1 brilliant rnianata Opera House WPK ?tf hele wf fe:" ft m.jJ w:.L Revenue Aeenta tHenry iRisswee ftliitoiot.'havini? marriad th Tat- on juoui where ing Miss par We com house Allen street, The ul Caid Party and Kany ot hJp; frfx W andhamploav Corlously, el Things, of - PlekSttpe amputation. ,v,s:v-- " WoundedfoUcYraji 'the OuiBStS, Beputy JiajenoA Agent Henry Jastiflible;:r-lrr h ljX where .It -wu . claimed hn crowd nti wjuillj.a Urge, iT "rwf bj-jr than the a j. - Hr. White could ootbecwat' on. Kridiy on but thapeopla wcrt htghljrenUruia- u'wun tp&enct upon edttaiuonaj and .conday School topics bjkVvot W. . Ferrall, Pr ot AV. D. Po and ReC.-Williaia. , ". . V:Th editor of the Times had tbe pieaaure of attending the pio-nlc at a a(v .auu u uta our . ucxrw to m o many nioely-drtasd9" well behaved 'and happy people aaiecnUed together, aa yietog : with, .each ' cthtr to make the day pUmnt u rtry body. When the hor for dinner was annqunoed ' it aeemed : that ' c tally everybody had brought a wtgon l04vj ol good thingt to eat. Large preidi wtri pUc-ed on the jrrooad Spnaar tne adaoe pt tne trtea ana me THE J.IOVIIIG PEOPLE TOBitt- novtuKrrs in ahd pOT;0P".TOT7n.-V'.:. . And.Thosft Who Coraa- and Go ,Scmo for Pleuurw, Scrsa . for VEusinUs and a lasz Hcn - her Becanso7horUx9lU ; ; E. S. G ma wwal to lUUth Tat Iy.H t ':' ', " J. S. HowtU "rUid " ht (4nu . . ... near ere te rut wtk. lira. W. II. UcVa a&J Uldt ptat.Toejday b IlaUlh. , 1 J. IL Jooee arj. D. T. HcVViDt toek la the' Et jotidao rck- Araoe the.vi;t la tairn'ara 1 U TVftmW mva '9 wht4Jv"fc - i . . . i. :-.r.i TOrae.woTns.'-Deiora.- xeRaxainsninder in a ibada ot tua treea and tnai ii4-. .kahat Aofit rtn v ut"usu ' lonw-ninuaueniauainK rinetreatmentox iiira. vWbeJNts., ana (xmtnU of btAku nd ban nioelv I I olay iroc a v inrft J r" - -.V - .- r J-t i! - . J.. - - V. .iL t- !-. am . I - - - . . . I dnaav attarnnon a rd .iartv' r-1" p.1", . wuier, .eou i on ias .J rway neieaa went vr.-vxQ i arrancea on the tha apreada, Tbar ! iuata.. , : - .'I Dartv waa civenby Mrs. F. H. I Wf" w ucwucu w 1, to wraoDiuaw .im ra gaia jronoreaa were led, ware waa aitaoat Va w viwunrvUUTta to aad trari at her residence on rMiunWu3irluT' IW ; laiJinw ooDyeranrw&; uinougn lait.to -teta nail aa. many i jarf. - . i ; v4ul; PP011111 ' ?rt w betjrtBarnaiid Chiropldo tnrtad cae tit waa "th, adltor'a' p!taaf - Tb editor wM t:.i-3 eii whist party on Tuesday ey I ViUuc"S "'"S. w",u- U1 . jo gauw o ww ' V rf1 ta oiao witn iir. Kearney irc and i j. CanrOrtuxa ia txnoi u i aing was qu a thatUaifwk. .t X " ' ... . I that the v met aa stated r"ab6ve. close I hke of hirnrAli aftd, ejaTmrw? ort.'oritt- iKa W in.tl I . l . . ' I unique enienainment. ine score . . :T -.rz:tjr . ..-w -r , iJcwri. iun i k n i(v w' cards and prizes wre of iDuteh de- by the distillery. r . loddng-nvan awffb rtpr amb thia hot piubje - pair, nooe did tf Wkxitooaltm U tktunV t 8ign, having been brought over from v ' ' , . ' ' , WhK-" Str juitic to tha spread than ye M y. HoackV , i i a anrnnsB uamato. r wno crraDoea nia ciaioi irom.x r.iiiirrirMdniMi mi?ni tm ah a waa i ' . ... 4 Ur. 1Z. Oi:c tzI w r . rrtrrr..I y Ux'JUr. We a, j'3 Um ITceJiy I j tleU:-U (r.a::! el till t::it ati tn- v!r ht . a beat c4 trl la tbt j ar aiwirt tat e lb om - -. L&rf AZo ail TVjrcae TtrrtU ard3 tbt i xstml hzx Sathfty at (mctlrft, t4 Ui T. Lriktax- Tbe toMAi hl B rs;? tl nlili rK U tXa , tittuty aie ULnj a aUeU iVe lata ;T. Tcma. . ' a rtK.j jie La Cm ClaftHa IVaoa tti b a aaUsr t-t W. U. to t i4s v 4 tarra ibie atl 1 a rvi ci tli t ua yn t vM) v adl lir r.mi i tl tw tsrrw c f lie T?x r w i,lci jJ her recent trip abroad. The first prize whieh was won by Miss Julia Cooper, of Henderson, N. C, ' was a typical Dutch calendar handsomely illustrated with steel engravings of stiiking and r beautiful design.- The consolation prize was a pair of min iature baud carved wooden shoes, such as are worn in Holland and the ice cream which ; was ; served by Alieses Annie andTAlba Allen; dress ed as Dutch? maehswas initooujdfl patterned after the -fashion of the land of dykd add tulips. t ; Those present were Misses .Hat- xtie Lee Guets of Denmark, b. 0. Re na Burwell of W asbin g tcji,Df V. Mary Sipe -of Hariisonburg, Vp. - Julia Cooper of Henderson,. N. C., . r. A Snrnrise ITarrlacre. . ' r who crrabbed hia tn&iol irbrnla tztu I bctItmi onl w mthf K allowad Two of our vounjr folka sprungl wben they , both clinched an io except our good friend, Dr. It V. quite a surprisQ on" our people on, vwu-v-..- , - . y, lk . Uv Wftdndav - evening when Rev. L. less was shot five or sit; Umea aoout body seemed to Mioy Wing lht: rounds, so the. doctor saya Wuuldbu waa nailed off btw the have produced ' death. " jj; -TTf tcaios of Vearce'a school and tilile died iostantly.but'not before snooUng Pir-r . It wu a nleaaaat and inter Cbarapipn a second tune lr iMl eating game andl rallJ in H to w.e neaia irom Vynampion wauisiss- iQ ttror of tbe i'earoe.boya. tha doctor thought be migbt recover. it waa a -verv aaa aiiair. jieoryi A Whelesaia a brother ot' our 'Wguly L- A NOW PoSUl Card. boruy 14 "paftmrnt. portrait to be cl will V a influence ot wn is Key. brofiie of Prideot McKtnUy m a We learn that Coroners jury has cWular (rime, with the daU : of bU mvestigated the affair and oecwea birtli and death ! SIS, AlcKirday, that the killing was justibablev S. Masse was sent for and request ed to pay a short visit to the home ot "Mr. U. N... Williamson. - Upon arrival he was informed that his ser vices wer desired in joining in holy wedlock Cwp jof ir-young people M4lrntWr jFurgurson and Misa Ouida nckerhja minisler. in,tbe preseaoe" a lew ijiiviff-jpiu b,,1t piy rna solemn The man,a metrhber of the firm of Furgur- son Br6thers,and.thas the hearty con gratulations . of his friends. " The ?;t.ViA .hHrmihcr and attractive ftsvv v. ---3 r . Kt. niaftVnall of Kittrell. JN. U aaugnrex 01 air. v . x vz Bessie Jacocks of Windsor, N. C, possesses many v traits that go'to lWow.iMaW Anni make .up the -woman of lovely w Mnlnn. Eleanor Cooke. Lucy character. They left yesterday on Hawkins, Blanche ,Hawkih8 Maruiee 5Vclock train for Baltimore, and London, Sallie Green, Anhie Green will rexurt, via vv asumg.itjr u, Messrs. James Guess of Denmark J the Jamestown Exposition The ed Voa Aom mnlr ntinmnpM. S. C., James W hite of Augusta Aid., w rr Weldon Hawkins of Kiddway, j ; :.w - K.CM Thomas Bullock of Hender- j IttCl'eased Cost. n Tsr n Mack Johns jurol Wil- V Like everything else,; the cost of minn. V. C Bennett II, lVrry making a-newspaper of Wl T. K Allen Yarborougk Green and T bur ff. 3 ..x ' ' Af- i? . u twelve years ago." The" ' pricey of J the - paber 5 printed. , and then go A.wv on VVnnUv 'afternoon ! p third through the folde'r which folds and was a delightful affair. Mr. IV Jovner presided at the puochj bowl, i I i at short range continued trlng.-; ;Vnfifr. j Floyd. It waa a fice dty and every- j , ' Mr. IV .. anc5isu4 by lfH)l inclojid in ribbon. has increased. Henderson, . C, and P. It: . A dozen or so. year sago getting out hite, K. K. Allen, C. II. lianka, ; a paper.was comparatively, inexpen- , Off for dirriestown. The following party of six left here Tuesday for - the Exposition: J, H. Weathers, S. J. Alford, J. P. Wright, E. L. Pippin, J. A,-Pippin and P. B. Clifton. . Before returning Mr. Weathers will gi to Baltimore to lay in his fall stock of goods for his store at Bnrm. a " To Advertisers. . Did you know tlatwhen ?you ilace voiir '' adwrtiement in i the .cent more ia wages ; than they got Jour press room, where. you can see - II. twelve, years ago. The , pnee of the - paper ' printed, t and then paper stocK nas riox?i a uirouga iwubi wuu v and is still rising. - .i cuta it--ready .to be mailed. , The introduction of linotypes into - Concert To-night. A mrt9l concert will b tfivea in the Opera Ilouae to night, under the auii4oe of the Daughur of the Confederacy, the proceed iro u th monumnt fond. Tl fUlowing young ladiei jaill taV paf I Iia AonU Sjnetf J-Mra, of Kl-j etgh, MrJ-A.Whlte, of Auguiu.Ua. Mti Mary Sipc,'of II btirg, Va, Mra. Dr. FUniing, .MUk SallU WillUrn, Aya ;Aok - May ' JcArt. Genirol admtwion Co centa. 1U- served peata, on aaU .at Iloddie A Prr drug to, cot. A . 1 A fm&g KfJXA. ws r-ri ii Ojrra llct jq Jiimiry rtsa i i. .t . t . ... . KjoiUr b CrT. ' . ; IIrry Ir rrof-J Ts.5tyt f jb Hra;a w cr ;od jwcrU tr hab t;-t wk wJA lisjmlite Ha ruaw ia auo- poj4e in Ap. Idtaw at wJ wrL&f. I)iirr Mks IjDv llitcia lrft ta W - r J r' tI wrJa l.fcr ttj foe tha Kicuki. - . . , 1 JL&wcrj. , rca v 1 . . . 1U r. IL U. :Dai al w if 4 j ant llx.. Wll;o I H Ils (Idtboro ata .aig tbe ttiprij HWa Crr.Uw w Xc. Ia lyoaiibars thwwk. ' . si tUrU Irrry J lUixnwmv- ia vsiy, wiui ;ir. il; drw.o liiaa Jlary ffs 4 Ifirri Vvfj Va, wCh Hr. Cra. Gr d. nit WCJtr rtttrW Ial wk trwaj a tail io Wajhmua Oty 1 j n pi4 )w,Mr.iii4iwM I !taW; lle 1 ?ooti si LcAlr bul. Mr. IK K. Mii3.r hitrvsrM4 fnM rx a Ux. A. V. ari rt pfi a plf35t trtp. and Mi.8es BnnW add lua Atlett, , newpaper office, was ,e.r w 4 acted a," borers l the . ; ol f owrfaB of compoauor,, Jgt. ttn. progressive-whist which was played. - " 7 SI :' T.wi PapersJthan ever before' ; The - reas Onis"tbat newipapera gyre more . lor the money tnaji TOrnierjiy, gwu uwif reading and ar Marger . wtter . in wrTi.wavMir- was - the on The - market that people get so muou. iw ; money as they 'do in" newspafjera at Ihe bresent -umeitIt is rich m news, 1 : . , . . .... -N t.. vi. I 4 n a v a s n a full ot enKi tuiuistui, uiuwt mcvo-. TV,U fir-t r.nVo wna won bv 311SS Rena Burwell. -Besides rthe" menV bers of the house, party there were present Mtsdamcs'la. K Joynerv and B. B. Perry; Misses Virginia Foster, Mary Malone, Eleanor Cooke,-, An- Alien,, and- Alba Tf K. Allen." P. 1- Whit. W. VV. Boddie. Sr- C. Ford, A . W . Person. f : ' . - ,A 0 '.v Bevenue Officers .Shoot lJSacK .Othr Through Dttt..jft.i ,;;&AtingVhe: varadavWtit.or Iat-we,kt . u;fh;-v:w;'V $ T?anna nffi(Vr. "who were after . Lvrtj U- through mMta v,a ,yhlch whic were aa fcUowat -V ; . K , Two Separate P:TS efficerscae iipo - .jgj to a oiocKaae uisij " .t, ,nth; i ... . j Ami? . the j.otu-. near inere,auu " .. ivA r for .bUckaders f other to hold.vp their 1 zpA: the w ,r ,gult " was . repeated r. . o jobnson-and tllcnn - A feonthern man wile . baa al waya been,i'eular Democrat ; f unusliea soma iad vice to the Kaiional Democ racy, aa to iU next preaid entul , tickat ' J ' 1 . ' I - - - s ? ' . i in vue louuwiuK wmjhow.- v. i i , flf jou ,wantv tiro aucoeaeiiu ; rableaienc - For ;xybur C candidate nomioata jortMonand Gianni' f '4 Irt former jounit thbeat man .in'.tha.'Weatif t And tnev lawer, o comuBuwi, RdvivaJ Meettcir at.FlU RqcIc. On account of ' reoeni Ulftea "of our paater, Rev A. A. rippta, vof Wak-Cfld. IUv. G. .S. Steymnaon of RaIeiehrcorv!fed the; airrkr at FlaVHocV Baptiit Church the prt ;k:. ye we;Ud p. Kara psitorwith but be waa not . able turt urV v 1 1 i. wa tar, Mr. S ttrciaon tire icl d a VvTtea of aa pxJi' tarrooa aa "a axpeo d bear soon, and many hd-kd ntttkaown.Jeaoa aa tbatr Siyior f utd him precaotsa- tu .thir aJibv.'it', woredWry taithlatiy rrrtchinif f nro?ornion4a.dayr and i.nH:t n'hii dtrriog the whole wk: . . it y n, pietaore ia vaa-jiroj Mr. K. C Uutvw r ttr4 frco Jm4town ihj If wje llut lb axko m nrr, Mr; E. H. Melons ai4 Mt Mary MitcbH, c4 Kttrn r twiung Mr. U. F. rtly. Mrt. W rArot, Wr It A. lV,r ard fcr, Bl tcrjby are at the KfKo this t , Mr. T. F. Ttrra'I ta vr frco UUt'gh al fjnt Ut $zUr lib hkwffff. wbo U a'pnd&r-tar VVith this mcrpkseinlheJ coat: of An"t5ncf amr"eeltihg: out papers wiUcerta&ly'cbmeihcreased rates! I v-15 - VAr J ia f nothint? 1 of advert;sing:iw xJr. . - "1 - Iseaeft for thape" iT0 -ell (Mass.) 'Telegram. C 3 . : , -. v ' 7. V r ' , 1 I tchie loch; he w,.tm mio Twq Enjoyable-Occasions . ,v. ; f ;notlph to -lkl hW JrThe good peoplamVt the locaiiuea jb-ereleftfmad of Piae Itidgend Pearce's Schools knuW ;Thcra' were over inrthe good. old :to wnahfp : r of : PinfeVrU andtwcnty-tlgU ih'ad tvo 'very enjoyable ; occaaiona . . ' , . 11- a r-in. ir.D.:-.c.v?.' t t "fiovSa Y!hanter of the TT IX C;wm- mt' in ,theMasonic , .... - ' - . . ..'.v...nA '.' t -- cnt : atn ai l ow - p. tiail iOU ;-f" . - A. 1UU '' :ir-. J. - ' " - Pre. had tvo ery en joy ante last week. -- On Thursday, the grown folks at-dchUoVen L n, large : nurobera aisembled- at Pme Hidge, where they listened to a fine and very 'enterUiot Ing speech from; K.' B. White, tlie Kr'n!-r mrA hlt Sunerintandetii of it r - . Dcb3o!3- . cf . J-rar - Co' pivitcl ihtumjlvca Sunday at con did.ite for bpt m: ,Qaire a num. hjcr irfre reatoud.- We all hope to heir Mr. . Stcvetton preach ' again soon,' and InV lV; r.sin ,t:r.:o hope - he'-"ir- V tpxrt-Js tr tie roip-! -n:r.3jr yrr, l we tch- 1 enfa. . 1 ' Ucf.W.ir. PocUu, ol Oxfcd wh4 baa Uta atUi a 'rvt ital MT. A . 11 wpo ats v " -fog Vaaf LoaUharc fo t!e fvui , f rw daj a, baJ ntcrnM lo whco4 ta 10 aafttrn part of the Suia, Mr. JC H.'DaV toile av albert vW Utd.UfilaborothW wk. Ua f larmd . yttr5ay acoOra ? ty Jfrt, pttis a&d axi Jfopb.. Wl It TltaWTUW rrl dy thli wV. ttv Iliciory, wrrt fV.e wnt to iiU bU tw-i wL art fpc nd ir.g the a 3 a nr th tv, . Kc-ae ?cir tnt -r iy wiih at Dot bat UfiT-y f r Dtts. Mr. VV UorVffi C4ta vrrcr al ot SsrvliV rJ-ht whH lira." ; '" ' Miii I)-w CVIy. cl lii't'n, whjfcxta Ir-- Mr. W. . Mc!rneir Ms: rctrrr ! U her home t!.U fi ' " ' .; P.' j rw Hkt -Uot 5;ruZl mk XTx. lu K. An, His Kaa U wfch Mt.r. Uia Mr. W. W. Il;iir. Kb Vi MW Alirw lUia af .Vif Tai, w itb r. 1H. Tiwi 11 ax Mr4 w;tS Hi . Vu.i Art Mm AtU A-3 Hu iJwai rrua liiie, Ux. t I Vjft, 1 ' rt 1! itJLa ?tnil Uii 14 r. V jta Jrv Mr. lMb CxAt, II, n4 Ux. r. IL' A&a, Hr. ai Ura. C &. ri. Dr. ttJ Mr A. H. ' Dra' craC, Ta Cit Apt, J.r. a3i4u.ra J. Urw 1L A. OtizjLaw. llrz. .z 0. 1! irr. Vr. arJ iTra, IL O. li. at t!rx JtX Ik 'vzrz :; 1 Death cf B.IL rr.-i. Ti. tAih - .i litre tLii it Li ktc r";.' . -T -ZT r-rrcj a ru?i - 1 i:.t 1 r . . ?i t 1 "j r . rt; . .1 c